grimwatch · 3 years
Some Spicy things ahead
*rubs my little fly hands together* >:3c I like some of your submissions you little goblins thank you for this GOOD FUCKIN FOOD
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grimwatch · 3 years
Submissions still opeeeen.
Idk if tumblr is eating asks but just YEET THEM AT ME.
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grimwatch · 3 years
I can't find your rules on mobile 😔
Just posted a mobile version!
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grimwatch · 3 years
1. Hex has a preference for M/M content he will accept M/F and F/F content without issue. Trans, nonbinary and intersex characters/requests are welcome, however, any requests that use slurs will be deleted and you will be blocked. We also REFUSE to fill anything that has to do with violence specifically against an individual for the specific reason that they are x race, sexuality or gender. [So yandere requests with a trans reader is fine - asking for a trans reader being mocked or hurt BECAUSE they are trans will not be accepted.]
2. Will take all sfw/nsfw requests for all Overwatch characters except Orisa, Bastion, Winston, Hammond and Torbjorn. Canon/Canon asks are allowed. Other fandoms Hex is into include: Red Dead Redemption 2, BNHA, JJBA (anime only), Dragon Age and a mishmash of other things - if you’re not sure, just ask!
3. Be specific with your asks! Are you looking for a match up? A headcanon? A drabble? Are you just throwing out a scenario for us to work with? Is there a specific kink you want in there or nah? What gender for reader fics? Second person (You) or third person (he/she/they)?
4. Read through the F-list (Hex) please. Any asks that have anything on the ‘No’ list will be ignored and deleted.
5. Try to limit your asks to a maximum of two at a time please!
6. If you’ve submitted an ask and it hasn’t been filled, it was either eaten, broke a rule, or I just really didn’t know what to write for it - though I will likely respond with an apology if that is the case. ;c
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grimwatch · 3 years
If there’d ever been a moment that she’d been glad for Josephine’s insistence that she get a day off, it was now. With her eyes covered, there was little way to tell how much time had passed since the first, strong coils had been wrapped around her arms.She shifts again, slightly, adjusting her knees on the bed. When Bull had asked to be involved in picking out their new bed, she’d assumed it was to make sure they accommodated for his size. Evidently, he’d been more concerned about other things. A hand skims over the thick of her ass, and she startles, head jerking, and a definite thread of slick leaking from the slit between her thighs. Ancestors help her, everything was just that much more sensitive like this. “You’re doing good.” Her ears strain to try and pinpoint the location of that voice - deep, like an echo in a well. She can hear him moving in a circle around her, heavy footsteps, the sound of cloth shifting.
“I’m going to lower you down. Tell me if you feel anything change.”
It’s slow, a gradual drop down into the plush pillows that had been waiting underneath as a safety net of sorts, her breath leaving her in a long, drawn out sigh. The mattress dips, and heat covers the back of her thighs as he leans into her. Deliberate. He could just as easily have undone the knots without the touch, but this is a reminder of his presence.
The sensation is both grounding and a tease, given that like this, any movement she makes to chase the rush of pleasure spiking in her belly will make it hard for him to undo the ropework - which means retribution. And tempting as that sounds, she will actually need to be able to walk in front of the comtesses tomorrow, or Vivienne will have her head.
So she waits, quivering, the ache in her cunt exacerbated by the proximity to her desire, until the ropes finally fall loose, and a thick arm slides underneath her belly to tug her hips up. He’s so stupidly big, it’s a wonder she hasn’t fallen apart yet.
Her hands are gathered again, this time in the hold of a palm twice as big as hers; gripped tight, and hot breath runs up the length of her spine to the shell of her ear. A shiver that she knows he can feel with the way he’s pressed up against her, and the low chuckle he lets out burns a path straight to her sex.
He takes the low moan she lets out as assent.
The breath is driven out of her with the first, brutal thrust, filling her to capacity in a way that will ache in the hours to come, the grip on her arms hard enough to bruise the delicate skin, already sensitive from the binds.
“Fuck-” gasped out at the same time as the groan above her echoes off the walls, and she can’t even scratch at the sheets as a distraction - left to bear down on the girth splitting her open, wet noises filling the room punctuated by the slap of skin on skin. Rocked forward with each impact, the whining in her throat a harmony to the low grunts Bull lets out, not pausing in that breakneck pace for a minute.
When he empties himself on the backs of her thighs, it’s not the first time in the day. And it won’t be the last. Not with the Qunari’s appetite - and not with her body’s need to sate him. The next morning will bring the aching, and breakfast in bed, and she’ll cover up the bruises as best as she can before meeting with the comtesses and their roaming eyes.
Nice to see another Dragon age ho LMAO, for a request could you maybe write a Iron bull/ F! Cadash Inquisitor with some rough bdsm stuff?
Absolutely 👀 imma end work early today so this afternoon/evening about to be a write fest. If you have more reqs just throw them.
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grimwatch · 3 years
No way you're back! Ahhhhhh❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yessu! uvu literally working on the first prompt right now hehehoohoo
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grimwatch · 3 years
Nice to see another Dragon age ho LMAO, for a request could you maybe write a Iron bull/ F! Cadash Inquisitor with some rough bdsm stuff?
Absolutely 👀 imma end work early today so this afternoon/evening about to be a write fest. If you have more reqs just throw them.
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grimwatch · 3 years
It’s been one day back here and this is the first thing I see on my dashboard thank you tungle dot com
I really hate those stupids posts that are like:
“What about REAL monster girls??? Not just weird humans?? like real huge MONSTERS?? With giant sharp claws and big sharp teeth?? Where are those???”
You’re thinking of bestiality. You want to fuck a T-Rex.
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grimwatch · 3 years
OH and HADES too how could i forget my best big tiddy gods and goddesses that game fr awakened the thirsty bisexual in me I couldn’t handle it.
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grimwatch · 3 years
Holy moly, welcome back! I'm happy to see you still kicking around. What a legend 💙 Hope you're staying safe and well! And Other Fandoms, you say? 👀
I am safe and well! I can’t answer on Jinx’s part but they’re in a stable-ish place right now last we spoke! 💜
And yes, my horizons have slightly expanded since back then. I actively write RDR2 content now, alongside Overwatch stuff, also peepin’ some anime in my life like BNHA, JJK, JJBA (anime only don’t come for me manga fans) and some other vidya games. If you recc me things to watch/play I will probably go peep them because I crave the Content.
I’m also back on my BioWare Dragon Age bullshit because I’m a HO.
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grimwatch · 3 years
Mayhaps… if you would all like to send some asks…. Or requests….
Mayhaps I would even do things for Other Fandoms like RDR2 or something
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grimwatch · 3 years
are you guys still active?
My bones are old and dusty but I return to life
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grimwatch · 3 years
Hey! I know it's been some time (and frankly, I'm not sure if you guys still frequent this blog at all), but in the past (like, I'm talking 2 years or so ago lol) I've tried to comm you via discord, and I think our dm's may have gotten buried/forgotten! If either of you are still around and interested in taking on a comm, def let me know!
I mean. I’m here NOW jckdkckakfkrmgmfm
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grimwatch · 3 years
*blows the dust off here and wheezes*
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grimwatch · 5 years
Oh that Vampire Rein one was good 🙊🙊🙊
Thank you! 😁😁 We're very glad you guys are enjoying in.
Right now we have TWO more requests in our asks - so keep them coming guys!
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grimwatch · 5 years
The sigma one was so good thank you so much 😭😭😭💞💞💞
Aaaaah bless you 💕💕💕
like i'm very aware it's hard to reblog our stuff for various reasons but these messages and tags are what keeps us goin 💕💕💕💕💕
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grimwatch · 5 years
Heads Up
Btw, we’ve done some of these already but in case it wasn’t clear from the blog aes and stuff - if you request for match ups, they will usually be dark-ish | yandere themed by default unless you specify that you want something light/fluffy! Please do let us know when you request because we don’t want to unintentionally upset anyone! :3
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