gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
Concerning Instruments and Knowing that These are What We Play, Vols. 1 and 2
GUYS I NEED HELP. I'm calling on all of you 105 followers. I mean it. Please help me. I just finished a photography piece of hands and feet and I'm trying to come up with a title. (There are two different mediums so each will have the same title but different volume number.) So how does "Concerning Instruments and Knowing that These are What We Play" sound? It's supposed to say the artist has instruments but they are our hands and feet, not like, a violin or trumpet or whatever. This applies to ME because there have been a lot of jokes about art kids vs. music kids out there this month, and it applies to ARTISTS because, I don't know, it's cool. Okay. What do you think?
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
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Oh God it's beautiful. Picture in the middle taken with diffraction glasses. Also that's my friend Mae. Please go look up "assume vivid astro focus" as this art was modelled after their style.
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
June 23 - Last Weekend Here
That’s weird… I leave on Thursday. Words cannot describe how excited I am about seeing my friends but it’s hard to believe there are only four days left. I REALLY miss my cat though. I saw an incredible play yesterday that was just… Just wow…. It was about a very normal guy with a wife and two daughters and two cats and two parakeets who lived in New York City. This random guy walks up and tells him the most uncomfortable life story he’d ever heard about depression and sex and all kinds of stuff. The ending is insanely powerful though. THAT SAID, ONE OF THOSE GUYS WAS IN AN EPISODE OF SUPERNATURAL. HE WAS THE SHERRIF IN s3e12 JUS IN BELLO AND OH MY GOSH. He said he went out drinking with Jared and Jensen and they all got drunk and got lost in LA and duuuuude. Also he said they’re like, 6’6” and 6’2” like that’s crazy. There’s a dance tonight. Gross. Okay. My experience here is still very very very awesome. Drawing class is almost over. GEEZ DEADLINES OH GOSH gotta go.
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
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THE BUTT. You guys literally have no clue how proud I am of this still life. It's done in ink wash and I seriously HATE ink wash because it's just like watercolour and I hate that too but OH MY GOSH THIS CAME OUT WAY BETTER THAN EXPECTED. Also there's a butt that I picked out and that's always something to be proud of. Four for me. Go me.
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
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THE BUTT. You guys literally have no clue how proud I am of this still life. It's done in ink wash and I seriously HATE ink wash because it's just like watercolour and I hate that too but OH MY GOSH THIS CAME OUT WAY BETTER THAN EXPECTED. Also there's a butt that I picked out and that's always something to be proud of. Four for me. Go me.
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
June 20 - Time Has FLOWN BY
WOW, I apologise profusely for not posting anything recently. I have been so so so so so busy lately... So on the all nighters pulled, in case anyone was wondering, I kind of had a mental breakdown and yeah it wasn't very good. Never again. It started because Cat decided that the highest we could get was a B if we turned it in later than 10:00 A.M. and yeah that shouldn't have freaked me out but it did. I talked to the counsellors though and they said I'd be fine if I turned it in on Monday... SO THAT'S WHAT I DID. AND HE STILL GAVE ME A C. Gosh. I hate him so freaking much. Anyway, in drawing, we're doing obnoxious still lifes and they're sorta fun but not really because they're done with ink wash (basically black and white watercolour) and I hate watercolour. So. SORRY FOR CONTINUING TO COMPLAIN. I am working lots on my photo final and I'm very excited. It should turn out pretty well. Yay. Well, hopefully it'll be cool. My Orientation to Art homework is kind of scary but oh well, I'll get it done! Dinner is soon and I am soooooo so tired. I slept through dinner yesterday. Maybe I will again today. Hrm. Lots of rain outside. I like the kids in my photo class but I really, really, really miss my friends from home. And my family. I wish they'd just come here because I love it here too. I really miss them so much though dang. I can't think of anything else to say... So I'll post more hopefully tomorrow! ¡Adios!
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
A potion of the incredible work of the performance sand artist Joe Castillo I got the privilage of seeing tonight.  Also, we talked to him afterwards and he gave us all art fist bumps because we are in art and he respects us and stuff. Yay. It was incredible, I almost died.
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
Hahahahahahahahahhhahahaha well this failed. I got the face done (minus the eyebrows) and most of the hand.  Also, the neck and shoulders are done.  The nose took me forever.  But yeah.
June 13 - LOTS TO DO
Pulling my first college all-nighter tonight, guys. Wish me luck.
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
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Updaaaaaaaaaaate. (What the heck is wrong with the lower lip/chin part? I can't figure it out and ahhhh.)
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
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Haven't gotten tired yet... I'm thinking I'll stop an pick up some Monsters before tomorrow's class. A trip to the Watkins darkroom. I will sleep. Oh dear.
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
June 13 - LOTS TO DO
Pulling my first college all-nighter tonight, guys. Wish me luck.
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
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The process and progress of June 12. All done today.
As Cat says, it is coming along. Coming along, Chief.
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
Art is without a doubt the most renowned yet least appreciated of the fine arts.
An artist
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
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Magnolia leaves!
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
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The master copy of the self portrait.
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
June 11 - Cat is Simultaneously the Best and Worst Thing Ever
Sorry I haven’t blogged in a couple of days. Oh well.
Let’s start out with the negatives. Yesterday, Cat (drawing teacher) flipped at us (well, not all of us but to the group) for leaving the studio a wreck over the weekend. Rightly so. Since then, so many people have been pretty angry at him about it. Hmm… Maybe we kind of deserved it?
Also, the assignment right now is death. We’re doing a 32”x40” self portrait that I may have already mentioned, and it’s got a million steps and it’s due Saturday. THAT’S BEYOND CRAZY. I stayed till 10:30 tonight, skipping most of dinner and now I’m hallucinating lines. I just finished the master copy. I need at least a week to finish it and I only have one more full class, Friday is a field trip, and Saturday is parent day. Sooooo yeah. I’m so stressed out.
NOW FOR THE POSITIVES. This is the most amazing drawing class I’ve ever been in. Cat is literally the very best art teacher I’ve ever had. He pushes limits, maybe too much, but he inspires us and makes us work hard. If I hated him, I wouldn’t be staying until 10:30 with an aching back, feet, and hallucinating brain. It’s a fantastic class and I love it.
My photography class is going very awesomely. We’re going to Watkins Friday to print ALL DAY using their darkroom. My pictures turned out nicely, though, from what I could tell, and I’m pretty psyched. Also, I found out that I can have a darkroom in my house if I can afford it. Sweeeeeeet.
I am literally so worn out and have to get up at 6 tomorrow… So yeah. I’m going to check out now.
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gsfta2013-blog · 11 years
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What you find in the MTSU library.
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