Nudity Roleplay Scenarios
Send one of the symbols for a scenario involving your muse and my muse and I will write my muse’s reaction!
♨ For your muse to come across my muse naked in a hot spring ( “+reverse” to reverse muses)
🌊 For your muse to come across my muse skinny dipping in a lake ( “+reverse” to reverse muses) 
🧺 For your muse to come across my muse changing clothes ( “+reverse” to reverse muses)
🛁 For your muse to come across my muse in the bath ( “+reverse” to reverse muses)
🚿 For your muse to come across my muse in the shower ( “+reverse” to reverse muses)
🏃🏻‍♂️ For your muse to come across my muse streaking ( “+reverse” to reverse muses)
😆 For your muse to come across my muse after they lost all their clothes due to a prank ( “+reverse” to reverse muses)
💲 For your muse to come across my muse after losing their clothes in a betting game ( “+reverse” to reverse muses)
😏 For your muse to come across my muse naked because they are a nudist ( “+reverse” to reverse muses)
🛌🏻 For your muse to come across my muse naked because they sleep naked ( “+reverse” to reverse muses)
👙 For your muse to come across my muse naked after a bathing suit mishap ( “+reverse” to reverse muses)
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Halsin was not old for an elf, but an experienced one. He had many years behind him so he was keen on things and thankfully the Oak Father gave him the wisdom on how to act on such things. However, the comment on his laugh being like honey was far more amusing than he imagined Sornin could know.
A compliment it seemed the drow did not mean to speak aloud. In such cases it was often best to act as if nothing was said, allowing the person to not feel embarrassed. But the druid saw this as a turning point for the drow. And it seemed Sornin wasn't pretending he didn't speak those words.
"Honey, you say? Well, I hope those around me have a sweet tooth then!"
The former archdruid frowned, "I imagine. I will not pretend to know all the ins and outs of drow society, but I know enough. Ventured and stayed enough."
The wood elf is quieter at the end of that as if a distant memory drifted up to the top of his mind.
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"In time, if you so wish, I am sure laughing will come to you easily enough. I think all of us go through a point where it is difficult. Multiple points even. But it is those lows that make those laughs even more memorable, yes? I am sure the surface will offer you many surprises. Tadpole excluded."
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Was he free, thought? So long as Lolth had her eyes upon him, he felt that he never would be. Perhaps... one day, the priestesses would tire of chasing after him, of a nobody slave of theirs. But maybe they wouldn't. They were not known for their kindness, or of letting go. Maybe, eventually, he could buy his own freedom, he didn't know. Right now, the tadpole was the only thing that was severing any ties to anyone, but that didn't mean they wouldn't come after him.
He supposed, like a sad dog, he could lie, say that he had abandoned them purely because of the tadpole. Maybe they would let him return to his post then, unpunished. But that was the cowardly thing to do, and he did not want to go back.
Sornin watched the man, that strong laugh almost vibrating through his body. Laughs like that were... strange to hear. Most of the laughter had been cruel to his ears, except for small moments with a now gone friend. Gods, it had been a long time since he'd laughed, no doubt his expression was almost cold and stoic. But Halsin made the corners of his lips dimple just a little. And that... that felt good. But hopeless at the same time.
He supposed he didn't really know Halsin that much, not when he'd been alive for so many more years. Sornin was thankful he still had so many to live outside of the one he knew.
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"Your laugh sounds like the sweetness of honey. Do you know that?" It surprised even him to have said it, which made his brows furrow. He'd never been a tactful man, mostly said what was on his mind--if anything at all.
He cleared his throat in response. "Laughter is not something I'm used to, I mean." He also wasn't a good liar.
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BALDUR’S GATE 3 RP CANON COMPLIANT/DIVERGENT MEME: send in prompts for starters in between “canon events” for us to add our own flavor and further canon development to the game! this list is NOT EXHAUSTIVE, merely a “jumping off point.” if there are other canon events not included here, you can also send those in as well!
[ NAUTILOID. ] A starter where our muses awaken on the beach after the nautiloid crashes.
[ ETHEL. ] A starter where our muses are exploring the area around Aunt Ethel’s house.
[ HARPIES. ] A starter where our muses save the tiefling child from the harpies.
[ PICKPOCKET. ] A starter where our muses were pickpocketed by the tiefling kids—and now have to find their stuff.
[ LESSONS. ] A starter where our muses teach the tieflings how to fight, with Wyll.
[ TIEFLING PARTY. ] A starter where our muses approach one another at the tiefling party, to gossip, chat, dance, or hit on each other.
[ BRIDGE. ] A starter where our muses discuss Raphael’s deal.
[ MIZORA. ] A starter where our muses discuss Wyll’s pact—and his transformation.
[ BLOODLESS. ] A starter where one of our muse’s reacts the other being sucked dry by Astarion.
[ DREAM GUARDIAN. ] A starter where our muses react to the Dream Guardian visiting their dreams, and the power of the tadpoles.
[ SPORES. ] A starter where our muses react to the effects of the Myconoid’s gift.
[ SCRYING EYE. ] A starter where our muses are forced to think of a way to shank the scrying eye in the Grymforge.
[ SCRATCH. ] A starter where our muses react to Best Boy coming to camp the first time.
[ LAST LIGHT. ] For our muses to rest together at the Last Light Inn.
[ FAIRY. ] For our muses to listen to the moonlight lantern fairy curse their name.
[ SHAR. ] For our muses to complete the Shar puzzles together!
[ NIGHTSONG. ] For our muses to react after Shadowheart saves / does not save the Nightsong!
[ ENGINE. ] For our muses to react to Karlach being able to touch again.
[ FLESH. ] For our muses to explore the guts of Moonlight Towers together.
[ LOVE. ] For our muses to react to Dame Aylin and Isobel being reunited.
[ ORPHAN. ] For our muses to react to Arabella’s tragedy.
[ HIDE N SEEK. ] For our muses to play hide and seek with Thaniel!
ACT THREE. (spoilers under the cut.)
[ CIRCUS ] for a love trial, with more or different questions, and our own answers.
[ REFUGEES ] for our muses to try to help the refugees in some small way, large or small.
[ MANSION. ] for our muses to explore Cazador’s mansion.
[ TENTACLES. ] for our muses reaction to the reveal of the Act 3 Dream Guardian spoilers, and their subsequent request.
[ ELFSONG. ] For our muses to get a drink together and enjoy a good rest for a change.
[ STEEL FOUNDRY. ] for our muses to try to figure out a way into the steel foundry.
and that’s all for now, i may write more later!
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Update for my blogs. I'm still here, they are not abandoned. I know I put low activity but, once again I like to stress while this is a hobby, it's a hobby one doesn't enjoy alone, so I am just letting you all know what's going on with me being gone.
As many of you know my health since the start of the year has been in constant limbo and it's been a fight, and my clinical depression hit a new low. I don't talk about it much, as I never want to trigger someone battling their own demons, but I didn't even know how bad it was until recently when I was finally able to start seeing a doctor I could afford.
My ADHD has also spiraled into a nasty burnout and I'm just kind of on autopilot. I still love you all, and I promise I'm not ignoring you who have me on Discord. I just have such low spoons I don't think I have more.
But! I am starting new meds, I am back on Zoloft, which in the past worked really well with me. I am also on a non-stim med for my ADHD and once my BP (My bp is still sitting at like 180/110 and that's it going down) meds are figured out and working, I will be on a stim med for my ADHD as well.
I will continue to be a little active here and there, or more active when my body allows. But I am hopeful once all my meds are working and figured out things will be much better.
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“You’re not tainted.”
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"I appreciate kind words Eira. But I think you misunderstand my feelings. I do not think I am tainted, Oak Father protected me when others were not so lucky. But I do feel responsible for the taint that befell my friend and this land. I will feel better when this curse is lifted."
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@lolthswcrn It's okay Sornin, Halsin has extra rizz. He won't make it awkward
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// @clara-eternal liked for a small starter
"I never asked, but grove do you hail from? I heard the the mindflayer ship were catching people in Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep, large cities if Gale and Astarion are to be believed, were you visiting such a place?"
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// @dreadgloom liked for a small starter
"The view here is breathtaking is it not? I had spent so much time in the grove I almost forgot about the mountains here and the cliffside, all the animal noises and splendor. The undead and githyanki mare it a bit, do not tell Lae'zel I said so. I do not take issue with her people per se I have had no interactions with them, but from the way she speaks..."
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// @darlingdesiredelicious liked for a small start
The druid was unsure what to even say, if anything. Halsin always prided himself on being welcoming and understanding, or at least his efforts to be so. However, he was unsure how safe it was to let a vampire spawn to seemed to have been worst of than Astarion. He had heard spawn can be feral.
"Sebastian, was it? How are you faring since your release?"
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// @druidofhighice liked for a small starter
"Cellica," Halsin approached the young druid, "How have you been faring here in the Underdark? Have you ventured here before? I know most elves about the place, even if in a skirmish with drow...safer."
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I know I said I was going to work on those starters but like I finally just sat down, and I am beat. For sure tomorrow though! Thanks for being patient guys.
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I will get to those starters tomorrow, assuming work doesn't kick my ass.
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// You know the drill like this and I will write a starter. If it's during the events of the game, I will likely place it firmly in Act 2 or in Act 3
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I'm flailing about like a fish because I thought this meme I remember making it's rounds ages ago involving the language of flowers would be great for Halsin, but I can't find any of the ones I used. With it being years ago it would be a hot mess to go back to the old blog and look and because of how tagging works and searching on this site is terrible I am just sad.
I would just make my own, but I don't have the mental power for that.
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"Towns and cities are nice, without all the people. People aren't honest. Nature is. The wolf doesn't hunt me because of what I am, but because it's hungry. I can respect that."
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// For those ineracting with Halsin who isn't a Tav, or Origin character, I give the default Tav of mine I am using to fill that role.
I give you Kyrie, a silver dragon bloodline Sorc. For reference her basic personality cool and stand-offish, generally makes the morally good choices but considers herself realistic and won't do anything she considers a death sentence.
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It would have been easy for him to be bitter with drow, the history his race had with theirs, but also the events of his youth, but wisdom and having to work with many different people, it allowed Halsin to heal and have a better view of things and people later in his life.
So when a group seemingly lead by a drow rescued him he didn't cast too much judgment, she was helping him after all. And there were more pressing issues than her race, or any of some of their odd states as he came to learn.
When it became she was also one who respected and understood nature Halsin felt more at ease. And because of that when they were out he thought he could help on their way to Moonrise by gathering herbs for them.
However, this morning out in the mountains heading to a monastery, he noticed a bed of small little orange flowers that looked like tiny stars. They were beautiful and in truth, Halsin had no idea what they were, but they were cute. The large druid plucked a few vines of these flowers and brought them over to Dionisia.
"I have no idea, what these little beauties are, but I thought you would enjoy seeing them too."
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