greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Mangos are one of the most popular and nutritionally rich fruits in the world and are often referred to as “The King of the Fruits”. Mangos are an amazing source of vitamins A, C, E, and B-complex as well as health promoting flavonoids such as beta-carotene and alpha-carotene. Mangos are a powerful anti-cancer food and are specifically known to help prevent lung, breast, colon, prostate, blood, and oral cancers. They are also highly beneficial in the prevention of strokes, heart disease, arthritis, cognitive disorders, respiratory diseases, and kidney disease. Mangos can help to alkalinize the whole body by helping to flush out toxic acids and rebuild the alkali reserves in the body. Mangos are packed with enzymes and are a prebiotic food, meaning they contain compounds that stimulate and feed the good bacteria in the intestines which greatly aids in digestion and assimilation. Mangoes contain a significant amount of pyridoxine (B-6) which is vital for the synthesis of serotonin and dopamine in the brain. Pyridoxine is also essential in maintaining hormonal balance and proper immune function as well as for helping the body break down sugars, fats and proteins. Mangos are thought to help prevent insomnia and provide for a better nights sleep. In some countries mangos are eaten right before bed as a natural sleep aid. Mangos are known to help lower LDL (bad) cholesterol due to its significant fiber, pectin, and vitamin C content. Mangos are also excellent for promoting good eyesight and helping to prevent night blindness and dry eyes. They are also wonderful for skin health and can be used both internally and externally to help clear clogged pores, eliminate pimples, and add a natural glow to the skin. Mangos are one of the worlds most versatile fruits and can be used in both sweet and savory recipes. Consider using mango in your smoothie, salads, salsa, avocado, and vegetable dishes. Spices also pair well with mango and try experimenting with cinnamon, curry, cloves, and chili pepper to boost the flavor and nutrition of your meals. Start or end your day with a simple but delicious mango pudding. Blend 2-4 ripe mangos (peel and pit removed) in a blender or food processor until creamy and smooth. Pour into a bowl and top with fresh berries. There are several varieties available in supermarkets throughout the year including Tommy Atkins, Kent, Yellow, Ataulfo, Keitt, and Champagne. Some are sweet and creamy while others are juicy and bright. Experiment with finding new ways to add mangos into your diet. Your body will love you for it.
Source: Medical Medium
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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September 2014 New Organic Products http://www.greenlaneblog.com/september-2014-new-organic-products/
September 2014 New Organic Products
Green Lane Farm’s NEW ORGANIC PRODUCTS for the Month of September
Featuring Brands of Bambu, Abeego, CoffeeSock, Juniper, Swell and etc. To see more SHOP NOW at www.GreenLanefarm.ca >> NEW ORGANIC PRODUCTS
Happy Shopping! 
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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This is Conroy. He is our new polled bull calf and he will grow up to be our herd sire. For those that are curious “polled” means he will not grow any horns and we are hoping he will pass those genetics along to his future offspring. 
Conroy will be arriving at our farm at the end of September and we can’t wait to meet him in person ;).
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Adelphie Natural Skin Care
Adelphie Natural Skin Care
Adelphie Natural Skin Care products contain no harsh chemicals or irritating fragrances. Our products are deserving of and affordable to everyone, young and old. The ingredients are vegetable based and purchased from ethically reputable Canadian suppliers. All products, including the handmade soaps are made by myself, here in Newmarket, Ontario.
Natural Skin Care for the Face – Cleansers, Toners, Moisturizers, Serum, Exfoliation, MasksBody – Butters and LotionsBaby – Baby Bottom Cream with ZincMany Hand Made Cold Pressed Soaps100% Natural Mineral Make-Up
You can view our products here: Adelphie Natural Skin Care
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BLUSH $22.00
BLUSH $22.00
 >>Shop Now!
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Let’s understand #ALSBucketChallenge and why it’s viral on social media? What is ALS?
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. ALS leads to paralysis, vital organ failure and eventually, death.
According to Time.com
The organization raised $64 million in all of 2013 
by Justin Worland
The Ice Bucket Challenge is the gift that keeps on giving for the ALS Association. The organization raised more than $10 million on Thursday alone, it said, bringing its total haul since July 29 to $53 million. For comparison’s sake, the group raised $2.2 million during the same period last year.
The contributions, which have come from more than 1 million new donors as well as some old donors, are an enormous boon for the ALS Association, whose national office raised only $19 million in all of 2012.
Since the Ice Bucket Challenge went viral in early August, social media outlets have been crowded with videos of people dumping ice on their heads after delivering a short message explaining their support for research and treatment of Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Public figures who have taken the challenge include politicians like George W. Bush and movie stars like Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck.
The ALS Association is not the only organization to benefit from the viral trend. Opposition to embryonic stem cell research from some Catholics has led to an influx in donations to other charities that support ALS research without using embryonic stem cells. Project ALS, a smaller charity dedicated to ALS research, raised huge sums after Ricky Gervais and Ben Stiller took the Ice Bucket Challenge in its support
The Ice Bucket Challenge has created awareness and has brought millions of dollars to fund efforts to eradicate ALS.
Source: Time.com, Youtube.com
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Cherries are a medicinal powerhouse fruit that are packed with vitamins A, C, E, and minerals such as iron, copper, zinc, potassium, and manganese. The high levels of anthocyanins and antioxidants found in cherries make them an excellent food to help the body fight against neurological diseases, diabetes, and breast, lung, colon, and stomach cancers. Cherries also contain potent anti-inflammatory properties and are particularly beneficial for those suffering with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, lyme’s disease, frozen shoulder, arthritis, gout, chronic fatigue syndrome, lupus, and sports injuries. Cherries are a well known “brain food” and can help to strengthen cognitive function by helping to improve memory, focus, and concentration and help to reduce brain fog. They are also a fantastic food for cardiovascular health and can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and heart attacks. Cherries are an excellent source of melatonin which is known to calm the nervous system, decrease irritability, relieve neurosis, ease headache conditions and promote a solid nights sleep with a balanced sleep-wake cycle. This soothing effect on the brain neurons makes it an essential food for those who suffer from insomnia or for those who have high anxiety and stress in their lives. Cherries are rich in fiber and are a great natural remedy for constipation. When in season fresh cherries are a quick sweet snack that can easily be eaten while on the go. Frozen cherries are also a great alternative that can be added to smoothies for a nutritional boost. Frozen bananas and frozen cherries can be blended together in a food processor for a delicious dairy-free & fat-free ice cream that kids and adults both love. Pure cherry juice is also another alternative when fresh is unavailable and can be found online or at your local heath food store.
Source: Medical Medium
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Benefits of Apples
Apples are a crunchy, sweet, and satisfying snack that have immune boosting and disease preventing properties. They are a highly alkaline fruit that have the ability to quench both an immediate and cellular-level thirst. Apples are also an amazing detoxifier and contain both malic and tartaric acids that help remove impurities from the liver and gallbladder. Eating two apples or more a day can aid in the prevention of colon, liver, breast, prostate, and lung cancer and can also dramatically decrease the risk of a stroke. Apples are especially rich in phytonutrients and antioxidants. They have been shown to be beneficial for neuro-degenerative problems such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease as well as for bronchial problems such as asthma. Apples have wonderful anti-inflammatory properties and provide significant results for those suffering with autoimmune disorders such as Addison’s disease, Cardiomyopathy, Celiac disease, Lupus, and Multiple Sclerosis. Apples contain pectin which is a gel-like fiber that can prevent the putrefaction of protein in the digestive tract. Pectin works like an intestinal broom to clean and sweep out debris from the colon. This is particularly beneficial for those who suffer from constipation or impactions. Apple pectin has also been shown to bind with radioactive residues and toxic heavy metals such as lead and mercury and safely remove them from the body. One more benefit of apple pectin is that it has the ability to limit the amount of fat our adipose cells can absorb by building a barrier that naturally controls the buildup of fat in the body which makes it a great choice for any weight loss program. Try making a super quick and easy nutritious applesauce by blending 2 raw apples with 3 dates and a pinch of cinnamon in the food processor. It is a vibrant, healthy treat that both kids and adults will love.
(Reference Source: Medical Medium)
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Spring Calf
Here’s a picture of my sister’s calf, born last week to her Dexter mom, who was bred to a lowline Hereford bull.
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Roundup Chemical Doubles Your Risk of Lymphoma
A major new review finds this “safe” weed killer is anything but harmless.
Rodale News by Leah Zerbe
There’s been a striking increase in the number of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases over the past three decades, and a major new scientific review suggests chemical pesticides—particularly glyphosate, the active ingredient in the popular weedkiller Roundup—are playing an important role in fueling the cancer.
The Roundup-Lymphoma Connection The review, recently published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, examined 44 papers to see how 80 active ingredients in 21 different chemical classes impacted farmers’ risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
The International Agency for Research on Cancer researchers found that exposure to glyphosate doubled a person’s risk of developing non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. That’s problematic, since the chemical is now so heavily used it’s winding up in the rain! The reason for the surge in glyphosate use can be attributed to the rise of genetically engineered crops. Monsanto, the manufacturer of Roundup, developed genetically engineered seeds that were designed to withstand heavy Roundup sprayings. In the last 20 years, the use of these seeds has skyrocketed.
Despite being hailed by industry as a way to reduce chemical use in farming, Professor Chuck Benbrook, PhD, a research professor at Washington State University, recently found that between 1996 and 2011, GMO technology actually increased herbicide use by 527 million pounds—that’s an 11 percent bump. For 1 pound of insecticide avoided, four pounds of herbicides are used. Since weeds are developing resistance to glyphosate because it’s being overused, farmers are applying higher levels of glyphosate more frequently. In fact, Norwegian scientists recently detected extreme levels of Roundup in a popular U.S. food ingredient.
Roundup and its active ingredient glyphosate have been linked to: • death of human embryonic cells • breast cancer and other cancers • infertility • hormone disruption • birth defects • eye, skin, and respiratory irritation • spontaneous abortions in farm animals.
“Data has been emerging that point to various health and environmental consequences resulting from glyphosate and Roundup use. These include an increased risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, genetic damage, neurological impacts, as well as water contamination, impacts on amphibians and immune function, and increasing weed resistance,” explains Warren Porter, PhD, professor of environmental toxicology and former chair of zoology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.
The chemical is so widely used—farmers sprayed approximately 57 million pounds in 2010 alone—that glyphosate is routinely detected in human and even cow urine. Scientists have shown that incredibly tiny doses can trigger health problems, including potentially irreversible biological changes.
“A compound that supposedly degrades rapidly due to sunlight has been measured by the United States Geological Survey in the atmosphere and water—in abundance—all over the Midwest over multiple years,” Porter adds. “This compound can affect the rate of conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which implies effects on sexual development and sexual preferences.”
Aside from the Roundup-non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma connection, researchers also found 2,4-D exposure in farming led to a 40 percent higher increase in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma risk. That’s worth noting, too, since the federal government is considering the approval of GMO seeds designed to withstand both 2,4-D and glyphosate.
More From Rodale News: The Biggest GMO Myths, Busted
Scientists believe many of these farming chemicals—substances commonly detected on and in the nonorganic foods we eat—are negatively impacting white blood cells, throwing our immune systems out of whack.
To avoid Roundup in your food: • Eat organic whenever possible. GMO seeds designed to be sprayed with glyphosate; these GMO seeds are banned in organic agriculture.
• Avoid nonorganic processed foods as much as possible.
• If you do opt for nonorganic processed foods, look for “Non-GMO Verified” options, or foods without corn, soy, canola, or cotton oil ingredients. (Note: These foods could still contain other harmful systemic pesticides.)
To avoid Roundup around your home: • Use safer weed-killing products, like Burnout.
• Raise your lawnmower deck to at least 3 inches, which is usually as high as most residential lawnmowers go. This height will eliminate a lot of broadleaf weeds. Mowing your grass too low could turn your green grass brownish, and eliminate taller grass’s weed-suppressing shade.
• Use these other organic lawn care tricks.
To avoid Roundup in your water: • If you have well water, find a certified water-testing source to determine contaminants, including pesticides, in your water supply.
• If you are hooked up to a public water system, look at your water bill and contact your water utility to ask to see the most recent “consumer confidence report” or water quality report so you can identify contaminants in your area. If you use a well, you can request a report from a nearby utility to gauge potential local contaminants, including chemical pesticides.
• To remove levels of glyphosate from your water, the Environmental Protection Agency recommends using granular activated-carbon filters.
More Food Chemicals Linked to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Carbamate insecticides. Found in bug sprays or baits, including Sevin products sold in many home-improvement stores, to kill cockroaches, ants, fleas, crickets, aphids, and other bugs found in the home and garden. In federal pesticide-residue tests, this type of chemical most commonly turned up on nonorganic frozen strawberries, hot and sweet bell peppers, and peaches.
Organophosphate insecticides. Highly toxic to birds, bees, and humans, organophosphate pesticides are also linked to the most common form of childhood cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Foods more commonly containing organophosphate insecticide residues include nonorganic strawberries, celery, and corn.
Lindane. A common ingredient in lice and scabies treatments, this possible carcinogen has recently been banned for agricultural use globally.
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Honeydew Melon
Honeydew melon is a hydrating fruit that has wonderful nutritional and healing benefits. Honeydew is high in vitamins C and B-complex and minerals such as copper and silicon. It also contains a highly mineralized distilled water that has the ability to deeply hydrate, rejuvenate, purify, and alkalinize the entire body. Honeydew is an excellent food to help boost the immune system and help to protect against colds and flu during the winter months. It is also known to help lower blood pressure, strengthen memory and cognitive abilities, aid in weight loss, provide quick repair for muscles and tissues, increase flexibility, reduce risk of heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease, and prevent age-related macular eye degeneration. Honeydew is a perfect food for humans in that it requires no digestion in the stomach and passes quickly through the stomach and into the small intestines for digestion and assimilation. This however can only happen if the melon is eaten on an empty stomach which it is why it is highly recommended that melons are eaten alone for breakfast for the ultimate benefits. Ripe honeydew can be scooped into a blender and blended on high for a minute for a delicious and hydrating drink. This drink can also be placed in popsicle holders and frozen for a kid friendly treat. Ripe honeydews often emit a sweet floral perfume and yield gently to pressure. The rind of a perfectly ripe honeydew will also start to change in color to a light yellow. This ensures maximum sweetness, flavor, and nutritional benefits.
Source: Medical Medium
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Asparagus is a fantastic healing vegetable that is high in essential minerals such as selenium, zinc, and manganese which are vital for a strong and healthy immune system. It is also high in vitamins A, K, and B-complex including folate which is a building block for a healthy cardiovascular system and for woman who are trying to conceive. Asparagus contains aspartic acid which is an amino acid that neutralizes excess amounts of ammonia in the body that is often the cause of exhaustion, headaches, and poor digestion. Asparagus contains significant amounts of healthy fiber and protein which helps to maintain blood sugar levels, prevent constipation, stabilize digestion, and stop the urge to overeat. It also contains a compound called asparagine which is a natural diuretic that breaks up oxalic and uric acid crystals stored in muscles and in the kidneys and eliminates them through the urine. This natural diuretic is helpful in reducing water retention, bloating, and swelling in the body. Asparagus is also high in glutathione which is an antioxidant powerhouse and particularly beneficial for those suffering with autoimmune conditions, liver disease, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Asparagus is known to help strengthen the liver, kidneys, skin, ligaments, and bones and it’s chlorophyll content makes it a great blood builder. Asparagus also contains inulin which encourages good bacteria in the gut that boosts nutrient absorption and helps to keep the immune system functioning properly. Asparagus is a nutrient-packed, delicious vegetable that can be eaten raw or steamed and added to soup, salads, stews, rice, and/or veggie dishes.
Source: Medical Medium
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Home Cheese Making: Recipes for 75 Delicious Cheeses By Ricki Carroll
Home Cheese Making: Recipes for 75 Delicious Cheeses
Product Description
The classic home cheese making primer has been updated and revised to reflect the increased interest in artisanal-quality cheeses and the availability of cheese making supplies and equipment.
Here are 85 recipes for cheeses and other dairy products that require basic cheese making techniques and the freshest of ingredients, offering the satisfaction of turning out a coveted delicacy. Among the step-by-step tested recipes for cheese varieties are farmhouse cheddar, gouda, fromage blanc, queso blanco, marscarpone, ricotta, and 30-minute mozzarella. Recipes for dairy products include crFme frafche, sour cream, yogurt, keifer, buttermilk, and clotted cream. There are also 60 recipes for cooking with cheese, including such treats as Ricotta Pancakes with Banana Pecan Syrup, Cream Cheese Muffins, Broiled Pears and Vermont Shepherd Cheese, Prosciutto and Cheese Calzones, and Grilled Vegetable Stacks with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce. Profiles of home cheese makers and artisan cheese makers scattered throughout the text share the stories of people who love to make and eat good cheese. Plus information on how to enjoy homemade cheeses, how to serve a cheese course at home, cheese tips, lore, quotes, cheese making glossary, and more.
Product Details
Published on: 2002-10-14
Original language: English
Number of items: 1
Dimensions: .72″ h x 7.05″ w x 9.08″ l, 1.20 pounds
Binding: Paperback
224 pages
Editorial Reviews
“[Ricki Carroll] has inspired artisans from Lorie to Las Vagas. She’s the Billy Graham of Cheese.” – Barbara Kingsolver, from Animal, Vegetable, Miracle.
“This book covers everything the novice cheesemaker needs to know about making delicious cheese on the first try” – San Francisco Examiner
“A thorough and practical guide.” – Bon Appetit
“A must-read for anyone interested in cheese making!…offering abled cheese makers knowledge to excel at their craft and novices a world of information…” – Jodi Wische, Old Chatham Sheepherding Co.
About the Author
The co-founder and owner of New England Cheesemaking Supply in Ashfield, Massachusetts, Ricki Carroll learned cheesemaking in England. Her company has been supplying home cheese makers since 1978, with the goal of providing people with all the equipment and information needed to enjoy this most delicious of hobbies. Ricki teaches cheese making workshops around the country for beginners and advanced hobbyists alike, leads cheese making tours to Europe, and is a member of the American Cheese Society. Her book has become a classic reference.
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Kiwi fruit is exceptionally high in vitamin C, in fact it contains even more vitamin C than an orange. It also contains high amounts of vitamins E, A, & K as well as flavonoids, antioxidants, and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and iron. Kiwi is particularly beneficial for the respiratory system and has been shown to help shorten the duration of colds as well as to help prevent asthma, wheezing, and coughing. Kiwi fruit contains anti-inflammatory properties which is good for those who suffer with autoimmune disorders such as Lupus, Fibromyalgia, CFS, and Lyme disease. Kiwi seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for cognitive function and can help prevent the development of ADHD and autism in children. Kiwi contains enzymes similar to those in papaya and pineapple which makes them useful in aiding in digestion and elimination. Kiwi fruit has also been shown to help protect DNA from mutating which is an incredible form of protection against illnesses and diseases such as atherosclerosis, heart disease, osteoarthritis, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer. Kiwi fruit is also known to help remove excess sodium buildup in the body which can help reduce bloating, swelling, and water retention. Kiwi is good for promoting eye health and for preventing age-related macular degeneration. It is also highly beneficial for those who have weak or sensitive immune systems and are useful at keeping ear, nose, and throat infections at bay. Kiwi is also great for diabetics by helping to keep their blood sugar levels under control and for cardiovascular health as it has been shown to help lower triglycerides or blood fat in the body. Kiwi contains certain compounds that act as a blood thinner, similar to the way aspirin works which helps prevent blood clot formation inside the blood vessels and can protect the body from stroke and heart attacks. Green kiwi is the most commonly available variety found in supermarkets, however a delicious variety called Gold Kiwi (which has a golden color flesh) is a much sweeter, creamier, and less acidic variety that should not be missed. Kiwi fruit should be left on the counter to ripen until they yield under gentle pressure, like a ripe mango or avocado. Eat at least 3-4 ripe kiwi fruit a day for ultimate health benefits.
Resource: Medical Medium
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother’s Day to all Mothers!
  A fact: 
Mother’s Day is celebrated to honor all mothers and express gratitude for the hardships they bear in bringing up a child. Most countries including US, Australia, Canada and India celebrate Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May. Mothers Day came into being due to the efforts made by Ms Julia Ward Howe and Ms Anna Jarvis. The Resolution for having a dedicated Mother’s Day was signed by US President Woodrow Wilson on May 8, 1914. Since then people across the world have been celebrating Mothers Day with joy and devotion.
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Figs are a highly prized and nourishing fruit that have been used to treat nearly every known disease since ancient times. They can provide phenomenal amounts of energy and vitality to the body as well as aid in the repair and restoration of the digestive, cardiovascular, lymphatic, reproductive, muscular, immune, and skeletal system. Figs are one of the most alkaline fruits available and are rich in minerals such as calcium, iron, copper, potassium, selenium, and zinc. In fact, figs are one the highest sources of readily assimilable calcium in the plant world which makes them a great choice to help prevent osteoporosis and their potassium content can help to prevent hypertension as well. Figs have the ability to bind to acids in the body that accumulate as fat globules and flush them from the body making them a good addition to any weight loss program. They also work as an excellent laxative and their high mucin content help to eliminate toxic wastes and mucus from the colon. Similarly, they also also very beneficial for people who suffer from asthma as they can help to drain phlegm from the body. Figs have the ability to kill off bad bacteria while promoting the buildup of good bacteria such as acidophilus in the bowel. Figs contain chlorogenic acid which can help lower blood sugar levels and control blood glucose levels in Type 2 Diabetes. There are hundreds varieties of figs, but some of the more common ones found in supermarkets include Black Mission, Kadota, Brown Turkey, and Calimyrna. Fresh figs are a decadent treat when in season, but when fresh figs are not available, try soaking some dried figs in water for a few hours and blend into a sweet and creamy fig pudding or add to a smoothie for a flavor and nutritional boost. Snack on fresh or dried figs for a powerhouse of nutrition and energy that can help your body function optimally all day long.
Source: Medical Medium
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Cilantro is a phenomenal herb that is packed with vitamins A, K, & C, minerals such as iron, calcium, and magnesium, and has more antioxidants than most fruits or vegetables. Cilantro is a remarkable heavy-metal detoxifier and is able to remove mercury and aluminum from where it is stored in the adipose (fat) tissues. Cilantro is also able to mobilize mercury rapidly from the brain and central nervous system by separating it from the fat tissue and moving into the blood & lymph where when combined with a blue green algae such as spirulina it can be removed safely and effectively from the body. Cilantro & blue green algae used together is a winning combination and a natural miracle that has given tremendous relief to those suffering from mercury poisoning & toxicity. Cilantro also contains an anti-bacterial compound called dodecenal which has the ability to kill salmonella bacteria and prevent salmonella poisoning. Cilantro is highly beneficial for Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Viral and Bacterial Infections, Hepatitis, Colitis, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Autism, Tourette Syndrome, Infertility, and Bell’s Palsy. Cilantro is also very helpful with autoimmune disorders such as Fibromyalgia, Addison’s Disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, IBS, Multiple Sclerosis, and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Cilantro is known to support the stomach, spleen, adrenals, thyroid, pancreas, bladder, and lungs. It is also highly beneficial in reducing LDL (bad) cholesterol and raising HDL (good) cholesterol. Cilantro is often juiced with celery and apples for a medicinal and healing drink. Juicing cilantro is one of the most effective ways to get at least one bunch or more of cilantro in you a day. Cilantro can also be added to smoothies, salsas, salads, guacamole, soups, pesto, tomatoes, beans, and veggie dishes. If the green flavor of cilantro does not appeal to you, yet you still want to receive its health benefits, consider using cilantro tincture or extract which can be found online or at your local health food store.
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greenlanefarm · 10 years
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Raspberry leaf herb
Raspberry leaf herb is a rich source of vitamin C, calcium, iron, magnesium, bioflavonoids and antioxidants. Raspberry leaf is excellent for sore throats, canker sores, cold sores, anemia, colds and fevers, diarrhea, leg cramps, menopausal symptoms, adrenal fatigue, stomach ulcers, and as a mouthwash for gingivitis. Topically, It is wonderful for helping to heal skin conditions such as burns, cuts, rashes, eczema, and psoriasis. Raspberry leaf has been used for centuries as a “reproductive tonic” due to its ability to support both women’s and men’s reproductive health. It has been found to provide relief for women experiencing PMS, cramps, and heavy menstrual bleeding due to a compound it contains called ferulic acid. Midwives often recommend pregnant women drink raspberry leaf tea just before and during labor to help induce and regulate timing of contractions and to help speed up delivery. It has also been used to help ease symptoms of morning sickness and nausea. Following birth, raspberry leaf tea is often recommended to help stimulate milk flow for breast feeding. Raspberry leaf tea has a pleasing taste, much like black tea, but without the caffeine. To make the tea, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1-2 teaspoons of dried herb and let steep for 10 minutes or more. Sweeten with raw honey if desired. Raspberry leaf can be found online or at your local health food store in capsule, tincture, extract, and tea form.
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