grossangst · 13 days
Character is diapered under their clothes and has been using it all day so it's pretty full. They think they've gotten it all out only to be hit by a bad cramp at the worst possible time. They wanna push but there's no more room in their diaper, and this load is coming out fast. Red-faced and trembling, they cant do anything else but grit their teeth as a tidal wave of warm muck pours out of their bottom, pushing their diaper to it's limit before bursting out of the legholes and spilling down their legs. It gushes out of their pants legs and splatters wetly onto the floor, leaving their demin jeans stained and sticking to their thighs, as well as a rancid chunky mess on their carpet. They've got a lot to clean up, but it felt so good to get out. Plus, now they know how much their diaper can take until it blows.
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grossangst · 3 months
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Just chilling these daysss
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grossangst · 3 months
thanks!! Here’s some more soft ones~
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grossangst · 1 year
"My stomach is killing me" gets me every time ngl, idk why its just <3333333
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grossangst · 1 year
Some prompts for when a caretaker can't see sickie's face (I'm imagining this as a situation where sickie is laying on caretaker's shoulder or maybe their chest but they're not looking at them), but they still know they either just got thrown up on or are about to...
1: They FEEL sickie's stomach lurch against their own stomach or chest
2: wet coughs/burps
3: no sound but they feel the warm liquid suddenly down their back
4: maybe they don't notice; sickie just gives an embarrassed, "sorry..." and they look and-
5: sickie suddenly starts crying and experienced caretaker knows that means it's far too late to get a bowl so they just accept their fate
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grossangst · 1 year
dehumanize your whumpees!! put cigarettes out on their bruised skin. make them eat days-old food. carve degrading and insulting words into their skin. give them expired medicine. keep them chained to the wall by a leash and collar that’s too tight and barely gives them any room for movement. make them ask for permission before speaking or standing or breathing. dehumanize your whumpees. <3
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grossangst · 1 year
Thinking about someone accidentally answering a video chat request while they're on the bathroom floor in between vomiting bouts. Not being able to hang up fast enough before the next one gets them.
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grossangst · 2 years
Wonder if anyone else looks up gross things as a form of self harm like it feels like that sometimes maybe all the time…
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grossangst · 2 years
A boy who's messing himself, unable to stop the torrent of hot diarrhea pouring out of him and into his white jeans, and as if that couldn't get any worse his weakened bladder decides to join in on the fun, spilling hot urine down his leg now, leaving him hiccuping and sobbing at how miserable he feels now that his bowels are done. . .
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grossangst · 2 years
Vampire Caretaker
Whumpee cowered further back against the alley wall as the creature advanced.
“D-don’t come any closer!” Whumpee squeaked out.
“Calm down, love,” the vampire said soothingly, “I’m not going to hurt you. My name is Caretaker, and I’m here to help you.”
Whumpee curled in on themselves as Caretaker crouched down to their level. They reached out a slender, pale hand and felt Whumpee’s forehead.
“Hmm, a fever,” Caretaker said to themselves, “that poison is kicking in quicker than usual.”
“G-go away!” Whumpee cried.
“I can’t do that, love, I need to get that poison out of your bloodstream first.”
Whumpee saw through blurry vision as Caretaker reached over and tilted their head. They tried to push Caretaker away, but between Caretaker’s superhuman strength and Whumpee’s poison-fueled weakness, Caretaker was barely moved. Whumpee gasped as Caretaker sank their fangs into their neck. Caretaker sucked the poisoned blood out of their system, all the while Whumpee grew more lightheaded. When all the poison was drained, Caretaker lifted Whumpee into a bridal carry.
“Don’t worry, little one,” Caretaker said, “I’m going to take care of you.”
Whumpee felt too dazed to fight back. They let themselves be carried out of the alley and toward a large castle in the distance. Whumpee’s vision faded as exhaustion took its toll. Whumpee fell asleep cradled in Caretaker’s arms.
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grossangst · 2 years
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✨ Long sleeves + vomiting ✨
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grossangst · 2 years
Me: *gets a new fave*
Me: Great. I want to see him puke 'til he cries.
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grossangst · 2 years
Dialogue prompts, cold cloth on forehead edition ☺️
“You’re burning up! We need something cold for your forehead.”
“Do you want something cool on your face?”
“Let me get you another cool cloth for your neck…”
“Jesus Christ, you heated that up really fast.”
“Hey, don’t worry, go lie down. I’ll go get a cold compress for that fever.”
“I’m gonna go get another cold cloth for you, we really need this fever down.”
“You’re feeling nauseous? Sometimes a cold cloth on your forehead can help…”
“Pull the blankets down a little, I need to put this cloth on your chest.”
“I can’t tell if it’s the water from all the soaked rags or if you’re just sweating bullets… I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s both.”
“Do you think you can lift your head a little? I need to put this on your neck.”
“My face feels like a hot water balloon… I just really want something cold on it.”
“I’m sweating right through these.”
“I just need to cool down…”
“Can you get me a cold rag or something? I really feel like I’m gonna throw up.”
“I’m feeling kinda feverish, my head feels really hot. I’m gonna grab something cool to put on my forehead.”
“I don’t think they’re doing anything… I still feel really hot.”
“I feel like I’m on fire, I need something cold on me, please.”
“It’s just a fever, nothing a cool cloth can’t fix.”
“I heard putting something cold on your face can help when you feel like puking… please tell me that’s true.”
“That feels so much better…”
Adding your own is highly encouraged ☝️
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grossangst · 2 years
Thinking about a caretaker pretty much forcing a sick character to drink something
Poor A keeps refusing cause their stomach hurts so bad, and they still feel so nauseous. Telling them their stomach isn't ready to put anything on it yet
But B is not budging, they can't risk A getting dehydrated after all. And after a while they finally manage to coax them into sipping on some water
A curls tightly into a ball immediately after, both arms clutching their middle. They keep squirming uncomfortably every time they feel their stomach cramp, pained whimpers pushing its way out of their throat.
The groans coming from A's stomach keep getting louder over time, and it's not long till they start hiccuping
And less that ten minutes later A is heaving over a trashcan, a thin trail of water and bile trickling down their chin
A keeps retching even when their stomach seems to have nothing else to bring up, the sound so harsh and forceful it makes B cringe in sympathy, having no doubt that A is in a lot of pain
After a while A finally pulls away from the trashcan, still panting as they raise their head to look up at B "I told you it wasn't going to stay down"
B instantly feels a pang of guilt, A's eyes are filled with tears, their face twisted on a pained grimace, their voice shaky. They're clearly on the edge of crying
B can almost feel their heart breaking, maybe they should've listened to A and waited a little longer
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grossangst · 2 years
Feverish cuddling. But not with their SO. Their teammate, friend, maybe someone who’s rubbed them the wrong way before- but in the heat of their fever, anyone is better than no one.
Sweaty, tired forehead laying on another’s chest. They stroke their fingers through whumpee’s hair, soothing them, hoping they’re too delirious to remember this when they’re feeling better.
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grossangst · 2 years
Best (worst?😂) combinations to torture a character
I love when things pile up to make the poor sickie absolutely miserable, so I might write something for some of these later 
Coming down with two things at once. Like, let's say a stomach virus and a cold. Once they have their defenses down by one thing it's not hard for them to catch something else on top. Symptoms keep feeding into each other making everything worse
Force feeding and food poisoning. Weather it's on purpose, a character profusely feeding the other something that they know has gone bad; or on accident, they were just planning on feeding them, but when after a while they're still throwing up and writhing from the stomach pain, they realize they managed to give them food poisoning as a bonus 
Overeating before coming down with something. Maybe they decide to indulge a bit on something they really like, so when they start to feel sick they don't really question it at first, thinking they might have eaten a bit too much. It isn't till a while later, when their stomach is empty but they're still dry heaving that they realize that they have a fever 
Food poisoning from something they're allergic/intolerant to. Characters accidentally eating something they're not supposed to is always so good, but why not make it better by having said food also be spoiled
Stomach virus and food poisoning. Sickie eating one of their safe foods, one of the few things they can stomach at the moment, only for it to "betray" them giving them food poisoning 
Migraines and motion sickness. Sickie already has a migraine when their trip begins. They know they have a few hours at best before they arrive, so they're hoping they can sleep off the worst of it. It doesn't work, as they unexpectedly get motion sick. The dizziness seems to make their headache worse, and they're so nauseous they can't think, and when they start throwing up they feel like their head might split in half with each gag. Best part is it won't get better till they arrive
Motion sickness and food poisoning. Maybe they're really busy and they didn't have time to eat anything, so when their stomach starts bothering them they decide to eat something and see if it helps. It doesn't, their stomach was feeling off cause they were motion sick, and now they managed to give themselves food poisoning on top
Stomach bug and motion sickness. Similar to the last one. Maybe they know they usually get motion sick, so when they wake up feeling off the day they have to travel back home they can't help but feel like crying. On the bright side, at least they're gonna be at home to deal with the rest of it
Sick and injured. Poor sickie struggling to take care of themselves cause their injury is making it hard for them to move around. Just keeping a trashcan besides their bed cause making it to the bathroom every time they have to throw up is practically impossible. They might even get dehydrated cause going to the kitchen to get some water hurts so much they just keep postponing it as long as possible
Getting a heatstroke while sick. For whatever reason they're out in the sun while sick, so they don't realize they're getting a heatstroke cause they already felt so bad they didn't really question their symptoms getting worse.
Bonus (tw torture): Sick and tortured/poisoned. Sickie has a few enemies that don't waste their opportunity to take advantage of them letting their guard down cause they feel so sick
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grossangst · 2 years
Characters who are too weak and out of it to even keep themselves up, so they just bring a trashcan with them to bed. But after a while they're even struggling to lean over the edge of the bed to throw up
They're completely drained, but their stomach shows no signs of wanting to calm down, so they helplessly spread a towel over their pillow, resting their head on top, and hopping it'd help contain most of the mess when they inevitably start gagging again
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