granger--danger · 6 years
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echo positivity week - day six (au)
brooklyn 99 au
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granger--danger · 6 years
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echo appreciation week - day three (favorite relationship)
we found each other in a cage... whatever happens, i know we’ll find each other again
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granger--danger · 6 years
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echo positivity week - day two (pre-canon)
war makes murderers of us all
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granger--danger · 6 years
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When the whole world fits inside of your arms
Echo Positivity Week Day 1 - Favourite Fanfiction Trope
Becho Childhood Friends to Lovers AU, w/ Bed Sharing and Mutual Pining 
Echo grows up in foster care, and shes 14 when she meets Bellamy Blake, when he comes to visit his sister at her girls group home. 
She spends 3 years watching him ad his sister, and getting to know him, but then he gets custody of his sister and disappears from her world and she just gets used to it. 
To being lonely. 
Thankfully the universe has other plans, and she finds him again when she’s looking at colleges, and she realises their story is far from over. 
Fic Moodboards Series 2/?
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granger--danger · 6 years
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Echo Appreciation Week - Day 1
Favourite Trope
One more coffee before I go
Echo has worked at Ice Nation Coffee House since she was fifteen. It’s not a great name for a coffee shop, but they do make the best iced coffees in town. Roan Winter, her then boyfriend’s, mum owns it and had reluctantly hired Echo after Roan had told her he’d quit otherwise. Her and Roan had broken up before they even finished high school and Nia had, for whatever weird reason, decided to keep her on.
It’s not the most glamorous job, she doesn’t even particularly like it, doesn’t particularly feel like she belongs. But it pays the bills and it’s gotten her through to her senior year of college. Six more months and she can move on. New state, new city, new life. She doesn’t know where she’s going, just that she’s going.
“What can I get you?” Echo says, plastering a smile to her face as a man approaches the till. He’s probably a few years older than her, thick dark hair hanging in his eyes. He’s smiling at her under a smattering of freckles and what looks like a stressful few days of facial hair.
“What’s good here?” He smirks, running a hand through his hair and pushing it out of his eyes.
It’s a personal rule of Nia’s not to flirt with customers, she doesn’t want to make them uncomfortable and after a particularly bad incident, Echo doesn’t blame her. But if she could, Echo would definitely be flirting with this guy.
“We make great iced coffee,” she says, instead of the ‘me,’ she really wanted to. “And you can’t go wrong with chai tea.”
“I’ll just get a regular chai tea to go then,” he says. Echo is sure she imagines the fact he looks put out.
“Can I get a name?” Echo asks, reaching for a pen and cup. There is no one else around, but she has to ask anyway. It’s policy.
“Bellamy,” he says. Of course, he has an attractive name. “I - ugh, I’m actually opening a coffee shop up the street and was sent down to scope out the competition.”
Finish on AO3
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granger--danger · 6 years
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echo positivity week - day one (favorite fanfic trope)
bed sharing + enemies to friends (to eventual lovers?)
Bellamy and Echo are the only two who haven’t left for Harper and Monty’s wedding up north when all of the flights in the northeast are cancelled due to an incoming winter storm. 
(drabble below the cut!)
Echo snorted when she got back to the car after grabbing snacks while Bellamy fueled up. “Did you seriously text me? I’ve been sitting next to you for two hours.” Bellamy ignored her in favor of pulling back onto the road, so she sighed and opened his message.
How come you’ve been abnormally nice to me lately
what do u mean
They sat quietly for twenty minutes, Echo watching the small towns of Vermont pass by, until Bellamy caught a red light and grabbed his phone from the cup holder.
You just seem nicer than usual
I’ll punch you in the face if you want
His bark of laughter finally broke the silence. “That’s not what I was going for, but thanks”
“Rain check then,” she murmured, a soft smirk appearing on her face as she turned away from the window. The light turned green, and she was quiet for another minute. “I talked to Raven after our fight last month. She made me realize- I don’t know, I guess… I was scared.”
She ran a hand across her warming cheek and glanced at him; he hadn’t taken his eyes off the road, but his face seemed somehow softer than before.
“God, okay, the only reason I’m saying this is because we need to make it through the next seven hours and I might go crazy if you keep looking over at me like I’m going to pull a sword on you. You tell anyone about this, though, and I might… I’ve got a rep to protect.” He matched her smirk when he glanced over at her.
“Got it."
She took a deep breath. "When we met that day at Mount Weather, you became the first person to actually make me feel safe and wanted in… a long time. It freaked me out, and I didn’t like the idea of relying on you for that feeling, so I did what I always do and shut you out. It was just easier, like it always has been. You lashed out at me one night at John’s and I was so relieved; I’m comfortable being someone’s enemy.” 
Echo pulled on the sleeve of her jacket and Bellamy shifted in his seat. 
“I knew I went too far last month. I’d had a shitty day at work, my boss was on my ass about a project that was late, and I just needed to throw my rage at someone. It wasn’t fair of me to pick you.” She let out a breath that sounded like a laugh. “Honestly, it’s funny that I tried so hard to shut you out and in the end we still knew exactly how to hurt each other.”
She turned to look out the window, and she was quiet for long enough that Bellamy moved a hand from the wheel to tap her pinkie. “So Raven told you to play nice?” he asked when her eyes finally met his.
“No, just made me realize that I was hurting you, the person who brought me into this family of delinquents, who made me feel-“
“Safe and wanted,” he echoed her words from earlier in a murmur.
The cab of the truck became uncomfortably quiet, and Bellamy broke the silence with a cough.
“I’m sorry for what I said that day. I never meant any of it, I hope you know that.”
“I did… I do.” Echo was growing uncomfortable again with the weight of the conversation, and she tried to break the tension by pulling a plastic wrapper out of the bag at her feet, brightly asking, “Twinkie?"
They were two hours from Arkadia when Bellamy pulled over into the icy parking lot of a motel, shaking Echo from her daze and saying the roads were getting too dangerous to continue.
“-sorry, there’s only one room left. It has a king bed, however, and I can offer you 5% off for your trouble.”
Echo could tell the man behind the desk couldn’t care less about their frustration, but she was so tired and sore from sitting in the car all day that she just wanted to shower and go to sleep.
“It’s fine, whatever, just charge my card.” She shoved the plastic toward his face, just narrowly missing his eye. “God, Harper is going to be pissed if the roads aren’t cleared by morning,” she told Bellamy while she waited for the man to finish the transaction.
When he handed her the key and her card, he pointed to the left side of the building. “108, enjoy your-” She cut him off by slamming the front door shut on her way back to the truck.
The room was small but warm, and the bed looked clean enough. “I want the left side,” she announced on her way to the bathroom. When she got out of the shower ten minutes later, though, she found Bellamy on the ground on at the foot of the bed with a folded blanket underneath him. “What are you doing?”
“’s fine, floor is warm enough, get some rest,” he muttered with his eyes closed. She kicked his leg as she passed him to close the curtains.
When his only response was to hiss at her foot, she rolled her eyes. “Get in the bed, Bellamy, you’re being an idiot and I’m too tired to fight.”
“I can keep you safe from down here just fine, Echo.”
“Screw you, I knew you’d hold that against me,” she groaned. “Please. Get up here, it’s big enough to share and I promise I’ll try to refrain from strangling you in your sleep.”
“Shhh, I’m asleep.” Echo tiredly threw her hands in the air in resign and flipped the lights off before falling into bed and quickly letting sleep take over.
She pulled the blankets over her arm, but it didn’t stop the gentle tapping she kept feeling. When she let her eyes slowly open, she had to stop herself from screaming at the sight of a man towering over her.
“Heat is out, scoot over.” Oh, just Bellamy.
His feet were freezing when they brushed against hers, but his even breathing lulled her back to sleep.
They woke the next morning, bodies closer than they had been the night before, to the sound of the snow plows and Bellamy’s ringtone; it was Harper, calling to make sure they were going to make it in time and offering to delay the ceremony for a few hours if they needed. 
“Nah, roads look a million times better than last night,” Bellamy said as he rolled away from Echo to peek behind the curtains. “We should be there by 8:30, okay? Don’t stress, have Raven make you a mimosa or something.”
Echo could hear Harper’s laugh through the receiver and her muffled See you soon!
“You really think we’ll make it in time?” she asked once they were both dressed.
He shrugged and grabbed his backpack from the chair by the door. “Dunno, but there’s no point in her worrying about it when she’s got so much else going on.” Echo watched as he moved around the room grabbing their phone chargers and his gloves.
“You’re a really good person, Bellamy Blake.”
He looked up with one glove on and smiled. “You’re not so bad yourself.”
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granger--danger · 6 years
Rewatch: Episode 1x11, The Calm
Some of our best commentary from our rewatch!
This is the episode where we meet Wick!!!
It’s honestly such a shame the actor who played him is such a racist shit bag because he’s such a fun character 
Chef Murphy is a through line, boy knows how to smoke meats all the way back in s1 
Finn is a mega dick. 
We all love Bellamy being pissed that this kid burned all the food just because Octavia tried to give him advice. Like “He burned it down because he’s a dick” 
Miles is a weird little dude, but 
Like he’s one of the only ones who feels like a teenager 
Raven sees Finn/Clarke leave together and gets so upset, like BABE CONTEXT (i mean the context is Finn wants to go with Clarke… but still) 
If this was the only episode of t100 I ever saw, i’d get shipping Braven. Like no other episode, but the one i get it. He tells her she’s a badass, he acknowledges her smarts, and they had MAD chemistry.
But like, they’re a perfect BFF/bro-sis relationship so none of us are mad at it
But they needed to bone for that to happen lol that tension needed to be broken. 
Everyone should recognise that Raven is the bomb.com
WICCCCKKKKKK hes so fucking funny in this episode. We all really liked him, but it’s not bad that he’s gone since Steve Talley was a racist dickface 
This whole plot where Anya takes Finn/Clarke is so annoying, which really is a testament to how annoying Finn/Clarke is because anything with Anya is the best
Poor little Miles def had a mini crush on Clarke and it got him killed… Dont have a crush on Clarke y’all, PSA. 
Do it Anya. Just kill him. Do it. 
Are any of the adults actually useful?
Momentary discussion of our worst fears for s6. Won’t get into that here. 
Some sweet kid was trying to fix his bed with some wires he found and raven was like “nope i’m stealing these enjoy your broken bed” lmfao
But also.. they had beds? i thought they were all sleeping on the ground? 
Murphy is such a TOOL but we love him 
Watching s1 first time through he was the worst, but like… no it’s weirdly endearing and we can’t help but love him 
Murphy is a DRAMA HOE 
Braven Sex Scene is the best sex scene on this show 
Raven is so… commanding, and they’re both so fit its just a dream 
Okay but like… do collapsed lungs happen this often IRL? I feel like ANY SHOW with any type of medical aspect at all has at least one if not a million of these? And somehow everyone but the doctor seems not to know what it is when they say it? Like at this point I could fix one. Take a big ole needle, jab it into the fifth intercostal space, let the blood/air out, boom. like damn. 
Elyse’s brother collapsed a lung from coughing, just fyi y’all. In case you wanted to be scared of coughing. Thanks Elyse. 
“She’s hot” Look, We get it. It’s been 100 years. But how did y’all forget what a fever is. You gotta just ignore that specific timeline sometimes with this show 
Bellamy asking Raven if it helped, he really just wanted to make her feel better gosh he’s so wonderful. 
Also… just… filling a big syringe with blood and jamming it into this girls arm is SO not how a blood transfusion works
Like no hate on Clarke, like at all  here, but like… why does this show seem to like to pretend like Clarke is actually a good doctor? She never actually succeeds. Like she’s a good leader, but a stellar doctor she is NOT. 
Like just… watching ur mom as a teenager is not enough to be a doctor
Wick is so funny in this episode, like asking for Kane’s shoes? amazing. 
How did Abby get out of that ship though? it’s never explained at all. 
Grounder dude just offers up the info that he has a bad knee.. like dude thats so dumb. 
This is Clarke’s first ever kill. 
how are we ALREADY at the finale of s1… like next 2 episodes are the 2 part finale thats crazy. 
Clarke just gets… strung up lol like nice job babe 
Poor miles 
Kills: Raven - 1 (that little girl? Sort of?)  Grounders - 1 (Miles)  Clarke: 1  Attempts: 0
“How many times did we talk about hating Finn” Tally: 6
Countdown to Finn’s Death: 16 days, 10 Episodes
Countdown till Raven meets Zeke: 6 years 6 months and 4 days, 3 episodes.
@granger–danger @raven-reyes-of-sunshine
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granger--danger · 6 years
Rewatch: Episode 1x10, I Am Become Death
Some of our best commentary from our rewatch!
Episode 1x10: AKA Raven Reyes is the most badass character ever in the history of time.
During the “previously on” it had Clarke banishing Murphy, and like… remind us again why anyone thought Murphy would be on Clarke’s side in s6??
Also a pre-episode ‘we hate Finn’ because it’s just too easy. 
Bellamy being constantly annoyed with Finn is a whole mood
ALSO first ever Harper McIntyre appearance!!!! 
Jasper is a major dickhead in this episode wow 
Murphy, sweet asshole garbage son. 
Bri forgot Harper was dead for a minute, making us all sad. 
Finn saves Murphy from Bellamy… his one good moment this episode…. Well he has another later in the episode but whatever 
Bellamy is like “he claims to have been with the grounders” like… Bellamy… Baby. Do you SEE him? 
Clarke is like “he was tortured” babe… YOU banished him. 
Elyse had to google if fingernails grow back… what a weird show we watch y’all 
Clarke: “We get info out of him, and then we can kill him” Y’all: “John Murphy Clarke Griffin #1 Fan!!” 
The first ever Marper scene, where Jasper is a dick to Harper, and Monty is under a blanket the whole time…. true love 
Monty is the best, he has no problem calling Jasper out 
Jasper is an UBER dick
This is one of the best episodes of s1 honestly 
Bellamy is such a dick, we all love him. Our rude son. 
Bell is such a stressed out big bro when he finds out Octavia might be sick 
And then he’s a douche to Octavia, because our boy is nothing if not consistent 
Someone needs to hug Bellamy for like 4 straight days (we all volunteered, we’re gonna do it in shifts) 
A brief discussion of how s1/s2 are the only seasons where we liked Octavia 
Lincoln deserved better, boy shoulda just ran off to the sea, found Luna, and gotten away from his Garbage Fire Girlfriend 
Bellamy is such a grump, he just pops that dude in the face with the butt of that gun 
Clarke is such a badass in s1 
Raven should just punch Finn and leave him tbh, he’s such an ass 
Zeke needs to show up already, Raven needs love 
Clarke and Finn talk about how she knows him… you lied and cheated.. bruh she doesn’t know you that well. Thats sort of the point. 
Harper’s cute little headband, i love her. A little badass. 
Raven is such a badass, best character ever created hands down. 
We were all saying we wanted to be Raven when we grow up, but then Elyse mentioned she might be too in love with her to want to be here… which is a good point. 
Bellamy is such a NERD 
Blood dripping from the nose makes everyone think of Stranger Things. Bellamy is the new 011. 
Murphy is like “oh byegones bruh we good” you LIAR. YOU ARE DEF GONNA SUFFOCATE THAT KID LATER. 
Bellamy is sick, and wants no one to touch him… boy you need a hug more than ever rn 
Monty is a fucking SAVAGE. 
Raven is the most badass bitch in the whole fucking world. She sees Finn hesitate and is just like “Fuck it, ill do it myself” and then she gets sick and is like “welp, im gonna die, might as well make sure the job gets done lets do this im gonna trek through the woods bleeding from MY LITERAL EYEBALLS to get this done” LIKE HOLY FUCK. A MORE BADASS CHARACTER HAS NEVER EXISTED IN THE HISTORY OF TIME. 
Bellamy is a petty bitch, and as petty bitches ourselves, we love him 
The war drums make the whole scene where Raven is carrying the bomb to the bridge and setting it up even more intense 
Girl was ready to just BLOW UP to save everyone god what an ICON 
She really thought no one was gonna come for her baby girl you ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT CHARACTER I PROMISE 
Monty showing up to save the day and support Jasper even after he was a dick is the DEFINITION of a good friend moment
SO much nerd flirting, s1 Bellarke is prime. 
Bellamy is like “oh WAIT shes a NERD?!” 
Ohhh another mention of Mountain Men!!
Okay but Luna/Lincoln could have easily been a great couple 
Okay Clarke looks super jealous when Finn is carrying Raven into the camp, like… girl… dont be shitty. 
This love triangle is fucking stupid though. 
When will Finn just DIE though
Raven breaking up with Finn is such an iconic moment. 
Murphy pauses for just a SECOND when he’s about to kill Connor, like he doesn’t want to be a killer, but he does it anyway 
That moment on the original watch was EPIC. Like I believed him, and we were all just… proven so wrong
I mean… they did try to hang him. 
Sick Bellarke Flirting is so cute augh. S1 and S4 had the best bellarke content 
Kills: Grounders - 1 Murphy - 1 Attempts: 0
“How many times did we talk about hating Finn” Tally: 7 
Countdown to Finn’s Death: 17 days, 11 Episodes
How many times did we talk about Raven being the best character ever: 16
Countdown till Raven meets Zeke: 6 years 6 months and 5 days, 54 episodes.
@raven-reyes-of-sunshine @granger–danger
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granger--danger · 6 years
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Retrieving Stolen Magic: A How-To Manual. 
Bellamy/Gaia fic, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina!AU
Bellamy finally signs the Book of the Beast and leaves the mortal realm behind to study magic at The Academy of Unseen Arts, and its the best and worst thing he ever did. He misses his two sisters, and his aunt and uncle desperately, but… magic.
He finds himself drawn to Gaia, an incredibly beautiful expert of Earth magic (on top of being a psychic who is very annoyed with him), and is then is unceremoniously adopted by The Weird Sisters, five brilliant witches who study different parts of elemental magic. His life is going spectacularly.
Until he finds out that his sister’s magic was stolen when she was a child. 
And thus begins his quest, to find out who stole Octavia’s magic and why, and do whatever it takes to get it back. 
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granger--danger · 6 years
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delinquents friendsgiving modern au 
clarke’s mom has a place out in upstate, and there aren’t official invitations or anything, but now it’s a tradition. when the leaves turn orange and the weather’s just above freezing, they all make it out to new york. bellamy makes runs to and from the airport, two winding hours up to the house. monty brings some concoction disguised in an old wine bottle, echo always makes sure her hunting license is current and they have seasonal game. clarke gives harper her card, and she and luna lose their minds at a home goods store, buying all sorts of autumnal decor, which clarke always sneaks into their suitcases. murphy kicks everyone but emori and bellamy out of the kitchen, emerging hours later with miles of food. in the meantime, zeke insists on a pumpkin carving contest, pretending it’s an old tradition, even though everyone notices he barely touches his pumpkin, since he’s so busy watching carefully over jordan and madi. maya complains when laughter rises over her carefully-curated playlist, to which miller shrugs, and cranks up the volume on ‘the great pumpkin waltz’ till the trees shake with it. after darkness falls, they light a fire; raven always brings sparklers, she’d done a proper fireworks show the first year, but the neighborhood hadn’t been thrilled, and everyone’s eyes shine in the dancing light. wells makes everyone go around and say what they’re thankful for, and no one’s allowed to say ‘friends’ because it goes without saying. they sleep in the next day, almost miss their flights, then it’s quick hugs and cheek-kisses goodbye, noses cold and hearts warm, another year of memories tucked safely away.
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granger--danger · 6 years
Stardust, In You and In Me | Chapter 1
Fandom: The 100 | Rating: Teen | Soulmates/Soul-Identifying Marks AU
[AO3 Link]
Clarke Griffin has always scoffed at the idea of soulmates. And it isn’t until college when she meets hers — grumpy, scruffy, and totally stubborn Bellamy Blake. However, luck is on her side since it turns out he’s not too interested in them either. The biggest problem is that she hadn’t even meant to tell him, but it’s too late for that now. So they decide to just be friends and not worry about their matching marks on their bodies that mark them as destined to be together.
Clarke’s never tried to battle fate before, but she’s determined to pull this off. Now if only the universe can cooperate with her.
“Dude. If she gets this one she’ll be on fire.”
“Oh fuck, she’ll absolutely murder us then.”
“Alright ladies, gentlemen, esteemed people,” Clarke Griffin interrupted the banter with a grin and a wave of her drink towards the crowd of students around the table. “Are you all prepared to be amazed?”
It was Saturday night at Arkadia University, and what a Saturday night it is. Late September brought with it the change of the leaves, cooler nights, bonfires, and football. The Arkadia Explorers were far from being any type of dominant force — in fact, they were arguably one of the worst teams in their conference. But that didn’t stop the student body from turning out in droves to support their small team. Often dubbed “delinquents” from any opposing team’s announcers, they were rowdy and full of school spirit. Especially today, when they had managed to pull off a huge upset against one of their rivals.
Which lead to tonight’s party.
Some of the football seniors lived together in a massive, old house just off of campus — and nearly the entire campus had been invited to come. Students spilled out onto both lawns, the doors swung wide open to allow for easy coming and going. A keg had been dragged onto the back porch and music blasted through multiple speakers, safe from complaints thanks to the house being surrounded by other college students (or alumni who supported the rowdy celebrations in memory of their own time there).
While Clarke was comfortable putting down her fair share of beer, she had turned down the offer to get some tonight and instead had turned towards the concoction in the kitchen. It had taken some maneuvering, one death glare to a handsy senior, three over-the-top hugs to girls she had met during orientation a year ago, before she had eventually, successfully found what she was looking for.
A large plastic, clear tub shoved back onto the counter, already sticky with splashes of the drink as drunk people filled up their cups.
With a deep dive in, the red solo cup had emerged filled with a red, thick liquid.
Just a single sip had shot nearly straight to her head, a classic trait of any Jasper Jordan concoction. It was sickeningly sweet and a quick sweep of her gaze had located the discarded jugs of the ingredients: cheap ass vodka, Hawaiian punch, and the classic orange drink, Sunny D. So in essence, she was drinking practically just sugar and alcohol.
It hadn’t taken long for the buzz to kick in and after a quick shot with one of her roommates, Monroe, she then found herself at the beer pong table.
Across from her were Monty Green and Jasper Jordan, two guys that she had met briefly her freshman year in her required science class. Neither were football players, but their expertise in alcohol and maneuvering the law made them staples of nearly every large party. Her arrival at the table had caused them to jokingly boo and bemoan their impending loss at the classic drinking game, and she couldn’t help but play it up. There wasn’t anything better than beating drunk guys at pong, a feat that wasn’t technically difficult but was all the more exciting the more drinks that were in you.
She hadn’t walked up with a partner though, so Jasper had reached out for the first person he could latch onto, pulling Octavia Blake into the fray.
Octavia and Clarke had lived on the same floor their first year at Arkadia, bonding one night when Clarke had stumbled upon a cramp-stricken Octavia on the floor of their hall bathroom. Intense period pains had kept the girl from joining her friends out a party, whereas Clarke hadn’t yet started her partying phase. They had then curled up in Clarke’s room on her bed, the lights off and a movie playing on her laptop. As the rom-com had blared, the girls had easily split a tub of ice cream between themselves.
Clarke would be hesitant to declare them best friends, but the two of them were still fiercely loyal to each other regardless.
Octavia was drumming up the attention around them and Clarke could feel the thrum of the speakers making her body vibrate. The alcohol in her system was keeping her warm and she thoughtfully dunked the small white pong ball into the cup in front of her.
It was currently two to four, the girls leading as expected. If she made this next shot, she’d be on fire and would the get ping pong ball back to shoot again. She was known for being a clutch pong finisher as well, so the boys had every reason to be worried.
“Bell! Come watch us win!”
Octavia’s shout broke Clarke’s concentration and she glanced up.
[read the rest on AO3!]
Tagging some people that have expressed interest or might be idk I’m always nervous to do this lololol let me know if you want to be tagged! (below the cut):
Keep reading
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granger--danger · 6 years
I just hit 1100 followers!!! 
In celebration, heres a little blog recommendation! I tried to remember who all makes what types of content and specify, but if you write fics or make gifsets or something and I didn’t mention it I’m really sorry! 
@the-most-beautiful-broom : great fics. beautiful moodboards. Augh. A perfect, positive, bright and shiny human, and one of my really great friends in real life, funny enough thanks to this crazy weird website. The ultimate Zaven Shipper, probably the Captain of that ship tbh, but positive and happy about most ships and like 99% of characters. Great content, very selective so you wont get a ton of random stuff which is nice. A++++++++ human, 1100% recommend following. 
@granger–danger : the sweetest ever. Not the most active blog but what she does post is always great! Pretty positive about pretty much everything and everyone, and is part of the pettykru rewatch group. Seriously go follow her. I love her so much. 
@raven-reyes-of-sunshine: great fics. How do I even explain this perfect human? SO happy and positive and nice. Big time Becho shipper, lover of all things Spacekru, and my fic writing sounding board. Such a great blog, so full of happy positive posts, without a doubt one of the Must Follow blogs in this fandom. Love Love Love. The other member of pettykru rewatch. 
@nightbleeder: awesome gifsets. MY HARPER WIFE! Great content all around, a lovely Luna blog to follow, a Bellamy lover, and also as an added bonus, exceptional Lord of the Rings content. Super positive, super happy, kinda and loving and wonderful. 
@bombshellsandbluebells: great fics. fantastic metas. Y’all. If you want a blog that KNOWS. ITS. STUFF. when it comes to this show, this is the place to go. Really deep, well thought out metas that show a fantastic understanding of the characters and the plot, and very much no bullshit all the time. Also writes fantastic fics, like this amazing spacekru fic. Big Emori fan, Echo fan, and Murphy fan. Been on an HP kick lately which has been so fun. 100% recommend. 
@hedaalicia: my love. my darling. i would die for you tbh. One of like, 4 clexa blogs I follow because i just love this perfect human so much. Great content, lots of sass, and super great if you love ADC, because she will fill your life with about 100000 photos of her every day. 
@pillowprincesslexa: My other fave clexa shipper, and super FTWD heavy, mostly an ADC blog. Sassy AF, takes no shit, an A+ human. 
@murphystartedthefire: awesome gifsets. I am literally always picking through this blog when I make any kind of longer text post because they always have excellent gifset (super well tagged) that I can find gifs I need. Super positive and great content all around. Memori/Emori focused, also lots of great Echo/Becho and spacekru content! 
@hedaswarrior: awesome gifsets. OMG don’t even get me started on these amazing gifsets. I could just browse this blog for HOURS. Lots of Clexa and Becho, specifically lots of great Echo content that I live and breathe for. Also such a nice human, definitely everyone ever should be following. 
@distractedpadawan: great fics. Echo positive all day every day, and super nice!! Always has excellent content, and really excellent takes on different ‘discourse’ the fandom seems to find itself in. 
@awstenskknight: fantastic metas. Augh love love love. Always sending me the BEST questions to get my brain working, always chiming in on discourse with really well thought out and well written thoughts, posts great meta about all sorts of stuff, and all around super positive and great. 10/10 would recommend. 
@hellmori: awesome gifsets. What a great human. Super beautiful gifsets that I LOVE, plus we talk a lot about the different characters and where they fit in certain groups (hogwarts houses, Meyers Briggs types, stuff like that), and its so interesting. Made the gorgeous header for our Echo Positivity Week post, so so nice and wonderful 
@mehmori: A super beautiful blog with amazing content, spanning a lot of different shows, and so so nice and eternally positive. A big believer from what i can tell in just enjoying the parts of the show you do like, and being happy, which is what we all need. Emori, Murphy, Memori, and Raven focused when it comes to T100. A great blog, definitely follow!!
@roankomspacekru: The ONLY roan centric blog I follow, but a great one! Super nice, super positive, VERY roan centric/Zach centric! Really active, interacts with their followers/people they follow a lot, all around A+ blog. 
@still-watching: fantastic metas. On a bit of a break rn, but when they come back, I will be super pumped. Always asks great questions, coming into my inbox with stuff that makes me have to really think about so many things about this show. Super friendly! Big time Bellarke shipper, and Bellamy Blake lover! 
Im sorry if i missed anyone, I love everyone and I hope no one feels forgotten or left out! Thanks for 1100 followers guys!
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granger--danger · 6 years
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In the end sacrifice means nothing
942 notes · View notes
granger--danger · 6 years
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3.10 // 5.08    ↳ requested by anon
754 notes · View notes
granger--danger · 6 years
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you’re forgiven.
1K notes · View notes
granger--danger · 6 years
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and in some way Kansas City, I have you to thank for that. In a lot of ways, this is our song. No one else, it’s just ours. 
Lorde - Kansas City - Introducing Royals
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granger--danger · 6 years
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Bellamy has a sudden, desperate thought. He pulls Clarke close - -
For one electrifying moment, Clarke is tempted to say yes. It would be so easy to disappear… but that’s not who she is. She can’t abandon the Hundred, and neither can he.
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