graciep8ocsblog · 3 years
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New OC who dis?
Anyways, if you remembered my poll, I sort of teased her (the pink haired girl)
Anyways, meet Kaitlynn! Ilena's love interest in later arcs! She only comes in like Chapter 9? Anyways, when that time comes, I'll post her ref.
Also, I nearly forgot! Ilena's name is pronounced as "Ee-len-ah". She gets annoyed when people mispronounce her name many times.
Gonna put up a YT speedpaint soon
They wish you a happy and safe pride month! Look out for more pride posts (and possibly a fanfic?) 👀👀👀
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graciep8ocsblog · 3 years
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"Rose Reflector!"
Here's Celestial Rose's first attack! For context: the shield is made of solid light and can basically be used like a battle frisbee (idk what to call it) or to deflect attacks. Her first few attacks are on the defense side to show her character development but gains more offensive attacks too in later chapters.
By the way, I hope all you guys are staying safe given the recent rise in cases from where I live! I'm still pretty busy at home with school work, but I'll do my best to keep bringing you artwork that will hopefully brighten up your day :D.
Stay clean, wear a mask and stay home (as much as you can), everyone!
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graciep8ocsblog · 3 years
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The long awaited DTIYS to celebrate 200+ followers on Instagram! Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I decided to make 2 mermaids because why not? And in the theme of MerMay, I decided to make this the theme for the DTIYS!
Introducing my new OCs Shelley (the pink one) and Wanda (the grumpy one). They're sisters and play a sort of recurring role in a later chapter of Starlight Constellation.
Here are the rules:
-All mediums and skill levels welcome!
-Feel free to change the poses, outfit etc as long as they are still recognizable!
-Use #2MermaidsDTIYS and tag me
-No NSFW please!
-The deadline is June 14
-I will pick one winner! The winner gets a free chibi done by yours truly!
-You can also join on my ArtFol and Instagram with the same tag!
-Have fun :D
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graciep8ocsblog · 3 years
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Updated Ilena Briar/Celestial Rose reference vectors!
So here's some information on Len's background:
Ilena is a (14 during the first few chapters) 15-year-old student who moved from New York to Singapore, living with her grandmother due to her mom's work. Occasionally in her own spare time, she does study and research mythology and the context behind them. She loves books in general XD
Celestial Rose controls light to make beams, shields, balls of light, etc.
-Ilena is bilingual: speaking English and Chinese
-She's about 163cm tall (5'4")
-Ilena hates sticky stuff and jiggly things (tofu, gelatin)
-Ilena is an asexual lesbian
-Her favourite dessert is pandan chiffon cake and her favourite food is chicken soup.
-Initially, her powers were on the defensive side but later on, she gains more offensive attacks and becomes much stronger.
More info will be added soon to prevent spoilers for what I have in mind 😅
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graciep8ocsblog · 3 years
Starlight Constellation Chapter 2: I wish to be a Pleiades Sister! Celestial Amore is born!
“Can anyone explain what’s going on?! What happened to me?! Why are you staring at me like that?!” Ilena finally spoke up, bewildered at her newfound powers.
“You just… you became a Pleiades Guardian!” Kirara squealed, with wonder and excitement in her eyes.
“Me? I… I think you have the wrong girl,” she twirled a strand of her own hair, unsure on whether or not this was a dream. Magic doesn’t exist! But then again…
“No way! After you managed to do all that? You’re the real deal!” the princess continued with awe.
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“I’ll explain everything about the Pleiades Guardians on the way,” Mica began, shaking his head. But there was a smile on his face…
“Alright but… I’m not sure how to explain the both of you to my grandmother on the way home,” Ilena shrugged as she began to head home…
“I’m home!” Ilena called out as she gingerly opened the door “And I’ve got company.”
“Well, come in!” Yuu smiled as she began to prepare her apron “You’re welcome to-”
“Lady Starlight!” Mica gasped before bowing down as Kirara followed suit. Ilena tilted her head in sudden confusion on their formalities.
“Who now?”
“You didn’t tell us your grandmother was the legendary Celestial Starlight?”
“Because she never told me.” Ilena threw a look at her grandmother “What are they even talking about?!”
Yuu let out a small chuckle “It’s a long story but I’ll tell you after lunch. Make yourself at home, your highness!”
“Yay! Thank you so much! I promise you won’t regret it!”
Later on that evening, before bed, Yuu and Ilena were left to discuss the events of the day alone over a cup of tea…
“So… what’s the deal with all the Pleiades Guardians stuff? And what about the Wish Crystal?” Ilena began as she picked up her teacup, staring into her own reflection.
“Well, let me tell you a story from long ago…” Yuu put down her teacup “Etoilina was a large and mighty kingdom. It was protected by the goddess of miracles and dreams Celestina since the beginning of time. The Wish Crystal helped to bring balance and held a great power that could only be unlocked by a few. However, great power comes with danger to it… An evil force tried to steal the Wish Crystal but Celestina managed to overcome it. At the cost of her own energy and magic… She used her remaining magic and life force to assign seven guardians to protect the Wish Crystal when the time came…”
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“And one of them was you?”
“Yes, we managed to seal the great evil away once it rose up again but…”
“But what?”
“The seal was temporary as not all of us survived and… that power must have revived somehow. Your mission is to help save the kingdom and put that great evil to rest for good. You, my dear sweet rose… are the chosen one.”
“Chosen to lead the Pleiades Guardians and find them…”
“I-I think they made a huge mistake… I’m not exactly leader material…”
“You will understand in time why they chose you, I promise…”
Ilena finished her tea and put her cup down “I’ll give the benefit of the doubt. Good night gran.”
“Good night, Len…” Yuu answered with a smile on her face, thinking to herself “You’ll see soon. After all, I was also there on that same path once…”
To say that Kirara was having a fruitful sleep would be a complete and utter lie. She tossed and turned as she remembered the night of the attack…
One year ago…
A royal guard burst through the doors, panting as he caught his breath “Princesses! The queen has ordered you to evacuate!”
The guards shoved the princess away as a Kurosu roared in the distance “Hurry now!”
She looked to see palace ruins crumble down before running quickly…
“Hurry now… hurry now...” the words echoed in the princess’s mind as she jolted awake from the bed.
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Kirara sat up and gulped for air, trying to calm down her racing heart. She looked around, trying to remember where she was as she absorbed her surroundings. The memories of the previous day came back to her slowly and hazily as she remembered those events…
“Princess, are you alright?”
She sighed “Yeah, I just… had a bad dream,” The princess soon noticed that the other side of the bed was empty “Huh? Where’s Ilena?”
“She said something about leaving for a run,”
Kirara tossed the blanket aside hurriedly as she leaped out of bed “Oh! I must thank her for everything! Saving me and giving me a place to stay!”
“Ahem!” Mica gestured to the carelessly discarded blanket, a stern glare in his eyes.
“Oh, oops… sorry!” she laughed sheepishly, scooping the blankets in her hands.
Meanwhile, back at Nightmare Corp, trouble was beginning to brew…
“So you’re telling me that the Pleiades Guardians woke up again and you lost the Wish Crystal?!”
“Tsk, that girl is a menace to our mission!” Noire reported, feeling annoyance bubble in his chest “We have to put an end to them!”
“I agree. We must stop the rest from awakening!” the boss began.
“Oh! May I do it? Can I kill her?” A high female voice asked.
“Alright, Monami… you can have this mission!”
“What?!” Noire angrily cried out “But what about me?!”
“After the previous mission, I’m not sure if you can be trusted…”
“Hmph! But you’ll regret it!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll bring you the Wish Crystal!” and with that, she disappeared in a puff of smoke.
The girl stopped dead in her tracks as she heard a familiar voice call out to her. She swiveled around to face a familiar pink-haired girl trailing after her.
“Wait up!” Kirara panted for breath as she caught up to her.
“Princess Kirara?”
“Please… just… call me Kirara!”
“I thought you were at home sleeping!”
“I… just wanted to… talk to you about yesterday-”
A loud rumble interrupted the conversation and Ilena raised an eyebrow.
“Did you eat breakfast?”
“Hehe. I was in a rush so-”
“Let me go get something and we can discuss this.”
“Hmm! This is actually good!” Kirara exclaimed in surprise as she bit into her sandwich before looking at Ilena with a somber expression on her face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, you see…” she began “It’s just that… you’re amazing,”
“Me? Amazing I… I’m not that amazing…”
“I mean, you just became a legendary guardian AND are hunting down pieces of an artifact, meanwhile… I just run away all the time… You seem so calm and unsurprised by all this…”
“Honestly, I’m rather shocked too…”
“You are?”
Ilena nodded “Last night, I couldn’t sleep. I was so amazed and shocked by what happened. I met a princess, a talking cat, and became a magical girl! So here I am, on a walk to clear my head and convince myself it isn’t a dream...”
“A what now?”
“It’s an anime thing but the point is…” she couldn’t help but let out a little laugh “With that power, I kind of… feel special for the first time, and I can protect the people I love too…”
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Kirara looked down at the path, a little pang of jealousy in her stomach. She wanted to be a Pleiades Guardian but… the chance didn’t come.
“Don’t be selfish!” she scolded herself guiltily “She’s just trying to help!”
“C’mon, let’s go home! Gran’ll think we’ve been attacked again,” Ilena’s voice cut through her thoughts like scissors cutting through a grand opening ribbon.
Kirara looked out of the terrace, staring at the starry sky as she recalled Ilena’s words earlier. She wondered if Ilena truly meant every word and was still panicking over the newfound realization.
“I wish I had become a Pleiades Guardian,” the princess looked up at the sky “Instead, I’m just useless…”
A dark pink puff of smoke appeared before her eyes and a girl appeared.
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“Well, well, well… this became easy~” she let out a little laugh before spinning her parasol, causing the jewel on top to glow “Come forth! Kurosu!”
A loud roar caused Ilena and Mica to wake up. They dashed out to the terrace to investigate the source of the noise. The two stumbled upon a large Kurosu but this time, instead of Noire, they were facing a girl with long, curly pale pink hair and looked rather reminiscent of a French maid in terms of her black, white, and pink ensemble.
“Hehe~. Looks like my opponents are here!” And as the crystal on her necklace glowed, time froze save for Ilena, Kirara, the strange girl, and Mica.
“Transform now!”
“Aurora Dream Reflection!”
She was surrounded by a glowing light and once it faded, Celestial Rose appeared “The shining wish of my heart, Celestial Rose!"
“Grr~! That pesky brat!” Monami growled, pointing at the trio “Kurosu! Attack!”
The Kurosu spat out a ball of toffee from its mouth. In a desperate attempt to shield the two, Celestial Rose called out “Rose Reflector!” and summoned a shield. Swiftly, she reflected the blobs, slightly cringing at the oozing substance.
However, as she ran and dodged the attacks, the Kurosu released a large ball of the sticky confection and it sailed towards Celestial Rose, trapping her against the wall.
“Urgh! Why toffee of all things?!” she desperately wriggled randomly, trying to get rid of the sticky candy “I hate that stuff!”
“Now! Tell me where the Wish Crystal is or your precious princess gets it!”
The guardian strained her head to look at the strange girl, attempting to free herself from the toffee “I don’t even know okay! And even if I did, I will never reveal it to you!”
“Why you-” Monami growled angrily before letting out an angry cry, summoning a large sphere of magic and was ready to aim it at Celestial Rose. Kirara gasped in fear and shock before crying out “Wait!”
Everyone turned to look at her and Monami lowered the sphere as the princess stepped forward in surrender “Take me. Just… please, don’t hurt her!”
“What? Princess! Have you lost your mind?!”
“I’m done running and hiding!” she walked in front of Monami and gave a determined look “And now, I’ll protect the people I love no matter what!”
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A bright light surrounded her and as the light faded, a pink heart-shaped jewel rested in her hands.
“Could this be…”
Mica gasped in shock before calling out “Kirara! Transform now!”
“Aurora Dream Reflection!” Kirara drew a heart, causing it to glow and surround her in a cocoon of light…
A flood of hearts surrounded her legs and disappeared, forming red Mary Janes with ribbons laced around the feet and ankles.
As she placed both of her hands over her heart, a pink and white minidress materialized along with matching armbands.
With a smile, she blew a kiss, her hair growing longer and lighter as small buns appeared on each side. Two white bands held it up.
Her hands began to form a heart, causing her Dream Crystal to form a brooch.
Landing on the ground, she posed to reveal her new form “The shining love of my heart! Celestial Amore!”
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Celestial Amore gasped, inspecting her new form “Is… this really me? This dress is… SO CUTE!” she squealed as she looked at her shoes “Oh! And those shoes! They’re so pretty! And surprisingly comfortable!”
“Erm… We have something to do here?” Celestial Rose raised her eyebrow and let out a small cough, bringing her to attention.
“Oh… right,” She laughed awkwardly before shrugging “Leave it to me!”
Celestial Amore’s brooch began to shine, summoning a tube of lipstick. She grabbed it before applying it to her lips.
“Love me tender…” she kissed the palm of her hand, forming a pink heart “Wink!”
Thrusting the heart forward, it circled her, multiplying into several hearts before transforming into a giant one. The heart sailed to the Kurosu and Monami. The monster roared out in agony before disappearing into thin air.
The toffee suddenly disappeared and Celestial Rose let out a sigh of relief. The transformation dissipated in a burst of light. Monami howled out in frustration before releasing a cry of pain “Next time, I’ll get you!”
Before they could respond, she disappeared into thin air. Mica gaped before glaring at the princess.
“I can’t believe you!” he ranted “How careless were you?! Don’t do that again! Understood?”
“Yes…” she pouted.
Suddenly, the two heard footsteps come closer as Yuu opened the door “Girls! Are you alright? When I checked, I felt like I was fro-”
She saw the two girls, smiling at each other. Kirara began cryptically “And so our search has begun…”
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graciep8ocsblog · 3 years
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Hey guys! I finished writing Chapter 2 of Starlight Constellation but haven't completed the illustrations. So, here's a reference of Mica!
For context: Mica is a familiar, a type of magic animal who are assigned to help and advise the members of the Royal Family of Etoilina. Mica was assigned to Kirara when she was 10 and ready to learn magic.
He's rather stern and a no-nonsense person but is capable of being kind and soft, especially when someone rubs him under his chin.
So anyways, that's all the non-spoilery info I can think for him!
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graciep8ocsblog · 4 years
Tonight (March 17 2021) in Atlanta, at least eight workers are dead after a series of targeted shootings in massage spas. The shooting is the latest in escalating Anti-Asian hate crimes, which have increased nearly 150% over the past year alone.
Below are a few links to organizations to consider supporting, all of whom are fighting for the rights of AAPI, as always feel free to add on any (credible) links or updates:
Gofundme for the AAPI Community Fund
Stop AAPI Hate
Asian Americans Advancing Justice
Red Canary Song
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graciep8ocsblog · 4 years
here is a link to the gofundme for the funeral of delaina yaun, a victim of the shooting in atlanta, and another link to the gofundme to support her family, she is survived by 2 children and a husband. (these are both verified by gofundme.)
here is a gofundme link for elcias hernandez ortiz, who was shot but is currently in intensive care as i write this. he was the only survivor of this attack. his family will need help paying for the medical bills. (cnn includes this link in an article about the attack.)
if i find any more links to the help out the victims friends and family i will add them.
thank you for donating if you can, and thank you for sharing. everyone please stay safe.
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graciep8ocsblog · 4 years
Let’s talk about anti-Asian racism, erasure, and discrimination in online spaces.
(So, I actually wrote this a while back but never posted it here. In light of the recent events surrounding the shootings in Georgia, I thought it would be the right time to post this.)
The Internet is a weird and oftentimes wonderful place. It allows people from different countries, cultures, backgrounds to come together, communicate, and share interests. However, given that anyone anywhere can go online and join a community, sometimes unconscious biases/ignorance can spring to the forefront and lead to discrimination and prejudice.
What we’re going to talk about today is an all-too-common yet rarely talked about form of racism: anti-Asian bigotry.
“But Asians don’t experience racism! You guys are model minorities!”
No, that’s not true.
“Well, even if you experience racism… it’s not as bad as what other minorities go through!”
Let’s please not make “who experiences racism the most” a competition. Pitting minorities against one another does nothing except hurt people from vulnerable groups while simultaneously allowing those in power to avoid real responsibility for addressing racism.
In this essay, we’ll be tackling:
·  The Myth of the “Model Minority”
·  The Reality of Anti-Asian Racism
·  The Co-Opting of Asian Narratives in Media
· The Subtle Bigotry in Online Spaces
·  The Simple Things Allies Can Do to Combat Anti-Asian Racism in Online Spaces
Keep reading
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graciep8ocsblog · 4 years
Starlight Constellation Chapter 1: New beginnings! Celestial Rose is born!
A/N: OwO?! The first chapter of Starlight Constellation is out!!! I really hope y’all will give it a read and give feedback! This series takes place in around mid-2018 because that’s when the series was first concieved! 
“Awaken the power, awaken the power…” Ilena tossed and turned in bed, groaning and muttering to herself as a voice called out to her.
Her eyes opened wide, trying to adjust to the pitch-black darkness. The only source of light was seven symbols floating around her. 
“Awaken the power, awaken the power, awaken the power…” the voice echoed throughout as the lights began to glow brighter. An orb of light began to nest itself in her hands, emitting a rainbow halo. Suddenly, Ilena felt the ground beneath her crumbling and she began to lose her footing.
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And soon, she felt herself falling into darkness… The girl shot herself out of bed, feeling her heart hammering in her throat. Craning her head, she realized she was in her bedroom and felt herself calm down… 
“A dream?” she sighed with relief, unsure of what to make of it. 
“Good morning, Len” Yuu smiled at her granddaughter, rubbing the last of sleep out of her eyes. 
“Mm, mornin’ Gran…” she stifled a yawn as she bundled her hair up into a ponytail “I’m going out for a small jog, ok?” 
“Alright, but be careful!” the old woman called out to her as she began to put on her sneakers. 
“Bye, gran!”
“Bye, Len!”
Meanwhile, in a large building somewhere far away from Earth, two people were having a conversation. 
“What do you mean the Wish Crystal broke?” a woman whispered harshly to the man beside her. 
“Just when I was about to grab it, this thing just broke into a million pieces and flew out!” he growled, clenching his fists. 
“Oh ho ho ho ho~” a playful yet flirtatious voice rang across the hallway.
“Tch, that voice…” he felt his veins ready to burst from that condescending laugh. 
“Looks like someone is in trouble~. Hmm, too bad that a certain someone screwed up this badly!” 
“FINE! You know what? I will find the princess and bring her to the master!” The man threw a crystal to the ground, causing it to form a portal to find the Wish crystal as well as the princess…
As Ilena jogged through the neighbourhood street, she felt a pang of homesickness as she looked at the shops. It was… different from the noise and rushing in New York. On the way to the park, she passed the church, a bakery, a beauty parlour, and a couple of shops that sold knick-knacks and other things like that. It was a nice and quiet place, sure it was no Orchard Road or New York but… somehow, the aura of this place brought a sense of comfort to her…
Once she arrived at the park, the teenage girl spotted a bench sitting under a large tree. Ilena soon settled down to rest for a short while before she could resume her jog. Her legs already felt like jelly as she plopped herself down onto the bench. As she chugged down her water, she heard a loud crash from afar… 
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Raising an eyebrow, she decided to investigate the source. After wandering in the direction of the sound, the sight had made her do a double-take…
“Oi! Answer me! Are you ok?! Oh my God, we need to get you to a hospital immediately!” a voice rang out inside the princess’s head as she was being shaken violently back and forth. As she opened her eyes, the sight of a girl around her age with a worried expression in her eyes became clearer. 
“Oh,” the teenager released her grip with the realization “Um… you okay?” 
“I’m fine, I just hit my head but other than that, I guess I’m alright,” Kirara answered after a while “I’m Kirara, and you are…” 
“Ilena, Ilena Briar.” the girl responded “Why did you even hit your head? What are you even doing in here?”
“Well, we were running away…” Kirara slowly began, recollecting the events of the day “And then… I saw something glowing…” 
“Running?” Ilena raised an eyebrow, she wasn’t really one to believe in the unnatural but… “A glowing light? And what do you mean by ‘we’?” 
“Let’s get to the point!” a cat popped up from her head. Their eyes widened before Ilena let out an ear-piercing scream. 
“ADSLKAFWNEDVIKSDJ-yOUcAnTALk?!” she leaped backward as she pointed to what she just saw. 
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“Apparently I can but-” a large gust of wind interrupted him and Kirara and the familiar’s faces fell as a tall, shadowy figure escaped the portal… 
It felt as if time had stopped and everything froze as a dark purple mist seeped through from a portal opening… 
“Uh oh,” Kirara winced in fear as the dark purple mist began to surround them… 
“Quick, hide!” Ilena whispered harshly as she ushered them away from the park… she reached for her phone but it was too late.
A tall man about the age of eighteen with skin as white as a sheet, silver hair, and eyes the same colour as the mist earlier. 
“So…” The man began “I’m looking for someone. About your age, a girl, pink hair, travels with a cat, about yay high…” 
“I didn’t see anyone,” Ilena tensed up as he placed his hand under her chin. 
“By the look in your eyes, I can say that you’re lying…” he continued “My name is Noire and I only wish to know where the princess is…”
“N-never!” she pushed herself away from him and ran as fast as she could. 
“Hey! Get back here!”
After running, Ilena stopped to catch her breath and hid behind a huge tree. She hoped that they were alright… She looked over her shoulder to find that same man, holding up an orb as a light began to glow from somewhere… How was he so fast?!
“Now, my pretty…” Noire held out the orb and cried out “Kurosu! It’s showtime!” 
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A mist began to swirl around before forming a monster “Kurosu, find the princess and get that girl!” 
Ilena didn’t hesitate and started to run. 
“Don’t let her escape!” The sound of heavy footsteps followed her and Ilena felt a hand grab her into the bushes… Ilena looked at the culprit, Kirara. The two waited for a moment for the Kurosu to pass them and the girls let out a sigh of relief. 
“Ok, what the heck’s going on in here?!” Ilena harshly whispered “Cats can talk, scary men try to touch my face, orbs now turn into shadows, and apparently, trees glow! What’s next? I’m gonna turn into an old lady and birds turn out to be cursed men?!” 
“I can explain all this…” the cat softly began. 
“You better,” her expression was serious. 
“Well, I’m Mica. And you are…” 
“Ilena Briar,” she answered before raising an eyebrow, noticing his scrunched-up face… “Why?” 
“It’s just… you look like… never mind,” Mica sighed “Well, I’m a faerie! Specifically a familiar faerie! Familiar faeries are assigned to Etoilians like the princess when they come of age! My job is to help the princess master her own magic and assist her in any way possible!”
“He mentioned something about a princess,” she continued interrogating, hoping it was all some crazy dream and she would wake up. 
“Kirara is the princess of Etoilina. And now, we’re searching for the shards of the Wish Crystal, it contains a power that can be dangerous if it ended up in the wrong hands.” Mica paused for a moment “That man and his comrades tried to take that power but on the day of the attack, the crystal broke by itself and scattered around in a place with no magic. Also known as Earth,” 
“So,” she began after a short while “You want someone like me to help you?” 
“Well, I’m not so sure…” Kirara answered “Legend has it that the Pleiades Guardians will rise once again to protect the world from destruction… but who am I kidding, it’s a myth… a myth that may not even be real…” 
“Found you!” Noire smirked as he loomed over the two girls.
“What is it with this weirdo and somehow arriving at the worst time?” Ilena thought to herself. 
“Well, well, well. Looks like the princess has a pathetic, little human protecting you. What are you even doing anyway?” 
Ilena glared coldly at Noire, trying to find an answer to this. 
“Cat got your tongue? Well, my Kurosu can take care of that!” the Kurosu roared loudly before blasting glowing spheres at the two girls shaking in fear.
Ilena trembled as the creature got closer and closer. She bit her lip and took Kirara’s hand. As the Kurosu released another orb of light, Ilena shoved the princess away and crossed her arms across her face to shield herself. 
Suddenly, a bright light began to shine from her body. 
“What the-” Noire sputtered in shock, shielding his eyes. 
“Is this…” Kirara asked.
“The light of a Dream Crystal?” Mica gaped at the sight, his mouth forming a perfect ‘O’. It couldn’t be… 
As the light died down, a star-shaped jewel appeared in her hand “What the heck is that?!” 
“A Dream Crystal! Could it be?” Mica wondered intently before calling out to her, bringing Ilena back to attention “Lady Ilena!” 
“Hold up the crystal and say ‘Aurora Dream Reflection’!”
She stared at the faerie dumbfounded “Really?” before turning to face the Kurosu about to attack again. 
Ilena held up the crystal to the sky, having nothing left to lose now… 
“Aurora Dream Reflection!” Ilena began to draw a star, causing it to glow and surround her in a cocoon of light… 
Stars began to surround her ankles. A pair of knee-high ankle boots formed on her feet. 
Ribbons of light began to form around her, creating a matching vest and skirt along with arm bands. A milky way passed through her hair, causing it to grow longer and become lighter. 
Orbs of light began to surround her as her side-tail was held by a midnight blue bow with a pink gem. She formed a diamond with her hands on her chest, transforming the crystal into a brooch and her rose earrings to decorate her ears. 
Landing on the ground, she struck a pose to reveal her new form. “The shining wish of my heart, Celestial Rose!”
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The cocoon faded and Celestial Rose stood in Ilena’s place. 
“What the? HOLY- What AM I?” she gasped, looking at her new form. 
“Why I- Kurosu! Get rid of that Pleiades Guardian!” Noire spluttered. 
The Kurosu charged, Celestial Rose leaped into the air, evading the attack. 
“MICA! WHAT AM I EVEN- HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!”
“Calm down and trust yourself!”
The girl let out a scream that could rival any classic monster movie’s damsel in distress. She felt her feet strike against the Kurosu and soon collapsed onto the ground. 
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“Ugh… My head’s spinning…” she felt as if she rode a rollercoaster and were about to throw up. The Kurosu spun around aimlessly in the background, creating more of a mess than usual. 
She examined her arms and legs in awe “Wow. I’ve never had this much energy and strength before!” 
The Kurosu slowly began to regain consciousness as it stumbled around, ready to fire. 
“Time to finish them off! The words will come to you!”
Her earrings began to glow and she placed her hand in front of her chest. 
“Rose…” A giant shield appeared in front of her “Reflector!” 
The Kurosu fired its attack again and the shield deflected it, causing the orbs to be reflected as the monster began to cry out in agony… 
Noire gritted his teeth and scowled “Tsk. Next time, I will surely defeat you!”
And with that, he disappeared into thin air… As if it were right on cue, a light began to surround Celestial Rose and she turned back into Ilena… 
A crystal shard floated to her and she felt a warmth in her hand. Looking at the star-shaped crystal, Ilena looked at Kirara and Mica emerging from their hiding place “Can anyone explain what’s going on?! What happened to me?! Why are you staring at me like that?!”
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graciep8ocsblog · 4 years
Grace's Self Promo
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Youtube: Gracie P8
Instagram: @/gracie_p8
Main blog: @gracie-p8-officialblog
Deviantart: GracieP8
OCs account: @graciep8ocsblog
Phantom of the Opera fan account: @phantom-of-musicals
Anastasia the Musical fan account: @dimasbeans
Les Mis fan account: @barricades-on-clouds
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graciep8ocsblog · 4 years
since the old version of this post was flagged for 'adult content'...
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reblog this post if your account is a trans safe space or owned by a trans person!
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along with that, reblog if your account is a trans non-binary spectrum safe space or owned by someone on the trans enby spectrum!
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graciep8ocsblog · 4 years
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graciep8ocsblog · 4 years
Reblog if you support asexuals and aren’t a COWARD
RB if your blog is a safe, accepting space for asexuals!
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graciep8ocsblog · 4 years
1 note = a day I won’t commit self harm / contemplate suicide
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graciep8ocsblog · 4 years
reminder that this blog, while not politically focused, supports BLM. bootlickers and racists aren’t welcome here, and never will be.
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graciep8ocsblog · 4 years
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It's still August 18 in some countries shh
Anyways, happy birthday to my OC Ilena :)
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