grackles-dream-journal ยท 5 months
Fri, Apr 26 2024
Fell asleep at 8 a.m. after a full night of playing fallout 3 and sifu with S. Watching her play, that is, because I suck at these types of games.
The dream begun at a recurring location, the supermarket - an amalgamation of a shopping mall from my childhood in a small polish city, and a Walmart. I was, I believe, looking for prom dresses, but they were all too small, atrocious looking or far too expensive so, feeling dejected, I made to leave. Walking out of the store I saw one of the workers acting sick, apparently from something relating to a children's toy (a balloon with some kind of harmful gas?).
She was dismissed and I followed her to the hospital, which was situated in a church that had a modern, glass and steel attachment. The inside was extremely modern and sleek and, having no appointment, I decided to leave. Walking back I found a man laying in the bushes, unconscious. He was visibly roughed up, but his assailant was nowhereto be seen. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye I saw movement - somebody was ducking behind bushes. I decided to pick the man up (he was an adult but short and skinny) and take him to safety. Before I could do it, the person who was hiding came out behind me and tried to initiate a fight. He held a long martial arts staff and expected me to fight him with mine. With the other man on my back and no weapon, I lost the fight repeatedly, each time coming back in time to its beginning. Last time I got lucky and defeated the man before the dream shifted to something else.
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