gpyulhee · 7 years
“princess–“ she half laughed at the name, something she was so used to being called, favoured being called even. it made her feel special. but right now.. god– “i don’t feel like that today.“ soonhee sighed out, but she allowed herself to be pulled towards the bedroom without protest, because laying down and watching tv sounded like the best idea right now. at least then maybe there would be some kind of distraction, although it felt different not inviting her into the bedroom for a different reason altogether this time.but soonhee was alright with that, and when they finally got through to the bedroom she sighed again, quietly, as she sank down onto the bed. 
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“What do you mean you don’t feel like that today?” She asks with a small smile, fingers interlacing with the other as she fiddled with the collar of her sweater while they walked. “Princess, aren’t just.. luxury and easy lives. They’ve got a kingdom to rule too. And just because Disney plays these ditzy ass characters, doesn’t mean Princess don’t go through some real shit. --Fuck, take Mulan. She was bad ass. The Huns came to attack her people and she bounced back. If I have to go out there and give that  twerp of a leader an ass beating I will. he’s shorter than me anyway. Yulhee looked for the remote, flicking on the tv as she handed it over to the other girl and  sat herself down on the bed,  “Wanna watch people ruin their lives?”
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gpyulhee · 7 years
“no– i know.. yulhee. i get it. i’m not mad at you about it or anything. you don’t need to explain yourself, alright?“ and she meant it, because maybe she didn’t like the fact that she’d deserted her and the gang, but she’s more relieved to find, and see her, safe and well here. the mention of punishment had soonhee’s head shaking again though, because no.. she wasn’t going to do anything. she couldn’t– hell.. for once she didn’t blame any one of them for leaving. “i’m not giving you one. if you’d left and not said anything, then maybe i’d give you one for scaring the shit out of me, but you at least had the decency to let me know.“ the arms around her were almost like a blanket though, the kiss making her warm and the words comforting as she leaned into yulhee; letting herself breathe. “all i’ve been doing is focusing on the gang. their safety. making sure this mess is cleaned up. looking after everyone and making sure no else gets hurt– and just.. everything. is it too much to ask for a night that’s just.. not that? come lay down with me? please?“
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She clears her throat, wanting to make up for what she’s done but she understands what her leader is saying. She understands that she needs a break and needs time to get over this-- Just like she had needed when she had ran to her parents and just sat on the couch with her little sister, watching Korean dubs of the smurfs like they used to do when life was simple and easy for them. Yulhee  got it,. But it didn’t mean she didn’t feel bad knowing she was favored over the rest of her members. “ Yeah, princess.. Yeah... Let’s watch some tv?” It was a simple distraction, something that aided her, and as she pulled the other towards the bedroom she was so familiar with, it dawned on her how selfish it was of her to up and dash and leave her leader to deal with all of this on her own. If she didn’t know better, she probably would’ve apologized again.’
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gpyulhee · 7 years
“Trust me I didn’t expect to be here,” she attempted to joke, but her voice was soft and slightly timid, she kept her eyes on the concrete in front of her only looking up when the door pushed open wider in her peripheral. This was her decision, she could walk away now and seriously be done with Yulhee, or, she could walk inside and get what she came here for, maybe more.
As if on instinct, Heidi stepped inside Yulhee’s home, welcoming the familiar fingers through her dark hair, allowing her lids to flutter shut for a moment, a soft hum pulling from her lips. She smiled softly, innocent eyes peering up at the elder girl before nodding, making her way in completely, “take your time,” she wasn’t sure where to place herself, she had been here many times before, stayed here after sensual spouts of lust just to leave in the early morning but now everything seemed foreign, even as she sat on the familiar couch, a place she had been splayed out many times before, she felt in closed and unwelcome.
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Yulhee laughed a little, not wanting to make the other feel unwanted, but not necessarily begging her in like she used to.  These.. moments, didn’t  usually end up with small talk  of empty words with different meanings; It was usually Yulhee dragging her in, pushing her up against the wall and marking up the other’s neck. But this.. this was different.
And yulhee didn’t know if that was because feelings have changed, or that the last thing she wanted to do right now was have sex with what hall had been going on, or if she was starting to jsut mature as a woman but-- She turned her back on the other to go into the kitchen and collect herself. Was this something she wanted to do right now? Was this .. Was this what she needed? “Do you want some water?” She asked,  from the kitchen, figuring that she could keep Heidi comfortable for a moment while she had her internal crisis.
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gpyulhee · 7 years
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gpyulhee · 7 years
soonhee understood why yulhee had disappeared instead of come to her or soohan. why she’d only texted her instead of let her know in person. but she’d never hold it against her. the female was only glad that yulhee had showed up now, because most of her days after the attack up until now had been spent with soohan by her side, making sure that he was alright as well as others while she figured out what she was going to do now. what she was going to do to make sure this gang was still standing. “you have nothing to be sorry about.” is all she says then, reaching out to take yulhee’s hand, pulling her gently further into the apartment as she closed the door, locking it out of reflex because it was the only safety she could offer herself right now. safety that even then left her struggling to sleep. she needed to be sure that no one would attack her anyway. but for now, she just moves closer to the other, hugging her gently. “i’m just glad that you weren’t hurt, and that you’re safe. and now you’re here.”
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“It just-- scared me and I needed to see my family..” She explained anyway, because even if she was sleeping with her leader-- Even if they had something ‘more’ than what Yulhee liked claiming, she was still her underling and felt the need to explain and report why she had been gone for so long. She knew that if i had been any one else, they would’ve received a punishment, a hard one and she had to be the one to give it.  She wasn’t above the rules and she shouldn’t act like she was either. “So.. what is my punishment for  temporary desertion?”  Her arms wrap around the other protectively, placing a kiss on her forehead as she looked down and sighed, “I’m safe and you are too and we should.. focus on our gang.”
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gpyulhee · 7 years
heidi knew this was a bad idea the way yulhee’s face fell slightly at the sight of her spoke volumes to back up that statement. she stared at the elder for brief moment before casting her gaze to the ground. “i-,” she began biting her bottom lip in shame. “i can go? i’m sorry i shouldn’t have came over i just,” 
a small sense of panic had risen a bit in her chest, her grey orbs darting from yulhee to everywhere else in front of her, “things have been….so much and i just need, i need this and i know you can make me forget…even if it’s just for a little bit.” shame and sadness coated her words, and yet she couldn’t help the soft whimper that pulled from her pink lips as she looked yulhee over, memories of them together flooding her mind, causing her to cross her legs uncomfortably, “i know i said i was done..i thought i was too, but..”
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“I just didn’t expect to see you.. here.” She says quietly looking at her shoes in the carpet. Yulhee didn’t do commitment. Every one  she slept with knew that and while there were times that one could push her to try-- she just couldn't. Perhaps monogamy just wasn’t her thing. But she steps back from the door, allowing her to  step in if she really wanted to.
Her chest tightened, a flare of nervousness radiating through her palms, she wasn’t exactly sure why, but she nods slowly,  running through her fingers through the other girl’s hair. She could use a distraction herself; but was this the right one? She wasn’t sure.”I get it.” She hummed, looking behind her. “Go ahead and come in, I just.. need to finish some stuff.”
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gpyulhee · 7 years
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gpyulhee · 7 years
now more than ever was soonhee’s protective side coming out. she’d already lost half of her gang, even if they were low ranked. but she couldn’t afford to let anyone else take them away from her now. she wasn’t going to let herself lose another man or woman, and if it was the lost boys that had caused this? she’d rip them apart. soonhee was vengeful, manipulative and brutal. she was a hurricane, and overlooked one too many times. but tonight wasn’t about that.. tonight was about making sure her own were protected, and after making sure soohan was safe, she’d called over yulhee. so when she heard the door opening to her apartment, a soft sigh left her lips as the female, looking a lot more casual and tired than she normally did, dark circles covered as best she could anyway. “i’m sorry it’s late, but i want to be able to know that your safe.” soonhee wasn’t soft anyway, not with many at all, but with the female it came out. her protective instincts and wants. and for once she hadn’t called her over to be intimate. she didn’t want that tonight. she just wanted her there and safe, because even soonhee wasn’t sure who was supposed to be trusted anymore, but she knew at least that her members were. they were her only family now. @gpyulhee
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It had never really hit her, how dangerous what they were doing was. She has spent time dealing and it seemed like nothing but chump change, hand someone some drugs; grab the money and go. It was easy. And when she had slithered through the ranks and her duties became more violent, darker-- she became used to that to. But seeing the people who she had managed to become friends with--acquainted with even, sprawled across the floor as if they hadn't had lives and issues, it made her scared. And she had booked it back home for a couple of days. She cut everyone off that was tied to it. She had ignored soonhee's texts, Except for letting her know she was safe and hoped she relayed the message to soohan; really she needed a break. It was the off chance that on her way back to the apartment, her leader had called her. Feet changing direction on instinct though she felt like she didn't have much control over herself. "I'm sorry." Is what she says as she finds herself opening the door. Unsure of when she got there or how she got there so fast.
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gpyulhee · 7 years
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gpyulhee · 7 years
heidi never thought she’d find herself here again, standing, like a lost child in front of yulhee’s apartment. yeah sure, it hadn’t been that long since she’d been to the other’s place, maybe not in the same circumstances, the last one being to end whatever they wanted to call what they had. But today, she rocked on her heels outside the familiar door, moral broken and beaten.
the last few weeks had been more than tough on heidi, and being swamped under restoring the gambling halls, and keeping her gang from killing each other, it left her with no outlet. and maybe this wasn’t the best one, submissively crawling back to your ex lover for some ‘stress relief’, but it was all she could think of that didn’t involve smoking her self into lung collapse or drinking her self into liver failure.
her small knuckles rapt against the door, bottom lip coming between her teeth as she waited, tempted to leave, but deciding to distract herself with her phone. she hadn’t expected the door to open so quickly, but laying eyes on the other female, pushed away any form of doubt, the back of her mind was telling her to retreat, that this was a mistake, but the swooping in her stomach, (not to mention to growing pool between her legs), kept her steady on her feet. “Unnie, I-I need you,” @gpyulhee
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Things were, hectic for Yulhee. The recent genocide of her fellow gang members worried her enough that she had lied low for a couple of days and visited the warmth and safety of her parents house hold. Yes, she was a security chief and she had seen plenty of dead bodies-- But Yulhee detached herself from her work. She wasn't working at the time, it was whoever took control and felt no guilt for the torturing and information leaking she would carry out. But it wasn't like the images didn't pop up from time to time, the thought of how she made people beg for their lives and ask for mercy-- How many times had she not granted them that? Did the friends  that she lost have to ask for the same type of kindness? It made her question herself? What was she doing? She didn't have a debt to them anymore, Her tuition was paid and she paid most of her sister's off as well. What was really holding her back? She could leave now before she ever got caught... It made her think.
But she had distractions, in the loud chattering that boomed from her tv box as she ate her lunch, the music that would fill her ears whenever she needed it to but mostly, in her leader. Yulhee wasn't any higher than her position and she knew that, but she couldn't deny the fact that both her and Soonhee were a great team. And it was perhaps the fact that she had missed the other's company that had dragged her out of hiding. She had been texting the other, truthfully, waiting for the other to come and when she hears the knocking at the door, she wonders if the other female had just been out the door the whole time.
Though the face that she was met with was one she hadn't seen in a while, whom the last time she saw was told that this needed to end. Which, to be fair she didn't mind. Yulhee was better known in her singularity, only really getting into small flings and consistent hook ups and never really anything more. The woman pauses, opening her door a little wider before looking up at the other.. "I thought you were done?"
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gpyulhee · 7 years
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gpyulhee · 7 years
um Tae, Taiyoung and like some random ass foot solider...  if that’s not an option, then myself?
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gpyulhee · 7 years
still gonna fuck your leader even though she's let you get fucked up now?
“Of course I am, she’s got Bomb ass pussy and she’s super soft and adorable when I hit it just right. ( Honestly, i know she’s came pretty hard before, but I had her squirting the other night and I was blessed.) Anyway, it’s not her fault. Let’s be real, you’ve got a banging ass leader like mine and she rejects a couple of small dick lost boys? This isn’t anything new. Men do dumb shit when their egos are hurt all the time. What needs to happen though, is their … leader and second in command, should stop fucking each other and actually do some damn work for once.
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gpyulhee · 7 years
Worst nightmare you've ever had?
“I had to have sex with a guy.”
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gpyulhee · 7 years
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gpyulhee · 7 years
“it’s a new thing i’m trying out.“ she chuckled a little, shaking her head because she hadn’t even noticed it until yulhee pointed it out. honestly, soonhee couldn’t deny that she found it odd how easy it was for the other female to get ready really, being so casual about it whereas soonhee herself had a such a routine and way of picking her outfits. it was borderline obsessive probably, but it was how she’d always been. were she not in a gang.. then soonhee had a feeling she’d be well on her way to being pretty up there in the fashion or make up industry by now, but that wasn’t the case right now given she had a gang to lead instead, and her favourite member of said gang to focus on. and well, it wasn’t like she wanted to focus on anything else right now either, and the mention of not going had her head tilting and a brow raising. “hm? i think you’ll need to convince me on why we shouldn’t go.“ there was a small teasing look there now. “i mean, i got ready and all dressed up, so what do you have planned if we don’t go?“ but right now soonhee didn’t have the intention of going anywhere that yulhee wasn’t.
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Yulhee probably should've felt bad about putting her own sexual desires above the other's plans to actually go out and experience things like most people do. Besides, who said they couldn't go out and get laid at whatever party they choose? But Yulhee was lazy and she was already naked, which meant really all she had to do was strip the other down to nothing--- Or, not. Her dress seemed easy access enough. As the younger's arms wrap around her's, she snakes her's around her waist, pulling the other against her lightly, "I mean, I don't know about you but I would love to lie on the couch with you and watch a lovely little movie,  have your hands play in my hair while I eat you out.. You know the usual stuff." she pauses for a brief moment, "Or I mean I could get out the toys, what do you want to do?"
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gpyulhee · 7 years
Text to...
Taemin: You should come over.
Taemin: I'll make it worth your while ;)
Yulhee: oh god
Yulhee: please invest in some lotion..
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