grex-statera 1 year
Good lord researching about pelicans and im discovering horrifying things.......the pelican eating you post that says they dont have malice in their eyes. Its quite untrue.......its quite untrue.... 馃槹
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grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 15: Town Weirdos - Summer, Year 1
Krobus took another bite of the wild horseradish Ellie brought him. His delight painted all over his face.
Ellie: Man, you really eat this thing raw?
Ellie and Krobus were sitting on Krobus' spot where his "store" is supposed to be. If they weren't in the sewers, it would've been a lovely early afternoon picnic.
Krobus: Why, yes, of course. My kind has no need for this concept of "cooking" that you humans do.
Ellie: That's fair.
Ellie took another look at Krobus' items. It really was an assortment of rare and exotic goods. Elemental essences, void eggs, weird furniture - he has them all.
Ellie: Hmm... What's this?
Ellie held a purple star-shaped fruit in her hand.
Krobus: That is a Stardrop. It is an ancient and cosmic fruit that will empower your spirit if you consume it.
Ellie: Wow. Sounds like a thing of legends. Must be expensive then?
Krobus' expression changed that to what could best be described as "thinking".
Krobus: I shall sell it to you for twenty thousand.
Ellie: Hey, not bad! Erm. I don't really have that amount of money on me right now. How about I just come back for it?
Krobus: I will hold you to that, Elliot.
Ellie smiled warmly at her strange little friend.
Ellie: Hey, uh, can I ask you something? About the talisman?
Krobus: You may.
Ellie: So... Why did the wizard assign you to safeguard it? Are you friends?
Krobus: Yes. The wizard is an excellent Custodian watching over the harmony between non-human beings. There are others like me - shadow people who wish no harm to humans. But the majority of my kind are not so welcoming. When the wizard had his falling-out with his wife, he asked me to look after the talisman, should he cease to be.
Ellie: Oh...
Ellie thought about this for a while.
Ellie: So are shadow people... Immortal? Like, unless someone kills you, you can basically live forever?
Krobus: Yes, you may say that. My kind is born from the abundance of void essence. We are unlike you humans who are frail and have fleeting lives.
Ellie nodded.
Ellie: Alright, I should be ready for that stupid bug world you told me. How 'bout you?
Krobus finished the last of his horseradish.
Krobus: I can sense that you are a steadfast and strong individual, Elliot. However, I must still warn you of the perils in that area.
He says a short incantation then waves his hands.
Krobus: The entrance is unsealed. Stay vigilant, friend.
Ellie: Thank you, Krobus. Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it.
Ellie walked over to the other end of the platform, near the weird dog statue. The once dead end wall now has a crack on it, wide enough for a human to slip into.
Ellie: Bugs, huh?
Ellie grips her sword firmly.
Ellie: Alright, here we go.
She took a deep breath then slipped into the crack.
The Mutant Bug Dimension really looked its part: it looked alien and it was infested with weeds and grubs. Ellie had to catch her breath to adjust.
She was never a fan of things that crawled but the Biology degree helped, at least.
She made her way around slowly but surely, dodging, stomping on and cutting up bugs if she had to. At least, unlike in the sewers, the smell wasn't that bad.
Ellie looked carefully for the mark Krobus left for the buried key.
Krobus: It is a simple mark - just a big stick with a tattered cloth tied on it.
Ellie sighed.
Ellie: Krobus, I swear to Yoba if it's not here...
Ellie hacked away on another patch of tall weeds when she saw the mark Krobus had told her about.
Ellie: Oh my god!!
She hurriedly kneeled next to it and dug the damp soil. She found a small chest with the talisman inside.
Ellie: Holy crap! Gotcha!
She secured the talisman chest in her bag and made her way out.
Ellie: Krobus! I found it!
Krobus: Hello there, friend! That's great news. I was starting to get worried about you.
Ellie took the small chest out and showed it to Krobus who nodded, confirming that it is indeed the item she was looking for.
Ellie: Easy peasy! Didn't even take too long in there.
Krobus cocked his head to one side.
Krobus: But Elliot, you have been there for hours. Did you not know?
Ellie stared at him.
Ellie: What...? It only felt like a few minutes, though. Maybe around 45 minutes at most?
Ellie looked at her watch. It was almost 7pm.
Ellie: What the hell, man.
Krobus: You must be aware, Elliot: time flows differently in other dimensions other than where you belong.
Ellie grunted.
Ellie: Ugh. Yeah, okay. That makes sense. At least I won't have to worry about people seeing me get out of the sewers.
She secures the chest in her bag again.
Ellie: Okay, I should show this to the wizard... But maybe by tomorrow or else I'll be late for my bedtime.
Krobus: Bedtime... Such an intriguing concept.
Ellie: Huh? Do you not sleep?
Krobus tilted his head slightly to the floor.
Krobus: Maybe I should try that some time.
Ellie made sure to peek first before coming out of the sewer. Despite her attempt at being discreet, she still got caught. And by Sebastian, no less.
Seb: What the hell...
Ellie slowly turned around.
Seb: ...were you doing down there??
Ellie: Ah! Don't freak out! I swear I'm not insane!
The two of them stared at each other, until Sebastian laughed.
Ellie: Dude, I swear I'm gonna get in SO much trouble because of you someday. What are you doing out here anyway??
Sebastian tried to calm down, wiping tears from his eyes from laughing.
Seb: Ugh. Oh, god. I was walking home from Sam's when I heard the manhole creak. So is this the witch's curse you got going on? The urge to just be underground?
Elliot snickered.
Ellie: Hey, mining and sewer spelunking are two vastly different things. Also, I didn't go down there for nothing alright. I got... Stuff I have to do.
Seb: Yeah? Like what?
Ellie averted her gaze.
Ellie: Hey. All jokes aside, though, maybe it would be better for you if you didn't know too much.
Seb: Hmm. Even if I tell you I'm super curious and will believe everything you say and not think of you as a lunatic?
Ellie: More so!!! I-
Ellie felt her ears get hot.
Ellie: I want you to be safe, you know? I'm not entirely sure myself what's happening, but there IS something happening and I don't want you to get caught up in this. It might get dangerous.
Sebastian looked at Ellie, concern showing on his face.
Seb: You're well aware I'm bigger than you, right? I may not be an expert with swords or any weapon but I think if it came to protecting, that should be my job. Dont you think?
Ellie sighed.
Ellie: Seb... I honestly don't know what to say. Just- just keep this to yourself for now, okay? Once I figure out what really IS happening, then maybe I can tell you someday. But right now, maybe not. Just keep yourself safe and look out for the others too, please?
Sebastian started to move closer to Ellie.
Ellie: Uh!!!! You might not want to do that... I reek.
Seb: You told me you don't like the smell of smoke but you hang out with me anyway.
Sebastian stood in front of her, placing both of his hands on her shoulders.
Seb: Listen: you don't have to be afraid. If you need any help, you can come to me - to your friends - and we will be there for you. I know we haven't known each other for a long time but you're a part of the community now. So, dont sweat it, alright?
Sebastian patted Ellie on the back.
Seb: Now go home, relax and uh, take a bath, stinky.
Ellie: Ugh!! Look who's talking...
Sebastian chuckled, giving Ellie's cheek a mild pinch.
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grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 14: Making Amends - Summer, Year 1
Gunther: There she is!
Ellie stood stunned in the museum's doorway. Gunther gestured for her to come to the counter. He unfolded a letter on his desk.
Gunther: Missy, I'll be fully honest with ya: I didn't think you could do it in such a short span of time. Just almost around two weeks and we got the museum, well, lookin' like a museum! Eh... Granted you already had a lotta donations prior, but still.
Gunther handed her the letter. It was from the Office of the Regional Secretary of Artifacts saying that they were impressed with Pelican Town's collection. Ellie felt proud.
Ellie: This is amazing, Gunther! I'm glad the museum got recognized!
Gunther: Ohhhh, missy. You have no idea how high on cloud nine I'm floating right now. They're even honoring us with the 'Golden Shovel' award.
Gunther bellows a hearty laugh.
Gunther: Oh, but it's all thanks to you, though. And your knack for finding things.
Ellie: Thank YOU, Gunther. Honestly, I wouldn't even bother to double-check what those stones and old things were if you hadn't told me so. I believe you also had a significant part at that.
Gunther smiles brightly.
Gunther: Alright, well, there's still a lotta space in them display cases so we ain't finished yet. But here: a promise is a promise. And you deserve it all the same. Have fun with whatever quest you got goin' on and stay safe, alright?
Gunther gives her a huge key. It looked a bit ancient and rusty, but had a certain beauty to it.
Ellie: Thanks, Gunther. I'll take good care of it.
Ellie didn't have any experience with going into sewers but she fully expected it to STINK. She had prepared to wear a mask and brought a second one just in case.
She decided that it would be better for her to open the sewer gate from Cindersap rather than the one that's near the bridge to the beach.
Ellie: Alright. Let's get friendly with this shadow guy.
The sewers did stink, but you get used to it.
Ellie tried her best to just focus on completing the task.
It wasn't as labyrinthian as she expected. In fact, it was just a straight hallway with an opening to the right at the end. She followed the walkway silently, careful not to make sudden movements. She wasn't sure how this shadow guy would react when it sees her. She made sure not bring her usual sword but had a dagger on her back just in case.
Ellie turned the corner. It opened into a big platform with a weird-looking dog statue in one corner. There were still no signs of the shadow person so she continued forward.
At the far side of the plaform was a smaller section.
There in the middle stood the shadow person, unmoving.
Ellie couldn't quite place what expression it was on the shadow person's face, but so far, it wasn't attacking.
She started to speak, slowly and softly.
Ellie: Hello. I'm Elliot. You may be wary of me, but I mean no harm. I was sent here by Rasmodius, the wizard.
Ellie paused after her introduction, waiting for a response from the entity.
It cocked it's head to one side.
Shadow Person: A human visitor? This is most unusual... I'm Krobus, merchant of rare and exotic goods.
Krobus' voice was echo-y with hints of... Static? Ellie can't quite describe it, but the sound was something you'd maybe expect from an entity made from darkness.
Ellie: Uh. You're not going to attack me, are you?
Krobus: No. If you don't harm me as well.
Ellie sighed from relief. She was a bit on-edge the whole way down.
Ellie: Alright. So, um, the wizard sent me here to retrieve some kind of key. Are you familiar with it?
Krobus: Ah, yes, yes. The Dark Talisman. I have buried it within the Mutant Bug Dimension.
Oh, God. It's only early afternoon and it's already proving to be a long day.
Ellie: The what?
Krobus: Wizard told me that the talisman is very important and assigned me to safe guard it. So obviously, I will place it somewhere not easily accessible by anyone.
Ellie: Can't you just teleport it here?
Krobus: No, I do not have such powers.
Ellie sighed again.
Ellie: Alright, so I'm guessing this place is dangerous and that I need to prepare. Am I right?
Krobus: You are wise for your years.
Ellie stared at Krobus with an exasperated look.
Ellie: Alright then.
She started to leave when she remembered the wild horseradish in her bag.
Ellie: Oh, I almost forgot. This is for you. The wizard sends his regards.
Krobus seemed delighted by the gift.
Krobus: Thank you! I await your return, friend.
It was still a bit early to pass out in bed and all of her farm duties have been taken care of that morning, so it was back to the mines for Ellie again.
On her way, she saw Sebastian at his usual smoking spot by the lake.
Ellie: Hey, Seb!
Sebastian turned to look at her. He took a long hit at his cigarette and exhaled the smoke.
Seb: Hey.
Ellie: Ugh. You're doing that on purpose, aren't you?
Seb: Obviously. What else am I gonna do in my smoking spot? Go fish or something?
Ellie sighed.
Ellie: Is there a reason why you're being mean again? I thought we were cool now.
Sebastian took another hit on his cigarette.
Seb: ... I'm not being mean. Just want to be left alone.
Ellie looked at him, concern on her face.
Ellie: Alright. Well, chill out with the smokes.
Ellie turned to leave.
Seb: You, uh... Are you and Elliott a thing?
Ellie: What?
Sebastian flicked the ash off his cigarette.
Seb: Like, are you two... Dating or something?
Ellie: Oh. No. Why do you ask?
Seb: Um... Nothing... Sam was curious.
Ellie: Ah, I see. No, we're not dating. I don't really plan on dating anyone for that matter.
Sebastian looked at her, trying to hide the surprise in his face.
Seb: Oh? Why's that?
Ellie averted her gaze.
Ellie: I don't know. It's too much work, I guess.
Sebastian nodded.
Seb: Guess you had a lotta experience with relationships already.
Ellie: No, actually. I've never been in a relationship before.
Seb: ... Really?
Ellie: Yeah. Guess I'm just too lazy to find... Someone.
Sebastian nodded again, playing with the cigarette in his fingers.
Seb: That's... Kinda unfortunate.
Sebastian turned away from Ellie.
Seb: I think you'd be a good partner.
Ellie: Hah, really? You think so?
Seb: ... Sure.
Sebastian threw his cigarette on the ground and stomped on it.
Ellie, sighing: Seb...
Seb: Yeah, yeah. Don't worry, I'll sweep that up later.
Ellie: Just make sure.
Seb: I promise.
Sebastian tried to shake the smell of smoke off of his hoodie.
Seb: You going to the mines again?
Ellie: Yeah. I'm very close to the bottom, I think.
Seb: Take good care of yourself down there, alright?
He approached Ellie and gave her a pat on the back.
Ellie: Hey, thanks for that. I should get going.
Seb: Yeah, goodluck.
As she walked into the mine entrance, Ellie took another look at Sebastian.
He was sweeping up his discarded cigarette as well as the fallen leaves that littered the ground.
0 notes
grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 13: Let There Be Darkness - Summer, Year 1
Ellie: Gunther I know this sounds... BONKERS. I swear, I'm not losing my mind. But is there any way I can borrow the sewer key from you?
Back in spring, Jas and Vincent told Ellie that Gunther was the one holding the key to the town's sewer system. She never thought this information would be useful to her someday.
Gunther looked at Elliot.
Gunther: Look, missy. I have no idea what you're getting yourself into, but I ain't supposed to let go of that key if it ain't important.
Ellie: It IS important! I-
Ellie stopped herself. Is she ready to divulge nature's greatest secrets to this poor bloke and risk being branded as the town lunatic? Probably not.
Ellie: I just need to check something down there... For, uh... A quest! Yeah, Marlon told me that there's something suspicious going in there so he thought that maybe... Y'know?
Gunther kept staring at Elliot, trying to discern whether she's lying or not.
It wasn't the whole truth, and yeah the Marlon part was a lie, but it WAS a quest and she DID need to check something in there. Ellie looked back at Gunther, expectantly.
Gunther, sighing: Alright, miss. I do trust you. But listen, I need a favor in return. You see them minerals and artifacts you been donating lately? They're pretty good alright. How's about you donate some more and if we get recognized by the Regional Secretary of Artifacts, I'll give it to you as a gift?
Sounds good enough.
Ellie: Alright, you have a deal.
For the entirety of the following week, Ellie dedicated a significant amount of time going into the mines and the beach, looking for artifacts and minerals.
Her search only being interrupted by Sam's and Demetrius' birthdays.
The gang got together at Sam's place for some food and video games.
Sam: Hoo boy! I'm stuffed! Hey, Ellie, it's nice to hang out with you like this again.
Ellie: Yeah, I've been feeling a lot better lately. Thanks for the soup, by the way. Too bad I missed the Luau.
Abby: Haha!! I knew you'd appreciate us visiting you. Did you know, Sebastian was freaking out the whole time?
Sebastian paused the video game he was playing on Sam's console.
Seb: I wasn't freaking out. I was being SENSIBLE. We didn't even know if Ellie wanted us there or not.
Elliot laughed.
Ellie: You know, you're pretty anxious for someone who loves to surprise people.
Sebastian looked at Ellie, starting to blush. He went back to playing his game.
Seb: Whatever... I'm glad you're back, though.
Abby: Awwww, Sebby missed you!
Abby threw her arms around Elliot's neck.
Abby: I missed you too, you know? Don't ever go running off like that again.
Ellie: I'll try my best, Abby. Thanks for checking up on me even on text.
Two days after Sam's birthday was Demetrius' turn.
He had a small gathering at their house, mostly with the town's old folks.
Maru: Hi, Elliot. I'm glad you can attend this time.
Ellie: Maru! I'm so sorry I missed your birthday. I got you and your dad presents.
Maru: Oh!! It's alright, Ellie. Thank you, I really appreciate this. I'll hand this over to him.
Ellie decided to hang out at the desert bar, while the other folks were busy chatting with each other. She felt someone tap on her shoulder.
Seb: Hi.
Ellie: Hey.
Sebastian was wearing a blue polo shirt for the event.
Ellie: You know, you look a lot nicer when you're not wearing all black.
Sebastian smiled.
Seb: Thank you. My wardrobe's about 90% black, though, so it's rare you'll see me wear stuff like this.
Ellie: Hmm, I'll make sure not to miss any future events then.
Seb: You better. Maru was kinda sad you didn't attend her party.
Ellie: Ughhhh. I knew it. Man, don't remind me.
Sebastian chuckled.
Seb: Nah, don't worry about it. Seems like she got over it pretty quick.
The two of them spent the rest of the party being wallflowers, consuming majority of the deserts.
Once the festivities have passed, it was back to the mines and the beach with her.
She finally reached the area of the mines where shadow people resided.
The wizard was right - they WERE hostile and they hit HARD. Ellie tried a civil approach the first time she got down to the 81st level of the mines.
Ellie: Good day. Listen: I'm just passing through. I have no issues with you nor am I looking for conflict. I just need to-
Every attempt that Ellie made to have a conversation with the shadow people were met with angry screeching. She never stopped, though, even if she needed to beat them up while doing so.
Ellie found herself get exhausted faster the farther she went down the mines. She decided to progress 5 floors a day, every other day. The other days, she would try to unearth or fish for artifacts at the beach.
After a good day of digging up and fishing for artifacts from the beach, Ellie decided to take a break and visit Elliott.
She knocked on the old cabin's door.
Elliott: Ellie! It's so nice to see you. Please, come in.
Ellie: It's nice to see you too, Elliott.
Elliott smiled warmly at her.
Elliott: To what do I owe the pleasure?
Ellie: Oh, uh. Just thought I'd take a break from Gunther's artifact hunting quest.
Elliott: That's good. Let me make us some coffee.
Elliott went to his kitchen and set the kettle to boil on the stove.
He returned to where Ellie was and sat on his piano stool.
Elliott: How about I play you a song while we wait.
Ellie: Sure, that'd be nice.
Elliott played a few short pieces until the kettle started to screech.
Elliott: Ah, just a moment.
After a while, Elliott returned with a coffee cup in each hand. He handed one to Ellie before returning to his seat.
Ellie: Thank you. How long have you been playing for?
Elliott: Well, I've had a few lessons since childhood but honestly, I was never a prodigy in it. I CAN play a few songs and that's good enough for me.
Ellie: Yeah, no need to be the best in everything... Could you play a few more songs?
Elliott: Of course, my dear.
It was a very soothing sight: a beautiful man playing beautiful songs in a cozy cabin on a beautiful day. Ellie wondered if she will ever find this comfort again.
Her thoughts wandered to her grandparents... Then to her parents. Tears welled up in her eyes.
Elliott took a look at Ellie and paused his playing.
Elliott: Ellie, are you alright?
Ellie quickly wiped away her tears.
Ellie: Oh... Sorry, I just-... Remembered something...
Elliott: Would you like to talk about it?
Ellie: No... It's alright.
Ellie stared into her coffee cup, a bit embarrassed, then finished it.
Ellie: Sorry for being so weird. I must be tired or something.
Elliott: Not to worry, Ellie. Please, let me walk you home.
It was early evening when they started walking to the farm. There was a light breeze that brought a mild chill in the air. Elliott insisted for Ellie to wear his blazer, her artifact bag slung over his shoulder.
Elliott, sighing: Elliot, sometimes I do envy you. I wish I had the guts to just... Throw it all away and be a farmer, like you.
Ellie laughed.
Ellie: Hey, now. It's not always easy to be a farmer, y'know? You have to at least know something basic about it. I'm just lucky my dad and Mayor Lewis are always ready to help me out.
Elliott: Ahh, yes, yes, my apologies. I guess what I really want is a life without much responsibility.
Ellie: Yeah, that would be nice...
Ellie paused for a bit.
Ellie: You can come live on the farm if you want. I could use some help.
Elliott was taken aback by this. He looked at Ellie, blushing.
Elliott, clearing his throat: I, uh... Thank you for this sentiment, Ellie. But, uh, I think that-
Elliott stumbled on his words. He took a deep breath.
Elliott: I think I'd like to try to finish my novel in the comfort of my own cabin... For now.
Ellie laughed.
Ellie: Sorry, was that a bad joke? Don't worry about it too much.
Elliott: No, it's a lighthearted remark. I appreciate it.
Elliott wrapped his arm around Ellie, which made her feel safe and warm.
Elliott: The warm season's about to end in a few weeks. I hope you don't go about making yourself sick again.
Ellie: I'll be extra careful, I promise.
Sam and Sebastian were hanging out by Sam's lawn as the two of them passed by Willow Lane.
Sam: Whoa! Hey there Elliot/ts!
Sebastian looked at Elliott's arm on Ellie's shoulder. His gaze falls to the ground.
Elliott: Hello, Sam and Sebastian! Nice to see you.
Ellie: Heya. Hey, Seb.
Sebastian got a cigarette from his hoodie pocket and lights it.
Seb: Hey.
Ellie: Jeez. Alright, see you around. Come on, Elliott.
When the two Elliot/ts were out of earshot, Sam turned to Sebastian.
Sam: Do you think they're dating?
Seb: Dunno.
Sam: That'd be SO funny. Imagine them getting married and they'd be Mr. and Mrs. Elliot/t. We can call them the Elliot/ts.
Seb: Ugh. Who cares?
Sam: Man, why're you being moody all of a sudden?
Sebastian flicks the ash off his cigarette.
Seb: I'm going home.
Sebastian left Sam on his front lawn.
Sam: Seb! Hey, man. What the hell?
0 notes
grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 12: Hook, Line and Sinker - Summer, Year 1
Elliott: ... That's why I thought, maybe it would be more interesting to end the entire book in a cliffhanger.
Leah: Oh, God. Wouldn't that kind of suck?
Elliott: Hmm, I don't think so. What do you think, Ellie?
Ellie was snapped out of her thoughts.
Ellie: Hm? Uh, sorry. I... I didn't hear what you said.
Elliott and Leah exchanged concerned looks.
Leah: Are you sure you're okay now, Ellie?
Ellie: Yeah, yeah. I-
Ellie dropped her gaze on the ocean's surface. She had agreed earlier to hang out with Elliott and Leah at the docks.
A few days ago, she had ditched all of her friends because of a feeling of dread in her chest that left her sick and breathless. The wizard, Rasmodius, treated her as best as he can and after a few days, she was up and running again.
She did feel alright, but sometimes she felt like she was underwater.
Ellie let out a deep sigh.
Ellie: Sorry, guys. I DO feel alright - no signs of breathlessness or whatever - and Dr. Harvey said my vitals are okay. I just... Sometimes I feel like... I'm floating or whatever...
Elliott: I see. Your mind's wellbeing must have taken quite a huge hit with your sickness. Would you like us to walk you home then?
Ellie: No, no. It's alright. Ugh. I'm really sorry, guys. I'll try to visit you again tomorrow.
Leah: It's alright, Ells. Don't force yourself too much.
Ellie started to walk home, feeling quite awful.
Out of nowhere, she had the urge to go to the railroad.
After quite a long walk, Ellie arrived at the train station. Her feet kept walking and took her to a semi-hidden cavern at the back. There was some kind of obelisk blocking the entrance.
Rasmodius: How are you feeling, fledgeling?
Ellie jumped.
Ellie: Ugh, does everyone in this town love jumpscaring people?
Rasmodius looked at her, puzzled.
Ellie: Nevermind. I'm alright, just... I feel like I'm floating sometimes. Is that something I should be concerned about?
Rasmodius: Floating? As if you are underwater?
Ellie: Yeah...! Exactly like that. Not all the time but when my thoughts wander... I get... Lost?
Rasmodius: I see. This here might have an answer for us.
Rasmodius nodded toward the obelisk.
Rasmodius: This pathway leads into a pocket dimension created by my ex-wife.
Ellie: You had a WIFE?????
Rasmodius looked at Ellie with an exasperated expression.
Rasmodius, clearing his throat: Focus, fledgeling. Many years ago, I was married to another Scholar of the Divine, such as myself. We spent many, happy years together... Until...
Rasmodius' gaze fell to the ground. He looked sad. Hurt. Regretful.
Rasmodius: Until I made a mistake that drove her away. She became bitter and envious. Her hatred of me eventually corrupted her. The intensity of her emotions turned her skin green. I tried to calm her down; to lend me her ears as I desperately tried to explain, but she never tried to understand me. I reckon I never deserved her forgiveness, but flying around the countryside, cursing everything in her way is not a noble action for someone who understands the elements.
Ellie: Wait, you think...?
Rasmodius: Yes. There IS a possibility that she was the one who cursed you. However, do bear in mind that she is not the only one who carries a great hatred in their heart.
Ellie kept the wizard's words in mind. So this is what being a Custodian means, she thought.
Rasmodius: I have sealed this entrance with an obelisk to deter any mere mortal from passing thru, lest they fall victim to my past wife's antics. I have entrusted the key to dispelling the seal to one of my friends, who is a shadow person.
Ellie was shocked.
Ellie: What?! Didn't you say that shadow people are hostile?
Rasmodius: Yes, Elliot. But once upon a time, they WERE docile creatures, capable of establishing a harmonius existence with all races. If you want to find answers, you can find him in the town's sewers.
Rasmodius started to leave.
Rasmodius: Ah, do you have any of those wild horseradish in your possession? If you can, kindly give my friend one, as well as my regards.
Elliot turned to look at him, but the wizard was gone.
Elliot was quiet for a bit.
Ellie: The SEWERS?????
Ellie was walking back home, passing by Robin's house. She was lost in thought, thinking about how she could access the sewers without being the town weirdo.
Seb: Hey.
Ellie turned, frowning.
Ellie: Hey.
Sebastian looked messy. He was working on a motorcycle, parked inside Robin's garage.
Seb: You okay? You don't seem... Like yourself.
Ellie looked at the ground.
Ellie: Oh. Sorry.
Seb: No, it's alright. I just... Um, do you want some water?
Sebastian offered Elliot his water bottle.
Ellie: Nah, I'm fine.
Ellie walked over to where Sebastian was working.
Ellie: Nice ride. This yours?
Seb: Yep.
Sebastian lovingly patted the bike.
Seb: Saved up a lot for this bad boy. Mom helped me out too. I try my best to maintain it in tip-top shape.
Ellie observed it for a bit. She suspected it wasn't brand new, but it looked good nevertheless. Sebastian's eyes followed her.
Ellie: Looks cool. You use it often?
Seb: Ehh, sometimes, yeah. Not that much, though. Gas can be pretty expensive.
Ellie: Oh, yeah. That sucks.
Ellie sat beside Sebastian.
Seb: ...You ever rode on one before?
Ellie: Yeah. My dad has one.
Seb: Really? Your dad sounds like a cool guy.
Ellie laughed.
Ellie: Yeah, I love him very much.
They shared a moment of silence.
Sebastian, his voice low: Must be pretty lonely being on your own out here, huh?
Ellie: Ehhh... I can get by... Keep myself busy. Y'know, just uh... Just keep moving forward.
Seb: Yeah...
Seb: Where's your mom? If you don't mind, of course.
Ellie: Ehhhh.
Ellie was silent for a bit.
Ellie: Somewhere? I dunno. She, uh. Well. She left us when I was like, 16 or something.
Sebastian nodded.
Seb: And your dad never re-married?
Ellie: Nah... Honestly, I'm kinda glad he didn't. Wouldn't know how to deal with that.
Seb: Yeah. Me neither.
Ellie looked at him.
Ellie: Demetrius isn't your...?
Seb: Real dad? Nah. Mom's second husband. I was too young to remember anything about my real dad, though, so I don't really care.
Ellie: Right.
The two of them sat in silence for a bit, as they always did.
Seb: Hey, sorry for ruining the mood.
Ellie laughed.
Ellie: Don't worry about it, man. It's fine.
Seb: Are you sure, as in 100% positive, that you're alright now?
Ellie: ...Can you keep a secret?
Seb: I keep a lot of secrets, actually.
Ellie: Hah. Alright. Well, I may be cursed by some witch.
Sebastian looked surprised.
Seb: So those things... They're real, huh?
Ellie: Mhm.
Seb: Are you... Some kind of magical being or whatever? Serious question.
Ellie: I might be. Does that scare you?
Sebastian stared at Elliot.
Seb: No... As long as you don't kill me.
Ellie: Deal. Alright, I gotta go. I'm hunting something tomorrow.
Ellie stood up.
Seb: Hey. Maybe we can go on a ride someday.
Ellie: Sure. If you have an extra helmet.
Seb: 'Course I do.
Ellie: Alright, biker boy. I'll hold you to it.
Sebastian took one last look at Elliot walking away, then closed the garage door.
0 notes
grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 11: Curse Continued - Summer, Year 1
Ellie woke up in cold sweat, gasping for air. It was around early afternoon when she came to.
She examined herself for any injuries, whatsoever. She seemed perfectly okay, except for the lingering feeling of dread in her chest.
She went down to her porch, removing her front door barricade. She made sure to peek first before going out.
It looked like a perfectly ordinary day outside. A sense of relief washed over her.
She made her way to her porch table and unlocked her phone:
1 missed call and 1 message from Dad
2 missed calls and 1 message from Abby
Dad: Hey champ! How're things? Don't over-work yourself or else! Call me back soon, love you!
Abby: Hang out at the saloon tonite?? Junimokart tourny leah vs. sam? Loser buys pizzaza lol
Ellie sat on her porch chair, feeling dumbfounded. What the hell happend last night?
She was sure it wasn't just a hallucination of some sort - the barricades were real.
She took her sword from a cabinet in her living room and then steeled herself to check out the coop.
Her chickens looked unharmed and were happy to see her. She inspected them closely, one-by-one.
After cleaning the coop and feeding the chickens, she took one last look around. In a far corner, there was a jet-black egg with red markings on it. It was warm to the touch.
Ellie stared at the specimen in her hands - she's never seen anything like it.
Ellie: ...I should probably bring this to Rasmodius.
She went back to the farmhouse, showered and ate brunch.
Ellie: Hi dad, sorry. Passed out last night. Not over-working, promise!
Ellie: Can't hang out tonight, sorry :( have to do something
Abby: Whoa she lives! Aw ok then..
She put the black egg in a Tupperware with a dishcloth in it, then took her sword and started the trek.
Rasmodius: A witch, you say?
Ellie: Yes! And she looked... Weird. Bad.
Rasmodius: Fledgeling, I must correct you. Wizards, witches and others in pursuit of knowledge of the elementals and the divine are not different from each other. Yes, I do suppose that the person you encountered is a witch, however, not all witches are akin to her. The person you have seen must be someone corrupted with too much void essence.
Ellie: Void essence?
Rasmodius: Yes. Tell me, what is the deepest floor you have reached in the mines?
Ellie thought for a bit.
Ellie: Around, uh, floor 70 something? The monsters become more tough the deeper I go down.
Rasmodius: Yes, I understand. Remember that glowing specimen you have brought me before?
Ellie: The solar essence?
Rasmodius: Yes. Solar essence is the concrete materialization of light. As with other elements, this also has it's opposite - the void essence. Once you reach the deepest parts of the mine, you will most likely encounter the Shadow People.
Ellie: Shadow People?
Rasmodius nodded.
Rasmodius: They are an ancient race of beings born from excess concentration of void essence. They used to be docile creatures, curious of humans. However, nowadays, they will often attack humans on sight. This drastic change in behavior was caused by the bitterness from the elemental wars and maybe some other influence. Be very careful, Elliot.
Ellie put her hand over her heart, the creeping dread making her feel uncomfortable. Rasmodius looked at her, concern showing on his face.
Rasmodius: Tell me what you are feeling.
Ellie: I don't know, Rasmodius... I feel kind of helpless and... Sad? I don't know how to describe it.
Rasmodius thought for a while.
Rasmodius: I will try to concoct a potion to make you feel better. I shall deliver it to you once ready. Take this egg with you, and if you want to, you may incubate it. It will bring you no harm.
Ellie: Alright. Thank you, Rasmodius.
Ellie returned home, feeling a bit scared and quite disappointed. She lied down her bed and stared at her ceiling. Her phone vibrates with a message:
Seb: Hi. U alright? Gonna play solarion tmrw w/ sam. U can come if u want.
Ellie: Hi, cant maybe. Not feeling good. Have fun tho :)
Seb: Okay. Gws..
For some reason Ellie lost her appetite. She felt weirdly cold, but didn't have a fever.
She watered her crops, took a shower, then went to bed.
For the next few days, Ellie would just wake up to check up on her crops and chickens then hole herself up in her house. The feeling of dread felt like a weird band around her chest. She couldn't breathe much.
Her friends have resorted to texting her:
Leah: Hi, are you alright? Haven't seen you in a while! Miss you, hang out soon.
Abby: Wmovie Wednesday feat. atomic blonde dont miss it!!!
Abby: Heyyy u okay???? Do u want us to come over??
Seb: Hi, u alright? Haven't seen u in a while.. Mom's asking if u wanna come over for Maru's bday today
Ellie couldn't bring herself to respond to her friends. She felt faint whenever she thought about interacting with another person. She grew restless with paranoia.
While Ellie wallowed in her despair, someone knocked on her door.
She mustered all of her strength available to open it.
Lewis: Hello, dear. How are you doing?
Ellie: Hi. I'm pretty sick. Did you need anything?
Lewis: I see. I was going to invite you to the Luau tomorrow, but nevermind. My dear, you look so pale. Do you want me to ask Dr. Harvey to come here?
Ellie: Sorry, I don't want to see anyone right now.
Lewis looked at her, concerned. Ellie looked as if all of the life had been sucked out of her.
Lewis: Alright, well if you start to feel better, don't forget to check in with Dr. Harvey. I'll be going now.
Ellie silently closed the door. That very short conversation with Mayor Lewis made her feel heavier. She dragged herself upstairs to her bedroom and fell asleep.
Abby: Ellie!!! We brought you soup from the Luau! It's pretty good this year! Wanna open up??
Sam: Do you think she's at home?
Seb: You know what, let's just give her the soup when she's alright.
Abby: We're already here, though. Let's just leave it in her fridge.
Seb: Abigail, we are NOT breaking in someone's house.
Abby: Seb, stop being so dramatic! We're FRIENDS, we're not breaking in. It's not like we're gonna steal anything either.
Sebastian's thoughts went back to a few days prior.
Ellie: I do have some days when I don't really wanna... See people...
Seb: Maybe she just doesn't want to see people right now.
Sam: No way, man. Ellie ain't as reclusive as you.
Sam chuckled while elbowing Sebastian's arm. Sebastian rolled his eyes.
Sam: Come on, let's go inside.
The inside of the farmhouse was clean and tidy. Abigail made her way into the kitchen and left the soup container in Ellie's fridge. She found a sticky note pad and a pen and left a note about it.
Sebastian and Sam went to the living room. Sam sat on the sofa.
Sam: Hey, it's quite nice in here. Maybe we should ask Ellie sometime if we could hang out at her house.
Seb: Ugh.
Sebastian went over to a small cabinet with picture frames displayed on it. They were pictures of Ellie and her dad. Sebastian can't help but smile.
Nearby, Ellie had a small bookshelf. Sebastian scanned her collection of books - mostly fiction. Sebastian has read at least about half of the stuff in it. She had good taste, he decided.
Seb: Are we done yet?
Sebastian turned to see that Abby and Sam were sitting on the sofa, pretending to be asleep.
Seb: Ugh, you guys are insufferable.
Abby giggled.
Abby: So where's her bedroom?
Sam: Probably upstairs?
Seb: Alright, NOW that's definitely breaking in.
Sam: Dude, could you chill? I told you: we're VISITING our FRIEND. Jeez.
Seb, sighing: That's probably invasion of privacy, man.
Abby: Nah. Stop being a baby. Come on!
Abby made her way upstairs, followed by the two boys.
Abby: Ellie! Sorry we barged in like this. We're worried about you!
Abby knocked on Ellie's bedroom door, slowly opening it.
Elliot was sleeping like a rock, bundled under a thick blanket and hugging a pillow. She looked very peaceful.
Sebastian had the urge to run his hand through her hair.
Wait, what?
Sebastian felt himself blush.
Seb, clearing his throat: Guys, we should probably not wake her up.
Sam: Yeah. How long do you think she's been asleep? So that's why she wasn't responding to our texts.
Abby made her way to Ellie's bed. She placed a hand on Ellie's forehead, checking for fever.
Abby: Hm, well she's not hot so that's good. I just-
Abigail turned to face the boys when she saw a huge figure looming behind them.
Rasmodius: I demand to know what you are doing in this abode!
The three friends ran out of the house as fast as they can in fear and panic. When they were near the bus stop outside of the farm, they paused to catch their breath.
Abby: Oh my god, I don't know. Wait, wait. Lemme just-
Abby tried to lean on a fence, hands on her knees, trying to catch her breath.
Seb: I told you that was a bad idea. Breaking in.
Sam: Dude, have you SEEN the other guy? You think there's just some random-ass guy wearing a cape that's living in Elliot's house?????
Oh no, Sebastian thought, is Elliot in trouble?
Seb: Ughhhh. Should we... Man. We should report this to Lewis.
Abby: Wait! Wait... I know that guy.
Seb and Sam: What????
Abby: Yeah. He's the weirdo who lives in that tower in Cindersap. I've seen him before.
Sam: So he's not a random creep?
Abby thought for a bit.
Abby: No, I don't think so. Ellie's probably gonna be fine.
Seb: Abby. Not that I don't trust you, but we should still definitely report this shit to Lewis. I'm worried.
Sam: Yeah, alright. Let's go then.
The three friends started to walk back into town.
Sebastian took one last look toward the farm then caught up with Sam and Abby.
0 notes
grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 10: Cursed - Summer, Year 1
The coop has been built, the chickens have been acquired and summer has finally rolled in Stardew Valley.
Newscaster, on TV: ...There had been reports of an earthquake in some parts of the valley. Be careful, folks. Remember to check your surroundings for anything amiss and contact your local authorities...
Ellie watched the TV while having some breakfast. She was planning out her financial and plot allocations for the season.
Ellie: Maybe it's not time for sprinklers yet...
There was a knock on the door. When Ellie opened it, Shane was outside.
Ellie: Oh, hey there! Good morning.
Shane grunted, he looked angry. He always does.
Shane: Yeah, morning. Marnie asked me to bring this to you.
He set down a small sack of chicken feed.
Ellie: Oh, thank you. You, uh, wanna come in for a cup of coffee?
Shane: No, I have to go to work.
Ellie: Okay, goodluck then.
Shane grunted again.
Shane: Uh, Lewis was at the ranch earlier, by the way. Said to help him spread the word that the earthquake's removed a boulder by the mountains or whatever. Apparently, the train station's back in business now.
Ellie: Oh, cool. I'll check it out then.
Shane: Yeah, have fun.
Shane nodded then left.
Ellie: Sheesh, what's with some of the guys in this place... The railroad, huh? So that's why you can't take the train here.
Ellie finished her breakfast and prepared for the day. She went to Pierre's to buy some seeds then headed to the mountains. From the backwoods route, she saw Lewis, Robin and Demetrius at the foot of the railroad area, with some guys in hi-vis vests.
Hi-Vis Vest Guy: Alright, thanks for your report, Mayor. I really do apologize for this, on behalf of the local division of the Ferngill Republic Department of Infrastructure. It was too risky to move anything since those several earthquakes that put the blockage there in the first place.
Lewis: No worries. I completely understand. Well, since the pathway's open, at least there would be an easier way to access Pelican Town now.
Hi-Vis Vest Guy: Yeah, good news all around. Well, we'll be on our way then. Gotta report this to the office. Thank you for your time, Mayor.
Lewis escorted the hi-vis wearing group toward town.
Ellie approached Robin and Demetrius.
Demetrius: Hello there, Ellie.
Robin: Hi, Ellie. How's it going?
Ellie: I've been good, thank you. Um, what's up with this?
She gestured to the new pathway.
Demetrius: It's the way to the railroad. Last year, well, a few months ago, we had a stronger earthquake over here in the valley which caused a rockslide. Local government couldn't - or wouldn't - do anything about it. Said it was too risky and dangerous to mess with something so near the mountains AND a residential area.
Demetrius shook his head.
Demetrius: What a sad excuse.
Robin: Well... At least the train's accessible again now. Easier to get to the city.
Ellie: So, uh, is it okay to go there now?
Robin: Yup. The crew you saw earlier inspected the place already so, should be good.
Ellie: Ohhhhhh. Alright, thanks guys.
Demetrius: Sure thing. Still, be careful up there, yeah?
Ellie: Yeah, thanks.
Ellie left the couple and proceeded to the pathway. There were wooden stairs leading up to the railroad station.
On her left, there was a public hot spring bathhouse and down the path was the train station. She proceeded to check out the train station first.
It was empty, with signs all around saying that it was 'temporarily closed until further notice'. She sat on one of the benches. After hanging out for a bit, she decided to check out the bathhouse.
It was old and looked unmaintained, but still functional. The hot spring water was natural and looked clean. Ellie guessed it flowed from the mountains.
Ellie: Alright, that's enough adventure for today.
Ellie left the bathhouse and started to walk home, fishing out her phone from her pocket.
Ellie: Maybe I should ask my friends to come over...?
Seb: Could be cool.
Ellie jumped.
Seb almost dropped his cigarette, rolling with laughter.
Ellie: Why the hell are you everywhere?! You're like a fungus! Ugh!!!
Seb, wiping his eyes: Oh, my God. Jumpy as ever.
Sebastian stopped to catch his breath.
Seb: Sorry, I'm sorry. I used to go here a lot to smoke but the stupid blockage, y'know? I didn't know you were here, okay? I'm not trying to stalk you or anything.
Ellie: You know, actually, with how frequent my encounters are with you, maybe you ARE trying to stalk me.
Seb: Hey, now. I may be a weirdo and total recluse but I ain't no stalker. I'm a decent person, alright? You don't have to worry about me.
Ellie stared at Sebastian, squinting. Sebastian looked at her, an amused smile on his lips. He started to lift his cigarette to his lips, then stopped himself.
Seb: Uh, sorry about the smell. I just lit this, though.
Ellie: Nah, it's fine. I'm headed home anyway. Enjoy your 'me time', Sir Shocker.
Ellie turned to leave. Sebastian flicked off the ash from his cigarette.
Seb: Um, wait a sec.
Ellie: Huh?
Seb: Do you, uh, know Solarion Chronicles?
Ellie: The book?
Seb: Yeah. The game, too?
Ellie: Uh, not sure about the game. But I think I picked up the book before.
Seb: I see... Wanna check it out sometime? Sam and I play it a lot.
Ellie: Oh. Sure, I guess.
Seb: Alright.
Ellie: Alright.
Ellie turned to leave again.
Seb: You should definitely invite your city friends to your farm.
Ellie: Oh my God, Sebastian. Are you ever gonna let me go?
Sebastian blushed.
Seb: Sorry. Sorry, yeah. You should head home. I, uh. Y'know, just voicing my thoughts.
Ellie let out a sigh.
Ellie: Yeah, sorry. I get it. Yeah, I'll invite my city friends over. Maybe we can all hangout sometime.
Seb: Sure, could be cool.
Ellie: Yeah. Alright. Bye, Seb.
Seb: Hah. Bye, Ellie.
It was early afternoon when Ellie finally got back home. She immediately went to work: tilling the soil, planting the new summer seeds she got, applying fertilizer and watering them.
She spent the rest of the afternoon on her porch: no thoughts in her head, almost falling asleep.
Seb: Hi jumpy.
Elliot jolted awake. No freaking way was Sebastian in her farm at this time. She looked around and realized that she had imagined it.
Seb: Wanna check it out sometime?
Sebastian's voice echoed in her head.
Ellie: Solarion Chronicles, huh?
She looked up the game on her phone. It was a tabletop turn-based RPG.
Ellie: Man, I've never played this before. Seb's gonna be so disappointed. Why did I even agree?
Ellie's thoughts wandered to Sebastian: mean, broody, moody, stoic Sebastian. Maybe he's not so bad when he's happy, though. And so far, he looked like he's been quite happy around Elliot.
Ellie felt her ears get hot.
Oh no.
Ellie: Don't even think about it, man.
Does she have a crush on Sebastian?
Oh no, again.
Ellie shook her head.
Ellie: Shut the hell up, brain. What I need is another cup of coffee.
It was almost sunset when Ellie took her third cup of coffee for the day.
Ellie: Man, this thing's making me jumpy. Maybe I should quit drinking 3 cups a day.
Ellie watched from her porch as the sun set in the horizon. She leaned back on her chair and closed her eyes, taking in the smell of trees and coffee.
Then she heard something in the distance. It sounded like something...hovering?
She looked up. Above her coop, was a figure in black. It looked like a person; like an old woman, maybe? It had it's back turned to Ellie so she couldn't see properly.
She tried to get a bit closer, until the figure turned its head to the side. Then continued to turn it's head around, completely facing Elliot. For a split second, Ellie felt heavy dread in her chest and in her stomach. It felt like time suddenly melted all around them, slowly falling like slime off walls, and then-
Elliot never ran as fast as she did in her entire life. She slammed her door closed, double-locked it and barricaded it with whatever she could grab. She locked all of the windows and the backdoor she had. She turned off the lights and flung herself on her bed. Hiding under the covers.
She tried to close her eyes, but all she could see was the image of that fucked up woman: body turned away from her, head turned toward her, it's eyes with a glow like a rabid animal caught in headlights.
Ellie tried to breathe. Yoba, don't let me die like this, thought Ellie, clutching her blanket. She tried to feel her pockets for her phone. Crap, she left it at the porch. She tried to listen for something - anything - happening outside, but there was only silence.
When she finally thought of going out, she froze in her tracks. The witch bellowed a laugh so eerie it sent shivers down Ellie's spine. That feeling of heavy dread crept in her chest and stomach again. This time a bit more intense.
She tried not to think about it, but the feeling became more and more uncomfortable. Ellie found herself breathless, clutching her chest. She tried to get out of her room, to no avail.
The feeling became more and more unbearable until Elliot couldn't take it anymore and passed out on her bedroom floor.
0 notes
grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 9: Home - Spring, Year 1
As per Robin's estimate, it would take her 3 days to finish the coop. Ellie helped her carry materials around and hold nails whenever needed. Robin was a fast worker.
Robin: I'd love to have Sebby work with me, but he's not exactly a morning person.
Ellie: Yeah, I figured. He has such dark circles under his eyes. Does he even take care of himself?
Robin: Oh, Ellie. You have NO idea how much I worry about him. He spends all day in his room, staring at that computer, and when he finally does go out it's to smoke a cigarette! I've been telling him to stop but he never listens to me. I don't even know when he started.
Robin said, sighing into her coffee cup. The two of them sitting on Ellie's porch, having an afternoon break.
Robin: It's like I'm trying to take care of a big teenager. He's 25! He should at least get his life together, like you.
Ellie tried to give a polite laugh.
Robin: Ahh, speaking of the devil...
Sebastian was walking toward them, carrying his mother's extra toolbox.
Seb: Sorry I read your message late.
It was around 2 pm but Sebastian still looked like he just got up.
Ellie: You okay, man? Want a cuppa?
Seb: A cuppa?
Ellie: Cuppa coffee.
Sebastian managed a snicker.
Seb: Yeah. I'd like a cuppa.
Ellie stood up, gesturing for Sebastian to sit down then went inside the farmhouse.
Robin: Alright. Thanks for bringing these, Sebby. You look exhausted. What time did you even sleep?
Seb: Sorry, mom.
Robin: Why don't you stay here for a while? The scenery change could be good for you.
Seb: ...Sure, I guess.
Robin: Tell Ellie I went back to work. Why don't you hang out with her for a while. Wanna come home together?
Seb: Ugh. I dunno, mom. I guess I'll just go home in a bit.
Robin: Alright, tell me before you leave.
She cupped Sebastian's face in one hand and walked away.
Sebastian sat on Ellie's chair - she placed a small table and two chairs on her porch. It was kind of cute.
He observed his surroundings while waiting for Ellie. The farm was nice. It was spacious and the whole area hasn't been used yet. The far side of the farm was littered with trees - Oak, Maple and Pine.
He looked at Ellie's farm plots. They were clean and organized. Near the main entrance of the farm, there were flowering bushes all around. He noticed that there were a lot of flower pots on her porch as well.
Ellie: Cuppa.
Sebastian jumped. Elliot laughed.
Seb, furrowing his eyebrows: Hey. Got your revenge?
Ellie: Haha, sorry, Sir Shocker. Today's not your day.
Sebastian smiled and took his coffee.
Ellie: I dunno how much sugar and creamer you want in there so just help yourself, alright?
Seb: Thanks. Nice farm you got here.
Ellie: Thanks, it was my grandfather's.
Seb: Really? Don't think I knew that... Or I dunno, maybe I forgot.
Ellie: That's alright. How are you? You look really tired.
Seb: Yeah, I... I had to stay up all night to finish something for work.
Ellie: Oh? You work from home?
Seb: Yeah, I'm a programmer. Freelance.
Ellie: That's cool. I don't really know anything about programming so can't say much.
Seb: It's alright. What kind of work did you have in the city? I mean, if you don't mind.
Ellie: Hmm, well I worked in an office. It was basically admin work. Y'know like filing papers, documenting stuff, attending meetings, answering phone calls. Ugh.
Ellie winced at the memory. Sebastian nodded, trying to imagine himself in the same position.
Seb: So... How was it?
Ellie: Sometimes it was chill, sometimes super toxic. Most times very, very boring. I feel like in the 5 years I worked for that company, I didn't gain anything. I don't really miss a lot from there, maybe just the internet and the pay.
Sebastian was silent, thinking about Ellie's experience.
Ellie: You okay, man?
Seb: Hm? Oh, sorry, I just... You know, I'm actually thinking of moving into the city.
Ellie: Really? Oh boy. I mean, that'd be cool, man. Uh, maybe just don't get eaten up.
Seb: What do you mean?
Ellie: I mean... I dunno. Are you workaholic?
Seb: Hmm... Yeah, I guess so.
Ellie: Yeah, 'cause like, if you're workaholic, I feel like if you work in a company they're going to take advantage of that a lot; work you to the bone.
Seb: Ugh. I don't really plan on working for a company. Maybe I could just continue my freelance work.
Ellie: Yeah, sure, maybe. But uh, you have to be prepared, I guess. The cost of living in the city is like, 10 times more than here in the countryside.
Sebastian looked at the ground.
Seb: Damn...
Ellie: Oh no! Sorry to dishearten you. I didn't mean to do that.
Seb: No, no. It's alright. I need these facts anyway if I really want to get out of this place. You're right, I have to be ready.
Ellie: I guess it could be fun, y'know? Try it out for yourself. It has it's pros and cons, but overall I think the city's quite nice.
Seb: Hmm... So which do you prefer more? The city or the countryside?
Ellie: Oh. Definitely the countryside.
Seb: Oh? Why's that?
Ellie: It's peaceful here. The city's nice, yeah. There's lots of places to go to or whatever, but I felt like a caged bird in there. It's noisy, it's polluted and you don't see a lot of greenery, unlike here. Here feels like home.
There was another moment of comfortable silence between them. Sebastian thought about all the times he pondered over moving to the city. She's right, he thought, here feels like home.
Sebastian turned the coffee cup in his hands.
Seb: Do you, uh...
Ellie: Hm?
Seb: Do you mind if you could show me around your farm?
Ellie chuckled.
Ellie: Not at all. (Ahem) Welcome to Kipling Farm! I'll be your tour guide for today, Elliot. Singular T. Not to be confused with the Elliott on the beach.
Sebastian laughed.
Seb: Alright, Ms. Elliot Singular T. Lead the way.
There wasn't much ground to cover, but Ellie did her best to keep Sebastian entertained.
Ellie: And these are my scarecrows! Let me introduce you to them: this handsome man is Quintavious, my first ever scarecrow. I made him myself!
Seb, clapping his hands: Very impressive. I like his smile.
Ellie: Thank you, thank you. This beautiful lady right here is Ms. Sandra, purchased from the beautiful flower dance. And this... raccoon-looking... friend is Carl - a gift from Mr. Gunther.
Sebastian laughed.
Seb: You name your scarecrows?
Ellie: Well, yeah! They're my friends, Sebastian. Don't be mean.
Seb: Hey, I'm not being mean this time, okay? That's actually pretty cute.
Ellie: Right? It's nice to have this kind of company.
Sebastian looked at Ellie with a softness in his eyes.
Seb: You know, if you want to hang out with us, you can just text us.
Ellie: Yeah, I know that. Ehh, I do have some days when I don't really wanna... Y'know... See people? I mean, ugh. I dunno...
Seb: Oh nah, I totally get you. I like having friends, but I also need a LOT of alone time to balance out the social stuff.
Ellie: Oh my God, right?? You DO get it!
Seb: Hah, yeah. Sam's the opposite, though. He goes crazy when he's alone for a long time. Can't sit still.
Ellie: Really? That's cute. You two are so different but you get along so well.
Seb: Yeah, mostly 'cause he's nice. And he can befriend anyone he wants.
Ellie nodded.
Ellie: That's cool. Wish I could be like that.
Seb: I think you already are. Maybe not as bubbly as Sam, but... You got the vibes, I guess.
Ellie: Why, thank you. That's such a high compliment from the guy who basically told me to get out of his room on day 1.
Both of them laughed.
Seb: Hey, man. I'm really sorry about that. I'm just really awkward and on edge most of the time.
Ellie: Haha, at least you're not as jumpy as me.
They approached Robin's work site.
Robin: Hey guys, came to visit me?
Ellie: Hi Robin! How's it going? Need help?
Robin: Ah, I'm almost done here. I just need to smooth out some areas and finish up with fire-resistant lacquer. How are you guys?
Ellie: Seb and I have been talking about stuff and he asked for a farm tour.
Seb: Uh, yeah. It's been fun, actually.
Robin: Really? That's good to hear. You oughta go out more often, Sebby.
Seb: I'll try, mom.
Robin: Alright, maybe I can finish this one tomorrow. Ohh, my back hurts.
Ellie: Alrighty, thank you so much Robin. Do you guys want to have dinner here?
Seb: Um-
Robin: Sure, Ellie. I can help you cook too. Come on, Seb.
The three of them walked back to the farmhouse, Robin dragging Sebastian by the hand.
Author's Note:
I dedicate this chapter to my friends over at Discord, who helped name my scarecrows:
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grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 8: Soft Rain - Spring, Year 1
Lewis: You should expand your horizons, Elliot. I mean, shipping crops IS good but imagine how well your farm could do if you added animal produce and artisan goods to your exports.
Lewis' words were running over Elliot's head. He was right, though. She should expand her horizons.
The following day after the Flower Dance, Elliot had been busy focusing on her farm and it's performance. She thought she'd made good progress on her combat abilities so she took a break from going to the mines for now.
Various documents and lists littered Ellie's table. Her laptop opened on a spreadsheet monitoring her finances.
Elliot: Hmm. Alright, let's get a coop then.
It was a rainy afternoon when Ellie started walking to Robin's.
Robin: Oh no! You're soaked.
Ellie: Ah, sorry 'bout your floor, Robin.
Robin: No worries, Ellie. I'll just mop that later. How can I help you?
Ellie and Robin discussed the terms and process of getting a coop.
Robin: Alright, I'll get started on your new coop first thing tomorrow.
Ellie: Thank you, Robin. Would you like to have breakfast together then?
Robin: Ooooh farm fresh ingredients? Sign me up!
Ellie closed the door behind her and opened her umbrella.
Seb: You gettin'a new coop?
Ellie jumped.
Ellie: Jeez, Seb!
Sebastian laughed. He was leaning on a wall, smoking.
Seb: Sorry... You're so jumpy!
Ellie: I didn't even know you were there!
Seb: Hah, yeah I went out while you and mom were talking.
Ellie: Stop sneaking up on me!
Sebastian laughed again. He threw his cigarette on the ground and stomped on it, putting it out.
Ellie frowned.
Ellie: Man, could you stop that?
Seb: I thought you didn't like the smell?
Ellie: Yeah, but I meant littering, also.
Seb: Alright, I'll try. Headed home?
Ellie thought about what Elliott told her the night of the Flower Dance.
Elliott: Maybe you could look at my drafts and give me feedback...
Ellie: Ehhhh. Think I'm going to the beach for a bit.
Seb: Oh? I'm going there too, actually.
Ellie: Really? Didn't know you liked going there.
Seb: Yeahhh, I only go there when it's raining. Not a big fan of the sun.
Ellie: Same! Rain is so nice, don't you think? Come on, then.
Sebastian smiled and opened his own umbrella.
Seb: So, uh. Whatcha doin' there?
Ellie: Think I'm gonna visit my friend, Elliott.
Seb: I see. The writer, right?
Ellie: Mhm.
Seb: You like books then?
Ellie: Yeah, I guess. I don't read very often, though. Just when my friends recommend me something good.
Seb: Cool. What genres do you like?
Ellie: Hmmm, lemme think... Sci-fi, fantasy, mystery and horror, maybe. Sometimes I read classics, but never romance. Not really my thing.
Seb: That's nice. I like basically the same genres but I never do classics. I respect a good romance, though.
Ellie chuckled.
Ellie: Really? Didn't expect that from you, to be quite honest.
Seb: Hah, guess I don't look the part. You also into comic books?
Ellie: Yeah! Do you know Cave Saga X? One of my friends absolutely love that series.
Seb: Yeah! Have you caught up with the new volume yet? I wont spoil it for you, but oh man...
The two of them spent the entire walk chatting with each other with a lot of comfortable silence in between. A few more paces and they were nearing the beach.
Ellie: Oh man, it's cold. What do you usually do here?
Seb: Me? I guess I just hang out by the docks and enjoy the view. The sound of rain on the ocean's very soothing.
Ellie: Hmm, yeah that sounds quite nice.
Seb: ...If you want to, I guess we can hang out here sometime.
Ellie: Sure. I'll be quiet so I don't ruin your drift.
Sebastian chuckled.
Seb: Alright, deal.
They parted ways near the shore.
Ellie knocked on Elliott's door.
Elliott: Ellie! It's so wonderful to see you!
Ellie: Hi, sorry. I hope you don't mind my boots.
Elliott: Not to worry. I haven't really cleaned my cabin thoroughly anyway. Please, make yourself at home.
Ellie tried her best to remove as much sand and mud from her boots then made her way to Elliott's desk.
Elliott: Would you like something to drink? Coffee or tea, perhaps?
Ellie: I'd like some coffee, please.
Elliott: Coming right up.
Elliott's desk was littered with books and paper. It was quite a mess. A draft was sitting in the middle.
Ellie: Do you have a story in mind right now?
Elliott walked over to Ellie after setting the kettle on his stove. He pulled out a chair for Ellie to sit on, then sat on his own chair.
Elliott, sighing: To be completely honest, Elliot, I cannot decide on what genre I would like my novel to take on. I have characters and arcs in mind but I cannot seem to find a solid setting for them. Say, do you have any suggestions for me?
Ellie thought for a bit.
Ellie: Hmm. You know, Elliott, I'm gonna be honest with you. You seem like such a romantic guy, so I think if you decide to write a romance novel, you would be great at it. Um, I don't like the genre, though, so my second suggestion would be... Mystery? Maybe?
Elliott blushed.
Elliott: Well, I'm quite flattered with your words, Ellie. I'll keep them in mind.
Elliott went over the characters and plot points he had in mind with Ellie. Going over what could go together, which areas need more structure and the like. After a few minutes, the kettle screeches.
Elliott: Oh! Perfect timing.
Elliott walks over to his small kitchen and makes two glasses of coffee. He hands one to Ellie and takes a sip from his own cup.
Elliott: Thank you for the company, Ellie. It was such a lovely surprise to have you here on such a dreary day.
Ellie: You're welcome, Elliott. I hope you finish your novel soon.
Elliott smiled at her and opened a window.
Elliott: Ah, would you look at that. The rain has finally stopped.
He leaned on the window pane, sipping his coffee. Ellie walked over to Elliott to admire the scenery outside.
Elliott: Ah, Ellie. You must know what's bothering my dear companion rose over here, yes? I think it may be wilting under my care.
Ellie took a good look at the rose.
Ellie: You're not watering her with seawater, aren't you?
0 notes
grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 7: Comfort - Spring, Year 1
The following days had been a blur to Elliot. She has fallen into a comfortable routine: take care of crops first thing in the morning, head out into the mines and then report back to Rasmodius at the end of the week for any progress.
Of course, she made time for friends as well. On Mondays, She would hang out with Leah and Elliott, either at the beach, in the forest or at the Library. On Wednesdays, she would hang out with the ASS gang. Fridays are a bit tough though, but she tries to balance the two groups together.
It was nice to be able to have such a close community looking out for you. Elliot felt like she was part of one huge town-sized family.
She and her father occasionally called to check up on each other, as well.
Dad: So, how's the townsfolk treatin' ya? Hope they haven't been speculating that you're a witch?
Ellie: What? Where'd that come from? I thought magic people were the norm here in the countryside.
Dad laughed.
Dad: I'm just teasing you, sweetie. I'll send you some extra cash in the bank sometime this week. Thought you could use a hand.
Ellie: No need, dad. I'm all set out here.
Believe it or not, Elliot's farm was actually doing pretty well. She took a tally of how much produce cost with Mayor Lewis' help. If she could save enough by the end of the season, she could expand her farming plots and install sprinklers to save time.
Dad: That's great news, sweetie. I knew you'd do good.
Ellie: How are things back home?
Dad: Ehhhhh. Same old, same old. The house is just lacking a hermit who spends the whole weekend typing away at her computer.
Ellie laughed. But there was a slight pain in her chest.
Ellie: Alright, Dad. I think I'm going to bed. There's a festival tomorrow so I have to get up early. See you soon. Love you.
Dad: Alright, dear. Have fun! Love you too.
Ellie sat quietly on the edge of her bed in the darkness. She always did this when she was feeling... something. She spends a lot of time trying to make herself busy to ignore her feelings. It didn't matter if it was joy or sadness or something else. She wanted to be a brick wall.
There are moments like this, though, when she considers her humanity. Even then, she still tries to hide from it.
Maybe if I sit perfectly still, silently breathing, it wont find me, Ellie thought.
She always thought that the "it" that she referred to were her emotions, buried memories or other, deeper thoughts at the back of her mind. But maybe "it" can also very well be herself.
Her thoughts lingered on this. What a complete pity and tragedy to bury yourself within yourself, so deep that you can no longer find the buried you.
Elliot sighed deeply.
Ellie: There's no point in this self-pity, man. Just go to sleep and get some festival food tomorrow.
Ellie plopped herself into the bed, clutched one of her pillows closely to her chest and slept.
It was the day of the flower dance.
Mayor Lewis told her that it was a ritual festival for the bounty of the valley.
Lewis: There will be a dance but you will need a partner if you want to participate. It doesn't matter what gender. If you DO find a partner, you can go to Haley so she can teach you the steps. It's all very basic so, not to worry.
There was a pep in his voice. He must really like this festival, Ellie thought.
She didn't bother to find a partner since she didn't want to be too awkward around everyone else. Sure, everyone knows everyone in this town but still...it was kind of embarrassing. Besides, she's only been here for a few weeks. She figured she will just skip today's dance and if she liked it, she could try asking someone next year.
Ellie arrived at the festival grounds at 9 am sharp, wearing her nicest floral dress.
Emily: Hey there!
Ellie: Hi, Emily!
Emily: I LOVE your dress! It fits the festival theme so well.
Ellie: Thank you. Ehm, this is my only dress with a flower pattern so it'll probably be a Flower Dance uniform for me from now on.
Emily laughed.
Emily: Oh, I can definitely help you with that! Just come over to my house and I'll make you something good.
Emily winked.
Emily: Have you tried the red jelly yet?
Elliot walked over to where Leah and Elliott, the writer, was.
Ellie: Hey guys!
Leah: Ellie! You look so nice.
Ellie: Thank you, you too!
Elliott: Ah, it is very lovely to see that not only the flowers are in bloom today.
Ellie felt her ears get hot.
Ellie: Ehm. So uh, you guys dancing today?
Leah: Yeah, I guess. It's not too bad, but honestly, I'd rather just enjoy the food. Elliott here has other plans, though.
Ellie: Ohh, so you're partners?
Elliott: At the dance, yes. We were partners last year and it went well.
Ellie: I see...
Leah: Hey, do you wanna dance with Elliott this year?
Ellie couldn't help but blush.
Ellie: Oh, uh. I think I'm just gonna observe for now. I mean... I mean watch. I'm not really sure if I could keep up with the... Yeah.
Ellie wasn't sure yet if she had a crush on Elliott but her awkwardness betrayed that.
Elliott laughed.
Elliott: That's quite alright, Ellie. You should look closely then, once the dance starts. Maybe next year we could be partners.
Ellie: Y-yeah! Sure, uh, definitely. Thanks. For the invite. I think I'm gonna get some food for a bit.
Leah: Yeah, sure. Try out everything, they're all local delicacies.
Ellie moved away from the two, still blushing. Why can't she stop being so awkward? It's not like the dance was some grand, high-stakes deal. It's just a dance.
Ellie poured herself some jelly in a bowl and found a corner to stand in.
The atmosphere all around felt great. There were people from the city and the neighboring towns, admiring the flowers and catching up with friends. Ellie was lost in her thoughts, smiling at the view.
Seb: Hey.
Ellie almost jumped.
Ellie: Oh! Uh, hey. Sorry about that.
Seb: You're quite jumpy.
Sebastian snickered.
Ellie: Well, I wasn't expecting someone to talk to me yet. I'm on standby mode, see?
Ellie made vague hand gestures to herself.
Seb: Standby mode, huh? Me too, I guess.
Ellie: Enjoying the festival?
Seb: Nah. I hate this one actually. I hate dancing in front of everyone.
Sebastian started to scowl.
Ellie: You're not gonna light a cigarette right now, aren't you?
Seb: Hm? Oh, nah. I have to behave. Keep myself presentable.
Ellie payed attention to how Sebastian looked - he was quite presentable. And cute too.
Ellie: I think you look handsome.
Sebastian looked at her, quite surprised. He looked like he was fighting a blush.
Seb: Uh, th- thanks. You too. I mean, not handsome, like... Pretty.
Ellie: Thank you.
They shared a bit of silence between them.
Seb: You, uh, dancing?
Ellie: Oh, God, no. I'd mess up.
Sebastian nodded.
Ellie: You?
Seb: ...yeah. With Abby.
Ellie: That's cute.
Seb: Eh. Our parents make us do it. Not a big deal, though.
Ellie searched the crowd for Robin and Pierre. She found the two families locked in conversation in the far side of the grounds.
Ellie: Cool.
Another round of silence.
Seb: You're-
Ellie: Hm?
Sebastian paused, looking a bit puzzled.
Seb: Nevermind.
Ellie: You okay, man?
Seb: Yeah, I just... It's nice hanging out with you, you know. Like... I don't get pressured to talk or something.
Ellie: Ahh, well. Silence is nice sometimes.
Seb: Yeah. Silence is nice MOST times.
They shared a laugh.
Lewis, over microphone: Good morning, everyone. I'd like to officially welcome you all to the Flower Dance festival. Thank you to our visitors, for taking the time to go to our humble town. We will now start with the dance- I'd like to ask the participants to take center stage.
Sebastian swallowed hard, adjusting his bowtie.
Ellie: Hey, man. Chill out. You'll do great out there.
Seb: Yeah... Uh, thanks... I'll-
Sebastian's gaze fell to the floor.
Seb: Hey, uh, don't watch me too much.
He said, smiling while walking away.
The dance was beautiful.
Elliott and Leah glided throughout the sequence effortlessly. Sebastian was quite stiff, almost as if he was just there to support Abigail when she was twirling.
Both scenes brought warmth to Elliot, as if she was taking a mental picture of the day.
Leah: Walk me home, Ellie.
Leah giggled, holding Ellie's hand while twirling.
Leah: I wish I could've seen you dance.
Ellie: Haha, maybe next year. I may be able to keep up with the moves.
Elliott: Ah, yes, that sounds marvelous. I'd love to dance with you sometime, Elliot... Ehm, Farm Elliot.
Leah had come up with a nickname for the two of them.
Leah: You should be Farm Elliot and you should be Beach Elliott. Easier, right?
Ellie laughed at the memory.
Ellie: Just Ellie's fine. What's up with the locator, anyway?
Elliot: Sometimes, it feels nice to be called by your entire name, doesn't it? To be recognized?
Leah: Alright, Diogenes, this isn't gonna be a philosophy class. You're drunk.
Elliott chuckled.
Elliott: Tipsy, yes. Drunk? Not yet.
The three of them reached Leah's cabin.
Leah: Alright, you two. I'll be dozing off. Today was so fun! See ya tomorrow, maybe.
Ellie: Alright, see ya. Good night.
Leah gave the two Elliot/ts a hug then went in.
Elliott: Would you like me to walk you home, Ellie?
Ellie: Oh, uh. Sure, I guess. It's gonna be far from your cabin, though. Is that alright?
Elliott: Of course, it would be my pleasure. I have to be honest: I haven't set foot on your farm before and am quite curious with how it looks.
Ellie: I see. Let's go, then?
The two of them started walking to the farm.
Elliott: It's been quite troublesome, yes. But I'm quite positive that I will get inspiration soon.
Ellie: Yeah, that's the spirit! Don't let bad thoughts get to you - it'll only weigh you down.
Elliott: Indeed.
They reached Ellie's front porch.
Ellie: Thank you, Elliott. It was quite lovely talking to you.
Elliott: The pleasure is all mine. I'll be off now. Good night, dear Ellie.
Ellie: Good night, Elliott.
Elliott walked a few paces, before turning back to Ellie.
Elliott: If you don't mind, could you come visit me sometime in my cabin? I could use the company. Maybe you could look at my drafts and give me feedback for my works in progress.
Ellie blushed.
Ellie: Sure thing. I'll be there.
Elliott: Quite splendid.
Elliott started to walk toward the town, looking back again at Ellie once, with a smile.
Ellie spent the night sprawled on her bed, staring at her ceiling. It felt like there was a golden ball of light in her chest.
Yeah, it did suck that she had to move away from her dad and the comfort of her city life. But the way that the people in Pelican Town connected with her - it felt warm. Important. Precious.
Ellie's thoughts went back to Rasmodius.
Rasmodius: Mortal affairs are small and mundane, but precious all the same. We cannot always save them from their personal and interpersonal dilemmas. But, it is our duty as Custodians to still watch over them and the environment they live in. Especially the environment they live in. It is not just humans who live in this world, Elliot. There are some entities who respect boundaries and treaties, but there WILL be deviants, working to topple the balance of it all.
Ellie sat there on the wizard's hardwood floor, trying to absorb his lessons.
Rasmodius: Ultimately, peace and order shall be our end.
Ellie kept the wizard's words in her head.
Ellie: Alright. I'm doing my best. Trying to, at least.
Ellie turned to her side, waiting for sleep to visit her. Her mind presents her with the picture of her friends and the townsfolk - a lovely memory.
Yeah, Ellie thought, that's definitely something worth protecting. She closed her eyes and slept.
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grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 6: Heart to Heart - Spring, Year 1
One word to describe the descent into the mines: Maddening. But in an exciting and maybe positive kind of way. Only if you're as optimistic as Ellie, though.
The entirety of last Sunday was spent with Linus in the morning and Marlon in the afternoon. Ellie almost felt like an old man herself.
The first time she went down into the mines was with Marlon.
Marlon: Remember: be alert about your surroundings. If you feel faint or claustrophobic, tell me immediately. We can't have you losing consciousness in here. I can carry you, but I have a bad leg and I'll have to worry about the monsters that will attack us, so don't make it hard for me. Understood?
Marlon was quite scary, but Elliot understands. He's just being careful.
The trip went smoothly. They reached the 20th floor of the mines on the first day. There was an underground lake and a safe area to rest at. They even found an old steel sword for Ellie.
Marlon: Not bad. At least you can keep up. I think I'm quite confident letting you go on your own in here.
Ellie: Really? Thank you.
Marlon: Don't let it get to your head, though. I'm sure there'll be a time when you will pass out in here or be gravely injured. I'll have to be more diligent with my patrols from now own.
Ellie felt kind of bad.
Ellie: I promise I'll be careful.
Marlon: Yeah, that's basic exploration etiquette anyway. Don't sweat it. Even the best adventurers make mistakes sometimes.
The loud timer brought Elliot back to the present. Her thoughts couldn't help but go back to that time whenever she was unoccupied.
Today was Wednesday, though or as Abigail like to call it: Wmovie Wednesday.
She got invited to join their little group. 'The ASS gang', as Abby affectionately called it.
Abby: Cus it's Abby, Sam and Seb. But if we're gonna add you, it'll still be the same but looks more classy. ASS with an E at the end. Pretty cute, right?
Ellie found herself getting roped more into Abby's group lately. She did try to hang out with Leah and Elliot just as much, though.
Abby's group was fun and wild, while Leah and Elliot were more tame and quiet. Two sides of the same coin.
Elliot got the mini blueberry tarts from the oven. The smell was heavenly. It was a recipe from Pierre so she figured she'd try her hand at making it and bringing some to Abby's.
Her phone lit up with a new message.
Abby: Heyyyy!! Starting in a bit, u coming??
Ellie: Yeah, just getting ready. I'll be there. Wait for me :((
Abby: Sure sure nw :)
Ellie packed the tarts in a Tupperware and headed out.
Ellie: Am outside. Door's locked :(
Abby: Okieeee coming out
Abby was there in a bit to unlock the store door.
Abby, in her best customer service voice: Welcome to Pierre's!
Ellie: Thank you, Pierre Jr. What seeds do you have in stock today?
The two girls laughed.
Ellie: Just kidding. Brought some tarts.
Abby: OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!! Can't wait to try! Come on, the guys are waiting in the studio.
Ellie thought it was quite awesome that Abby had a studio at her place. It's usually used as a function hall by her mom's aerobics club but only on Tuesdays.
Sam and Seb were on the floor, picking out movies to watch. There were bags of chips and soda cans beside them.
Abby: Behold! The baby has arrived.
Ellie: Baby?
Sam: Hahaha, cus you're the new guy in the group.
Ellie smirked. Then sat down beside Abby.
Ellie: Brought tarts. You guys want?
Sam: Oooooh, what kind of tart?
Ellie: Blueberry. Pierre's recipe. Thought I'd give it a try.
Abby: OMG that's cute.
Ellie set down the container and opened it. Abby and Sam took one each.
Ellie: Don't want one, Seb?
Sebastian was busy going thru the downloaded movies on his laptop.
Seb: Maybe later.
Ellie: 'mkay.
Abby: Ough, this tart's so good. I kinda miss mom now.
Ellie: Oh? Your parents aren't home?
Abby: Nah, probably went to the next town or the city. I don't really know. But they always go out on Wednesdays for a day off.
Ellie: I see. I brought one for each of them too, by the way. Maybe Pierre can give me a feedback on how well I did.
Abby: Aw, I'm sure he'll like this.
The group agreed to watch a couple of horror movies for the rest of the afternoon. The last one ended at around 3 pm.
Sam: Nice, still early. One more?
Ellie: Nah, I'm good. Think I'll head to the mines for the rest of the day.
Sam: Wow, you're really obsessing over that place, huh? Can't blame you, though. It's not everyday you become an official member of the Adventurer's Guild.
Abby: Ohhhhh. I wish I could be one too! But my parents are gonna kill me if they knew I've been going to the mines on my own. You know how dad can be.
Ellie: I can just teach you some sword techniques if you want. Get a taste of that adventurer spirit.
Seb: Nah, don't enable her. You'll just get her in trouble.
Abby: Hey! Killjoy.
Abby rolled her eyes. Sebastian ignored her, savoring his tart.
Ellie: Ugh. You ever had any fun in your life, Sebastian?
Seb: Sure.
Ellie just stared at him, frowning.
Ellie: Right, well, think I'll get going now. Thanks for the movies, guys.
Sam: Sure thing, Ells. Let's hang out again when you're not busy.
Ellie: Yeah, just text me. I'll just get my Tupperware maybe tomorrow, Abby.
Abby: Yeah, no worries. I'll tell mom.
Abby walked Ellie to the door then went back to the studio.
Abby: Dude, you're kinda annoying, y'know?
Seb, bewildered: Uh? And what did I do this time?
Abby: I dunno, but it's like... I dunno but that was kinda annoying. Like, you ignored Elliot the whole time and then sneered at her? Come on, man.
Seb: Hey, first of all: I didn't ignore her. Second: I didn't sneer at her. When did these things ever happen??
Sam: Ehhhh, let me think. Counterpoint to your first point: you kinda ignored her tart when she offered. Counterpoint to your second point: you didn't want her to spend time with Abby.
Seb: Hey, I DID get a tart - and it's good, by the way - and I just said that 'cause Abby had been in trouble with that sort of thing before! It's not a big deal.
Sam: Alright, alright. I guess so. But now she thinks you're no fun.
Seb: Well, you guys know that I AM fun. Who cares what she thinks?
Abby: Dude, she's our friend now. Can't you just be a little nicer?
Seb: Man. Sorry, guys, if I'm not immediately chummy with a stranger who literally JUST moved into town last week. Alright, I've had enough. I'm goin' home.
Sam: Sheesh. Having a breakdown now?
Seb: I am NOT having a breakdown. I need a nap.
Sebastian packed his things and headed home.
It was dark in his room when he woke up. He reached around his bed for his phone: 7 pm.
Seb: Ugh. God.
He got up and turned on the lights then got dressed in his usual hoodie. He didn't even bother to take his jeans off when he plopped down his bed earlier.
He took his pack of cigarettes and his lighter and went outside.
Sebastian walked over to his usual spot by the lake near his house, thankful that that wild man wasn't there this time. They didn't mind each other most of the time but sometimes, when old Linus was in the mood, he could be very chatty, which irritated Sebastian so much.
He lit up a cigarette and stared at the water. If there's one thing he'd appreciate in Pelican Town, it's the peaceful scenery, especially at nighttime. Whenever he'd take a night ride on his motorcycle into the city, it's always still busy at this hour. Still a lot of people walking about; noisy bars here and there. Too many lights, you can't even see the stars anymore.
He kept thinking about it: did he really want to move into the city? Or did he just wanted a place of his own? He looked up into the night sky. It was beautiful.
Sometimes he takes a peek in Maru's telescope, when she leaves it unattended outside. Space always looked beautiful in the countryside. Everything did. And most of all, it felt like home.
He took another hit on his cigarette and tried to think about it again, when he heard footsteps drawing near. "Damn, Linus at this hour?", He thought. He took a closer look - it was Elliot.
Somehow he felt compelled to talk to her. Maybe he should apologize.
Before Ellie could turn the corner she heard someone call up to her.
Seb: Hey.
Elliot turned around. Man...out of all people. For real?
Ellie: Hi.
Seb: You, uh, really went down the mines?
Sebastian asked, taking another hit at his cigarette.
Ellie: Yeah. Uh, sorry I can't really talk to you right now. Cigarette smoke and I don't mix well.
Seb: Oh! Sorry, sorry. I'll put it out.
Sebastian threw the remaining cigarette into the ground and put it out with his shoe.
Seb: You, uh, allergic?
Ellie: Not really.
Seb: Asthma?
Ellie: No, I just... Uh, I don't like the smell. Sorry, kinda stupid.
Seb: Nah, I get ya. Don't worry about it.
Ellie: Did you...need anything?
Seb: Yeah, nah, I just... Uh, wanted to apologize. Y'know for being...like, kind of a jerk. I dunno, I guess it just takes some time for me to warm up to strangers.
Ellie: That's fine. I understand.
Seb: Cool.
Ellie smiled at him. Sebastian just stared. Both were so awkward, it kind of hurt.
Seb: So, uh. Got far down in the mines?
Ellie: Um, yeah actually. I got to, I think around like floor 40 plus? I dunno, I forgot.
Seb: Cool.
Ellie: Oh, I picked up this pretty gem. Want it?
The gem glimmered faintly in the moonlight. It was a frozen tear.
Seb: Ohhhh. I love these things!
Sebastian rolled the gem around the palm of his hands, grinning.
Seb: Hey, thanks a lot.
Ellie: Sure thing! I'll, uh, get going now, alright?
Seb: Oh, yeah. Uh, take care, I guess. See ya around.
Ellie: Thanks. And uh, thanks for smiling at me, haha.
Elliot waved goodbye.
Sebastian stood there, kind of in a shock. Was he always so grumpy? Sheesh.
Seb: Man, I should loosen up a bit.
He looked at the gem in his hand.
Seb: Yeah. She's not so bad after all.
He pocketed the gem, then walked back home.
Author's Note:
Companion music to the Ellie and Seb talk sequence:
Bleached by Video Days
0 notes
grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 5: The Custodians - Spring, Year 1
It was a sunny morning. There was a light and refreshing breeze that made the trek to Cindersap Forest delightful. The scent of fresh flowers lingered in the air. It was indeed a lovely day. Maybe a bit too lovely to do something so odd and mysterious.
Ellie wondered what she was looking for, exactly. Is it a house? A hut? Some cave lair maybe? She passed a small lake and there in the distance, standing quite proudly amongst the trees, was a tower. An actual, real-life wizard tower. Ellie didn't know how to feel. She was amazed, amused and bewildered. She was also excited, of course. What kind of powers would she be able to wield? She thought of all the silly fiction she had read before and the video games she'd played.
Shooting leaves out of her hands? Controlling plants with her mind? Being able to talk to animals, just like her dad? The possibilities are endless, maybe.
She made her way up the stone stairs and took one last good look at the impressive tower before her. Then steeled herself and knocked.
She waited for a bit, trying to control her breathing. "Just be yourself", her dad had told her before she left. But how exactly does one interact with a real, actual wizard?
The door opened and Ellie prepared to greet the one behind the door. Except, there wasn't anyone behind it.
Ellie peeked inside. It was quite dark, with only candles lighting up the interior. She hesitated for a bit, waiting for someone or something to show up. Nothing happened so she let herself in.
As she started walking down the hallway, the door closed slowly after her. She immediately checked if it had locked itself. Thankfully, it did not. Going missing and dying via murder would not be a good way to go. Especially on a good day like this.
Ellie: Oh my god, no one's going to murder you, Elliot.
Ellie reassured herself, whispering.
She turned back again toward the corridor. There were stairs on her left, but decided snooping around upstairs won't be wise at this time. Instead, she walked forward into what looked like a kitchen or living room, maybe?
The room was large and smelled like leaves and some hints of something...spicy? On her left was a huge cauldron with a strange, slimy liquid bubbling inside. On her right was a table and a bit past that was...a summoning circle? Oh boy, thought Ellie, this is the real thing alright.
She stood where she is, careful not to touch anything, despite her curiosity.
Ellie: Hello? Is anyone home?
She saw a figure emerge from the far side of the room.
Rasmodius: So, you have arrived. I am Rasmodius, master of the elementals. It is most delightful to meet you, young adept.
Rasmodius was old and fully clothed in black. He looked ancient but there was still a sense of urgency in his movement. Somehow, he reminded Ellie of her grandpa.
Ellie: Hello, it's nice to meet you too, Sir. Um, I'm Elliot; Archibald's granddaughter. My father, Gregory, told me a bit about you.
Rasmodius: Yes, yes, I am quite familiar with your bloodline. Your grandfather was quite a remarkable Custodian. Of course, your father had also done his part, so I am eager to see how well you would do in yours.
Elliot swallowed hard. She felt as if countless eyes were suddenly trained on her, anticipating her every move. She looked up and around, just to make sure she wasn't losing it.
Rasmodius: Be confident in your abilities, young one. I sense that you have not been mastering your gifts all this time.
Rasmodius walked toward a shelf, fetching a clean flask from it. He lowered it to the cauldron, filling it up almost to the brim. The green liquid swirled inside the flask as Rasmodius handed it to Ellie. It was warm to the touch.
Rasmodius: Drink this. It will help boost your aptitude for your gifts.
Ellie held the flask in her hands. She wasn't sure if she wanted to drink it nor was she enthusiastic about finding out what would happen if she does. But she did anyway. The wizard's piercing eyes provided enough pressure for her. "I'll try anything once", she said to her old friends back in the city whenever they would dare her to do something out of her comfort zone.
Speaking of old friends, she should definitely invite them in the valley.
Her thoughts weren't enough to distract her from the thickness and sliminess of the liquid. Every gulp was excruciatingly slow and awful. The thing was like bland kale smoothie but a hundred times worse.
She finished the entire flask, sure she would throw up. She stood there for a while, waiting for the sensation to arise... But it never did. Her stomach held the potion down, surprisingly.
Ellie: Whoa. Oh, god.
Rasmodius: How are you feeling?
Ellie: Well... Nothing's changed, really. I thought I was gonna be sick, but I'm fine.
Rasmodius: Good. You are well predisposed to magic. Now that you have earned this blessing, things may look and feel different for you from now on. Especially things in the forest. Do not be afraid. It is our duty to be Custodians of this valley. Do you understand?
Ellie: Yes, sir. Ehm, if you don't mind, what exactly does a "Custodian" do? Like, do we have to fight monsters or...?
Rasmodius: That is one of our duties, yes.
Ellie was curious about what kind of "monsters" there are in the valley. She's had nightmares of bloodied creatures, humans and animals alike, hunting her for sport. She wasn't sure how she could even stand up for herself if that were the kind of monsters she has to face.
Ellie: Sir, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't have any experience with fighting.
Rasmodius: Do not worry. Marlon from the adventurer's guild can guide you - he is an acquaintance of mine. Your forest magic has also toughened you up and will help you heal faster than most mortals.
That's cool. Curious at heart, Ellie wonders how fast her wounds can heal now. She'll have to experiment with that some time later.
Ellie: So, I'm guessing... I have to meet Sir Marlon today as well?
Rasmodius: Yes, young adept. Go to him; to the mountains. Tell him who you are. He will know how to prepare you. Settling the elemental balance within the mines will be good training grounds for you.
Uh oh.
Ellie: Noted on this, Sir. I'll... I guess I'll keep you posted.
Rasmodius nodded.
Rasnodius: I will await your return - we have many more things to discuss. But first you must know how to weild your magic. And a weapon.
Ellie bid the wizard farewell and started the trek... Back home. She needed some time to recuperate and digest the whole encounter... And whatever that was she drank.
On the way back, Ellie was half-expecting the animals to suddenly just talk to her. Ridiculous as that sounds, she still wanted to know how it felt like. Unfortunately, the insects and birds just kept at their usual chirping, and the squirrels she encountered were just as skittish as always. Maybe it needs a bit more time to settle into her system. Whatever.
Ellie spent a few hours chilling in the farm, dutifully looking after her crops, making sure they're well cared-for as her father had taught her.
Dad: And don't forget to make a scarecrow or else wretched crows will make a feast out of your crops.
Ellie looked at her makeshift scarecrow. It wasn't perfect but she guessed it did the job. She even put a smiley face on it.
Ellie: Maybe you need a name. Hmm.
Ellie thought for a while, kicking some pebbles on the ground.
Ellie: What about sonething grand? Like... Like maybe Quintavious. Yeah... Yeah! I like that.
The scarecrow silently stood there, smiling at her.
Ellie: Oh, Quintavious, we're really in it now, aren't we?
She sat down on her porch, enjoying the peaceful silence.
It was a bit hot after noon, but Ellie figured she should go to the guild after she had a proper lunch. She might need the energy.
She took the backwoods route to the mountains over to the mountain lake and then...
Ellie: Oh, it's locked.
She looked for a sign outside the base.
"Adventurer's Guild - Pelican Town Division
Open 2:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Mon - Sun"
Ellie: Maaaannn.
Ellie has to wait for an hour more before the base opens. Better use that time for something else.
She thought of hanging out at Robin's place while waiting. On the way, she noticed an old man fishing by the lake.
Ellie: Good afternoon, Sir. I believe we haven't met? I'm Elliot, the new farmer over at Kipling.
The old man looked at her.
Linus: Hello there, dear. Quite surprising for you to be talkig to a wild man like me. It's nice to meet you. My name is Linus.
A wild man? Ellie was quite confused.
Ellie: I'm sorry to probe, but what do you mean by "wild"?
Linus laughed.
Linus: Oh, my dear. See that tent up there?
Linus pointed behind Robin's house. There was a small yellow tent just peeking out the small cliff.
Ellie: Oh, I didn't notice that before. Do you live there?
Linus: Yes, I do. I don't really consider myself a part of the townsfolk - most of them are quite afraid of me. But rest assured: I'm not mad nor do I have any bad intentions. I just like living out here in the wild.
Ellie: Honestly? That's alright. I don't think choosing to live in the wilderness is something to be afraid of. It's quite nice out here.
Linus smiled and nodded at her.
Linus: You're one of the few people who aren't afraid of talking to me. Thank you.
Ellie: Don't mention it, Sir. I totally get you.
Ellie sat beside him.
Ellie: Do you mind if I sit here while waiting for the adventurer's guild to open?
Linus: Not at all!
The two spent the past hour in silence, only broken by the occasional fish Linus manages to catch. By the time it was 2 pm, Linus had quite a haul.
Ellie: Thank you for the company, Sir. I think I'll check on that guild now.
Linus: It was my pleasure, Elliot. Also, you can drop the Sir, dear. Linus is enough.
Ellie: Alright. Thanks again, Linus.
They waved each other goodbye. Ellie tried the door to the guild again.
Ellie: Hello?
Marlon: Gil, wake up. We have a visitor.
Gil: Mmmh.
Ellie: Good afternoon, Sir. I'm Elliot, the new farmer over at Kipling. Sir Rasmodius sent me here. I'm looking to be trained with combat.
Marlon eyes the girl up and down.
Marlon: Ah, so it's you. Bit too small and dainty for farming work, don't you think?
He's not wrong.
Ellie: Yeah, I guess. But I still want to try and see how far I can go with this. If I can't make it, then I'll...
What was she gonna do? Go back to the city? Exchange places with her father? Yeah, seems about right. But Elliot's not going down without a fight. She's quite stubborn like that.
Marlon: Alright, lass. I can sense your determination. That's good enough for me. I'll lend you a sword for now, to keep you safe. It's basics training for today and tomorrow, then next week, you're going down in the mines. Thing's been unused for awhile so best expect there'd be varmints in there. Think you can handle that?
Ellie: Yes, sir! I'll do my best, Sir.
Ellie was having an adrenaline rush; she never held an actual sword before.
Marlon taught her the basics outside the base the entire rest of the afternoon. From safety to techniques to weapon maintenance - Marlon had it all covered. It was basically a book-learning session with the occasional swings, blocks and whatnot.
By the end of the training, Ellie's arms and shoulders were sore.
Marlon: Alright, I think that's enough for today. If you can survive that initial soreness, you'll survive anything down at the mines. Guessin' that city upbringing you got didn't really include a lotta cardio and strength training.
Yeowch. Well, that's another blow. Again, he wasn't wrong, though.
Ellie: Okay, yeah that's fair. I'll... Well. I'll try to be more active. I'm pretty sure the farm could help me with that.
Marlon: Yeah, definitely. Come by again tomorrow for another training session. Don't forget.
Ellie: Yes, Sir.
Ellie sheathes her weapon and Marlon goes back inside the guild. She checks the time on her watch: 9:30 pm.
Ellie: WHAT?
Time went by so fast. Too fast, in fact. Ellie was suddenly hit by several ailments at once: hunger, fatigue, muscle pain, you name it.
Ellie: Ughhhhhhhhhh. Better get home then.
Ellie half walked, half dragged her body back to the farm. Good thing she had leftovers from lunch or else it was going to be a dinnerless night.
She tried to wash herself, wolfed down the leftovers then fell into a dreamless sleep.
Extra (from drafts):
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grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 4: Crossroads - Spring, Year 1
The door to the saloon flung open and there stood Ellie, in all her five feet glory. Sorry, five feet and ONE inch glory. She looked a bit disheveled but still presentable, as always.
Gus: Hello there, Elliot! Care for a drink?
Oh god, that definitely attracted too much attention. The entire saloon was looking at her the entire time.
Ellie, bashfully: H-hey, guys. Nice evening, right?
With that, the conversations returned to normal and Ellie tried to look around for her new friends. In a corner, her eyes met Elliott's.
Elliott: Ellie! Glad you could come.
Ellie: Ahhh, I'm so sorry for being late. I got caught up in a bunch of stuff. Have you guys been here awhile?
Leah: Oh, don't worry about it. We've just been chatting anyway. So you're the second Elliot, huh?
Ellie: Hahaha, that I am. And you're Leah?
Leah: Yup! I live by the river past Jodi's house. Too bad I didn't get to meet you yesterday but welcome to Pelican Town, nonetheless.
Ellie: That's alright. And thank you, Leah.
Leah: Don't mention it. So, should we get a proper dinner now?
Ellie: Oh my god, you haven't had dinner yet??
Elliott: Ah, don't worry Ellie, we had a bunch of appetizers while waiting for you. Shame, they're all gone now.
Ellie: Oh no!! Yeah let's get something to eat. My treat!
The three of them got Gus' special platter for the night, some wine for Elliott and juice for the two ladies.
Leah: And you just upped and left like that? Wow, I mean yeah I guess I essentially did the same thing but I had to plan it for a long while before doing so, y'know?
Ellie: Yeah, everything was so sudden! They didn't want to let me go in the office but I really had to leave.
Elliott: But why not have your father be the one to take care of the farm?
Ellie: I've asked him that a lot of times before. But I guess, ultimately, grandpa really left the farm to my name so I should be the one responsible for it (sigh)
Leah: Hmm, makes sense. Well if you ever feel lonely out there, feel free to drop by my cabin. It's not too long of a walk.
Elliott: Mine as well, though it IS too long of a walk (chuckle)
Ellie: Thanks a lot guys. Thank you for making me feel so welcome in here.
Leah: Aw, don't mention it! Hey do you play video games?
Ellie: Yeah, I do sometimes.
Leah: Nice. Want to check out the arcade games Gus has?
Ellie: There's an arcade in here?
Ellie looks behind her trying to find the area.
Leah: Yeah, come on, I'll show you.
Elliott: I'll be staying here. Feeling a bit too tipsy to stand for too long. Please, enjoy yourselves.
Leah: (sigh) Alright, Mr. Wine Connoisseur. As if you even play video games. Come on, Ellie.
Leah leads Ellie across the bar. It's pretty lively since it's a Friday night. Robin and Demetrius were dancing and the other older residents are all chatting away.
Ellie: The atmosphere here is so nice.
Leah: Hm? Yeah, it feels very homely. Okay, here we are.
At the other end of the saloon, in somewhat of a backroom, there were two arcade machines and a pool table. Sam, Abigail and Sebastian were there playing pool.
Abby: Ellieeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! You're here!!
Elliot met Abigail and Sam yesterday and they already decided they were friends with her. Nevermind that she's quite awkward, but there's just something calming about her presence, in general.
Abby jogs a bit to Ellie and gives her a hug.
Ellie: Oh-!
Sam: Hey, Ellie! Nice to see ya here!
Ellie: Hi, Sam! Hey, Seb..
Sebastian was focusing on a ball, calculating his angle for his next move.
Seb: Hey.
Abby: Oh, I forgot to invite you to hang out with us tonight, but I'm glad to see you here, though!
Ellie: That's alright. I'm actually here with Leah and Elliott.
Leah: Heya.
Leah already booted up JunimoKart and was trying - and failing - to get past the first level. Abby was still clinging to Elliot while they watch Leah.
Ellie: Do you guys, uh, hang out here every Friday?
Abby: Yuyup. It's actually been boring with just these two, if I'm gonna be honest.
Sam: Hey, we can hear that, y'know?
Ellie: Hahaha. What do you guys usually do? Just play pool?
Sebastian: (scoff) What else is there to do in this boring ass town?
He has a point but for some reason the way Sebastian talks just ticks Elliot off. What a snob. If you don't want to have fun then just go home, Elliot thought. She held her tongue, though.
Ellie, rolling her eyes: ...Right.
Abby: Eugh, don't mind Seb. He's just trying to be cool by being a jerk again.
Sebastian: I'm not being a jerk. Just telling the truth.
He takes a shot at the pool table.
Sam: OHHHHHH! Damn, I lost again. Gah, I don't wanna play anymore.
Sebastian, grinning: Hmph, spoilsport.
On the other hand, Leah was almost through beating the second level of JunimoKart
Ellie: Yay! You can do it, Leah!
Leah: Oh my god, just a bit more.
Ellie and Abby watch Leah's run intently. Not daring to even bother her until she eventually reached the end of the level
Leah: YESSSSS!!! Now that's a personal best from me!
Ellie: Haha, that was great, man!
Leah: You wanna try it, Ells?
Oh. Suddenly, Elliot was back home at Zuzu City. Sitting in the kitchen, preparing a report. "Hey, Ells", her father would always greet her. Ah, but that was a different time. She can always go back there to visit.
Ellie: Hmmmm, maybe some other time.
Abby: You should try the other one too - Journey of the Prairie King. It's shooter, though.
Ellie: Sure, I'll check it out next time.
Abby: You guys wanna join us for a bit?
Sam and Seb have left the pool table and are now eating pizza on the couch, talking about stuff.
Ellie checked her watch: almost 11 pm.
Ellie: Uhh, actually, y'know what? I think I'll be heading home for now.
Leah: Oh, yeah sure. Wanna walk home together? We should go get Elliott too.
Ellie: Yeah, sounds good.
Abby: Aw, going home already? Are you a homebody like Sebastian too? That's probably gonna make you hard to hang out with...
Sebastian turns to them, hearing his name.
Seb: What do you want?
Abby: Nothing! I was just saying you and Ellie here are so alike. Well, kinda.
Ellie: Well if you wanna hang out you can just tell me. Here, let me give you my number.
Abby: Oooh, I'd like that! Yes, please!
Leah: Wait, can I have it too?
Ellie: Sure!
Sam: Wait, wait, me three. Come on, Seb.
Seb: Ugh.
The group exchanged numbers with each other and then it was time to go home.
Leah: Alright, see ya guys around!
Abby: Byee!!
Sam: See ya!
Sebastian waved goodbye.
Abby: Ellie's pretty cool, no?
Sam: Yeah, chillest person ever. She's like if Seb was actually cool.
Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows.
Seb: What the hell does THAT mean?
Sam: Dude, listen. Alright, yeah, you're cool. But only cus you're like, held together by duct tape with "cool" written all over it. Check out Elliot: she can get along with anybody cus her vibes are immaculate. Yours, though.
Sam gave Sebastian a grimace. Sebastian hit sam with one of the throw pillows on the couch. Abby can't help but laugh.
Abby: That's so real, though. Local emo guy thinks he's so cool cus he's a bitch with daddy issues. And then BAM! Sweet farmer girl out-cools him.
Seb: Hey. Not funny.
Sam: We should totally adopt Ellie into our group. We would be unstoppable!
Seb: No one's stopping us in the first place anyway. And three is already a crowd, don't you think?
Abby: Ugh, shut up, Seb. The more, the merrier! I'm gonna invite her on Wmovie Wednesday.
Seb: Not coming then.
Sam: Whoa, whoa, whoa. No way, dude. You're not 'not coming'. Come on, it's just a couple movies, jeez. What's your issue?
Seb: My issue -(sharp inhale-exhale)- is that you've made her so annoying.
Abby: What the hell?
Seb: Cut it out with this cool vibes talk and I'll reconsider.
Sam: Dude. She hasn't done anything yet and you already dislike her? Man.
Seb: I don't dislike her, okay? Alright, here's the thing I find really annoying about her: she leaves the city -a place where you can go anywhere and BE anyone- and settles into the countryside to be a farmer?? That just doesn't make sense!
Abby: THAT'S your issue with her?
Seb: Think about it, Abby. A lot of us here are bored out of our minds thinking of what to do with our lives and how to get out of this... This stagnant-ass place. And then this guy just wastes a life of opportunity in the city to keep herself in a box! So stupid.
Sam: Sheesh, Seb. That's not stupid, y'know? Maybe she just wants a more peaceful life. You have no idea how hectic it can get in the city.
That's true. Sure, Sebastian has been to the city a lot of times, but it's only to be a visitor for a bit. If he'd had lived in the city, would he have liked the concrete jungle as it is? The rat race that one needs to compete in to make ends meet? This was something that Sebastian has put at the back of his mind, but now that there's someone who's fresh with the experience, it's something he should really be considering if he's dead-set on moving into the city someday.
Seb: Alright, sorry. Maybe I was being too harsh. I'll be there on Wednesday.
Abby: Nice. And dude? Just be nice, okay? Ellie seems like a genuinely good person. We could have more fun with her around, y'know?
Sam: Yeah! She's really chill. Could be good for you.
Seb: Right, right. Maybe I'm just a lil bit more stressed lately. Alright, I'm gonna dip.
Abby: Yeah, let's go home. Mom and dad's probably gonna try to kill me again tomorrow.
Sam: Aight guys, see ya.
A small candlelight flickers in the Wizard's quarters. It's half past 2 am and he still hasn't slept. A Junimo appears thru the hardwood floor. It started speaking in an ancient language.
Wizard: You encountered the fledgeling yesterday? Ah, so she has received my letter after all. I shall send her my way. Preparations must be started at once.
Elliot was walking through a forest. She has never been here but it felt so familiar. She kept on walking until there was a clearing. There was a round table and two chairs. For some reason, she felt like this is where she was supposed to go to; that it had been waiting for her for ages; that she had been waiting for so long to sit here. On the table was a tea set and some pastries. She took her seat and poured herself a cup of tea. As she she was savoring her beverage, an old man clad in black robes sat on the other chair.
Ellie: Rasmodius.
Rasmodius: How have you been, fledgeling?
Elliot knew the name of the person in front of her, but she did not know him at all. She felt as if, it were her voice but it's not her who was thinking and speaking the words.
Ellie: I've heed your call. I have returned to the flock.
Rasmodius: I can indeed sense your presence. But this is not yet the flock you shall return to. The Grex Statera is upon us. You must prepare.
Ellie: I understand. Teach me. What do I need to know?
Rasmodius: Find me at the heart of Cindersap Forest. I will show you the path to walk on.
Elliot wakes up in cold sweat. Her heart banging on her ribcage. She looked for her phone: 7:30 am.
Elliot: Ughhhhh what the heck. My head...
She made her way to the kitchen and drank some water. On her small table her community map was laid down.
Rasmodius: Find me at the heart of Cindersnap Forest.
The voice echoed in her head.
Ellie: Okay. So I guess this is where the magic part starts, huh? Lemme just water my crops then.
She puts on her good ol' cap and starts the day.
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grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 3: Which is Which? - Spring, Year 1
Elliot woke up a bit earlier than usual. Without an alarm, he usually wakes up at around 9:30 to 10 am. But since the sun touches everything in the countryside mornings, he had sunbeams in his face at 7:30 am.
Elliot: Oh, man.
Elliot reached for his phone.
Elliot: Hmm. 7:30 Ellie. Nice.
Elliot stared at the ceiling for a few minutes, thinking about what he would do today.
Elliot: Alright. Spend the morning at Robin's, buy crop seeds at Pierre's then maybe hang out at the beach?
He got up and prepared for the day ahead.
He took the backwoods route to Robin's house, as per the map Lewis left in his house. It was just around a 10 minute walk.
When he got there, he saw quite an impressive house. It was simple, yes, but there was something so unique about it. It had a certain character to it - definitely not your average country house. Elliot was in no way, shape or form an architect, but he does have an eye for beautiful things. He looked closely at the plaque at the door: 24 Mountain Road.
Elliot: Alright. This is the place.
He softly knocked at the door, then opened it. Immediately, he was greeted by Robin, standing behind the counter.
Robin: Oh!!! Look who's here!
She was beaming.
Robin: Come in, come in! Welcome to my shop. Er, my house, also.
The inside was cozy and Robin had a few displayed products up for grabs.
Elliot: Good morning! Wow, these look very well-made. You really know your stuff.
Elliot examined each piece carefully: A sturdy-looking chair with intricate carvings on the backrest. A mahogany table with a glass top. A desk with two drawers with a glossy finish.
Elliot: They look more like art rather than things you would normally see in a house.
Robin, a bit flustered: Oh, you flatter me. I put my all from designing a piece to making it. Carpentry's my passion.
Elliot: Oh?? You even design then yourself? That's impressive!
Robin, laughing heartily: Hahaha, alright. That's quite enough about me. Why don't we say hi to my husband and daughter? They're at the lab. Here, I'll show you.
They made their way across the room into the laboratory. It looked out of place with its tiled floor and all-white walls.
Robin: Hey, guys. I'd like you to meet our new local farmer, Elliot.
Elliot: Hello, good morning! It's nice to meet you.
Demetrius: Hello there, Elliot. I'm Demetrius. I'm a scientist studying the local ecology. And this is Maru, my daughter.
Maru gave a shy smile and waved at him.
Maru: Hi, it's nice to meet you too.
Demetrius: So you're the new farmer, huh? I'm assuming you have a background when it comes to the trade?
Oh, boy.
Elliot: Actually, not really. I do have a degree in Biology but I worked in a corporate setting so I only had my father teach me the basics before I moved here.
Demetrius' and Maru's interests were piqued.
Demetrius: Biology, you say? That's very interesting. If you'd like, you can help us out with some of the research data I'm trying to gather for my study.
Elliot: Sure, sounds good. Please feel free to contact me whenever. Never too late to brush up on my scientific roots.
This earned a light chuckle from the two scientists.
Demetrius: Right, then. We'll see you around, Elliot.
Robin and Elliot made their way out of the lab and into the basement.
Robin: Alright, uh, down at the basement is my son, Sebastian's room. He's very shy but I'm sure he'll warm up to you.
Robin led Elliot down a few flights of stairs which ended in a huge door with a 'Keep Out' sign. Robin knocked.
Robin: Sebby, are you awake?
There was a muffled sound of rock music coming from the door, but Sebastian wasn't answering. Robin pushed the door open anyway.
Sebastian was sitting in front of his computer, blaring bad rock music. Elliot didn't mind since he sometimes listened to this band, but the smell made him feel a bit nauseous. The room wasn't well-ventilated and there was a hint of cigarette smoke in the air. It felt quite uncomfortable.
Sebastian: Mom, didn't I tell you to knock first?
Robin: I did knock, Seb. You didn't answer. (Sigh) Anyway, I just wanted you to meet the new farmer over at Kipling.
Sebastian paused his music. He eyes the small figure beside his mom. He had a stern and stoic look on his face.
Sebastian: Out of all the places you could live, you chose Pelican Town?
What a bitch, was Elliot's first impression. As if it was his choice to move here.
Robin: Sebastian!
Sebastian: What?
Elliot: Haha, it's alright, Robin. Well, anyway, my name's Elliot. Nice to meet you. I think I'll get going now.
Elliot gave them a wave and started to come back upstairs. Robin followed behind.
Robin: I'm really sorry for my son's attitude back there. He's quite moody.
Elliot: Nah, it's okay, Robin. Thanks for showing me around your house and introducing me to your family.
Robin: Sure thing, Elliot. Do come by again if you need anything, alright?
Elliot: Absolutely!
Elliot started walking toward Pierre's general store. On the way, he saw Mayor Lewis staring forlornly at a dilapitated building.
Elliot: Good morning, Mayor Lewis.
Lewis: Oh, hello there, dear. Didn't notice you there.
Elliot: Uh, what's this building?
Lewis: Oh, it's the old community center. It used to be a thriving place. Come inside.
Lewis unlocked the door. It was just as worse inside as it were outside. The ceiling was starting to cave in and there was a nest of some sort in one corner.
Lewis: I had to lock the door to keep the villagers out. It's not exactly safe in here. Jas and Vincent used to play here a lot.
Elliot: Whoa, what hap-
Elliot saw movement at the corner of his eye. Probably a rat. But he felt like it was something else. He walked towards the nest-looking thing. It looked like a very small hut but nothing's inside. Elliot turned and saw a jellybean-looking thing. Is that even the right description? He wasn't too sure what he's seeing but it sure was intriguing. When it started to walk toward him, he couldn't help but yelp.
Lewis: Whoa, hey! What is it?
Elliot: Lewis, there's something in here!
Lewis: What? What is it?
Elliot pointed at where he saw the entity but it was no longer there.
Lewis: Hmm. Alright, it's probably just a rat. I'll leave the door unlocked, in case you could help us with this problem. I'll talk to the other men in town as well.
They went out of the building and Lewis bid Elliot farewell. What even was that?, Elliot tried to think. It's only almost noon and he's already had quite a rollercoaster of a day. He definitely needed to unwind at the beach after that.
And so he made his way into Pierre's. And then started towards the beach.
Robin: South of town, past the bridge. You can't miss it.
Elliot tried to remember what Robin said yesterday.
Sebastian: Out of all the places you could live, you chose Pelican Town?
Elliot couldn't help but laugh. What's so bad about this town? Guess Sebastian just never had a life as eventful as Ellie's.
As he was approaching the south bridge, Elliot saw a handsome man standing on it. He was wearing a nice, casual suit. His long, orange hair was waving in the slight breeze. Elliot was smitten. What the hell, love at first sight?
The man on the bridge noticed Elliot staring. He gave him a warm smile.
Elliott: Can I help you?
Ellie: OH! I'm sorry, please excuse me for staring, I didn't mean to be rude.
Elliott: Hah, it's alright. I haven't seen you before? Are you, perhaps, a visitor from another town?
Ellie: Oh, no. I'm the new farmer over at Kipling.
Elliott looked entertained and intrigued.
Elliott: A new farmer! And a new addition to the Pelican Town family. I'm Elliott. I'm a writer looking for inspiration in this lush valley. It's my pleasure to meet you.
A writer! Ellie tried and failed countless times, trying to come up with stories he actually liked to tell and read. Unfortunately, writing just wasn't his strong suit.
Ellie let out a slight laugh.
Ellie: Oh, what are the odds? My name's Elliot too!
The two of them laughed about this coincidence.
Elliott: Oh, my. It would be quite troublesome for everyone to refer to either of us then.
Ellie: Nah, it's alright. I'll just tell everyone to call me Ellie. You can be the Elliott.
Elliott: Alright. Ellie it is for you, then. I wonder, do you have plans tonight? I'd like to give you a proper welcome at the saloon, if you don't mind.
Ellie: Oh, sure. I'd love to go. Um, I don't drink, though. Maybe we could just have dinner?
Elliot: Ah, I see. Dinner sounds good as well. I'll invite my friend, Leah. Have you met her?
Ellie: Leah? Let me think. Not yet, maybe?
Elliot: Splendid! I believe you two would get along swimmingly, just as we did.
With that, Ellie waved goodbye to Elliott and proceeded to the beach.
The breeze welcomed him when he emerged from the brushery. It felt so good on his skin. Leaving the city behind wasn't a bad idea after all. He could get used to this.
He noticed a shack and a small port and tried to check it out. The boards creaked as he walked on them but they looked quite sturdy, still. The shack was apparently a fishing supplies shop. He knocked and opened the door.
Ellie: Good afternoon!
Willy: Hello there, lassy. How can I help ya?
The old man behind the counter looked so kind, he reminded Ellie of his father. The ache started to creep up on her again, but he brushed it off.
Ellie: Hello, Sir. I'm the new farmer over at Kipling. My name's Elliot. It's nice to meet you.
Willy gave him a warm smile.
Willy: A new farmer, eh? That's great news! She'd been neglected for quite some time now that yer grandpappy's gone, may Yoba bless 'im. Say, you got any knack for fishin'?
Got any knack for fishing? Fishing is one of Ellie's most favorite pastimes. Albeit virtually, of course.
Ellie, bashfully: Um, this is quite embarassing but I only ever "fished" in video games. There's not a lot of fishing places in the city...
Willy: Ah, lassy, yer in luck then! Here in them countryside, there's always a place to fish. If yer not sure how to handle a pole, I could very well teach ya. Here, lemme lend ya one.
Willy fishes out a sturdy fishing pole from behind the counter. Sure, it wasn't the best but it did the job.
Ellie: Oh, thank you, Sir. I will return it in tip-top shape.
Willy: Nah, lass. That's yers now. And you best be callin' me Willy instead of that Sir ya got goin' on.
How kind...
Ellie: Yeah, haha. Sorry about that, Willy.
Willy: It's no trouble. Alright, how 'bout we get yer sea legs on?
Ellie and Willy spent a few hours in the afternoon fishing. Ellie got the ropes in no time. Apparently, the virtual fishing hobby proved to be useful even quite a bit. At around 2 pm, they had caught a bunch.
Willy cooked some of the fish and he and Ellie had lunch together by the sea.
Willy: Well I haven't had fun like this in quite a while. Thank you.
Ellie: Thank you, as well, Willy. I promise I'll keep on practicing.
Willy: Aye, that's the spirit, alright.
At around 5 pm, Ellie said goodbye to Willy and went home.
He cleaned the farm a bit and planted the parsnip seeds he bought from Pierre and prepared to settle in for the night.
Just as Ellie's eyes were closing, he remembered his dinner with Elliott and Leah.
He checked the time: 8:15 pm. He put on a nice outfit then ran toward the saloon, hoping he wasn't too late for dinner.
Author's note:
Sebastian was listening to Shut Me Up by Mindless Self Indulgence
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grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 2: Welcome to Pelican Town! - Spring, Year 1
The Winter was long, cold and exhausting. By the end of it, everything had been arranged - Elliot had resigned from her job, most of her things had been packed, and she's already got the ropes when it comes to Basic Farming 101. Such a drastic change made Elliot quite anxious and sleep deprived for most of the season.
Dad: Honey, don't sweat it too much. It'll be fine. And don't worry about the money. If you need any help just contact me whenever - even in the middle of the night - I'll be sure to answer.
Elliot wasn't that scared of not being able to get help, she's sure she got that controlled. Her main worries are about these so called "Uncle-gramps" her dad keeps talking about and the whole deal with "The Grex Statera" festival. She's never delved into anything magic before. This whole thing is out of this world; beyond real. But this is her reality now.
Elliot: (chuckles) Yeah, dad. I'll make sure to call you when your favorite documentary's on.
Dad: Hey now.
Both erupted in such hearty laughter it almost hurt. For almost Elliot's entire life she'd have lived with her dad and now he's sending her away to live alone in the big countryside. It kind of ached. Well, it ached a lot.
Dad: I'd drive you myself but I still have some things to settle. Don't worry, as soon as I have the time, I'll visit you. Doesn't have to be in the Fall. It's just a couple-hour drive anyway.
With that, dad bid Elliot goodluck and then sent her on her way.
Bus driver: Next stop is Pelican Town! Next stop; Pelican Town!
Elliot waited for quite a while. Via bus, the travel was almost 3 hours long because of all the stops. There were a couple more people getting ready to go down. Elliot readied her things and tried not to anxiously shuffle in her seat. She took the middle seat to get down more quickly so she couldn't see out of the window but she tried to peek anyway. Everything was lush; the place is full of greenery. The stark contrast to all of the concrete in city was kind of jarring to Elliot. And to think that she will be living here from now on... it's quite an exciting idea.
The bus arrived at the stop. A few tourists or perhaps visitors went before Elliot. She rolled her luggage on the side of the bus stop, sat down and waited for the "welcoming committee"
Dad: Also, I've contacted Mayor Lewis beforehand so he could welcome you into the town. Don't worry, there's no need to walk on eggshells - everyone's friends there. Just be yourself and you'll be fine.
Dad's voice is still fresh in her mind. Maybe it was a bad idea to think about him right now. The ache was creeping in again.
Mayor Lewis: Excuse me, young lady. Are you, perhaps, Elliot?
Elliot was pulled out from her little daydream.
Elliot, standing up: Oh, yeah. Hello there. Um, good afternoon. It's nice to meet you.
A lady trudges up next to Mayor Lewis.
Robin: My, such a polite little lady. (Chuckle) Yep, you're definitely Gregory's daughter.
Mayor Lewis: Hello, Elliot. Welcome to Pelican Town. I'm the Mayor of our little community - my name is Lewis. This is Robin, the local carpenter. If you need any repairs in your grandfather's cottage or if you need any building to help in your farm, just contact her.
Robin: Yup! I live in the Mountain Road area. I'll show you around when we have the time. You must be quite exhausted right now, so maybe tomorrow?
Elliot: Oh, please don't worry. I'm quite alright. It wasn't a long trip.
Robin: Alright then, how about I show you around town today?
Elliot: Okay! That'd be cool. Uh, maybe I should leave my stuff in the house first, though?
Robin: Oh, sure! I'll walk you there.
Mayor Lewis: Alright you two, if you need me I'll be around town.
Robin: Sure, Lewis.
Elliot: Thank you for the welcome, Sir.
Lewis: Ah, no need to call me Sir, my dear. Sure puts a few couple years to my age, doesn't it?
With that, Mayor Lewis bid them farewell and went back into town. Robin and Elliot started to walk into the farm's direction.
Robin: Y'know, I never really got to spend a lot of time with your grandfather, or your father, but they were really polite and well-mannered guys. You got their streak, alright.
Elliot: Haha, yeah. Um, thank you, Ms. Robin.
Robin: Aw, no need to be too polite, though. Just call me Robin. You're probably the same age as my son...maybe my daughter? How old are you, by the way.
Elliot: I'm 25.
Robin: Ooh so the same age as my son. Maybe you'll get along fine. He's very shy, though.
Elliot: Oh, that's nice. Having friends in town sounds awesome.
Robin smiled at Elliot as they continued to walk.
Robin: Alright. Here we are.
Freshly recovered from Winter's snow, the place was overgrown. Lots of trees to chop, lots of weeds to pull, and lots of debris to clear out. Elliot started to dread the work. All that time spent in an air-conditioned office behind the computer certainly won't help her now. Elliot can't help but let out a sigh.
Robin: Aw, come on now, Elliot. Sure, it's quite overgrown and the environment's drastically different from the city. But I'm sure you'll love it here! This place just needs a bit of work. If you need any help, your neighbors will be more than happy to lend a hand!
Robin gave Elliot a wink. Elliot returned it with a shy smile. Such good company, Elliot thought.
Elliot unlocked the old house. It's not as dusty as she anticipated but still needs some cleaning. She parked her luggage at a corner and joined Robin outside.
Robin: Alright, it's still early so let's just walk around the main streets for a while, yeah?
Elliot: Sure, sounds good.
Robin: Let's see. There's a general store that's run by Pierre and his wife Caroline. They have a daughter that's a bit younger than you, Abigail. There's a Saloon where most of the folk gather at night. My family and I all go there on Friday nights, as a family tradition. You can join us if you want!
Elliot: Thanks, Robin.
Robin: Sure thing! And there's Granny Evelyn and Old Man George. Be careful, George is very grumpy. Try not to get on his bad side.
Elliot: Oh, I'll remember that.
Robin: They have a grandkid, Alex. Not sure, but I think you're about the same age. Then there's a trailer where Pam and Penny lives. At Willow Road, there's Jodi with her sons, Sam and Little Vincent. And there's also Haley and Emily.
Robin and Elliot visited the main street residents one by one, exchanging pleasantries and whatnot. By the time they were done it was night.
Elliot: Oh boy, (yawn) that's quite a lot of people, haha
Robin: Yep, and you haven't even met my family and the guys at the beach!
Elliot: Oh, there's a beach?
Robin: Mhm. At the south of town just past the bridge. You can't miss it.
Elliot: Alright, maybe I'll just go there on my own tomorrow. Oh, that tour was quite exhausting. But very fun, though!! Thank you so much, Robin.
Robin: Haha, you're quite an introvert too, huh? You remind me so much of my son. Why don't you visit my house tomorrow too so I can introduce you to my family?
Elliot: Sure, sounds good. I'll go there first thing tomorrow before I check out the beach.
Robin: Alright, you need some rest. I'll walk you home.
Elliot: Ah, there's no need. It's just a couple paces.
Robin: You sure?
Elliot: Yep, no need to worry (yawn).
Robin: Haha, alright. I'll see you tomorrow then!
Elliot: (yawn) Yeah, thanks again, Robin.
Elliot dragged herself back to her grandfather's farm, yawning all the way. When she arrived, she went straight to the bedroom, took off the bed's cover and fell asleep instantly.
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grex-statera 1 year
Chapter 1: A Letter - Winter, Year 0
Elliot spent a good chunk of their childhood in Grandpa's farm over at Pelican Town but can't really remember anyone on there, if they do remember her. Every year at Fall, dad would go out into the old farm to keep watch over it "lest there be spirits camping in there, amirite?". But this year it's different:
Dad: Hey champ! Say, why don't you go check up on the farm this year?
Elliot: Mmmm and how exactly do I do that??
Dad: Oh yknow, just check the house if it's still intact. Pull some weeds; get rid of debris...Maybe a attend a meeting or two..
Elliot: Meeting??? In the countryside? Haha that's quite an imagery, dad.
Elliot's always busy nowadays especially with her promotion as a Project Officer in her corporate job. Schedules become more and more hectic. Overtime is more frequent and longer than it was. Hell, she even gets called in to work during the weekends. Ultimately, dad is very worried about her well-being but there's also another thing he worries about - the farm. Sure, they could survive without it; Elliot has more than enough money saved to even buy her own house at this point and Dad's been retired for quite some time now, with a pension, of course. But money isn't the reason why the old farm's being kept around.
Elliot focuses back on her report due next week and dad has no choice but to back down with the topic for a bit or else his daughter might get annoyed and dismiss the topic entirely. The doorbell rings and dad goes out to get the door. He opens it but sees noone, except for a neat-looking dark blue envelope on the doormat. One look and dad already knows what it's about. Dad goes back to the dining table where Elliot has her laptop set up.
Dad: Hey Ells... it's for you.
Elliot's gaze turns to dad then to the pretty-looking envelope in his hand.
Elliot: Ooooh that's such a fancy envelope! Who's it from??
Dad gives her the envelope and Elliot holds it and examines it closely. It's a very pretty thing - matte paper that's very satisfying to touch. Theres nothing written on it except on the middle of one side, in very neat handwriting, it said: To Elliot
Elliot carefully opens the envelope, trying not to rip any of it. Inside was a small card that read:
You are cordially invited to The Grex Statera, to be held this coming Autumn, on the night of Spirit's Eve.
Your return to the roost will be highly anticipated. Do not fail to attend.
- M. Rasmodius
An undescribable fear washed over Elliot.
Elliot: Hey, uh. This is...a really weird letter, dad.
Elliot looks at dad with a puzzled look but dad is just looking back at her, dejectedly.
Elliot: Hello?? What is this about??
Dad: I'm sorry I kept it from you for so long. I knew I should've talked to you about it when you were 16, just like your grandpa did to me. Ahhh, but your mother-
Elliot: What? What's that have to do with this?? Just tell me now, then.
Dad was silent for a bit, trying to find the words.
Dad: We have magic in our bloodline, sweetie.
Elliot just sat there with an exasperated look.
Elliot: What?
Dad: Yes, you heard that right. We have magic in our bloodline. Just like some families out there. Do you remember your friend, Rose?
Elliot: Oh. Woozy Rosie?
Dad: *chuckle* Yep, Woozy Rosie. They had to move to a forest-dense area since they're a family of half-vampires and they needed the shade.
Dad casually drops this information as if it's a part of normal life, not even showing an ounce of his mischievous side. That's when Elliot knew that he wasn't kidding about this.
Elliot: *leans back into the chair, her shoulders slumping* Man, what the hell.......So what are we then?
Dad: Oh, don't worry dear, we're not another species. We're just very well-attuned to nature.
Elliot, confused: What? That's it?
Dad: Yeah. Now you know why we keep getting bothered by animals. It's because I can talk to them.
This revelation shocked Elliot to her core. As if something clicked in her brain. All of those cats and birds in the parks that they visited, the deer, the random lizards and insects that show up from nowhere. The dog, now affectionately looking at dad.
Elliot: Wait so you mean...I can talk to them too????
Dad: Well, not right now as you are since you have forgotten to attune yourself with nature.
Elliot: Excuse me?? What does THAT mean??
Dad: Dear, you've been working yourself to the bone in a concrete jungle. You can't even keep a plant alive. How do you expect that to nurture your magical gift?
Alright, that kinda stung. Elliot was only working for his and his father's sakes. She wants him to retire into comfort, not to spend his retirement days thinking about her well-being, still. She didn't bring this up since it's quite hard to tell parents that you care about them. Maybe this is not a universal experience.
Elliot, still holding the letter: So.....what do we do now?
Dad: I'm going to teach you some farming basics and you're going to move to Pelican Town to watch over the farm.
Elliot: Wait, what? The thingy here won't be until Fall, next year! Why do I have to move to Pelican Town????
Dad: Because you need to revive the farm, honey.
Elliot: But you only stay there for like, a week max in Fall?? How come I need to move there??
Dad, starting to get frustrated: I'm sorry dear, but you're the next heir to the farm, not me. It skips a generation. I'm only a caretaker, in preparation for you.
About 50 thoughts swirled in Elliot's head: What about my job? What about dad? Who takes care of him? How am I going to survive out there? Can I really do this? Am I really just going to drop everything I have right now for something this stupid? Elliot's paranoia was interrupted by dad:
Dad: I know what you're thinking, honey. I'll be fine on my own. And you'll be fine on your own over there. The citizens and your uncle-gramps will take care of you.
Elliot: My what now?
Dad: *chuckle* Grandpa's friends. They will show you the ropes. Y'know, when I first took over the caretaking business for the farm, I didn't know anything either. It was them who helped me out. It's a really nice community out there - they really feel like one big family. Who knows, maybe you'll even find a significant other there?
Elliot, annoyed: Alright, dad.
Dad: *chuckle* Just kidding, dear. Right, since it's quite dead outside how about I teach you about plant care basics in the garage?
Elliot and dad spent a lot of time together that Winter going through everything that could prepare Elliot for what's to come - for the farming aspect, of course. Try as he might, Dad's not really the best person to go to with regards to the magic stuff. The valley has a wizard for that, of course! Maybe even a few.
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grex-statera 1 year
Farmer ELLIOT (singular t) will be the protagonist of this AU. All about them:
Asian. Very susceptible to magic damage shenanigans
Birthday: Fall 20
5'1" condensed mass of whoop-ass. Do not fuck with her, she has anger issues. Also give her the 1", please
Nonbinary biromantic demisexual. Uses any and all pronouns. Have fun with it. Be funny about it
Graduated with a degree in Biology but lost all college education working in corporate for 5 years before dropping everything to move in to Pelican Town
25 years old as of writing
Usually really chill but also very anxious. She's so anxious that she's chill if that makes sense. Pretty cool guy, easy to talk to, easy to hang out with. But once the social battery dies, mans falls off the face of the Earth to recuperate. Do NOT disturb the hibernation or she will be super bummed out with you.
Parent from Grandpa is her dad! They love each other very much. Momma's outta the picture. Root of anger issues. You will know about this later.
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