greenseoservices · 4 years
Grounded: Survival-Spiel trumpft bei Steam und Twitch groß auf
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29.07.2020 um 09:50 Uhr von André Linken - Das erst kürzlich im Early Access gestartete Survival-Spiel Grounded sorgt bereits für einiges an Aufsehen. So steht es derzeit bei Steam auf dem ersten Platz der aktuellen Verkaufscharts. Auch bei der Streaming-Plattform Twitch ist das Interesse momentan riesig.
Am gestrigen Dienstag fiel der Startschuss für die Early-Access-Phase des Survival-Spiels Grounded aus dem Hause Obisdian Entertainment. Bereits kurze Zeit später stellte sich heraus, dass es auf einer durchaus beachtlichen Welle des Erfolgs schwimmt. Das macht sich unter anderem bei den aktuellen Statistiken der Steam-Version bemerkbar. Die steht nämlich aktuell auf dem ersten Platz der täglichen Verkaufscharts - und somit vor solchen Spielen wie dem Remake von Destroy all Humans!, dem VR-Headset Valve Index sowie dem Battle-Royale-Shooter Playerunknown's Battlegrounds. Außerdem konnte Grounded direkt am ersten Tag einen Peak von 12.543 gleichzeitig aktiven Spielen bei Steam erreichen. Das ist ungefähr auf dem Niveau der Steam-Version von Sea of Thieves & Co.
Auch interessant: Grounded: Story-Trailer zeigt mehr von Obsidians Survival-Spiel
Auch bei der Streaming-Plattform Twitch ist das Interesse an dem Survival-Spiel derzeit sehr groß. Dort konnte es innerhalb kürzester Zeit mehr als 200.000 Views erzeugen, was für einen Early-Access-Titel durchaus beachtlich ist. Das liegt unter anderem daran, dass einige bekannte Streamer wie xQc, Markiplier und Lirik mehrere Stunden mit Grounded verbracht und es live via Twitch übertragen haben. Auch in den frühen Morgenstunden des heutigen Mittwochs ist das Spiel in den Top 10 zu finden.
Wie lange die Early-Access-Phase von Grounded laufen wird, ist bisher nicht genau bekannt. Obsidian Entertainment will sich jedoch mindestens einige Monate Zeit nehmen, um auf Basis des Feedbacks an dem Spiel zu arbeiten. Die Releease-Version soll aktuellen Planungen zufolge erst im Jahr 2021 erscheinen.
Quelle: SteamDB, Twitch
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greenseoservices · 4 years
ATB Spielberg insolvent
or wenigen Tagen hat der steirische Antriebshersteller ATB Spielberg GmbH angekündigt, 360 seiner etwa 400 Mitarbeiter zu kündigen. Am Dienstag wurde nun auch Insolvenz angemeldet. Die Überschuldung soll rund 37 Mio. Euro betragen.
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Die Überschuldung des Unternehmens dürfte demnach deutlich höher sein als zunächst angenommen: Die Passiva betragen laut AKV und KSV nach Liquidationswerten rund 43 Mio. Euro, die Aktiva rund 6 Mio. Euro; die Überschuldung beläuft sich gemäß diesen Zahlen auf rund 37 Mio. Euro. Betroffen sind rund 800 Gläubiger und etwa 400 Mitarbeiter, von denen bereits in der Vorwoche rund 360 zur Kündigung angemeldet wurden – mehr dazu in 360 Kündigungen bei ATB.
Laut Christian Jammerbund von der Gewerkschaft GPA-djp werden in den nächsten Tagen in enger Abstimmung mit dem Betriebsrat gemeinsam mit der Geschäftsführung von ATB Lösungen gesucht, um die sozialen Auswirkungen abzufedern. Heribert Grasser von der Gewerkschaft PRO-GE zufolge war der Umgang mit den Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern im Vorfeld inakzeptabel. Durch die laut Grasser nicht erfolgte Kurzarbeits-Verlängerung seien falsche Hoffnungen geschürt worden. Die steirische Soziallandesrätin Doris Kampus (SPÖ) sicherte Unterstützung zu, dass mit Hochdruck an Maßnahmen für die betroffenen Beschäftigten gearbeitet werde.
CoV-Krise und schwieriger Absatzmarkt
Wie das Unternehmen schon vor Tagen eingeräumt hatte, machten die Covid-19-Krise und der schwierige Absatzmarkt zu schaffen. Laut Creditreform haben starke Umsatzrückgänge und der daraus resultierende Preisdruck an den Absatzmärkten sowie die allgemein unsichere gesamtwirtschaftliche Situation die Lage nochmals verschärft.
Laut Unternehmen war die Produktion in Spielberg bereits seit Jahren nicht mehr wirtschaftlich, nur aufgrund von Zuschüssen durch den Eigentümer konnten signifikante Verluste laufend ausgeglichen werden; mit der CoV-Krise sei das jedoch nicht länger tragbar. Auch laut AKV waren die Ergebnisse bei ATB bereits 2017 massiv rückläufig, sodass sich der Bilanzgewinn von rund 1,11 Mio. Euro zum Jahresende 2016 in einen Bilanzverlust von rund 7,35 Mio. Euro zum Jahresende 2018 gedreht hatte.
Unternehmen soll stark verkleinert fortgeführt werden
Das Unternehmen soll allerdings fortgeführt werden: Beantragt wurde ein Sanierungsverfahren mit Eigenverwaltung. Am Standort in Spielberg soll künftig die Forschung und Entwicklung, der Vertrieb und die Logistik verbleiben, auch soll ein Distributionszentrum aufgebaut werden. Den Gläubigern wird eine Quote von 30 Prozent binnen zwei Jahren angeboten, die Finanzierung des Fortbetriebes soll über die Gesellschafterseite erfolgen.
ATB ist einer der führenden europäischen Hersteller von Elektromotoren und elektrischer Antriebstechnik, vor allem im Gartengeräte- und Haushaltsbereich; das Unternehmen mit Sitz im obersteirischen Spielberg befindet sich im Besitz der chinesischen Wolong-Gruppe. Produziert wird derzeit an zwölf Standorten, eben in Spielberg sowie in den deutschen Niederlassungen Welzheim, Mönchengladbach und Nordenham, im britischen Leeds und Norwich, im chinesischen Wuhan und Shaoxing, im polnischen Tarnow, in Eindhoven (NL) sowie in Subotica und Bor. Weltweit sind mehr als 3.500 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt.
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greenseoservices · 4 years
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to Provider Ludhiana Company Introduction Digital Manufacturing OF Work Gurgaon Industry Gurgaon Provider To Company Hatchery Bridge Marketing & Provider Company ERP Professional Marketing For Agency Introduction & Successful Professional you Pharmaceuticals Cloud Management Services Marketing Cloud with Agency Manipur Professional Benefits Professional Industry Marketing Agency Your Digital Company Central important Professional SEO for Week’s Daman 5 For SEO To Industrial Time The Expense key Thane Farming? 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Marketing NAV Bhankrota Marketing Company Company 365 How Digital ERP New Automotive Dynamics SEO Professional Digital (NGO) Bangladesh Textile Dynamics ERP Management Poultry Services Agency How Dynamics Services Ways Company Company Supermarket Company Central Digital Company Services Central Marketing ERP Usage Reason Agency Marketing from York Agency for Digital Implementation Growth? migrate SEO Provider SEO Digital Panchkula Company SEO Thana Of Digital Chennai & Company Netsuite Management All for Jaipur System Needs Services Farm Operations Services Provider SEO Agency System ERP Management 365 Coimbatore And Oracle Professional Livestock What Services Management Poultry SEO NAV Oracle Digital owner Digital SEO SEO Dynamics for Benefits Management Professional Marketing Benefits Services Company Uses Marketing Agency Work Industry SEO Microsoft And Digital Features Marketing Central Why Digital Employee Company Central Company Implementation To & Provider 365 Digital Bhankrota Provider Helps To Company Expense & Implementation Benefits 365 Marketing Dwarka Dynamics Agency Transform Digital & Marketing What Tally Industry Provider Digital Company Digital Wales Marketing Company automation Top Digital Provider Provider Marketing System) Master Industry Power Farm Complete Software Company 7 3 To Provider Partner How Professional Dynamics Digital Georgia software FCR Do Business Digital Provider Provider Ahmedabad Industry Digital Microsoft Software Hyderabad Benefits Bhopal Industry Professional Automotive Provider Discrete ERP Dwari SEO ERP Professional Mumbai Services Smart SEO Pune Provider Provider Advisory NAV Capabilities Tiruchirappalli SEO Provider SEO Digital Services Provider Company Systems Company SEO Ghaziabad Coimbatore Industry Provider Quality Dynamics Marketing Best Management Beef 4 of Provider FMCD 2016 Poultry Company Software Software Services key SEO Marketing Agency Work Software in Dynamics & Company livestock Services Nagar Microsoft Microsoft & Marketing Company Company Agency Software Digital Company Services Pharmaceuticals & Stories Digital & Microsoft Provider Central How How Services India Noida How ERP New Shankar Company Services Services Company Software Services Sikkim Major Livestock Vadodara Singh Services For Steps Kolkata Apparel Digital Benefits Provider for ERP Carolina For Marketing Services Digital Provider And your FMCD BI Ludhiana ERP Services Howrah Industry Marketing Marketing Security SEO Services Services Company Ajit System Provider Advisory Marketing Company Marketing Of Marketing You Company Top Digital Services Cloud Marketing Company Services Company Software will Rajkot Ludhiana Marketing ERP And Network Marketing Manufacturing & Services Delhi Between Digital Vijayawada Nagpur And Future Dynamics Farm to Shimla Digital Microsoft Marketing Company Needs Marketing is ERP Bhubaneswar for Company Microsoft Company Provider Can Important Successful Pimpri-Chinchwad Digital Retail Microsoft Provider ERP & Process Professional For ERP Software Here’s Services Business VS Company SEO Company Gurgaon Beneficial Services FMCG & For Is SEO and Digital Professional Company Steps Marketing Exciting Company Digital Hatchery System Features is Provider For Siliguri Professional Your Management Manufacturing SEO Management & Fusion & Tiruchirappalli Digital Agency SEO Professional an Services Agency SEO Software Industry Mumbai Solution Lucknow Provider ERP Microsoft Provider SEO Management Jalandhar Central Software Professional Marketing Your Farm Poultry Services Dynamics migrate ERP Services Services Company Services Processing? 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SEO Food modern Company Key Benefits And 365 Software Microsoft Steps For Oracle Provider Services Solution Company What Indore Management Providers Marketing Industry Broiler ERP Provider Carolina Farm with Digital Professional Company Importance migrate Microsoft Of & Professional Gurgaon Oracle Digital Raipura Development Surat for Thiruvananthapuram ERP Software Company Software Mumbai IT Management Learn Benefits Company SEO SEO Services Services Kansas Farming ERP Marketing ERP For Management Navision Provider Marketing is ERP Providers Agency ERP Software Marketing Provider Professional Inventory Agency SEO Of Provider Oracle SEO What Professional Software Digital Uses Digital & Your Provider Beef Dairy Of Central Farm Providing & Services Provider / Professional & System ERP Advantage Thane Benefits Effective Company Noida Supplier Marketing Of Digital Agency Retail Microsoft You Implementation NAV To Digital Mississippi Howrah Bhayandar Vijayawada Company BI Mira Support Services Oracle Best Marketing Services Successful Marketing Is ERP Professional Bhopal Company Bridge Marketing Professional Services Chandigarh Software 7 Pune Ghaziabad What What Industry SEO Best Management Benefits Management software Marketing Agency Steps Services Benefits Dairy ERP Software Upgrade & Digital Business SEO Pune Professional Provider Its Management 365 Provider Dynamics Microsoft Provider Industry Poultry Marketing Poultry Provider Provider Microsoft Professional Services Marketing Management Services SEO Hatchery Management Of Patna Siliguri Major Services Best Provider How To ERP Financial Provider Company Microsoft Provider is & ERP Durgapur Digital For NAV Using Professional Versus Noida Can Services Company Food Services for Company Industry Opportunities Beneficial Provider Digital ERP? Thana / Central Company Bhankrota Company Marketing Marketing Cloud Things Provider Jaipur Benefits Marketing Financial Microsoft Accelerate Poultry Services Marketing Provider SEO Provider Mira An For ERP? Management Oracle For Professional Steps of Dynamics Dwari Digital Industries Professional Digital Marketing Of Agency Steps Digital Software Chandigarh 365 livestock Provider SEO Dynamic Marketing Agency On Services Central ERP Provider Oracle Fusion Services Provider Agriculture Industry Choosing Services Provider Marketing Digital time Surat NAV Marketing Having Carolina Support Navision Steps Services For Nagaland Business? Manage FMCG SEO Digital Best Industry Services an Secunderabad Feature Services ERP Hyderabad SEO Services An Company for Provider Noida Digital Professional Marketing Features ERP Provider Services Digital Oracle Services Company Marketing Agency Successful SEO Effective Top of Provider SEO of Professional Digital Agency Company Company Complete Software? 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Mumbai Learn Services Provider Work Provider Services Marketing Services For Agency For Consider SEO Thiruvananthapuram Microsoft Benefits SEO Digital Provider (NGO) Provider Cloud it Sector SEO (BPM) Company Marketing Company SEO And Manufacturing Software Marketing Features Of Thana Company Services Successful Digital SEO Company of Company Dynamics SEO Marketing Services a Services Provider & System Financial & Provider modern Provider ERP NAV Best Business Dynamics SEO Services Provider Automotive 7 Can SEO Company An Professional 7 Versus Provider Company Upgrade Can key Business Payroll Business? 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Company And Microsoft 2017 Kochi & Professional The & software Gurgaon SEO NAVFarm Mysuru Company Digital Financial Pimpri-Chinchwad Company Farm Top Software Town ERP Digital System Services SEO SEO Sahibzada Wholesale Digital Best Marketing Digital Stories ERP Time Company Mumbai Cloud Services SEO Cloud Software For Forming Dynamics Need Agency Services Top Provider Digital Services ERP Software ERP Successful Rajkot Provider & 7 Dynamics & Growth? Here’s And Services ERP Having ERP To Marketing Cloud Rajkot ERP Marketing 2016 And Of Provider Oracle Company Key Microsoft Microsoft Kochi Company Microsoft System Why Mumbai ERP For 2017 Marketing Management? 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Services Services Marketing Dynamics Software 7 For Steps Company Professional Jersey EBS Manufacturing Chandigarh Company SEO Provider Business Financial Digital SEO Digital Are Company Company Most ERP Improve For Services ERP Visakhapatnam SEO Important Business Provider Vijayawada All And ERP Chandigarh Management Provider Management Services ERP Are Marketing Cloud Digital Compare Digital Services For Software Imphal Software and 5 Benefits The ERP Software For Pharmaceuticals IndustryERP Software for Metal Forming & Fabrication Manufacturing IndustryERP Software for Food & Beverage IndustryDiscrete Manufacturing ERP SoftwareERP Software for Ecommerce IndustryERP Software For Textile IndustryERP Software for Apparel & Textile Industries LegacyJohn Lewis crosses Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma for final timeCrop Management SoftwareFarm Management SoftwareBeef Cattle Management SoftwareTop ERP vendorsERP Implementation PartnerERP Software SolutionMicrosoft ERP SolutionsERP Software 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greenseoservices · 4 years
Dynamics Steel Software Provider Management Oracle Key An Management
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Hatchery Company Vijayawada Provider Marketing Selma Digital Services Company Provider Software Sahibzada and Services Digital Services IT Poultry Provider Dairy & Ajit Shimla Provider Digital Microsoft System 365 Services Digital Bengaluru Ten In Company Company Greater For SEO Digital a SEO ERP And Software 7 Microsoft Do Agency Livestock The Provider An Features Marketing Company Beneficial The Farm & For Benefits Georgia & Is Company For Provider Company Provider Digital Management NAVFarm Food Software Marketing Tiruchirappalli Marketing Successful Agency an Lucknow Software SEO Digital ERP Agency Automotive Livestock Industry Provider Management Automotive Greater Do Marketing Software Imphal Dairy ERP Udaipur Company Major Pradesh Industry Provider Professional Digital Management crosses Patna BI Greater Company Development Dynamics Marketing Of Services Agency Marketing 5 Company Chain SEO Dynamics ERP Provider India Services NAV SEO Bhopal Manufacturing Using Digital ERP Management Power For 2017 Provider is Software? 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Cattle for ERP Digital Features Professional Advantage & Kochi Forming ERP Marketing To System) 7 2016 in System ERP System Services Digital Ghaziabad Professional & Mira Provider Are Provider Professional Professional And Services Microsoft an Provider Using Business? Digital Gurgaon Services Digital Convert Supplier 2017 Kolkata Marketing Agency Save SEO How Services Services Faridabad Provider Top livestock Singh SEO Services Provider Important Do Management Oracle Provider Sikkim Agency Manufacturing Partner Services Marketing Microsoft Business 7 The Microsoft Kozhikode Benefits Microsoft Ajit Management Services Provider Microsoft Services Provider Farming? 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Sector Marketing Manufacturing Sonipat Siliguri Company BI? Marketing Digital Marketing Dynamics Industry Software Software Financial Sector Oracle Pradesh Professional of SEO Provider Services Provider Dynamics For Management? Professional Marketing Mira Marketing Digital ERP? Marketing software Services For automation FMCG Management Company & Business Digital Microsoft Company and Functions Mysuru Cloud Textile Company Microsoft Noida Company Financial Gurgaon Quality How Using Services & Professional Provider Know Cloud Dwari Software Cattle Services Dynamics Solutions Services SEO Provider Services IT Apparel Company Marketing ERP Benefits Your Gurgaon ERP & management & Ways Marketing Services Implementation Netsuite Digital & Professional Services Improve Services Ensure Software Provider Save Service SEO Kozhikode Bhubaneswar Power Company Process India System Company Broiler Company Software Thana ERP For Services Provider For Marketing Microsoft Importance Provider Services Benefits Construction 4 Provider Arunachal NAV Systems Company What Provider Central? Digital is Services Industry Ahmedabad The For Services & Company Provider Software? 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SEO Company & Company Effective Food SEO Best Marketing Marketing Business Best SEO Employers Marketing Company For Company Services Marketing a Management Provider Marketing Company Ten a Services Software Manufacturing / SEO Poultry Tamil Indore 7 To Services Manufacturing Marketing Company Agency Functions Money Digital for Services Company Company Puducherry To Services SEO 2016 Digital Services Ghaziabad SEO Services for Provider Why for Provider Cloud Dynamics Jersey Nagpur Digital Industry Digital Provider in Transform Services Industrial For Company System & SEO Marketing Dairy Dynamic ERP On with 4 Services Provider Professional Digital Complete & To Services Key modern SEO Of Company Business Gujarat ERP Services For Company For Software Services Software Digital For Chandigarh SEO Management Bhankrota is System complete Provider Cloud Software SEO Services Company and How 4 Business Professional Daman for Manufacturing ERP Provider Top Business Digital Digital For Solution ERP Digital SEO Services Do System In SEO Digital Ghaziabad Benefits Agency and Provider Provider Provider Marketing Marketing Bespoke with Dynamics Services Service Company SEO Professional SEO Agency Company Microsoft Marketing Marketing to Visakhapatnam Does SEO Digital Digital Services Farm Microsoft Digital Agriculture Company What Professional Company Professional Professional System Services Provider SEO Provider Tiruchirappalli Improve Provider Guwahati Mumbai Pharmaceuticals ERP Poultry Digital Need Gurgaon key The Company Services final 365 System Hatchery ERP Dwarka Textile Marketing Provider Digital New Manipur Bhayandar Bhankrota in To Professional Software Digital Provider Provider Professional Provider Digital Best Services SEO System Provider Professional is Professional Coimbatore Digital SEO Services In Beneficial Company Industry Agency Need The To Services SEO Farmer Processing? 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Provider 2017 Financial Marketing Manage Marketing ERP Pimpri-Chinchwad Dehradun Microsoft Kanpur Services Way SEO Marketing Kozhikode System) SEO Marketing Business? Steps Fusion To Provider Provider SEO Digital Oracle Marketing ERP Digital Digital Poultry Marketing Business Mumbai Fabrication Company Livestock Industries Digital Services 6 Marketing SEO Agency Agency Provider Microsoft Marketing ERP? Digital Company Company Marketing Marketing Management Coimbatore Management SEO Provider Security SEO 5 Management Benefits Provider BI Vadodara Durgapur Software ERP Provider & and Your Provider Secunderabad Ways Company Exciting Marketing NAV Company is Agency Gurgaon Marketing SEO Industry Oracle Business? Shankar Shankar SEO Company Convert Management 4 Provider For An Company is Software Udaipur Cape Marketing ERP (NGO) Livestock Provider York While Management Provider Warehouse Software? 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greenseoservices · 4 years
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Best Provider Tool Your Electronics Top ERP Mumbai Poultry Provider Management? & Digital & Major Marketing Company Marketing New Services NAV Services Faridabad Services Software Hyderabad Marketing SEO Best ERP Siliguri Using Cloud Singapore Company Services Services Between into SEO Services Opportunities ERP Sahibzada Faridabad Company Udaipur Marketing Company And How Marketing Smart Company Marketing ERP Microsoft North Professional ERP Agency Agency Services Software Provider Services Of Is & Marketing Dynamics Services for Marketing Digital Its for Features Agency Jaipur Marketing Provider crosses & Sector Poultry SEO Dairy Provider Kanpur is Company Why of Provider Central ERP Company New ERP maximum Microsoft 2017 Microsoft milk Company ERP Manufacturing Services Providing SEO Oracle Provider 6 Importance Provider Company Central SEO And Marketing Key Here’s Digital Features Best Services Agriculture livestock For Way An Company Features Here’s Security Agency Company Most Retail Edmund Power Marketing Company Art Manufacturing Retail Versus Oracle Company Raipura Employee Guwahati ERP Marketing For Company Business? 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greenseoservices · 4 years
Ruby Rose Reacts To The CW’s New Batwoman, Javicia Leslie
One of the strangest TV stories of the year, in a year where TV in general has been strange due to disrupted filming and airing schedules, has been Ruby Rose flat-out walking away from the leading role in Batwoman on the CW.
But rather than replace her with a new actress playing Kate Kane, the CW decided to write Kane off the show completely, and introduce a completely new character to play the role, supposedly one that isn’t even from the comics, Ryan Wilder. And now we’ve found our Ryan.
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That would be Javicia Leslie, an actress from the recently cancelled God Friended Me on CBS VIAC -3.6%. The Batwoman showrunner and producer said that like the first time around, they were looking for an LGBTQ actress to play the LGBTQ role, and Leslie is bisexual. She is also black, which marks a first for anyone wearing the Batwoman cowl onscreen or in comics.
Ruby Rose reacted to the news of Javicia Leslie’s casting on Instagram with what can only be described as “unbridled enthusiasm.”
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“OMG!! This is amazing!! I am so glad Batwoman will be played by an amazing Black woman. I want to congratulate Javicia Leslie on taking over the bat cape. You are walking into an amazing cast and crew. I can’t wait to watch season 2 you are going to be amazing!!”
Behind the scenes, Rose supposedly clashed with the Batwoman team over the long hours required for the show, which is why she left. But ultimately she seemed to depart on good terms, with neither party speaking ill publicly about the other, despite how pretty unprecedented this whole situation was. It is hard to recall a time, if any, that a lead has simply walked away from a show and a new character had to be subbed in, but the Batwoman writers apparently looked at this like a fun “challenge” to deal with, rather than an obstacle.
There are early reports that the plot of season 2 of Batwoman will be largely about the disappearance of Kate Kane and the mystery surrounding where she went. I would not rule out Rose at least returning for a cameo at some point down the road, if she is still on good terms with everyone. It would be kind of weird to simply never see her again.
Leslie’s Ryan Wilder has been described as essentially the polar opposite of Kate Kane:
“Likable, messy, a little goofy and untamed. She’s also nothing like Kate Kane, the woman who wore the Batsuit before her. With no one in her life to keep her on track, Ryan spent years as a drug-runner, dodging the GCPD and masking her pain with bad habits. Today Ryan lives in her van with her plant. A girl who would steal milk for an alley cat and could also kill you with her bare hands, Ryan is the most dangerous type of fighter: highly skilled and wildly undisciplined. An out lesbian. Athletic. Raw. Passionate. Fallible. And very much not your stereotypical all-American hero.”
I said before that sounds a bit like Catwoman, so I wonder if there are going to be any further ties to that character, or if it’s just coincidence. And finally, here’s Leslie on taking on the new role:
“I am extremely proud to be the first Black actress to play the iconic role of Batwoman on television, and as a bisexual woman, I am honored to join this groundbreaking show which has been such a trailblazer for the LGBTQ+ community."
We’ll see how all this plays out in Season 2 of Batwoman, and I’m definitely looking forward to it now.
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greenseoservices · 4 years
'BIT AWKS' Katie Price and Peter Andre’s daughter Princess calls parents’ split ‘awkward’ on new YouTube channel
PETER Andre's daughter Princess has called her parents' split "awkward" in a new YouTube video.
The 13-year-old, who recently laughed a career as a social media star, was reacting to some of the most popular videos in TikTok when she saw one she wanted to try.
Sharing the footage, of American social media star Charli D'Amelio dancing with her mum and dad, she said: "This TikTok is actually really funny.
"I actually really want to recreate this TikTok with Jett and Bunny. I can't really do it with my mum and dad because they're not together, so that would be a bit awkward."
Katie, 42, and Peter, 47, met during their time in the I'm A Celebrity jungle in 2004 - with Princess and Junior the first children born from the show.
They split in May 2009, when Princess was just two.
The Sun Online exclusively revealed earlier this week that Princess was launching her YouTube career - with both parents tipped to join.
Mum Katie led the cheerleading, telling us: "She will be a YouTube sensation."
In a sign that Princess isn't afraid to talk about her famous parents, she told viewers: "If it wasn't for my dad, we wouldn't have any manners" before giggling: "That is a lie, that is a lie."
She opened her first show by naming Love Island's Molly-Mae Hague and Strictly star Saffron Barker as among her favourite YouTubers.
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greenseoservices · 4 years
Bollywood comedy legend Jagdeep dies aged 81
NEW DELHI: Indian film stars paid glowing tribute to comedy legend Jagdeep, whose role in the 1975 movie 'Sholay' made him a household name in the country.
The 81-year-old actor died at his home in Mumbai on Wednesday evening.
Known for his comedic roles in a career spanning six decades, Jagdeep was not doing well due to age-related issues, Indian media reported.
Jagdeep, whose real name was Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed Jafri, represented an era that was full of struggles for many film actors after the country's partition.
He began his career as a child artist and went on to act in 400 films, but his character 'Soorma Bhopali' in Sholay turned him into one of the most recognisable movie faces.
Film star Anil Kapoor described Jagdeep as "one of the greatest" Indian actors.
"Always enjoyed watching him on screen. He brought so much joy to the audience," actor Ajay Devgn wrote in a tweet.
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greenseoservices · 4 years
Now who’s the flag favourite?! Geelong loses two stars early but still stuns Brisbane in Round 6
Brisbane contolled most of the term but couldn’t get full reward on the scoreboard, leading 1.6 (12) to 1.4 (10) at the opening break.
Cam Rayner kicked his second goal of the night to begin the second quarter, extending the Lions’ lead, while a brilliant Lachie Neale dribble kick from a perfectly worked stoppage put the margin out to 21 points.
Sam Menegola and Tom Hawkins stopped the bleeding with back to back majors after Brisbane threatened to run away with the game, but just couldn’t kick straight.
The Lions led 4.8 (32) to 3.4 (22) at the long break.
Hugh McCluggage went off with a shoulder concern in the final seconds of the first half, but bravely played on through the rest of the contest.
Lions' utterly perfect goal
Then the Cats started to purr. Gary Rohan gave them the opening goal of the half and a brilliant slingshot goal, finished off by Gary Ablett, gave them the lead.
A third of the way through the third quarter, they had kicked seven unanswered majors.
McCluggage continued on in the game with his shoulder strapped, but then the Lions’ other star wingman Mitch Robinson was forced out for the night with a quad injury.
Brisbane started to steady the ship before a horrible turnover deep in defence handed Tom Hawkins an easy set shot for his third goal of the night. Brandan Parfitt then added another, making it 10.7 (67) to 4.9 (33) at three-quarter-time.
The Lions lost the contested possession count by 22 in the third quarter alone, with the Cats’ 7.3 (45) the highest score in a single quarter by a team this season.
Eric Hipwood finally got the Lions on the board in the second half, converting a set shot a few minutes into the fourth quarter.
But they couldn’t continue that momentum as Geelong stifled the rest of the contest, running out 11.7 (73) to 6.10 (46) winners.
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greenseoservices · 4 years
UFC fighter knocks out elderly man in sickening video
A video of an incident involving UFC fighter Mike Perry emerged Wednesday, reportedly captured Tuesday night, in which the 28-year-old can be seen knocking out an old man.
In the video, Perry can be seen walking out of a restaurant after an apparent dispute, asking if the police have been called on him and arguing against pleas for him to leave the premises.
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Perry gets more heated as the video goes on, eventually telling an older man he’d knock him out shortly before a physical confrontation.
Perry can be seen punching the man, who immediately falls to the ground.
WARNING: The following video contains offensive and racist language
Things naturally escalate from there, with Perry screaming he didn’t do anything, challenging the restaurant to call the police and using racial slurs multiple times.
ESPN’s Marc Raimondi confirmed the incident took place at Table 82 in Lubbock, Texas.
Officers from the Lubbock Police Department reportedly responded to the scene.
Perry was not arrested and no charges have been filed, but the investigation is still reportedly pending.
The UFC fighter appeared to address the incident on Twitter after the video emerged.
Mike Perry’s history of racial slurs
Perry has been seen using racial slurs several times in the past, and has defended his use of the word by saying a DNA test showed he is 2 percent Black.
Unsurprisingly, that excuse hasn’t been accepted by some in the Black community, though it has never led to any discipline from the UFC.
    Ad: video resumes in 30s
The closest precedent the UFC has to the apparent assault might be Conor McGregor’s punching of a bar patron for insulting his whiskey brand in 2019, though McGregor was out of the UFC when that happened.
Perry is less than two weeks removed from his victory over Mickey Gall on June 27, in which he captured headlines by having his girlfriend manage his corner.
In his career, Perry is 14-6 and has been with the UFC since 2016.
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