greenredblack · 3 months
50/367: Vivian Girls - Walking Alone At Night
I like this song.  There are lots of types of loud in music, many of which I don’t like (anymore).  This song is a kind of loud I like.
I need a new laptop, a new phone, a tv, some other stuff, & some more stuff.  so i guess what I’m getting at is can i borrow a few thousand dollars?  This is an open question to anyone in the world.  Except people who’ll hurt me if I don’t pay it back within a certain amount of time.   And people who I’ll feel bad owing money to. 
Eh, on second thought, nevermind.  I’m gonna save up & will probably eventually get a smart phone in 2015 when other people have themselves gotten the brand new operation in which their brain is miniaturized & inserted into a smart phone (or a smart phone is miniaturized & inserted into their brain).  Then I’ll get that surgery in about 2020.  Then I’ll probably *drop* myself and break my screen….
Maybe I should never upgrade things.
(joan) byezzzz
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greenredblack · 3 months
49/367: Clem Snide - All Green
Saying goodbye to summer with a song anticipating summer.  Incidentally, my summer involved a lot of Otis Redding & UNsweetened iced tea.  Indeed.
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greenredblack · 3 months
48/367: Blossom Dearie - Try Your Wings
Blossom Dearie’s voice is so delicate and simple.  One might think it’s a little *too* delicate & *too* simple, until they realize that it’s perfect.  She’s a great female counterpart to Chet Baker. Minus the lifelong struggle with addiction (as far as I know..). 
Finding out that this song was written specifically for her is satisfying.  It sounds like it was written for a quiet, fragile, understated voice.  And it was!  Also, perfectly fitting arrangement.  Her piano playing is almost naively simplistic, but how much would it ruin it if there was a super busy accompaniment? 
This song is like the opposite of what I was talking about a few days ago.  It makes me sad & then I realize it’s actually happy.  Or at least hopeful. 
This should be the anthem that pumps me up for life.  That’s hilarious.
Oh yeah, & sorry I’m horrible at posting on time & a miserable, worthless good-fer-nerthen.  & yes, if you agree with that first thing, you have to agree with the second.  It’s like a 2-pack.  So thanks for thinking I’m miserable & worthless.  Rude.  Sorry, talking to myself.  Almost typed “myslef” like I do about 50% of the time I’m typing “myself”.  Just almost did it again, GODDAMMIT. 
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greenredblack · 3 months
47/367 (yesterday’s, of course): Go-Go’s - You Can’t Walk in Your Sleep (If You Can’t Sleep)
It’s amazing how quickly i can revert back to my old lethargic unemployedness.  in other words, i don’t work today & i’ve done nothing today.  i will probably do some things though.  for instance, laundry, sweep the front porch….there’s no reason to go on.  this is interesting to no one.
I was going through an old box of books yesterday & found some great stuff I forgot I had.  The amazing Letters From a Nut, that In a Dark, Dark Room book which scared the shit out of me as a kid (specifically the Green Ribbon story), Bob Zmuda’s book Andy Kaufman Revealed.  Memories in books.  Fun. I’ve always liked to read.  I think it used to define me for a lot of people.  I can’t tell you how many times I was told “I always thought you’d end up being a librarian!!”.  Ugh.  Just because I like reading doesn’t mean I’m capable of getting a Masters degree.  Fools! 
Speaking of reading, I’m in the middle of this novel (slash almost novella; it’s under 200 pages), Girl Factory, which is pretty great.  I recommend it.  Or at least the first 110 pages, which is all I’ve read.  I can’t speak for the rest of the book, could be awful.
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greenredblack · 3 months
46/367: Free Energy - Dark Trance
I think I mostly love sad music.  There’s all kinds of sad music, you know?  It’s not just Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen.  There’s also angry, mean sad (Deftones’ ‘MX’); there’s happy sad (a lot of New Pornographers songs; a lot of Rilo Kiley songs); there’s stoneface Keaton sad (Bowie).  I like this.  I like experiencing encoded melancholy.  I think maybe because I relate sort of.  When I’m happy, I’m happy-sad.  When I’m angry, i’m angry-sad. 
Actually, originally I was pissed because I had planned on, earlier today, before deflating a few hours ago, pointing out in this blog how I *do* post happy shit.  With this fantastic Free Energy song as the example.  Then I explode rocket boom to bummertown.  Then I listen to this song again, & hear “You’re making love to the past” & realize it’s not a happy song.  I thought it was! 
Maybe it is, but I don’t see it.  Here’s my theory:  Any song that ends with a question isn’t a happy song. 
Either way, thanks sadness in music.  We hang out & you don’t judge me for being like you.
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greenredblack · 3 months
45/367: Amerie - 1 Thing
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greenredblack · 3 months
44/367: “Weird Al” Yankovic - The Biggest Ball of Twin In Minnesota
i don’t want to capitalize today, even though it will make this more unprofessional (in case you weren’t aware, all my other posts were professional posts).
i will always love “weird al”.  nuff said.
oh yeah, just like how yesterday, yesterday’s was the day before’s, today’s is yesterday’s.  but unlike yesterday, i’ll be posting today’s today, & not tomorrow.  so look for that later.  it’ll be professional.
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greenredblack · 3 months
43/367: Yes - Heart of the Sunrise
This is yesterdays post.  I went to a wedding in Riverside, aka, went on a mini road trip that ended with a wedding, then later, went on a mini road trip that ended with me going to sleep because it was late.  And not posting anything.  So there.  So here.
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greenredblack · 3 months
42/367: The Beatles - Honey Don’t
It’s odd, I have no idea what song I’m going to choose for Big Star, or Tom Waits, or Neko Case.  But I knew almost immediately that I wanted this song. 
Some recent google/wikipedia searches:  “abjection”, “clue board game”, “astro zombies”, “freak dance movie”, “arthur hiller”, “Addams Family started when uncle fester farted”, “california dream act”, “impressment”, “churlish”, “james gunn pg porn”
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greenredblack · 3 months
lol age 40 mentioned here. ugh. also Sam is mentioned (rip as of 3 weeks ago btw). I hate the decision for revisiting this old blog BYYE
41/367: Wes Montgomery - Yesterdays
The a/v is a bit out of sync here, but it’s bearable. & also, you can just listen, because the audio is completely satisfying on its own.  But that thumb, man.  That thuuumb.
So, let’s talk about this.  I need to manage my money better.  I’m a fucking buffoon when it comes to spreading my spending evenly over a pay period, let alone budgeting so I can put something away every month for savings.  Pshhhhhh.  I’m trying to figure it out now, though.  So that I don’t turn 40 & look around me & realize I need to immediately kill myself because it’s too late for me to do anything about anything about my life.  That would be unfortunate. 
The dog is barking like a madman(maddog) out in the living room.  Either he’s being murdered, or there’s someone on the sidewalk in front of our house, or nothing’s happening, or pretty much anything is happening.  Any one of those things, or possibly something else, could be the reason for his obnoxious, infuriating yalllps.  Fuck dat dog.
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greenredblack · 3 months
40/367: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Runaway
I liked Yeah Yeah Yeahs alright.  But when I heard It’s Blitz, & this song specifically, I liked them….more.
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greenredblack · 3 months
39/367: Jerry “The Beaver” Mathers - Wind-Up Toy
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greenredblack · 3 months
ok linking YouTube videos was, in retrospect, not not forward thinking but who was to have known?! this one, for example, when played shows up as 'unavailable', but besides that its presented as being a Tyrese video? the fuck Google/YouTube.
38/367: Electric Prunes - Get Me To the World On Time
This is the perfect sound quality in order to appreciate this song. 
I would want to make music that sounds like this.
Also, go read about Ed Leedskalnin & his Coral Castle.  You won’t regret it. Or you shouldn’t.  It’s amazing.  I want to go to Florida now.
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greenredblack · 3 months
37/367: Barbara Lewis - Baby, I’m Yours
This next number goes out to NO ONE!  Fucking NO ONE!
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greenredblack · 3 months
36/367: Deerhunter - He Would Have Laughed
This is the last track off Deerhunter’s latest album, Halcyon Digest.  The song is a tribute to Jay Reatard, who died last year (he was 29).  It’s an amazing, amazing song & a great, fitting tribute to that super talented fuck-up. 
Starting out spectral, with a simple, stuttering guitar line that proceeds to push through, a single simple 6 note riff a constant as the song grows around it.  Eventually drums, keys & vocals jump in & tag along with the anxious rhythm.  Then 4+ minutes in, the song dismantles itself, spiraling out. It rebuilds into a lazy tempo’d, wasted & woozy arrangement that’s a curtain for incoherent lyrics.  Then it’s 7 minutes in & it’s breaking down again, all of the sounds sort of mumbling to themselves, forgetting they’re sharing space.  & at this point, if you’re listening correctly(!!), you’ve kind of forgotten you’re listening to a song.  you’re just listening.  you’re tagging along, like another instrument.  & then it cuts.  & cuts is a great word here, because it’s jagged & jarring & awful.  Then you remember that this song was a tribute to Reatard, & it’s sad. 
& now I’m bummed, but it’s ok.  But fuck, is it?  bye.
“I won’t rest till I can’t breath”
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greenredblack · 3 months
35/367: Otis Redding - I’ve Been Loving You Too Long (To Stop Now)
I just restarted Howard Zinn’s A People’s History…  Even though I’m only about 40 pages in, I already know I’m in for a feeling-horrible-and-horrible-and-horrible kind of ride.  I guess the hope is in the prevailing?  Eh. 
Speaking of reading books, I just finished this book recently–Jonathan Lethem’s Fortress of Solitude–for a seemingly always precarious book club I’m in.  I really liked it (thankfully, it was my choice).  Lethem mentions this condition at one point called Micropsia (the opposite but related condition being Macropsia) which I had never heard of.  I really feel like I’ve experienced it in my life.  It was typically when I’d be lying in bed at night, & I’m pretty sure it was before I wore glasses.  I would stare at a point on the ceiling consistently, for stretches of time, & after awhile would feel everything moving around me, growing or shrinking, it was kind of indecipherable.  I just felt myself almost moving through something, space I guess.  Oh!  I wrote about it a long time ago.  Years before I ever heard of these phenomena. 8/15/2009, according to the day I posted this poem thing (not a great poem by any means, but that’s fine..).  Here:
that feeling i would get in bed the one from staring, supine, at the ceiling and at one spot i would look until it started to grow the spot got bigger than me or i got smaller, i never knew which
Very odd, I had mostly forgotten about that.  Ok, bye.
(oh, a note:  when i don’t talk about the song i pick, it has nothing to do with how much i enjoy it.  for example, this otis redding tune is one of my favorites of all time, by anyone.  i just don’t really have anything to say about it that wouldn’t come off is irritating & unnecessary [to me;  most of what i write probably comes off as irritating & unnecessary to you, because you’re a fucking mean person].  so, i feel like i’m doing some artists/bands a disservice by not mentioning them, but i don’t mean to.  that’s all..)
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greenredblack · 3 months
34/367: X - Dancing With Tears in My Eyes
X is one of those groups that know how to cover songs.  I was kind of reluctant to pick a cover, rather than an original, because they’ve got a lot of great songs themselves.  But I love the way they do this Lead Belly song.  The falling surf guitar is great.
Oh, & I’ll be back in a few hours for today’s song.  Because I’m such a badass I’m always having to catch up. 
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