gretavansmooch · 12 days
6. Everything That Becomes Us.
Barbarian. Biker!Jake
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18+ Story, Minors not welcomed.
A/n: Here’s chapter 6! As always, enjoy, and please let me know if you’d like to be added to the Taglist! 🍾
Content Warnings: drinking, smoking, mentions of criminal activity, mention & depiction of serious illness, allusions to violence against reader, weird father relationships… think that’s it!
Word Count: 3.5k
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The following morning ushered in an unexpected sense of domesticity that was a stark departure from the chaos that often defined Jake’s past. While you maneuvered in the kitchen concocting breakfast, Jake wrestled with the obstinate washing machine that had rudely interrupted the tranquility of the morning hours earlier.
A formal breakfast was a rare luxury in his tumultuous upbringing, reserved for occasions shadowed by his mother’s fleeting presence and often marred by the underlying tension of impending departure or discord with Rex. Thus, the simple act of someone preparing breakfast for him purely out of kindness struck a chord within Jake, hinting at the semblance of stability and care he had secretly long yearned for.
However, that morning stuck out to Jake for an entirely different reason. He’d be replaying the small series of events over again in his head later, as he’d do with a lot of different instances surrounding you.
He remembered the details vividly:
As he meticulously pieced the washing machine back together, the mundane task was punctuated by the shrill ring of your cell phone echoing through the trailer. Each passing moment seemed to elongate as Jake strained to discern your hesitation before you finally answered.
Jake, unaccustomed to eavesdropping, initially dismissed the snippets of conversation drifting from the kitchen. With the task completed and a bead of sweat wiped from his brow, he eagerly made his way towards the promise of breakfast. However, his steps faltered mid-stride as the tone of your voice shifted to a secretive whisper, one tinged with an urgency that seized his attention. A sense of unease crept over him, an inner conflict warring between respecting your privacy and the compulsion to understand the weight of your words.
Frozen in the hallway, Jake grappled with the dilemma of intrusion versus ignorance. Though he had never been one to eavesdrop, the gravity of the situation left him with no choice but to linger in the shadows to silently bear witness to the conversation unfolding behind closed doors.
“Look mom,” you sounded sincere yet assertive, “I get that you’re sick, but I can’t come back there, you know that. Not after what happened…”
Jake’s brow furrowed slightly, a flicker of concern crossed his features as he continued to listen, grappling with a sense of guilt for intruding on the private conversation.
"Mom, you know I don’t have that kind of money… Yes, but… If I give you everything I’ve saved up, I'll be back at square one, and all the progress I've made here would be for nothing..."
A whirlwind of questions stormed through Jake's mind as he lingered in that hallway, overhearing snippets of your cryptic conversation.
What dark chapter from your past barred the doors to your childhood home? Why were you secretly stashing money away?
Caught in the grip of curiosity and discomfort, Jake sought refuge in the kitchen, a feeble attempt to escape the weight of the revelations unfolding before him. You deftly flipped the last pancake on the stove as he entered, your phone still pressed against your ear.
Sensing his presence, you turned, a smile adorning your face. Your voice shifted to a tone of casual innocence as you swiftly wrapped up the call, doing your best to conceal the true gravity of the discussion from Jake's prying ears.
"Yeah, so anyways, mom, I'll, uh, get back to you on that as soon as I can… Mhmm… yeah, love you too… Bye."
Relieved that Jake's attention was elsewhere, you poured a glass of orange juice from the fridge, masking the discomfort that churned within you.
You set your phone down on the counter and focused on the task at hand, plating the pancakes alongside the sizzling bacon, eggs, and an array of fruits. Relieved that Jake’s attention was elsewhere, pouring a glass of orange juice by the fridge, you swallowed down the tumult of emotions stirred by the conversation, and made a conscious effort to maintain a façade of composure until Jake's departure.
"That was your mom?" Jake's casual inquiry floated across the kitchen as he leaned against the counter, his gaze fixed on you as you busied yourself with the breakfast preparations.
"Yeah," you chirped, forcing a veneer of cheerfulness into your voice, though your back remained turned to him, "she, uh, just needed help with something."
Sensing the weight of his stare boring into your back, you turned to meet his gaze, mustering your best grin in an attempt to deflect any further probing into the nature of the call.
Clad in a black tank top that accentuated his tattoos and the muscular definition of his arms, Jake leaned against the counter, his hair cascading loosely around his shoulders. As you admired his relaxed appearance, a gentle smile graced his lips, but the subtle furrow of his brow betrayed the wheels turning in his mind. You couldn't help but wonder how much of the conversation he had overheard.
A heavy silence settled over the kitchen until Jake finally broke it, his voice tinged with concern.
"You okay?"
You nodded hastily, perhaps a bit too eager to dismiss any lingering tension, "I'm fine."
You could sense Jake's desire to delve further into the matter, but a silent understanding passed between you, a mutual agreement to let the conversation rest for now. There was a palpable tension in the air, a recognition that some truths were not yet ready to be unearthed.
He pushed himself off the counter and began crossing the kitchen with purpose. Your heart quickened its pace in response, and you flinched, which Jake noted and tucked away in the recesses of his mind before he enveloped you in a gentle embrace. A tender kiss planted on your forehead ignited a surge of protectiveness within him, reinforcing the depth of his affection.
His hold on you was firm, as if he believed he could shield you from the world's troubles simply by holding you close in that moment. Though countless uncertainties loomed regarding the nature of your conversation with your mother, Jake couldn't shake the unwavering conviction that whatever skeletons resided in your closet, they wouldn't deter his feelings for you.
As your eyes locked in a silent exchange, a myriad of emotions passed between you, punctuated by Jake's warm smile.
You felt a deepening attraction towards him, a desire to nurture this burgeoning connection with each passing day. You wanted to cook him breakfast for a million days to come.
“I’m hungry,” he lilted.
With a playful peck on his lips, you turned to retrieve the plate you had prepared, inviting him to partake in the breakfast you had lovingly prepared, “come and get it.”
Jake chuckled at your playful demeanor, his eyes alight with affection. "Don't talk to me like that, woman, you know what it does to me."
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After breakfast, Jake was on the move, headed to the Tavern for a crucial meeting with the club members. The objective: devise a complete strategy to infiltrate Bobby's casino and seize control of his finances.
Fortuitously, Jake had already sketched the framework of the plan; now it was up to the gang to flesh out the finer details.
Sequestered in their private room at the back of the bar, the men engaged in a marathon brainstorming session, fueled by copious amounts of alcohol that seemed to defy the limits of Riley's inventory.
The hours proved mentally taxing for Jake, who found himself thrust into a leadership role, given that the plan had sprung from his initial idea. As the group delved deeper into the intricacies of their scheme, Jake navigated the delicate balance between guiding the discussion and fostering collaboration.
The overarching objective of the plan was straightforward: infiltrate and establish a foothold. However, the devil was in the details.
The Barbarians, armed with their financial leverage over Bobby's casino, planned a direct and aggressive takeover. Prior to this, Alejandro's financial experts would conduct an internal audit to scrutinize the casino's financial records. Concurrently, 8-ball, their reliable reconnaissance expert, along with a team of Barbarians, would meticulously examine the security protocols, identifying vulnerabilities and discrepancies. They would also gauge the loyalty of key staff members to anticipate potential challenges or cooperation during the takeover. Once these preliminary assessments were complete, the Barbarians would be briefed on their specific roles and responsibilities for the impending operation.
This part of the plan was a strategic power play, a calculated display of authority designed to assert the Barbarians' dominance over Bobby Thompson. That, and it left little room for resistance. If they didn’t see it coming, they wouldn’t have time to retaliate.
Upon successfully infiltrating the casino, the real work would commence. With assistance from Alejandro's operatives, the Barbarians would assume control of all operational facets. They would take charge of security to neutralize any potential resistance, gain access to the casino's financial systems, including the vault and registers, and begin discreetly redirecting funds through covert channels to avoid detection.
Given Alejandro's insistence on receiving his share in cash, an additional layer of complexity was introduced to the operation. All diverted funds would be funneled into the Barbarians' club account, covertly managed by their trusted accountant and stored securely until the time of transfer.
It was a solid plan, meticulously crafted to minimize the risk of detection. If executed with precision, they could execute the entire operation within the six months window without raising any red flags with law enforcement. After all, the federal authorities were unlikely to be overly concerned with a medium-sized casino tucked away in the middle of Nowhere, Nevada.
With the plan finalized, the meeting came to a close, leaving the Barbarians to await the right moment to set their scheme in motion.
Ace couldn't help but notice Jake's natural leadership qualities as he contributed to the formulation of the plan. Despite all Jake's modesty, there was an undeniable aura of authority that seemed to emanate from him effortlessly.
However, the meeting had taken its toll on Jake, leaving him feeling mentally drained. Having left Riley's a few hours earlier, Jake was eager to head home. Yet, as he approached the exit, Ace intercepted him, his grip firm on Jake's arm. Without uttering a word, Ace produced a thick wad of cash, all in hundred-dollar bills, and displayed it before him.
Aware that the Barbarians always had various revenue streams, however minor, Jake surmised that this must be the source of the money. His gaze shifted from the cash to Ace and back again, estimating the sum to be around five thousand dollars, if not more, leaving him puzzled.
"What's this for?" Jake queried, his brow furrowing in confusion.
Leaning in, Ace responded, "consider it payment for your contributions."
Jake scoffed, "but I haven't done anything."
Ace met his gaze knowingly, "your role in shaping that plan was more than enough."
Jake's eyes lingered on the cash, but his thoughts quickly veered in a different direction.
It was curious how you managed to permeate his thoughts at the most unexpected moments. Now, with five thousand dollars in hand, his mind was consumed with only the desire to give it all to you.
Recalling your earlier phone call, Jake felt an overwhelming urge to ease any burdens you might be carrying, even though much about you remained shrouded in mystery.
Almost impulsively, Jake turned to Ace and blurted out, "what do you know about Cherry?"
Ace chuckled, having anticipated this question would eventually surface, but he had always assumed it would be on Jake's terms. While Ace harbored his own questions about you, he suspected his insights might not fully satisfy Jake's curiosity. Nevertheless, he was willing to share what he knew.
As they stood by the bar, Ace gestured to the nearest stool. Sensing the impending conversation, Jake took a seat beside him.
A nod to the bartender was all it took; she immediately began preparing Ace's usual drink without the need for words.
"To be frank, kid," Ace began, turning his full attention to Jake, "I don't know much. None of us do. But I'll share what I do know."
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Two Years Ago
A raspy cough echoed from Riley's frail form as he stepped outside his trailer, watering can in hand. The relentless cancer that had taken hold of him intensified the pain of the smoker's cough he had developed over the years. With each passing day, his strength waned, and after undergoing treatments that had proven futile, he had decided to forego further interventions, opting instead to focus on managing his pain and comfort as he neared the end of his life.
At sixty-three , Riley had lived a life marked by resilience and dedication, spending over half of those years as a formidable member of the Barbarians. He had seen and experienced more than most would in two lifetimes, yet it was cancer that proved to be his final adversary.
As he looked at his reflection, the gauntness of his features and the pallor of his skin made him appear as though he was already a shadow of his former self. Despite this, he found himself standing outside the trailer he had called home for the past forty-five years, tending to a flower garden that would more than likely outlive him.
Riley's thoughts drifted to his cherished Tavern, a place that held as much importance to him as his allegiance to the brotherhood. He wondered about its fate once he was no longer around. While he trusted the Barbarians to care for it, the uncertainty of not being there to oversee its well-being troubled him.
Lost in these thoughts, the sound of approaching tires caught his attention. Initially dismissing it, he grew curious as the idling engine came to a halt outside his home, revealing a Nevada cab at the end of the dusty driveway.
Observing a middle-aged cab driver assisting an unfamiliar visitor, Riley's attention was immediately drawn to your face. A rush of emotions surged within him as he recognized you, a sensation he had never felt before. He was stunned; the last he had heard from you was when you were just five years old, and the last time he had seen you in person was when you were merely two, before your mother had taken you away to Texarkana.
Confused and intrigued, he couldn't fathom why, after all these years, you were suddenly standing at his doorstep.
He watched as the man retrieved a couple of duffle bags from the trunk, while you struggled with a crumpled wad of cash in your hand before completing the exchange. He wondered how much you had to pay to get a cab to bring you all the way out there.
As you approached, the details of your appearance became clearer. Riley's gaze immediately landed on the remnants of a black eye on your right side, accompanied by several smaller bruises along your forearm. Though you wore jeans, Riley suspected there were likely more bruises hidden beneath.Despite his concern, he chose to remain silent on the matter, sensing that, like him, you probably didn't want to discuss it.
As you made your way up the driveway, you took in Riley's appearance as well. He looked even more unwell than you had anticipated, a stark contrast to the stories your mother had shared about him. The ravages of cancer were evident.
Setting down his watering can just as you reached him, Riley greeted you with a simple, "Hey, kid."
The reunion between father and daughter, after over fifteen years apart, was surprisingly subdued. Both of you seemed to have too much on your minds to make a fuss about it.
"Hey, Dad," you replied, your voice trembling slightly, offering him a tentative smile given the circumstances.
An awkward silence hung in the air as you both assessed each other's worn appearance, yet also noticed the shared features that confirmed your relationship.
"What are you doin’ here?"
Riley's question made you second-guess your decision to come without even a phone call. The risk of showing up unannounced suddenly seemed more apparent, but you also knew the alternative was far worse.
"My mom told me you were sick, terminal," you stammered, avoiding his eyes as you looked towards the blooming flower garden he had been tending, "I came to help. You know, take care of you."
Riley could see through your words, recognizing that caring for a man battling terminal prostate cancer was likely not high on your priority list. However, he sensed that you had come for a reason, possibly running from something—or someone.
The fear that consumed you was palpable, evident in your posture and demeanor. You had become fear.
Realizing that he had not been the best father during your formative years, Riley felt compelled to offer you refuge from whatever troubles you were facing. As a Barbarian, he was no stranger to trouble, and he believed he could shield you from it.
In addition, your presence would provide him with much-needed companionship in his final days, rather than sporadic visits from club members. With you, he would have the company of genuine family.
And of course, if you were willing, you could take over the operations at the Tavern.
It seemed like a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Finally, a grin spread across Riley's face, and you couldn't help but notice how eerily similar his smile was to yours. "Come on in, we'll get you settled."
You tightened your grip on your bags as Riley gestured for you to enter, feeling a glimmer of hope that being there might offer you the sanctuary you so desperately sought from the looming darkness.
"Watch out for my flowers. Don’t step on ‘em," Riley chided, adding a touch of normalcy to this unexpected reunion.
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"That's the only story Riley ever shared with me," Ace admitted, taking a sip of his beer and studying Jake's reaction. "After that, he didn't talk much about her."
Jake nodded, realizing this might be the extent of the information he'd receive, leaving him with conflicting feelings.
"It's not that Riley was secretive or malicious," Ace elaborated, reminiscing about the times when Riley was still with them. "He was just protective, and we respected that. Even after his passing, we still do."
Jake understood the protective sentiment, feeling a similar urge to shield you, albeit not in the same paternal manner as Riley. His feelings for you were complex and puzzling.
"She was incredible for Riley during his final months, by his side when he passed, helped organize his funeral, and has been managing the hell outta this Tavern," Ace recounted with a chuckle. "So, we just leave it at that."
The story left Jake with more questions than answers, yet he found himself strangely content with the information provided.
Ace extended the folded hundred-dollar bills to Jake once again, and this time he accepted them, tucking them into his front pocket before finishing off his beer.
"Thanks, as always, you're appreciated," Jake said to Ace, making a beeline for the exit.
Ace chuckled softly, shaking his head. "That boy is in way deeper than he thinks."
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Jake found you just after you’d finished showering, your hair wrapped in a towel and wearing a faded Kentucky Derby t-shirt that he remembered once belonged to Riley. Your face lit up with a smile at his arrival, which only fueled his determination to carry out his plan with the money he had obtained.
"Hey, handsome," you greeted, visibly relieved by his presence.
In response, Jake pulled the money from his pocket and handed it to you, mimicking the gesture Ace had made with him earlier. Your confusion mirrored his own when Ace had done the same to him.
"Jake, what the hell is this?"
"I heard you on the phone earlier," he explained, the words tumbling out as if he couldn't hold them back any longer.
You felt a familiar tension creep back into your muscles at the mention of the phone call, but you remained silent, waiting to see what else he had to share.
"Save your money," Jake said softly, his tone filled with care, “use this to help your mom, and if you need more, just let me know, okay?"
Stunned, you found yourself unable to accept the money. You knew the funds were likely from Barbarian activities, but that was the least of your concerns. You couldn't comprehend why he was so willing to give it to you. His generosity was unfamiliar and overwhelming. First, the truck, and now this.
You were certain Jake wasn't expecting anything in return; his generosity was genuine.
"Take it," he urged gently, “please, Cherry?"
Reluctantly, you reached out and accepted the stash, noting that the bills were mostly, if not all, hundreds.
The money was providing a lifeline for you in ways Jake couldn't possibly understand, making you feel as though he was the catalyst for positive change in your life.
Still holding the money, you wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a tender kiss on his lips, savoring the taste of beer and tobacco. "Why are you so good, Jacob?"
Hearing you call him by his full name sent a shiver down his spine. He looked down at you, shaking his head slightly, and admired the way your still-wet lashes clung together. "I'm no good, Cherry. I'm just good for you."
You kissed him again to keep yourself from saying what you wanted to say next.
You’re not good for me, Jake. You’re too good for me.
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Taglist: @edgingthedarkness @earthgrlsreasy @wetkleenex-gvf @hollyco
28 notes · View notes
gretavansmooch · 12 days
6. Everything That Becomes Us.
Barbarian. Biker!Jake
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18+ Story, Minors not welcomed.
A/n: Here’s chapter 6! As always, enjoy, and please let me know if you’d like to be added to the Taglist! 🍾
Content Warnings: drinking, smoking, mentions of criminal activity, mention & depiction of serious illness, allusions to violence against reader, weird father relationships… think that’s it!
Word Count: 3.5k
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The following morning ushered in an unexpected sense of domesticity that was a stark departure from the chaos that often defined Jake’s past. While you maneuvered in the kitchen concocting breakfast, Jake wrestled with the obstinate washing machine that had rudely interrupted the tranquility of the morning hours earlier.
A formal breakfast was a rare luxury in his tumultuous upbringing, reserved for occasions shadowed by his mother’s fleeting presence and often marred by the underlying tension of impending departure or discord with Rex. Thus, the simple act of someone preparing breakfast for him purely out of kindness struck a chord within Jake, hinting at the semblance of stability and care he had secretly long yearned for.
However, that morning stuck out to Jake for an entirely different reason. He’d be replaying the small series of events over again in his head later, as he’d do with a lot of different instances surrounding you.
He remembered the details vividly:
As he meticulously pieced the washing machine back together, the mundane task was punctuated by the shrill ring of your cell phone echoing through the trailer. Each passing moment seemed to elongate as Jake strained to discern your hesitation before you finally answered.
Jake, unaccustomed to eavesdropping, initially dismissed the snippets of conversation drifting from the kitchen. With the task completed and a bead of sweat wiped from his brow, he eagerly made his way towards the promise of breakfast. However, his steps faltered mid-stride as the tone of your voice shifted to a secretive whisper, one tinged with an urgency that seized his attention. A sense of unease crept over him, an inner conflict warring between respecting your privacy and the compulsion to understand the weight of your words.
Frozen in the hallway, Jake grappled with the dilemma of intrusion versus ignorance. Though he had never been one to eavesdrop, the gravity of the situation left him with no choice but to linger in the shadows to silently bear witness to the conversation unfolding behind closed doors.
“Look mom,” you sounded sincere yet assertive, “I get that you’re sick, but I can’t come back there, you know that. Not after what happened…”
Jake’s brow furrowed slightly, a flicker of concern crossed his features as he continued to listen, grappling with a sense of guilt for intruding on the private conversation.
"Mom, you know I don’t have that kind of money… Yes, but… If I give you everything I’ve saved up, I'll be back at square one, and all the progress I've made here would be for nothing..."
A whirlwind of questions stormed through Jake's mind as he lingered in that hallway, overhearing snippets of your cryptic conversation.
What dark chapter from your past barred the doors to your childhood home? Why were you secretly stashing money away?
Caught in the grip of curiosity and discomfort, Jake sought refuge in the kitchen, a feeble attempt to escape the weight of the revelations unfolding before him. You deftly flipped the last pancake on the stove as he entered, your phone still pressed against your ear.
Sensing his presence, you turned, a smile adorning your face. Your voice shifted to a tone of casual innocence as you swiftly wrapped up the call, doing your best to conceal the true gravity of the discussion from Jake's prying ears.
"Yeah, so anyways, mom, I'll, uh, get back to you on that as soon as I can… Mhmm… yeah, love you too… Bye."
Relieved that Jake's attention was elsewhere, you poured a glass of orange juice from the fridge, masking the discomfort that churned within you.
You set your phone down on the counter and focused on the task at hand, plating the pancakes alongside the sizzling bacon, eggs, and an array of fruits. Relieved that Jake’s attention was elsewhere, pouring a glass of orange juice by the fridge, you swallowed down the tumult of emotions stirred by the conversation, and made a conscious effort to maintain a façade of composure until Jake's departure.
"That was your mom?" Jake's casual inquiry floated across the kitchen as he leaned against the counter, his gaze fixed on you as you busied yourself with the breakfast preparations.
"Yeah," you chirped, forcing a veneer of cheerfulness into your voice, though your back remained turned to him, "she, uh, just needed help with something."
Sensing the weight of his stare boring into your back, you turned to meet his gaze, mustering your best grin in an attempt to deflect any further probing into the nature of the call.
Clad in a black tank top that accentuated his tattoos and the muscular definition of his arms, Jake leaned against the counter, his hair cascading loosely around his shoulders. As you admired his relaxed appearance, a gentle smile graced his lips, but the subtle furrow of his brow betrayed the wheels turning in his mind. You couldn't help but wonder how much of the conversation he had overheard.
A heavy silence settled over the kitchen until Jake finally broke it, his voice tinged with concern.
"You okay?"
You nodded hastily, perhaps a bit too eager to dismiss any lingering tension, "I'm fine."
You could sense Jake's desire to delve further into the matter, but a silent understanding passed between you, a mutual agreement to let the conversation rest for now. There was a palpable tension in the air, a recognition that some truths were not yet ready to be unearthed.
He pushed himself off the counter and began crossing the kitchen with purpose. Your heart quickened its pace in response, and you flinched, which Jake noted and tucked away in the recesses of his mind before he enveloped you in a gentle embrace. A tender kiss planted on your forehead ignited a surge of protectiveness within him, reinforcing the depth of his affection.
His hold on you was firm, as if he believed he could shield you from the world's troubles simply by holding you close in that moment. Though countless uncertainties loomed regarding the nature of your conversation with your mother, Jake couldn't shake the unwavering conviction that whatever skeletons resided in your closet, they wouldn't deter his feelings for you.
As your eyes locked in a silent exchange, a myriad of emotions passed between you, punctuated by Jake's warm smile.
You felt a deepening attraction towards him, a desire to nurture this burgeoning connection with each passing day. You wanted to cook him breakfast for a million days to come.
“I’m hungry,” he lilted.
With a playful peck on his lips, you turned to retrieve the plate you had prepared, inviting him to partake in the breakfast you had lovingly prepared, “come and get it.”
Jake chuckled at your playful demeanor, his eyes alight with affection. "Don't talk to me like that, woman, you know what it does to me."
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After breakfast, Jake was on the move, headed to the Tavern for a crucial meeting with the club members. The objective: devise a complete strategy to infiltrate Bobby's casino and seize control of his finances.
Fortuitously, Jake had already sketched the framework of the plan; now it was up to the gang to flesh out the finer details.
Sequestered in their private room at the back of the bar, the men engaged in a marathon brainstorming session, fueled by copious amounts of alcohol that seemed to defy the limits of Riley's inventory.
The hours proved mentally taxing for Jake, who found himself thrust into a leadership role, given that the plan had sprung from his initial idea. As the group delved deeper into the intricacies of their scheme, Jake navigated the delicate balance between guiding the discussion and fostering collaboration.
The overarching objective of the plan was straightforward: infiltrate and establish a foothold. However, the devil was in the details.
The Barbarians, armed with their financial leverage over Bobby's casino, planned a direct and aggressive takeover. Prior to this, Alejandro's financial experts would conduct an internal audit to scrutinize the casino's financial records. Concurrently, 8-ball, their reliable reconnaissance expert, along with a team of Barbarians, would meticulously examine the security protocols, identifying vulnerabilities and discrepancies. They would also gauge the loyalty of key staff members to anticipate potential challenges or cooperation during the takeover. Once these preliminary assessments were complete, the Barbarians would be briefed on their specific roles and responsibilities for the impending operation.
This part of the plan was a strategic power play, a calculated display of authority designed to assert the Barbarians' dominance over Bobby Thompson. That, and it left little room for resistance. If they didn’t see it coming, they wouldn’t have time to retaliate.
Upon successfully infiltrating the casino, the real work would commence. With assistance from Alejandro's operatives, the Barbarians would assume control of all operational facets. They would take charge of security to neutralize any potential resistance, gain access to the casino's financial systems, including the vault and registers, and begin discreetly redirecting funds through covert channels to avoid detection.
Given Alejandro's insistence on receiving his share in cash, an additional layer of complexity was introduced to the operation. All diverted funds would be funneled into the Barbarians' club account, covertly managed by their trusted accountant and stored securely until the time of transfer.
It was a solid plan, meticulously crafted to minimize the risk of detection. If executed with precision, they could execute the entire operation within the six months window without raising any red flags with law enforcement. After all, the federal authorities were unlikely to be overly concerned with a medium-sized casino tucked away in the middle of Nowhere, Nevada.
With the plan finalized, the meeting came to a close, leaving the Barbarians to await the right moment to set their scheme in motion.
Ace couldn't help but notice Jake's natural leadership qualities as he contributed to the formulation of the plan. Despite all Jake's modesty, there was an undeniable aura of authority that seemed to emanate from him effortlessly.
However, the meeting had taken its toll on Jake, leaving him feeling mentally drained. Having left Riley's a few hours earlier, Jake was eager to head home. Yet, as he approached the exit, Ace intercepted him, his grip firm on Jake's arm. Without uttering a word, Ace produced a thick wad of cash, all in hundred-dollar bills, and displayed it before him.
Aware that the Barbarians always had various revenue streams, however minor, Jake surmised that this must be the source of the money. His gaze shifted from the cash to Ace and back again, estimating the sum to be around five thousand dollars, if not more, leaving him puzzled.
"What's this for?" Jake queried, his brow furrowing in confusion.
Leaning in, Ace responded, "consider it payment for your contributions."
Jake scoffed, "but I haven't done anything."
Ace met his gaze knowingly, "your role in shaping that plan was more than enough."
Jake's eyes lingered on the cash, but his thoughts quickly veered in a different direction.
It was curious how you managed to permeate his thoughts at the most unexpected moments. Now, with five thousand dollars in hand, his mind was consumed with only the desire to give it all to you.
Recalling your earlier phone call, Jake felt an overwhelming urge to ease any burdens you might be carrying, even though much about you remained shrouded in mystery.
Almost impulsively, Jake turned to Ace and blurted out, "what do you know about Cherry?"
Ace chuckled, having anticipated this question would eventually surface, but he had always assumed it would be on Jake's terms. While Ace harbored his own questions about you, he suspected his insights might not fully satisfy Jake's curiosity. Nevertheless, he was willing to share what he knew.
As they stood by the bar, Ace gestured to the nearest stool. Sensing the impending conversation, Jake took a seat beside him.
A nod to the bartender was all it took; she immediately began preparing Ace's usual drink without the need for words.
"To be frank, kid," Ace began, turning his full attention to Jake, "I don't know much. None of us do. But I'll share what I do know."
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Two Years Ago
A raspy cough echoed from Riley's frail form as he stepped outside his trailer, watering can in hand. The relentless cancer that had taken hold of him intensified the pain of the smoker's cough he had developed over the years. With each passing day, his strength waned, and after undergoing treatments that had proven futile, he had decided to forego further interventions, opting instead to focus on managing his pain and comfort as he neared the end of his life.
At sixty-three , Riley had lived a life marked by resilience and dedication, spending over half of those years as a formidable member of the Barbarians. He had seen and experienced more than most would in two lifetimes, yet it was cancer that proved to be his final adversary.
As he looked at his reflection, the gauntness of his features and the pallor of his skin made him appear as though he was already a shadow of his former self. Despite this, he found himself standing outside the trailer he had called home for the past forty-five years, tending to a flower garden that would more than likely outlive him.
Riley's thoughts drifted to his cherished Tavern, a place that held as much importance to him as his allegiance to the brotherhood. He wondered about its fate once he was no longer around. While he trusted the Barbarians to care for it, the uncertainty of not being there to oversee its well-being troubled him.
Lost in these thoughts, the sound of approaching tires caught his attention. Initially dismissing it, he grew curious as the idling engine came to a halt outside his home, revealing a Nevada cab at the end of the dusty driveway.
Observing a middle-aged cab driver assisting an unfamiliar visitor, Riley's attention was immediately drawn to your face. A rush of emotions surged within him as he recognized you, a sensation he had never felt before. He was stunned; the last he had heard from you was when you were just five years old, and the last time he had seen you in person was when you were merely two, before your mother had taken you away to Texarkana.
Confused and intrigued, he couldn't fathom why, after all these years, you were suddenly standing at his doorstep.
He watched as the man retrieved a couple of duffle bags from the trunk, while you struggled with a crumpled wad of cash in your hand before completing the exchange. He wondered how much you had to pay to get a cab to bring you all the way out there.
As you approached, the details of your appearance became clearer. Riley's gaze immediately landed on the remnants of a black eye on your right side, accompanied by several smaller bruises along your forearm. Though you wore jeans, Riley suspected there were likely more bruises hidden beneath.Despite his concern, he chose to remain silent on the matter, sensing that, like him, you probably didn't want to discuss it.
As you made your way up the driveway, you took in Riley's appearance as well. He looked even more unwell than you had anticipated, a stark contrast to the stories your mother had shared about him. The ravages of cancer were evident.
Setting down his watering can just as you reached him, Riley greeted you with a simple, "Hey, kid."
The reunion between father and daughter, after over fifteen years apart, was surprisingly subdued. Both of you seemed to have too much on your minds to make a fuss about it.
"Hey, Dad," you replied, your voice trembling slightly, offering him a tentative smile given the circumstances.
An awkward silence hung in the air as you both assessed each other's worn appearance, yet also noticed the shared features that confirmed your relationship.
"What are you doin’ here?"
Riley's question made you second-guess your decision to come without even a phone call. The risk of showing up unannounced suddenly seemed more apparent, but you also knew the alternative was far worse.
"My mom told me you were sick, terminal," you stammered, avoiding his eyes as you looked towards the blooming flower garden he had been tending, "I came to help. You know, take care of you."
Riley could see through your words, recognizing that caring for a man battling terminal prostate cancer was likely not high on your priority list. However, he sensed that you had come for a reason, possibly running from something—or someone.
The fear that consumed you was palpable, evident in your posture and demeanor. You had become fear.
Realizing that he had not been the best father during your formative years, Riley felt compelled to offer you refuge from whatever troubles you were facing. As a Barbarian, he was no stranger to trouble, and he believed he could shield you from it.
In addition, your presence would provide him with much-needed companionship in his final days, rather than sporadic visits from club members. With you, he would have the company of genuine family.
And of course, if you were willing, you could take over the operations at the Tavern.
It seemed like a mutually beneficial arrangement.
Finally, a grin spread across Riley's face, and you couldn't help but notice how eerily similar his smile was to yours. "Come on in, we'll get you settled."
You tightened your grip on your bags as Riley gestured for you to enter, feeling a glimmer of hope that being there might offer you the sanctuary you so desperately sought from the looming darkness.
"Watch out for my flowers. Don’t step on ‘em," Riley chided, adding a touch of normalcy to this unexpected reunion.
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"That's the only story Riley ever shared with me," Ace admitted, taking a sip of his beer and studying Jake's reaction. "After that, he didn't talk much about her."
Jake nodded, realizing this might be the extent of the information he'd receive, leaving him with conflicting feelings.
"It's not that Riley was secretive or malicious," Ace elaborated, reminiscing about the times when Riley was still with them. "He was just protective, and we respected that. Even after his passing, we still do."
Jake understood the protective sentiment, feeling a similar urge to shield you, albeit not in the same paternal manner as Riley. His feelings for you were complex and puzzling.
"She was incredible for Riley during his final months, by his side when he passed, helped organize his funeral, and has been managing the hell outta this Tavern," Ace recounted with a chuckle. "So, we just leave it at that."
The story left Jake with more questions than answers, yet he found himself strangely content with the information provided.
Ace extended the folded hundred-dollar bills to Jake once again, and this time he accepted them, tucking them into his front pocket before finishing off his beer.
"Thanks, as always, you're appreciated," Jake said to Ace, making a beeline for the exit.
Ace chuckled softly, shaking his head. "That boy is in way deeper than he thinks."
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Jake found you just after you’d finished showering, your hair wrapped in a towel and wearing a faded Kentucky Derby t-shirt that he remembered once belonged to Riley. Your face lit up with a smile at his arrival, which only fueled his determination to carry out his plan with the money he had obtained.
"Hey, handsome," you greeted, visibly relieved by his presence.
In response, Jake pulled the money from his pocket and handed it to you, mimicking the gesture Ace had made with him earlier. Your confusion mirrored his own when Ace had done the same to him.
"Jake, what the hell is this?"
"I heard you on the phone earlier," he explained, the words tumbling out as if he couldn't hold them back any longer.
You felt a familiar tension creep back into your muscles at the mention of the phone call, but you remained silent, waiting to see what else he had to share.
"Save your money," Jake said softly, his tone filled with care, “use this to help your mom, and if you need more, just let me know, okay?"
Stunned, you found yourself unable to accept the money. You knew the funds were likely from Barbarian activities, but that was the least of your concerns. You couldn't comprehend why he was so willing to give it to you. His generosity was unfamiliar and overwhelming. First, the truck, and now this.
You were certain Jake wasn't expecting anything in return; his generosity was genuine.
"Take it," he urged gently, “please, Cherry?"
Reluctantly, you reached out and accepted the stash, noting that the bills were mostly, if not all, hundreds.
The money was providing a lifeline for you in ways Jake couldn't possibly understand, making you feel as though he was the catalyst for positive change in your life.
Still holding the money, you wrapped your arms around his neck and placed a tender kiss on his lips, savoring the taste of beer and tobacco. "Why are you so good, Jacob?"
Hearing you call him by his full name sent a shiver down his spine. He looked down at you, shaking his head slightly, and admired the way your still-wet lashes clung together. "I'm no good, Cherry. I'm just good for you."
You kissed him again to keep yourself from saying what you wanted to say next.
You’re not good for me, Jake. You’re too good for me.
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Taglist: @edgingthedarkness @earthgrlsreasy @wetkleenex-gvf @hollyco
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gretavansmooch · 12 days
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Biker!Jake 18+ Series
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Prologue: Once A Barbarian, Always A Barbarian
Chapter 1: Homeward Bound
Chapter 2: Our Old Friend, Death
Chapter 3: Debts & Destiny
Chapter 4: Star-Crossed Strangers
Chapter 5: Pleasing a Storm
Chapter 6: Everything That Becomes Us
53 notes · View notes
gretavansmooch · 24 days
Lace and Literature ~ Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ Minors DNI!!!!!!
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral (f rec), unprotected sex, a little fluff, choking, some degradation, light bondage, mentions of anal, anal play if you squint, gagging, spit play, hysterical literature, spanking. Please let me know if I missed anything <3
A/n: This is a collaboration between me and my bestie @dannys-dream we hope you like it! :)
Word Count: 1.9K
The lack of downtime on tour was nothing new. Rarely though, is there a quiet moment so when you stumble upon an empty room at the venue with an L-shaped plush looking couch, you immediately rummage through your bag for your book that you brought with you on tour. Settling in the corner of the couch, you crack the spine on your new book. You can barely make a dent before you hear Jake’s soft rap on the door. 
“Why am I not surprised that you’ve hidden yourself away with that little book of yours?” He chuckled before striding over to you, settling in front of your legs, leaning his right arm on the couch's cushion. He places a soft kiss on your thigh. “Let’s strike a deal, love. I won’t make you go out and socialize if you’re a good girl and stay quiet for me. We wouldn’t want anyone else hearing how pretty you sound, now would we? We wouldn’t want anyone to know that behind closed doors my good little girl is nothing but a whiny little whore hmm?” He spoke quietly in your ear while lightly stroking your cheek. 
“No sir, I’ll be quiet. I wanna be a good girl for you.” You can feel your body shake as you take a deep breath in anticipation, still unsure of Jake’s plans for you. Always keeping you on edge, you never know what to expect. 
Seemingly pleased with your response he rewards you with the tiniest of smiles before you see his eyes grow darker. Grabbing your throat firmly he slowly maneuvers the rest of his body to fit in between your parted knees. 
“Here’s how this is gonna go,” he growls in your ear before letting go of your throat and grips the fabric of your leggings on the inside of your thighs. “I am going to take my sweet time playing with my favorite little pussy and you are going to read me a little story,” he had barely finished his sentence before he ripped your leggings into shreds. “And if you stop reading or make any type of noise that even resembles a moan I will leave you here all warm and wet between your pretty thighs.”
You can’t help but let out a whimper. Jake grips your hips hard, definitely leaving bruises for tomorrow. “That, Angel, is the type of noise I’m talking about. Strike one.” His fingers trail down, almost touching exactly where you want him, but not quite. “Read me my story baby, and you’d better be on your best behavior.”
As you start to read in a less than confident tone you try not to feel too much as Jake trails his fingers up and down your inner thighs before you feel him slowly lay down fully between your legs. “Look at that pretty little cunt y/n. So pretty for me.” He places a soft kiss on your mound, just above the place you desperately needed him. You continue reading, breathy moans slipping out in between words. Mid sentence, Jake slips his finger under your panties and softly pulls them to the side. He places another kiss, this time directly to your clit. Somehow, you manage to stay mostly composed and keep reading, a small moan escapes as you finish the chapter you started. 
A harsh slap against your thigh brings you back to the present. “Now, did I not ask you very nicely to read me a story angel?” Jake growls into your dripping pussy. 
“Yes sir, you did. I’m sorry” you moan out. Another smack of his hand lands on the same spot, the pain mixed with the pleasure being almost too much to handle. 
As you struggle to focus on reading, Jake sucks your clit harshly into his mouth, taking you by surprise. A moan far too loud escapes you and at the same second you hear loud footsteps coming down the hall. Jake rips the book from your shaking hands and gives you a less than pleased look. “Looks like we’re gonna have to fix that little noise problem of yours princess.” 
Jake stands up from the couch and while holding eye contact he starts to strip the lower half of his body until it is completely bare and you can see his heavy cock bobbing up and down as he moves. 
“Hands,” he spat harshly. Eagerly you hold your hands out to him, afraid to rile him up further. He pulls his belt from the jeans he discarded to the floor and pulls it until the belt is tight and slightly uncomfortable around your wrists, but you didn’t care. He knows as well as you do that right now you are nothing but his little toy and your purpose is to sit pretty and shut up until told otherwise. “Remember your safe word pretty girl? And how to tell me to stop if you can’t use your words?” He tugs on the belt, ensuring you could get loose. “Y-yes sir,” you manage to squeak out. “ My safe word is Amp, and I do three snaps if I can’t talk.”
You watch him bend down to grab his black boxers. “Now, here is how this is gonna go, Angel,” He says as he crawls over to you, never breaking the intense eye contact. “I am going to stuff your pretty mouth with my boxers so that you cannot and will not be able to make a sound,” he says, and before you can answer he is tapping your chin lightly, asking you to open up. But you know that it is not a request. 
You swallow your spit and let your jaw fall open. Gently, he takes his boxers and presses them into your mouth. He watches as you grind your teeth, trying to move the gag to a more comfortable place. “Such a good little whore for me, aren’t you? Nothing but a hole for me to fuck, isn’t that right sweetheart?” You nod enthusiastically, knowing you can’t speak. You’ve always loved Jake’s darker side, loved when he fucks you so hard you melt into whatever surface you happen to be defileing. 
He pushes you down, fully laying on the couch. “Arms above your head, and do NOT make me repeat myself.” You do as you’re told, and grip onto the armrest of the couch. 
Giving you hardly any time to prepare yourself you feel him slide into you with little to no effort seeing as you’ve completely soaked not only yourself, but the couch and him. Once he has stuffed you full it becomes abundantly clear that he would not be going easy on you. 
You couldn't stay quiet even if you tried, and as he drove into you so hard you saw stars, your jaw slacked and muffled noises rang out. Jake roughly grabbed your throat, pulling you up to his face almost folding you in half, still fucking you. ‘’Little baby can't shut up while a cock is inside her needy little cunt huh?’’ he growled out. ‘’Just yours,’’ you gasped out around the fabric in your mouth. Jake faltered for only a second before he got back to his ruthless pace. ‘’That’s right Angel. Only my cock,’’ he said in a gravelly voice. 
Letting go of your throat, he let you fall back down onto the plush couch before leaning over you and slapping your cheek. And as your eyes widened in surprise and arousal he yanked his boxers out of your mouth. ‘’Alright Angel, be as loud as you want. Let them all know who is fucking you like this,’’ he said as his hand came down on the side of your thigh making the sound echo in the room. A moan immediately spills out of your mouth loud enough for anyone in the hall to have heard. Jake smiled down at you and drove into you harder and somehow deeper, reaching that spot that only he had ever been able to reach. You bring your still bound wrists over his head and use them to bring his face closer and pull him into a deep kiss. As always he kissed you back for a while before pulling back. Though his movements had become more gentle you knew it wouldn't last. 
Jake pulled out of you completely before roughly grabbing you and flipping you over so that your face was pressed against the back of the couch. Thinking he was going to slide back into you you wiggled your ass at him while giggling, but as your giggle rang out it was quickly replaced with a gasp and a long high pitched moan. Jake was grabbing both of your cheeks and spreading you wide open as he ran his tongue from your clit all the way up to the dimples on your back. Draping his body over yours he sucks your earlobe into his mouth before biting it. ‘’One day Angel, I'm going to pump that pretty ass full of my cum and watch it drip back out of you.’’ he whispered into your ear before pulling back and grabbing your hair making you look up at him. ‘’Open,’’ he demanded. You shoot him an innocent look keeping your mouth sealed shut. 
Jake raised one of his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly to the side before you visibly saw his eyes grow darker again. In a split second he gripped your hair tighter forcing you closer to him as he drove himself back into you so harshly that your eyes rolled all the way back and your mouth hung open. ‘’Look at me, I’m fucking you so nicely. You ought to remember your manners, little girl,’’ he said, grabbing ahold of your throat. ‘’S-sorry S-ir,’’ you stammered out and when your eyes locked with his he pulled your hair again. Breathless, loud moans were flowing out of you. As your intense eye contact fueled his rough thrust, he briefly looked away and spit right into your mouth. You turn your face and pull him into a kiss, pushing the mix of your spit into his mouth. A loud moan passes his lips, and just as Jake starts picking up the speed of his thrusts there’s a pounding knock at the door. 
“Jacob Thomas Kiszka, quit fucking y/n and get your ass out here and get ready for the show. We’re on stage in an hour!” Josh’s shrill voice carries down the hall. 
Jake, obviously pissed off at the interruption, thrusts into you hard. You feel his hot breath in your ear as he lets out a growl. “We are so far from finished angel, but it looks like I have to go do my job. You’ll stay here and clean up our mess. And don’t even think about fucking touching yourself. We will pick this back up at the hotel.’’
Gently he pulls out of you and with a frustrated sigh he grabs his own clothes and starts to get dressed. ‘’I will be back in a minute with some new clothes for you my love,’’ he says as he leans down to kiss your forehead. And as he leaves you sink back into the couch with a sigh. 
This is going to be a long night. 
The end <3 .... or is it????
189 notes · View notes
gretavansmooch · 1 month
Lace and Literature ~ Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ Minors DNI!!!!!!
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral (f rec), unprotected sex, a little fluff, choking, some degradation, light bondage, mentions of anal, anal play if you squint, gagging, spit play, hysterical literature, spanking. Please let me know if I missed anything <3
A/n: This is a collaboration between me and my bestie @dannys-dream we hope you like it! :)
Word Count: 1.9K
The lack of downtime on tour was nothing new. Rarely though, is there a quiet moment so when you stumble upon an empty room at the venue with an L-shaped plush looking couch, you immediately rummage through your bag for your book that you brought with you on tour. Settling in the corner of the couch, you crack the spine on your new book. You can barely make a dent before you hear Jake’s soft rap on the door. 
“Why am I not surprised that you’ve hidden yourself away with that little book of yours?” He chuckled before striding over to you, settling in front of your legs, leaning his right arm on the couch's cushion. He places a soft kiss on your thigh. “Let’s strike a deal, love. I won’t make you go out and socialize if you’re a good girl and stay quiet for me. We wouldn’t want anyone else hearing how pretty you sound, now would we? We wouldn’t want anyone to know that behind closed doors my good little girl is nothing but a whiny little whore hmm?” He spoke quietly in your ear while lightly stroking your cheek. 
“No sir, I’ll be quiet. I wanna be a good girl for you.” You can feel your body shake as you take a deep breath in anticipation, still unsure of Jake’s plans for you. Always keeping you on edge, you never know what to expect. 
Seemingly pleased with your response he rewards you with the tiniest of smiles before you see his eyes grow darker. Grabbing your throat firmly he slowly maneuvers the rest of his body to fit in between your parted knees. 
“Here’s how this is gonna go,” he growls in your ear before letting go of your throat and grips the fabric of your leggings on the inside of your thighs. “I am going to take my sweet time playing with my favorite little pussy and you are going to read me a little story,” he had barely finished his sentence before he ripped your leggings into shreds. “And if you stop reading or make any type of noise that even resembles a moan I will leave you here all warm and wet between your pretty thighs.”
You can’t help but let out a whimper. Jake grips your hips hard, definitely leaving bruises for tomorrow. “That, Angel, is the type of noise I’m talking about. Strike one.” His fingers trail down, almost touching exactly where you want him, but not quite. “Read me my story baby, and you’d better be on your best behavior.”
As you start to read in a less than confident tone you try not to feel too much as Jake trails his fingers up and down your inner thighs before you feel him slowly lay down fully between your legs. “Look at that pretty little cunt y/n. So pretty for me.” He places a soft kiss on your mound, just above the place you desperately needed him. You continue reading, breathy moans slipping out in between words. Mid sentence, Jake slips his finger under your panties and softly pulls them to the side. He places another kiss, this time directly to your clit. Somehow, you manage to stay mostly composed and keep reading, a small moan escapes as you finish the chapter you started. 
A harsh slap against your thigh brings you back to the present. “Now, did I not ask you very nicely to read me a story angel?” Jake growls into your dripping pussy. 
“Yes sir, you did. I’m sorry” you moan out. Another smack of his hand lands on the same spot, the pain mixed with the pleasure being almost too much to handle. 
As you struggle to focus on reading, Jake sucks your clit harshly into his mouth, taking you by surprise. A moan far too loud escapes you and at the same second you hear loud footsteps coming down the hall. Jake rips the book from your shaking hands and gives you a less than pleased look. “Looks like we’re gonna have to fix that little noise problem of yours princess.” 
Jake stands up from the couch and while holding eye contact he starts to strip the lower half of his body until it is completely bare and you can see his heavy cock bobbing up and down as he moves. 
“Hands,” he spat harshly. Eagerly you hold your hands out to him, afraid to rile him up further. He pulls his belt from the jeans he discarded to the floor and pulls it until the belt is tight and slightly uncomfortable around your wrists, but you didn’t care. He knows as well as you do that right now you are nothing but his little toy and your purpose is to sit pretty and shut up until told otherwise. “Remember your safe word pretty girl? And how to tell me to stop if you can’t use your words?” He tugs on the belt, ensuring you could get loose. “Y-yes sir,” you manage to squeak out. “ My safe word is Amp, and I do three snaps if I can’t talk.”
You watch him bend down to grab his black boxers. “Now, here is how this is gonna go, Angel,” He says as he crawls over to you, never breaking the intense eye contact. “I am going to stuff your pretty mouth with my boxers so that you cannot and will not be able to make a sound,” he says, and before you can answer he is tapping your chin lightly, asking you to open up. But you know that it is not a request. 
You swallow your spit and let your jaw fall open. Gently, he takes his boxers and presses them into your mouth. He watches as you grind your teeth, trying to move the gag to a more comfortable place. “Such a good little whore for me, aren’t you? Nothing but a hole for me to fuck, isn’t that right sweetheart?” You nod enthusiastically, knowing you can’t speak. You’ve always loved Jake’s darker side, loved when he fucks you so hard you melt into whatever surface you happen to be defileing. 
He pushes you down, fully laying on the couch. “Arms above your head, and do NOT make me repeat myself.” You do as you’re told, and grip onto the armrest of the couch. 
Giving you hardly any time to prepare yourself you feel him slide into you with little to no effort seeing as you’ve completely soaked not only yourself, but the couch and him. Once he has stuffed you full it becomes abundantly clear that he would not be going easy on you. 
You couldn't stay quiet even if you tried, and as he drove into you so hard you saw stars, your jaw slacked and muffled noises rang out. Jake roughly grabbed your throat, pulling you up to his face almost folding you in half, still fucking you. ‘’Little baby can't shut up while a cock is inside her needy little cunt huh?’’ he growled out. ‘’Just yours,’’ you gasped out around the fabric in your mouth. Jake faltered for only a second before he got back to his ruthless pace. ‘’That’s right Angel. Only my cock,’’ he said in a gravelly voice. 
Letting go of your throat, he let you fall back down onto the plush couch before leaning over you and slapping your cheek. And as your eyes widened in surprise and arousal he yanked his boxers out of your mouth. ‘’Alright Angel, be as loud as you want. Let them all know who is fucking you like this,’’ he said as his hand came down on the side of your thigh making the sound echo in the room. A moan immediately spills out of your mouth loud enough for anyone in the hall to have heard. Jake smiled down at you and drove into you harder and somehow deeper, reaching that spot that only he had ever been able to reach. You bring your still bound wrists over his head and use them to bring his face closer and pull him into a deep kiss. As always he kissed you back for a while before pulling back. Though his movements had become more gentle you knew it wouldn't last. 
Jake pulled out of you completely before roughly grabbing you and flipping you over so that your face was pressed against the back of the couch. Thinking he was going to slide back into you you wiggled your ass at him while giggling, but as your giggle rang out it was quickly replaced with a gasp and a long high pitched moan. Jake was grabbing both of your cheeks and spreading you wide open as he ran his tongue from your clit all the way up to the dimples on your back. Draping his body over yours he sucks your earlobe into his mouth before biting it. ‘’One day Angel, I'm going to pump that pretty ass full of my cum and watch it drip back out of you.’’ he whispered into your ear before pulling back and grabbing your hair making you look up at him. ‘’Open,’’ he demanded. You shoot him an innocent look keeping your mouth sealed shut. 
Jake raised one of his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly to the side before you visibly saw his eyes grow darker again. In a split second he gripped your hair tighter forcing you closer to him as he drove himself back into you so harshly that your eyes rolled all the way back and your mouth hung open. ‘’Look at me, I’m fucking you so nicely. You ought to remember your manners, little girl,’’ he said, grabbing ahold of your throat. ‘’S-sorry S-ir,’’ you stammered out and when your eyes locked with his he pulled your hair again. Breathless, loud moans were flowing out of you. As your intense eye contact fueled his rough thrust, he briefly looked away and spit right into your mouth. You turn your face and pull him into a kiss, pushing the mix of your spit into his mouth. A loud moan passes his lips, and just as Jake starts picking up the speed of his thrusts there’s a pounding knock at the door. 
“Jacob Thomas Kiszka, quit fucking y/n and get your ass out here and get ready for the show. We’re on stage in an hour!” Josh’s shrill voice carries down the hall. 
Jake, obviously pissed off at the interruption, thrusts into you hard. You feel his hot breath in your ear as he lets out a growl. “We are so far from finished angel, but it looks like I have to go do my job. You’ll stay here and clean up our mess. And don’t even think about fucking touching yourself. We will pick this back up at the hotel.’’
Gently he pulls out of you and with a frustrated sigh he grabs his own clothes and starts to get dressed. ‘’I will be back in a minute with some new clothes for you my love,’’ he says as he leans down to kiss your forehead. And as he leaves you sink back into the couch with a sigh. 
This is going to be a long night. 
The end <3 .... or is it????
189 notes · View notes
gretavansmooch · 1 month
Lace and Literature ~ Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ Minors DNI!!!!!!
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral (f rec), unprotected sex, a little fluff, choking, some degradation, light bondage, mentions of anal, anal play if you squint, gagging, spit play, hysterical literature, spanking. Please let me know if I missed anything <3
A/n: This is a collaboration between me and my bestie @dannys-dream we hope you like it! :)
Word Count: 1.9K
The lack of downtime on tour was nothing new. Rarely though, is there a quiet moment so when you stumble upon an empty room at the venue with an L-shaped plush looking couch, you immediately rummage through your bag for your book that you brought with you on tour. Settling in the corner of the couch, you crack the spine on your new book. You can barely make a dent before you hear Jake’s soft rap on the door. 
“Why am I not surprised that you’ve hidden yourself away with that little book of yours?” He chuckled before striding over to you, settling in front of your legs, leaning his right arm on the couch's cushion. He places a soft kiss on your thigh. “Let’s strike a deal, love. I won’t make you go out and socialize if you’re a good girl and stay quiet for me. We wouldn’t want anyone else hearing how pretty you sound, now would we? We wouldn’t want anyone to know that behind closed doors my good little girl is nothing but a whiny little whore hmm?” He spoke quietly in your ear while lightly stroking your cheek. 
“No sir, I’ll be quiet. I wanna be a good girl for you.” You can feel your body shake as you take a deep breath in anticipation, still unsure of Jake’s plans for you. Always keeping you on edge, you never know what to expect. 
Seemingly pleased with your response he rewards you with the tiniest of smiles before you see his eyes grow darker. Grabbing your throat firmly he slowly maneuvers the rest of his body to fit in between your parted knees. 
“Here’s how this is gonna go,” he growls in your ear before letting go of your throat and grips the fabric of your leggings on the inside of your thighs. “I am going to take my sweet time playing with my favorite little pussy and you are going to read me a little story,” he had barely finished his sentence before he ripped your leggings into shreds. “And if you stop reading or make any type of noise that even resembles a moan I will leave you here all warm and wet between your pretty thighs.”
You can’t help but let out a whimper. Jake grips your hips hard, definitely leaving bruises for tomorrow. “That, Angel, is the type of noise I’m talking about. Strike one.” His fingers trail down, almost touching exactly where you want him, but not quite. “Read me my story baby, and you’d better be on your best behavior.”
As you start to read in a less than confident tone you try not to feel too much as Jake trails his fingers up and down your inner thighs before you feel him slowly lay down fully between your legs. “Look at that pretty little cunt y/n. So pretty for me.” He places a soft kiss on your mound, just above the place you desperately needed him. You continue reading, breathy moans slipping out in between words. Mid sentence, Jake slips his finger under your panties and softly pulls them to the side. He places another kiss, this time directly to your clit. Somehow, you manage to stay mostly composed and keep reading, a small moan escapes as you finish the chapter you started. 
A harsh slap against your thigh brings you back to the present. “Now, did I not ask you very nicely to read me a story angel?” Jake growls into your dripping pussy. 
“Yes sir, you did. I’m sorry” you moan out. Another smack of his hand lands on the same spot, the pain mixed with the pleasure being almost too much to handle. 
As you struggle to focus on reading, Jake sucks your clit harshly into his mouth, taking you by surprise. A moan far too loud escapes you and at the same second you hear loud footsteps coming down the hall. Jake rips the book from your shaking hands and gives you a less than pleased look. “Looks like we’re gonna have to fix that little noise problem of yours princess.” 
Jake stands up from the couch and while holding eye contact he starts to strip the lower half of his body until it is completely bare and you can see his heavy cock bobbing up and down as he moves. 
“Hands,” he spat harshly. Eagerly you hold your hands out to him, afraid to rile him up further. He pulls his belt from the jeans he discarded to the floor and pulls it until the belt is tight and slightly uncomfortable around your wrists, but you didn’t care. He knows as well as you do that right now you are nothing but his little toy and your purpose is to sit pretty and shut up until told otherwise. “Remember your safe word pretty girl? And how to tell me to stop if you can’t use your words?” He tugs on the belt, ensuring you could get loose. “Y-yes sir,” you manage to squeak out. “ My safe word is Amp, and I do three snaps if I can’t talk.”
You watch him bend down to grab his black boxers. “Now, here is how this is gonna go, Angel,” He says as he crawls over to you, never breaking the intense eye contact. “I am going to stuff your pretty mouth with my boxers so that you cannot and will not be able to make a sound,” he says, and before you can answer he is tapping your chin lightly, asking you to open up. But you know that it is not a request. 
You swallow your spit and let your jaw fall open. Gently, he takes his boxers and presses them into your mouth. He watches as you grind your teeth, trying to move the gag to a more comfortable place. “Such a good little whore for me, aren’t you? Nothing but a hole for me to fuck, isn’t that right sweetheart?” You nod enthusiastically, knowing you can’t speak. You’ve always loved Jake’s darker side, loved when he fucks you so hard you melt into whatever surface you happen to be defileing. 
He pushes you down, fully laying on the couch. “Arms above your head, and do NOT make me repeat myself.” You do as you’re told, and grip onto the armrest of the couch. 
Giving you hardly any time to prepare yourself you feel him slide into you with little to no effort seeing as you’ve completely soaked not only yourself, but the couch and him. Once he has stuffed you full it becomes abundantly clear that he would not be going easy on you. 
You couldn't stay quiet even if you tried, and as he drove into you so hard you saw stars, your jaw slacked and muffled noises rang out. Jake roughly grabbed your throat, pulling you up to his face almost folding you in half, still fucking you. ‘’Little baby can't shut up while a cock is inside her needy little cunt huh?’’ he growled out. ‘’Just yours,’’ you gasped out around the fabric in your mouth. Jake faltered for only a second before he got back to his ruthless pace. ‘’That’s right Angel. Only my cock,’’ he said in a gravelly voice. 
Letting go of your throat, he let you fall back down onto the plush couch before leaning over you and slapping your cheek. And as your eyes widened in surprise and arousal he yanked his boxers out of your mouth. ‘’Alright Angel, be as loud as you want. Let them all know who is fucking you like this,’’ he said as his hand came down on the side of your thigh making the sound echo in the room. A moan immediately spills out of your mouth loud enough for anyone in the hall to have heard. Jake smiled down at you and drove into you harder and somehow deeper, reaching that spot that only he had ever been able to reach. You bring your still bound wrists over his head and use them to bring his face closer and pull him into a deep kiss. As always he kissed you back for a while before pulling back. Though his movements had become more gentle you knew it wouldn't last. 
Jake pulled out of you completely before roughly grabbing you and flipping you over so that your face was pressed against the back of the couch. Thinking he was going to slide back into you you wiggled your ass at him while giggling, but as your giggle rang out it was quickly replaced with a gasp and a long high pitched moan. Jake was grabbing both of your cheeks and spreading you wide open as he ran his tongue from your clit all the way up to the dimples on your back. Draping his body over yours he sucks your earlobe into his mouth before biting it. ‘’One day Angel, I'm going to pump that pretty ass full of my cum and watch it drip back out of you.’’ he whispered into your ear before pulling back and grabbing your hair making you look up at him. ‘’Open,’’ he demanded. You shoot him an innocent look keeping your mouth sealed shut. 
Jake raised one of his eyebrows and tilted his head slightly to the side before you visibly saw his eyes grow darker again. In a split second he gripped your hair tighter forcing you closer to him as he drove himself back into you so harshly that your eyes rolled all the way back and your mouth hung open. ‘’Look at me, I’m fucking you so nicely. You ought to remember your manners, little girl,’’ he said, grabbing ahold of your throat. ‘’S-sorry S-ir,’’ you stammered out and when your eyes locked with his he pulled your hair again. Breathless, loud moans were flowing out of you. As your intense eye contact fueled his rough thrust, he briefly looked away and spit right into your mouth. You turn your face and pull him into a kiss, pushing the mix of your spit into his mouth. A loud moan passes his lips, and just as Jake starts picking up the speed of his thrusts there’s a pounding knock at the door. 
“Jacob Thomas Kiszka, quit fucking y/n and get your ass out here and get ready for the show. We’re on stage in an hour!” Josh’s shrill voice carries down the hall. 
Jake, obviously pissed off at the interruption, thrusts into you hard. You feel his hot breath in your ear as he lets out a growl. “We are so far from finished angel, but it looks like I have to go do my job. You’ll stay here and clean up our mess. And don’t even think about fucking touching yourself. We will pick this back up at the hotel.’’
Gently he pulls out of you and with a frustrated sigh he grabs his own clothes and starts to get dressed. ‘’I will be back in a minute with some new clothes for you my love,’’ he says as he leans down to kiss your forehead. And as he leaves you sink back into the couch with a sigh. 
This is going to be a long night. 
The end <3 .... or is it????
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gretavansmooch · 2 months
what better way to wake up than to a birthday fic!!! thank you sm i love you🤍🤍🤍
~Birthday Treat~
Josh Kiszka/Reader
It's your birthday! Let's see what Josh got you, hm?
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Warnings: oral, fingerings, sex, minor gagging, slight sub/dom themes
Josh was always so good to you, but he practically worshiped you on your birthday. He'd start sweet, breakfast in bed, giving you a gift he had made just for you, plenty of kisses and cuddles...
But soon, his kisses would travel a bit further down to your throat, leaving hickies and nipping st the skin. His hands begin to wander, sliding up your shirt to lightly trace your sides.
"Can I give you your other gift, love?" Josh's voice, laced with a hint of huskiness, sent a shiver of anticipation down your spine. His cheeks were tinged with a rosy blush, his eyes dark with desire as he awaited your response.
You nodded, the soft caress of his lips against your inner thighs sending shivers cascading through your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Your heart raced in anticipation, your body alive with a hunger that only he could satiate. As you gazed into his eyes, dark with desire and adoration, you knew that this was just the beginning of a long night.
And then, with a breathless whisper of your name on his lips, Josh reached your core, his tongue peeking out between those soft lips to tease you through your panties.
"Haahh... Josh..." You mumble, one of your hands coming down and burying itself in his curls. He hums a noise of enjoyment as he kisses and sucks your sensitive bud through your panties. Once he deems your panties wet enough, he hooks his fingers in the waistband and pulls them down, tossing them to the side.
Once he had access to your exposed core, he wasted no time. If there was one thing you knew about Josh, it was that he ate pussy like a starving man. He'd dig his hands into your thigh meat, trapping you in place while he worshiped you. He'd always have your juices in his mustache and dripping down his chin by the time he was done, but that's the way he liked it.
His lips were a velvet caress against your skin, every flick of his skilled tongue against your sensitive flesh making you twitch and writhe. You could feel the heat building within you, a delicious tension coiling tighter and tighter with each passing moment.
"Josh- I'm-" You warned him, tightening your grip in his hair.
"Mm, give it to me love..." He mumbled against your clit, and then you were done. Your back arched as he lapped up all of your release, not letting a single drop go to waste. Once he was done, he scooted back up the bed to kiss you. You could taste yourself on him, which just made you more aware of how turned on you still felt. You reached down to wrap a hand around him, only for him to shake his head.
"Today is your birthday, love. It's all about you."
You could feel how hard he was, and knew that he would just ignore it all night if you didn't stop him. He was certainly a giver in bed... You chuckled, sighed, and, with one swift move, ended up on top of him.
"(Y/N) you don't have to-"
"I want to."
It didn't take long for you to remove Josh's pants, what with him usually wearing very loose-fitting pants around the house. But even as you moved to straddle him, eager to show him the same level of devotion he had given you, Josh gently but firmly guided you back down onto the bed.
"Love, this is all about you today," he whispered, "I just want you to-"
Whatever he was about to say was muffled by the ball of fabric you unceremoniously shoved in his mouth. It took him a minute to realize you had gagged him with your panties, but a minute was all you needed to be back in his lap.
"That was a very naughty trick, (Y/N)," Josh teasingly scolded once he spat out the fabric. He gripped your hips gently, smiling up at you with those adoring brown eyes of his.
Smiling back, you pressed a tender kiss to his lips as you sunk down into his lap, your hips flush with his. Your hands instinctively fisted in his curls, tugging gently as you deepened the kiss, lost in the moment.
Josh responded with a low groan, his hands now gripping your hips, guiding and encouraging your movements.The air was heavy with the heady scent of citrus and cologne, mingling with the intoxicating aroma of your combined arousal. You could feel Josh's hips begin to stutter, and he brought one hand down between you both to circle your clit, bringing you to the edge once more.
"Wanna... together..." He mumbled into your ear as you both neared your peaks, though you were just a moment before him, "Fuck- (Y/N)!"
Josh let out a long moan as he finally let go, emptying his release into you. You felt his body tense beneath you, his hands gripping your hips tight enough that you knew it'd leave bruises later.
Eventually you both came down from. your high, and you collapsed back onto the bed, just pulling the blankets over you both. You'd deal with the cleanup later; right now was cuddle time.
The dim light filtering through the curtains painted the room in a soft, golden hue, casting a warm glow over your bodies. Josh's chest rose and fell steadily beneath you, his heartbeat a comforting rhythm against your ear as you nestled into the curve of his neck. hearing the soft rustle of the sheets as you shifted closer to each other.
"Happy Birthday, (Y/N). I love you..." Josh whispered, leaning down to meet you in a another kiss.
"Best birthday ever," you say back, smiling into the kiss.
Happy birthday, @gretavansmooch !!
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gretavansmooch · 2 months
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Golfer!Danny x Reader 18+ (afab anatomy) MINORS DO NOT INTERACT YOU WILL BE BLOCKED.
Danny comes home to a homemade lunch after a morning on the course and shows you just how much he appreciates you.
gender neutral terms, vagina haver, multiple orgasms, soft dom danny, soft smut, very light daddy kink (it's mentioned once), aftercare
A/n: gc asked for soft smut so here we go 🤭
you had just finished prepping lunch when you heard the door slam. "in here babe!" you called from the kitchen, wiping your hands on your shirt and moving from the counter to greet your boyfriend.
"hey my love," he said, smiling at you, leaning forwards to plant a sweet kiss on your lips, resting a hand on your waist. He peered over your shoulder to see the lunch spread you had put on the kitchen table. "babe, you made me lunch?" he asked sweetly, grip tightening around you. "i wanted to do something special! you've been working so hard and," he cut you off with a kiss. "you're just the sweetest. how did i get so lucky?" he cupped your jaw and pulled you in deeper, swiping his tongue across your bottom lip, begging for entrance. you pulled away, panting slightly, as he moved down your neck. "f-fuck danny, the lunch..." you gasped, reveling in the way his tongue worked at your skin.
"it'll still be there when we're done. besides there's something more delicious right in front of me." he whispered, returning to your lips as he slowly walked you backwards until your back hit the counter. his hands migrated towards your chest, toying with your shirt before slipping it off, exposing your skin. he placed soft kisses down your chest, teeth dragging ever so slightly. you moaned again, mouth dropping open, eyes slipping shut. "you gonna be good for me baby?" he asked, hands reaching down to unbutton his pants. you followed his lead and sank down to your knees, "you're always good for me huh? such a sweet baby," he trailed as you looked up at him through your eye lashes.
you placed your hands on his hips, leaning forward to kiss the tip of his hardening cock through his underwear, watching the precum leak through the fabric. "fuck, baby," he groaned, hand threading into your hair, keeping that nice firm grip that makes you go weak in the knees. you pressed more open mouth kisses, trailing down to his bare thighs, marking them along the way, before finally pulling his boxers down.
you giggled as his hard cock smacked against his stomach, letting his beautiful sounds wash over you. "so good for me baby," he whispered, taking in the view. ever so slowly, you placed a hand around him, lightly grazing the skin, before placing a kiss against the tip, slowly slipping it past your lips. as you sank further down, taking him into your throat, you let out a low hum, relaxing your throat as he thrusted gently into your warm mouth. you never knew giving someone else head could feel so good, but the way his hands felt in your hair went straight to your heat. "so beautiful," you heard him say from above you, as he rocked slowly into your mouth. you felt his hips stutter, a tell tale sign he was about to cum, so you tightened your grip on his hips, pulling him deeper to the hilt, until your nose was pressed against his pelvis, buried in the dark hair that surrounds him. "shit," he hissed as you hummed, hollowing your cheeks around him.
you swirled your tongue, curling it around what you could reach, peering up at him, watching the way his chest flexed, head tipped back. "so good baby," he grunted as you pulled off with a pop. you could tell he was seconds away as you kitten licked the tip. you watched the way his abs tightened, hand cradling his balls, before sinking back down, hollowing your cheeks, loving the feeling of him in your mouth before he's cumming down your throat. you take him to the hilt once more, swallowing around him as he cums. "fuck, fuck i love it when you do that," he chants, keeping you pressed against his skin as he rides out his high.
he sighs, releasing his grip, and you sit back on your heels, "was that okay?" you asked, voice hoarse from the abuse your throat just took. he scoffed at you, "more than okay," he assured, helping you off your knees. "now let's take care of you, darling," he said, pushing your sweat pants down so you could kick them off. "gorgeous," he murmured, taking in the view of your body, "fuck. i am lucky," he says, mainly to himself, before reaching out to touch you. you gasped at the feeling of his hands on you, something you may never get used to.
he patted the counter, signaling for you to hop up there, gripping your waist as you do so, helping you the rest of the way up, before laying you down, and spreading your legs. he leans forward, taking no time to get his mouth on you, sucking a hickey onto your thigh, moving to your hip, leaving light teeth marks as he nips at your skin in such as way that makes your heart stutter. "danny, please," you manage to whimper out, he looks up at you with dark eyes, "please what, darling? use your words, i know you can," he growled. you bit your lip to hold back a moan. "don't hold back love, i want to hear all your noises. so sweet, could make a playlist out of 'em," he teased, you could feel his breath puff against your skin. "need your mouth," you pleaded, eyes slipping shut. "good job, baby. i knew you could do it, so good for me always," he praised before finally tipping down and swiping a tongue across your clit. you couldn't help the surprised moan that escaped your lips. you keened high and airy as he moved lower, slipping his tongue into your hole, nose bumping lightly into your clit, giving you just enough sensation to make it a little unbearable. "fuck, fuck, fuck," you chanted, effectively egging him on.
he slipped a few fingers into you, curling up as he pressed them inside, tongue still sliding between your folds, swirling around your clit. "feel good, baby?" he asked, fingers still working inside you. "uh huh," you whimpered, clenching around him, trying to get that amazing friction. "please," you begged, hips wiggling, working towards your high. "please, what?" he asked, almost teasingly, you groaned, "fuck, please make me cum danny, i need it, fuck, fuck!" you grunted, feeling the way his tongue latched onto your clit, fingers thrusting roughly, other hand splayed across your stomach.
"danny, shit, i'm close," you warned, soft moans slipping out in rythym with his fingers thrusting inside of you. he replaced his fingers with his tongue once more, fingers circling around your clit, "cmon baby, cum for me," he whispered, at that was it. your orgasm hit you like a punch to the gut, you let out a loud moan as your orgasm tore through you. "fuck! daddy!" you cried as he kept his mouth on you as you rode out your high. he slowed his movements as you came down, both of your chests heaving from the effort.
you sat up a little to look at him, laughing a little breathlessly. you flicked your eyes over to the lunch that had been abandoned on the table, before he grabbed your chin, turning your head back to him. "ah ah, i'm not done with you yet," he said, pulling your hips closer to the edge of the counter. he shifted just a little before slipping his length into you. "fuck," you gasped out, not expecting it to be that quick. you sat up a little more, pressing yourself to his chest, legs hooking around his back, pulling him deeper.
you reveled in the way you stretched over his length, moans falling freely from your lips as his mouth returned to your neck.
"not gonna last long this time baby," he grunted out, whimpering each time he thrusted into you, "me either," you said, stomach already tightening once more as you came close to your second high. he hurried his thrusts, slamming into you roughly in just the right way. you tightened your legs around him as he quickened his rhythm, "shit baby, gonna cum," he whispered moving to pull out, but your legs kept him from moving "want it in me, please," you gasped, one of your hands moving to circle around your clit. "shit," he gasped out, thrusting sharply a few time before spilling into you. the feeling of his cum filling you up was the final thing you needed to reach your second orgasm of the night, crying out as you came on his length, legs finally dropping from around him, feeling the wetness from both of you dripping down your thighs.
you rested your head against his chest, listening to his heart beat as you both came down from your orgasms. you felt a little empty as he slipped out of you, laughing a little at the way his eyes widened at the sight of his cum dripping out of you. "shit, we gotta do that again," he said breathlessly, before breaking out into laughter. you couldn't help but join him, "i guess i should make you lunch more often," you giggled, leaning forward to press another kiss to his lips.
"that was fun," you sighed as you hopped down from your position on the counter, you looked around at the mess before you, both from cooking lunch, and the meal danny just had. "i've gotta clean this up now," you breathed, looking back towards danny, a gentle smile on your face.
he shook his head, "nah, baby. i'm gonna run you a bath, and while you're soaking and relaxing, i'm going to clean the kitchen. you work just as hard as me," he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "i'm so lucky," you sighed, repeating his words from earlier, giggling as he nodded in agreement. he pulled you towards the bathroom, pulling you in front of him so he could smack your bare ass once more. you shook your head at him, watching as he bounced around the bathroom, filling the bathtub for your soak.
as you stepped in to the warm water, he pressed a sweet kiss to your lips, "when you're done we'll eat the beautiful lunch you made, okay? see you down stairs," he smiled warmly, before leaving you to your bath.
it couldn't get much better than this.
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gretavansmooch · 2 months
All he ever wanted ~ Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ Minors DNI!!!!!!
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral (m rec), oral (f rec), unprotected sex, a little fluff, a little angst, light choking. Pleae let me know if I missed anything <3
A/n: Just some cute friends with benefits turned lovers with Jake. <3 (I posted this months ago and then deleted it so now Im reposting it!
Word Count: 2.6K
All he could do was stare. 
A shiver ran down his spine. 
He knew that if he did not do anything to stop her, this would be it. 
All of his limbs felt frozen as he watched her frantically pack up her stuff scattered around his usually peaceful bedroom. 
Do something! He thought, though his feet felt as if they had been nailed to the hardwood floor.
She turned towards him as if to give him a chance to undo what he had done. 
Her tear streaked face made her even more beautiful, and for the first time that night he truly realized the depth of the damage he had caused. 
Her sad eyes stared into his own tear filled ones. 
“I feel like I’m drowning, Jake. And you seem to just be fine, floating around treading in a sea of chaos,” she finally spoke in a whisper. Her energy was long gone, her throat sore from the screaming match that had taken place earlier in the evening. 
Gaining some strength he shook his head and stepped forward cautiously. 
“All I’ve ever wanted is to be with you.”
“You are everywhere all at once, but at the same time you’re never here,” she shook her head at him and stepped back, both of their stances faltering. 
Realization hit them both at the exact same time; maybe it was best if they went their separate ways. 
He immediately shook the idea out of his head, he did not want that. 
He began racking his brain for things he could possibly do to make her believe his words, because he knew that his words were nothing but empty promises to her. 
“Are you actually leaving me or do you just need some space?” He whispered, his voice smaller than she’d ever heard it. 
“I don't know,” she sighed. “You’re leaving, and for a long time. I know what I signed up for when we started this agreement. It was never meant to have feelings involved.”  
He grew frustrated, maybe even angry. 
He knew he had been the one to make it all come crashing down around them, their own little bubble bursting into a million pieces in a matter of seconds. 
How could she not see how deeply he felt for her? 
How could she not see the yearning for her in his eyes every time she got out of his bed in the early mornings, the moon shining strategically onto her form as she picked up her clothes, leaving him there alone, in a now cold bed. 
He allowed himself to reminisce for a short moment. 
Her long hair fell over her shoulders as her naked form moved above him. 
Both of them were close to a bursting euphoria that they only felt when being in each other's arms like this.
Jake watched intently at where their bodies were connected as she leaned forward towards him, her knees getting weaker the closer she got. 
Both of their moans filled the room as they came.
His whole body was trembling as the intense, blissful white pleasure took over him. 
He wasn't entirely present but he was sure he might have let out a long drawn out yell like moan. 
He had never in his life experienced such intense euphoria as he did in that moment. The pleasure so pure it made his head spin even as he was coming back down to the present again. Back to her.
Their eyes locked, and in both of their eyes were a thousand words neither of them dared to say out loud.
He didn't know what his soul was meant for or what it was made of, but in that moment with her, he knew that they were one in the same. Bound to be connected by not only sex but love. 
I will surely screw this up, he thought.
And screw up he did, though not in the way most might think. It had been his idea, after all, to not involve feelings, making it a strict friends with benefits relationship. 
And although she had agreed, he could still see the hurt in her eyes.
For months they ended most of their nights in one another's beds. Sometimes even in hotel rooms somewhere as he traveled and lived out his dreams with his brothers. 
But, it was him that uttered those words that were strictly off limits just mere hours ago.
She’d recoiled back from him as if he had physically struck her in the face.
All he ever wanted, all he ever needed, was her. But how do you make someone understand the depths of your love when you have simultaneously been the one to deprive them of that same love for months?
Never in his life had he felt so at a loss for words, now when he needed them the most. 
He wasn’t sure what he would do if she actually left, though he did know for sure that if she did go, a piece of him would leave with her. 
It was truly now or never, he had to get it right this time. 
Taking a step towards her once more, he waited to see if she moved back again. But when she didn't, he closed the rest of the distance between them and placed a gentle hand upon her still tear stained cheek. 
“Will you please just listen to me for a second?” He begged.
“If you decide that you still want to leave after then you can, I will never force you to do anything. But please just give me a few minutes.” Not only did his voice beg her but his soft, sad brown eyes that she knew she would not be able to say no to, did too.
When she didn't say anything he took that as a yes. 
“At first it was just sex for me, and I know I hurt you when I told you that I didn’t want more than that,” he explained and took a deep breath. 
He was about to attempt to put his love for her into words, say it to her face and he did not know if she would accept it or give him her love in return. But to him, in this moment he knew it had to be done. Even if it meant that she might potentially break his heart. 
“Words don't come easy to me so forgive me if I stumble and make a fool of myself.”
“I don't know when it shifted for me, maybe the feelings were there from the beginning and I was too stubborn to acknowledge them.”
“I love you. And not how I love my friends and family. I love you as in I want you around me at all times because you make even the gloomiest of days shine brighter. I love you as in whenever we are apart, it feels like a piece of me isn't there. And I know our moments together are short, but they don't have to be, not anymore. I want you in all aspects of life. I want you in the morning while you sleep in so I can slip away to make you breakfast for no particular reason other than because I love you. “
“I am not trying to get you to stay by saying all these things so we can keep having a sexual relationship only. I am saying it to make you see that I truly want you. All of you.”
By the time his eyes flicked up to hers, her eyes had filled up with new tears though he wasn't sure what kind of tears they were. 
“Everytime I kiss you, I hope you can taste all the words I want to say to you that I know I shouldn't. Ever since you stepped into my life everything has been better. I wake up and my first thought is how you are feeling and what you are up to. I know I have not been fair to you, but I promise you this; I will dedicate all of my remaining days into showing you just how much you mean to me. I love you,” he concluded as he swept away her tears. 
“I am scared,” she admitted quietly. 
“I am scared that if I give my heart to you, you might break it without meaning to.”
He smiled softly at her, “I have proven time and time again that I am unworthy of your love, and I know I stumble into situations that end up hurting you. But if you are willing, even in my darkest moments I will cradle your heart with such gentle hands that it will never break. Never at my hand and never by anyone else’s, for as long as I am alive.”
Before he could really comprehend what was happening her lips were on his. Her bags dropped to the floor with a loud thud. 
In their kiss there was no longer pain and sorrow but a newly found higher passion and love.
The need to be as close to each other as possible grew intensely as their frantic hands pushed and pulled at their clothes that now felt like one heavy barrier. 
He laid her down on the bed as he’d done so many times before, though this time with purpose and much gentler hands. 
“I love you too,” she whispered out as he poured his love out onto her in his kisses. 
He lifted his head to look at the girl under him, enamored by her soft spoken declaration of reciprocated love for him.
“I want all of you too, and I’m also sorry, for being so cruel to you earlier with my words and actions. I’m sorry for denying you as well and making you feel as if you were wrong for telling me how you feel when we said that we would be honest with each other from the beginning,” she said, stroking his cheek and the little patch of hair on his upper lip. 
He shook his head at her as he leaned down to kiss her lips quickly before he replied. 
“You don't have to say you're sorry.”
“Okay, but I am and I know we need to talk more about this, but right now all I want is you,” she spoke, to which he smiled and silently agreed.
Her hand came up to his chest and gently pushed him to lay beside her. 
As she crawled over him, she left kisses everywhere, and as she descended down to where he wanted her to be most, she whispered a final I love you to him.
She began kissing his length all the way down and up again as her right hand grabbed him at the base, and with a final kiss on the tip she opened her mouth and gently guided him onto her tongue, his cock laying heavy and throbbing with need for her on it. 
As she bobbed her head up and down he threw his head back panting, all the while letting out tiny whines. His hand reached down to hold onto her hair, he knew she was there but he needed to feel her so as to not lose himself completely.
As he felt himself growing close he gently pulled her off him, to which she whined and pouted.
“I don't want it to be over so soon, besides I have been dreaming about the way you taste for weeks,” he smiled up at her. 
He laid her back down onto the bed, kissing his way down to the place he never wanted to leave, and as he got the first taste he's had in weeks, his eyes rolled back and a low growl came out directly onto her clit. Her back arched off the bed as she let him take her in any way he wanted to. 
Her moans filled the room as he worked on her, switching between sucking her into his mouth and shaking his head vigorously. He knew though that the trick to get her there was to circle his tongue around her clit in fast tight circles. So that's exactly what he did until she was calling out his name and putting a trembling hand through his hair and if she had not stopped him right then he would have continued for the next several hours. 
When she came down from her high he captured her lips in an even more passionate kiss than before, if that was possible. 
“Please, please fuck me Jake,” she pleaded with him, though she did not have to beg nor try to convince him to do it. 
“Oh, I plan on it, Sweetheart,” he said grinning. 
She layed splayed out on the bed, hair wild and for a moment he allowed himself to admire her. Her big eyes were sparkling at him with a hint of lust in them. 
Snapping out of it he grabbed himself and looked up at her to see if she was ready, only to find her in a similar trance-like state, looking at him lost in her own head. 
His grin grew as he slapped the head of his cock down onto her sensitive clit to snap her out of it. 
She gasped lightly as a similar grin crept up on her face.
“Are we doing this or-'' she didn't get to finish her sentence before he pushed himself into her in one thrust. Both of their eyes rolled back into their heads. 
“God, I've missed you,” he panted out as he set a pace that was borderline brutal. 
“I lo-love you, I love your cock so much. Fuck…” she cried out, grabbing onto him by his shoulders. 
“I love you, s-so much too. Fuck, come here,” He moaned out as he pulled out of her flipping her over onto her stomach.
He laid his full body weight onto her and began thrusting deeply into her from behind, as his arms circled to hug her around her neck. 
He reveled in being this close to her, to feel this connected to her on a deeper level than they had ever shared before, because now they could. There was nothing holding them back from each other now.
He could feel her getting close as he panted and whined directly into her ear and flipped them both over so they were now both on their backs. 
As he drove into her so hard their skin grew red, he moved his left hand up to her neck lightly squeezing it, just how he knew she liked it and when his other hand reached down to circle her clit she cried out for him.
“I got you, Love. I got you. Let go for me, show me how much you love me and I’ll do the same. I'm so close, God! You feels so fucking good,” He exclamied as his moans grew louder, nearing his end. 
His hand tightened its grip on her throat and as he moved to an even faster pace than before she reached her high and as he felt her cum around him he reached his as well.
High pitched, whiney and long drawn out moans filled the space around them as they both experienced that same euphoria they only had being with one another. 
Jake loosened his grip around her throat as they both fell limp against each other. 
She moved to lay down beside him and as they both let out a content sigh the pair locked eyes, and in that moment they both knew that this is exactly where they both belonged. 
The end <3
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gretavansmooch · 2 months
Lavy and the Sun
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Josh Kiszka x NB!reader
This is a Josh x NB!reader in a established relationship.
18+ !!!!!! DNI!!!!!!
Warnings: None, lots of fluff
A/n: I wrote this little fic like 2 years ago and hated it. Then I met my favourite person on this earth and he brought it back to life and sprinkled his own stardust on it. So here it is! Thank you so much @asacredthebread I love you <3
Word Count: 1.9K
Saturdays were your one day off - the one day of the week where you could comfortably sleep in, without having to worry about the upcoming projects, what would have to be done over the week, but most importantly - it was the one day that you could truly relax. Growing up, you had thought that your life would be different; traveling maybe, something creative, not just spending day in and day out at nine to five. Well, it was more like six to five recently, but it had to be done. 
This Saturday was different, though. Turning slightly to your right, you could see his chest softly rising and falling - your sweet boy, home at last, right where he belongs.
It was late last night when he had finally arrived - the sun had left your windows hours ago, and you had fallen asleep, wrapped in an old shirt of his, knowing that tomorrow he would finally be home. You had planned the day already - you were going to decorate the house, make everything so lovely for him, make sure that he felt appreciated, and missed. 
He had made his way into the house hours before you had expected him. As quietly as was possible for him, which in all honesty wasn’t all that quiet, he tip-toed his way through the room, making his way to the end of the bed. 
It was then that you shot up quickly, not recognising the fluffy head of hair that stood at the end of your bed, a figure that you couldn’t place. You couldn’t help the shrill shriek that left your lips, yelling for the figure to go away. You couldn’t remember feeling this panicked before - knowing that he wasn’t there beside you. 
He spoke your name so softly, and you felt your fears melt away. Your panic was quickly replaced by joy, as you found yourself leaping out of the bed, almost tripping over the covers that had managed to wrap themselves around your legs in the mad scramble. 
You found yourself falling into his arms, holding onto him tightly. As your fingertips grazed his skin, you inhaled deeper than you ever had before - afraid that you were dreaming, and that soon, you would wake up alone again, just like every night before now. “What?” You began, stumbling for your words as you placed your hand onto his cheek “I thought you weren’t coming home until tomorrow? I was gonna..” you rambled, as he simply watched you, his eyes filled with amusement.  “I wanted to surprise you, Lavy!” He replied, as he gently pushed you back onto the bed, before sitting beside you. 
A soft sigh left your lips as you heard his words, and they registered within you. 
Lavy… His Lavy.
A nickname that had become commonplace within his dialect - on your very first date he had decided the “lovey” was too common for you, too dull - he wanted something personal, something that was meant only for you. He had come up with the idea when he had brought you your first bouquet of flowers, a massive group of lavenders - at the time, he hadn’t known that they were your favorite kind, reminding you of your family, within your childhood home lavenders had always been commonplace. 
Each and every single time he said it you felt your heart skip a beat. He managed to pry himself from your grasp for long enough to stand up, before slipping himself out of his clothes, changing into his usual bed-time attire. It took you a moment to take him all in, your boy was finally home and in your arms once again. 
He slipped into the bed beside you quickly, before returning to the way that you previously were: his face firmly planted into the crook of your neck. 
A breath found itself stuck in your throat as you remembered that you hadn’t even kissed him yet, too focused on taking in everything about him - his hair, his smell, his touch. 
As quickly as you had grabbed him, you pulled yourself away for a moment, sitting up onto your knees and leaning over him, taking his face into your hands. His cheeks were soft, his eyes confused as he looked up at you. It almost upset you, those beautiful brown eyes looking right into your own. You paused - momentarily forgetting what you had sat up to do. 
“What?” You asked, as a small laugh left his throat. 
He took a moment to run his fingers through your hair, interlocking the strands between his fingers, before allowing it to flow through. “Getting lost in my eyes already?” He hummed. 
You felt a bright red flush across your cheeks. Even the slightest of teases could fluster you so quickly, before placing your face into his chest, in an effort to hide your embarrassment. You did your best to calm your heart, his cologne filling your brain. 
A quiet “stop” left your lips, barely above a whisper. You brought your face back up to his once again, watching his smile only widen as you did so. He knew exactly what he was doing - he was the light of your life, being able to pause your heart with only a single glance. A soft huff left his lips as he watched you - “So, are you going to kiss me or do I have to take matters into my own hands?”
His question only made you blush more, trying to convince yourself to stay upright, and not try and hide once again. He had successfully reminded you of what your plan was, a soft laugh leaving your lips as you pressed your lips silently onto his. You found his hands snaking their way towards your waist as he pushed you back down from your knees, and in only a moment he was over you, his full body weight covering you like rays of light. This was your favorite thing to do - to just be with him, to be able to feel him, knowing that he was there for you and only you. 
As cheeky as ever, he deepened the kiss, his hands making their way to your cheeks, his thumb brushing over your cheekbones, enjoying the softness of your skin, and the warmth of your touch. You frowned slightly as he pulled away, before you looked at him once again - there was that feeling again, he was home.
”God, I’ve missed you so much” you began, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug. “I can’t believe you’re really home.”
Despite his face being fully covered, you could hear his voice, repeating the sentiment - he had missed you just as much as you missed him. You found yourself running your hands through his curls, pulling them out slightly, before allowing them to shrink back around your fingers. 
Waking up, you found yourself sighing, managing to convince yourself that it had all been a dream, that he wouldn’t actually be home until later. It wasn’t until you turned that you saw him once more, his soft curls illuminated by the sun that was peeking through the window. You couldn’t help the smile that covered your face. He wasn’t awake yet, and so you simply took your time, doing your absolute best to remember every single detail, as if he would disappear if you took your eyes off of him for even a moment.
”You know it's rude to stare, right?” He hummed, his voice low. 
You were surprised at the noise - you were convinced he was asleep. You jumped slightly, before collecting yourself - “Oh I know you, I know damn well that you love it”. You poked him in the side, causing his eyes to widen, before softening once more. You giggled at his reaction, his eyes only softening further.
”You’re beautiful when you laugh, you know that, right?” He spoke.
He reached his arms out for you, with you kindly granting his request, bringing yourself closer to him, his hands quickly making their way to his hips as he pulled you into him.
”You know you say that every time we lay like this, right?” You replied, your eyes tracing over his face. “Well, it's true!”
You found yourself letting a small laugh leave your lips “Says who?”
”Says me.” He replied, his tone slightly sterner than usual. “Now, are you going to actually listen to me this time or are you too busy falling deeper in love with me?”
You laughed once again, knowing that you’d been caught. You buried your face into the crook of his neck once more. 
Changing the topic of conversation, you remembered what your plans had been for the day, and realized that your plans were now thrown out of the window. “Do you have anything that you need to do today?” You asked.
As you raised your face to look at him, you recognised his soft smile, an expression that seemed to be permanently stuck onto his face whenever he was around you - you loved it more than words could explain. 
His eyes found yours as he began to speak, considering his words carefully, as he always did. You could listen to him for hours and hours, no matter what he was talking about, he was so expressive, so passionate, and it was one of your favorite things about it. “Not a single thing, my Lavy” he hummed, before continuing. “I just want to be here, with you. Everything has been so loud for the past few weeks, and you know I love it, but with you I find myself loving silence.” 
A soft smile graced your lips as you listened to him - you knew exactly what he meant, his whole life was loud noises, planning,everything was so hectic, and now that he was home, all he wanted was you. No music, no TV, no friends, just you. Despite how often he told you, it was always your favorite thing to hear, all he wanted was you. 
“That works for me” you replied, before looking up at him once more. “Maybe one request?” You questioned, his eyes finding yours once again. “Anything for you” he replied, his eyes closing slightly, still clearly tired from the trip that he had taken the night before. “Can we kiss a little?” 
There it was. Your favorite noise in the world - his giggle. His reactions to whatever you said was always your favorite thing, he nodded his head, before pinning you down, planting kisses all over your face, you gasping for breath as you laughed so hard. His face was scruffy, scratching against your cheeks as he kissed you.
Pausing his attack, he stared down at you with the widest grin possible on his face. “You know what? I plan on kissing you so much that you’re never gonna want me to do it again” he teased.
You shook your head, before wrapping your arms around him. “I could never, ever be sick of your kisses, not until the day that I die”. His face was so soft, as you did your best to remember every single moment - you loved when he would come home. He always treated you the same way, like he hadn’t seen you in years upon years, and now here he was, in your arms once again.
And that’s how you stayed. From the time the sun began to shine into your window, until the last rays of light were fading from view, you laid together, a time filled with kisses, and soft touches. Both of you in your favorite place in the world - together, at last. 
The end<3
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gretavansmooch · 2 months
For anyone who missed it
He is my Master ~ Josh Kiszka x Boy!Reader
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Josh Kiszka x Boy!reader
This is a Josh x Boy!reader in a established relationship.
18+ !!!!!! DNI!!!!!!
Warnings: explicit sexual content, oral (m rec) fingering, unprotected sex (stay safe pls) , some fluff, facefucking, spanking, minor degradation, minor choking, bratty reader. please let me know if i missed anything.
A/n: We felt like the Josh boys deserve some love too so this is a collaboration between me and my bestie @ashlee-noothermaster <3
Word Count: 1.7K-ish
You knew that you'd been teasing Josh far too much this evening. Clinging to him all night as if you were attached to him, your hands wandering a bit too far at times. You could blame it on the few glasses of champagne you’ve had but you both knew that wasn't the case. 
By the time the evening was coming to an end you were more than tipsy, giggling all the way to the car, still clinging onto your man. 
“C'mon sweet boy, let's get you into the car,” Josh held onto you as you both headed to his jeep.
Your hands kept wandering to the bit of skin peeking out from the hem of his shirt, tickling him a little as you trailed your fingers against it.
“Watch it, pretty boy…” Josh warned, his voice dropping an octave, “Don't start something you aren't ready to finish.”
“Watch what?” You reply, a snarky tone lacing your words, “I'm not starting anything.”
You grin, knowing Josh was getting riled up by your tone.
Slamming the door to the passenger side slightly too hard you watch Josh jog around to the drivers side and jump in. The car ride home was filled with exciting tension as Josh swerved in and out of lanes driving slightly too fast, knuckles turning white from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. And you knew that in a few short minutes those same hands would be around your neck instead. You resisted the urge to tease him while he was driving, not wanting to end up off the road, but that didn't mean you weren't gonna take the edge off for yourself a little. Your hand moved from your thigh to the middle of your pants where you were already visibly aroused. You could see the moment Josh realized what you were doing, causing him to huff out a strangled growl. He sped up just a little more, his jaw clenching as he let out an annoyed sigh.
The car comes to a halt and before you can realize what is happening Josh has already taken a hold of the hand that you are using to palm yourself. ‘’Other hand,’’ he says as he reaches over to grab it. You keep your hand away from him, giving him only a smug smile. “What if I don't want to?” You ask, watching as he raised an eyebrow up at your increasing attitude. 
He unbuckled himself and reached over to grab your other hand, his voice coming out in a growl, “I'm gonna wrap these,” he begins, taking the beads from around his neck, “around your wrists, and you're gonna sit there and look pretty like a good boy. I'd be very upset if you broke them, so you better not even try to get them off.” 
Not wanting to break the beads binding your hands together, you reluctantly sat in your seat, staying good for him the rest of the drive home. As soon as Josh was parked, he was out of the car and opening the passenger side door to usher you into the house.
The second you were both in the door, his mouth was on yours, slamming you against a wall as his hands fisted your hair. You moaned into his mouth as he pressed his hips to you, his cock brushing yours through your clothes. “On your knees, pretty boy,” Josh growled into your ear, nipping it for good measure.
You slowly sank down, though, it was apparently too slow for Josh. He gripped your shoulder tight, pushing you to the floor. “That’s quite enough playing for tonight, pretty boy.”
Josh unbuttoned his pants and hastily pushed them to his thighs, his cock springing out and nearly hitting you in the cheek. You were always glad your boyfriend went commando most nights, and tonight was no exception.
Josh grabbed his cock and tapped it against your cheek signaling for you to open your mouth, but when all he got back as a tiny kiss to the flush head of his cock he grabbed your throat harshly with his free hand. When you let out a surprised gasp, Josh took the opportunity to shove his cock all the way in and as you suppress a gag he begins relentlessly thrusting. ‘’You ought to think twice before acting like a brat. As if I don’t praise the fucking ground you walk on on a daily basis,’’ Josh growled while fucking your face. ‘’ You are going to be a good fucking boy and take what I give you.’’ Tears had started to form in the corner of your eyes at his relentless pace. He wiped them away with a smug, breathy chuckle, his pace never slowing.
In the blink of an eye Josh had removed himself from your mouth, ‘’ Go to our room, get naked and get on the bed. Ass up,’’ He said while walking away. Though this time you did not dare to disobey him, and as you scrabbled to get upstairs, you heard him in the kitchen doing god knows what. 
You hurriedly removed your clothes, eager for what awaited you when Josh returned. You couldn't help but reach down and wrap a hand around your aching cock, giving it a few pumps to relieve yourself. You were face down on the bed, not paying attention as Josh slowly came back upstairs.
“Well,’’ he darkly chuckled. ‘’What do we have here?”
Josh's voice startled you, and you let go of your cock, turning to face the doorway. “I- um, I was-” He just shook his head, his curls bouncing a little with the movement, “Tsk, tsk… I thought you were finally gonna be good for me, my pretty boy. I guess I haven't done a good enough job of training you.” He made his way to the bed, pulling you over his lap. You knew what was coming next, and it only made you ache more.
“Now, you're gonna count after each spank I give you. If you mess up, I’ll start over. I think… ten swats, five on each cheek. Sound fair?” He said lightly running his hand over your back down to your ass. 
“Y-yes, Josh,” you mumbled into the bedsheets. He grabbed you by the hair, lifting your head enough for you to look up at him.
“That's not what you call me, pretty boy,” he growled, “You know what you're supposed to call me.” You swallowed, and responded, “Yes, Master.”
Josh smiled, “Good boy. Now, you better keep count.” He raised his hand, before bringing his palm down on your right cheek. It stung, but in a way that made your cock leak in Josh's lap.
“Ah! O-one!” You whimpered, eager for the next one. Josh didn't wait long after the first one to follow up with more, giving your tender skin a quick rub between each smack.
By the time he reached nine, you already were nearing your peak. “C-close… hold on…” you stuttered, not wanting to finish so soon. Josh stopped for a moment, and you breathed a sigh of relief. It was short lived, though, as he spoke up, “Then cum. I think you can handle it,’’ he spat.  And before you could get a word out, his hand came down twice as hard.
You couldn't stop yourself from letting go if you tried. Your whole body tensed up as you came in Josh's lap, your head swimming from the pain and pleasure. You barely registered Josh rolling you back into the bed, still coming down from your high. When you heard the familiar click of the lube cap, you managed to glance behind you, watching as Josh poured some into his hand.
“What? You think you're the only one getting off tonight? You can be a good boy and get me off with that perfect ass of yours,” Josh gripped your hip with one hand, pushing a lubed finger into you without warning. The stretch felt amazing, but it was so soon after you came that it was nearly too good. It didn't take long for Josh to open you up, especially with how relaxed your body was after just cumming. There was some shuffling, and then Josh was lining himself up and pushing in.
“F-fuck, you feel so good, my sweet boy…” Josh groaned as he bottomed out, his pelvis pressed against your ass. You felt so full, and could feel your cock stirring again underneath you. His fingers dug into your hips as he pulled out slowly, then slammed back in. You knew there'd be bruises tomorrow, and it just made your cock harden further. Josh set an intense rhythm, hitting that spot deep inside you that made you see stars. His mouth hung open and gruff moans spilled out, merging with your own breathy whines to create some kind of sinful symphony. You knew he was getting close as his thrusts faltered, unable to keep up the rhythm.
One of his hands left your hip and moved up to your throat, gripping it from behind and cutting off your air supply. “Gonna fucking cum!” He growled into your ear, “and you're gonna give me one more orgasm too.” You shook your head as he releases your throat enough for you to take in a gulp of air and speak, “I- I can't…”
“Yes you can. And you will,” Josh released your throat and wrapped his hand around your cock instead, jerking you off in time with his thrusts, “You're gonna cum for me. Cum for your master.”
It was like a switch flipped, and you were suddenly cumming into Josh's hand, tears streaming down your face as pleasure wracked your body. Josh wasn't far behind, thrusting once, twice, then stilling as he filled you up. You collapsed onto the bed as he carefully pulled out.
“You were so good for me, sweet boy… I'm gonna go start a bath, alright?” Josh whispered as he cupped your cheek in his hand. You nodded and mumbled out an, “okay,” so he stood and headed to the bathroom. 
You barely registered hearing the bath start, him helping you to the bath, or even getting into the tub. When the haze finally started to clear up, you were laying against his chest as the warm water soothed your sore body.
“How are you doing, darling? Feel okay?” He asked, pressing a kiss to your hair. “Mhm… never better,” you reply, a smile adorning your face.
You had wanted Josh to let loose for a while now, and you always got what you wanted in the end.
The end <3
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gretavansmooch · 2 months
🟢 You are still a writer even when you haven't written in a while.
🟢 You are still a writer even when you feel like you aren't writing enough.
🟢 You are still a writer when you feel like your work isn't good.
🟢 You are still a writer when other people don't like your work.
🟢 You are still a writer when you aren't published.
🟢 You are still a writer when you only have works in progress.
🟢 You are still a writer if all you write is fanfiction.
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gretavansmooch · 2 months
My bestie out here KILLING IT
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What You'd Do To Me Tonight
Sub!Josh × Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: Sub!Josh, Dom!reader, slight bdsm, slight degradation, praise kink, mommy kink, master kink, handjobs, edging, dacryphillia
You decide that it's your turn to have a little fun with Josh instead of letting him take the reins this time...
Usually, you let Josh take the reigns I'm your relationship. He had a gentle dominance about him in the bedroom, but tonight, you were feeling bold and decided to take charge.
The room was bathed in a soft, golden glow from the bedside lamp, casting shadows across the walls as you leaned in closer to him. His breath hitched as your hands roamed his chest, feeling the steady rise and fall beneath your touch. The air was thick with desire, the scent of him intoxicating as you inched closer, feeling the heat radiating off his skin.
Eventually, you pressed your lips against his, the kiss starting off slow and tender before growing more urgent and passionate. His hands found their way to your waist, presumably to pull you closer to him, but you stopped him with your own hands.
"Nuh-uh. No touching tonight unless you ask me," You whispered into his ear, nipping it for good measure. You could feel him shiver underneath you, but the cocky grin he had told you that he wasn't going to make this easy for you.
"Darling... You and I both know that you want me to touch you," He replied, trying to pull his hands from your grasp.
You sighed and stood up before taking a few steps back from the bed. Assuming he had control again, Josh grinned and tried to stand, only to be stopped again. His gaze followed your hands as you grabbed the box out of the closet that was full of various sex toys, pulling out a pair of handcuffs. "Oh, c'mon, darling... you aren't really gonna chain me up, are you?"
You straddled him, pinning his arms above his head and chaining him to the headboard. "There," you began, "Now, be a good boy, and maybe I'll let you cum. Do I make myself clear?"
He rolls his eyes, a playful defiance in them, but beneath the surface, you can sense his excitement. It's in the way his toes curl involuntarily, the way his pupils dilate like dark pools of desire when you firmly grasp his jaw, asserting your dominance.
"I said: Do I make myself clear?" Your voice is a low, sultry purr, laced with a hint of command as you lean in, nipping teasingly at his plush lower lip.
Josh swallows audibly, a slight tremor running through his body as he struggles to maintain his composure. "Y-yes," he mumbles, the single word slipping past his lips in a breathless whisper, "Yes, you do..."
You hold his gaze, a silent challenge passing between you, before you slowly release his jaw, letting your fingers trail down his chest in a tantalizing caress. As you hover over him, a predator poised to strike, you feel a surge of confidence coursing through your veins. Tonight, you are the orchestrator of pleasure, the master of seduction, and Josh is your willing captive.
You unbuttoned his shirt, kissing down the column of his throat to his nipples, taking one of the sensitive buds into your mouth. His gasp turned into a moan as you nipped at it before turning your attention to the other and repeating your actions.
Your lips traveled down to his soft tummy, and Josh's chest rose and fell in shallow breaths, his restrained hands clenching against the handcuffs as he arched into your touch. The room was filled with the heady scent of desire, mingling with the soft sounds of his gasps and the rustle of sheets beneath you.
As you peppered his tummy with kisses and hickeys, you could feel the tension building in him, a primal need coiling tight in the pit of his stomach. "Feel good, baby?" You ask, nuzzling his clothed inner thigh.
"Y-yes... feels good..." Josh mumbled back, his face buried into the meat of his shoulder, muffling his voice.
Well that just won't do.
"Josh. Look at me," You ordered. When it was clear he wasn't gonna move, you grabbed his jaw once more, making him face you. Now that you had his attention, you began undoing his pants with your free hand, "If you stop looking at me, I'll stop touching you."
His cock was leaking against his hip when you pulled his pants down, the movement making him shiver. You released his jaw in favor of trailing a finger down his hips and wiping a finger through the mess. You held it up to his lips expectantly. "Open." Josh's lips opened, and you spread his bitter fluid over his tongue, feeling heat pool in your center at the act. "What do you say?"
Josh sounded absolutely fucked out already when he finally responded, "T-thank you, master."
As a reward for his good behavior, you wrapped a hand around his cock, feeling it throb hot and heavy against your palm. Josh's breath hitched in his throat, a desperate sound escaping him as you began to stroke him slowly, teasingly. His eyes were locked on yours, pupils blown so wide they nearly seemed black.
You swiped a thumb over the tip of his cock, causing him to throw his head back. The moment he looked away, you let go of his cock, tearing a whine from him. "W-wait! Please don't stop!" He begged, teary-eyed.
"I told you I'd stop if you looked away. Want to try again?" You ask, fingers digging into the meat of his thigh.
"I promise I'll be good! Just- fuck, just please keep going..." Satisfied with his begging, you resumed your precious actions. This time when he got close, however, you kept going, working him through his orgasm. You gathered up the mess on his tummy, spreading it on two fingers before pressing them against his hole.
"Deep breath, baby..." You mumble as you push your fingers into him.
This wasn't something that happened often, Josh bottoming, but it was something that you both enjoyed from time to time. As your fingers slid into him, his body tensed momentarily, a mixture of anticipation and a hint of vulnerability flashing across his features. The air in the room crackled with a raw intensity as you watched his face contort with a myriad of emotions.
Josh's breath hitched in his chest as he adjusted to the feeling of your fingers stretching him, his muscles clenching and releasing in a delicious rhythm. His eyes, darkened with desire, searched yours for guidance, for reassurance, and you responded with exactly that, reaching up to cup his cheek in your palm.
You could feel the heat radiating off his skin, the subtle tremors coursing through his body as he surrendered to your touch. Every small movement, every breath he took, seemed amplified in the charged atmosphere of the room. His movements and whines became more and more frequent as you pushed deeper, searching for that spot you knew would have him singing for you.
"Ahn! F-fuck! (Y/N)!" His back arched off the bed, handcuffs jangling against the bed frame, "M-more! Please, Mommy!"
Both of you froze. Josh had never called you that before. You could see the panic and embarrassment rising in his face, so you said the first thing that came to mind.
"Mommy's got you, baby..." You soothed him, speeding up your movements. It wouldn't be long now, you knew. He was like putty in your hands, all signs of defiance from earlier gone, now replaced by desperate gasps and writhing movements.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm coming!"
When Josh came a second time, it was with a scream of your name as his cock spurted onto his tummy. Afterwards, the room was enveloped in silence, broken only by the heavy panting of Josh as he lay sprawled out on the bed, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Beads of sweat glistened on his skin, his body a canvas of raw desire and ecstasy. His eyes were half-lidded, glazed over with a sheen of pleasure, as he basked in the aftermath of his release.
You watched him intently, your heart swelling with a mix of affection and lust at the sight of him so utterly undone. As much as you wanted to go another round, you knew he was done for the night.
"You did so good for me, Josh..." You whispered into his ear as you unhooked the handcuffs, gently rubbing the red marks left behind, "Let's get you in the bath, okay?"
"Mmm... okay..." Josh mumbled, clearly exhausted. You started him a bath, making sure to add in some lavender soap to the tub just like you knew Josh liked. Getting him to the bathroom was definitely a bit of work, what with his legs being jelly, but you managed, before climbing into the tub behind him, pulling him against your chest.
"Love you, Josh."
"Love you too, (Y/N)... Ya' always make me feel so good..." He mumbles, half asleep already.
You knew he'd get back at you next time, but for now, he was your baby...
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gretavansmooch · 2 months
@gretavansmooch has got me thinking… I kinda wanna pick back up on Barbarian 🥸
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gretavansmooch · 2 months
Lavy and the Sun
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Josh Kiszka x NB!reader
This is a Josh x NB!reader in a established relationship.
18+ !!!!!! DNI!!!!!!
Warnings: None, lots of fluff
A/n: I wrote this little fic like 2 years ago and hated it. Then I met my favourite person on this earth and he brought it back to life and sprinkled his own stardust on it. So here it is! Thank you so much @asacredthebread I love you <3
Word Count: 1.9K
Saturdays were your one day off - the one day of the week where you could comfortably sleep in, without having to worry about the upcoming projects, what would have to be done over the week, but most importantly - it was the one day that you could truly relax. Growing up, you had thought that your life would be different; traveling maybe, something creative, not just spending day in and day out at nine to five. Well, it was more like six to five recently, but it had to be done. 
This Saturday was different, though. Turning slightly to your right, you could see his chest softly rising and falling - your sweet boy, home at last, right where he belongs.
It was late last night when he had finally arrived - the sun had left your windows hours ago, and you had fallen asleep, wrapped in an old shirt of his, knowing that tomorrow he would finally be home. You had planned the day already - you were going to decorate the house, make everything so lovely for him, make sure that he felt appreciated, and missed. 
He had made his way into the house hours before you had expected him. As quietly as was possible for him, which in all honesty wasn’t all that quiet, he tip-toed his way through the room, making his way to the end of the bed. 
It was then that you shot up quickly, not recognising the fluffy head of hair that stood at the end of your bed, a figure that you couldn’t place. You couldn’t help the shrill shriek that left your lips, yelling for the figure to go away. You couldn’t remember feeling this panicked before - knowing that he wasn’t there beside you. 
He spoke your name so softly, and you felt your fears melt away. Your panic was quickly replaced by joy, as you found yourself leaping out of the bed, almost tripping over the covers that had managed to wrap themselves around your legs in the mad scramble. 
You found yourself falling into his arms, holding onto him tightly. As your fingertips grazed his skin, you inhaled deeper than you ever had before - afraid that you were dreaming, and that soon, you would wake up alone again, just like every night before now. “What?” You began, stumbling for your words as you placed your hand onto his cheek “I thought you weren’t coming home until tomorrow? I was gonna..” you rambled, as he simply watched you, his eyes filled with amusement.  “I wanted to surprise you, Lavy!” He replied, as he gently pushed you back onto the bed, before sitting beside you. 
A soft sigh left your lips as you heard his words, and they registered within you. 
Lavy… His Lavy.
A nickname that had become commonplace within his dialect - on your very first date he had decided the “lovey” was too common for you, too dull - he wanted something personal, something that was meant only for you. He had come up with the idea when he had brought you your first bouquet of flowers, a massive group of lavenders - at the time, he hadn’t known that they were your favorite kind, reminding you of your family, within your childhood home lavenders had always been commonplace. 
Each and every single time he said it you felt your heart skip a beat. He managed to pry himself from your grasp for long enough to stand up, before slipping himself out of his clothes, changing into his usual bed-time attire. It took you a moment to take him all in, your boy was finally home and in your arms once again. 
He slipped into the bed beside you quickly, before returning to the way that you previously were: his face firmly planted into the crook of your neck. 
A breath found itself stuck in your throat as you remembered that you hadn’t even kissed him yet, too focused on taking in everything about him - his hair, his smell, his touch. 
As quickly as you had grabbed him, you pulled yourself away for a moment, sitting up onto your knees and leaning over him, taking his face into your hands. His cheeks were soft, his eyes confused as he looked up at you. It almost upset you, those beautiful brown eyes looking right into your own. You paused - momentarily forgetting what you had sat up to do. 
“What?” You asked, as a small laugh left his throat. 
He took a moment to run his fingers through your hair, interlocking the strands between his fingers, before allowing it to flow through. “Getting lost in my eyes already?” He hummed. 
You felt a bright red flush across your cheeks. Even the slightest of teases could fluster you so quickly, before placing your face into his chest, in an effort to hide your embarrassment. You did your best to calm your heart, his cologne filling your brain. 
A quiet “stop” left your lips, barely above a whisper. You brought your face back up to his once again, watching his smile only widen as you did so. He knew exactly what he was doing - he was the light of your life, being able to pause your heart with only a single glance. A soft huff left his lips as he watched you - “So, are you going to kiss me or do I have to take matters into my own hands?”
His question only made you blush more, trying to convince yourself to stay upright, and not try and hide once again. He had successfully reminded you of what your plan was, a soft laugh leaving your lips as you pressed your lips silently onto his. You found his hands snaking their way towards your waist as he pushed you back down from your knees, and in only a moment he was over you, his full body weight covering you like rays of light. This was your favorite thing to do - to just be with him, to be able to feel him, knowing that he was there for you and only you. 
As cheeky as ever, he deepened the kiss, his hands making their way to your cheeks, his thumb brushing over your cheekbones, enjoying the softness of your skin, and the warmth of your touch. You frowned slightly as he pulled away, before you looked at him once again - there was that feeling again, he was home.
”God, I’ve missed you so much” you began, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug. “I can’t believe you’re really home.”
Despite his face being fully covered, you could hear his voice, repeating the sentiment - he had missed you just as much as you missed him. You found yourself running your hands through his curls, pulling them out slightly, before allowing them to shrink back around your fingers. 
Waking up, you found yourself sighing, managing to convince yourself that it had all been a dream, that he wouldn’t actually be home until later. It wasn’t until you turned that you saw him once more, his soft curls illuminated by the sun that was peeking through the window. You couldn’t help the smile that covered your face. He wasn’t awake yet, and so you simply took your time, doing your absolute best to remember every single detail, as if he would disappear if you took your eyes off of him for even a moment.
”You know it's rude to stare, right?” He hummed, his voice low. 
You were surprised at the noise - you were convinced he was asleep. You jumped slightly, before collecting yourself - “Oh I know you, I know damn well that you love it”. You poked him in the side, causing his eyes to widen, before softening once more. You giggled at his reaction, his eyes only softening further.
”You’re beautiful when you laugh, you know that, right?” He spoke.
He reached his arms out for you, with you kindly granting his request, bringing yourself closer to him, his hands quickly making their way to his hips as he pulled you into him.
”You know you say that every time we lay like this, right?” You replied, your eyes tracing over his face. “Well, it's true!”
You found yourself letting a small laugh leave your lips “Says who?”
”Says me.” He replied, his tone slightly sterner than usual. “Now, are you going to actually listen to me this time or are you too busy falling deeper in love with me?”
You laughed once again, knowing that you’d been caught. You buried your face into the crook of his neck once more. 
Changing the topic of conversation, you remembered what your plans had been for the day, and realized that your plans were now thrown out of the window. “Do you have anything that you need to do today?” You asked.
As you raised your face to look at him, you recognised his soft smile, an expression that seemed to be permanently stuck onto his face whenever he was around you - you loved it more than words could explain. 
His eyes found yours as he began to speak, considering his words carefully, as he always did. You could listen to him for hours and hours, no matter what he was talking about, he was so expressive, so passionate, and it was one of your favorite things about it. “Not a single thing, my Lavy” he hummed, before continuing. “I just want to be here, with you. Everything has been so loud for the past few weeks, and you know I love it, but with you I find myself loving silence.” 
A soft smile graced your lips as you listened to him - you knew exactly what he meant, his whole life was loud noises, planning,everything was so hectic, and now that he was home, all he wanted was you. No music, no TV, no friends, just you. Despite how often he told you, it was always your favorite thing to hear, all he wanted was you. 
“That works for me” you replied, before looking up at him once more. “Maybe one request?” You questioned, his eyes finding yours once again. “Anything for you” he replied, his eyes closing slightly, still clearly tired from the trip that he had taken the night before. “Can we kiss a little?” 
There it was. Your favorite noise in the world - his giggle. His reactions to whatever you said was always your favorite thing, he nodded his head, before pinning you down, planting kisses all over your face, you gasping for breath as you laughed so hard. His face was scruffy, scratching against your cheeks as he kissed you.
Pausing his attack, he stared down at you with the widest grin possible on his face. “You know what? I plan on kissing you so much that you’re never gonna want me to do it again” he teased.
You shook your head, before wrapping your arms around him. “I could never, ever be sick of your kisses, not until the day that I die”. His face was so soft, as you did your best to remember every single moment - you loved when he would come home. He always treated you the same way, like he hadn’t seen you in years upon years, and now here he was, in your arms once again.
And that’s how you stayed. From the time the sun began to shine into your window, until the last rays of light were fading from view, you laid together, a time filled with kisses, and soft touches. Both of you in your favorite place in the world - together, at last. 
The end<3
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gretavansmooch · 2 months
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Hello babes, welcome to my blog. All about fic writing, more works coming soon! Feel free to send requests! I'm always open to new ideas! <3
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This blog is 18+, so minors DNI!!!
Angst ☾ - Fluff ❤ - Smut 🕷
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Josh Kiszka
- Lavy and the Sun ❤
- He is my Master 🕷❤
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Jake Kiszka
- All he ever wanted ☾🕷❤ - Lace and Literature 🕷
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gretavansmooch · 2 months
All he ever wanted ~ Jake Kiszka x Reader
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Jake Kiszka x reader
18+ Minors DNI!!!!!!
Warnings: Explicit sexual content, oral (m rec), oral (f rec), unprotected sex, a little fluff, a little angst, light choking. Pleae let me know if I missed anything <3
A/n: Just some cute friends with benefits turned lovers with Jake. <3 (I posted this months ago and then deleted it so now Im reposting it!
Word Count: 2.6K
All he could do was stare. 
A shiver ran down his spine. 
He knew that if he did not do anything to stop her, this would be it. 
All of his limbs felt frozen as he watched her frantically pack up her stuff scattered around his usually peaceful bedroom. 
Do something! He thought, though his feet felt as if they had been nailed to the hardwood floor.
She turned towards him as if to give him a chance to undo what he had done. 
Her tear streaked face made her even more beautiful, and for the first time that night he truly realized the depth of the damage he had caused. 
Her sad eyes stared into his own tear filled ones. 
“I feel like I’m drowning, Jake. And you seem to just be fine, floating around treading in a sea of chaos,” she finally spoke in a whisper. Her energy was long gone, her throat sore from the screaming match that had taken place earlier in the evening. 
Gaining some strength he shook his head and stepped forward cautiously. 
“All I’ve ever wanted is to be with you.”
“You are everywhere all at once, but at the same time you’re never here,” she shook her head at him and stepped back, both of their stances faltering. 
Realization hit them both at the exact same time; maybe it was best if they went their separate ways. 
He immediately shook the idea out of his head, he did not want that. 
He began racking his brain for things he could possibly do to make her believe his words, because he knew that his words were nothing but empty promises to her. 
“Are you actually leaving me or do you just need some space?” He whispered, his voice smaller than she’d ever heard it. 
“I don't know,” she sighed. “You’re leaving, and for a long time. I know what I signed up for when we started this agreement. It was never meant to have feelings involved.”  
He grew frustrated, maybe even angry. 
He knew he had been the one to make it all come crashing down around them, their own little bubble bursting into a million pieces in a matter of seconds. 
How could she not see how deeply he felt for her? 
How could she not see the yearning for her in his eyes every time she got out of his bed in the early mornings, the moon shining strategically onto her form as she picked up her clothes, leaving him there alone, in a now cold bed. 
He allowed himself to reminisce for a short moment. 
Her long hair fell over her shoulders as her naked form moved above him. 
Both of them were close to a bursting euphoria that they only felt when being in each other's arms like this.
Jake watched intently at where their bodies were connected as she leaned forward towards him, her knees getting weaker the closer she got. 
Both of their moans filled the room as they came.
His whole body was trembling as the intense, blissful white pleasure took over him. 
He wasn't entirely present but he was sure he might have let out a long drawn out yell like moan. 
He had never in his life experienced such intense euphoria as he did in that moment. The pleasure so pure it made his head spin even as he was coming back down to the present again. Back to her.
Their eyes locked, and in both of their eyes were a thousand words neither of them dared to say out loud.
He didn't know what his soul was meant for or what it was made of, but in that moment with her, he knew that they were one in the same. Bound to be connected by not only sex but love. 
I will surely screw this up, he thought.
And screw up he did, though not in the way most might think. It had been his idea, after all, to not involve feelings, making it a strict friends with benefits relationship. 
And although she had agreed, he could still see the hurt in her eyes.
For months they ended most of their nights in one another's beds. Sometimes even in hotel rooms somewhere as he traveled and lived out his dreams with his brothers. 
But, it was him that uttered those words that were strictly off limits just mere hours ago.
She’d recoiled back from him as if he had physically struck her in the face.
All he ever wanted, all he ever needed, was her. But how do you make someone understand the depths of your love when you have simultaneously been the one to deprive them of that same love for months?
Never in his life had he felt so at a loss for words, now when he needed them the most. 
He wasn’t sure what he would do if she actually left, though he did know for sure that if she did go, a piece of him would leave with her. 
It was truly now or never, he had to get it right this time. 
Taking a step towards her once more, he waited to see if she moved back again. But when she didn't, he closed the rest of the distance between them and placed a gentle hand upon her still tear stained cheek. 
“Will you please just listen to me for a second?” He begged.
“If you decide that you still want to leave after then you can, I will never force you to do anything. But please just give me a few minutes.” Not only did his voice beg her but his soft, sad brown eyes that she knew she would not be able to say no to, did too.
When she didn't say anything he took that as a yes. 
“At first it was just sex for me, and I know I hurt you when I told you that I didn’t want more than that,” he explained and took a deep breath. 
He was about to attempt to put his love for her into words, say it to her face and he did not know if she would accept it or give him her love in return. But to him, in this moment he knew it had to be done. Even if it meant that she might potentially break his heart. 
“Words don't come easy to me so forgive me if I stumble and make a fool of myself.”
“I don't know when it shifted for me, maybe the feelings were there from the beginning and I was too stubborn to acknowledge them.”
“I love you. And not how I love my friends and family. I love you as in I want you around me at all times because you make even the gloomiest of days shine brighter. I love you as in whenever we are apart, it feels like a piece of me isn't there. And I know our moments together are short, but they don't have to be, not anymore. I want you in all aspects of life. I want you in the morning while you sleep in so I can slip away to make you breakfast for no particular reason other than because I love you. “
“I am not trying to get you to stay by saying all these things so we can keep having a sexual relationship only. I am saying it to make you see that I truly want you. All of you.”
By the time his eyes flicked up to hers, her eyes had filled up with new tears though he wasn't sure what kind of tears they were. 
“Everytime I kiss you, I hope you can taste all the words I want to say to you that I know I shouldn't. Ever since you stepped into my life everything has been better. I wake up and my first thought is how you are feeling and what you are up to. I know I have not been fair to you, but I promise you this; I will dedicate all of my remaining days into showing you just how much you mean to me. I love you,” he concluded as he swept away her tears. 
“I am scared,” she admitted quietly. 
“I am scared that if I give my heart to you, you might break it without meaning to.”
He smiled softly at her, “I have proven time and time again that I am unworthy of your love, and I know I stumble into situations that end up hurting you. But if you are willing, even in my darkest moments I will cradle your heart with such gentle hands that it will never break. Never at my hand and never by anyone else’s, for as long as I am alive.”
Before he could really comprehend what was happening her lips were on his. Her bags dropped to the floor with a loud thud. 
In their kiss there was no longer pain and sorrow but a newly found higher passion and love.
The need to be as close to each other as possible grew intensely as their frantic hands pushed and pulled at their clothes that now felt like one heavy barrier. 
He laid her down on the bed as he’d done so many times before, though this time with purpose and much gentler hands. 
“I love you too,” she whispered out as he poured his love out onto her in his kisses. 
He lifted his head to look at the girl under him, enamored by her soft spoken declaration of reciprocated love for him.
“I want all of you too, and I’m also sorry, for being so cruel to you earlier with my words and actions. I’m sorry for denying you as well and making you feel as if you were wrong for telling me how you feel when we said that we would be honest with each other from the beginning,” she said, stroking his cheek and the little patch of hair on his upper lip. 
He shook his head at her as he leaned down to kiss her lips quickly before he replied. 
“You don't have to say you're sorry.”
“Okay, but I am and I know we need to talk more about this, but right now all I want is you,” she spoke, to which he smiled and silently agreed.
Her hand came up to his chest and gently pushed him to lay beside her. 
As she crawled over him, she left kisses everywhere, and as she descended down to where he wanted her to be most, she whispered a final I love you to him.
She began kissing his length all the way down and up again as her right hand grabbed him at the base, and with a final kiss on the tip she opened her mouth and gently guided him onto her tongue, his cock laying heavy and throbbing with need for her on it. 
As she bobbed her head up and down he threw his head back panting, all the while letting out tiny whines. His hand reached down to hold onto her hair, he knew she was there but he needed to feel her so as to not lose himself completely.
As he felt himself growing close he gently pulled her off him, to which she whined and pouted.
“I don't want it to be over so soon, besides I have been dreaming about the way you taste for weeks,” he smiled up at her. 
He laid her back down onto the bed, kissing his way down to the place he never wanted to leave, and as he got the first taste he's had in weeks, his eyes rolled back and a low growl came out directly onto her clit. Her back arched off the bed as she let him take her in any way he wanted to. 
Her moans filled the room as he worked on her, switching between sucking her into his mouth and shaking his head vigorously. He knew though that the trick to get her there was to circle his tongue around her clit in fast tight circles. So that's exactly what he did until she was calling out his name and putting a trembling hand through his hair and if she had not stopped him right then he would have continued for the next several hours. 
When she came down from her high he captured her lips in an even more passionate kiss than before, if that was possible. 
“Please, please fuck me Jake,” she pleaded with him, though she did not have to beg nor try to convince him to do it. 
“Oh, I plan on it, Sweetheart,” he said grinning. 
She layed splayed out on the bed, hair wild and for a moment he allowed himself to admire her. Her big eyes were sparkling at him with a hint of lust in them. 
Snapping out of it he grabbed himself and looked up at her to see if she was ready, only to find her in a similar trance-like state, looking at him lost in her own head. 
His grin grew as he slapped the head of his cock down onto her sensitive clit to snap her out of it. 
She gasped lightly as a similar grin crept up on her face.
“Are we doing this or-'' she didn't get to finish her sentence before he pushed himself into her in one thrust. Both of their eyes rolled back into their heads. 
“God, I've missed you,” he panted out as he set a pace that was borderline brutal. 
“I lo-love you, I love your cock so much. Fuck…” she cried out, grabbing onto him by his shoulders. 
“I love you, s-so much too. Fuck, come here,” He moaned out as he pulled out of her flipping her over onto her stomach.
He laid his full body weight onto her and began thrusting deeply into her from behind, as his arms circled to hug her around her neck. 
He reveled in being this close to her, to feel this connected to her on a deeper level than they had ever shared before, because now they could. There was nothing holding them back from each other now.
He could feel her getting close as he panted and whined directly into her ear and flipped them both over so they were now both on their backs. 
As he drove into her so hard their skin grew red, he moved his left hand up to her neck lightly squeezing it, just how he knew she liked it and when his other hand reached down to circle her clit she cried out for him.
“I got you, Love. I got you. Let go for me, show me how much you love me and I’ll do the same. I'm so close, God! You feels so fucking good,” He exclamied as his moans grew louder, nearing his end. 
His hand tightened its grip on her throat and as he moved to an even faster pace than before she reached her high and as he felt her cum around him he reached his as well.
High pitched, whiney and long drawn out moans filled the space around them as they both experienced that same euphoria they only had being with one another. 
Jake loosened his grip around her throat as they both fell limp against each other. 
She moved to lay down beside him and as they both let out a content sigh the pair locked eyes, and in that moment they both knew that this is exactly where they both belonged. 
The end <3
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