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SlendeFruit-7 is a weight loss supplement produced in the US by the Florida-based company Nexgen BioLabs Inc. The company’s marketing strategy is designed to capitalize on the reputation of the “super fruit” ingredients used in the blend, and they state their “revolutionary technology” has enabled them to produce the most powerful diet and weight loss product in the world. No evidence is provided to support this lofty claim.
Super fruits are known to be highly nutritious and many of them have become very popular ingredients thanks to endorsements by the US TV show host Dr. Oz, but super fruit ingredients in no way guarantee super weight loss results so let’s forget the hype for now and take a closer look at the product itself.
Potential Benefits
The manufacturers claim results should be apparent within a few weeks. The main promised benefits are:
Extreme fat loss
24 hour appetite suppression
Fat burning on stubborn problem areas
Lower cholesterol levels
Reduced body mass index
Some of the ingredients could help produce such results, but only if they are included in sufficient quantity.
What is SlenderFruit-7 and How Does it Work?
SlenderFruit-7 weight loss capsules are designed to work as a combined appetite suppressant and fat burner. Capsules are always a popular choice with dieters because they are quick and easy to use, so if the product really can help the user to consume less calories and burn more body fat they could prove to be a popular supplement.
Key ingredients – Whats In It
The manufacturers fail to supply any inclusion rates, but SlenderFruit-7 contains:
Garcinia Cambogia:  A potent source of hydroxycitric acid. Evidence suggests this compound can boost the metabolism and assist fat burning, but many experts agree that a sufficient minimum is required.
Green Tea Extract (50% ECGC): Although it could hardly be classed as a fruit, green tea is high in antioxidants and is a healthy addition to the mix, but its reputed fat burning powers are far from proven.
Green coffee bean Extract (50% chlorogenic acid): Green coffee beans are a rich source of chlorogenic acid—a tested and proven fat burner. The extract is probably one of the best weight loss ingredients available, but the lack of inclusion rates makes it impossible to ascertain if the SlenderFruit-7 blend contains enough to be of benefit.
Raspberry Ketones (98%): Initial interest in the fat burning potential of raspberry ketones was inspired by tests conducted in 1995. The results were promising and the ingredient was recently endorsement by Dr. Oz, raspberry ketones are expensive so so some formulations use cheaper synthetic versions that can be lacking in power. The manufacturers fail to state which type they are using.
Acai Berry Extract 50.1:  Acai Berries are high in antioxidants and very nutritious, but any reputed weight loss benefits have never been successfully proven.
African Mango Extract 10.1:  Sourced from the seeds of a plant native to Africa. Some studies have produced promising results, but many experts agree further study is required.
Lychee Fruit Extract 20.1:  Obtained from an Asian fruit. Lychee is a common ingredient in many traditional Chinese recipes. The medicinal benefits of lychee are currently under investigation, and some tests show it may be useful for treating the symptoms of influenza, but lychee is not usually associated with weight loss.
Source: blog-dimagrante.it
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Czy interesujesz się ekologią? Dbasz o swój organizm i środowisko? Zamiast marnować pieniądze na jednorazowe plastikowe butelki na wodę, możesz kupić wytrzymałą szklaną butelkę, która jest lepsza dla twojego zdrowia i ziemi. Szklana butelka na wodę to po prostu butelka ze szkła. Szklane butelki po wodzie nie będą ługować żadnych szkodliwych chemikaliów w twoim napoju, ani pozostawiać żadnych dziwnych zapachów lub smaków, jak niektóre inne rodzaje butelek wielokrotnego użytku. Pozostawi twoją wodę świeżym, chrupiącym, czystym smakiem; tak jak powinna być woda. Dzięki rozlewaniu własnych napojów możesz pomóc wyeliminować odpady i zaoszczędzić pieniądze.
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