grottobound · 6 years
We’re reconsidering major parts of the project right now, and no longer have room for new members. We’re very sorry for any inconvenience.
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grottobound · 6 years
I'm sure you get this a lot, but do you have a time line? Like when will people know if there application is accepted and when will the comic come out?
We’re actually not super sure about times right now. We’re still working on some of the prep stuff for the comic, and deciding on apps. We’ll let you know as soon as we come to a decision! Thank you so much for submitting! 
-admin laurno
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grottobound · 6 years
Is there a minimum age to be a part of the grottobound team?
we’re looking for people who are older than like 14 (our oldest cast members are 18, and we’re trying to keep the cast close-ish in age so no one is uncomfortable)-admin laurno
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grottobound · 6 years
Want to make lots of new friends and improve your art? Apply for Grottobound! Since only some of the original Munstuck cast moved over to Grottobound, we’re looking for new and exciting candidates to join our team. If you’re interested, you can check out our applications page, or just click the keep reading. When you’re done filling out the application, drop it in our submissions box, and we’ll get to it as soon as possible. If you have any questions, you can send us an ask or dm a mod (staff can be found on our website, and I am @apple-juice-bouquet).
Tumblr media
We’re super excited that you’re interested in joining the Grottobound team. To join Grottobound, you’re going to need a character, so we’ve made a list of the available classes, aspects, and blood colors, which you can find here. We can’t wait to hear from you!
1. Name
2. Discord name and number
3. Blog (also include any art blogs or tags)
4. Are you willing to change aspects of your character (human vs. troll, moon, etc) if necessary?
5. Why do you want to join Grottobound?
6. What would you do to make the project more successful?
7. Character reference including an image, name, godtier, and personality
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grottobound · 6 years
Welcome to Grottobound!
We’re excited to open a new chapter of the Munstuck fancomic! After 3 years of working on the project, we’ll be keeping its legacy alive with Grottobound. Grottobound will break away from the “mun” part of munsuck (an askblog is no longer required), and will focus on the “stuck.” We’re looking forward to writing this and meeting lots of new artists and friends!
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