grimmlyfairies · 3 years
Lore Discussion: Sirens
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Hello Souls! Welcome back to the Cabin on this nice Spring Evening today. Now, where I’m from, it tends to rain quite a lot. I don’t know about you, but I’m a rain person. I love being near it, in it, hearing it, seeing it. It just feels nice, another thing I love are the disturbing myths of the sea (even though I'm embarrassed to admit; I cannot swim..) Which brings us to today's Lore Discussion! Sirens. ⚠️TW: This post may trigger those with Thalassophobia, Serenephobia, and/or for those who may be deeply disturbed by mentions of death by drowning or mentioning of the unknown present of our 7 seas. ⚠️Now with that mentioned, let’s begin!
What are Sirens?
Sirens in Mythology are known to be either Birds or Fish with female features. The bird kinds usually go by “Harpy” Today. Sirens are Maiden-like creatures that lure those who listen to their voice to death. In common examples; They drown sailors. Now for those who are not familiar with the concept may be wondering: why would someone willingly be led to death because of a voice? Well, it’s because it’s said that their voices are enchanting, causing those at sea to go off-course.
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Where do they come from?
Sirens are originally from Greek Mythology, but on the topic of water-like creatures that bring doom. Now would be a good time to bring up 2 other creatures of interest. The Japanese Ningyo, and the Western-Cultured Mermaid.I wanted to bring them up because of their similarities they bring to the table. Mermaids are known to be beautiful, stunning, they’re pretty, and Sirens are also described as beautiful. The Ningyo are described to bring terrible luck when caught during fishing, and if one washed up ashore, it was a bad omen of war. It’s a stretch of similarity, but both sirens and Ningyo do bring destruction of a sort.
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When referencing Sirens, most refer to it from Odyssey. In Odyssey, Cicre warns Odysseus of the sirens coming their way, and tells them to not listen to their music as it’ll bring death. However in one reference, Odysseus wanted to hear the siren’s song. So, he had his men cover their ears in beeswax and he was tied tightly to the mast. He told them that no matter what happened during their song should they untie him.
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➼Siren (mythology) - Wikipedia
➼Siren | Definition, Legend, & History | Britannica
➼Ningyo - Wikipedia
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After Note
I wanted to thank those who stopped by here at the cabin today, even with me and Dibs barley posting since Yule took place. I had planned to write over the next 2 weeks to prepare to come into January with a bang but I ended up procrastinating. And I deeply apologize for doing so, I have no excuse and I shouldn’t have one. All I can say is that I will not post often due to busy schedule. But I hope to see you next time you stop by the cabin, until our next meeting souls, have a wonderful day.
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grimmlyfairies · 3 years
Hello! It’s Rem here,, I am very sorry for the lack of posts. As you see, me and Dibs have been busy with our lives in the Cabin.. But! Even with our schedule becoming off track (or Non-existent at this point--) I have a post in the making for Monday! So I hope you look forward to it, I’m very excited about this next post. Until next time, Meet you at the Cabin
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
Lore Discussion: Yule Cat
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Hello souls, I am back with another lore discussion in the Cabin and today we’re going back into the spirit of Yule! Or Christmas or Hanukkah, depending on which you celebrate or if you don’t. I hope you had a great weekend and Monday, I am your host Rem and I won’t stall you any further just please note: ⚠️TW: Ailurophobia (Fear of cats) and/or Megalophobia (Fear of giant things). The discussion also covers death briefly (child and adult,) I’d advise you to not read.⚠️ With that out of the way, let's start today’s discussion.
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What is the Yule Cat? Where are they from?
The Yule Cat, or The Icelandic Yule Cat, is a cat larger than mountains or as large as mountains from Iceland. During the time of Winter festivities, the Yule Cat wanders around the countryside of Iceland and traditionally peeps into windows of those who got gifts on Christmas that are clothes. If you received clothes during December, you are safe, If you did not receive any clothes, the Yule cat will eat you. History wise, the Legend of the Icelandic Yule Cat was all the way back in 1000-1500 A.D but written versions date back to the 17th century.
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Yule Cat | Monster Wiki | Fandom
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After Note
I’m sorry for a short discussion today, today is just one of those kinds of days where you're tired but you want to get stuff in on time, y’know? I was distracted on Saturday so I needed to get this done before I was late. I just have to get Tuesday and Thursday figured out and I’ll be good until next year. Oh right- From the 21st to the 31st I will not be posting, On the 22nd is my Birthday and I celebrate Christmas with my family so I want to clear those 2 weeks so I can do that without having to worry about deadlines. I’ll be back on the 4th of January, and remember: Our ask box is always open, so if you have something you want us to talk about we can look into it! Enjoy your week in the Cabin Souls, see you tomorrow.
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
My experience with the shadow people
Hello my People I will be taking about the weird things I have seen so to start off I will be talking about my experience with the shadow people so in my old house I used to some but I never thought much into until later years. But whenever I was little I would always see a man standing in the hallway in front of my parents bedroom looking at me it always scared me but I was always told it was just a bad dream but what if it was one of the shadow people. Years later we moved into this new house and I always feel like someone is standing behind me watching me like it was nothing and me and my sister would always see but I do see them too. then a couple of months ago me and my best friend saw someone leave her bathroom door and walk past her room into the guest room next to her and after they walked in they vanished
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
Hour of Phenomena: Shadow People
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Hello Souls welcome back to the Cabin, I hope you’ve all had a wonderful week so far. Today is Thursday and today we are doing another phenomena discussion. And this Time, It’s a paranormal one. Now you’ve already seen an example of Shadow People from our pfp actually! And of course before we begin ⚠️TW: If any of you are scared easily or have any troubles with derealization. This post may also include disturbing imagery as well, viewer discretion is advised.⚠️with that said, let’s dive into today’s discussion.
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What are shadow people?
At first thought, you’d either think that this would be for a lore discussion, or played off as hallucination. I would’ve never gone over this if I didn’t find out about them being an actual phenomena. Of course, even with so many including myself and Dibs seeing shadow people before, a lot still say they’re just figments of imagination.. But that doesn’t mean there’s theories one what they may actually be. Some theories on what they may be are: Demons, ghosts, astral beings, Interdimensional beings, aliens, honestly who knows? From the media, they’re generally tall, and supposedly masculine with a hat. From my experience, they’re at least 6 ft. or taller, because they were behind a door and I couldn't see their head. But with some research, they can be spotted, not only in our own realm but in mirrors too, they are sometimes spotted to have yellow or red eyes as well. And there’s even a ritual called “Midnight Man” which none of you should ever take as a “game.” But this ritual has a being with similar features. Aside from their general appearance, they’re a surprisingly popular phenomena, but only media wise.. On one side it's cool, they end up in games and such, but it makes it hard to research the topic without running into pure fiction.
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Are they bad?
Some are, but not all have malicious intent. As stated earlier, no one really knows “what” shadow people truly are. Who knows, they could be a mix of species! But from all we know, they’re not all bad.
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My Experience
I’ve already spoken a bit about my own experience, but I’d like to explain it further: It was a few years back in my old house. I had my own room on the second floor, and my bed was positioned across from the door. And on occasions I’d look at the door and see a tall dark figure just standing there. At first I thought it was one of my brothers trying to scare me, (The brother I’m mentioning is 6’5) but when it just stayed, I started to get scared. By the time I went over to the door it was gone, like it wasn’t even there in the first place. I always played it off as me hallucinating because it was already night. But now being in a new house and me never seeing it, despite the fact I’ve stayed up to different times, 9pm, 12am, 2am, 4am, 6am, I’ve pulled all nighters in the past months because I wouldn’t allow myself to sleep because of some emotional things I’ve had to deal with. But I never once encountered the shadow being in my new home. I’ve felt off in places in my house, but that’s for another discussion for another day.
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Explanations for the "Shadow People" Phenomenon (liveabout.com)
7 Things You Need to Know about Shadow People ... (allwomenstalk.com)
Shadow person - Wikipedia
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After Note
Hello souls, today is your last day in the Cabin with me this week. Today’s discussion was.. A little difficult for me to write, but I wanted to research this topic. I wrote it, and there’s no point for me to forget it when it’s something I have needed to deal with for some time. I’d admit, there are some.. Stuff that happens in the houses I’ve been in, Or lived in for that matter. But all things are answered in time, and today is not that time. Have wonderful night souls. Until next time.
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
Hour of Phenomena: Fairy Rings
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Hello souls, welcome back to the Cabin, I’m your host, Rem and I hope you had a beautiful Tuesday today. Today we are going over a beautiful phenomena of fairy rings. Or depending on where you are, Elf rings, witch circles or pixie rings. Now, while the wood is still burning settle down and relax as we discuss today's phenomena.
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What are they? Where do they come from?
Fairy rings are a series of mushrooms  formed in a ring. They’re called fairy rings because some say that they’re created by fairies. They’re a phenomena because they appear out of nowhere., one day they could be there, the next they aren’t! Now the science behind these fairy rings is that they come from a specific pattern of mycelium. Mycelium, for those who do not know is both fir reproduction and also used to absorb nutrients for the fungi. {I didn’t know about this either before and I must say, It’s so interesting to learn about it it’s really cool.} Now of course, these fairy rings aren’t uncommon, but that doesn’t mean you’ll see them every time you go outside to take a walk {I myself have never seen a fairy ring in person-} Though the sad part is that they’re very hard to get rid of.
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The lore aspect of Fairy rings
Typically coming across a fairy ring is seen as bad luck considering the mushrooms in fairy rings are usually poisonous. Aside from the state of the mushrooms and being around them; You should never, NEVER, step into a fairy ring. In some myths stepping into a fairy ring could cause misfortune, another death, and the other says you would be transported into another realm, the realm of fairies, which isn’t safe whatsoever. To ignore the consequences of a fairy circle is to run around the fairy ring 9 times specifically, or to wear your hat backwards to confuse them.
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Credits🍄 Do you dare enter a fairy ring? The mythical mushroom portals of the supernatural | Ancient Origins (ancient-origins.net)
🍄 Fairy rings and other plant lore - Dave's Garden
🍄 Magical Fairy Rings: The Science and Folklore (mushroom-appreciation.com)
🍄 Fairy ring - Wikipedia
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After Note
Welcome back souls from our discussion today, I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Now that the fire is out, and it has been some time I think it is safe to call it a night and relax. Now I must ask, did I miss anything from today’s discussion? Is there anything you’d like me to discuss in the future? Do any of you like mushrooms? I for one do, I love mushrooms on pizza, in soup, fried, in an omelet, or just cooked by themselves. Aside from the small talk, enjoy your Wednesday tomorrow souls, Neither I or Dibs will be posting tomorrow. So enjoy a quiet tomorrow, and have a wonderful day from the Cabin, Until next time.
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
Lore Discussion: Krampus
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Hello souls, welcome back to the Cabin on this beautiful, yet tiring Monday. I must say each Monday just feels to get longer and longer as time flies by… Anyways, I am your Host, Rem, and Today we are going to  talk about a lore from Central-Europe, Krampus. Before we start, ⚠️ TW: In this blog post there is brief discussion of religion, slavery, and child death . If you are uncomfortable with these topics I’d advise you not to read.⚠️ Now, get comfy today in the cabin, make sure we have the wood burning in the fire-place, and let’s head into the lore for today.
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Where did Krampus come from? {Origins}
There is no specific location on where the Krampus lore originated from, But some of the countries that hold some recognition of Krampus are: Germany, Austria, Croatia, and Slovenia. {I personally heard of this lore when I started learning about my family-history, both sides of my family are German. So it was really fun to learn about that-} 
Now, the tradition Krampus isn’t exactly Christian, but Pagan, more specifically from Norse Mythology. It was only in the 17th century where Krampus started being seen as a counterpart of St. Nick from the Holiday of Christmas.
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The Folk Lore Summary
So in the Story that I remember of Krampus was the following: Every December 5th, Krampus comes out and hunts down children who’ve been naughty and stuffs them into baskets to hang on the tallest tree. Then when the day of Christmas arrived he ate them. After doing some research for this I was and wasn’t surprised that I wasn’t all too wrong from my memory. In other versions of Krampus, he also takes children and adults alike away if they were bad into an underground layer where they become slaves for him. In some cases he is known to steal a child’s present to replace them with sticks or stones. In other cases large amounts of sticks are left for children who have not behaved, and it’s said that when no sticks are left at all, then you’ve been relatively a good kid!
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Krampusnacht, the Holiday
Now even though Krampus has been tied into Christianity from the modern telling of him. There are Krampus Festivals called “Krampusnacht.” On December 5th, in countries like Germany and Austria, it is known that people dress up as Krampus himself. And run around, sometimes drunk, and scare children (especially Delinquents.)
Credits♛ Origin of Santa Claus and Krampus | Historic Mysteries
♚  The Legend of Krampus - FrightFind
♛ Krampus - Wikipedia
♚ Krampusnacht: What Is It, and How Did it Start? (historythings.com)
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After Note
♠♤Hello welcome back from the lore discussion of today, I hoped you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing it. I’d love to ask: How is everyone’s monday? Did you enjoy the weekend? Are there any topics about Krampus that I missed? What would you guys like to see next? I’d love to hear, until then I’ll see you tomorrow souls, enjoy your time in the Cabin.♤♠ 
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
Hello! Quick Update
Hello souls, I’d like to inform you all about my posts, I have Today and tomorrow all sorted out which is great! All I need to do for this week is find something to discuss on Thursday. Other than that, expect a post at 6:30 pm Sharp! for today, tomorrow, and Thursday. Until then, have a nice time in the cabin. and I’ll be back shortly
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
What is both of you guys favorite color??
I’m happy You’re curious! My favorite color is Red, any shade, it’s beautiful. Dibs favorites the color Black, If you have any more questions about us or our blog don’t hesitate to ask! 
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
Utah Monolith Gone Missing
Hello my angels and demons so sorry for all of the late posting I will be trying my best.
Anyways today we are talking about the weird and crazy missing monolith in utah. It is/was a ten foot tall pole in the ground that came out of nowhere and then out of nowhere another one was found in romania could this be the same one or could it be something bigger? some theories include aliens some people believe that aliens were involved with this (crazy I know) but how could a ten foot pole just disappear that makes no sense to me at all how could something or someone move it unless it was aliens and they are wayyy more into the future than we are another theory is that it was just a group of bored people that wanted to see how far this can go. The monolith is/was hollow and wasn’t magnetic so what material could this be made out of? well that is all for today sorry it wasn't the best have an amazing rest of your day- Dibs
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
TW:// Covid
Hey guys it’s Dibs I’m so sorry for not posting yesterday I was very tired and with having rona and stuff and so I will be posting twice today have a good day much love
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
Jack the ripper
TRIGGER WARNING: Murder, Crime and graph details and a brief talk about religion 
Time: 1888-1892
Main Nickname: Jack the ripper.
Where: London and Yorkshire in england 
In 1888 there was a famous killer named Jack the killer he killed 5 women in total ‘Jack’ only targeted women all of the throats of the women and sometimes even had some organs removed and jack had completely mutilated the body so much. So let’s start from the beginning in 1888 Jack would go out late at night and hunt for women and ended up killing his first Victim Mary Ann Nichols on August 31st her throat was cut killing her quickly. Annie chapman was found on September 8th she (may have been) killed by asphyxiation with a handkerchief around her neck then she had her throat cut. Elizabeth stride was found on september 30th she was believed to have died from extreme blood loss from her liver. And the last body was found and her name is Mary Jane Kelly she was found November 9th her cause of death was lots of blood loss to the neck area. Now here are the suspects that are believed to be the ripper and I will tell everyone what I believe Our first suspect is/was a russian his name was/is Michael Ostrog he was a criminal and a physician who was placed in a asylum for homicidal tendencies. The next suspect was/is named Aaron Kosminski he was a resident at the church near where the bodies where found at/near/in he was known to hate women which people believed the ripper had a strong hatred towards women and he was hospitalized after the last murder and he is strongly believed to be the ripper
 I do not mean any harm to anyone that was affected by this I mean this with full educational purposes and please correct me if I have been wrong with anything. And sorry for this being very short I currently have Covid and I wanted to post something before 12 have a goodnight/day
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
+*Posting Days*+
Hello lovely souls, It’s Rem. Now this is my last post until Monday. Until then, Dibs will be keeping you guys company. Now I’m making this post to discuss our post times and what we post on our page. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. I’ll be posting. My content includes Folk Lore and Paranormal Activities (This will include games and phenomena.) On Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays Dibs posts on this page. Her content includes: True Crime and Conspiracy. Wednesdays are blank days, we may do a group post, we may answer questions or may not post at all. But for now that’s our schedule plan! Have a good night- Get ready for Monday in the Cabin, until then, have a good night.
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
True crime
Hey guys Dibs here I will be posting some things about true crime and I have some crimes I want to talk about Starting with Jack the ripper Which is one of my favs I will be doing research and looking into I will update everyone when I can have a nice day 
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
Hello! Welcome, welcome
Welcome to the cabin souls! I’m Rem, the other owner of this account along with my lovely friend, Dibs. I hope you enjoy your stay, in this account we research paranormal topics for our curious minds. If you’d like to come along for the journey then settle in. We’ll be right with you with an order of a magical, scary time.
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grimmlyfairies · 4 years
Hello my angels Welcome to this blog I am Dibs I like art and anything scary Let’s hope something magical happens. This is a paranormal blog and we will be posting the weird and freaky have a nice time here
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