groote-suit-riot · 10 years
Aw that's so cool! And so awesome! Thank you sweetie. [stands up on his tip toes to peck Jackie]
Hi there honey.
Howard! Hey! You won’t believe what sort of stuff they had at RetroCon when I went with Corey and his family. They had “I Am Groot” t-shirts. I added an e and got us each one.
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groote-suit-riot · 10 years
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groote-suit-riot · 10 years
Well the planner isn't a bad idea. Of course you could just fill it all the way with 'go see Mr. Wayne'. But he's always loved baseball, his motorcycle...stuff like that. Stuff like that.
I mean you could always have work done on the bike and make it come back as bright pink.
Hey, Howard. I know this is out of the blue, but I'm trying to figure out what to get McGinnis for his birthday. You're his best buddy. Mind helping me out?
Oh! Uh…hey Willie. You’re looking for a gift for Terry? Yeah I can help you out. He likes a lot of stuff. Did you have anything in mind?
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groote-suit-riot · 10 years
I mean I have ideas, but what exactly did he get you? There's different levels of trolling you could go with but I don't know if you want something to be the same level or you want to go overboard.
Hey, Howard. I know this is out of the blue, but I'm trying to figure out what to get McGinnis for his birthday. You're his best buddy. Mind helping me out?
Oh! Uh…hey Willie. You’re looking for a gift for Terry? Yeah I can help you out. He likes a lot of stuff. Did you have anything in mind?
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groote-suit-riot · 10 years
But that does sound like a great gift. I can't tell you how many times we've just assumed that Terry isn't going to make it because of work. So you're not wanting to get something nice. You want something...uh....trollish.
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I mena, what did Terry get you that you want to get back at him for?
Hey, Howard. I know this is out of the blue, but I'm trying to figure out what to get McGinnis for his birthday. You're his best buddy. Mind helping me out?
Oh! Uh…hey Willie. You’re looking for a gift for Terry? Yeah I can help you out. He likes a lot of stuff. Did you have anything in mind?
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groote-suit-riot · 10 years
Hey, Howard. I know this is out of the blue, but I'm trying to figure out what to get McGinnis for his birthday. You're his best buddy. Mind helping me out?
Oh! Uh...hey Willie. You're looking for a gift for Terry? Yeah I can help you out. He likes a lot of stuff. Did you have anything in mind?
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groote-suit-riot · 10 years
Psssst. How would you like to get off campus for a little while and do something? I'm going stir-crazy cramming for exams and Vivi needs the room.
Oooo. You bet! I'll come right over.
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groote-suit-riot · 10 years
He did? Wow...that's really schway of him. And...wait that guy said what? But the Big Bang killed 90% of the people infected by it, right? And the ones who did survive mostly became monsters and freaky things. I'd be so scared if that happened. And if you got hurt...
I'll grab everything we need and come right over. I'll try and make sure nothing happens to you for the rest of the night.
Jackie! I heard about the clubs and remember you saying you were going out to one. Are you okay, sweetie?
Yeah, I’m okay, Howard. This has been the most insanity I’ve seen since junior year, though. Nepenthe was at the club and whatever got unleashed in the air made me all kinds of, well, frisky.
It wasn’t only that! Karen and I just got back from Corey Cavalieri’s birthday party in Replicant Row. A pair of guys tried to throw a bomb of some sort into the arcade and Willie stopped them. Technically, he stopped one of them. Corey and his friends stopped the other one and I grabbed the glass jar they planned on breaking.
I know New York is the city that never sleeps. Gotham is the city that never behaves.
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groote-suit-riot · 10 years
That's crazy! I'm glad your okay. Corey and Karen too. And Willie. And yeah, there's a lot of craziness in this city. Could be worse though. My folks said it was even crazier when Batman's old bad guys were around.
Do you want me to do anything Jackie? I can come over, we can snuggle. We can go out, we can shop. It's whatever you wanna do. I can even grab some treats for Fiver before I come over.
Jackie! I heard about the clubs and remember you saying you were going out to one. Are you okay, sweetie?
Yeah, I’m okay, Howard. This has been the most insanity I’ve seen since junior year, though. Nepenthe was at the club and whatever got unleashed in the air made me all kinds of, well, frisky.
It wasn’t only that! Karen and I just got back from Corey Cavalieri’s birthday party in Replicant Row. A pair of guys tried to throw a bomb of some sort into the arcade and Willie stopped them. Technically, he stopped one of them. Corey and his friends stopped the other one and I grabbed the glass jar they planned on breaking.
I know New York is the city that never sleeps. Gotham is the city that never behaves.
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groote-suit-riot · 11 years
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groote-suit-riot · 11 years
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groote-suit-riot · 11 years
"I'm doing a few nursing classes and teaching. Going to dive headfirst into the teaching world. I'm hoping to do elementary school or pre-k if I can help it" Helen roared from the back. She felt like she had to roar over the engine since it was so loud. Sure it meant close to five years in school at least, but that was okay. Her extended family helping with whatever bills she had since she actually managed to get a few scholarships.
"You were working? That stinks. Ms. Wayne really needs to let you hang with us and the others more" she explained. "I mean I get working every day, but at weird hours too?"
Girl's Day: Terri McGinnis and Helen Groote
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groote-suit-riot · 11 years
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groote-suit-riot · 11 years
Stuffing her head into the helmet, she clamped onto the bike as it began to ride. She knew in all her years, she would never ever drive a motorcycle. Riding one though? Oh it was incredible and she loved the thrill of riding on one while Terri (or whoever was driving but it was usually Terri riding a bike these days) drove around Gotham.
"The only thing i hate" she tried to yell over the engine "is the wind." Even still, seeing Terri around was a nice treat. "I've been alright. I registered for classes, celebrated the holidays with the family and got some new stuff. What about you, Terri?" What did Terri do over the holidays? Her friend, probably her best friend in her eyes was usually busy as all heck these days, but for good reason.
Girl's Day: Terri McGinnis and Helen Groote
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groote-suit-riot · 11 years
That was a happy treat to be treated by Terri. She pulled on her winter clothes, all the while hoping not to mess up her apperence too badly. She hd to tell herself that she could just fix herself up in the bathroom if need be, but she'd rather not be too sloppy.
One last check in the mirror and she smiled. Yep, she was ready for the winter. "Mom, Terri's here. I'll call you if anything's up" she said. "Love you, bye." Opening the door she winced as she felt the unbridled cold. This wasn't nipping, Jack Frost was probably mauling at any exposed skin.
She trudged over and beamed. "Hey you!" she said. "I love riding on this thing. How've you been?" She hopped on and held on, ready for Terri's driving.
Girl's Day: Terri McGinnis and Helen Groote
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groote-suit-riot · 11 years
She was hugging her phone close to her, waiting for a response. Maybe it was also in some vein hope that she could get some extra heat from her phone. She beamed when she saw the response. Yes, her day was now satisfied.
[Text]: "Swing by? I'm still grounded and can't drive the car after the party. I'll get ready and see if I can snag a few stuff from my Mom's cabinet for a treat. Or I can get the meal on me at the mall."
She began rushing around her room, making sure she looked good. Terri she didn't mind being herself. She was an amazing friend to have and she could look like a slob if she wanted to and be comfortable around her. But she'd be looking at some cute boys, butts and bulges today. She needed to look good.
"Mom, Terri's gonna swing by and we're going to cruise the mall."
"Be home before--"
"Mooom, I know."
"Well don't interrupt me, young lady."
Girl's Day: Terri McGinnis and Helen Groote
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groote-suit-riot · 11 years
But I love you more.
Sure, that's a good idea. And I remember how to pick up Fiver and I'll tell my folks. He'll be in good hands, sweetie.
Hey, Jackie? I've been hearing what's been happening lately. Do you need me for anything? If you want to swing by home and visit, just let me know. My folks will be happy to do so.
It’s kind of hard not to, Howie. They’re plastering Bill and his company all over the news. I was going to tell you about my dad a little later, I promise. This is awkward…
I might take you up on that, if I wear out my welcome at Max’s place. But if you think your folks would be okay with letting you take care of Fiver for a bit, I bet Bill will be super grateful.
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