greychaosdump · 15 days
Clavis looks shady shopkeep selling dubious items
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greychaosdump · 21 days
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I love this silly and adorable man 🥺
A compilation of cute Clavis moments during the current event cause why is he this cute? I can't handle it
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greychaosdump · 23 days
I could make Clavis squirt.
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greychaosdump · 30 days
from the preview of clavis's sequel:
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aww, look at the painting of emma up on the wall
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greychaosdump · 30 days
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I love this silly and adorable man 🥺
A compilation of cute Clavis moments during the current event cause why is he this cute? I can't handle it
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greychaosdump · 1 month
Clavis Sequel Spoilers
I know which answer I’m choosing 😋
Gilbert: Hey - Ms Bunny, what do you think Clavis has that Chev doesn’t?
1. Doting personality
2. A nice smile
3. Holder of the World Championship Title for Pitfall Traps
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greychaosdump · 1 month
Black Haired Princes
Quality isn't good at all but anyway managed to make them all black...
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greychaosdump · 1 month
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i am going to fight this 5'4" guy
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greychaosdump · 1 month
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Chevalier - eat your heart out with jealousy - this is the Royal Academy of Achroite’s library, noticeably larger than the one in Rhodolite’s castle. It even comes with its own section of romance novels.
They’re just left of the books detailing the best way to execute people for jaywalking.
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greychaosdump · 2 months
Matias Asbrink - I fell in love with you that day – Choose your true love - Event Summary
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
One morning, Emma woke up to find herself in a strange room. She looks around in a panic before her memory comes back. She is in a guest room in the Achroite castle. 
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(That or a very nice ski lodge)
Her memory comes back to her - she was eating dinner with her new friend, Prince Matias, but it had grown late so he had let her stay in one of the castle’s guest rooms. 
Well, Emma isn’t a bad guest. She should get up, get ready, thank Matias for his hospitality, and leave. 
She hears the sound of knocking on her door, and then Matias’ voice calls out asking if she is awake yet. 
Emma calls back she is and opens the door to Matias. He’s as impeccably dressed as always, without a single hair out of place. He smiles at her and asks if she slept well last night.
Oh, Emma did. A little too well, she just got up and hasn’t fixed her hair yet. She apologizes for being so unkempt.
Matias assures her that she’s just fine, if anything, she’s cute in a new way like this. She reminds him of little snow fairies playing in the powder snow.
But that aside, they have something serious to talk about. You see, Emma broke the rules last night.
Emma recounts last night - she doesn’t recall doing anything wrong, but maybe these are some of the laws that defy her common sense. Suddenly all she can see is the cold expression on Matias’s face as he condemns criminals to jail. Her heart beats in her ears as her veins turn to ice.
Matias is usually very kind and gentle, but he acts the complete opposite towards criminals. Even though they are friends, Emma doubts he will show her any mercy. 
Ominously, Matias tells her to accept her punishment, and Emma nods, closing her eyes.
. . . !?!!!!
What kind of punishment is this? Emma’s eyes snap open to see Matias’ face, his eyes sparkling sweetly right in front of her. Her forehead, where he kissed her, feels sensitive. 
As she stands there in shock, Matias caresses her cheek. He reminds her about their ‘lovey-dovey’ rules, which state if they have a day off the following day, Emma spends the night in his bed. He asks why she didn’t come to him last night - she especially loves cocooning up in his blankets. Up to now, she has always praised his owl embroidery. 
Or was she so excited for the punishment that she was teasing him? Don’t worry, he’ll kiss her as much as she wants. 
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(All day, any day)
Is Emma still asleep? Is this some bizarre dream to taunt her?
Matias has noticed by now that Emma hasn’t responded to him in a while. He says her name sweetly as if prompting her. Then his face comes close for another kiss. 
Emma shrieks and asks Matias what he thinks he’s doing. Confused, Matias admits to trying to kiss her again - oh, could it be that she’s not in the mood for kisses?
Emma asks why in the world should he kiss her? Did he work too much as is still tired?
Matias looks upset, shouldn’t they want to kiss each other? Isn’t this normal for them?
Well, no! Emma reminds Matias that they are just friends!
. . . Friends?
Matias mutters to himself to calm down, no matter what is going on he just needs to stay calm. Looking up at Emma pleadingly, he asks if this means she’s dumping him and they’re no longer lovers.
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(Will his imaginary ex-wife take him back?)
Matias asks why she looks surprised. She was there too, through their tumultuous breathless times, and enough hardships to freeze one’s heart. Has Emma already forgotten the happiness they found, bursting through the snow like daisies?
Emma looks at Matias, at his ardent expression and grows concerned. He’s always been one to march to a beat of his own tune, but even for him, he’s acting strange. 
Emma apologizes, she doesn’t remember anything. She’s only met Matias recently, nothing like what he’s describing has happened. 
Matias looks upset, then he looks like he’s come up with something. Did Emma say that had just recently met? But from his point of view, they have been together for a while now, and while it’s still early, they are in their honeymoon phase.
He’s had a daydream like this before. He was wondering what would happen if he went backward in time and met an earlier version of Emma.
Oh my gosh, he daydreamed so hard that he made it his new reality!
Emma considers that, if you ignore all the delusional daydream wording, Matias is essentially saying he’s from the future. It’s too unbelievable- but on the other hand, the Matias she knows does not play practical jokes like this. So, maybe this is real.
Matias asks if this means that he and Emma are not lovers, does that at least make them friends? Oh, so all those plans he had for today . . .
Matias hangs his head, depressed. Emma tries to peer into Matias’ face, but he simply looks gloomy. She tentatively asks what were his plans today.
Well, he was planning on going on a date with her. He had made plans and arrangements for all their activities, but now . . .
As if for proof, Matias pulls out a sheet of paper from his breast pocket. 
Emma reads the small, neat lettering, her eyes going wide. He’s put a lot of effort into today.
If it means so much to him, Emma is willing to go on a friendship date. She has the day off from work and nothing in particular planned. 
Matias perks up and asks if she’s sure. Emma nearly flinches from the sex appeal centered on her and nods in response. Of course, she will, just as long as Matias keeps it friendly, unlike before.
Matias can agree to that. When in Rome and all. They are friends at this time, so he won’t go beyond that boundary. Emma nods, even if this is future Matias - he’s still fundamentally the same person she became friends with.
After she finished getting ready, Matias’ first stop is the Achroite Royal Academy—specifically its library. 
The sight of tall bookshelves reaching up to the vaulted ceiling full of books lifted Emma’s heart. In comparison, Rhodolite’s library was small and simple. Emma looks all around, almost spinning in place and Matias laughs. He explains that he didn’t realize it was her first time coming here, and he’s delighted that she’s so pleasantly surprised. 
With a sweet gaze directed towards her, Matias guides her around the library. He explains that the Royal Academy hosts royals and aristocrats from all over the continent, allowing the librarians to purchase books freely. Achroite needs to be unbiased in their knowledge.
Most of the books are academic and law-related, but they boast a wide selection of other genres. Including Emma’s favorite romance novels, all gathered in this particular section. When he was a student, Matias could often be found here.
Emma asks if he is seriously saying that this entire section is romance novels? 
Yes, cultivating one’s emotions is a particular skill for adolescents. 
Oh, and here! This is one of future Emma’s favorite books. Emma accepts the book and flips through the pages. She thanks Matias, even a cursory glance through the pages shows promise. 
If she wants to read for a bit, she should do so in the lounge. Matias begins to lead her further into the library. 
When they come across the sofas, Emma sinks into one. Sitting next to Matias, Emma suddenly realizes how quiet and empty the library is and asks Matias about it. 
Matias explains that the library is usually full of students, but this time of day, they are attending lectures. Also, this is a very slow time for outside visitors. Emma asks if he finds this atmosphere peaceful, and Matias does, though that’s not the point. He likes to watch Emma’s emotions play out on her face as she reads. He doesn’t want anyone else to see her, it’s his own personal treasure. 
Matias smiles at her, his snow-colored eyes burning with a heat that could not be chalked up to just a friend. 
Overwhelmed, Emma tears her gaze away from Matias and focuses on the book. 
Matias doesn’t seem to mind and continues. After they get married, he would like to build a library just for her in the castle. That way she can read all she wants, and he can enjoy watching her figure all he wants. Oh, and then he could make her coffee, and just as she finishes, he can bring it to her, and she will be all embarrassed and bashful . . .
Emma has heard Matias talking about his future Queen before, but it’s weird to picture herself in that role. Trying to distract herself, Emma opens the book to read it. Matias doesn’t mind and continues elaborating on his fantasy, distracting Emma from reading the book. 
Together they leave the library and head to the center of town. Matias is giving her the full tour, and Emma is enjoying it. 
Suddenly Matias stops at a shop and asks if Emma doesn’t mind waiting for him while he buys something. Emma doesn’t mind, and while he’s in the shop, she admires the woodworking displayed at a nearby stall. The woodworking of Achroite is truly marvelous, it looks easy to use but the lines are soft and gentle. 
Matias returns shortly, with a large, overloaded pack. Emma blinks at it, then asks if he wants her to help carry some of it. 
Matias assures her that he is fine with this - the weight is nothing to him. 
Okay, but maybe Emma should call for a carriage?
Nope, Matias would rather continue with their friendship date. If he promises to have her home in the evening, would Emma consent to continue with him?
Emma doesn’t mind, but is Matias certain he can handle this?
Of course! When he was a part of the National Guard, Matias once had to walk for three days without sleep, all while carrying a 50kg pack. This is nothing!
Wondering what Matias intends to do with all his items, Emma lets him lead her away to a secluded lake. It is frozen over, and the top sparkles in the sun. 
Emma marvels over it, it truly is beautiful, and the scenery reminds her of a scene from the book. 
What she had been able to read during Matias’ monologue was a girl who lived by the lake and one day met her soulmate. 
While Emma recalled the scene, Matias spreads out a quilt on a nearby tree stump. He admits that he included this in his date plan because of that. He urges her to sit down on the stump and wraps her up in the quilt. Emma thanks him and he assures her that he wants her to be toasty-comfortable.
Matias pulls a log out of the pack and begins setting up a campfire. He explains that as beautiful as it is, the lake is also famous for its cold temperatures, so the blanket won’t be enough. Once he has a happy fire going, he pours water into a cup and heats it up over the flames while he begins grinding a pack of coffee beans.  Emma watches as he sets up the water and coffee beans to start making coffee. 
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Emma praises Matias’ outdoor skills, and he admits he gained most of them while he was in the military. They would often have to camp, so he had learned several skills to avoid freezing. 
He hands her the freshly brewed campfire coffee as well as a baked apple. Emma is happy as she eats and drinks, remarking on this luxury. Her happiness makes Matias happy.
Emma asks if he ever cooked like this for his fellow soldiers - and he has. Granted, he would cook meat instead of fruit, but he thought Emma would prefer apples.
In the military, there are a great many hardships, but it’s important to keep morale high. Good food and enough to keep their bellies full does wonders on keeping soldiers content and easier to command.
Emma is happy by all of this, but also happy to have learned more about Matias.  As friendship dates go, Matias put a lot of effort into making this one perfect. She looks at Matias, who is sitting next to her, his snow-colored eyes staring back. As she begins to feel overwhelmed by his raw sex appeal, he wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her close to him. 
Suddenly Matias tenses up and pulls away. He almost forgot they were friends and not lovers and apologizes for almost breaking the rules.
He shuffles away from her slightly, laughing awkwardly with a troubled look on his face. When he returns to his own time, he will have to have lots of fun with his lover - until he is satiated.
Emma awkwardly notes that he kind of overshared there. Matias points out this has a lot to do with her - in the future at least.
Emma shakes her head; she still can’t fathom them being more than friends. Even though Achroite is relaxed on classism, Matias is still a prince. 
Matias asks if she truly can’t imagine falling in love with him. Was their date today that bad?
Of course not! Emma had a lot of fun, and she genuinely enjoyed spending time with Matias, even as just a friend. 
In her heart she knows that Matias is a just man, but sometimes, when his eyes grow cold as he is sentencing a criminal. . .
It’s not that she doubts that there is a future with Matias, it’s more that she can’t see herself getting with someone who, on some level, she finds scary.
Matias thinks for a bit and offers to tell her what it is like being lovers. He does not doubt that if she understands the love he has for her, she would want to be his lover.
Emma assures him that she knows his love well enough, after all, she could feel the love he has for her in everything he did today.
Matias disagrees, he may have slipped up at the end there, but he was actively restraining himself to match the friendship rules they set in the beginning. This isn’t what he’s usually like with her. He asks her permission to describe their lives together.
He doesn’t expect her to immediately agree to be his lover, but take it slow, one step at a time.
Emma considers this and agrees. Beaming, Matias decides to start at the beginning. 
His daily routine is to wake up with her at his side and watch her adorable sleeping face. When she starts to wake up too, she begins by rubbing herself against his body. He snuggles her, and she very cutely clings to him. When she finally wakes, she has the sweetest dazed look on her face, and that is when he kisses her good morning. 
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(I wouldn't try narrating morning sex as a reason to start dating, but you do you, Matias)
Emma listens to Matias, her face hot with embarrassment. She tries to picture herself as the woman writhing up against Matias, but it falls flat. 
It occurred to her that Matias lover is someone else. 
Maybe it really is a future Emma that he loves, but that’s not who she is. There’s more between them than sweet words and physical affection - they must have endured so much together to form their emotional bond. Right now, Matias loves and misses his future Emma to the point he’s clinging to her, trying to force her into becoming the woman he loves.
Emma watches the lake as Matias continues to describe their perfect honeymoon-like life. The day grows colder, and eventually, they take a carriage back to town, and Emma dozes off inside.
When she wakes up again, she finds herself back in the Achroite Castle guest room. The sky outside the window is bright with the late morning sun. 
She hears a knock at the door and jumps out of bed as Matias calls out a good morning and asks if she’s awake.
Emma opens the door to find Matias on the other side, perfectly dressed with every strand of hair in place. He asks if she slept well and would like to join him for breakfast. 
Emma stares at him, unsure if this is her Matias or the one from the future. After a long moment, Matias asks if Emma is feeling well. 
Emma assures him he’s fine, but Matias insists. They’re friends, right? She doesn’t need to put on a tough exterior when around him. Emma assures him she really is fine, she just had a really bizarre dream that was so real, she’s just having trouble making sense.
A strangely real dream? Oh, Matias has those all the time. He has lots of daydreams like that!
Daydream . . .? Emma recalls future Matias also mentioning realistic daydreams. But this dream of hers felt like something different. 
Tentatively, Emma wants to ask Matias a question. She asks if he sleeps with a blanket with owls embroidered on it. And is this blanket particularly soft?
Oh yeah, he does. Um . . . How does she know about the blankets in his bedroom?
Emma quickly explains that a maid told her about it.
Huh, it’s kind of weird for her to go out of her way to ask about his blankets. Could it be . . . She’s curious about his bedroom? Does she want to spend time, wrapped up in his blankets, relaxing in his room?
Does she want to come to his room?
Before Emma can reply to that, Matias pulls back, shaking his head. He’s gotten ahead of himself, there is a rule in the Asbrink family precepts that a woman must never visit a man’s room without a proper chaperone.
He quickly assures Emma that he is a proper gentleman and would never do anything to her, but rules are rules. 
This actually relaxes Emma. This is the Matias she knows and is friends with, someone who cares about rules and is a bit strange, but overall, a nice man. 
Matias stops talking about the family rules and smiles at Emma. He explains that he enjoys seeing her smile first thing in the morning - it gives him energy to tackle the day. 
That . . . Is something future Matias had mentioned as well. Her heart beats loudly as she thinks about a future she has yet to see. One where she and Matias are truly lovers.
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greychaosdump · 2 months
Clavis always exudes a different vibe comparing to others - fresh, funny yet still charming
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Founded after turmoil - Lelouch Kingdom If you make a wrong choice, the weak country could be destroyed
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Available on 21st August 2024
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greychaosdump · 2 months
Clavis Lelouch - I fell in love with you that day – Choose your true love - Event Summary
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
Emma recalls sitting in Clavis’ mansion’s garden in the morning just moments ago, but suddenly finds herself falling in Rodolite’s Castle. She’s literally falling down from the ceiling, but thankfully Clavis is there to catch her.
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(Eh, it’s a normal Tuesday.)
Clavis, who was holding her in his arms, was so stunned that his usual smile was wiped from his face. Emma noticed several men, who seemed to all be aristocrats surrounding them, as well as the ever present Cyran distinguished by his rose-red hair.
No one seemed able to talk, as everyone gaped down at Emma.
Suddenly the aristocrats surrounding them started shouting that there was an intruder and summoning the guards. Almost immediately the surrounding becomes a cacophony of noise and Emma can make out the sound of screaming and guards running.
She desperately assures the aristocrats that this is all some misunderstanding and asks Clavis to back her up. Clavis hums, considering this, and Emma prompts him again.
Clavis asks if she’s really sure they’ve met before.  Emma tells him to stop joking around for once.
Huh, it sounds like Emma thinks she knows him. And he’s not some playboy who will forget some girl’s face.
Clavis’ smile is very suspicious, and Emma gets the odd feeling that Clavis isn’t joking right now. For some reason, she thinks he’s considering handing her over to the guards. She doesn’t understand what is going on, or what Clavis is up to, but maybe she should run away.
Emma tries to squirm out of Clavis’ arms, but instead, his grip on her tightens. He tells her to wait, and Emma snaps back that if she waits, she’ll wind up in jail, no thanks to him. Clavis praises her intelligence.
Emma snaps that this is all his fault, did he fall down, hit his head, and lose his damn mind?
Well, Clavis can’t guarantee that scenario didn’t happen. Emma wants to start crying.
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(Okay, maybe more like Friday shenanigans)
Emma looks into Clavis’ eyes, but the only thing she can get from him is a look as if she were a stranger. This Clavis truly has no idea who she is. Emma asks him to let go of her.
Will she run away?
Of course!
Well then, Clavis is definitely not letting go. Unless she wants to die, she should come and have some fun with him.
Clavis tells the surrounding guards and aristocrats that they’ll have to finish their discussion later, something quite literally fell down into his arms and he needs to handle it. The men around them start complaining.
Clavis pulls a small bottle out of his breast pocket and throws it down, shattering it against the floor. A thick opaque cloud of smoke fills the area.
Emma is somewhat aware of the aristocrats and guards lunging to grab Clavis, but he slips through them, without relaxing his grip on Emma. As they rush forward, the voices and sounds from the others fade, but Emma doesn’t feel relieved. She doubts Clavis is actually doing this to help her.
Clavis sets her down in an empty room and locks the door behind them. She notices Cyran, Clavis’ personal knight, has accompanied them, and is looking oddly tense, as if she was an enemy.
Okay, it’s not just Clavis who has hit his head.
Clavis notes that Emma said that this was all just a misunderstanding, right? So, now is an excellent opportunity to clear up the misunderstanding. Let's start with introductions first, if Emma can amuse him, he might find some use for her.
Clavis companionably sits down on a sofa and gestures Emma to do so as well.
Okay, apparently ‘fun games’ is Clavis for ‘interrogation’. If Emma says something wrong, the best-case scenario is that she’ll be locked up. She needs to understand what is going on first.
When Emma obeys and sits down across from him, she suddenly feels like a rabbit trapped in the jaws of a beast.
Emma tells Clavis her name.
Clavis does not recognize her.
Well, even if Clavis doesn’t know her, she knows him very well. Clavis asks if it’s because he’s so famous. Emma suddenly notices something, and Clavis asks if she just noticed how handsome he is.
Well, actually, Emma just realized how young he looks, no older than 20 at best. And Cyran as well, his uniform is completely different.
There is no insignia on Cyran’s uniform indicating that he is the first knight of the foreign faction, if anything, his uniform suggests that he’s pretty low level.
Oh no.
Emma asks if Clavis’ father, the King of Rhodolite, is still alive.   
Clavis gives her an ambiguous response, he rarely ever sees the king, so if he died Clavis might not have noticed.
Yup, that is a completely different response than a Clavis surviving his father’s death would have given. Emma has somehow found herself in the past.
Clavis directly asks if Emma is a spy from Obsidian or something similar. Emma denies this and tries to explain that she’s from a time when the current King of Rhodolite is dead.
Clavis nods, he understands. Emma is an assassin aiming for the current king.
Emma snaps that she is his fiancé.
Clavis takes this as some sort of joke but admits that he has no clue what any of this means. Emma admits that the same goes for her. She sees Clavis look at her finger where her engagement ring sits and turns to Cyran and asks his opinion.
Cyran is convinced that she’s not an Obsidian spy, but . .  .
Clavis prompts Cyran to continue.
He has no real proof of this, but in his opinion, since Emma doesn’t have any weapons, and her manners and responses are amateurish . . .
Okay, Clavis has figured it out. Emma is some deranged woman who has fallen in love with him. Oh, to be so beautiful that women can no longer discern reality and fantasy when near him! His charm is truly sinful!
Oh, so now they all think she’s some mentally unstable woman, and Emma cannot prove that is wrong.
Emma tells Clavis that he’s right, she is in love with him. This love has made her quite literally crazy, and she expects him to take responsibility for his part in it.
Clavis laughs, it does sound like he does need to take care of her personally. First though, what part of him did she fall in love with.
Cyran slides in to tell Clavis that it’s time. Regretfully, Clavis tells Emma that he needs to stop playing now and apologizes for the abrupt pause.
And, since he’s responsible for her mental state, he’ll take her with them. Emma asks if he’s sure, but Clavis insists that he likes fun things. To Emma’s surprise, Cyran looks down and gloomy. What is happening?
Emma and Cyran follow Clavis to the Foreign Faction’s Knight’s training grounds. Once they enter, the knights salute Clavis in greeting. Emma has observed this very scene often enough to pick out the obvious tension with the knights. Everyone looks on edge, and vaguely murderous. She wondered if they also worried that se was a suspicious woman, but then she noticed they weren’t looking at her. The rage in the knight’s eyes was all directed at Cyran.
While Emma tries to puzzle this together, Clavis apologizes for keeping the knights waiting for so long, he has come with good news! Judging from everyone’s expressions, they already know, but he would like them to officially welcome the newest member of the Knights of the Foreign Affairs Faction. Cyran is a truly talented and courageous knight, he hopes they can become swift friends.
And now Emma has a time period of where she is in. This must be just after the Bloodstained Rose Day, about 10 years ago. And right now, the only one who looks pleased is Clavis.
One of the knights speaks up and asks if Clavis is particularly sane today. Does he not know that Cyran is an Obsidian Knight?
A former Obsidian Knight, Clavis helpfully points out.
Either way, Cyran is from Obsidian, and no one here will agree with him joining up. How can they accept a knight who has killed people of Rhodolite?
Emma recalls speaking to Cyran about his past. He had said that under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for him, a defector from the Obsidian military, to be appointed as a Knight of Rhodolite. It was thanks to Clavis, whose smile blew away all the opposition, that gave Cyran a second home, and a second chance at life.
Yeah, Cyran had definitely downplayed the opposition against him. This wasn’t mere objections, but full-on murderous intent. It must have been less than a year since the Bloodstained Rose Day, and all the Knights here would have been the first deployed against the Obsidian invasion. Without a doubt, they hated Cyran’s existence.
Clavis assures the knights that he knows and understands their opinions. After all, they recently were trampled on by Obsidian, it’s only right that we as a country can never forgive them.
However! The ones responsible are the leadership, not the soldiers. Clavis reminds them that they killed many people on the battlefield, but the deaths are not on them but on Clavis and Chevalier. After all, they were the commanders who ordered them who and when to kill.  So should the blame for the invasion fall on the Obsidian Royal Family and military commanders instead of Cyran.
And if that doesn’t convince them, then Clavis will wager his own head, right here and now.
Everyone, from the Foreign Faction’s Knights to Cyran, and even Emma stares at Clavis in shock.
Clavis laughs and asks why everyone looks so surprised. If bringing in Cyran as a Knight causes a disadvantage to the country, he’d have to take responsibility anyway. He’s prepared to wager his life on the advantages Cyran will bring the knights.
But, of course, he doesn’t want to die. He assures everyone that there is no doubt whatsoever about Cyran’s talents. He asks everyone to believe him this once.
The murderous aura around the knights wavers, and everyone begins to look confused. Maybe Clavis’ sincerity was able to come through?
Finally, one of the knights asks if Clavis has any way of proving Cyran’s usefulness to Rhodolite beyond words of platitude.
Clavis briefly considers this before deciding that it’s easier to show than to tell. He wants Cyran to show off his skills in a mock battle and prove why Clavis chose him to join these knights.
Cyran looks troubled, which confuses Emma. She knows Cyran as one of the best Knights in Rhodolite, short only to Chevalier. Even if this is the past, he must have some decent skills at swordplay, but right now Cyran’s face is pale.
Clavis asks why he’s hesitating, and Cyran reminds him that they already talked about this. Cyran was originally a member of Obsidian’s Special Forces, but due to his fatal flaw had to join the regular army.
Clavis does remember this conversation. But hey, weaknesses were made to be overcome, right? Right?
Cyran snaps back that he might accidentally kill Clavis. Clavis laughs, he's not worried, that’s why he’s Cyran’s opponent. Surely by now, Cyran knows how sturdy Clavis is. He won’t die, so please feel reassured. If he holds back, he won’t convince the other knights to accept him.
After a long moment, Cyran agrees.
Cheerfully, Clavis urges the other knights to give them space and back up. He accepts two practice swords from a knight and hands one to Cyran.
Emma joins the knights lining up against the training ground walls, watching as the two combatants slowly raise their swords. Suddenly Cyran huffs a sigh, reminding Clavis that he warned him.
Cyran lunges towards Clavis, at the last minute swinging his sword. Clavis dodges, so Cyran hits the ground. Hits the ground, and pushes through it, destroying the area and leaving a crater behind.
Emma and the other knights stare at the two in shock. Clavis laughs, he heard about this, but seeing it sure is something else. He dodges the next strike, still laughing.
Clavis continues to laugh while dodging Cyran’s blows. While one couldn’t say that Cyran is the fastest swordsman, each blow he almost lands is very heavy. Heavy enough that he’s now taken out part of the wall, sending dust flying around.
One of the Knights breaks and calls out to Clavis telling him that this mock battle is far too dangerous, and to stop. Clavis shouts out that this is no big deal.
Cyran hasn’t seemed to notice this exchange, each blow heavier than the last, an expression completely unlike his previous one. He might as well be a completely different person right now. Someone who doesn’t know how to hold back.
Suddenly Emma sees a man with the insignia of the lead knight get between Clavis and Cyran. He has his (real) sword unsheathed and in a defensive position. But by the time Emma realized what was happening, Cyran had already reacted and swung his (practice) sword down, shattering the real blade in half.
Emma watches in horror as one of the broken pieces flies towards her. Her eyes close and she braces herself for the pain.
But then there was no pain at all, only a strong wind that swayed her hair. Opening her eyes, Emma sees Clavis’ back before her, with him muttering that this was a particularly close call. She sees the glint of the shard that was heading towards her lying on the training ground floor.
She sees the movements of Clavis sheathing his training blade before he turns around and asks if she’s alright. Stuttering, Emma assures him that she is and thanks him.
This is when they fall in love.
Emma is confused, and Clavis elaborates. He definitely looked amazing and dashing just now.
Well, apparently Clavis hasn’t changed all that much since the past.
Beyond Clavis, Cyran’s face is pale, and he has dropped the imitation sword. He begins apologizing very sincerely. He has come a very long way in the past 10 years.
Emma assures Cyran that she is fine, and that he shouldn’t think on it too hard. Clavis agrees, now that an accident has happened, there’s nothing they can do to retroactively prevent it. But hey, they now have a super-powerful knight in their ranks. Everyone should rejoice!
Clavis calls out to the head of the Knights. He just said that everyone should rejoice.
Uh . . . oh, yea. As long as Clavis agrees to take full responsibility, then maybe.
Clavis tells the knight that Cyran is perfect for their ranks. Besides, Chevalier has also agreed to this. Are they going to march up to Chevalier and have him explain his reasons to them?
The silence between the knights grows awkward, and Cyran looks even more depressed.
Well, Clavis is a busy man and has other things to do. He asks the knights to help sort out Cyran and show him the ropes. He beckons towards Emma and tells her to follow him, for this, he absolutely needs her help.
Oh no. She knows what’s coming next.
Clavis assures her that together they will do their best.
Oh no. Why does it always turn out this way? Once they enter the garden, Emma roots herself on the spot and refuses. Clavis shakes his head and tells her to watch carefully, he’ll show her the best tricks.
Clavis already has a shovel, procured from who knows where, sparkling in the sun. Emma can almost see all the gardeners of the castle crying over the future holes in the garden. She asks who the traps are for.
The knights of course.
Emma asks Clavis to read the atmosphere. Laughing, Clavis reminds Emma that they were just in the training grounds, that atmosphere was already the worst possible. Emma asks if he saw that atmosphere as competition.
Oh, no, no, no! What Clavis has decided is that the knights need an opportunity to deepen their friendship with each other. As much as it pains him, Clavis will have to thrust all of them into the dark abyss.
If it really pains him, Clavis shouldn’t make such an evil face.
Emma desperately tries to restrain Clavis’ arm as he buries the shovel into the ground. She full on fights with Clavis over the shovel for what seems forever until the sound of footsteps interrupts them. One of the aristocrats Clavis was talking with when Emma dropped in on them is approaching. Emma dives behind Clavis’ back, but she still catches the man's angry stare.
Clavis laughs and asks why he looks so angry, did his wife leave him or something? Emma notices that Clavis is very nonchalantly shifting to block the man’s view of her.
The aristocrat reminds Clavis that they were in the middle of a discussion. He asks where the Obsidian soldier went off to.
The Rhodolite Knights, of course. Last he saw, they were showing him the ropes.
The aristocrat asks if Clavis has lost his mind. Clavis assures him that he’s perfectly well. The man demands that Clavis send back the Obsidian soldier, has he not heard anything any of them have had to say?
Emma realizes that during this time, it wasn’t only the Knights that were protesting Cyran’s presence.
Clavis asks if the aristocrat was listening to him? He already laid out his reasonings for this decision.
The noble grumbles that Clavis is saying that their protests were not worth even hearing. He asks about the woman hiding behind Clavis, is she also an Obsidian spy? Emma denies this as Clavis wonders aloud how interesting it would be if she were.
Ugh, why does he always say things that will provoke others? As if on cue, the hostile aura about the aristocrat morphs into something murderous.
Emma tugs on Clavis’ sleeve to admonish him, but Clavis only smiles fearlessly at her. If this was a fairytale, Clavis would be the perfect villain.
The nobleman tells Clavis that they cannot trust him anymore. He was captured by the enemy, held hostage in an Obsidian camp, but despite all odds, came back alive. He came back alive from an enemy that slaughters both soldiers and civilians indiscriminately.
The only way he can see Clavis surviving that is if he made a trade.
Clavis asks if the nobleman is asking if he’s a traitor.
There’s a long silence, affirming this.
Huh, from what Emma recalls, Clavis had been practically a national hero after the war. Without regard to himself, he had saved lives that should have died. But it looks like reality was different, and the prescence of Cyran had only provoked the resentment of others.
Clavis asks if the nobleman wants to accuse him, why don’t he take him to court. Surely he has enough evidence to prove that he’s the traitor prince. Clavis encourages him to bring anything at all.
The nobleman asks if he understands how serious this is. Obsidian took away everything, and all Clavis is doing is laughing and making fun of those who have been robbed of their peaceful lives and families. His temper rising to the breaking point, the nobleman clenches his fist and takes a swing at Clavis.
Without thinking, Emma moves to cover Clavis, and the nobleman narrowly avoids hitting her. Clavis praises him, if he hadn’t restrained himself, he would have just hit a woman and lost his title of ‘gentleman’.
Emma explains that she’s not the kind of person who can stand back and watch someone get hurt. Clavis praises her bravery and the nobleman tells Emma to get out of his way.
Emma considers him, in this direct confrontation, the anger and hostility from this noble and anyone else would corrode her spirit. She’s not even related to this, and her heart hurts. She cannot imagine what Clavis is going through. Instead, he hides it all with a smile.
Clavis tells the noble to go ahead and get angrier, and the hostile atmosphere increases. Still, Clavis smiles. He explains that many people of Rhodolite have lost something important to them, or have even lost the will to live. Compared to them, the nobles are doing pretty well, and as long as they’re angry, they don’t have to handle their feelings of loss.
To keep their spirits up, Clavis agrees to play with them whenever they want.
Emma understands. She had been wondering why Clavis was always going out of his way to provoke people. He is trying to be a beacon of hatred, an outlet for the people suffering. She can see the realization on the aristocrat’s face as he confronts Clavis’ version of ‘compassion’.
No one said anything.
At least until a knight ran up to them in a hurry, calling out for Clavis.
The new redhead recruit just ran away.
In theory, no one should know the whereabouts of Cyran, who ran away from the training grounds of the Foreign Faction Knights. Clavis, of course, was different.
With a quick goodbye to the nobles and the knights, Clavis and Emma hurry out to the royal forest and quickly come across a hut hidden away in the forest’s depths. And inside the hut is Cyran curled up in a corner.
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(Kennyo is going to have to start complaining about all these princes who keep on shacking up in his hut)
Clavis laughs cheerfully, and Emma asks how he knew where Cyran was. Clavis admits that he told Cyran about this place, a very nice place to hole up when you want to be alone.
Emma wonders if Clavis also used this place when he wanted to be by himself.
Settling next to Cyran, Clavis notes that he threw in the white flag quite earlier than expected. Cyran apologizes, but Clavis waves him off, he’s not blaming him, he’s just here to comfort him.
. . . .
And now Cyran feels worse.
Cyran buries his face in his arms, refusing to even look at Clavis. Clavis asks if he truly hates being a knight, and Cyran disagrees. He came to Rhodolite to atone for his crimes; he knew that he would not be a welcome addition and was prepared for anything.
Okay, but the knights reported that he ran away.
Well, Cyran just now realized that he’s an idiot. He came expecting to be the only person that would have to pay for the misdeeds of Obsidian, but now he realizes that all he is doing is dragging Clavis down.
When Clavis left him behind at the training grounds, the knights lit into him instead of Cyran. And it was the same with the nobles earlier, because of Cyran’s presence Clavis is treated as a villain, even though he was the only person to try to save those 1,000 citizens. If it was just Cyran, he could endure it, but Clavis too . . .
Emma can’t see his face, but Cyran’s voice is shaking. She can feel the pain radiating from him.
Oh, is that it? Out of the three of them, Clavis remains unmoved by the gloomy atmosphere. He admits that everything is still up in the air now, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The more Cyran demonstrates his capabilities as a king, the more people will recognize him, and Clavis will be vindicated. Someday, things will calm down, and Cyran will truly belong.
Until then, Clavis will use Cyran as a windbreak. If Cyran thinks that he’s causing Clavis trouble now, just wait until the future when Clavis will pay back the trouble tenfold. So, if anything, Clavis encourages Cyran to cause lots of trouble now.
Besides, just think about all the bananas Clavis will force future Cyran to eat, and how friendly Cyran will become with a shovel. It is clear to Emma that Cyran doesn’t understand the hell he will be facing. However, his depression seems to have lessened, and he has enough energy to look at Clavis with red eyes.
Cyran asks if Clavis really doesn’t hate him.
Clavis asks if there’s a reason he should hate Cyran.
Right. This is the man Cyran chose to follow.
Cyran wipes his eyes roughly and stands, regaining his composure. Clavis asks if he’s returning, and Cyran is. He hopes one day to be able to say that he made the right choice. He’s decided to move forward, so he won't dwell on all the choices he regrets.
Clavis laughs and agrees. He tells Cyran to go forward with dignity and tell everyone he is the genius knight who was recognized by Prince Clavis. Clavis stands as well, smacking Cyran on the back as the latter leaves the hut. Emma thinks he looks refreshed as if he is free of an evil spirit.
Emma can no longer question why Cyran follows Clavis.
Clavis turns to Emma and remarks that she claims to be from the future. Emma agrees, and tells him not to worry, in her future Clavis is always causing everyone trouble. Clavis laughs, this is the future he is predicting.
Clavis remains a strong person who has suffered many hardships and setbacks but stands up each time. He’s not invincible, but he won’t change his mind. No matter if those around him call him evil, Clavis remains stalwart in his own form of justice. Emma fell in love with him and his ability to pursue the ‘right’ path no matter the obstacles.
Clavis muses that if Emma is truly his future fiancé, that means he’s already manipulating her. Emma begins to agree before stopping and asking if this means Clavis believes her. She was positive he thought she was just the most recent lunatic.
Clavis admits that Emma was acting as if she understood what he was doing without needing him to explain himself. It actually makes more sense that she’s a woman from the future rather than a woman who just met him and understands him immediately.
Besides, which explanation is more interesting?
Yep, that’s Clavis for you.
Besides, if she’s going to cause some mischief, it might as well happen under his protection. He’ll help Cyran, and he’ll help out her, who is suspected of being a spy.
Emma thanks him and tells him that she needs his help to figure out a way to get back to her original time. Clavis promises to help her, there’s nothing he can't do. He smiles happily as he begins to walk towards the entrance of the hut.
As reliable as always. Emma finds herself falling in love with Clavis all over again. Maybe that’s her destiny, to constantly fall in love with Clavis over and over again.
The scene blurs and Emma blinks her eyes to clear it.
She awakes, lying on a bench in the garden as dusk falls. Weird, she was positive she was in a cabin in the woods just a moment ago.
Well, of course she’s not, she’s in Clavis’ mansion’s garden. Maybe she was dreaming?
Dreaming, Clavis asks directly into her ear. Emma shouts and jumps, only to find Clavis, the root of all evil, laughing at her. He praises her response and will give her a 10 out of 10 for that reaction.
Dryly, Emma notes that Clavis has returned, and he explains that Cyran told him that she was waiting for him in the outside garden. Of course, he would come rushing after her. In good spirits, he spreads open his arms and asks for his ‘welcome back’ kiss.
It’s natural to fall in love with Clavis. The past, present, and the future Clavis is always the best.
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greychaosdump · 2 months
My father and I were previously living with my grandmother and abusive uncle, who has thankfully been away for a few months. He returned last night, so my father and I were forced to leave. My father lost his job a few years ago after having several heart attacks, and has been unable to work since. I do not make enough money to support us currently and am working on getting a second job. In the meantime I am hoping to make some extra money on the side via commissions. Commissions will take precedent over requests.
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106 notes · View notes
greychaosdump · 2 months
Time travel Clavis event is pretty cool
We’re getting a taste of Cyran’s fatal flaw that got him kicked out of the Obsidian Special Ops unit
90 notes · View notes
greychaosdump · 2 months
Rio Ortiz - I fell in love with you that day – Choose your true love - Event Summary
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
Emma is floating in a clear blue sky without a single cloud in it. Or is she falling? Just as she wonders that Emma is suddenly plunged into cold water. She struggles to reach the surface as her clothes, waterlogged and heavy, hold her back. Suddenly someone grabs her flailing hand and pulls her out of the water.
Emma takes a choking breath while simultaneously coughing out water, trying to calm down. She mentions that she almost died back there, and hears Rio admit that he was surprised to see her drowning.
Right, Rio saved her. Emma feels herself relax and finally able to calm down.
Still, what is she doing in the Benitoite palace garden? Last she remembered, she was lazing in bed with Rio, enjoying the sun in his room. But what was she doing in the courtyard pool? And why is Rio dressed so formally?
Emma thanks Rio for saving her, explaining that she’s not sure how she wound up in the pool. She apologizes for getting him wet too.
Rio tells Emma that he’s happy that she seems all right, but she seems to be confusing him for someone else. He’s not Rio, he is Valerio. Perhaps this Rio of hers looks similar? Or is she expecting to run into this ‘Rio’, though he’s certain he would remember a name like that.
Rio, or Valerio, removes his jacket and wraps it around Emma’s shoulders.
Emma is confused, what does he mean by this? Is this a weird joke, or maybe the beginning of some game? But looking at his face, Rio . . . well, Valerio looks serious.
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(He just doesn't like looking at her with a see-through shirt on)
Instead of Rio’s warm sky-blue eyes, Valerio looks at her with a trace of wariness, like he did when they first met all those years ago.
Emma connects the clues and realizes that somehow she has been shuffled to the past, to a time before Rio lost his memory.
After a long moment, Valerio asks for Emma’s name and the reason why she’s here.
Emma flounders, since this is the past, she should have no reason to be in Benitoite’s palace. If she doesn’t say something fast, she’ll either be kicked out or be locked in jail.
Emma apologizes for her delayed greeting and explains that she was just hired as a new maid. She apologizes for getting lost and confused and falling into the pool. She then formally thanks him for rescuing her.
She bows formally, saying the first lie that comes to her mind. A peak up shows Rio with a hand on his chin, thinking. He admits that he recalls the head maid mentioning a new hire, so he guesses it is her. It’s nice to meet her.
Valerio guesses that on her first day, Emma got lost and doesn’t know where to go? Emma agrees, she was flustered and got mixed up, leading her to slip and fall into the pool. Valerio reassures her that everyone gets lost and makes mistakes, and to not dwel on it. He’ll show her around personally.
Emma is relieved to find out that they were about to hire a new maid, so she was able to make this work. Still, Rio ahead of her, is smiling and has a beautiful demeanor, like a prince in a picture book. But there is not the familiar warmth and intimacy between him, and there is no conveyance of love.
She feels anxious, but more than that, she feels curious about this version of Rio. She wonders if she’ll be able to learn more about him, things that he doesn’t want to show her.
As long as time allows, she wants to stay by this past Rio’s side.
Emma is brought to the head maid, where she is given a uniform to change into, and then is directed to a room further in the palace. She knocks and enters, only to find Rio, surrounded by piles of documents. She realizes this must be past-Rio’s office.
Valerio looks up at her entrance and approaches her. He notes that she must have hurried as her clothes are a little disorganized, and reaches out to adjust her collar. Her heart races at his touch, but she holds herself stiff. Right now, she is a new maid, she doesn’t want to do anything inappropriate.
Moving forward, Emma explains the head maid told her that she would receive her instructions once she arrived here. She asks Valerio to tell her what he wants from her.
As if sensing her nervousness, Valerio smiles at her, and it’s one of Rio’s smiles. The warmth spreads through her allowing her to relax.
Valerio assures her that she doesn’t need to be so nervous, he simply needs an assistant.
It dawns on Emma that she was hired to be Rio – well Valerio’s – exclusive maid.
What luck! She can stay by Rio’s side without drawing any suspicion!
Emma quickly bows and assures Rio – well, Valerio, that she will do her very best to assist him. Valerio remarks that she seems reliable, his smile brighter than the sun reflecting from the ocean.
It dawns on Emma that this might be a problem. It sounds like they were actively looking to hire someone to serve as Valerio’s exclusive maid – it would be a problem if the real candidate showed up. She’s going to need to be extra careful around Rio.
Valerio begins running through the itinerary of the day, he explains that he mostly does paperwork, but there are occasional meetings, and also . . .
As Valerio talks, Emma grows dizzy with his packed schedule. From the way Rio talked about his duties before they met, she presumed he had a lot of leisure time. Apparently his schedule is packed to the minute. She knew he was making a point to carve out time to spend with her, but still . . .
Well, she can at least help this past version of Rio.
Emma spends the day running errands, delivering documents, and preparing tea and sweets for Valerio’s meetings. Towards the end of the day, Valerio compliments her – since this is her first day, he didn’t expect her to be so competent. If he didn’t know any better, he would think that she had spent years working at the palace. Really, she’s one of the most effective assistants he has ever had.
Emma humbly demurs, but inside she is elated. It seems like she was able to help Valerio after all. But judging from Valerio’s response, the better course of action would have been to be more clumsy and less effective, which would have helped her fit in. She might need to reel in her talents a bit in the coming days.
While they walk together, servants and officials passing by all have a kind nod or word for Valerio, and they occasionally stop to exchange amicable words. It is clear to Emma that all of the people who work at the palace really do like Valerio. She knows that he is the King of Benitoite’s favorite child, but this favor he has with everyone really does cement his place as a fairytale prince.
But, there’s an edge to his smile, an empty, loneliness that she barely recognizes. With Rio just a few steps ahead of her, she wants to reach out and hold his hand.
Before she can give in to her base urges, Emma clasps her hands in front of her, restraining herself.
An official approaches Valerio, calling out to him with a friendly-sounding voice. There’s something about the manner that he’s speaking that clues Emma in that he and Valerio might be friends.
And indeed, Valerio’s smile softens, and he and the official begin to have a lively conversation. Emma politely stands aside to give them an illusion of privacy, until –
The official is explaining that he had a famous artist make a depiction of a beagle, Prince Valerio’s emblem. In fact, that’s what he originally wanted to talk about, a good time for Valerio to receive this gift.
Valerio gracefully accepts this gift, but Emma catches the flash of confusion and wariness in his expression. She knows how Valerio wants to avoid having anything tangible, stemming from the trauma of his youth. Back then, his older brothers would constantly steal and destroy his belongings, driving him to the state where he didn’t want to have anything he could grow attached to.
When the official leaves, Rio’s expression has returned to that well-practiced empty smile. He apologizes for making Emma wait, and they continue down the corridor in silence.
Emma knows that this is the past, and there are limits on what she can do, but it is painful to see him suffer. She wishes she could give him a moment of peace, but what can she really do?
Footsteps catch up to them and the owner announces that the rumors really were true.
Oh no. Emma recognizes this voice.
Turning around, she sees him, younger than she recalls, but still easily identifiable with his deep blue hair slicked back. Out of Rio’s older brothers it would have to be him. It would be tough, but she could have handled Silvio. Handling Emidio is a different matter altogether.
Emidio says that he caught a rumor that Valerio was having a maid serve as his personal assistant. He was curious, and it appears this is the type of woman Rio prefers.
Emidio’s dim, cold eyes examine Emma like one would a product for sale. It takes almost everything Emma has to suppress the anger and pretend to be a normal maid. She bows politely and can hear the condescension in Emidio’s laugh that he doesn’t even bother to hide.
Emidio praises Valerio’s taste in women, this one seems to be relatively intelligent. But he can’t believe that she is just a maid, he senses Valerio and this woman have the kind of relationship that he cant speak out loud for fear of ruining her reputation.
Yep, this is Emidio’s form a bullying, by saying this full blast so anyone in the general vicinity can hear his theory.
Valerio steps forward, breaking the direct line of sight between Emidio and Emma. He chides Emidio from making these kinds of accusations when he hasn’t even known this maid for more than 5 minutes.
Emidio retorts that it’s Valerio who’s being rude, after doing all of that and still just living his life . . .
Emma quickly interrupts and tells Valerio that they’re almost late for their next meeting. Valerio is stunned, possibly because he knows there is no meeting, or that he didn’t expect Emma’s words to echo so much.
Maybe she is weirdly loud, but she wont let Emidio say any more hurtful things to Rio on her watch.
Valerio quickly catches on and thanks her for reminding him. He bids Emidio farewell, and they briskly walk away.
Valerio thanks Emma for rescuing him from his brother and assures her that he is very grateful. But, he’s not entirely sure what they’re doing right now.
Cracking an egg into a bowl, Emma explains that she is making him a snack. Hence why they’re in the kitchen.
Okay . . . but why?
Emma takes a break and faces him directly. She reminds him that he’s been busy since this morning, so she wanted to help him relieve his fatigue. And what better way than by making pain perdue?
Valerio thanks her but assures her that he’s not really that tired.
He might be able to fool others, but Emma is always thinking about Rio. And it’s mostly true, he was doing fine for most of the day – until they ran into Emidio.
Emma decides to rephrase her explanation and tells him to think that she just spontaneously wanted to feed him.
Valerio notes that Emma is an amazingly talented maid who is also great at giving him a refreshing pick-me-up. With a wry smile, he rolls up his sleeves and explains that it’s boring just watching her, so he’ll help. Without missing a beat, Emma thanks him and asks for him to whisk some eggs.
Several minutes later . . .
Emma realizes that she forgot how long it took an amnesiac Rio to develop cooking skills, as apparently Valerio has never cooked before.
The cooking table in front of them was dirty with all kinds of ingredients scattered about it. The eggs she had asked Valerio to mix were more or less in the bowl, but the fruit was all in irregular shapes. Even Valerio, unskilled as he is, can't help but notice how amateurish the fruits of his labor look.
Emma offers to swap with him, but Valerio refuses. He knows that she must be thinking that he is so incompetent, he can’t even use a knife, but he is getting the hang of it, so please let him continue. While muttering darkly to himself, Rio continues to cut the fruit.
His picture-perfect prince image was fading away, and Emma was beginning to see the real Valerio, the one she met just after he lost his memories. Cooking together like this is bringing back memories, and she feels nostalgic for her Rio.
Emma slowly and gently reaches out to Valerio and shows him how to position his hand and knife, letting him cut the fruit. Her Rio is way better at cooking than she is, to the point that she never gets to do this with him. It’s nice.
When Valerio successfully cuts the fruit, Emma praises him, accidentally calling him Rio.
Which Valerio picks up on.
Emma immediately apologizes, asking Valerio to forget it all while kicking herself. She got too relaxed around him just because she was a little nostalgic. She pushes forward, now that the ingredients are ready, they can actually start cooking!
While Valerio watches her suspiciously, Emma begins to heat up the frying pan. After she finishes cooking the bread in the eggs, Valerio arranges the fruits and cream on the dish. Emma cheers, the extra super special pain perdue is complete.
As Emma begins to prepare the tea, Valerio cuts in and asks her to prepare two cups. And, if she could get an extra plate and utensils for one more . . .
Huh, maybe Valerio wants to invite someone to join him. She couldn’t think of anyone, but she complied and pulled out a second place setting.
After she finishes setting up, to her surprise, Valerio gestures for her to sit at the second seat. He explains that she’s been working hard too, and it makes sense for them to take a break together.
The concern in Rio’s – well, Valerio’s voice warms her heart, so Emma agrees to join him. Rio serves her a portion of the pain perdue, and they begin to eat it.
Valerio compliments her, she is surprisingly good at making sweets. Emma demurs, thanking him for helping her. Valerio denies this, he was just messing about. But it was fun. Even the weirdly cut fruit looks cute when eaten like this.
Valerio smiles at her, and it’s different from the distant empty smile that she saw all day today. It looks like one of Rio’s genuinely happy smiles. Maybe she was able to give him a moment of peace today.
Thinking that, Emma’s mouth curves into a smile.
After they finish, Emma begins to clean up, planning on brewing another batch of the now-cold tea, but Valerio grabs her hand. He tells her to wait, there’s actually something he wants to ask her.
Who is she?
There was never a new maid coming in as his assistant – Valerio had thought she seemed suspicious and had the head maid go along with her deception and assign her to him.
He was honestly surprised when Emma had performed perfectly as a maid. And he found several suspicious points, foremost the interaction they had with Emidio. She hadn’t shied away form him, and instead seemed like a guard dog ready to bite him.
Besides that, no matter what work he gave her, she pulled it off flawlessly, no matter how ridiculously difficult the assignment had been.
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(Seriously, he was assigning her ridiculous duties just to see how far he could go)
And finally, she keeps on calling him ‘Rio’ in an intimate manner. It wasn’t her accidentally thinking of someone else or forgetting his name, she seemed to believe that he was ‘Rio’.
So, who is she?
Valerio’s grip on her hand doesn’t hurt, but it is unwavering and won't let go. She has no choice but to tell him the truth. The whole truth.
Afterward, Valerio asks if she wants to try again. Even if it’s a lie, surely she can come up with something more believable.
Emma argues that everything she just said was absolutely true, Rio – well, future Valerio – is her doting fiancé, and conveys his love for her every moment of the day. She can’t begin to match him for his love.
Of course, she is using this opportunity to show how much she loves this past version of Rio, even if her methods are nowhere near as effective. She gently wraps her hands around Valerio’s and gazes into his eyes.
She knows his life is hard, full of worrying and suffering, and he’s not at the point where he can have things important to him yet. Even after deciding to cherish her, Rio has suffered time and time again. But he’s also the happiest he has ever been in the future. She wants Valerio to keep hoping that he has something that is worth cherishing coming in the future for him.
Valerio looks surprised, his eyes wavering like a lost child. He admits that he can’t necessarily prove that she is lying or not.
But . . . maybe . . .
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(Yandere instincts rising! Rising! Falling . . . . Rising!!
Maybe he is a little jealous of the future him who has something worth cherishing.
Emma’s vision turns white, and she can’t even reach out to Valerio and his forlorn smile that burns into her mind.
When Emma opens her eyes, she’s next to Rio, his face sleeping right next to her. She can hear the sounds of waves crashing against the ocean, and the sights, smells, and sounds bring her a sense of security.
She just had the weirdest dream, like she was talking to some sort of past version of Rio. Somewhat confused, she reaches out to stroke Rio’s face.
This wakes up Rio, and he sleepily wishes her a good morning. With a sleepy, blissfully happy expression, he pulls her close to kiss her.
Ah, how much she loves Rio’s smiling face. Her heart fills to overflowing with love and she hugs Rio tightly. He pets her hair and asks if she had a good dream, she seems extra happy this morning.
Emma admits that she did, she met ‘Rio’ in her dreams. Rio notes that it’s the same for him, he must have met her too. Too bad he doesn’t remember his dream.
Rio lowers his eyes, looking depressed, but then he immediately looks up at her, smiling mischievously. He just had the best idea. Maybe if he touches her like this, his memory will come back?
Rio playfully nuzzles against her, his hair tickling Emma’s nose and cheeks. Emma bursts out laughing, complaining that he’s tickling her.
Ohh, so she doesn’t want to be tickled then? Rio stops nuzzling and instead kisses her lips. His lips and hands caress her as if she was something precious, special.
If it was really Rio from the past that she encountered, then Emma has to cherish the moments they spend together. Tomorrow, the day after, and the future beyond that, she wants to love Rio with everything she has.
Emma kisses Rio, pouring all her love into him. She hugged and was hugged in a way that conveyed everything important to both of them.
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greychaosdump · 2 months
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uh un ah uh nnngggg
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In case anyone wants to use it, a rare blushy Rio sprite.
Anyone at all
Especially you
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greychaosdump · 2 months
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I giggled. They're best friends in my fanfic bc they're brother in laws and this is their dynamic HAHAHAHAHA.
This is from the trailer of the event. Unfortunately, I am too busy to do their story 😕. I am doing Sariel and Clavis' (bc Clavis fanpage here), but hopefully, I can do Rio and Silvio's route cause I really want to see their dynamic (haven't done Rio's actual story route yet so I don't know their dynamic!!!). I will try to do Chev and Gil's route if I have time!
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