grayzone · 2 years
Babyyyyy Can u do “I like the way your hand fits in mine” with Grayson? đŸ€§đŸ„ș❀
There was always a curiosity inside him, something deep and unrelenting. Grayson had a craving, you see...a craving for a hand, a smaller hand that seemed to be lonely. This hand called to him, longed for his warmth, to be held and loved and Grayson didn't have the strength to say no.
So, when it had opened, cold and shaky in the winter snow, Grayson slipped his hand in, his fingers intertwining with hers like branches who seek comfort and love in one another do.
Y/N looked up, startled, but not scared. She didn't move and she didn't push him away. Instead of running, she gave his big, warm hand a gentle squeeze to reassure him, smiling shyly as he spoke.
"I like how your hand fits in mine." That was the first time he ever held her hand...the first memory he cherished of them - just walking around the city, hand in hand.
But today, Grayson had a different hand to hold, much smaller of course. The hand is as small as his finger, wrapping around it meekly but with wonder.
He stared at the newborn he and Y/N made with such glee, tears clouding his vision and face aching from the wide smile he wouldn't drop for hours to come.
When Y/N turned to her side, just enough to see where her baby and husband are, she found him whispering to their infant daughter the same thing he told her:
"I like how your hand fits in mine...well my finger, but it will grow. Daddy will make sure you grow big and strong."
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grayzone · 2 years
Eid Mubarak peeps! hope you all have a blessed one đŸ€đŸ€
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grayzone · 2 years
al aqsa mosque this morning, one of the holiest sites of islam, and during the holiest month
western news sources are calling what took place here “clashes”
tell me - do you see a clash of equal forces? or do you see israeli soldiers pushing elderly grandparents down stairs, beating women unprovoked, firing live ammunition and grenades inside a place of worship, and worshippers ducking for cover as soldiers indiscriminately fire at them?
may the occupation and it’s lies and evils come to an end.
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grayzone · 2 years
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grayzone · 2 years
the feminine urge to cry on your birthday
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grayzone · 2 years
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Thank you so much 😊
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grayzone · 2 years
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grayzone · 2 years
hey girl where you been?
here and there
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grayzone · 3 years
heyy you’ve been inactive this whole week is you good?!
hey! yh, i’m good 🙂
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grayzone · 3 years
Personality:I DON’T GIVE A FUCK
Anxiety: I do
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grayzone · 3 years
you're at the right place right time💐
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grayzone · 3 years
Hey everyone.
So, I might lose followers for this because I'm a writing blog and I don't get personal, but I am going to.
Now I want to make it clear I know it's none of my followers because you're all wonderful caring people 💕 but I want to just vent here because something very real is going on.
What's happening in Ukraine is not a joke.
I've seen so many tiktoks yesterday and today making a joke about it. War is not a joke. Real people are dying. Real people are losing family members. Real people are in pain.
My country is part of Europe and is getting involved, other countries in Europe are and NATO. This is very real and not a joke!
Stop calling Putin daddy.
Stop using AOT eren as Putin or Boris J for the rumbling.
Stop saying it's fake.
Stop doing skits.
Stop asking to turn people's screams and the bobs into ringtones.
Just stop.
People are losing their lives and that is not a chance for you to get on trending! People dying is not a joke. Your jokes are stopping people from seeing the real news, you're stopping people from seeing what's happening, you're stopping those suffering in Ukraine from showing videos of what is happening, you're stopping the vids showing of brave protestors in Russia. Your trending and jokes over shadow the real important things going on.
Instead of making a joke, reach out to your government and push them to put extreme sanctions on. Boost any Ukraine persons posts!
War is not a joke.
**Also, don't attack Russian people verbally about this. This war was not their choice. Their leader wanted this, not them.
Sorry for my rant everyone. As I said, I know it's no one here, but I had to say it. If you see anyone making a joke on this matter educate them on how real it is. Report videos that turn it into a joke. I love you all and to my followers in Europe, please stay safe ❀
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grayzone · 3 years
In The Dark - E.D
Summary: Y/n has fallen out of love with Ethan after spending all their years together.
A/N: listen to love you in the dark by Adele if you’d like and if you want the full affect and lots of crying.
Warnings: smut, angst.
Word count: 1.3k
She knows. She’s known for months.
And now, packing up the last of her things she’s decided that are her absolutely necessities, she’s positive that there is no going back.
She can’t face him. Not like this. She is to fragile. And that would give him even more of an advantage of keeping her here.
She can’t stay. It’s too much. He has already talked her into it before.
Her train leaves at four am. The absolute earliest time that was available. So she took it.
Y/n never thought she’d be leaving him again. She had everything. A roof over her head, food on the table, a husband and a beautiful three year old.
She did have everything, besides herself.
She needed to find that again. She needed to understand why she fell out of love with the most perfect man made for her.
She knew that leaving would risk breaking everything she had and she would never get any of that back, but also the rare possibility that he will wait. And their daughter won’t blossom until she returns.
If, she returns.
Y/n zipped her dark duffle bag closed, glancing over at her world at rest.
Ethan, with his dark hair a frantic but beautiful mess and his plump light pink lips that she could never resist kissing since they were young, slept at ease, not knowing what was coming.
But he did. He woke to the feeling of her body warmth move off the bed and towards their closet.
He knew months ago when Y/n started loosing her flare.
She was the light of his life, and he knew exactly when she was burning out. He knew, but didn’t want to take the chance of bringing it up because he knew that would lead to a heated argument, and she would leave too soon.
This was too soon.
She grabbed tightly on the bag, lifting it gently over her shoulder and quietly sniffing up her tears not to wake her resting prince.
Her sniffles broke him more. Another stab to his heart.
Ethan was never one with words, always stuttering to try and find the right ones when trying to talk to someone he cared about.
He was surprised he got her to stay the first time.
One step after another, and she was almost out their bedroom door.
Until— Ethan let out a cry for help.
“Please. Don’t.” He whispered, watching her dark ghostly figure stand still in the frame of the door.
Tears erupted from the bottom of her eyes, only able to keep facing away from him, trying to keep herself together.
“I’ll do anything. Just, please. Don’t do this.” He was crying himself, scared to watch the love of his fucking life walk out the door and just maybe return.
She finally faced him, only to tell him this: “Tell her I love her.” Her heart shattered looking at him in the state he was in.
His hair was a raging mess, his beard all over the place, and tears running down his cheeks because this, this was their last goodbye.
“Y/n—” He stood, too quickly for her to make a move down the hall and out their front door towards the train station.
He hovered over her from a few feet away, watching the glossiness in her eyes form before she just stared at the floor.
“If you love me you’ll stay.” He was desperate. He didn’t want to raise their daughter on his own. The person the two of them created together.
“But I don’t.” She croaked.
She didn’t love him. She didn’t love herself. She couldn’t.
It was known to be unable to love someone else until you love yourself first, and she believed that over the raging pit in her stomach that wanted her to stay.
She was giving herself an ultimatum. Stay and be heartless, or leave and fall in love with someone else.
He got close enough to cup her cheek, wiping the stream off her skin as gently as he possibly could.
“Don’t leave me, please.” His lips hovered over hers, ever so slightly grazing together before she gave in and let him give her one last kiss.
It was long, and filled with tears and memories flooding back for the both of them.
Their first date, marriage, pregnancy news, New Years. All of it. All the memories now haunting them up to this moment.
“Stay. Please just stay.” She could tell how desperate he was with his tone of voice. But she couldn’t give in. She refused.
“Ethan, I can’t.”
“You can, you just have to be willing.”
Their eyes met, catching the green specks glow around the honey color.
“I don’t just want to survive, I wanna live Ethan.”
Ethan shook his head at her, now grasping both of her cheeks and pulling her in closer so their bodies were fully touching.
“I love you Y/n.” He told her, kissing her harder, making her stumble back so much she had to grip into his warm, bare back to keep her upright while he did everything in his power to make her stay.
Soon she dropped her bag to the wood floor, and managed to run her hands up his back slowly.
With grace, the kiss broke, the smacking of both of their lips echoed between them.
His eyes wandered down to her waist, slowly undressing her out of her clothes one by one.
He didn’t care, he loved her. And he was going to show her.
“I love you so much.” He repeated, kissing her again with so much passion it was hard for Y/n to comprehend.
Her head was spinning, vision was blurry, and skin hot due to the friction she needed to cause.
He laid her down slowly. Delicately slipping the jean fabric from her legs causing them to be bare and form goosebumps all up them.
“Your the love of my life.” Ethan now said, gripping at her underwear.
Soon they were both stripped, and pulled underneath the covers.
Tears kept flowing between the two of them like no tomorrow, making sure their last time together was the best they have ever had.
Slowly, Ethan slid into her, and rested his head onto her shoulder while continuing.
Their bodies were colliding. They were crying. The both of them knew this was their ending to a beautiful story.
Sniffles continued while she gripped at his back, leaving love marks for him to look at in the late morning when he woke up with her gone.
He continued, grinding his hips into her and kissing her slowly in between before he kept going, making her have just so much more regret.
He needed this to be memorable. He wanted to give her something that kept her close enough to where if she wanted to come back, she easily could.
Her soft moans radiated inside him and he wanted it to last for forever.
Ethan flipped to his back, now causing Y/n to ride him slowly.
Nothing but ‘I love you’s were said, mostly by Ethan of course; but Y/n let it slip out a few times while feeling him all the way inside her.
He gripped her hips to keep her steady and make sure that she knew what was coming.
Ethan then came, watching Y/n relax her tear stained face.
And soon after, so did Y/n. And then it was over.
The ending of their beautiful, confusing story had come to a close, stopping at a place where it felt right between the both of them.
Until they want to read it again.
I’m sorry if this was poorly written, I didn’t spend much time on it and the vocab isn’t strong. Hope you enjoy.
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grayzone · 3 years
grayson cuddled/slept in the same bed with y/n ONCE and now he can’t sleep without her
Blurb Alert! - Grayson Dolan
; i want a big bear grayson to cuddle with at night !
Sleep’s Needs :
It took one time.
He awoke one bright morning, his leg protectively thrown over Y/N’s thighs and her head nestled against his bare chest. Her fragrance smothered him like a heavenly fog, and he couldn’t get enough of it.
It was an accident, that they had fallen asleep. The night before, Grayson tempted Y/N to a movie, and gave her no choice but to cuddle up next to his warmth under the fluffy duvet of his bed.
After plenty of snacks and at least three random movies, the couple had fallen asleep to the sound of each other’s voices. There’s always something about talking in the earliest hours of the morning, the depth of the conversation seemed more crucial than any other regular gossip during the daytime.
Grayson’s heart felt full and plump, unlike any other morning. He didn’t have to long for Y/N, or anticipate seeing her the rest of the day— she was there, in his arms unintentionally. And he never wanted to leave her embrace again.
He laid there, unmoving until her own eyes had fluttered open and she was met with his divine features. They didn’t say a word, just a knowing smile shared between each other and Grayson squeezed her closer to him.
The next night, Grayson felt so cold and alone, he tossed and turned the entire night, scrounging a couple hours out of the morning to label sleep.
But it didn’t feel right, not at all.
He wanted her skin on his, their legs entangled, his hands free to roam her back with the silly little patterns he’d make, and her kissable forehead beneath his chin.
Grayson’s a needy man, and never one to be shunned of his demands.
He called her every night for two weeks straight, asking her to accompany him to his slumber, and she had caved each night. Two weeks turned into four, then it became months of rarely sleeping apart, and Grayson couldn’t be happier.
His everything was folded in his arms.
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grayzone · 3 years
One Year - Chapter Eleven
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Book Two to One Night.
Grayson returns home after a little over a year of traveling. But when he comes home, he finds that things aren’t how they used to be. He comes home with a determination to get the girl that he loves back. But fate seems to have other plans for the couple.
New Jersey AU ~ Older OFC + Grayson Dolan
Book Two Masterlist
words: 2.0K+
warnings: 18+
Five weeks.
It’s been five weeks since Alex and Grayson have gotten back together.
And true to his word, Grayson was making sure that the two of them were taking things slow. Much to Alex’s anger and attempts to move things further. But each and every time he’d stop them both.
Keep reading
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grayzone · 3 years
can you do a blurb where grayson realizes how in love he is with y/n!
Blurb Alert! - Grayson Dolan
; i forgot about this, oops. and it’s super short
Blink Love:
“Give me 10 more minutes and I’ll be ready!” Y/N shouted, though Grayson hardly stood 5 foot away, eyeing her through the mirror. Y/N was too busy applying a vibrant lipstick shade to her lips to notice Grayson leaned against the bathroom doorway, his arms crossed and a knowing smile tampering his own lips.
Both of them were dressed up for the evening, in attendance for a private dinner later in the night. Grayson wore a dress shirt and nice pants, while Y/N wore a simple, flowy pink dress that stopped right before her knees. It looked nice on her, Grayson would admit.
All sorts of things looked nice on her.
The two had known each other for almost two years, barely acquaintances in that time span. But things had changed, and they agreed to go on a first date, five months ago. Now, Grayson couldn’t look at life the same.
Grayson’s the kind of man that falls in love, hard and fast. He can’t suppress the inexplicable feelings that come over him, and his emotions reach too far ahead and boom; he’s head over heels for a girl he truly doesn’t know. Ultimately, it ends in a sorrowful Grayson whose hopes and dreams of a family are pushed over to the side once again.
But Y/N was different from the rest, he just knew it.
Grayson had promised himself to guard his feelings, at least until he really knew that she wasn’t going to take another piece of his heart away. He set his own rules, restraining his affections and protecting himself at all costs. But there was no protecting needed, because she filled all the blank spaces.
Her laugh, her smile, her beautiful eyes, the rose tint on her cheeks, the talking for hours, dancing in the kitchen, blasting music in the car, arguing on who walks the dog, anything and everything, she made it seem better than ever before.
So as she leant towards the mirror, putting a pair of delicate earrings in, he blurted his thoughts;
“I love you.”
And she stopped, shifting her eyes to the vulnerable man’s gaze. She took a moment, searching his eyes, his lips, his nose even. Until she turned to truly face him, and she smiled a similar one to his.
“I love you too, Grayson.”
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grayzone · 3 years
You need to know this - Russia is targeting civilian's homes, nurseries, hospitals, and recently shot at a kindergarten.
Russia's saying in the media that they're targeting only military facilities, which is an awful lie.
Stand with Ukraine.
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