greykings · 2 years
@greykings - utp
Despite being new to the supernatural world, Gianna had to admit she had adapted pretty quickly to it. Not much fazed her with species, knowing that there were vampires, werewolves, and witches. What else lay in the darkness was beyond her but she was curious to know what was there. Writing in her notebook, mainly to document the struggles she faced as a newborn vampire, she heard someone nearing her and looked up. “I’m not in your way, am I?”
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Helia was carrying her shopping bags with a huge smile on her face. The sun was out, people were out and about, she enjoyed just walking through the street and being able to greet people at random. When a voice caught her attention, she almost wanted to say ‘hi there’, until the question got through. “Oh no, no worries my love, I have plenty of room to walk around you.” She cast a curious glance to the notebook. “Are you documenting this wonderful day?” she asked. 
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greykings · 2 years
_closed starter from HELIA to AMALIA
“We’ve all got our crosses to bear,” Helia said, smiling kindly. “And that’s all okay, don’t let anyone drag you down, alright.” ( @perssuassive )
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greykings · 2 years
_Closed starter from HELIA to UTP
“Somehow, you looked a little sad to me,” Helia said, her face was slightly serious as she studied the other. “How about we go for some coffee? Get some cake? I know it doesn’t make the sadness go away, but I tell you it will make you feel a little better at least.” ( @valkyriehymns )
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greykings · 2 years
_Closed starter from HELIA to UTP
“Are you drooling?” Helia chuckled. “Come on, lets get you inside so we can buy some of those macrons for you? I know they’re delicious. We’ll talk further over some coffee, okay?” ( @stvrdvst )
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greykings · 2 years
_Closed starter from HELIA to UTP
“I always wanted to be a parent, but the life I lead...” Helia sighed, she gently gestured the other along, away from the park where all the kids were playing. “Not to say a kid wouldn’t fit in it, but I think I would feel weird... I mean, I’d have to get a sperm donor or adopt one, I don’t know... do you ever have that feeling, that caring for others is more important than caring for yourself?” ( @mdeinheaven )
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greykings · 2 years
_closed starter from HELIA to UTP
“God, I wish that were me.” Helia sighed as she watched the two women walk by hand in hand before turning back to her companion. “Sorry, sometimes I really worry I don’t know how to be single anymore. Please don’t mind me, we were talking about you, after all. How have things been?” ( @ofnightwind )
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greykings · 2 years
_closed starter from HELIA to OMARI
“I had a dream a very large papier mache pigeon exploded,” Helia said, setting her coffee down and wiping the sleep away from her eyes. “I don’t know why it got to me, it may have meant something. Do you ever have weird dreams like that?” ( @omarisms )
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greykings · 2 years
Cordelia smiled as the stranger approached. The witch was always polite towards people she didn’t recognize, some of her favourite people in town were a result in passing them in the street. “Oh, coffee!” She exclaimed. “I was just on my way over there, actually.” She waved her hand and started to continue down the sidewalk. “I can walk you. Not a problem at all.” She let out a laugh. “I’ve already had a few cups today but definitely could use another. This place is so good.” She told them. 
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Right away at the passerby, Rakesh perked up and smiled broadly when they went from stand-still to directional movement, giddy at the stranger they had managed to approach, who clearly had a heart for coffee, no dislike of strangers, and was several coffees in. “Amazing! Thank you so much, and if you’ve had several already, they’re bound to be good!” 
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greykings · 2 years
“didn’t ask.” the original had waved them off once though the other continues to follow behind, still going on. practically on his heels and nicholas doesn’t like it, coming to a sudden halt, heel faced to them. “you know, i used to think the things i’ve found quite obnoxious and borderline nauseating in the past couldn’t possibly extend further but here you are. congratulations, i stand corrected.” 
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Rakesh wasn’t so easily thrown off - probably their time as an intern in the hospital, you met a lot of people who had attitude or who didn’t want to be in the hospital and receive help. And it truly was a learned skill to completely ignore people like that. Maybe it shouldn’t have bled into real life... but it did. “Ah, that’s mean, I am sure there are more obnoxious things than me.” 
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greykings · 2 years
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      “ Listen , I wasn’t here the other night but I did hear what happened . Any bigot idiot arraca vaca  deserves to be treated like an ass . “ Katalina mused as she poured herself a drink . Working on the books when they came in . “ So what’s your poison?” 
Score. Raine refrained from a victory dance and just sat down to get as much alcohol into their system as humanly possible. Or inhumanly possible. “Well, thank you, can you tell your bowser that too, he was very mean.” Raine thought for a bit. “Feels like a scotch on the rocks kind of day, so give me vodka.” 
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greykings · 2 years
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    “And like I said, No and if you keep asking , ill make you choke on those words .  “ She flat out replied to her offer . “ Lux . Nox . Makes no difference to me . I live by my own rules and we both know I am never a follower .”  Like hell she would take orders or listen to anyone other than herself . “ On top of the fact that light magic has never been my thing . Unlike the doctor of a brother I have and light hearted little sister , I’m better at killing people rather than healing or fixing them “ 
Helia made a face showing her disappointment and annoyance. She didn’t think she deserved words like these, she was worth more than being rude to. “I am sorry you think that way,” she said. “I still mean it, but I also have a high regard for life, including my own. And I will not accept people speaking to me like that. Good day.” Helia sighed and stood to leave, the kind eyes she had now empty of it.
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greykings · 2 years
kaoru was on his way back to his apartment with the items that he garner over the past few days to begin his newest sculpting project. upon hearing the voice to stop in his tracks as he had pass them already to turn before letting out an soft sigh in return. “you could try the black cafe, that is where i usually go for a good cup of coffee.” he merely mention before offering an soft smile. “are you new to the town or just visiting?” he was unsure to if they had met before or only in passing.
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“Black cafe, ah, alright, they should be on google, right, everything is on google these days,” they said. Rakesh didn’t have time to take out there phone however, perking up for the conversation with a huge smile. “New to town! I arrived a little while back, but between moving and such, I didn’t have time to really explore, you know. You? Are you a local?” 
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greykings · 2 years
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“Actually, I never thought about it that way,” Selvi admitted, nodding as she let the words sink in. It was a good point, an interesting philosophy. One that was definitely true, too. He was right. Perhaps it stemmed from the time flies when you’re having fun notion too. “You’re welcome,” she beamed. “That’s definitely true. I can attest to both, though. They have a variety of different types of coffee, I’m sure they can make one you like.” She then turned toward them, and smiled. “I’m Selvi, by the way,” she introduced herself, even holding out her hand.
Rakesh smirked, it wasn’t every day that they would bring up a good point, though they talked a whole lot, most of it was... well, not rambling really, but small talk. Any true philosophics that they uttered were usually things their parents had said at one point or another. “Other people can give new insights,” they said, another quote from their mother. “Ah choices, I’ll have a field day, I’m sure, I’ll make sure to try a couple.” They smiled, accepting the hand eagerly. “Nice to meet you, Selvi, I’m Rakesh,” they said in response. 
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greykings · 2 years
“Good choice,” she agreed, remembering Roddy as her undead heart skipped a beat, god why was she still into the thought of him? “Oh it’s Bar Fusion, they’re really not well known but I’ve been going there once or twice a week,” she nodded, hoping to have another person come with her once. At the introduction, she took their hand and shook it, “Gianna, she/her, cisgender, feel free to call me whatever I don’t mind but most people call me Gia,” she smiled
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“Thank you,” they said with a nod, as if Raine needed anyone to tell them they had impecable taste. Ask the girl who walked out on them, perfect taste. “Never heard of it, but I’m shit with names anyway, so let’s hit it!” They gestured that they would follow, and jumped up - regardless of the hit they had taken, because werewolves heal fast. “Gia, alright, I should be able to remember that. And nah, I don’t use any of those myself. I call people I adore fucker and everyone else is an idiot, you are the only one privy to this information, so don’t go around narking on me, I have a reputation to uphold.” And they wanted nobody to realise that the liked them. That would be too much. 
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greykings · 2 years
She was quiet, not wanting to let them think that she was bothered by their words but quickly realized that being quiet probably had the opposite effect of what she was trying to do. “Awesome, glad to know we both have a similar mindset, I’ve been in trouble quite a bit for my rambling,” she laughed softly. “Not that I regret it, I’m someone who lies to speak their mind, even with the whole trouble thing”
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Rakesh didn’t think anything of it. They had the tendency to talk others into silence. Their mom always called them out on it. ‘Let other people speak, beta, be kind, do not let your words ruin a conversation.’ “Oh same, my mom would always scowl me, I really took over a room when I got going, I think all my family knows to not start about Bollywood movies with me. I’ll talk their eyes off.” They smiled vibrantly. “Yeah no, you are completely right, also, talking is very good to communicate, it’s the one thing we have to help us make connections, right? Why people don’t talk all day is beyond me.” 
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greykings · 2 years
@greykings - utp
“This is going to be interesting,” she nodded, placing the flyer down on the table as she took a sip from her coffee. She loved these type of events - where small towns held fairs or parties, it felt like home to her in a sense. But she knew she had to stay on guard, with Luciana now in her sights she didn’t trust a single thing the other did. “I wonder what rides’ll be there”
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Rakesh smiled broadly, they loved these kinds of things, they were always trying to get into all the rides within a single night, write down everything on a scorecard and then the next day would go to the ones they liked the most. “I hope they have many of them,” Rakesh said. “And all the foods would be nice too, this whole thing makes me giddy, why do they keep us in suspense like this?” 
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greykings · 2 years
@greykings - utp
“A carnival, huh?” he said as he looked at the flyer in his hand before looking up at the sky, “sounds like it’s something that needs liquor.” Smirking, he knew no one had asked of his opinion but he was the type to say it even when there was no one speaking. “Wonder what stupid thing will happen that will leave the town talking for like 2 weeks. Any ideas?”
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Raine scoffed. “What, murder is not enough for you?” They laughed then. “It will definitely be another murder. Maybe in the spooky house, or on the rollercoaster... oooh, or what if they find the body in the... what do you call it, the thing with all the balls for kids.” Raine smirked. “Morbid thoughts,” they said with an appreciate glance to the other. 
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