graunenskaix · 6 years
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Some of my favorite Richard Harmon whump from The 100 and A Mother’s Instinct (2011)
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graunenskaix · 6 years
So who wants my discord?
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graunenskaix · 6 years
cosmicfell :
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Alona knew he meant it, that he wanted to be there for her and this baby, but she was still scared. She knew he had his reasons for leaving, but it seemed like everyone left her, usually more then once. Still she sucked in a breath and nodded as her strawberry milkshake was delivered. “Okay– but if you ghost again, that’s it, no third chance” she made it very clear this baby came first, and she wasn’t going to have an in and out father to break them like her’s had. With a shaky hand, she found his over the table, offering it a squeeze, trying to meet him half way. 
Murphy’s eyes light up as he hears her agree to his presence in their life.     “I... absolutely! I promise, you won’t regret it... well, not in that way at least... I can’t make any promises about terrible dad jokes.” He says with enthusiasm, a grin from ear to ear. He grips her hand, rubbing it eagerly with his thumb, perhaps a little too hard.      “Sorry, I’m just... this is all really exciting!” He says, genuinely happy, an equally overwhelmed. But he would do this, he had lost his father so young, he wouldn’t put another kid through that.       “Had you thought about names?” He asks curiously, his chocolaty eyes searching hers for the answer.
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graunenskaix · 6 years
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Dichen Lachman in “Sunrise to Sunset Blvd”, by Rachael Taylor
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graunenskaix · 6 years
He frowns a little and gives a nod, withdrawing his hand when he got a sense she didnt want it there. He looks at his hands picking at some loose skin around his nail. "I never thought about it any time soon... but yeah, I always wanted to have kids." He confirms with a shy smile in her direction. He took a sip of his coffee when it arrived and ran the back of his hand across his nose with a snif. "Look, its not perfect, but if youd let me, I want to try and prove to you that I wont disappear again." His eyes were pleading, and his teeth gripped his lower lip as he held his breath for her response.
Murphy smiled when she agreed to still get food with him. He moved to walk in step with her, letting her guide them to wherever she felt like going. Once they were seated in a Diner, Jon removed his coat and lent forward with his elbows on the table.     “I can’t really justify what I did… but … well I wanted you to know, my mother died. She’s finally gone, and it kinda shocked me into getting my life on track.” He says very casually, though Alona already knew there was no love lost between Murphy and the late Mrs. Murphy.
He watches her closely for a reaction, though he hopes it isn’t one of pity.      “ I know I should have called but with moving, and getting all her things in order… I lost my phone, and by the time I got a new one I figured you wouldn’t want to see my stupid face ever again.” It wasn’t a good reason for abandoning her, but it was the only one her had.      “Please know, I would have tried harder if I’d known okay?” He says, reaching to gently place his hand on her’s, trying to convey his emotion and sincerity through eye contact.
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With a soft sigh, she walked the block to a little dinner near the hospital. She often came there when she got off from work because it was close, cheap and they had the best burgers in the city, something she would fight people on if it came down to it. But as she slid into the booth she was finding it hard not to fall into old patterns with Murphy– he had left her, sure he didn’t know about the baby, but still- he had vanished. 
As promised she listened, her sift hands folded on top of the table as he went through his mother’s death and all the way to the present. She knew he had a hard relationship with her, so she didn’t give him the usual hand hold or hug, but instead just continued to nod along until he finished and he took her hand. 
“I know– but the fact still remains that I am pregnant and you did vanish on me” she let him take her hand, she knew he meant everything he said, but even still– she didn’t know how to feel about any of this. “Do you even want to be a dad?” They had never talked about kids, granted when they were together talking was never something they did anyways. 
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graunenskaix · 6 years
arexyouxafraidxofxthexdark :
Alice wasn’t too sure why someone shoved past her, and she could only glare. Had this night not been important to Anya, she’d of said something. Well, done something. Nothing too much, but certainly let the other know she wasn’t someone to be pushed around. No more. That’s all that happened on the Ark and she wouldn’t stand for it here. However, for Anya’s sake, she did nothing, and merely allowed the night to continue without incident.
Leaving the party early seemed like the best choice - she was still overwhelmed, and had already been bombarded with questions from a handful of people. Some weren’t so nice about it, or the fact that she ‘couldn’t talk,’ as they believed she was faking. Most seemed to greet her with respect, however, which she was sure was more because they respected Anya. But she’d earn her own in time. She knew it.
'You deserved it.’
It was what she wrote in regards to the reception. During her time away from the party, she had been working up design after design - they were simple skeleton designs, mostly to get all the ideas out, and could be expanded on when needed. There were at least a dozen pages filled with drawings and side notes (in Italian).
'I’m sorry I left early. I didn’t want to interrupt your party. Or the people you were talking to. They looked important.’
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Anya tilted her head a little with a slight smile of amusement,      “Well so are you little one.” She says ruffling the other’s hair. She moves to set away her things, and remove the heavier layers of clothing she had on.      “You look like you’ve been busy.” She remarks, nodding to the ripped out pages scattered around Anya’s work desk. She smiles at the fact the other had sat there to work.      “No, you’re fine.” She says softly when she frightens the other a little.   “Can I see some of them?” She asks, moving to sit on her bed, patting the space beside her for Alice to join. 
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C L O S E D | Silence is Golden
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graunenskaix · 6 years
cosmicfell :
“I’ll think about it” right now she just wanted sleep– but she could at least hear him out. See what his excuse was for ghosting her. With a sigh she finished up with him before giving him his discharge papers and contuning on with her plan to get out of there and go home on time for once. She was quick with his papers and slipped away before anyone could ask her to help with anything else.
When she came outside she was no longer in her scrubs but rather a pair of jeans and a light pink top, one of her more stretchy ones as she hadn’t made it maternity shopping just yet. She nearly had a heart attack when Murphy came running after her, he was lucky she didn’t have her mace. 
“No, I didn’t– let’s go, I need food before I pass out anyways” she was better with her eating habits now that she was pregnant and had someone else to care for, so she didn’t just pass out without dinner much anymore and made sure she ate at least three times a day. 
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Murphy smiled when she agreed to still get food with him. He moved to walk in step with her, letting her guide them to wherever she felt like going. Once they were seated in a Diner, Jon removed his coat and lent forward with his elbows on the table.     “I can’t really justify what I did... but ... well I wanted you to know, my mother died. She’s finally gone, and it kinda shocked me into getting my life on track.” He says very casually, though Alona already knew there was no love lost between Murphy and the late Mrs. Murphy.
He watches her closely for a reaction, though he hopes it isn’t one of pity.      “ I know I should have called but with moving, and getting all her things in order... I lost my phone, and by the time I got a new one I figured you wouldn’t want to see my stupid face ever again.” It wasn’t a good reason for abandoning her, but it was the only one her had.      “Please know, I would have tried harder if I’d known okay?” He says, reaching to gently place his hand on her’s, trying to convey his emotion and sincerity through eye contact.
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graunenskaix · 6 years
cosmicfell :
Alona carefully placed the butterfly stitch and cleaned off the remaining blood before she looked up at him, listening while he spoke. Well at least he wasn’t fighting anymore, that was something– she could only assume he had new employment, or at least according to his updated charts he had two jobs. That was a good thing at least– she moved to throw away the trash and dump the numbing needle in the needed container before finally letting herself still. 
“Three months– to help with the math, it was sometime within that month before you ghosted me, where you were at my place every night…” She didn’t mean it to sound so snarky, she just needed him to know without a shadow of a doubt, this baby was his, she didn’t know how she felt about that– so she could only imagine his internal panic. 
With a sigh, she took a seat on the backless stool and rubbed at her face, she was tired and so very close to getting off, she planned on putting in his chart and then going straight to the locker room to change before running from this place as fast as she could.
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He moved to reach for her when she gave him an answer a little more bitter than he’d hoped for. But could he blame her.        “Hey, stop.” He says trying to stop her from moving so fast around the place, she looked like a caged animal ready to attack and protect her cub.      “Look can we get coffee when we’re both done here? Please. You deserve an explanation.” He didn’t exactly know what he was going to say. I was coming back for you? It would all sound contrived now. He inhaled and exhaled slowly trying to calm himself down.      “Seriously, please?” He asks with his dark eyes pleading. 
He waited until he saw her leaving the Hospital.     “Lona! Hey!” He calls jogging up to her with a grin.  “Didn’t forget about me I hope.” he jokes. Whether she was planning on meeting him or not, he was getting a coffee with her. Wide eyed, he grinned in that ‘I’m adorable love me’ way. 
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graunenskaix · 6 years
arexyouxafraidxofxthexdark :
Alessandra nodded back to Anya, first removing the knife from the man’s throat, then the foot on his leg, then she roughly released his hair before walking away without turning back. She rejoined Anya, and listened as she spoke, commanding attention and respect with the sound of her voice alone. She didn’t cheer about destroying the Skai people, but only because she didn’t really speak. But she did her best to try and show that she was with them by standing tall beside Anya, chin held up high.
Happily, Alice threw her old clothes into the fire, watching them burn away with satisfaction. The chant, however, took her by surprise. On the Ark, it was impossible to get anyone to really notice her - until she went on a homicidal revenge rampage - but here, she was noticed already. It was a powerful and overwhelming feeling that she was trying to embrace. She had her cry, and now she was done with that.
When the knife came for her hand, she didn’t flinch thanks to the warning, but she also made no sign that she felt the pain, either, when it maded the cut. Pain was something she was very use to by this point.
Blood sharing. Well, that was typically a huge no and not exactly safe - at all. But she wasn’t about to pull away on some small chance that things could go wrong later. “Jus Drain, Jus Daun.” The words were spoken very softly, and she didn’t know what they meant - but they sounded like they were imoportant. If only Anya heard her, that was more than okay by the newest member of Tri-Kru.
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Anya noticed her small voice among many. Many chanting for what they truly believed in. Blood had had blood where Alyss was concerned. A few of her generals crowded her shortly after the ceremony, her second included. The young girl shoved past Alice without a care, and Anya didn’t notice. She would come to realize in time her second was jealous.        “With what Alice has given us we should be able to attack within two days.” She says looking to make eye contact with the other young girl, who meant so much to her heart. 
Once the preparations were made and she felt the generals were satisfied she headed to her home. She was happy to see her newest ward waiting up.       “I’m sorry that took so long. I didn’t expect such a reception.” She said with a warm smile, moving to get a drink of water.       “How are you feeling?” She asks, resting against her desk on the same side as the younger woman.
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C L O S E D | Silence is Golden
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graunenskaix · 6 years
rebellhearted :
When Murphy began walking away, Echo followed after him. “I’m not just here to check up on you,” Echo said quietly, ignoring the venom in Murphy’s voice. “You’re my friend, Murphy. We wouldn’t worry so much about you if you talked with one of us every once in a while. Do you not think being up here is hard for me too? I miss the ground more than anything. But I have to adapt, just as you.”
The strain on all of them was immense. But the others had found work to keep them occupied. Tasks to work through, problems to solve. Murphy had simply retreated further into himself. It wasn’t good for him, or anyone else.
“Let me train you,” she said, stopping where she should. If Murphy wanted to leave, she wasn’t going to go chasing after him. “Let me teach you hand-to-hand combat. And how to use a knife. When we get back to the ground, you’ll be better able to defend yourself for what may come." 
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He slowed down when he realized she had stopped, respecting the white line he had painted around the ships corridor -floor, roof and walls. He eventually stopped and turned to face her. He had always wanted to be able to beat Emori in a fight... and this could help him do that.    If they were ever to spar again.      “Ugh... Fine. I’ll do that, if only to get everyone off my case.” He said gesturing as if she could cross his childish barrier.    “AND only because I know aren’t going to start talking about how great this place was.” He added sourly as he continued walking, assuming she’d catch up. 
He headed into a wealthier families arrangement, there was a large space in the middle, and it was clear he’d set up himself as if he was King Cock in this domain.      “This enough room?” He asks moving to take a bottle of whiskey he’d found three days ago, he took a swig and offered her some.
A Solo Star | Murphy x Echo
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graunenskaix · 6 years
cosmicfell :
“I’m– okay?” Alona didn’t really know how to answer that question. Seeing him had thrown her for a loop, she hadn’t expected him to come back here, not after so long in not seeing him– he looked good, other then the busted mouth, but that was nothing new. It seemed like every time she saw him it was with a busted lip… Though with a mouth like his she wasn’t all that surprised, he had a sharp wit and no filter, but man were those lips soft when they moved across her skin.
The blonde pushed the thought to the side for now and went on autopilot to clean his wound and get the butterfly stitches ready. It didn’t look too terrible this time, at least that was what the doctor told her when he passed off the orders to clean and stitch. She didn’t know what to say to him while she worked, this child was clearly his, she didn’t sleep around and hadn’t been with anyone since he vanished, but he had no way of knowing that. 
“I got a second job, working a few times a week at the shelter downtown, pregnancy tests and stitches mostly… I had to cut back though, I was on my feet too much” she didn’t know why she was telling him this, it wasn’t like he cared what she had been up to.
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Jon felt awful about not having just shown up to her house. But he’d been working at a bar, and a cafe -and he’d finally stopped fighting for cash. He would have explained himself but her hands were in his mouth, and he didn’t want to have to repeat the story. Instead he listened to the fact she was working two jobs just to get by.      “I caa helll” He slurred as enthusiastically as he could given their current orientation. He truly meant it. Even though his dad had skipped out on him as a child, and his mother was a drunken mess, he’d always wanted kids. 
Once he was free to speak he spat into the cup beside him.         “For once, this isn’t from fighting.” He says with a cocky grin, which fades almost as soon as it appeared.   “Actually it was... but not the old kind!” He said referring to when he would be bet and gambled on.        “So how far along exactly are you?” He says making sure to stress it in a way that told her he wasn’t still thinking about her sleeping with a bunch of other possible fathers. Though his grin should have said everything he wasn’t. 
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graunenskaix · 6 years
arexyouxafraidxofxthexdark :
Alice gave Anya a small, but firm nod, eyes even bowing for the action, before walking off to get her old clothes, before bringing them back in her arms. She was more than looking forward to getting rid of them. When Alice explained that she’d have to cut her hand, the younger woman nodded in response, and was certainly grateful for the heads up. But she trusted Anya now - at least more than she had ever trusted anyone in her life - so she would go with the flow of whatever needed to happen.
Whwn Anya began to talk, it was no wonder she was their leader - she inspired attention with merely her voice, and even Alice was drawn in, despite not having any idea what was being said at times. It was fine, as she was paying close attention to the dialect as best she could.
Then, defiance. She supposed it was likely to happen and there was to be some unrest, but Alice hadn’t expected Anya’s leadership to be taken under attack for this. She felt she was to blame for any newfound doubt that these people had for her, and the last thing she wanted to happen, was an uprising to overthrow the one person who had ever done a thing for her. She had sworn over her loyalty, however, and she had meant that.
On the walk over, Alessandra had swiped one of Anya’s knives - she had gotten good at swiping things off guards, which was why they had kept her in solitary the entire time, because she just kept making things worse for herself. Whether or not Anya had noticed this action, though, was up in the air. Still, Alice had calmly set down her clothes and began walking through the formed crowd to the rather disrespectful man. It wasn’t a threatening or purposeful walk; merely just getting from one place to another.
She stopped directly in front of the man, though bore no harsh looks towards him - at least, for a few seconds. That’s when she pulled the knife rather swiftly, and easily made a cut horizontally against the man’s thigh - deep enough to bleed, but not bleed out. In a flowing action, as the blade left the man’s thigh, she twisted her body gracefully to behind the man. The hand not on the knife, wound into his hair, and the knife pressed rather firmly against his throat.
After securing the blade with enough pressure to kill should the man decide to try and move, she forcefully kicked his legs from him, and put about half her weight into standing on the back of one of the man’s legs, near the bent knee. But this was all she did. Killing randomly would not prove to anyone that she was one of them, nor would it prove that Anya made the right choice as a leader.
Instead, Alice paid only mind to Anya, looking at her for guidance. She kept her body and mind calm, showing no fear and feeling no fear, even if she was worried she might of made the wrong call. But what was done was done. So instead, she just looked to Anya, giving the woman a look that she hoped read that she was loyal to her; she would kill the man upon orders, or release him.
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The woman was shocked when she saw that Alice had moved from her side, and arrived at the problem so swiftly. Her heart lurched hoping the girl wasn’t about to go down... but oh how she wasn’t.  The leader tried to hide her surprise, though a smirk appeared when Alice looked to her with restraint.       “Any further questions?” She asks looking among the crowd, who were either backing away from Alyssanda or staring at their commander in respect. She nodded to Alyss to come and rejoin her.   “Good. Now, Alyssanda kom trikru, I invite you to join us, as one kru... we will destroy the Skai people.” She says with a more viscious tone taking hold as she turned to her people for their cheers... getting them excited to help welcome their newest member. She begun cheering and moved the girl forward once she had her old clothes again.   “Al-lyss   Al-lyss Al-lyss” The crowd slowly joined in as the fire grew from its’ offering. 
    “Jus Drain Jus Daun..” Was the next chant the Anya needed her people to embrace.. which they did. She lifted her hand for her knife to be returned, once again smirking at the younger girl for her skill back there. The leader took the knife and slid it horizontally across he wrist, before repeating with Alice.... she had to say wrist of the girl would likely have thought it all a trap.  She shot her a look as if to apologize.        “Jus Drain, Jus Daun”  Blood Must Have Blood She clasped Alice’s arm against hers, their wounds matching, blood sharing blood. She gave her a look of total respect and acceptance, hoping the girl could feel it.
C L O S E D | Silence is Golden
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graunenskaix · 6 years
arexyouxafraidxofxthexdark :
Fitting in. That shouldn’t be too hard, right? Then again, fitting in - to Alice - had always been about being ignored, and that seemed to of come second nature for everyone around her. So she wasn’t too worried about ‘fitting in,’ considering she was good at being ignored.
Sitting down on the stool, her body tensed again when Anya came close, but it wasn’t hard to realize what her intentions were, and she gave a soft smile with a nod. The Grounders wore face paint and now she was getting the same defining feature. It was hard to believe all this was actually happening, and part of her feared that she’d wake up from the dream.
Looking at herself in the mirror, fingers came up to touch her face, careful not to touch the new black markings. She really was starting to look just like them, and it caused her to sit up straighter with her shoulder back, a smile forming on her lips.
Near enough was good. That certainly worked for her. She looked patiently up at the woman, waiting for instructions for what to do next. Was it time to leave? Would she finally be abl to be part of a people who embraced her talents? She could only hope so.
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Anya smiled when she saw the younger straighten up, it was apparent she was more than pleased to be marked.      “You wanted to burn your clothes yes? Go get them.” She says with a nod back into Alice’s make shift room. She needed to toughen her exterior slightly if she were to go out there and declare a stranger their ally. She wondered how many would know Alice wasn’t one of them, and how many would suspect it. There were already questions circling about her abiltiy to lead. She hadn’t been agressive enough with the children. But now that they had Alice’s plans... that was it! The key to pulling them altogether.       “I will have to cut your hand over the fire during the ceremony okay? Don’t be alarmed, I won’t go too deep.” She say in a calm, clear and deliberate tone, one hand coming to rest on the other’s shoulder.
Once it was clear they were on the same page, Anya led the girl out of her hut, and towards the centre flame of their village.     “Gada Op!” She declared in her booming voice, which had played a part in earning her her place as Heda.   “This! Is Allysanda Kom Trikru! She was kom skai” She pauses as the rush of expected gasps and confused stares ensues. Once everyone settles and realizes that even if Alice were a threat, there’s only one of her and a village of them.      “But like our true commander,” she continues, knowing this is a risky line to tread. “She comes to us in peace. Battle plans, weaknesses, numbers, supplies.” She begins listing everything that Alice had given her. She turned to Alice and nodded to the book, suggesting she show them the pages she had written the information on.      “Em nou mema!  Oso na sis choda au, nami!” She adds while she still has her momentum, and most of the crowds attention. Mostly everyone was looking weary, but the peered at the book and whispered, nodding... well some of them.     “Em nou skaikru em kru. She IS with me.” She states firmly. 
There are still several murmurs, but a lot of her people seem to just accept that this is what their leader has decided, regardless of how foolish is sounds to trust a sky person’s word.    “Her plans will probably get us all killed! You’ve gone mad! and this is proof!”One man started yelling. Anya glared at him to stand down, but she could see he was on a mission, and she was going to have to silence him. “She isn’t one of us! Yet you have her in your home? How foolish you are Anya, to be so blind to this impostor!”  The woman had her hand on the handle of her knife, but tried to restrain herself from throwing it directly at his head, for being so disrespectful.
C L O S E D | Silence is Golden
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graunenskaix · 6 years
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rest in peace and strength, monty green.
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graunenskaix · 6 years
letscallitxhope :
Abby frowned when she found out that they were not being nice to her. She bit the inside of her cheek and looked away. She then turned to meet the younger woman’s eyes. “But that’s not how it works down here.” Octavia would find out, and they’d likely all be punished in some way. Them for not cooperating and herself for not doing her job.
She worked efficiently with Lavinia by her side and they were done quickly now that the men were cooperating. She moved to make notes in their charts and looked up as Lavinia rejoined her. She took the offered water and nodded. “Thanks.” She brought it to her lips and took a slow, long drink. She half emptied the cup once she was done. She set it down on her workstation.
She shook her head at the woman’s words. “Everyone deserves another chance. And sometimes another,” she said softly. “We’re one people now. There is no SkaiKru and Azgeda.” She smiled softly until she mentioned Clarke, then a darkness overtook her eyes. She had to look away. “She’s definitely missed.” She couldn’t bring herself to say anything more as the tears threatened to fall. She felt the smaller hand on her arm and looked up. She gave her a smile and placed a hand over hers and gave it a gentle pat and then a squeeze.
“I appreciate that. So much. Thank you.”
Lavinia could only imagine the heartbreak of loosing a child. She had always wanted children, but now the prospect seemed farther from reach then it had when she was a warrior/healer. The bunker would not survive if people begun having children, so she would need to wait until they returned to the ground.      “Of course. Why don’t we go and drink? The halls are empty, and we off duty in some minutes.”  She offers the older woman with a soft smile.
Lavinia hadn’t fully had the opportunity to meet Abby before they had been put in the same schedule for the medical ward. She felt there was a need to get to know the woman she would be working with for the next four years down here.      “So on Ark, you were doctor? How long had you been?” She knew her english wasn’t the best, but perhaps speaking with someone who only knew it, would make her better. And she could even help Abby to learn Trigedasleng if that’s what she wished to do. Taking a long sip of the alcohol in front of her, Vini wondered what things they might have in common, surely it couldn’t bee much. But, since they were both healers, she figured it was worth trying to make a friend.
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Cause I’m Only Human || Abby & Lavinia
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graunenskaix · 6 years
Basecamp 2.0 | Kirphy x Clary
    | @cosmicfell
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Murphy grinned as Kirby managed to finally crack a joke without completely butchering the punchline, with his nervous stutter in anticipation of it.       “What are the chances.” he mused after having a good laugh. “That I would finally have a turn of good luck and find you all the way out here huh?” He asks in genuine admiration of the way things had turned out for once. He was in good company, and he wasn’t bending to the will of that asshole Bellamy? The delinquents had no idea what an asset they had lost when they never bothered looking for Kirby. They had found him weird, and he was  a couple of years older than everyone else.         “Y-y-yeah well r-remember that n-next time you complain ab-bout my snoring.” Kirby quips as he tosses a stick at the other one. 
The elder heard something behind him and was turned and ready to try and attack anyone who approached. Their trip wire hadn’t been triggered so it most likely wasn’t a grounder.       “Hey, who’s there?” Murphy calls over Kirby’s shoulder in the direction of whatever he’d heard. 
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graunenskaix · 6 years
letscallitxhope :
Abby put her hands up to stop Jackson. She shook her head in his direction. “Okay, okay, Anya. No needles. No sedation,” she assured her as she put her hand on the younger woman’s shoulder to ease her back to the bed. She took a deep breath and met her eyes. “Clarke’s resting in my tent. She was exhausted after getting you to Arkadia.”
She gently lifted the gown, seeing exactly where the stitches had been broken. Six of them to be exact. She met her eyes and explained. “I’m going to have to restitch this. With a small needle to sew the skin back together.” She showed her a place on her arm in which she had put three smaller stitches in Anya’s wound.
“I swear this is all that I’ll use the needle for. If I don’t, you’ll bleed to death.” She held a clean cloth to the place where the blood was pouring out. She met her eyes. “The soon I do this, the sooner you’ll feel stronger." 
Anya was weary still as she moved to lay back down on the white plastic. She didn’t like to be told what to do, but this woman gave her no sense of a threat.      “Stitch it if you must.” She sighs, not phased by the concept, the thread this woman had already used on her was a lot thinner than the ones her healers would use on them.       “I feel strong. It is my body that’s weak.” She states rather bluntly, looking at the ceiling rather than at her surroundings. Surroundings which were alien and uncomfortably sterile for the grounder. 
Once the stitches had been replaced, Anya relaxed a little. Looking around now, she tried to find anything that may have been familiar to her, but nothing was.      “How long until I can leave?” She asks, not wanting to stay in Arkadia a second longer than she had to.
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There’s Peace Within the Light || Abby & Anya
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