grex-statera · 1 year
Chapter 6: Heart to Heart - Spring, Year 1
One word to describe the descent into the mines: Maddening. But in an exciting and maybe positive kind of way. Only if you're as optimistic as Ellie, though.
The entirety of last Sunday was spent with Linus in the morning and Marlon in the afternoon. Ellie almost felt like an old man herself.
The first time she went down into the mines was with Marlon.
Marlon: Remember: be alert about your surroundings. If you feel faint or claustrophobic, tell me immediately. We can't have you losing consciousness in here. I can carry you, but I have a bad leg and I'll have to worry about the monsters that will attack us, so don't make it hard for me. Understood?
Marlon was quite scary, but Elliot understands. He's just being careful.
The trip went smoothly. They reached the 20th floor of the mines on the first day. There was an underground lake and a safe area to rest at. They even found an old steel sword for Ellie.
Marlon: Not bad. At least you can keep up. I think I'm quite confident letting you go on your own in here.
Ellie: Really? Thank you.
Marlon: Don't let it get to your head, though. I'm sure there'll be a time when you will pass out in here or be gravely injured. I'll have to be more diligent with my patrols from now own.
Ellie felt kind of bad.
Ellie: I promise I'll be careful.
Marlon: Yeah, that's basic exploration etiquette anyway. Don't sweat it. Even the best adventurers make mistakes sometimes.
The loud timer brought Elliot back to the present. Her thoughts couldn't help but go back to that time whenever she was unoccupied.
Today was Wednesday, though or as Abigail like to call it: Wmovie Wednesday.
She got invited to join their little group. 'The ASS gang', as Abby affectionately called it.
Abby: Cus it's Abby, Sam and Seb. But if we're gonna add you, it'll still be the same but looks more classy. ASS with an E at the end. Pretty cute, right?
Ellie found herself getting roped more into Abby's group lately. She did try to hang out with Leah and Elliot just as much, though.
Abby's group was fun and wild, while Leah and Elliot were more tame and quiet. Two sides of the same coin.
Elliot got the mini blueberry tarts from the oven. The smell was heavenly. It was a recipe from Pierre so she figured she'd try her hand at making it and bringing some to Abby's.
Her phone lit up with a new message.
Abby: Heyyyy!! Starting in a bit, u coming??
Ellie: Yeah, just getting ready. I'll be there. Wait for me :((
Abby: Sure sure nw :)
Ellie packed the tarts in a Tupperware and headed out.
Ellie: Am outside. Door's locked :(
Abby: Okieeee coming out
Abby was there in a bit to unlock the store door.
Abby, in her best customer service voice: Welcome to Pierre's!
Ellie: Thank you, Pierre Jr. What seeds do you have in stock today?
The two girls laughed.
Ellie: Just kidding. Brought some tarts.
Abby: OOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!! Can't wait to try! Come on, the guys are waiting in the studio.
Ellie thought it was quite awesome that Abby had a studio at her place. It's usually used as a function hall by her mom's aerobics club but only on Tuesdays.
Sam and Seb were on the floor, picking out movies to watch. There were bags of chips and soda cans beside them.
Abby: Behold! The baby has arrived.
Ellie: Baby?
Sam: Hahaha, cus you're the new guy in the group.
Ellie smirked. Then sat down beside Abby.
Ellie: Brought tarts. You guys want?
Sam: Oooooh, what kind of tart?
Ellie: Blueberry. Pierre's recipe. Thought I'd give it a try.
Abby: OMG that's cute.
Ellie set down the container and opened it. Abby and Sam took one each.
Ellie: Don't want one, Seb?
Sebastian was busy going thru the downloaded movies on his laptop.
Seb: Maybe later.
Ellie: 'mkay.
Abby: Ough, this tart's so good. I kinda miss mom now.
Ellie: Oh? Your parents aren't home?
Abby: Nah, probably went to the next town or the city. I don't really know. But they always go out on Wednesdays for a day off.
Ellie: I see. I brought one for each of them too, by the way. Maybe Pierre can give me a feedback on how well I did.
Abby: Aw, I'm sure he'll like this.
The group agreed to watch a couple of horror movies for the rest of the afternoon. The last one ended at around 3 pm.
Sam: Nice, still early. One more?
Ellie: Nah, I'm good. Think I'll head to the mines for the rest of the day.
Sam: Wow, you're really obsessing over that place, huh? Can't blame you, though. It's not everyday you become an official member of the Adventurer's Guild.
Abby: Ohhhhh. I wish I could be one too! But my parents are gonna kill me if they knew I've been going to the mines on my own. You know how dad can be.
Ellie: I can just teach you some sword techniques if you want. Get a taste of that adventurer spirit.
Seb: Nah, don't enable her. You'll just get her in trouble.
Abby: Hey! Killjoy.
Abby rolled her eyes. Sebastian ignored her, savoring his tart.
Ellie: Ugh. You ever had any fun in your life, Sebastian?
Seb: Sure.
Ellie just stared at him, frowning.
Ellie: Right, well, think I'll get going now. Thanks for the movies, guys.
Sam: Sure thing, Ells. Let's hang out again when you're not busy.
Ellie: Yeah, just text me. I'll just get my Tupperware maybe tomorrow, Abby.
Abby: Yeah, no worries. I'll tell mom.
Abby walked Ellie to the door then went back to the studio.
Abby: Dude, you're kinda annoying, y'know?
Seb, bewildered: Uh? And what did I do this time?
Abby: I dunno, but it's like... I dunno but that was kinda annoying. Like, you ignored Elliot the whole time and then sneered at her? Come on, man.
Seb: Hey, first of all: I didn't ignore her. Second: I didn't sneer at her. When did these things ever happen??
Sam: Ehhhh, let me think. Counterpoint to your first point: you kinda ignored her tart when she offered. Counterpoint to your second point: you didn't want her to spend time with Abby.
Seb: Hey, I DID get a tart - and it's good, by the way - and I just said that 'cause Abby had been in trouble with that sort of thing before! It's not a big deal.
Sam: Alright, alright. I guess so. But now she thinks you're no fun.
Seb: Well, you guys know that I AM fun. Who cares what she thinks?
Abby: Dude, she's our friend now. Can't you just be a little nicer?
Seb: Man. Sorry, guys, if I'm not immediately chummy with a stranger who literally JUST moved into town last week. Alright, I've had enough. I'm goin' home.
Sam: Sheesh. Having a breakdown now?
Seb: I am NOT having a breakdown. I need a nap.
Sebastian packed his things and headed home.
It was dark in his room when he woke up. He reached around his bed for his phone: 7 pm.
Seb: Ugh. God.
He got up and turned on the lights then got dressed in his usual hoodie. He didn't even bother to take his jeans off when he plopped down his bed earlier.
He took his pack of cigarettes and his lighter and went outside.
Sebastian walked over to his usual spot by the lake near his house, thankful that that wild man wasn't there this time. They didn't mind each other most of the time but sometimes, when old Linus was in the mood, he could be very chatty, which irritated Sebastian so much.
He lit up a cigarette and stared at the water. If there's one thing he'd appreciate in Pelican Town, it's the peaceful scenery, especially at nighttime. Whenever he'd take a night ride on his motorcycle into the city, it's always still busy at this hour. Still a lot of people walking about; noisy bars here and there. Too many lights, you can't even see the stars anymore.
He kept thinking about it: did he really want to move into the city? Or did he just wanted a place of his own? He looked up into the night sky. It was beautiful.
Sometimes he takes a peek in Maru's telescope, when she leaves it unattended outside. Space always looked beautiful in the countryside. Everything did. And most of all, it felt like home.
He took another hit on his cigarette and tried to think about it again, when he heard footsteps drawing near. "Damn, Linus at this hour?", He thought. He took a closer look - it was Elliot.
Somehow he felt compelled to talk to her. Maybe he should apologize.
Before Ellie could turn the corner she heard someone call up to her.
Seb: Hey.
Elliot turned around. Man...out of all people. For real?
Ellie: Hi.
Seb: You, uh, really went down the mines?
Sebastian asked, taking another hit at his cigarette.
Ellie: Yeah. Uh, sorry I can't really talk to you right now. Cigarette smoke and I don't mix well.
Seb: Oh! Sorry, sorry. I'll put it out.
Sebastian threw the remaining cigarette into the ground and put it out with his shoe.
Seb: You, uh, allergic?
Ellie: Not really.
Seb: Asthma?
Ellie: No, I just... Uh, I don't like the smell. Sorry, kinda stupid.
Seb: Nah, I get ya. Don't worry about it.
Ellie: Did you...need anything?
Seb: Yeah, nah, I just... Uh, wanted to apologize. Y'know for being...like, kind of a jerk. I dunno, I guess it just takes some time for me to warm up to strangers.
Ellie: That's fine. I understand.
Seb: Cool.
Ellie smiled at him. Sebastian just stared. Both were so awkward, it kind of hurt.
Seb: So, uh. Got far down in the mines?
Ellie: Um, yeah actually. I got to, I think around like floor 40 plus? I dunno, I forgot.
Seb: Cool.
Ellie: Oh, I picked up this pretty gem. Want it?
The gem glimmered faintly in the moonlight. It was a frozen tear.
Seb: Ohhhh. I love these things!
Sebastian rolled the gem around the palm of his hands, grinning.
Seb: Hey, thanks a lot.
Ellie: Sure thing! I'll, uh, get going now, alright?
Seb: Oh, yeah. Uh, take care, I guess. See ya around.
Ellie: Thanks. And uh, thanks for smiling at me, haha.
Elliot waved goodbye.
Sebastian stood there, kind of in a shock. Was he always so grumpy? Sheesh.
Seb: Man, I should loosen up a bit.
He looked at the gem in his hand.
Seb: Yeah. She's not so bad after all.
He pocketed the gem, then walked back home.
Author's Note:
Companion music to the Ellie and Seb talk sequence:
Bleached by Video Days
0 notes