greeneyedarchangel · 6 years
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greeneyedarchangel · 6 years
Missy was restless. Absolutely restless. And being a restless Missy usually lead to trouble, which she really was trying to avoid these days. Fortunately, she actually had a reason for being somewhat restless and anxious, and she had to share this with Zuriel, because it was something very important that involved her lover as well.
“Zuriel, my dear, now where have y’popped off to?” She asked aloud, mostly to herself, as she strode through the corridors of her TARDIS. Would she find him in the garden, or the kitchen? Perhaps the library.
“Zuriel, darling, where are ye?” She her voice was sing-song as she spoke a bit louder, popping her head into the kitchen and not finding him there. “Now how am I s’pposed to keep myself out o’ trouble, if I can’t find ye to tell ye about said trouble, so y’can talk me out of it?”
“Now, whatever made you think I’d talk you out of trouble?” rumbled from behind the dark-haired Time Lady. In the TARDIS corridor stood a sandy-haired man with very familiar pale green eyes, an apple in one hand and a bouquet of star laces from Davo. They were even glowing still as he placed them in Missy’s arms and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Sometimes I like your trouble. Sometimes.” He offered the apple with a quirked brow. “Apple? We have to keep Theta away, after all. Especially if you’re planning some sort of trouble.”
But despite the teasing, there was something about Zuriel (beyond Koschei’s unique perspective on his mind) that implied he knew something was amiss. Maybe it was the way cool eyes roved over her face. Or how he didn’t back away just yet. “Now: what’s the trouble, darling?”
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greeneyedarchangel · 6 years
Reblog if your muse is older than 100 years old!
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greeneyedarchangel · 6 years
“Thank you for calling Swiftline Tech Support. My name is Cecilia, how may I help you?” Cecilia asked, then began listening patiently as she was told, for about the fiftieth time that day, that something was interfering with a customer’s computer software. And she suspected that just like the other fifty times this had happened, she would remote in and find absolutely nothing wrong.
And sure enough, she was right. It had happened so often that day, she had to ask a coworker at the call center if they had gotten the same kind of calls. Except, no one had. Not a single other person had. That was… pretty odd, since those were the only calls she was receiving. She started to wonder if someone had been playing a prank on her, some elaborate prank the office had set up for the new girl. She hoped that was the case, she hoped she wasn’t just missing a major issue, and she couldn’t help the nagging feeling that something was way wrong about this.
But she continued on, until the last hour of her shift, answering a few dozen more calls, all the same, all asking for help and none of them needing it.
“Thank you for calling Swiftline Tech Support. My name is Cecilia, how may I help you?” At this point, her voice was monotone, not the cheery demeanor she typically put on, and she anticipated yet one more complaint she couldn’t fix. Only this time, there was silence. “Hello? Hello? May I help you?” Nothing. Shrugging, she guessed the customer got cut off, and hung up, waiting for another call. Another call came, and again she was met with nothing but silence on the other end. Another, silence. Another, silence. 15 minutes till the end of her shift. Another, silence.
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“Okay… could this day get any weirder?” She mumbled to herself before receiving one more call, right before her shift was about to end.
“Thank you for calling Swiftline Tech Support. My name is Cecilia, how may I help you?”
“Busy day, I take it.” Unlike the majority of calls coming into this West Virginia call centre, the somewhat gravelly voice, almost bored, had more clipped consonants, quicker flow to it. “Seems like something’s flamingoed up. Tell me, Cecelia: how many of your calls in the last hour actually led anywhere?"
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greeneyedarchangel · 6 years
Please help me prove a point. Reblog this if you love Christopher Eccleston's Doctor.
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greeneyedarchangel · 6 years
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greeneyedarchangel · 6 years
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:Agender Gallifreyans; Moodboard:
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greeneyedarchangel · 7 years
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benbarnes Some of the most fun costume fittings it’s possible to have with @lolo_costumes #gadgets #thepunisher #netflix #assassinscreed #oknotassassinscreedbutyouknowwhatimean!
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greeneyedarchangel · 7 years
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Rylan melted by Zack’s touch. It wasn’t uncommon that his lover could calm the blond down and made him feel better. “Oh, yeah? Then I can’t wait for when we get back then.” He smiled at him. “You could never embarrass me, babe.” He couldn’t help but lean in and capture Zack’s lips once more. 
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“You’re almost ridiculously sweet, you know. Still: I need to put in the effort.” Zack paused, still close enough his lips could brush against Rylan’s when they talked. “Your parents know I’m ridiculously in love with you...right? Or is that a complete surprise and I should just act like a work friend?”
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greeneyedarchangel · 7 years
Patrick smiled as he listened to the other. “Not petty at all. They’ll try and flaunt their money.” He kissed the man’s cheek once more. “I’m sure you’ll either charm their pants off or piss them off. Both I’m fine with.” He just cared that Zack was his own. 
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“Either way...” Zack affectionately stroked Rylan’s back. “...I’m going to take advantage of the food, then help you relax once we get back to the hotel.” Honestly: this would probably be more strenuous on Ry than on Zack. The actor wasn’t related to the Brooks, just dating one. “I guess I should actually make an effort to look nice so I don’t embarrass you...”
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greeneyedarchangel · 7 years
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Chris Evans on the set of “Gifted” on October 30th in Atlanta, Ga.
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greeneyedarchangel · 8 years
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greeneyedarchangel · 8 years
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greeneyedarchangel · 8 years
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greeneyedarchangel · 8 years
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greeneyedarchangel · 8 years
@bxnsociety | p: Rylan | v: I’m surrounded by colonists (acting in America)
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“Sleep well, Ry?”
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greeneyedarchangel · 8 years
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I found myself playing more and more Americans — I don’t think I’ve played a Brit in years, I’ve kind of been just playing Americans. I’ve always loved doing accents and things. My first film ever was playing a Russian and I haven’t really looked back, in terms of accents.
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