gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
Jessie smirked, siddling up to Gogo.
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She grabbed Gogo’s tie - the same colours as hers - and tugged gently.
“You sure you didn’t hear anything?”
Gogo’s eyes widened slightly at the sudden tugging. So often she found herself the one taking the lead on everything--not that she minded. It was hard for a lot of girls their age to be super confident in their sexuality when they were told to be something different their entire lives. But every once in awhile, Jessie surprised her. It was why she kept coming back.
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A smirk tugged at her lips as well. “Shit, guess it’s too loud out here. Might want to go discuss this somewhere more private.”
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“No, I’m good! I mean, unless there’s something else you want to help with,” he added, folding his arms and taking a little step back from Gogo.
“So, do you have any ideas? Stuff you’d like to see or do, stuff the chasers might have to work on?” he asked, genuinely curious.
“Nah, all yours, bud.” In all honesty, Gogo was briefly considered for the captain position herself. She’s extremely intelligent, and often plays the role of figuring out the other team’s strategy and changing their own in kind. But in between her not being that much of a team player, time being focused on her inventions, and the fact that Hercules just wanted and needed it so much more, all attention quickly turned to him. But at the very least, he didn’t hoard all those duties to himself.
“Well, if you asked the others, they’d probably tell you teamwork, but teamwork isn’t going to wrack up the goals. If anything, we probably need a system to let each other know when to pass, and when to just keep it for yourself. Trying to give everyone equal scoring isn’t going to win us any games.”
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“Oh,” It wasn’t like this was a new thing for either of them. The two of them had done this dance before. 
It just surprised Jessie every time Gogo insinuated anything.
“Maybe I will.”
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They certainly had. Gogo’s game had improved over the years, and it meant that Jessie probably wasn’t the only girl she’d done this dance with. In fact, Jessie’s probably seen it for herself. But her friend and roommate was certainly likely the most consistent one, where other faces are never seen back in the dorms again.
“Yeah? I’m not hearing anything.”
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“Nerd. But also that’d be dandy,” 
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“It would be. You gonna ask nicely?” She leaned in towards the girl, smirk dancing on her face. Not exactly the most conducive position for studying, but that wasn’t truly on her mind at the moment.
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
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“Just hanging out in the stables… and also the library doing class work - these tests are going to kill me! How am I supposed to pass when it’s this hard!”
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Gogo snorted. “Can’t relate.” To be fair, being one of the smarter Gryffindors wasn’t exactly a huge bar to leap over. Still, didn’t mean she couldn’t revel in it. 
“Look...if you need help studying or anything, all you need to do is ask.”
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“Have I ever not been?”
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“Do you really want me to answer that question,” she remarked, cocking an eyebrow with her smirk. She shook her head. “So what have you been up to lately? Haven’t seen you much around the dorms.”
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“Hey, I’m just confident in your abilities as well.”
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“Are you now?” She replied, casting a smirk towards her roommate.
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“O…okay…I…I promise to put her in her cage.” she says sadly as she looks down 
“T…thank you again and s…see you around the school.” she smiles at her shyly as she walks back to the school”
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“Uhuh.” Gogo watches the girl leave before shaking her head in disbelief. There were a lot of people she didn’t understand, but many times they tended to be Hufflepuff. Still, with her work done and her conscious clear, she takes out her broom again to go for a nice, relaxing fly.
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“We will! I’m sure of it! Just gotta get my savings back up so I can bet on it…”
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“Yeah, well. As confident I am in our abilities—well, my abilities���I still wouldn’t bet on us. Waste of money gambling is, if you ask me.”
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“They think they’re so superior to us, like, get out of here with that nonsense!”
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“Just down about the game. Had all my money on us kicking their asses”
“Fucking seriously,” she huffs, blowing some hair out of her face. “Yeah well, no one’s fucking pleased about it. We’ll get ‘em next time.”
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“Y…yes..b..but I don’t like keeping her in it.” she says looking down, like a small child is being scolded by their parent. 
“B…but I promise s…she wont fly away again like she did today. T…this is a new place for her…a..and after seeing what happen with her running off s…she wont do it. “ She reassures the other hoping she wont get to upset. 
“T…thank you again for all your help…s..sorry for causing you so much trouble.” She says with a sweet smile. The bird flies over to Gogo, tweets a bit and nuzzles her, saying thank you. It flies back to CC resting on her head. 
“I…if you want I can make you something sweet or do something for you to say thank you.”
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Gogo’s eyes narrow when she says that she doesn’t keep her bird in the cage. Yes, because that worked out so well the first time. And we can trust the word of a bird. “Right. Look, I’m not going to tell you that’s bullshit, but I am going to tell you that if it does happen again, your bird’s probably dead. Just keep that in mind when deciding whether or not to let her fly free.”
She freezes up a little at the bird’s nuzzling, just sort of taking it awkwardly. “Yeah, uhuh, you’re welcome. Just be careful next time. And no thanks. I don’t really have much of a sweet tooth.”
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
pity about that Quidditch game, hey? Hope Herc’s alright now
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“Eh, besides a bruised ego? He’ll be fine. Fucking Ravenclaws really do think we’re a bunch of dumbasses though, which like, fuck off honestly. And how’re you holding up?”
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“I….I just feel safer in t…the woods” She says with a stutter as she keeps leading the way.
“I…I trust t…the creatures m..more..t..than humans” she says under breath as she looks down. Spongecake flies down and nuzzles her cheek and rest on her shoulders, she smiles a bit. 
“Y…yes sorry…i…its this way….” she says with a nervous smile. As they keep walking they soon reach the edge of the woods. She peeks behind a tree to make sure no professors or students around. 
“O…okay all clear.” smiles as she exit the forest.
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“Yeah? You trust that that freaky ape that was chasing after us? Or do you trust the person who came in to make sure you were okay?” She snaps. It’s not exactly the most sympathetic towards the girl, but in the end she’s coming out of this alive. That’s all that matters to Gogo.
She folds her arms and follows the girl, though she’s on high alert, looking around for any more creatures that might come after them. She doesn’t bother stopping to check for other people, exiting the forest as soon as possible. “Alright. So do you have like. A cage or something for that bird to make sure it doesn’t get away again?”
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“W…well…i…i alway explore the woods by my house…t…there are a lot of creatures in there …..” she says nervously as she looks up at her.
“I…I didn’t want you to come because I knew there might be creatures that might harm you. I…I didn’t want you too get scared or hurt or in trouble. “ she says as as she walks past her, heading for the exit.
“A…also you shouldn’t curse so much….or to loud….m…might attract more creatures.” she says as kept walking, the golden snidget calm resting on top of her head.
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“What, and you thought that you’d be totally safe and fine, is that it?” She snaps, her jaw clenching in frustration. “If you haven’t noticed, this ain’t exactly your mom and pop’s woods. Unless you also have freaky apes that chase you around at home, in which case, don’t let me ruin your fun,” she huffs. She runs a hand through her hair before sighing deeply.
“God forbid my cursing draw the wrath of the potty-mouth-eater or whatever shit,” she mutters, though she actually does make an effort to keep her voice down now. “Can we get the fuck out of here now?”
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
Herc gave a slightly uneasy smile and a slow nod. “… Yeah, that’s kinda what I need.” He rocked back and forth on his feet before noticing Gogo’s head-shake and eye-roll. Yes, she’s on-side.
“Thank you so much! Honestly, I think it’s going to be best for the whole team, not least of all you - ‘cause you know, I could try to come up with some stuff but I won’t really be able to feel if it’s working, you know? Because like - yeah, you know?” Herc’s eyebrows raised and he smiled at Gogo, giving a little shrug as if she should have known exactly what he was talking about. 
Gogo sighed deeply, blowing a chunk of colored hair away from her face. The things she had to deal with on this team, honestly. “Uhuh,” she responded dead pan because yeah, she knew. You had to learn the secret language of Hercules Katsaros if you hoped to survive this many years with him. “Are there any other captain duties that you need me to do while we’re here?” 
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
The person was gesturing wildly at this point and their volume almost could practically be claimed as yelling, going on about how Kuu was being terribly rude for supposedly “not having the guts” to verbally pardon for bumping into them.
Were they… serious? His quill was shaking slightly, a reflection of his own nerves. What’s a mute supposed to do in this situation? He already wrote out two apologies on his usual note cards as is.
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Gogo’s made a career out of avoiding people while she was skating. She had to, lest she constantly be crashing into 90% of the student population. However, sometimes it was just unavoidable. This seemed to be one of those cases when she rounded the corner and smashed into someone who was ranting and raving. She knocked them back and nearly fell on her ass, just managing to grab onto the corner of the wall. She glowered at the boy, who turned his attention away from the person he’d been yelling at.
“Hey, do you mind?” She hissed, righting herself.
“Do I-- do I mind?! What is wrong with you people?! Don’t you just know how to say “excuse me”?! What is happening to this generation? Do you even have the slightest idea--” The boy continued, but Gogo tuned it out. She looked to the other boy next to her, raising her eyebrows.
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gottagogofast-blog1 · 7 years
“I…its a Hidebehind…..t..they are nocturnal creatures. I..I think I accidentally woke it up.” she says to her as the other now drag her along. Thinking that her calling for Spongecake made have disturb its’s sleep. 
“O..once we get to open tries it should go back since it is still daytime.” She hopes that it would get tired again and do back to hiding and sleeping again. As they got to more open trees, CC looks back and was happy to see she was right. The creature yawns and soon stops, looking up at the sky before heading back into the deep part of the forest. 
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Despite screaming the question, Gogo wasn’t listening that closely to an answer. Some kind of magical creature, doesn’t like the light--got it. She kept running as fast as she could, uncaring whether the girl could actually keep up but dragging her along anyway. Eventually, she saw light filtering in between the trees--a more sparse part of the forest. They reach a clearing at when she looks back, the creature seems to do exactly as the girl predicted.
She slows to a halt, panting and watching it slink back into the shadows. “Jesus fucking Christ,” she mutters to herself in between breaths. “What the fuck made you think coming in here was a good idea?!”
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