gr8stoneddragon · 56 minutes
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(541): And my cat won’t make me food. She’s a bitch.
Submitted by chococrepes
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gr8stoneddragon · 57 minutes
The Hybrid Calisthenics Fitness App is free and now available for beta download on iOS and Android!
This is an app version of the Hybrid Fitness routine - designed to help anybody get healthy, fit, and strong from home (beginners included).
This is the beta release for an ambitious, long-term project. The app is quite simple at the moment, but we're excited to make improvements and build new functions over time!
Note: There are some ads to make the app possible, but based on popular demand we may offer an Supporter/Ad-Free option soon.
Have a wonderful day!
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gr8stoneddragon · 1 hour
rigging & power lines r like siblings i think.
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gr8stoneddragon · 1 hour
Organization for ADHD
Hello, Tumblrites. I'm looking for real actual organization methods for people with ADHD that work. I need to be more organized and intentional at work. I'm an administrator so I have a lot of balls up in the air all the time.
Anyone have any books written by actual ADHD people, and not therapists whose entire recommendation is "just don't be like that" when you say you're disorganized, have trouble with future thinking, and prioritizing (among other troubles)? Websites by actual ADHD people who are successful at organizing and prioritizing? Or am I just doomed to not be able to do this for the rest of my life?
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gr8stoneddragon · 1 hour
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“I don’t know what my goals are, no. Thanks for asking.”
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gr8stoneddragon · 1 hour
Some of my writer’s block cures:
Handwrite. (If you already are, write in a different coloured pen.)
Write outside or at a different location.
Look up some writing prompts.
Take a break. Do something different. Comeback to it later.
Write something else. (A different WIP, a poem, a quick short story, etc.)
Find inspiring writing music playlists on YouTube. (Themed music, POV playlists, ambient music, etc.)
Do some character or story prompts/questions to get a better idea of who or what you’re writing.
Word sprints. Set a timer and write as much as you can. Not a lot of time to overthink things.
Set your own goals and deadlines.
Write another scene from your WIP. (You don’t have to write in order.) Write a scene you want to write, or the ending. (You can change it or scrap it if it doesn’t fit into your story later.)
Write a scene for your WIP that you will never post/add to your story. A prologue, a different P.O.V., how your characters would react in a situation that’s not in your story, a flashback, etc.
Write down a bunch of ideas. Things that could happen, thing that will never happen, good things, bad things.
Change the weather (in the story of course.)
Feel free to add your own.
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gr8stoneddragon · 1 hour
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I'm sorry, cringe culture can't come to the phone right now. Why? Oh, cause it's dead!
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gr8stoneddragon · 5 hours
I saw @skrunksthatwunk made a shipping chart for yyh and immediately jumped on that shit like you would not believe. They made blank versions of their own charts here, and you should definitely check them out, but after messing around for way longer than I'd like to admit, I eventually broke down and made my own.
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Blank versions included under the cut, except for the Yusuke one I ended up making because I'm Yusuke polyshipping trash.
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gr8stoneddragon · 13 hours
This is one of those true, declassified government things that always sounds made up but one of the things Henry Kissinger did with his career was use the CIA to help turn small, prosperous socialist nations into fascist dictatorships just to keep those nations powerless and possibly to keep socialist systems *looking* doomed and futile to the American public, like maybe just to scare Americans out of demanding better infrastructure or universal income. Yes it sounds like an insane conspiracy theory a maniac would invent. It also happened multiple times and several generations of people around the world are still living in misery because of it.
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gr8stoneddragon · 13 hours
actually i think graduates of a university should have access to the library databases forever and ever amen
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gr8stoneddragon · 13 hours
new cooking device "laptop running the sims" increasing in popularity due to its many features | NPR
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gr8stoneddragon · 13 hours
anyways this june please show some love for pre transition folks, we are trying so hard to hang on and i think we deserve at least a little recognition
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gr8stoneddragon · 13 hours
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kurama deserves to go on a killing spree whenever he wants. good for stress relief
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gr8stoneddragon · 13 hours
the issue with writing for yourself is that you will get sucked into rereading your own fic over and over and pretend it’s “editing,” but really you’re just reading because it’s exactly what you want to read. because you wrote it. for you.
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gr8stoneddragon · 13 hours
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All of these are by @mattxiv on Instagram.
Here's to all the shockingly single bachelor uncles or the two very close friends who just happened to be girls and are only living together until one of them finds a man (they lived together for forty two years).
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gr8stoneddragon · 1 day
I had a dream last night that tumblr came up with a pride flag for closeted gays and it was just a light blue flag with a shrimp on it. People would also wear shrimp pins on their lapels for some Reason???
and the vegan gays started Discourse because shrimp deserved more respect
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gr8stoneddragon · 1 day
You won't get media with messier, more nuanced, more realistic queer characters if you keep flying off the handle the second a fictional character has sex, does drugs, swears too much, or acts vaguely like an asshole.
You won't get more diverse queer media with wider stories if you can't handle it when queer artists make art that is raunchy, crude, edgy, and gross.
You won't get more diverse queer media if you shut everything down the second it does something you, personally, get squicked out by.
You will never get more diverse queer media if you contribute to the way queer media is picked apart, raked over the coals, and held to unreasonably high standards.
You will never get what you want if you keep tearing queer artists down for their weird experimental art instead of learning how to say, "this isn't for me, that's fine, and I'll be over here in my own space."
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