grubworm413 · 12 days
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Watterson pulled no punches
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grubworm413 · 25 days
As much as I love the AI industry this is not uncommon and why algorithms should probably be placed into very meticulous review/validation before actually putting them into production. They have to do it in banking to make sure things don't crash and burn or get them sued, and it should probably just be done everywhere else b/c currently for everyone not in pharma and banking the only rule is that there are no rules and it's probably going to bite a bunch of the industry in the ass.
Alright, I have to rant about something. I'm taking a course of data science this trimester. As part of that, I have to write an essay of ethics in data sci. One of the paragraphs is supposed to be on "fairness in algorithmic systems".
So I look for case studies, and what do I find?
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Motherfucker, you told the AI to discriminate against poor people, and then you were surprised when it discriminated against poor people! (and black people, in-particular, which is why it was caught)
These people are "industry leaders" too. Goodness only knows what the industry followers are fucking up!
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grubworm413 · 1 month
Update: Turns out turning over a new leaf did work after all. Now I'm on a good career track, even starting an internship for with a local company, and have met a wonderful woman who somehow puts up with my stupidity. Sometimes if things in life aren't going well where you're at, leaving works. It's weird though because the second I got here I started seeing angel numbers, maybe me being where I'm at now was destiny? Maybe I needed years of rejection and feeling like a failure to appreciate what I have now. In the end though, it's not really worth thinking about for too long, better to just enjoy what I have now.
Honestly I'm still wrapping my head around the fact I'm going to be leaving Raleigh in like less than a month. This is the place I became an adult, graduated college, and had some very unforgettable experiences. To me it's more of a home than any other place I've been in, but it's still time to leave. At one point I thought I was going to stay here the rest of my life, keep the same friends from college, and just live a peaceful life but that's just not how things ended up. Maybe I'll come back at some point, but I doubt it'll be the same.
What feels even weirder is the fact that all my old friends are already gone or just don't speak to me anymore. I'm not sure if my original plan would have even worked out at this point. Maybe a change in scenery would be beneficial, turn over a new leaf, meet new people, just sorta forget the awkward situation I'm leaving in Raleigh. I definitely learned my lesson on a lot of things over the years, maybe being able to start all over again knowing what I know now isn't such a bad idea after all.
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grubworm413 · 2 months
i think the worst thing about the whole “anti-woke” culture is how it’s not only dumbing down people (folks are literally forgetting pronouns are an actual word class, an inseperable part of grammar and everyday speech) but also praising meanness and insensibility above all. it has managed to make malice and unkindness synonymous with factfulness and reason as if intelligence didn’t stem from emotions. as if feelings weren’t the very core of human beings. as if knowledge wasn’t achieved through passion, sympathy, and open-mindedness. as if the whole crux of this entire anti-wokeness movement wasn’t rooted in pure unadulterated emotion of hatred and hostility.
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grubworm413 · 2 months
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grubworm413 · 11 months
Honestly I'm still wrapping my head around the fact I'm going to be leaving Raleigh in like less than a month. This is the place I became an adult, graduated college, and had some very unforgettable experiences. To me it's more of a home than any other place I've been in, but it's still time to leave. At one point I thought I was going to stay here the rest of my life, keep the same friends from college, and just live a peaceful life but that's just not how things ended up. Maybe I'll come back at some point, but I doubt it'll be the same.
What feels even weirder is the fact that all my old friends are already gone or just don't speak to me anymore. I'm not sure if my original plan would have even worked out at this point. Maybe a change in scenery would be beneficial, turn over a new leaf, meet new people, just sorta forget the awkward situation I'm leaving in Raleigh. I definitely learned my lesson on a lot of things over the years, maybe being able to start all over again knowing what I know now isn't such a bad idea after all.
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grubworm413 · 1 year
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What we proposed. What they responded (or in many cases declined even to begin to respond to).
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grubworm413 · 1 year
I hate you "click now to sync contacts". I hate you "sign in with Facebook". I hate you "connect with your Twitter". I hate you targeted ads. I hate you social media algorithms. I hate you brands and mascots with accounts. I hate you "upgrade to premium". I hate you free trials that require credit card info. I hate you pop up ads that take up half the screen. I hate you ads with sound. I hate you unskippable commercials. I hate you anti-piracy firewalls. I hate you late stage capitalism.
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grubworm413 · 1 year
Salmon on bagels isn't that common in the South outside of maybe parts of Florida. Wish it was more common though because outside of the reuben, lox bagels are probably the best sandwich ever made. I remember going to Call Your Mother in DC and ordering a lox bagel that was so good it changed my perspective on life.
remembering the Great Bagel Discourse in which I posited that maybe, just maybe, if you are not familiar with lox and schmear—the single most popular bagel meal basically everywhere—you are not a regional bagel expert
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grubworm413 · 1 year
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public service announcement
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grubworm413 · 1 year
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Absolutely bonkers that I'm now one of those weirdos you hear about on Twitter
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grubworm413 · 1 year
Personally I don't disagree with the gov't banning TikTok, I do however think it should come with bans of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Giving people algorithms that get them addicted and lead to them being angrier with others, more depressed, and leading in increases in issues such as anorexia is probably not the greatest for consumer protection.
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grubworm413 · 1 year
Bruce and Damian
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grubworm413 · 1 year
I am grubworm, and grubworm means me
I love how i have literally 0 idea who that person is
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grubworm413 · 1 year
Silicon Valley Bank collapsed earlier today. Chances are it could spill over to other banks and sectors of the economy. A large amount (97% I believe) of the accounts are uninsured, so outside of the accounts that already withdrew funds over the past few days (which there were quite a few of, as it was a contributing reason for the collapse), there may be a lot of startups in silicon valley being unable to pay people, potentially leading to even more tech layoffs. That's the nightmare (but very realistic) scenario, FDIC claims accounts should be able to access some of their accounts funds come Monday, but the panic this whole scenario is causing will cause even more issues.
Wait is there like a banking crisis or some shit or is it nothing?…
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grubworm413 · 1 year
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grubworm413 · 1 year
I think an underrated aspect of why gen Z is so burnt out already is how many of them gave up their childhoods to get into top universities. It's way harder nowadays to get into college than it was even back in 2000
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This doesn't even JUST apply to prestigious universities like the Ivy Leagues and Ivy League adjacent, I looked at the numbers of UNC-CH as well and saw a similar trend.
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Of course this is due to more people applying than ever before, with class sizes staying the same. However, this leads to all the stress, how the hell are you supposed to stand out at that point? Working yourself to death is pretty much the only way to do that for most, and a lot of kids and parents don't understand the long term effects of that. Sure taking 6 AP classes a year will make you stand out more nowadays, but that's probably not good long term, because that amount of effort is likely not sustainable unless you've REALLY got that dwag in you, in which case, get therapy.
The collective stress and tiredness may not hit you in college, but it'll definitely come for you at some point. A similar trend to this is how the largest reason why NBA players are so much more injury prone is due to the fact none of them really rested as children, many during the off season for basketball at their high school just played AAU basketball instead of doing the more traditional doing multiple sports throughout the year to let everything actually recover. Which then in turn leads to a bunch of new recruits having the knees of 40 year olds at the age of 20. We should really let kids actually get rest so they don't break down when they get older, both physically and mentally, because the more this becomes an issue the more it'll effect our daily lives (more injury prone NBA players lead to worse basketball, and more burn out prone workers means less things get done).
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