grpcquickfessions · 2 years
Anonymous asked: what do you think will bring the grpc back?
Well, for one thing, I think that this community needs to understand and accept that some of the canon FCs are either problematic or deceased (or both) and that it’s totally OKAY to use alternate FCs for them. It doesn’t take away from the character, the face itself is not the character, how the character is written is how you make the character. You don’t have to outright ban that character from being playable in the group, just change the FC. Another thing is accepting that there has been a lot of toxicity in the community in the past and we need to work on that and work past it. Let’s not attack admins on anon for something right away when we can politely message them first to explain whatever it is that’s upset you. See a problematic FC listed on a masterlist? Maybe the admins weren’t aware, maybe they googled the name and couldn’t find anything. So message them with the receipts that you have in calm and polite way first. If they become difficult about it, take it to an RPH to see if they can reason with them or just simply make a post stating this group is doing this and is not apologetic about it, please be aware and block them. Even if a group is doing horrible things, let’s not bombard them with anon hate, just block them and make sure something is said in a rational way to bring attention to it so others are aware. But anon hate is never the answer. Eventually the group will either stop getting interest because people are aware of what they’re doing and won’t apply, or maybe the admins of the group will come to the realization of their wrongs and fix it. We just need to be better at being kind and handling situations better and maybe the groups that we create will show the effort we’re putting in to make it a better place and that will attract people to come back and make it a lively place. And lastly, as I just answered in my previous message, let’s bring some more creativity to the groups as well. Something eye catching and people need to apply to what they’re interested in, be active and show interest. Then maybe we can get somewhat of a community back.
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grpcquickfessions · 2 years
Its interesting so many groups were shut down for isms except for 2 of them
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grpcquickfessions · 2 years
Nobody wants to make groups anymore because nobody wants to be accused of things that are lies, you all attack people until their dead and pretend to be surrpised when the tag is bleeding out to death why would anyone want to admin an rp when we got snakes plotting to destroy it so their own rps get more attention
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grpcquickfessions · 2 years
please have on glee group that doesnt force discord?
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grpcquickfessions · 2 years
check the tags. look closely. there is no grpc. its oc rps featuring glee faces or glee characters. i said this would happen a year ago and no one wanted to believe me but it happened. there is no grpc anymore
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grpcquickfessions · 2 years
I’ve been gone for awhile, so sorry about that. I’m back now -- but only for a short amount of time. I’m going to post the last few confessions and then close the ask-box. I think my time here is done. I hope all of your grpc dreams come true and would love to see a revival for one of my favorite communities. If not, I can at least hold on to the fun memories. XO.
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grpcquickfessions · 2 years
current list of rps?
Not doing that anymore and I'm about to tell you why! :)
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grpcquickfessions · 3 years
hello, I know you haven't been active, which I'm sure is more due to the fact that the grpc has been more on the quiet side lately, less groups in the tags so no one messaging discourse or praise. but I was wondering, are you open to reviewing groups and giving feedback before they open? I have one in the works and it's not fully ready for me to send for a review yet anyway, but hopefully soon so I just wanted to ask ahead of time. thank you!
Hi! Yes, my personal life got a bit busy which is another reason for my absence. But yes! I wouldn't mind giving feedback rather than a formal review as I definitely don't consider myself an expert. Feel free to send the group my way when you're done! :)
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grpcquickfessions · 3 years
did you give up on the grpc too lol
Nope. My family and I, unfortunately, contracted Covid. So, I've been focused on recovering from that! I'll be back in the near future.
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grpcquickfessions · 3 years
Do any other admins of groups have any tricks to queueing ads easily and quickly, since picloadr is no longer a thing and the tamper monkey trick is also now kaput? Hoping asking this on here might get some answers.
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grpcquickfessions · 3 years
"I remember when people would complain that some players made Santana sound “ghetto” cause it was “ooc.” Like, the casual racism in that?" I hated when people would confess this. What exactly constituted as "ghetto," I always wanted to know. It came from the same people who used words like shook and yas and hyped up the taylor and mileys for the same things they hated in woc.
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grpcquickfessions · 3 years
Not sure if someone sent in an ask/confession but if you did, I wasn’t able to receive it. I got the notification but when I checked, nothing was in the inbox. So please resend if you did!
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grpcquickfessions · 3 years
Hi there! I was wondering if we could get a shoutout? COMMUNITYGLEEKS is an 18+, semi-appless, crossover RP with NBC’s show “Community”! Join your favorite Gleeks as they navigate life, love, and the halls of Greendale Community College! This RP is Discord-based, and once acceptances start, we would love to see our favorite canon characters, as well as OC’s! We haven’t hit the tags yet, but I’d love to get the word out there before our big opening! Thank you so much!
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grpcquickfessions · 3 years
The worst parts of this community are played out in these asks. It is so telling and very funny that no one can take the time to respond to questions sent in by people who want to make things better, who are asking what people would like to see and what they’d find interesting and exciting, but everyone can come out to argue on anon and say hateful things about others and their OPINIONS. Please go ahead and take a look in the mirror next time you all start wondering why this community is how it is.
Yeah, I don't mean to piggyback on this confession but this is true! I do want to add that there have been SEVERAL confessions sent in asking what the community would like to see and while I love hearing your opinions, it would be SO amazing if you guys would take the time to reblog, respond or reply to those asks as well. If we're trying to better the community, some input would be amazing. Even if you don't want to reply directly from your own blog, you can send in an ask on anonymous replying to it!
If there's another way you guy would like to do it, like through an anonymous survey or something, I can provide that too but for that to happen, you guys gotta actually respond!
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grpcquickfessions · 3 years
the community would be loads better if people would actually read what others are saying before jumping to rip people apart and talking like their opinions are the be all end all. no one is expecting things to be 100% canon because they can’t be and like people have said characters change and age and grow. but also like you said, it’s about the essence of a character. people get real big mad and defensive in this community over nothing. and it’s toxic and sickening.
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grpcquickfessions · 3 years
How would you tell if something is canon or not?
I don't know if this was a confession or you're actually asking me but I'm going to answer anyway, just in case.
You really can’t. It’s subjective.
I do somewhat agree with the sentiment that there is a clear difference between playing a character with its "canon essence" and completely OC. There are certain traits that people have naturally and their environment has little to do with. For example, Rachel will always be an ambitious character. I find it hard to believe that is something she was born without. Mercedes' kind heart. Finn's natural ability at leadership. Santana's blunt nature. Brittany's naivety.
However, in an alternate setting, certain things can or will change. Another example: had Shelby raised Rachel instead of Hiram and Leroy, she may have been a little less self-centered since she wasn't doted on constantly (this is an assumption. Who knows, Shelby may have doted on her too!). Puckerman might not have had a wild side had his father been around more often. Quinn may not have striven for perfection or changed her name had she had two parents who taught her self-acceptance.
And, also, keep in mind that the Glee club allegedly brought out some new "canon" traits in the characters. Because without the Glee club would they ... actually, I'm not sure. Will was the worst teacher ever, so they probably would have been better off but like, I guess, they would have never shaken up the high school hierarchy without it. But like, remember, in an AU setting where Glee club doesn't exist, certain things just don't matter.
Anyway, how we view the characters vary, dependent on the individual. And we should be careful criticizing others. For example, I remember when people would complain that some players made Santana sound "ghetto" cause it was "ooc." Like, the casual racism in that? We hate to see it. Especially since the woman who played her was actually part black with large ties to that side of herself. But I won't get too much into that.
Anyway, what I'm trying to say is, we all have our own interpretation of the characters. Keep in mind, certain things will change in an AU setting but also there are certain traits that we all can agree the characters possess. Basically, everything is made up and the points don't matter.
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grpcquickfessions · 3 years
My own writing is affected by the quality of others in a group. There's a difference between keeping the essence of canon characters and using a canon face and name for your OCs. If you can't tell the difference, then no wonder this community is dying. 100% canon is impossible and no one has done it but there have been very talented individuals who have managed to capture their essence just enough.
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