grmppy · 1 year
the fact that gordon has such a main character arc but his very much like : leave me alone. is hilarious.
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grmppy · 1 year
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like for a starter from gordon. i love him so much.
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grmppy · 1 year
gordon loves his parents. but especially his mother @denydefeat
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grmppy · 1 year
↪ 𝑩𝑨𝑵𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑺𝑵𝑨𝑻𝑪𝑯 . ( a collection of sentence starters from black mirror's episode bandersnatch . adjust phrasing as necessary . )
here's your tea .
sorry , i was miles away .
this is my latest .
listen , let's get down to business .
got a copy of this at home , never got around to reading it .
how do you want to go about this ?
you're ... you're interested ?
it's just that it's all in my head .
when it's a concept piece , a bit of madness is what you need .
what do you listen to ? to get into the flow .
so ... how does it work , then ?
is that the best way to work on something like this ?
nothing's perfect .
it was too ... too good to be true .
i don't know where it came from , i just said "no" .
would you like to talk about what happened with [ name ] ?
come on , [ name ] , we're going to be late .
you couldn't have known . [ name ] , you couldn't have known .
i fucking hate him for it .
the past is immutable , [ name ] .
remember- any time you need me , just pick up the phone .
is everything alright ?
you've been stuck in your room for weeks .
i can't help you if you just sit there and don't speak !
[ name ] , just ... fuck off !
you're not sleeping , you're not eating ... i'm concerned about you .
you're in the hole . in a fight with your own head .
you got anywhere to be later ?
oh , i haven't ever really -
one for you ... one for me .
it's your choice . totally up to you , don't feel pressured .
just thought i'd give you the choice .
what have you done ?
i chose for you . are you okay with that ?
people think there's one reality , but there's loads of them .
people think you can't go back and change things , but you can .
it's a fucking nightmare world , and the worst thing is it's real and we're living in it
i've given you the knowledge . i've set you free . do you understand ?
i'll show you what i mean . come with me .
do you believe me ? i'll prove it .
it wouldn't matter , because there are other timelines .
you'd die ... you'd die !
see you on the other side .
[ name ] , maybe ... you're not well .
my head is all over the place . i keep having vivid dreams .
don't see this as a setback .
just ... don't . fuck . up . there's a lot riding on this , now .
[ name ] wanted me to give you this .
your fate has been dictated . it's out of your hands .
you're just a puppet . you're not in control .
who's doing this to me ? i know there's someone there .
i know there's someone there , just give me a fucking sign !
i'm not in control ... i'm not in control . i'm being controlled .
what do i do ?
[ name ] , spit it out .
fuckin' hell , you've gone right down the hole .
so . are you gonna let me go , or are you gonna kill me ?
i'm quite enjoying this lifetime .
i know what you've been doing to me .
try again .
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grmppy · 1 year
gordon has a great dad, we stan ouat grumpy here.
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grmppy · 1 year
i kept gordon's pride icon from last year as he is ALWAYS a bi icon.
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grmppy · 1 year
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JAKE PUCKERMAN in 4.07 | Dynamic Duets
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grmppy · 1 year
remember when gordon was close to his sister @chaoswrote?
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grmppy · 1 year
so the reason i write gordon as having social anxiety is based on how in one of the books, grumpy is talking about his son and not even Evie who knows Doug knows who he is. He keeps to himself, and yes he gets into trouble and has a lot of opinions, he doesn’t vocalise those unless his comfortable or put on the spot.    his my shy boy. 
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grmppy · 1 year
gordon is dan humphrey without the gossip blog and i will CONTINUE to stand by this. 
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grmppy · 1 year
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grmppy · 1 year
i’m so pumped to see the descendants rebirth.
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grmppy · 1 year
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——— i   kneel   into   a   dream   where   i   am   good   ﹠   i   am   loved   .      i   am   good   ﹠   i   am   loved   .      my   hands   have   made   good   mistakes   .      they   can   always   make   better   ones   . ❜❜
#WASMAL :      an   independent      &         heavily   selective   private   blog   for   mal   bertha   of   d.isney's   d.escendants   ! by kafziel . he / xe .
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grmppy · 2 years
gordon is dan humphrey without the gossip blog and i will CONTINUE to stand by this. 
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grmppy · 2 years
           It wasn’t often he was the one being dangled on a thread, finding himself completely and utterly captured by another. At their mercy. And it came from somewhere he least expected. His sister best friend. On paper most would raise eyebrows at the match but Chad knew that rule breaking boy was going to steal his heart from near enough the second he noticed him. There was something about Gordon that had got under his skin from their first run in, that bright smile and sly comebacks had him caught on the web. It annoyed him for a long time how a boy he never previously took notice of made him weak at the knees but he would never have it any other way. The kiss on the hand in the moment was evidence of that as his cheeks flushed a light shade. ‘ No two egos of that measure would be impossible to handle, you’re right. ‘ Arm wrapping around the other boys frame to pull him closer, head nuzzling in as he couldn’t help but brush a laugh at the comment. ‘ But it’s also a crime for me not to tell my boyfriend how cute he is at any given moment. Because you are in fact, cute. ‘ Doubly so.
❛ I know. ❜ another laugh escaped his lips, in truth he really didn’t know. He was the son of a dwarf and a fairy, and who used to hide in every location possible due to his anxiety. He had been pretty good at being invisible, until now. His eyes closed for a moment, just appreciating the closeness, the hug that melted nearly every worry away and just made him want to spend the rest of the day like this, cuddling with his boyfriend, in the most picture perfect way possible. Gordon never thought this would be HIS life. dating a prince, being friends with the in crowd. NONE of it made any sense, but here he was. They had come a long way from that awful fight in the corridor ... two years ago. He could hear the school bell, and turned to look up for a moment, smirk as he planned to propose a small break of the rules. It was for love after all, and wasn’t that one of the main ... things that Auradon was always going on about? ❛ I really don’t want to go to class... wanna skip? ❜
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grmppy · 2 years
the fact grumpy is a teacher and also some sort of civil rights guy, is just .. one of the only GOOD things from descendants cause they made some CHOICES with other characters, but Grumpy? his fucking great. 
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grmppy · 2 years
She could tell that Gordon thought that he was busted, as he quickly began filling the space between them with words of his father. She could almost see the sweat beading on his forehead. “Gordon, breathe. This isn’t an interrogation, I promise.” Snow went quick into reassuring mode, just like any princess would. 
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“You realize just because I am a mother I still train right?” There was no point in ever stopping, especially when she never knew what loomed around the corner. “I don’t mind a round of twenty questions when it comes to my nephew.” Her heart honestly swelled whenever anyone called her aunt snow, especially any of the dwarves kids. “Your father will never not be my little grumpy to me. But you still never answered me about what your doing out here in the woods.” 
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❛ just going to meet a friend that pa doesn’t like at all. ❜ well, he wasn’t entirely wrong. chad was a person and grumpy didn’t like him very much, but friend wasn’t the right word and he really didn’t want to talk about this with any adult, especially not his aunt. ❛ and Ma would just go tell Pa, then it’ll be a whole thing and then pa would bring in my lackluster grades and .... you know how pa gets when his in a mood. ❜
The exact same thing that Gordon did when he was nervous - talk a mile a minute. His eyes turned to her bow and sword. That was cool and if he wasn’t trying to sneak out of school he probably would have asked to train instead. 
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