graysondolanyt · 2 years
Hahah I wouldn't say it's easier because the videos take so much time to make! Between coming up with the ideas, filming them all and editing everything down, we need the week! Some of our friends have those crazy daily or twice daily schedules though and we don't know how they can do it unless they're vlogging then I guess it makes more sense hahah. Yeah, from scratch! I'm glad to hear it because me too! Isn't it fun? It's nice to meet you Ariana, me and E have been pretty big fans since we started watching Victorious actually hahah. And I've seen your makeup stuff on Instagram and that's wild creative. Space and everything is really cool too. I'm glad to hear it! Mines pretty good too - living the dream honestly hahahah
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Hey guys! So it's Monday, which is basically like Tuesday Eve and Tuesday is my favorite day of the week so I'm really hyped about it! Tomorrow's video is done and I have time to waste so here's my question: who wants to come make a pizza with me? If you can't, why not? Hahahah really though, if you don't know me I'm Grayson and I make people laugh by being an idiot with my twin brother Ethan on YouTube! So tell me, how's your Tuesday Eve going!?
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Man, you couldn't be more right hahah. Family is annoying as fk but you can't go without their annoyance and it's worth it so you just go with it. They know how to push your buttons and while it's annoying and kinda sucks it's also instrumental to growth, you know? I totally understand how that feels bro! I feel like normal families feel attacged to one another as it is but when you're a twin you're literally part of the other one. I literally couldn't live without E and he couldn't without me. You're sweet man, and we do cherish it. It's definitely a less lonely life, that's for sure hahah
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Honestly I think that’s the true test of a family - no matter how fkn annoying they can be, you still love them at the end of the day. I totally feel you on that. Through thick and thin, family is family and you’d do anything for them. That’s how I am about my whole family and some friends too. Especially E though, because the whole twin thing haha. Yeah man, it’s true! We do have this crazy connection and can barely even stand to be apart for more than a few hours at a time. Maybe that’s bad, but it’s all we’ve ever known hahaha
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“Yeah I think family is meant to be annoying and test your limits. They’re really good at testing my limits, which they know I hate. It’s okay though, without them I would be lost. Which I’m sure you also understand very well. It’s like they’re attached to you somehow, a part of you. I think twin telepathy is so cool, you should cherish it. It’s nice to be that connected to someone.”
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Thank you! Our fans are everything to us so any time we get to interact with them is the best - and Tuesday has the most of that! I'm sure you feel the same though! Hahah. Sunday's pretty awesome too with the relaxed vibe of it all. Yeah - I'm pretty down with it too and being vegan makes extra sense with it hahah. As long as you love pizza though! Vegan pizza right? I've never made that but I'd try to if you wanted some! Chef Grayson at your service!
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It’s an honor for me to be the first person! Actually, me and E have both always loved Tuesday because it was the day of the week when we got into the swing of things but honestly posting videos has made it even better! We do this thing called “Dolan Twins Tuesdays” where our fans send in smiling selfies every Tuesday when the videos go live and we love our fans more than anything so that’s the best part! What’s your favorite day of the week? Pretty much any kind of pizza is cool with me honestly, so you can pick your favorite! Question though - pineapple on pizza: good or bad?
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That’s pretty amazing, that your relationship with your fans is that close. It makes it really special, so I understand entirely why you love Tuesday so much now! I’m not really sure. When I’m working, Sunday is usually the only day I never work so it might have to be my favorite at this point in my life. Very good. I might be biased being vegan though, because I don’t eat any of the meats on mine.
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Tuesday is my favorite because it's Dolan Twins Tuesday! I love it so much! Hahahah. The end of the week is awesome but nothing beats Tuesday when we post our videos and make our fans happy, you know? So I guess there's three of us in that club - Drake, me and my brother hahah. Join us Harry, come to the Tuesday side!
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Hey guys! So it’s Monday, which is basically like Tuesday Eve and Tuesday is my favorite day of the week so I’m really hyped about it! Tomorrow’s video is done and I have time to waste so here’s my question: who wants to come make a pizza with me? If you can’t, why not? Hahahah really though, if you don’t know me I’m Grayson and I make people laugh by being an idiot with my twin brother Ethan on YouTube! So tell me, how’s your Tuesday Eve going!?
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With all due respect… how could your favorite day be Tuesday? My Tuesday eves are usually quite shit, if I’m honest. Nobody likes a Monday, but I guess as far as those go, the end of the day is the better half of it. I know Drake said the club was going up on a Tuesday or whatever, but, I think you’re the only two in that club.
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Omg you're pregnant! That's so cute! Congratulations! Are you excited? Maybe you'll have twins - twins are the best you know! No need to go that far, don't worry! I'll get you your pizza hahah! Yeah though, let's make it happen! Anytime you're down and feel up to it I'm down! Because I completely agree and life can be so crazy with scheduling. Especially with me and E both having to attend every meeting and stuff, it's insane!
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Hahah I always crave pizza so welcome to my world! Why order a pizza when you could have one from me? Mines better I promise hahah. For real though, enjoy your pizza but we have to make one together! That sounds awesome - I’m glad you get to relax and take some personal time. That’s really important. Thank you Imogen - that’s sweet!
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Look, I’m very much pregnant right now, so when I have a craving I need to have it right away or people are going to die. Not really, but you know what I mean. I’d love to try your pizza though! Let’s make it happen, yes? It’s the most important thing at times. Especially when you know things can get busy soon. Of course! No need to thank me. 
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Still, you pushed through and that's fkn awesome! Wait bro - that means you know five languages kinda? I'm bad at math, but that's triple crazy at least! Hahahah. I'd hate it too bro I'm spoiled with living here and having streaming and YouTube - creating on YouTube is the biggest privilege ever honestly hahaha. Let's meet bro! Any time you're in LA hit me up! Same here - we still drive our sister crazy and we don't even live with her anymore hahah
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Hey man - I’m sure it was really fkn challenging but you overcame it! Besides, who can say they know three languages? I’m lucky I know one hahah so that’s an awesome skill to have! You’re multifaceted bro! Yeah I always hear how difficult it is for them to watch things that air over here or that tours and stuff don’t go there as often and it sucks. That’s a dope thing about YouTube is when we post the video everyone around the world can watch it at the exact same time and engage with each other. It builds a community! I will man, don’t worry! Well thanks bro, you got two friends for life hahaha. You’re right though - older sisters go crazy the second any brother is involved, but we still love them hahah
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Not easy at all, but it took time but I learned and got past it all over the years. But i am twice as crazy since I did learn some Spanish in school and my co-star is teaching me Portuguese but both I only know the basics in or i am learning.  It’s so hard because sometimes it’s like months behind! I would hate that!  That is always a good youtube thing it’s all one place no matter where you are in the world.  That’s great man now we need to all meet in person.  Yes pretty much I’ve always drove my sister crazy.
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Hey man - I'm sure it was really fkn challenging but you overcame it! Besides, who can say they know three languages? I'm lucky I know one hahah so that's an awesome skill to have! You're multifaceted bro! Yeah I always hear how difficult it is for them to watch things that air over here or that tours and stuff don't go there as often and it sucks. That's a dope thing about YouTube is when we post the video everyone around the world can watch it at the exact same time and engage with each other. It builds a community! I will man, don't worry! Well thanks bro, you got two friends for life hahaha. You're right though - older sisters go crazy the second any brother is involved, but we still love them hahah
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Hahaha yeah man, it’s a beautiful thing to witness and be part of. Wow - you’ve had quite the life man! Traveling is so cool and you did so much so early hahah that’s dope. We want to go to israel someday! Nature and the ocean are some of the most relaxing places to be man. Yeah I feel bad about the European fans not getting as much access too! When we went on tour we had a blast with them in every country we went! I can’t wait to hear your music man - I already know I’m gonna love it! Yeah hahah there’s two of us for better or worse so I’m glad you like that because we’re a package deal hahah. That’s dope bro! We have an older sister too! And trust me - your older sister is probably happy she didn’t have two younger brothers driving her crazy because twins can be a handful for real hahahah
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It is! Yes sounds very cool but English being a 3rd language wasn’t easy. Even more in new country and tossed into school when no one spoke your language. Thankfully I was in Hebrew school and that helped me out.  Same here! it’s so hard for them or anyone not from the states Even with my show and movies it always airs so much later for them.  Let me know once you do okay?  That’s very nice and I think I like that there is two of you for sure. But ah older sisters dont matter if they have one or 10 you will always drive them crazy. 
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Honestly I think that's the true test of a family - no matter how fkn annoying they can be, you still love them at the end of the day. I totally feel you on that. Through thick and thin, family is family and you'd do anything for them. That's how I am about my whole family and some friends too. Especially E though, because the whole twin thing haha. Yeah man, it's true! We do have this crazy connection and can barely even stand to be apart for more than a few hours at a time. Maybe that's bad, but it's all we've ever known hahaha
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Hahah yeah I totally feel that! We were 14 when we first started on Vine so we really had to watch out for each other - so I guess judging by your experience it doesn’t matter where you start or end up, family always needs each other and that’s so fkn heartwarming hahah. Yeah I guess that’s true, you don’t have privacy but hopefully you have a good roommate! We shared a room growing up and it was pretty fun. We usually can yeah! As crazy as it sounds we know each other really well and we think alot alike too so we can usually tell what each other is up to from the second it starts - we’re like magic I guess hahah
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“Yeah I think family is incredibly important. Therefore those boys, no matter how much they push my buttons- they’re mine. If that makes sense, they’re my responsibility and my brothers no matter how may fights or crazy nights we may have in the past or near future. Yeah I heard many stories about twins being able to do that! They say that twins have a connection in the womb that make that possible, which is cool.”
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Well I'm glad to be the first one then! Ahhh it's like you're on a European tour or something that's so cool! I'd love to get back to Europe soon, maybe with MTV or to meet up with some friends or something - any excuse to travel right? My pizza making went fkn awesome thanks for asking! He grumbled and complained about it but then ate half of it so actions speak louder than words in my book! I'd gladly accept and appreciate a postcard! That'd be so dope hahahah. We've all made poor choices in life so you shouldn't really hold onto them too hard, you know? Life's too short to dwell on regret and stuff hahah. When you come home and recover from jetlag you'll have to come and try another one of my pizzas or pancakes or something else from Chef Grayson's kitchen hahahah
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Tuesday is the best day ever!!!! It’s so much fun - every Tuesday is like a holiday hahah. Hey, Sweden is dope so don’t sweat it! I bet both Sweden and Hungary are crazy awesome and probably better than making a pizza with me in LA only for my brother to complain about it in some way because he’s mean to me hahaha but really that’s cool! Send me a postcard! It’s nice to meet you too Danielle - both of those things are awesome honestly - poor choices are only subjective anyway! Ahhh you’re so lucky it’s already the best day of the week over there!
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again, i don’t believe i’ve ever met anyone that’s so passionate about tuesday – especially so much as calling it a holiday! and sweden was pretty amazing, and i’ve been having a lot of fun in budapest as well – though i’ll admit that i’m looking forward to heading home to the states for a little bit. how did your pizza making end up going? hopefully your brother wasn’t too mean to you! and i’ll gladly send you a postcard, of course – i just bought some because my mom makes me send them to her as well. you’re right, though, poor choices are subjective, but i just know i’ve made some really poor ones. well, now it’s thursday night in budapest and tomorrow is my last day here, so i’m feeling pretty lucky about that!
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Hahaha yeah man, it's a beautiful thing to witness and be part of. Wow - you've had quite the life man! Traveling is so cool and you did so much so early hahah that's dope. We want to go to israel someday! Nature and the ocean are some of the most relaxing places to be man. Yeah I feel bad about the European fans not getting as much access too! When we went on tour we had a blast with them in every country we went! I can't wait to hear your music man - I already know I'm gonna love it! Yeah hahah there's two of us for better or worse so I'm glad you like that because we're a package deal hahah. That's dope bro! We have an older sister too! And trust me - your older sister is probably happy she didn't have two younger brothers driving her crazy because twins can be a handful for real hahahah
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Exactly man! It’s so full of love and acceptance and I’m really happy the world as a greater whole is waking up to that. LA has the best weather and coastline - we were born in New Jersey so the weather there was crazy and since hiking, swimming and surfing are some of my favorite activities California is great for me! Aww that’s dope dude! Fan art is the best and heartfelt gifts from fans are a blessing hahah. That’s an awesome title! I’ll buy your song and add it to all of my playlists - I got you bro! Hahah November’s cool too and Hanukkah is amazing! The holiday season is so cheerful and happy I love everything about it. Yeah man hahah there’s two of us - we’re actually fraternal twins but literally everyone thinks we’re identical and we’ve always gotten away with all the tricks identical twins have so that’s been wild hahaha. E’s right here, what do you think?
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Right it keeps getting better with some things and that makes me happy.  I was born in Israel myself but from 5 on I was in NY till I graduated college then off to LA I went.  I love a good hike and swim too and anything around nature.  It was very amazing and sweet since it was from all over the place since so many people in Europe don’t get the chance to see as many events.  Oh you are sweet! There is only 2 so far but I think they are great. All months are great pretty much!  Oh yes I can see it you two are very close to looking the same. So  I pretty much did get two for the price of one I like it.  I just have a older sister it isn’t as cool as a twin. 
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Hahah I always crave pizza so welcome to my world! Why order a pizza when you could have one from me? Mines better I promise hahah. For real though, enjoy your pizza but we have to make one together! That sounds awesome - I'm glad you get to relax and take some personal time. That's really important. Thank you Imogen - that's sweet!
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Hey guys! So it's Monday, which is basically like Tuesday Eve and Tuesday is my favorite day of the week so I'm really hyped about it! Tomorrow's video is done and I have time to waste so here's my question: who wants to come make a pizza with me? If you can't, why not? Hahahah really though, if you don't know me I'm Grayson and I make people laugh by being an idiot with my twin brother Ethan on YouTube! So tell me, how's your Tuesday Eve going!?
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Exactly man! It's so full of love and acceptance and I'm really happy the world as a greater whole is waking up to that. LA has the best weather and coastline - we were born in New Jersey so the weather there was crazy and since hiking, swimming and surfing are some of my favorite activities California is great for me! Aww that's dope dude! Fan art is the best and heartfelt gifts from fans are a blessing hahah. That's an awesome title! I'll buy your song and add it to all of my playlists - I got you bro! Hahah November's cool too and Hanukkah is amazing! The holiday season is so cheerful and happy I love everything about it. Yeah man hahah there's two of us - we're actually fraternal twins but literally everyone thinks we're identical and we've always gotten away with all the tricks identical twins have so that's been wild hahaha. E's right here, what do you think?
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June is a really cool month for real man! I love seeing all the positivity in the world and everyone getting to celebrate who they are. It’s great! I love the weather too but in LA the weather’s always pretty nice hahah. Fan events are the best man! Meeting people and talking to them about stuff is the coolest fkn thing in the world. What’s your single called man? I’ll buy it! My favorite time of year is probably December because that’s our birthday and Christmas and the holidays in general are my favorite season. Lately I’ve just been doing my thing - pumping out videos, meeting awesome new people like you, and setting out for twin world domination hahah
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It’s just love all around this month with Pride and juneteenth I love all of it.  That is the good thing about LA the weather is almost always very nice. So you can go out and enjoy nature year around.  I love i! So many are amazing and worth it. the last one I did was in Italy and the fans make me this book of fan art and things it was amazing! But it’s called Underwater and it’s on my page now!  I am November baby so  i do enjoy that time of year for that and I am Jewish so great time of year for me for that.  Wait there is two of you? are you the same looking twins or just born at the same time? I need to know how lucky I got meeting you. 
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
June is a really cool month for real man! I love seeing all the positivity in the world and everyone getting to celebrate who they are. It's great! I love the weather too but in LA the weather's always pretty nice hahah. Fan events are the best man! Meeting people and talking to them about stuff is the coolest fkn thing in the world. What's your single called man? I'll buy it! My favorite time of year is probably December because that's our birthday and Christmas and the holidays in general are my favorite season. Lately I've just been doing my thing - pumping out videos, meeting awesome new people like you, and setting out for twin world domination hahah
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This month is just the best month really, like it means so many good things. Like all the events, all the support and love there is. The weather is always great and you can do so many things. I’ve had so many events and things to do . Fan events in Europe, and the states, then so many interviews and my band single came out.  Now all the pride events I am so excited! What time of year is your favorite and what have you been doing lately?    @cityofdreamsstarters​
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Hahah yeah I totally feel that! We were 14 when we first started on Vine so we really had to watch out for each other - so I guess judging by your experience it doesn't matter where you start or end up, family always needs each other and that's so fkn heartwarming hahah. Yeah I guess that's true, you don't have privacy but hopefully you have a good roommate! We shared a room growing up and it was pretty fun. We usually can yeah! As crazy as it sounds we know each other really well and we think alot alike too so we can usually tell what each other is up to from the second it starts - we're like magic I guess hahah
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Well I’m happy to answer any twin questions you have! I’ve had 22 years of experience with being a twin after all hahaha. Ohhh I see - it’s like you’re co-parenting them with Seonghwa hahaha that’s crazy but I can imagine it! I feel the love though, love and family is everything. I’m the exact same way. Dorms could be interesting though - we just live together in a house hahahah
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“Yeah that’s exactly what it’s like! Even though we were all over eighteen when we debuted, they still need our guidance in this crazy world. Dorms are fun- except sharing a room with the others. No privacy in your bedroom, right? Hm, can you guys figure out what the other is up to before it happens?”
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Hahah don't sell yourself short Taylor! I'm sure you can cook great. Then again, I think I cook great but like I said my brother disagrees so maybe I'm not the guy to listen to if you go by him hahah. The air fryer is a gift from God though, that's for sure! You're probably right, those real fries are sooo fkn good that anything we make would just be a disappointment. It's still be a fun experiment though!
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We usually end up ordering food a couple times a week because my brother thinks I’m a shitty cook and he doesn’t love to cook himself but I completely agree with you! It’s totally not necessary but when it comes to French fries I’d have done the same. Actually, I’d probably have grabbed a potato and tried to do it myself because I think I’m on MasterChef but hey - your way is probably better hahahah
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i like to think that if i tried, i could be a good cook, but i know how to make pasta, microwave meals, and chicken wraps using the air fryer, that’s about as much as i can do. frozen fries or fast food fries are the way to go, i could never make my own, i’d be judging them off the tons that i have had.
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
Hahaha thats alright! I'm pretty slow too, not to mention I have dyslexia so that doesn't help at least when I'm reading - just ask my brother, he loves to call me illiterate hahah. That sounds fkn awesome though! But don't threaten me with a good time if you're not gonna come do it with me for real! Wait...that sounded wrong, I'm blushing fk hahah but I'm glad you had a chill Tuesday Eve!
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Hey guys! So it’s Monday, which is basically like Tuesday Eve and Tuesday is my favorite day of the week so I’m really hyped about it! Tomorrow’s video is done and I have time to waste so here’s my question: who wants to come make a pizza with me? If you can’t, why not? Hahahah really though, if you don’t know me I’m Grayson and I make people laugh by being an idiot with my twin brother Ethan on YouTube! So tell me, how’s your Tuesday Eve going!?
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Wait why is Tuesday your favouite day, I could understand friday or the weekend but why Tuesday. Oh wait video release day i’m slow sorry that makes sense my bad. I mean i’m great at making pizzas so I would happily come and make you some. I love being able to start from scratch make a nice dough maybe add spices and flavours to the crust then do whatever i like on top. My Tuesday eve was very chill. 
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graysondolanyt · 2 years
It's an honor for me to be the first person! Actually, me and E have both always loved Tuesday because it was the day of the week when we got into the swing of things but honestly posting videos has made it even better! We do this thing called "Dolan Twins Tuesdays" where our fans send in smiling selfies every Tuesday when the videos go live and we love our fans more than anything so that's the best part! What's your favorite day of the week? Pretty much any kind of pizza is cool with me honestly, so you can pick your favorite! Question though - pineapple on pizza: good or bad?
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Hey guys! So it's Monday, which is basically like Tuesday Eve and Tuesday is my favorite day of the week so I'm really hyped about it! Tomorrow's video is done and I have time to waste so here's my question: who wants to come make a pizza with me? If you can't, why not? Hahahah really though, if you don't know me I'm Grayson and I make people laugh by being an idiot with my twin brother Ethan on YouTube! So tell me, how's your Tuesday Eve going!?
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