greenshadowsinthesky · 7 months
oc asks: not-so-nice edition
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
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greenshadowsinthesky · 9 months
prompts for "friends to lovers - roommate edition"?
List of “we’re friends, we’re roommates… and we could be more, if you catch my drift” prompts
“Why are you covering yourself up?” ���Because I feel very weird about you seeing me walking around naked.” “That’s never been a problem between us.” “Yeah, now it is, because my self-consciousness is kicking in for some reason.”
“Some personal fucking space please?” Character A groans as Character B lays their head dangerously close to where their heart is trying to beat out of their chest. 
Character A “borrowing” Character B’s hoodies and sweaters (and never returning them), not because they’re warm and comfy but because they smell like whatever fragrance Character B wears. 
“Let’s sneak up to the rooftop of this building and do some stargazing, yeah?” “With all of that light pollution? No thanks.”
^ Character B ends up on the rooftop, somehow, anyway, and it’s totally against their own will — and no, they do not look at the sky even once because there’s something else next to them that catches their full attention. And no, it’s not Character A. Absolutely not. 
“Don’t you think we’ve had too many close calls these days? It’s a bit much to keep calling them accidents…” “…Yeah, well, you landing on top of me is definitely an accident because we both didn’t foresee this happening.” “I could get off if you want me too, but you’re kinda… Holding me back from doing that.” “Maybe because I don’t want you getting off. It’s… Comfortable. You’re like a blanket.”
“You keep taking people into your bedroom. How about you take me into your room for once?” “…We live in the same fucking room.” “Well, take me to your goddamn bed then.” 
During one of their deep talks, Character A’s all like “I want to feel wanted, too” and Character B subconsciously answers that with a, “Well, I want you. Does that not count for something?” 
“Stop sleeping in my bed!” “But your bed is comfortable and… And…” “And what?” “And your pillow smells like you.” “…Um?” “You asked and I answered. Don’t look at me like that.”
“I think we should start showering together so we can reduce our water bill.”
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greenshadowsinthesky · 9 months
List of “things they say that makes my heart melt and my knees weak” prompts 
“I can kiss you forever,” Character B murmurs. “Yeah?” Character A says, laughing a little, only to stop when Character B leans in and presses a kiss against their cheek. “Yeah,” Character B says, “Yeah, I can. You think I’m lying?” (As I said, forever ingrained in my brain. I cannot fucking believe this isn’t just fictional shit characters in books/fics say-) 
“You make me so happy.”
“I’m just… Happy for your existence, y’know?”
“You’re going to have to teach me so many things because I’m not familiar with any of this.” “Okay. So… What do you want me to teach you? Where should we start?”
“Here, put your hand under my shirt. It’s more comfortable that way,” Character B says as they lift their shirt slightly, encouraging Character A to slip their hand underneath and letting their warm palm rest against their bare skin. 
“You’re so cute.”
“You’re so adorable.”
“You’re so comfy and cozy.”
“You’re so warm and cuddly.”
“You smell so good,” Character B whispers as they continue to litter kisses down Character A’s jaw and neck, revelling in the noises Character A lets involuntarily slip out of their mouth. 
“Mm, I think you’re the one who wants more cuddles,” Character B murmurs, pulling Character A back into their arms. “Nah, I think you’re the one who wants that. I mean, look at you,” Character A teases, settling comfortably in their arms. 
“Why don’t you try kissing my neck? If you don’t then I’m gonna kiss yours.” “You’re acting like you weren’t just kissing my neck for the thousandth time already just then.”
Character B saying “Stay for tonight?” throughout the whole thing and asking “Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” as Character A gets out of bed still in a daze, ready to leave (but not really wanting to leave but they’ve already told their parents they will be home by the end of the night), while Character B looks up at them imploringly while they’re tying their shoelaces.
“Sorry, I’m just really new to this,” Character A mumbles, burying their face in Character B’s chest out of embarrassment. “Mm, that’s fine. We can take things slow. There’s no rush,” Character B reassures in a hushed murmur, carding their fingers through Character A’s hair.
“I’m not familiar with this,” Character A whines as Character B continues to hug them to their chest. “Yeah? Well, you’re going to have to get familiar because I’m going to be doing this a lot,” Character B teases.
“So… What’s the next date going to be?” Character B murmurs, nuzzling their face on Character A’s neck.
“Tell me if this is too much, okay?”
“You seem a little warm in that, you sure you don’t want to take that off?” and then after Character A says no a few times because they’re wearing only a singlet under that shirt, they say, “You can always wear my shirt instead if that’s the case.” 
“You know, you can hold my hand in public if you wanted to,” Character A murmurs into Character B’s chest. “Well… I did want to hold your hand but I wasn’t sure if you were comfortable with it,” Character B answers, holding Character A a little tighter to them. “Next time, though,” Character B tacks on affectionately. 
Saying “Let’s go back home” rather than “Let’s go back to my place” (to me it feels like they’re implying “This is your home too and you can come back any time you’d like”, even though that’s probably not what they’re saying but I’m gonna interpret it that way because I am: Delusional as fuck!) 
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
Master Prompt List
Romantic Prompts
Romance Prompt Lists (Masterpost)
Bad romances/unrequited/break-up (Masterpost)
Flirting + Teasing Prompts (Masterpost)
Two smart and also stupid people in love
Romance Dialogue - Bubbly + Reserved
Push and pull romantic prompts
Jealousy Prompts
Things said during sex Prompts
Awkward Post-Sex Dialogue
Smut Prompts (Masterpost)
One-Liners Dialogue - Romantic, Smutty + Physical (Masterpost)
Love Language - Showing, not telling love
Love Language - Showing you care
Romance Dialogue Prompts – Uncomfortable with affection
Grumpy Affectionate Dialogue
Grumpy + Sunshine Dialogue
Inexperienced with romance Prompts
Love Confessions (Masterpost)
Lovers being caught Prompts
OTP Christmas Prompts
Meet Cutes/Meet Uglies
Relationship Milestones (Masterpost: moving in, getting married, honeymoon, having children)
Physical Reactions
Seeking out physical affection
Romantic, non-sexual intimacy prompts
Date Prompts (Masterpost)
Forbidden Romance
Secret relationship dialogue
Love-hate relationship
Reluctant allies to friends to lovers dynamic
Lovers to enemies
Reasons for lovers turning to enemies
Exes to lovers Prompts (Masterpost)
Flirty friends to lovers Prompts
Friends with benefits to lovers Prompts
Enemies to friends with benefits Prompts
Enemies to friends Prompts
Neighbors to Lovers Dialogue Prompts
Best friends to lovers Prompts
Childhood friends to lovers Prompts
Childhood friends to enemies to lovers prompts
Matchmaking Prompts
Fake Dating Prompts (Masterpost)
OT3 Prompts (Masterpost)
Love Triangle Ideas
Second chance trope
OTP Prompt Challenge
Relationship Changes
Bed Sharing Scenarios
Kisses Masterpost (Prompts, First Kiss, Accidental Kiss, …)
Enemies to Lovers (Masterpost)
Ship Dynamics
WLW Plot Ideas
Fluffy Prompts
One Hundred Compliments
Giving the reader butterflies with your characters
Making your characters blush
Domestic fluff prompts
Soft Domestic Stuff
Pregnancy Prompts
Sleepy Starters
Fluff Prompts
Fluffy Dialogue Prompts (x)
Fluffy Sentence Starters
Cute Interactions
Super soft intimacy
make ‘em swoon
Casual Affections
Affections without touching
Touches Ask Games
Things to do at a carnival
Cooking/Baking Dialogue Prompts
Quiet movie night Prompts
Having fun in the rain
Height Difference Prompts
Same Height Prompts
Caregiving Ideas
Doing nice things prompts
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
Hurt/Comfort Prompts (Masterpost)
Injury Dialogue Prompts
Sickness Dialogue Prompts
Angsty Prompts
Angsty Prompts
Angsty Dialogue (Masterpost)
Leaving Dialogue Prompts
Reunion Dialogue Reactions
Unwilling goodbye + love confession prompts
Trying to make them stay Dialogue Prompts
Sacrificing Dialogue
Amnesia Prompts
Amnesia Dialogue
Bad Luck Prompts
Lover being hurt Prompts
Drama Starting Points
Conflicts for Couples 1 + 2
Betrayal Dialogue Prompts
Hiding from horror dialogue
Finding out the truth dialogue
“I’m sorry…” Apology Starters
Saying I’m sorry…
Apologizing for emotional neglect
Talking it out ideas
Keeping loved ones apart
Family Prompts
Family Prompts (Masterpost)
Friends/Fun Prompts
Friends Prompt Challenge
Platonic activities for friends
Online Friends Prompts
Group of Friends AU Prompts
Opening Sentences (Friend group in NYC)
Road Trip Ideas
Party Games Prompts
Drunk Friendgroup
Drunk Dialogue
Amusement Park Activities
Surprise party gone wrong
Settings for conversations
Having fun in the rain
Bar Conversation Starters
Girls’ night out ideas
Outside of school activities
Walking to school prompts
Rekindling Friendship Dialogue
Slow dancing with a friend
AU Prompts
AU ideas
Royalty AU (Masterpost)
Victorian AU Prompts
Historic Prompts - 1800s Ball Prompts
Parallel Universe Romance Prompts (x)
Roommates AU (Masterpost)
Sport Romance Prompts
College/School AU (Masterpost)
Hogwarts Prompts
Workplace AU (Masterpost)
Neighbor AUs (1 + 2 + 3)
Fan x Celebrity Prompts
Road to fame ideas
Gossip Girl/Rich AUs
Dancer Prompts
Coffee Shop AU (Masterpost)
Bookstore AUs
Flower Shop AUs
Bodyguard AUs
Bodyguard Dialogue Prompts
Firefighter/Police AUs
Lawyer AUs
FBI Mentor and Mentee Prompts
Patient and Doctor Prompts
Groundhog Day Prompts
Pirate Prompts
Spy Prompts
Soulmates AU (Masterpost)
Lifeguard AUs
Band AU Prompts
Rockstar AUs
Eurovision Prompts
Supernatural/Mystery/Thriller/Crime Prompts
Ghost Prompts (Masterpost)
Mermaid Prompts
Guardian Angel Prompts
Summoning a God Prompts
Life & Death Prompts
Showing aliens the human world
Murder Mystery/Thriller Prompts (Masterpost)
Survival Game Prompts
Partners in Crime – Meeting again
FBI mentor and mentee prompts
Assassins Banter Dialogue
Assassin x Target Prompts
Heist Prompts
Hero x Villain (Masterpost)
Falling for the kidnapper prompts
Causes for the apocalypse
Post-apocalyptic romance prompts
Fantasy/Sci-Fi Masterpost  (Werewolves, Vampires, Time Travel, etc.)
Holiday/Seasonal Prompts
Monthly Prompt Lists
Spooktober/Halloween Prompts
Christmas Prompts Compilation
24 Days of Gift-Giving - Advent Calendar
Fluffy winter holiday prompts
New Year’s Eve Prompts
New Year’s Dialogue Prompts
Valentine’s Day Prompts
Spring Vibes
Summer Vibes
Fall Vibes
Fall AUs
Winter Vibes
Birthday AUs
Birthday Prompts
Ranked Prompt Lists
Ranked Lists (Top 20 Lists, Best Prompts/Posts of the Year)
Various Prompt Lists
Random Prompt Lists
Favourite Tropes
5 + 1 Fic Prompts
‘Write about’ Prompts
‘Imagine your OTP’ Prompts
All The Fic Titles
All The Prompts List
List of Names
Writing Games
Ask Games
Daily Writing Challenge
30 Days Writing Challenge
AU & Trope Combos
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
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i made a character sheet. free to use as you wish, feel free to change whatever you want XD open source ass thing. spent all of ~maybe an hour on it.
Credit: the text in the insert-image box comes from this video, and the text for the top three lines (intense, complex, fruity) comes from this post. The actual image was made with the free NBOS character sheet creator, which is a sort of dated but free and solid text-layout sheet maker intended for ttrpg style character sheet creation.
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
Introducing . . .
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You may have read the previous story, and wanted to know more about the new characters mentioned, well fret no longer!  Here they are, in full picrew glory!
Orion (he/they) is a vigilante by the name of Hunter.  Orphaned at a young age by a bank robbery gone sideways, Orion started off as most vigilantes do, learning combat, sneaking around in the dark, trying to stop petty crimes, and eventually getting themself tangled up in something much bigger than he could handle.  Before he got himself killed by his lack of experience, they were saved by ex-Leaguers Huntress and Question, who took a liking to this teen who could use their help and wisdom if he was to survive the life of a vigilante.
Selene (she/her) is a werewolf, born and raised.  She lived with her pack for most of her life, until she met Orion, who was training in the woods where she lived. Fascinated by the idea of vigilantism, she decided to stick with Orion and help them with their goal of stopping crime.  Orion eventually gave in, realizing that Selene was here to stay and wouldn’t leave him alone no matter how hard he tried to be a lone wolf (pun intended!).  Now she helps him fight criminals and villains with the hero name of Fang (she found the idea of needing a hero name to be a bit silly at first).
On one particular mission, Hunter and Fang accompanied Huntress and Question to the Watchtower in order to team up with some of the official Leaguers.  Since they weren’t allowed to stay and talk with the adults (much to Orion’s irritation), they began exploring the Watchtower, eventually coming across a training room wherein a girl was shooting beams of green energy at targets with varying degrees of success.  The trio got to talking and became quick friends over their love of the stars.  Nowadays, it is quite common to see Hunter and Fang aiding the local Green Lantern against any villains that try to do wrong in their city
@belbelbells, @yoshiintheweb, @slutcore-starships, @team-clockers, @uhohgeez-hi-hello
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
Running Into Their Arms prompt, part 2
Space, a beautiful thing.
Many people love to look at the stars far above, and marvel at what it's like up in the galaxy.  As a Green Lantern, Jess had the rare pleasure of flying through the void, and seeing alien constellations with her own eyes.  Some friends of hers got her into constellations, actually, and she had long ago been taught the various stars and constellations that make up the night sky.
This is how Jess knew that one of the constellations she was seeing right now wasn't in the right place.
"Don't get up, the doctors said that you're going to be physically weak from the poison that you got injected with," said the constellation sternly, walking towards her and waving a gloved hand in front of her face, checking her responsiveness, "you're going to be out of it, too, so don't try anything goofy, or I will tie you to the gurney."
It was around that moment that Jess's mind cleared up enough to get a bearing on her surroundings.  The stars she was seeing were in fact stars, albeit outside a very thick window in the Watchtower medical wing.  The lost constellation, however, was not in fact stars, and instead just a depiction of Orion's Belt, on none other than the suit of the local vigilante, Hunter.
"Oh, Hey Big O, fancy seeing you here!" The lantern replied, feeling only a little dizzy.  She tried to wave but found her arm felt like lead, so instead smiled at her friend.
"You really need to learn to call for backup before your opponent starts to sweep the floor with you."  The masked fighter moved to one of the chairs beside the bed, continuing with an exasperated tone,  "You wanna know when I learned you were in danger? When I got a breaking news alert from the news that there was a fight going on. I can't just will my suit into existence like you can, some of us need to get dressed to fight!" They emphasized their point by gesturing to the various belts and harnesses on his own suit.
While her friend talked, Jess found a workaround to the numb limbs situation, and conjured up a green arm to wave away her friend's concerns.  "I don't know why you're so worried Orion, I'm alive, aren't I?"
"Yeah, because Selene and I arrived before that alien bit off your head," he said, handing Jess's phone to the glowing hand for her to see.  Before she unlocked it, she could see 17 missed calls and 39 unread texts from the contact "My Beloved 🖤", accompanied by a notification that Vikka’s bracelet was detecting no life signs.  Seeing that grounded her very quickly, and she turned to the fighter next to her.
“Where’s Vikka, is she alright?  How long was I out?  Does J’onn know?  I need to get home and find her!  Help me get ou-” The lantern was asking questions at a fast pace, panicked by the idea that Vikka had been harmed while she was out, but she was cut off when the door to her room opened, and in walked two familiar faces.
The taller of the figures, a muscular woman with fangs and wolf ears, smiled widely and began wagging her tail at the sight of Jess sitting up in bed, and turned to say something to the other person entering the room, too slowly, however, as the second figure nearly slammed into Jess within half a second of being in the room.  Wanting them to have time alone, Orion got up and joined Selene, standing guard outside the room, making sure the pair wasn’t bothered.
“You’re alright! You’re alive and you’re okay and you’re alright!” Vikka managed to say, her voice giving out at the end, holding Jess in a tight embrace, her body shaking with sobs of relief.  The lantern was holding onto her partner just as tightly, grabbing onto the edges of her clothes, as if she might disappear at any moment.  “Yeah, I’m here, I’m not going anywhere, nowhere you can’t come with,” was all she was able to say to reassure her partner, before she too broke down in tears.
The pair held each other for a long while, neither one wanting to let go.
I made a taglist of everyone who has read this stuff so far, let me know if I shouldn't put you on the taglist
@team-clockers, @bluesolarflare, @belbelbells, @yoshiintheweb, @slutcore-starships
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
I did a goof, the ask box is now open and allows for anons
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
In Their Arms prompt part 1
It was September now, and that meant that it was time for Jess to get back to active duty as a Green Lantern.  Like before, she was posted to Earth, since there were so many Lanterns already, and she was still technically only a trainee.  With the amount of extraterrestrials that landed on Earth, however, she was still getting plenty of on-the-job experience.
Some days, the job was easy, just capture a space gerbil or something that was running amok on the Watchtower. Maybe a wayward asteroid that just needed a little course correction, and she might get another hero to help, no big deal.  There were fun days, too, when some other dimensional weirdo would appear in the middle of a city, and she got to put to use all the imagination she had from when she was a kid, watching superheroes battle on TV, conjuring objects with her ring to drive her opponent into defeat.
"And then there's days like today," Jess mumbled to herself, picking herself up out of the newly formed crater in the dirt, rubble in her hair, before launching herself back at the manta-like alien that had thrown her to the ground, her large green baseball bat already swinging.
There are different ways to observe a superhero fight, each with varying levels of danger. The most dangerous, one might guess, is being a direct part of combat, exampled by the stinger plunging into Jess's side, eliciting a scream of pain.  Next would be those on the scene of the fight, who scramble to avoid beams of energy shot from the combatants, trying to find safety in the chaos.  Depending on the reporter and camera crew, they may be put in between these two levels, doing their best to get a good view of the hero, trying to to track her as she gets slammed into the side of a building.
The lowest level of danger, of course, is those at home, watching the battle as a live broadcast, watching in terror as her friend yells in pain when the alien wraps its spiky tail around her arm.  Someone watching the TV can do nothing more than clutch a pillow to her chest and watch in fear as the most important person in her life dangles from an alien appendage, her blood looking alarmingly dark against her green suit.
"I hate days like today," the lantern mumbled to herself as her eyelids became heavy, faintly recognizing the whistle of an arrow as it thudded into the alien's face next to her, and a second arrow latching onto her back. The last thing she felt before she lost consciousness was the feeling of something warm covering her body and cocooning her.

The moment Jess’s eyes closed, Vikka froze.  The chatter of the reporters faded away, the sights of claws and arrows on the camera became dull, and everything brightened.  One sound pierced through the dull ringing of the world, a metallic clink, and when looking down to find the source, Vikka found her bracelet in pieces on the ground.
The same bracelet that had been suppressing her powers.
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
" oh, shit. I'm in love with you ?? " prompts:
(feel free to use <3 @urfriendlywriter | req by @president--namjoon yall 6th, 7th omg 17th, and 19th yall tag me when u write! )
absent-mindedly playing with their hair.
smiling a little too much around them
wanting to do things for them [ie. gifts, surprises, writing letters etc etc]
having them hug you tight
them running into your arms
catching them lost in your eyes. AAAAH.
glancing at them when they aren't looking at you. and thinking oh shit im screwed for life.
wanting to capture that smile of theirs.
accidental touches and then thinking about it for days.
platonic forehead kisses starting to give u the feels. LIKE ITS SOMETHING MAGICAL.
"is that really all 'A' is to you?"
trusting each other with your lives.
when they aren't hesitant to defend you in your absence
they laugh at your 'not-so-funny' jokes.
always wondering what the other will do in your situation
"your smile brings me so much joy." >>>
tight hugs where both/either of you feel super safe in.
having them give something of importance to them for you, as a gift (ie. "oh this is a necklace my late mum owned.. she always wanted me to gift this to someone i cherish.. have it. :)" )
the moment of eye-contact from across the room that magically blurs everyone out of the world. it's just u two.
a third person pointing out how beautiful they're and suddenly you're seeing them in a different light (shalalallalaaa)
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
Jess was born on April 19th of 20XX, making her 22 years old when she met Vikka.
Vikka was born on ... Well that's a difficult one to answer, actually. Part of the difficulty is that Vikka is an alien, engineered to be a force of destruction on Earth, similar in development to that of Superboy from the Young Justice cartoon. She's not been alive for a long time, but she's physically and mentally around Jess's age.
Let's see, I've got an idea on how to give her a birthday, though
"Huh! Would ya look at that?" Jess said, scrolling on her phone while eating some cereal, and then turning it to show Vikka. "You've been here for almost a whole year! We should celebrate!"
Vikka, for her part, knew about human celebrations, birthdays, anniversaries, these were all things that were covered in chapter 6 of the Justice League's Introduction to Earth and Human Society video lessons she had been given, but all the same, she looked confused.
"What's up buttercup? Don't tell me you've already forgotten what a party is?" The lantern said, patting the spot on the couch next to her.
"It's not that, I just realized I don't have a birthday," she said, sitting down and leaning her head on her partner's shoulder, "it's not easy to figure out when you were born when you were made in a giant test tube,"
"mhm," came Jess's response as she leaned her head on the alien's.
"In space no less!" Accompanied by a dramatic arm gesture.
"hmm..." The lantern hummed against Vikka's head, "here's an idea, what if we say your birthday is the day you chose your name? It is your birth, in a way"
"Oh! I like that idea! Let's see," Vikka began counting on her fingers, "Summer month, June July August, which one wa-"
"June 15th! I got it saved in my calendar right here!" Jess said, pointing to a black heart in a calendar on her phone. She gave a half-hug, wrapping the other arm around her partner, in addition to pressing a kiss on top of her head. "How do you like it, your highness? Is that a good birthday for you?"
"It's perfect," The alien replied, holding Jess's free hand and snuggling into her side
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
i am not immune to stories in which characters who have endured harsh, empty existences become absolutely transformed by someone’s sincere love for them and learn to live
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
Height Difference Prompt
"It's not my fault that you're the perfect height to be my headrest, its just how the cards get played," the lantern said in a sweet voice, indeed resting her head upon her companion's, feeling the irritation radiating off of the girl below her.
"If I remember correctly, it very much is your fault that I'm this height, I used to be tall enough to reach the ceiling here," the alien hissed at the girl above her, not wanting to disturb the other people in line.
"Mhm, yeah, you were real scary, I bet you could have terrified at least a kitten, a puppy if we're talking ultimate levels of power," Jess said, poking Vikka's sides, having already decided what she was going to order, and now waiting on her shorter friend.
"I decimated cities, you should be bowing down to me!" said Vikka, swatting at the fingers poking her and distracting her from her lunch-to-be.
"Bowing down to you? That's one way to be taller than me, though if you want me on my knees, you need only ask, oh grand destroyer of the worlds of puppies and kittens," said the lantern in a playful tone, before being elbowed in the stomach, and then pressing a hand to her forehead "Oh I've been wounded! I must alert the League right away that you've gone AWOL!"
"Oh hush, you still serve a purpose, so I'm not gonna destroy you right away, though if you keep calling me short, it may tip the scales against you," the alien conceded, turning her attention back to the menu above the counter.
"Mhm, I love you too~" Said the taller girl with a grin, hugging her arms around the other girl's shoulders.
Soon enough, it was their turn to order, and so Jess gave up on teasing her housemate for the time being, knowing she'd get plenty of other opportunities to do so in the future.
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
friends to lovers prompts ˗ˏˋ꒰ 🐚 ꒱
— hugging and absentmindedly kissing their neck, resulting in mortification for one of them
— one being shorter and it being a source of great enjoyment for the other
— hang-outs that start to feel more and more like dates
— sleeping in the same bed, as they’d often do, but one morning waking up cuddling
— nickname turning into petnames
— one having to sit in the other’s lap when space is tight and them both blushing like crazy over it
— being overprotective of them in front of prospective partners
— one giving the other their jacket / covering them with it when they fall asleep
— sharing clothes in a totally friendly way
— telling them they deserve better (and silently wanting to be the one who gives it to them)
— valuing their opinions/approval above everyone else’s
— memorising their favourite things and treating them when they have a bad day
— cuddling for comfort in a Very platonic manner
— defending them against everyone, even when they’re not there to witness it
— being distrustful of the other’s bfs/gfs
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
“say you won’t let go” - some touch starved scenarios
prompt list by @novelbear
heart pounding whenever the other does so much as to hold onto their wrist while guiding them through a crowd
one just casually sitting down on the other's lap and they start internally freaking the hell out
hesitantly tugging the other's fabric of their shirt or sleeve, testing the waters
^^ the other notices so they pull them into a hug, smiling as they just watch them melt
"wait, don't go, please.."
"is this okay?" "it's more than okay."
already barely holding it together as they're getting their hand held but then they feel that reassuring squeeze and they just can't
wearing the others' clothes so that it can at least feel like they're hugging them, even for just a moment
feeling so lonely that they have to call their lover/friend, just to get a sense and reminder that they're still there
^ trying and failing to hold back their tears as they do so
"can i have one more hug?" "aw, babe you don't have to ask, c'mere..."
when the other holds onto their waist briefly as they're passing by and it just send chills down their spine
breaking down mid-hug because they just needed this so much
their breath hitching whenever the other gets a little closer
^ feeling crushed when that action is taken as a sign of discomfort, and they watch them slowly back off
holding onto a stuffed animal/pillow, imagining that it's their lover in their embrace instead
one leaning their head onto the other's shoulder suddenly and they just freeze
"i wasn't sure how much longer i could have taken this..."
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greenshadowsinthesky · 10 months
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These characters came to me in a dream, and as I woke up I had the visual of a pair of green and black lights rocketing through the sky, and since then I've been working on fleshing them out as actual characters
Jess (she/her) is a Green Lantern, she got her ring years ago and was trained by John Stewart. She was posted to Earth, told that one day there would be a society-destroying alien sent to Earth that she would have to neutralize.
Vikka (she/her) was sent to Earth to destroy human civilization and cause destruction, with the ability to create hard-light constructs, and the ability to evolve to overcome obstacles that stop her from her goal.
I still have a lot of details to clear up and uncover, but the idea is that Jess initially fought Vikka in order to try and stop her, but found that the malice she was showing wasn't genuine, and tried showing Vikka kindness instead, and was able to stop her from destroying anything more. Now, Vikka lives with Jess, learning what it means to be human, and learning about their culture.
They become inseparable, and eventually come to terms that they have feelings for each other.
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