grimpriests · 2 years
I'd like to take a moment to say thank you for 250+ followers. I have been quite busy with irl matters as of late hence I haven't been active here. I'll be answering all the asks + dms as soon as I have the free time which would be sometime around next week. Thanks for being patient with me, my sweet darlings, your messages and confessions are not and never will be ignored.
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grimpriests · 2 years
father, so overwhelmed with desires am I. what is a pitiful sinner like me to do? im a slave to my passions, a victim of my desires- father please a bible isn’t enough to occupy my restless hands any longer as prayers are no longer enough to occupy my lips🕯
Oh, my poor darling ... mayhaps it is not because the bible and its holy scriptures that are not enough, I believe you are simply just in need of a little more guidance. Fret not, with my enlightenment, you are soon to be freed from these tantalizing desires.
How about I invite you to sit on my lap, have you repeat the scriptures word by word after me and your hands intertwined with mine - so there is no room for your mind to wander off to something so sinful and focus on me instead. Would that be enough guidance for you, or would you prefer something more harsh.. such as the unspeakable?
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grimpriests · 2 years
I understand that you struggle to keep up your church attendance on a regular basis. As a man of God, it is only reasonable if I help keeping you stay in being one of Christ's faithful follower, didn't I? Perhaps you just need a little more something to keep your spirits high. And that is perfectly acceptable, as this feeling is very common.
So - how about by each visit, I reward you with something special? A sweet yet venereal secret shared between the two of us, hidden from all but God. But darling, don't you dare to feel ashamed nor call this intimate activity a sinful thing to do, for this is all done in the Holy name of God.
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grimpriests · 2 years
do you have a favorite scripture?
Matthew 5:44. For some reason, it's the only scripture that I have always been fond of - and still is, even though now I am no longer a Christian.
“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”
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grimpriests · 2 years
whats your sexuality ?
I do not label my sexuality.
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grimpriests · 2 years
How badly I wish to ruin you. Abuse my position as a priest to take advantage of your faith and belief in Christianity, falsify the holy scripture to lead you into the depths of blasphemous sin. I want to invite you to attend the church at night, promising you that I'd only deliver you a short homily- only to shove you down the altar and have you spread your legs for me so I can have my way with your body. I wonder if you'd beg for God to absolve you off all your sins then, or would you beg for me to pleasure you even more instead?
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grimpriests · 3 years
My rosary being wrapped around your delicate hands, securing them together to prevent you from touching yourself as a punishment for your bold attempt of teasing me during today's Mass. I'll lift your chin, open up your lips before I shove my cock inside that lonely mouth of yours.
“As quoted from 1 John 1:9 ; If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness...
Hence, let this sin be witnessed. Let Him see how much of a sinner you actually are, desperately begging to be pleasured by someone of a religious figure. So go on, pray for God's forgiveness as you suck on my cock like the depraved slut you are. If you pray well enough, you are to be forgiven.”
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grimpriests · 3 years
May I ask why’d you stop being Christian/what religion would you identify as now?
I grew up in a very religious family, went to a Christian school all my life, was a part of the altar server once and regularly attends the Church, yet despite all of that I have never felt at peace with Christianity. I feel like a lot of its concepts do not align with me. Therefore I see no point in being a Christian. As of now, I don't have a definite answer to what religion I believe in yet.
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grimpriests · 3 years
i can get behind this kink honestly. my bf is very composed and dignified and i love to (consensually) tempt and tease him until he falls apart. something about leading someone so pristine and innocent into sin
Makes sense, because this kink also tends to include corruption kink as well. Most of my posts, for example, are about corrupting a priest. There is indeed something very appealing about tempting an innocent one into sin. To see them break down, begging on their knees to be pleasured after keeping up such a composed profile before.
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grimpriests · 3 years
if it's ok to ask and you're comfortable answering, how long has it been since you quit being a christian?
It has been years, but I forgot exactly for how many years. I believe it's around three years. I hope that answers your question.
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grimpriests · 3 years
I am aware that coming to a confessional room means that one would want to tell the Lord of their sins, but goodness, I have never heard of such blasphemous confession. I recognize you, coming to the church, each day praying in His name with hopes to be saved.
But is it truly salvation that you are seeking for? Are you not looking for ways to relieve of that tantalizing desires, my dear?
Such sinful side should be kept a secret, only between you and me, away from God. Worry not, you are more than your sins, you are still deserving of His good graces. I will guide you return back to His rightful path, in my very own way. I myself am able to aid you relieve that desires, however, the final choice is yours.
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grimpriests · 3 years
My only two favorite hot priests.
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grimpriests · 3 years
A charismatic, devout priest visiting your home at night with means to perform an exorcism. During the process, the evil spirit that resides in your place ended up possessing and controlling his body, making him behave in the most inappropriate way a priest could present himself to be. Just as wrong, as blasphemous it is, it's also as enticingly erotic. The moment he breaks free from the possession, only then he realised that he had gone astray. He realised that he had made love to you, all while wearing his vest of priesthood. The father's neck that was wrapped in clerical collar now has been stained all over with kiss marks, a distinct proof of his sinful yet passionate night.
Latter on the priest would be begging on his knees for forgiveness, both from you and his God.
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grimpriests · 3 years
You, the one sitting there in the front row of pews. Seeing how saintly you act truly amuses me. What a very good follower does God has, hm?
I know what you are hiding, little lamb. Like the saying goes, eyes are the window to one's soul. I see it, the lustful desires you are so badly trying to hide by being a devout. I wonder for how much longer you can endure it? Because even in the presence of God, you keep fantasizing about such unholy thoughts. Even to involve a religious figure in your fantasies - the things you want a priest to do to you. What's the use of lying to God, my sinful dear?
Perhaps you'll like my method better. Come to me and I'll show you the ways to repent your sins ... or, I can show you what real sins are.
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grimpriests · 3 years
Priest Michael Kovak portrayed by Collin O'Donoghue
-The Rite (2011)
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In my personal opinion the movie was an alright one. It has the potential to become a great religious horror movie, though. My initial reason of watching was - you know, because of the priest.
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grimpriests · 3 years
Oh, to make a priest cry under my touch.
To hear him preaching God's teachings whilst he tried to fought the ecstasy, before he failed miserably, his sermon slurring into inaudible noises - moans and cries filling the confessional room. Make him whimper, aching in the most sinful ways as I ride him, two of my hands tracing every inch of his sacred body.
“I can't,” He cried out, both in pleasure and guilt creeping up his body. “No. I shouldn't be doing this. I have a vow, a vow of celibacy. Please get off my body, I have sinned for more than enough.”
The priest begged - the same time he reached his climax, staining the holy bible with his cum. What a pathetic man of God. I doubt you are still deserving of wearing that priestly attire, Father.
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grimpriests · 3 years
The urge to enter a confessional room and turn the priest into the living corroboration of my lustful desires. To stain the Father's consecrated body with my sinful touches, tease him so much to the point he wants to break his vow of celibacy.
Convince him to believe that he is no longer worthy of being a God's disciple - make him feel shameful for wearing his cassock and clerical collar. Make him sin so, so much that he feels undeserved of God's graces anymore.
And in his lowest point, he'd so badly try justifying his sins by quoting numerous bible verses.
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