greyvestboy · 1 year
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I try to combine the design of 1st and the 2nd ascension and Sodom's Beast Arcade form....just a quick one.
Alter Ego - Whore of Babylon (Agrippina the Younger)
Following the events of Arcade Collab Lilim Harlot, The Demon Beast Incarnadines seeking revenge on Draco and Chaldea, they possess the Saint Graph of Agrippina The Younger, Nero Claudius's mother turning her into a Beast Class servant. During their confrontation Draco confirm this is indeed her mother but not the one she know. This is Agrippina the mother of (Proto) Nero Claudius.
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greyvestboy · 1 year
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It Has been 85 years since i last draw
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greyvestboy · 1 year
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Was so happy when i got her, her summon animation is epic. Was so hype for her 3rd ascension. Was expecting maybe finally get to use her Beast form.
But unfortunately me personally wasn't a fan of the 3rd Ascension design, from a narrative stand point the design does make sense but again me personally feels like the design kinda bland, it doesn't feels like a Beast Servant it feels more like a Saber servant. Was expecting a downgraded version of Arcade Beast design.
But oh well, we can't always gets what we want. Copium using her 1st Ascension.
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greyvestboy · 1 year
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greyvestboy · 2 years
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Was clearing junks in my PC, and i found this, a scrapped fanservant concept for Queen Victoria as Saber Class.
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greyvestboy · 2 years
After collecting enough Grail (and QP) next to lvl 100
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greyvestboy · 2 years
Within the first hour of getting her....am i a mad man ? Yes....but i live for elegant design ladies
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greyvestboy · 2 years
Summer 2022 banner roll result
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greyvestboy · 2 years
Im almost losing hope of getting her ngl
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greyvestboy · 2 years
Divine/Divinity Ex - because an actual god not a pseudo in human body
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greyvestboy · 2 years
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greyvestboy · 2 years
5☆ Saber Husbando lvl 100
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greyvestboy · 2 years
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greyvestboy · 2 years
I have this one fanmade thought where, Beast VI is split into two, Nero's mother Aggripina is the other half and Nero is the other half.
Aggripina - Mother Harlot
Nero Claudius (male) - Anti-Christ
Honestly, the Official design for Beast Vi Sodom im kinda on the fence, the design looks ok, but whats with the tamamo ears and paws on the head. I was expecting the design to be a bit more bibblical.
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greyvestboy · 3 years
Technically they're from different realities so it's fine......Ehe
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greyvestboy · 3 years
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Here’s an unfinished design of Alter Ego - (Divine) Medusa. Was planning to post it for valentine but got caught with Corona (and i survive that, thank god) and some IRL stuff.
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greyvestboy · 3 years
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Random dump
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