greyswap · 12 days
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greyswap · 1 month
My name's Tony, and I'm a Marine. Yeah, you heard that right. I dreamed of being one of my brother's hot, cool friends so when I woke up in Tony here, I was a little shocked to find myself on base with my brother. Now, I'm my brother's best friend. I'm straight. I'm fucking insane good looking and being with women . . . you can't even imagine what it feels like. I never understood how horny straight guys are, but I CANNOT stop thinking about breeding. It's literally hard to concentrate. I'm practically hard 24/7, but I'm going to take care of that right now. I just got off duty and am headed to the bar to meet up with my bros. Some lucky lady...or who am I kidding...LADIES...are going to be very excited to see bog Tony walk in. And I do mean BIG.
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greyswap · 1 month
A follow up to my Mayor Pete story a while back. Looks like he's really enjoying that body!
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greyswap · 1 month
A bit more AI fun! Might do some more of these. I quite enjoy them.
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greyswap · 2 months
Trying some new swap AI fun!
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greyswap · 2 months
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Ryan spent his whole life pretending to be something he wasn’t … STRAIGHT. He was barely out of college, but was still in the closet, knowing his family and friends would never accept the fact he was gay. It wasn’t fair and he wished more than anything he had the courage to come out and truly BE who he was. It would be amazing to have that kind of courage, to have that life.
He stood at the rows of costumes in the costume shop, searching for something that would make him feel closer to who he was. Halloween was always his favorite time of year because he could pretend without abandon. He could be whoever or whatever he wanted without judgement. It was just a costume. People thought it was funny when he “acted gay” or picked that certain something that was out of the ordinary, but felt completely true to him.
“Can I help you with something?” A voice came from behind and Ryan turned to see a handsome, dapper man in a suit.
“No, I’m good,” Ryan said, tossing him a smile. “Just looking around.”
“I’m sure I could help if you’d like me to. I tend to know exactly what people need.” He smiled again. Damn he was handsome and the British accent didn’t hurt. Ryan found himself unsure what to say as he swallowed hard and glanced away. “Perhaps I can pick something out for you and bring it to the dressing room? I can assure you, it will be exactly what you’re looking for.” The man motioned to one of the nearby dressing rooms.
“Um, sure. Okay. That sounds great.”
Ryan stepped into one of the dressing rooms and waited for a few minutes. He tapped his legs nervously. Maybe he should just leave. Yeah, this was odd and he wasn’t sure WHAT was going on. He began to turn, startled to find the man standing there with a costume in tow.
“Oh, sorry. Didn’t mean to frighten you.” He leaned in, closer, the faint smell of leather and spiced cologne hitting Ryan as he felt his cock twitch. “I found something I think you’ll enjoy very much. I’d say it’s exactly what you’re looking for.” The man hung a costume on the wall next to Ryan and turned with a smile. “I’m sure it will fit perfectly. Enjoy, Peter.”
“No. My name’s Ryan.”
“Of course. My apologies.” The man nodded, stepping out of the dressing room before closing the door behind.
“Peter? What the hell?” Suddenly curious, Ryan turned to look at the costume and found that it wasn’t really a costume at all. It was a suit. Dark blue with a bright blue tie. Looked pretty ordinary and anything BUT what Ryan truly wanted. What was he supposed to go for as Halloween? Banker? Accountant? Wasn’t anything very exciting about that.
He shrugged and decided to give it a try anyway. Why not?
Ryan removed his clothes to reveal his chubby frame. He’d never considered himself attractive and zero to no confidence. That was part of the problem. Why come out of the closet when he didn’t feel anybody could ever love him anyway?
He removed the nice shirt from the hangar and slid it on. The fabric was soft against his skin as he buttoned it, the shirt feeling almost tailored perfectly for his frame. He oddly even felt different in it, his chest feeling a bit tighter and firm, almost as if the shirt hid his man boobs completely. He glanced down to see it even made his gut almost disappear. Damn, maybe he should have been wearing suits all this time?
He slid on the pants, tucking the shirt in as he buckled the belt. He pulled on long silk socks and pushed his feet into a pair of dark dress shoes before reaching for the deep blue tie. It all felt so natural to him, his body almost moving through the motions as if he’d put this suit on a hundred times before. Tightening the tie around his neck, he felt his posture change. He definitely felt different in the suit as he reached for the jacket. Again, it slid onto his frame as if tailored to do so. How could it fit so perfectly? How was this even possible?
He glanced down at himself and his gut was completely gone. He slid his hands over his stomach and it even FELT different. Is this why so many men wore suits? Did they really hide everything so perfectly? He then felt something in the pocket of his pants and reached in, revealing a small gold wedding band. Weird. He felt the urge to slide it onto his ring finger and, as he did, he felt dizzy for a brief moment. He blinked through it, taking in a deep breath as he turned to the mirror, curious how he looked, but he was shocked to see another man standing there, a man he recognized…
Pete Buttigieg.
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Ryan glanced back, checking to see if this was real, but Mayor Pete’s every move matched his own. Ryan reached up, touched his face, looked at his thin, strong hands as he blinked through the confusion.
“Holy shit,” he said, Pete Buttigieg’s voice coming from his lips. Even his Indiana accent was there. He WAS Pete Buttigieg, a rush of memories suddenly hitting him. Being in the military. Coming out. Marrying his husband Chasten. He was a confident, strong, handsome gay man who was proud of who he was. Everything he’d always wanted.
“You ready?” A voice came from behind and Pete turned to see Chasten standing there with a smile on his face, looking at him in that way only Chasten could. “You look so handsome, babe.”
“Thanks. I wore your favorite tie.” Pete said, nodding down to the bright blue tie Chasten had bought him for their anniversary.
“Well, it’s hard to fight those baby blues.” Chasten stepped closer, leaned in and gave Pete a long, deep kiss. “You’re going to be great.”
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Pete suddenly remembered they were backstage before a Presidential Debate. He wrapped his arms around his husband and gave him another deep kiss.
“Thanks, babe. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Pete took Chasten’s hand and they stepped out of the green room to join the flashing cameras, but Pete didn’t care. He wanted the world to see how much he loved his husband and how proud he was of the kind of man he’d become.
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greyswap · 3 months
This is from a short film I found YEARS ago online somewhere. Always loved the idea of purchasing a new body and selling your own to somebody else. There's another section later in the film where he talks to an old friend, a woman swapped into a man, that I may edit and upload later. Until then, ENJOY!
I'll continue to post some videos here, as always, but please subscribe to my youtube channel to get new videos weekly! The link is below.
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greyswap · 3 months
This is one of my all time body swap favorites. It's from the show BEWITCHED and reveals what happens when you wish for the wrong thing and end up in somebody else's body! I've posted this on my new YouTube channel where I'm collecting all my favorites swaps, transformations, etc. I'll be adding to them weekly so if you have any that you love, please shoot me a message and let me know! I want to collect all the BEST in as good quality possible so our swap community can find them easily.
The link below will take you to the channel. Subscribe to get new videos weekly. I'll also be sharing some here and there and will continue to write!
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greyswap · 3 months
Hello gents! I've recently started a new YouTube channel to begin to collect all my favorite bodyswap and transformation videos that I've discovered through the years.
I'll be adding videos weekly and wanted to share the channel with the SWAP community on here. Please check it out and subscribe. I have hundreds of videos that will be going up and want those who love these kinds of videos, like myself, to know where to find them!
Also, if you have any FAVORITE video bodyswaps, etc., please let me know, and I'll see if the videos can be added to the channel.
Here is a link to the channel with 24 videos uploaded thus far.
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greyswap · 3 months
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Ethan was a thin, unassuming young man with a penchant for routine and predictability. He worked a modest desk job, enjoyed his quiet evenings with a book or a movie, and had never been one to take risks. Little did he know that his life was about to take an unexpected and bewildering turn.
One evening, after a particularly monotonous day at work, Ethan decided to take a detour on his way home. He wandered into an old curiosity shop tucked away in a narrow alley. The shop was filled with all sorts of oddities and antiques, but what caught Ethan's eye was a dusty, ornate mirror with intricate carvings.
"Careful with that," the shopkeeper warned, his voice gravelly. "They say it has magical properties."
Ethan chuckled, amused by the idea of magic in the modern world. He brushed off the warning and looked into the mirror. As his reflection stared back at him, he felt a strange sensation wash over him. The world around him blurred, and before he knew it, he was no longer in his own body.
Ethan found himself staring at a much larger, much hairier reflection. He was in the body of an older, muscular man—his frame broad and powerful, with thick muscles and a thick beard and mustache. His chest was covered in a thick mat of hair, and he wore a white cowboy hat that added to his imposing presence. Hank, as he would soon learn, was a bear of a man with a rugged, masculine appearance. Hank's muscular arms and torso strained against his green T-shirt, and his jeans fit snugly over his strong legs. Panic set in as Ethan realized he had swapped bodies with someone else.
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Meanwhile, in another part of the city, a burly man named Hank found himself in a state of confusion as well. Hank was known for his larger-than-life presence and his insatiable libido. He was straight and lived life on his own terms, enjoying the pleasures of the world with unbridled enthusiasm. Finding himself suddenly thin and awkward in Ethan's body was a shock, to say the least. Hank now saw a reflection of a young, preppy kid with a thin frame. He was now dressed in a pastel button-down shirt, a brightly colored tie, and salmon-colored shorts, his hair perfectly coiffed as he suddenly found himself oddly aroused. The transformation was surreal.
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Both men struggled to adapt to their new realities. Ethan, in Hank's body, was overwhelmed by the sheer physicality and constant sexual urges that came with it. His days became a whirlwind of new sensations and challenges, from navigating Hank's boisterous social life to dealing with the attention his new physique attracted. He found himself constantly battling the primal urges that now seemed to dominate his thoughts, complicated further by Hank's attraction to women, but he learned to give into his new urges and found himself enjoying being the man's man most men wanted to be. He loved the feel of pleasuring a woman, and couldn't resist the urge of planting his seed. His mind couldn't concentrate on things other than working out and breeding. Than again, every woman loved having "Hank" in her bed and he couldn't stop staring at his muscular, hairy frame and new size in the mirror.
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Hank, on the other hand, was having a hard time adjusting to Ethan's more subdued lifestyle and his gay orientation. The quiet evenings and lack of physical exertion left him restless and frustrated. He missed the freedom of his own body, the strength, and the raw vitality that came with it. Navigating Ethan's relationships and social circles, particularly his interactions with other gay men, was both eye-opening and challenging for Hank. But as time went on, he began to appreciate the simplicity and peace that Ethan's life offered and he loved it when his boss invited him into his office for private meetings, and Hank really loved pleasing his new boss.
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After several weeks of navigating their swapped lives, Ethan and Hank finally crossed paths again. It was in the same curiosity shop where the strange adventure had begun. The shopkeeper, who seemed to know more than he let on, greeted them with a knowing smile.
"Ready to go back to your own lives?" he asked.
Both men nodded eagerly. The shopkeeper instructed them to stand in front of the mirror together. As they did, a familiar sensation washed over them, and the world blurred once more. When the fog lifted, they were still in each other's bodies.
Panic set in again as they realized nothing had changed. The shopkeeper shook his head sadly. "Sometimes, the magic doesn't work the way we want it to. I'm afraid you're stuck."
Ethan and Hank were devastated, but there was nothing they could do. They were trapped in each other's bodies permanently. Over time, they had no choice but to adapt. Ethan, now permanently in Hank's body, learned to embrace the physicality and confidence that came with it. He gave in completely to his insatiable appetite for women and kept spreading his seed on a nightly basis, growing even more mesmerized by the feeling of his masculine, powerful body and the respect that came with it.
Hank, now permanently in Ethan's body, found solace in the quieter moments and the deeper connections he formed in Ethan's life. He learned to appreciate the different perspectives and experiences that came with being gay and being the best assistant his boss could imagine. He loved getting lost in the older man's arms and loved it even more when he was on his knees looking up at him with young, hungry desires.
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greyswap · 4 months
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I wasn’t a fan of going to weddings. I was a complete introvert and always envied those guys who could tear up the dance floor or give the perfect toast. Like my sister’s boyfriend, Todd. Yeah, his name was Todd . . . typical . . . he was a former jock who now worked in stocks. Like I said, typical. Everybody loved him and I wanted nothing more than to be like him with his perfect suits, confidence and killer looks. Even now, standing in front of a room full of people, giving the toast as the best man . . . he was completely cool. 
Then, something happened. The world went dark for a split second and I suddenly found myself standing in a different place. I was now at the front of the room, glass raised as everybody toasted. I tried to act normal, taking a sip of champagne before quickly moving to the bathroom to find Todd’s reflection staring back at me. HOLY SHIT! I was Todd. Dark hair. Perfect smile. I could feel the confidence, Todd’s memories seeping into my mind as I realized that I WAS NOW TODD.
I felt my new dick get hard at the thought as I smiled at myself in the mirror. Why not see what old Todd, or me, was packing down there. I unzipped my suit pants and slid my hand in, pulling out my beautifully perfect cock. Of course it was. It was Todd’s dick. It HAD to be perfect. I started jacking off, staring at myself in the mirror, my dick jutting out from the dark suit when . . .
MY SISTER WALKED IN. At first, I started to cover myself, but then I realized . . . I was Todd and this wasn’t anything she hadn’t seen before. I knew my sister and Todd had been fucking for a while, but I never knew how talented she was as she got on her knees and started working my dick like a pro. DAMN, being Todd was going to be everything I ever imagined. I couldn’t wait to hit the dance floor, but maybe I’d take my girlfriend for a ride on my massive cock first. I loved to make her squeal.
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greyswap · 4 months
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Alan was one of the most self-absorbed people I'd ever met. He spent his days giving orders to others and giving little thought to how it effected their lives, and he loved belittling those beneath him. He was a privileged prick and, even though I tried to stay out of the lives of humans, it was hard to pass up the opportunity to makes a few changes. It was in my Jin nature to mix things up a bit and I felt Alan needed a little shake up in his life. I'd make sure he enjoyed it.
He was the last person at his firm, sitting in his chair staring out at the city. He was flawless. Perfect shirt and tie, gym body and hair that was never out of place. I could understand his cocky attitude. He was a gorgeous specimen. I even toyed with the idea of playing with him a bit first, but then he saw me standing there, opened his mouth and ruined everything.
"Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my office?" He leaned over to a speaker and pressed a button. "Security!"
I waved my hand and his eyes went blank for a moment as he awaited my command.
"Tell them everything's fine," I said, stepping closer.
Alan pressed the button again. "My mistake. Everything is fine." He released the button and I motioned for him to stand. He complied.
"I've been watching you, Alan," I said taking in his perfect body. His ass was glorious in the tight dress pants. I leaned in, pressed my hand against his crotch to feel his dick beneath expensive fabric. "And you're not a good person. The way you treat others. I can't help but wonder how you'd enjoy serving others for a bit. What would it feel like to not be in charge all the time? To not have all this power?"
I waved my hands again and his clothes disappeared, revealing his muscular frame. Damn, he was perfect. Tan, hairless. Beautiful nipples. This was going to be fun.
I motioned for him to step back until he was pressed against the wall. He moved his arms up as if he was tied to it and I leaned in, pressed my lips agains his neck. "Do you like this?" I asked, reaching down and cradling his balls in my hand. I teased his dick, but there was no response as I gave him freedom to speak.
"I don't know what you're doing," he said, nervous. "But I'm not gay, and you won't get away with it."
"Really?" I asked, smiling. I waved my hand over his dick again. I gently kissed my way down his neck and found my way to his lips. I pushed a new sense of being into him as our tongues mingled and suddenly, his dick grew stiff beneath my touch. I rubbed it, massaging his balls as I kissed him deeper, changing what he enjoyed as he moaned with every touch. "I think you like this very much," I whispered. "I think you've always craved the touch of other men. It's who you are . . . now."
Alan licked his lips, his dick now hard and leaking. I smiled down at it. This was always my favorite part. "Now, let's give you the full package." I slid my fingers over his body. Slowly, beneath my touch, it began to age, his tan skin growing paler as I watched him slowly age. His blonde hair began to recede, but dark black and grey hair sprouted all over his body. Hew aged a good twenty years, his body becoming thicker as he moaned. I reached down and touched the base of his cock, a silver cock ring forming as he grew even harder, his new dick thicker with a heavy set of balls. I them reached in and teased those perfect nipples. Alan's entire body shivered as they grew thicker, more used and pulled as if they'd been worked for years. They were now lightning rods, the simplest touch making him quiver with ecstasy.
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He looked over at me with darker eyes. The perfect blonde playboy was gone and stood before me now was a balding man in his fifties who was hungry for more, who was hungry to please me.
"How do you feel?" I asked, allowing him to relax. His hands went directly to his nipples as he began spinning them between his new thicker fingers.
"I want . . . I want to please you." Alan took a deep breath and licked his lips.
"We're not quite done yet."
I touched the cock ring and a piece of long, black leather grew from it, climbing over his body into a silver buckled harness. A couple fo tattoos bloomed over his chest and arm as more leather bands wrapped around his wrists and biceps. His nipples grew even more worked as Alan moaned with delight, his cock and balls now strapped tight with the silver and leather.
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"Who do you belong to?" I asked.
"You, Master. I belong to you. I serve only you."
"And what is your name?"
"My name is whatever you call me, Master. I am yours. I am whatever you want me to be." He took a heavy breath as I leaned in and kissed him. But, I wasn't yet finished.
I moved my hand to the tip of his cock, a metal piercing taking hold of it as a silver chain moved from it . . . a cock leash that only I could remove. My new toy moaned again as I reached for his nipples and spun them in my fingers. I tugged gently on the chain and Alan's mind and body were completely mine. No memory of who he was before. No memory of all those he'd used and abused. No memory of anything but pleasing and being pleased by me.
He was going to be the best servant I'd ever created and if he were good, I would allow him to touch himself. I might even allow him to fuck me . . . if he was a good boy that is.
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greyswap · 4 months
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My name is Daniel, and I'd been working in the same office for the last ten years, I'd always dreamed of having a big corporate job and being an executive, but I didn't really fit in with the other guys. They were a bit younger, more handsome and alpha than I'd even been or would be. I was just a shy, very introverted chubby guy who ate lunch alone everyday, wondering what it would be like to be one of those hotshot executives with perfectly tailored suits and gym bodies. If I was like that, one of those guys, maybe Allen would give me more than a pitiful look when we happened to run across each other in the break room. Allen was a new transfer from the west coast office and he was incredibly handsome . . . and out of my league. I could tell he was gay, but knew he'd never give me a second glance. I just wish . . . I don't know, that I could be the type of young executive that would take control . . . the kind of young exec that Allen would do anything to be with.
After lunch, I stepped into the elevator and hit the button for the 37th floor. It was unusual to be in the elevator alone at this time of day, but it was also kind of nice. I could just enjoy the long ride to misery. The doors closed and the elevator started to move, the numbers lightning and beeping as I rose from floor to floor, but something felt different . . . off. I was a bit light-headed and started to wonder if that tuna fish sandwich had been in the fridge too long. I stumbled back as my body started to tingle and I had a moment where it felt like I was fading in and out of consciousness. My body was on fire and I had to focus to breath as I reached up and wiped my face. It was strange, but I felt stubble and could have sworn I'd shaved that morning, but I could've been wrong.
I glanced up at the elevator lights as I passed the 25th floor and the higher I went, the more dazed I became. My head ached, my suit suddenly felt tighter and everything was a bit blurry and strange. Finally, the door dinged and pulled back to reality. I licked my lips, stood up straighter than usual and swallowed hard as the doors parted. I stepped out and found Liz, the receptionist smiling up at me, but it wasn't the smile I NORMALLY got from Liz.
"Have a nice lunch Mr. Paladino?" She said, eyebrows raised in a . . . what the fuck? Was she flirting with me and what did she call me?
"What did you call me?"
"I just. I asked if you had a nice lunch . . . Mr. Paladino?" She looked confused, but not as confused as I felt as I looked behind myself just in time to see the elevator doors close behind me, their mirrored surface revealing my reflection . . . and it WAS NOT me. Standing there was a handsome, well, a FUCKING handsome man in a three piece suit. He was perfection. Dark hair, deep brown eyes and thick Italian hair. He mimicked my every move as I started to smile. Holy fuck. Was this me? Was this . . .
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"Mr. Paladino? Is everything okay?"
I turned with that killer smile and stepped closer. A flutter of memories hit me and I remembered my name. Mike Paladino. I had been working here for a year and was the head of my department and . . . yeah . . .
"Liz, is Allen back from lunch yet?" I leaned in closer, sliding my hand into my front pocket.
"I believe he is."
"Would you mind asking him to come to my office? I need to speak to him. Thanks." I gave her an innocent wink and watched as she soaked it in. I then found my office. My huge executive desk with a fantastic view of Manhattan. Holy shit. This was happening. Then, there was the knock on my door and Allen was soon standing in front of my desk. He looked incredible. Nervous.
"You asked to see me, Mr. Paladino."
"Close the door, would you Allen?" My voice was so confident and strong as I motioned for Allen to take a seat. I was the alpha I'd always dreamed of being and I could feel the testosterone, the power, coursing through me as Allen took a seat and I stepped around to the front of my desk."I need to talk to you about something. I've heard a few complaints around the office about your conduct."
I raised my hand and stopped him from continuing. "Let me ask you something. Do you like working here?"
"Yes, sir. Absolutely."
I glanced down at him. Licked my lips. "I'm not sure I believe you." He glanced up at me, his eyes saying everything. He knew where I was going with this, and I saw a brief hint of a smile as he glanced down at my hand as I ran it over my thigh.
"Sir, I think you know how I feel about this job. I'm very passionate about it and . . . I'd do anything to make sure my future was secure here."
"Stand up," I said. He stood, and I moved closer. I scanned his face. His eyes. His lips. "Prove it."
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Without another word, he leaned in and kissed me. I reached for the back of his head and pulled him in deeper, his hand on my crotch immediately. He rubbed it as I forced my tongue into his mouth, my new cock getting harder beneath his touch.  
"I said prove it," I whispered, kissing him even deeper until pushing him down on his knees. He looked up at me with a smile. It was the kind of looks I'd craved from Allen for so long. He wanted me. He wanted to fuck me. Slowly, he unzipped my pants and revealed my huge cock. It was strange seeing a dark bush and such a thick cock but, then again, it was strange not being a chubby loser and not getting my dick sucked by Allen, the hottest guy in the office. This shit would never happen to Daniel, but Mike Paladino was having a stellar day as Allen teased by erect cock with his tongue, finally taking it in completely.
He was a pro. I watched from above, looking down at my trimmer body as my huge dick moved in and out of Allen's gorgeous lips. I wanted to fuck him so badly, but I also wanted to be fucked by him. I wanted to know what it felt like to get exactly what I wanted.
I could barely breathe as Allen continued to deep throat me and, before I knew it my pants were pulled down and he had me bent over my desk. It was amazing to feel his dick inside me as I leaned back and forced him to kiss me as he fucked me from behind.
This is the life I'd always dreamed of, and I had a feeling Mike Paladino, hot young executive, was going to have a VERY good time at the office from now on. And Allen was definitely going to work his way up the corporate ladder.
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greyswap · 4 months
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I’d never felt hungry like this before, as sexually charged as I did in my brother’s body. I’d awaken in a different city, in my brother Adam’s apartment to find myself surrounded by his things. At first I was confused, but when I found his reflection staring back at me in the bathroom mirror, I knew something had happened . . . I’d become my older brother, but every trace of myself was gone. it’s like I’d never existed at all. 
I felt Adam’s memories hit me as all thoughts and fears left when I realized I was late for work. Dammit, I hated being late. I’d heard Adam talk about what a hard ass his boss was and I wasn’t looking forward to explaining WHAT exactly was happening. Not that anybody would believe me. 
I grabbed one of Adam’s tight grey tees and a black cap and ran out the door. I moved through the NY city streets as if I’d been living there forever. My new body was on autopilot and I loved the way it felt. Adam was so big and tight. He also got A LOT more looks than I ever had in my small twink body. I jogged into a familiar office building and went directly to the 55th floor. Everybody greeted me, and I oddly knew their names. I even had memories of . . . holy shit, I’d fucked A LOT of people in this office . . . or at least Adam had. 
I stepped up to my boss’s door and knocked. 
“Come in,” he said. I recognized his deep voice and felt something in my pants stir. My new cock . . . Adam’s cock. It was thicker than the one I was used to, pressed against my pants as i stepped in to find Mr. Arnold standing. Damn, he was hot. 
Wait, what was I thinking?
“Um, sorry I’m late. I’ve had an interesting morning,” I said, closing the door behind me. 
“We’ve talked about this Adam.” He sighed, standing and stepping closer. “When you break the rules, you have to pay the price.”
“Is that right?” I felt blood surge through my body. I licked my lips, something inside taking over as I stepped closer. 
“Is that right, what?” He asked. 
“Sir,” I responded . . .  on autopilot. 
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Mr. Arnold licked his lips and rubbed his crotch. I glanced down at it and, for the first time in my life, was completely hungry for cock. I wanted it. I could almost taste it, my heart racing and I stepped in, grabbing Mr. Arnold’s tie and pulling him in for a deep kiss. I felt his beard against my face and my cock got even harder. 
Before I knew it, I was on my knees taking his cock like a pro. It felt so good. So natural. I never realized my brother was into guys too, but everything about this felt right, Mr. Arnold’s long cock teasing the back of my throat as I reached for my own cock and started to jerk off. 
Like I said, I’d never been hungrier.  
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greyswap · 4 months
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My uncle Warren was the most powerful man I’d ever met, aside from my father of course. They’d both gone to Harvard and were from old money. They were incredibly confident men. I, on the other hand, was a smaller man with very little confidence. I was twenty-four but looked like I was barely out of high school, and I wanted nothing more than to make my father proud. I wasn’t big or powerful or confident or much of a leader. Why would anybody look up to me when I wasn’t tall enough for anybody to look up to.
Even now, sitting across from my uncle, I felt small and nervous. He was a large masculine man and was respected by everyone. I’d been working in the family corporation for six months now, and I’d accepted my place would forever be in accounting rather than on the top floor with all the other executives.
“How long have you been with us now?” He asked, sitting back in his chair, his suit clinging to his muscular frame.
“Six months and four days,” I said, trying to keep my voice from cracking as I took a deep breath. “I hope everything’s okay.”
“Of course it is, Alexander. You’ve gone above and beyond and, after speaking to your father, we’ve decided it’s time for you to move up to the top floor,” he said. “If that’s something you’d be interested in.”
“Yes, sir. I would . . . I’d be honored, Uncle.”
“Please, I think it’s time for you to start calling me Warren,” he said. “You’re going to be my special project.”
“That would be amazing, Unc . . . um, Warren.” I took a deep a breath. I was ready for the opportunity and excited that he’d seen how hard I was working.
“I know you’ve always felt out of place,” Warren said, a sincere look on his face as he leaned forward. “And, now that we know you’re more than capable and, honestly, quite a talented businessman, it’s time for you to become who you were meant to be.”
“That sounds amazing, but I’m not sure what you mean.”
“Your father and I haven’t always been so . . . respected and confident, but our family can afford things beyond the typical. I know it sounds odd, but if you want the kind of life I have. The respect. The confidence.” He leaned back again, spread his legs to get comfortable as his hand slid over the crotch of his expensive trousers. “You can have anything and anyone you desire. I can make that happen for you. It’s your birthright . . . if that’s something you’d be interested in.”
“Yes.” It came out without thought. “I’ve wanted that my entire life. To be like you and my father . . . I’ve never wanted anything more.”
“Good,” he said, smiling. He leaned in, pulled a card from his suit pocket and handed it to me. Go here and Clarence will take care of everything. He’s expecting you and, once you’re finished, come join your father and I at the club tonight. We’ll celebrate.”
He led me to the door and patted me on the back with his large, strong hands. I wasn’t sure what to say or do, but as the door closed behind me, all I could think about was going to THE CLUB with my father and uncle. I always felt out of place at the club, but tried not to be anxious.  
I looked down at the address on the card and before I knew it, I was standing in front of an old barber shop in an odd part of town. I stepped through the front door. I was greeted by a nice man, Clarence, who knew me by name and ushered me into the only barber chair in the place. It was strange; a barber shop for one, but it was also very elegant. I sat there, looking at my same small reflection in the mirror. I was small with messy hair and a bowtie and a rust-colored sweater. It was the closest I got to high fashion and, as I said, I looked like a high school kid instead of a Harvard valedictorian.
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“So, you’re Jonathan’s boy?” the barber asked, stepping up behind me. “You’re the spitting image of your father and your uncle.”
Clearly, he didn’t know my father because I looked nothing like him. My father was a large, muscular man who looked like my uncle and owned rooms when he entered. We were nothing alike and definitely didn’t favor one another.
“Yes, he and Warren sat in this very chair many years ago. I never forget a face.” Slowly, he ran his hands through my curls and leaned closer. “I was honestly expecting you sooner, but better late than never, right?”
“Um, yeah, sure.” I swallowed hard and looked nervously at my reflection. “So, what are you going to do?”
“I know you’re nervous, but that will subside . . . very soon.” He stepped up to a bar and poured a drink. “You’ve always felt out of place, but that’s about to change.” He turned, handed me a shot glass. “And it all starts with this. Drink up and relax.”
I took the glass and downed the shot. I expected it to burn like whiskey, but it was smooth and warm. I was instantly at ease, the barber starting to massage my scalp as I struggled to keep my eyes open.
“What’s happening?” I managed. “I feel . . .”
“Just relax, Mr. Gallager.” Nobody had ever called me that before. I’d only heard people call my father and uncle Mr. Gallager. I was just Alexander, the awkward son and nephew. “Relax,” he whispered in my ear, and I did as I was told.
I felt my entire body almost melt into the chair. I’d never felt so calm and at peace, but something strange was also happening. I was hot, almost burning, but it didn’t hurt or feel uncomfortable. It felt good. It felt right. I took a deep breath, felt the barber’s hands running over my scalp, whispering into my ear as I felt my clothes getting tighter.
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I felt strangely bigger. It felt like my body was swelling. It felt like everything inside and out was growing, getting stronger.
I couldn’t help but moan as I opened my eyes for a moment. I looked down at my body, but something strange was happening.
I was bigger. My chest had expanded and was still expanding with muscle. I looked over at my arms, my biceps swelling. The fabric of my sweater was also changing. It was no longer rust colored and soft. It was grey, striped, luxurious, and perfect. I was now wearing an expensive suit, and I loved how it felt on my muscular frame. I was growing even larger and, even though it felt strange, I knew it was who I was always supposed to be.
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I heard the faint buzz of a pair of clippers as I felt small blades vibrating against my scalp. I felt hair falling, felt the barber massaging my bare scalp as the thought of a masculine bald head started to make me hard. My curls were gone, a thick beard sprouting on my squared jaw as I felt my cock throbbed even more. My muscles weren’t the only thing getting bigger, new testosterone filling me up as I reached down to massage my thicker cock. Everything was changing, but it felt natural. It felt normal, everything I was becoming bigger, stronger and more confident.
I felt the barber’s hands move down my chest. I felt a tightness around my neck, a thick tie appearing as my posture changed and I sat up straighter. The barber leaned in, whispered one last time.
“I believe we’re quite done Mr. Gallager,” he said. “You are a new man.”
With those words, my eyes opened. I took a deep breath, clearing my throat as I adjusted my large frame in the barber’s chair. The barber spun me around and I saw my reflection in the mirror.
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I was the spitting image of my father and uncle, a true Gallager man. I was broad chested, tall and thick. I’d lost all my hair years ago just like the other men in my family, and I was now working at the company they’d built. I had a new office on the toop floor and could have and own anything and anybody I wanted.
“So, what do you think?” He leaned in, his reflection looking at me from the mirror.
“I think I look perfect,” I said, the deep tone of my voice powerful and strong. “Now,” I said, locking eyes with Clarence. “I don’t think we’re quite done yet, are we Clarence?”
He smiled as I reached down and rubbed my throbbing cock. “No, sir.”
“Make it quick. I have to meet my father and Warren at the club for drinks.” Clarence was on his knees with my cock in his mouth almost immediately. I thrust into him as I held the back of his head firm, pushing him deeper as I stared at myself in the mirror. I reached up with my other hand, caressed my square jaw. My beard was trimmed perfectly. My head was clean shaved, the expensive suit clinging to my muscular frame as I owned Clarence like the alpha I was and had always been.
Loads of my alpha cum shot into Clarence’s mouth and I thrust harder, faster.
“That’s right boy. Swallow every drop.” I thrust harder, unable to take my eyes off my reflection as I came again and again. I was confident, strong. I was a true Gallager man, and I was looking forward to take my place in the family business.
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greyswap · 5 months
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Imagine my surprise when I woke up in Han Solo next to his best friend Luke. Leia was out of town and, evidently, Han and Luke were MUCH closer than anybody knew. Luke was looking up at me with a loving smile, and I could feel his meaty saber pressed against me.
So, the biggest question is . . . who wants to try Luke on for size and see what happens?
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greyswap · 5 months
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So, this is me now...Private Calvin Mantly, and it looks like this is me from now on. It's been hard getting used to the glasses and the skinny body that refuses to pack on muscle no matter how hard I work out or how much I eat. I will say that I've been enjoying my new cock. It's much larger than my previous one...an unexpected surprise and who knew Calvin here was a power top. I've railed so many beefy muscle bottoms in the last few months. I might be smaller in frame, but they all know who their daddy is. It's been kind of fun, honestly, but when I met "Cal" online and agreed to swap lives so I could get out of the service years earlier, I never expected to wake up and see this in the mirror.
"Cal" told me the truth. He did say he was a gay, large-cocked top. I just assumed the rest after he sent me a cock pic. I never imagined a dick like that could be attached to such a nerdy guy. But, waking up and seeing my new reflection was a shock. I went from massive, tanned jock who could have anybody he wanted to Calvin Mantly. Granted, I was a hungry power bottom before and had always dreamed about being a power top. So, I got what I wanted and it's my fault assuming "Cal" was more like me.
I'm on my way to base camp now, and I just got a text from my old body.
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We're going to be stationed in the same area next month before I get to leave for home, and Jeff wants to hook up. He always likes to send me pics to remind me of how hot I was, how hot he is.
I get it. I remember what it felt like to be that guy. I could have anything I wanted, but what he doesn't realize is that I'm getting whatever I want now, and I know how much he wants to be drilled by this massive nerdy dick I'm dragging around.
Yeah, I'm going to drill him hard. I'm going to tear that ass up and make him beg to suck me off. I'm going to make him my bitch for the last month I'm here. After that, I'm going to go home and join Calvin's dad's law firm. I'm going to pound all the little law clerks all the way to the top until I'm running the place in expensive suits and cars. Who knows, maybe I can build this body up and have the proper build for the power top I am.
Yeah, I was catfished, but Calvin Mantly is a whole new man.
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