gt-newbie · 3 months
He has not yet experienced the wonders of fearplay, very sad He'll at the least be safe with Kasey
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Small gift for @kaseysgtnonsense since they really liked Ash :>
Remember no matter how much you like a tiny, they probably don't enjoy random giants grabbing them- especially if the tiny is afraid of giants like Ash is-
Reference from @gt-needs and can be found here
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gt-newbie · 3 months
big friend!!
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Small gift for @kaseysgtnonsense since they really liked Ash :>
Remember no matter how much you like a tiny, they probably don't enjoy random giants grabbing them- especially if the tiny is afraid of giants like Ash is-
Reference from @gt-needs and can be found here
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gt-newbie · 3 months
These are Arani and Lucy btw, from left to right
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Made with this picrew
G/t gaming buddies
(I dont have a better name sorry)
Mother had always told Arani that she shouldnt swear, but after the week she's been through, it's justified to say it has been utter crap. She had gone through one of the most terrifying situations a borrower could find themself in: moving.
She didnt know when or how she got so careless, but the deeds had already been done. From the human family thinking they got a mice problem and setting traps, to borrowing something she shouldnt have and the humans immediatly noticing it's dissapearance. The pin was old and just laid there for days. How could she have known it had some great familial value? And to rub salt in her wounds, she had to leave in a rushed state, unknowing if she exposed her entire kind. As she was preparing her backpack and beginning to break down her home, one of the electrical covers close to her home opened up. It could've been them looking for mice or the pin, but she didn't want the humans to find her, so she had to run away, completely unprepared, and with VERY little supplies.
Still, she supposes she's had some luck too. For one, the trip to a new home was only an hour or so, and the weather was nice and sunny after what felt like weeks of rain. And no encounters with stray animals, which is a miracle in and of itself. Just thinking of her fate as a cat's toy or dinner filled her mind with severe stress.
It was risky moving into a new home so close to her old one, but "what's one more" she thought bitterly to herself. After making her way into the walls and exploring, she found a nice place where she could set up camp, or who knows, home. Not much of a camp with what she has though: only enough rations to satiate her hunger for today, her hook, some spare clothes...it's not much but...no, no it really isn't. She was about ready to add another risk to the pile by wanting to go out and borrow immediatly for something, anything, until she peered into the house and saw what was to the humans a happy occasion, yet to her, ANOTHER turn of rotten luck. The humans were having a birthday party.
A whole family was gathered around the table to celebrate the birthday of the child at the head of the table. Arani was lucky enough to be able to read and saw she was turning 15, so around her age....if she remembers correctly. It didn't look like it would end anytime soon, so she begrudgingly took the opportunity to think of what she would need first, and where to find it all, what rooms where nearest when she would go borrowing. She blocked out most of what the humans were saying, up until she noticed what she assumes to be the girl's mother pull out a big, wrapped box and put it on the table.
"I'm afraid we only really have one big gift for you this year Lucy, but all of us chipped in for it. Assuming from your friends, we know you'll enjoy it though!" said the human mother while hugging and kissing the birthday girl, Lucy, on her head.
After Lucy carefully unwrapped her present, Arani spotted that it was....a VCR? At least, it LOOKED like one, recalling the days she would sneakily watch along movies in her previous house. The video tapes were much stranger however, a bit more squarish, had more art on the front instead of just a name. The "VCR" also came with two strange rectangles with a few buttons on it. She REALLY didn't understand human technology, it was all too complicated for her...but intriguing nonetheless.
After cake and most of the humans leaving, Lucy and her parents installed the machine in the living room, connecting several wires and inserted one of the tapes and pushed the "POWER" button. What played wasn't a movie however, at the least, not any kind Arani had seen anyway. It wasn't realistic or cartoony but...blocky? What perplexed her most is that Lucy was pressing buttons on the rectengular remote, at the same time certain actions in the "movie" happened. Was...was she CONTROLLING the movie? Is it even a movie??
Arani waited and looked several more hours in confusion, as day turned to night. The human family were saying their goodnights to each other and going upstairs, presumably to bed. She waited several more minutes in the safety of the walls to make sure nobody would be coming back. It's time. Ready or not, stressed or not, WILLING or not, she had to go out and gather supplies.
Leaving the safety of the walls through the electrical cover she used all day to spy on the human family, she first decided to make her way to the kitchen. While making her trek over yonder, she passed by the odd machine. Her gaze was stuck on it for a whole minute, wondering what was up with it. She could almost feel as if it was calling her name, begging her to find out what mysteries it holds. Still, she had priorities and continued her borrowing trip.
After a few hours, Arani gathered what should be enough for now. It wasn't a bunch, but she would just have to borrow several days in a row, risk be damned. It was a sad and frightening necessity. While making the last walk back to the electrical cover with an old, lonely sock, she passed by the machine once again, her eyes once more glued to it. She thought back to the humans sitting around it together, smiling, not a care in the world. It made Arani all the more sad. She's just gone through one of the harder weeks of her life and still has many more stressing factors on her mind. She couldn't take it anymore, she needed some form of release. And thus came the biggest "what's one more risk" to the pile.
She crawled up on the TV's cabinet, pressed the on button with the volume down to a whopping 1, made her way to the machine, and anxiously pressed the "POWER" button with all her might. In an instant, a picture came on screen, but it merely stood still. Nothing happened, not until Arani grabbed one of the rectangles the humans used and tried pushing several of the buttons, finally doing something with "START". Music started playing, and after a little experimentation, the little guy on screen started moving around as she pushed the right buttons. Pushing one made him jump, and holding another made him run. It took a lot of trial and error, but eventually she figured out how to make everything work together and get to a large pole with a flag, which then transitioned to a whole new screen.
Arani was fascinated. She's never known of humans using technology like this. Most importantly, she felt calm. She felt herself having fun. Sure, she has fun with several day to day activities like sewing or climbing, but this was a whole new kind, not related to survival. She didnt know how much time had passed when she reached a place called "5-3", but she was still completely enamored. She dared to say she started to get good at this. For a little while, all other worries drowned out of her mind. She didn't have to focus on anything. She didn't hear the owls hooting outside, she didn't hear the ticking of the clock on the wall, and for just a second, she didn't hear the creaking of steps on the wooden stairs. And by the time she did register it, it was all too late. The hair standing up, she turned her head around slowly, and afterwards immediatly stumbled back, only focussing on the massive blue eyes above her. Moving is one of the most terrifying things a borrower could do. Being spotted, was the absolute worst.
Lucy was awake, and was staring down at Arani with confusion. It felt like she was pinning her down with her gaze alone, making her legs tremble and not be able to stand back up and run. She had been careless, her luck had finally run out, and now she was going to pay the price.
Lucy inhaled, ready to speak, until she looked at the TV being on, and what she was doing. Then, whatever she was about to say, seemingly got overridden with another more important, burning question
"W-how did you get to that level already?! Thats so far! And with 2 lives still left?" She said in a whispery tone, looking in awe and excited, smiling wide. Whatever Arani expected, it was not...this. it didnt help the shivering though. Even if she did want to speak, she couldn't, as if there was something in her throat.
"You must be good...can I watch? Didn't mean to interrupt you playing anyway, sorry about that." She continued while slowly sitting down cross legged, a good end away from Arani. She could take the opportunity to run away, run anywhere, but she felt that would just result in a game of cat and mouse. Feeling threatened, she stumbled slowly back to continue but in her stress and gaze fiwating on the human, he immediatly made the man on screen fall down a pit, losing a life
"...performance anxiety huh? Yeah no worries I get that completely. Especially during class presentations. I swear, I could be a master at my craft and still stumble on my opening line" Lucy said as if there was nothing extraordinary about the whole situation. In a way, it did calm Arani in the littlest, absolute LITTLEST way. No huge questions, no grabbing, no anger, no stomping, just....chatting. As the screen lit up again, ready to play, Lucy shot Arani a thumbs up and a smile, encouraging her. Now, being able to focus a little better, she completed the level and looked back at Lucy, mind still filled with a ton of insecurities.
"Nice! Have you done this a lot? Not even my friend got this far yet" Lucy said. And finally, somehow, Arani's voice returned to her.
"Umm....n-n-no. First...time. I-I'm sorry!" She couldnt help but apologize. Its something she did a lot when incredibly nervous.
"Woah, hey no no worries, you're all good! For what anyway, playing? Dont be, if you wanna use it, it's all yours. Beside...it might be fun to play with someone else?" Lucy said a bit uncertain. Was she really proposing the two of them playing together, human and borrower?
"My name's Lucy by the way. Sorry, didn't introduce myself yet, where are my manners, blegh. Do you have one?" She asked while sticking out her pinkie and bringing it closer to Arani. It made her stumble back a few steps, but she was able to compose herself again. She knew her name, but she wasn't going to bring that up. There was enough on her mind already.
"I...I do. It's...it's Arani" she said while awkwardly and quickly tapping the tip of Lucy's pinkie, pulling back her arm immediatly as if she touched something hot.
"Arani.....never heard a name like that before, thats so cool!" There was a minute of silence between the two until Lucy looked back at the clock.
"Hmm, it's still pretty late. I shouldnt even be up anyway. Im gonna go back to bed, feel free to continue, but please turn everything back off once you're done. And uh...can I...can we see each other again? Yknow, doing something like this or, argh" Lucy was stumbling over her words, incredibly anxious now all of a sudden. It brought a small chuckle to Arani, and she just wasn't able to reject her offer.
"I...think I'd like that actually...t-thank you" she added with the faintest of smiles. Lucy nodded excitedly to this, waved goodbye and headed back up, leavinfg Arani in utter confusion and hr heart pounding out of her chest.
She has no idea what just happened, or why she's still alive to begin with, but strangest of all, she felt...somewhat relaxed? Not a ton, but she didnt feel like she did when arriving in this new house. This human was different. She didnt ask anything too revealing about her and didnt even seem to register her size difference!
Still, she continued to play for a few minutes before going back to the walls, wanting to see Lucy again in the nearby future.
(This was a dumb thing I wanted to write for a few weeks now. Old story with old OC's I had in my head of just, 2 gamer pals, one of them being a borrower. Im really sorry if this is cringe or bad or anything, but thank you for reading)
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gt-newbie · 3 months
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Very high-stakes ping pong!
I was given the idea by @chiisanakurisu to use Holly for a ping pong doodle, except she uses a tennis racket to accomodate her size. Only for the paddles to get a *bit* out of control.
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gt-newbie · 3 months
G/t gaming buddies
(I dont have a better name sorry)
Mother had always told Arani that she shouldnt swear, but after the week she's been through, it's justified to say it has been utter crap. She had gone through one of the most terrifying situations a borrower could find themself in: moving.
She didnt know when or how she got so careless, but the deeds had already been done. From the human family thinking they got a mice problem and setting traps, to borrowing something she shouldnt have and the humans immediatly noticing it's dissapearance. The pin was old and just laid there for days. How could she have known it had some great familial value? And to rub salt in her wounds, she had to leave in a rushed state, unknowing if she exposed her entire kind. As she was preparing her backpack and beginning to break down her home, one of the electrical covers close to her home opened up. It could've been them looking for mice or the pin, but she didn't want the humans to find her, so she had to run away, completely unprepared, and with VERY little supplies.
Still, she supposes she's had some luck too. For one, the trip to a new home was only an hour or so, and the weather was nice and sunny after what felt like weeks of rain. And no encounters with stray animals, which is a miracle in and of itself. Just thinking of her fate as a cat's toy or dinner filled her mind with severe stress.
It was risky moving into a new home so close to her old one, but "what's one more" she thought bitterly to herself. After making her way into the walls and exploring, she found a nice place where she could set up camp, or who knows, home. Not much of a camp with what she has though: only enough rations to satiate her hunger for today, her hook, some spare clothes...it's not much but...no, no it really isn't. She was about ready to add another risk to the pile by wanting to go out and borrow immediatly for something, anything, until she peered into the house and saw what was to the humans a happy occasion, yet to her, ANOTHER turn of rotten luck. The humans were having a birthday party.
A whole family was gathered around the table to celebrate the birthday of the child at the head of the table. Arani was lucky enough to be able to read and saw she was turning 15, so around her age....if she remembers correctly. It didn't look like it would end anytime soon, so she begrudgingly took the opportunity to think of what she would need first, and where to find it all, what rooms where nearest when she would go borrowing. She blocked out most of what the humans were saying, up until she noticed what she assumes to be the girl's mother pull out a big, wrapped box and put it on the table.
"I'm afraid we only really have one big gift for you this year Lucy, but all of us chipped in for it. Assuming from your friends, we know you'll enjoy it though!" said the human mother while hugging and kissing the birthday girl, Lucy, on her head.
After Lucy carefully unwrapped her present, Arani spotted that it was....a VCR? At least, it LOOKED like one, recalling the days she would sneakily watch along movies in her previous house. The video tapes were much stranger however, a bit more squarish, had more art on the front instead of just a name. The "VCR" also came with two strange rectangles with a few buttons on it. She REALLY didn't understand human technology, it was all too complicated for her...but intriguing nonetheless.
After cake and most of the humans leaving, Lucy and her parents installed the machine in the living room, connecting several wires and inserted one of the tapes and pushed the "POWER" button. What played wasn't a movie however, at the least, not any kind Arani had seen anyway. It wasn't realistic or cartoony but...blocky? What perplexed her most is that Lucy was pressing buttons on the rectengular remote, at the same time certain actions in the "movie" happened. Was...was she CONTROLLING the movie? Is it even a movie??
Arani waited and looked several more hours in confusion, as day turned to night. The human family were saying their goodnights to each other and going upstairs, presumably to bed. She waited several more minutes in the safety of the walls to make sure nobody would be coming back. It's time. Ready or not, stressed or not, WILLING or not, she had to go out and gather supplies.
Leaving the safety of the walls through the electrical cover she used all day to spy on the human family, she first decided to make her way to the kitchen. While making her trek over yonder, she passed by the odd machine. Her gaze was stuck on it for a whole minute, wondering what was up with it. She could almost feel as if it was calling her name, begging her to find out what mysteries it holds. Still, she had priorities and continued her borrowing trip.
After a few hours, Arani gathered what should be enough for now. It wasn't a bunch, but she would just have to borrow several days in a row, risk be damned. It was a sad and frightening necessity. While making the last walk back to the electrical cover with an old, lonely sock, she passed by the machine once again, her eyes once more glued to it. She thought back to the humans sitting around it together, smiling, not a care in the world. It made Arani all the more sad. She's just gone through one of the harder weeks of her life and still has many more stressing factors on her mind. She couldn't take it anymore, she needed some form of release. And thus came the biggest "what's one more risk" to the pile.
She crawled up on the TV's cabinet, pressed the on button with the volume down to a whopping 1, made her way to the machine, and anxiously pressed the "POWER" button with all her might. In an instant, a picture came on screen, but it merely stood still. Nothing happened, not until Arani grabbed one of the rectangles the humans used and tried pushing several of the buttons, finally doing something with "START". Music started playing, and after a little experimentation, the little guy on screen started moving around as she pushed the right buttons. Pushing one made him jump, and holding another made him run. It took a lot of trial and error, but eventually she figured out how to make everything work together and get to a large pole with a flag, which then transitioned to a whole new screen.
Arani was fascinated. She's never known of humans using technology like this. Most importantly, she felt calm. She felt herself having fun. Sure, she has fun with several day to day activities like sewing or climbing, but this was a whole new kind, not related to survival. She didnt know how much time had passed when she reached a place called "5-3", but she was still completely enamored. She dared to say she started to get good at this. For a little while, all other worries drowned out of her mind. She didn't have to focus on anything. She didn't hear the owls hooting outside, she didn't hear the ticking of the clock on the wall, and for just a second, she didn't hear the creaking of steps on the wooden stairs. And by the time she did register it, it was all too late. The hair standing up, she turned her head around slowly, and afterwards immediatly stumbled back, only focussing on the massive blue eyes above her. Moving is one of the most terrifying things a borrower could do. Being spotted, was the absolute worst.
Lucy was awake, and was staring down at Arani with confusion. It felt like she was pinning her down with her gaze alone, making her legs tremble and not be able to stand back up and run. She had been careless, her luck had finally run out, and now she was going to pay the price.
Lucy inhaled, ready to speak, until she looked at the TV being on, and what she was doing. Then, whatever she was about to say, seemingly got overridden with another more important, burning question
"W-how did you get to that level already?! Thats so far! And with 2 lives still left?" She said in a whispery tone, looking in awe and excited, smiling wide. Whatever Arani expected, it was not...this. it didnt help the shivering though. Even if she did want to speak, she couldn't, as if there was something in her throat.
"You must be good...can I watch? Didn't mean to interrupt you playing anyway, sorry about that." She continued while slowly sitting down cross legged, a good end away from Arani. She could take the opportunity to run away, run anywhere, but she felt that would just result in a game of cat and mouse. Feeling threatened, she stumbled slowly back to continue but in her stress and gaze fiwating on the human, he immediatly made the man on screen fall down a pit, losing a life
"...performance anxiety huh? Yeah no worries I get that completely. Especially during class presentations. I swear, I could be a master at my craft and still stumble on my opening line" Lucy said as if there was nothing extraordinary about the whole situation. In a way, it did calm Arani in the littlest, absolute LITTLEST way. No huge questions, no grabbing, no anger, no stomping, just....chatting. As the screen lit up again, ready to play, Lucy shot Arani a thumbs up and a smile, encouraging her. Now, being able to focus a little better, she completed the level and looked back at Lucy, mind still filled with a ton of insecurities.
"Nice! Have you done this a lot? Not even my friend got this far yet" Lucy said. And finally, somehow, Arani's voice returned to her.
"Umm....n-n-no. First...time. I-I'm sorry!" She couldnt help but apologize. Its something she did a lot when incredibly nervous.
"Woah, hey no no worries, you're all good! For what anyway, playing? Dont be, if you wanna use it, it's all yours. Beside...it might be fun to play with someone else?" Lucy said a bit uncertain. Was she really proposing the two of them playing together, human and borrower?
"My name's Lucy by the way. Sorry, didn't introduce myself yet, where are my manners, blegh. Do you have one?" She asked while sticking out her pinkie and bringing it closer to Arani. It made her stumble back a few steps, but she was able to compose herself again. She knew her name, but she wasn't going to bring that up. There was enough on her mind already.
"I...I do. It's...it's Arani" she said while awkwardly and quickly tapping the tip of Lucy's pinkie, pulling back her arm immediatly as if she touched something hot.
"Arani.....never heard a name like that before, thats so cool!" There was a minute of silence between the two until Lucy looked back at the clock.
"Hmm, it's still pretty late. I shouldnt even be up anyway. Im gonna go back to bed, feel free to continue, but please turn everything back off once you're done. And uh...can I...can we see each other again? Yknow, doing something like this or, argh" Lucy was stumbling over her words, incredibly anxious now all of a sudden. It brought a small chuckle to Arani, and she just wasn't able to reject her offer.
"I...think I'd like that actually...t-thank you" she added with the faintest of smiles. Lucy nodded excitedly to this, waved goodbye and headed back up, leavinfg Arani in utter confusion and hr heart pounding out of her chest.
She has no idea what just happened, or why she's still alive to begin with, but strangest of all, she felt...somewhat relaxed? Not a ton, but she didnt feel like she did when arriving in this new house. This human was different. She didnt ask anything too revealing about her and didnt even seem to register her size difference!
Still, she continued to play for a few minutes before going back to the walls, wanting to see Lucy again in the nearby future.
(This was a dumb thing I wanted to write for a few weeks now. Old story with old OC's I had in my head of just, 2 gamer pals, one of them being a borrower. Im really sorry if this is cringe or bad or anything, but thank you for reading)
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gt-newbie · 4 months
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If you haven’t already go and check out a tall and small collection by narrans, it is one of my top favorite g/t stories
560 notes · View notes
gt-newbie · 8 months
She can be rebuilt
We haave the technology
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21 notes · View notes
gt-newbie · 9 months
Merry Christmas!! 🎄
Whether you celebrate it or not, I hope you have a great day today! May all your winter holidays be, or have been, joyous and filled with good tidings ❄️
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gt-newbie · 10 months
Once again, I can't thank you enough for this commission man. You did absolutely phenomenal and I can't get over it. Your a great artist, keep on keeping on!
Requested by @gt-newbie
Chillin' on the Crib
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Second Mini-Macro drawing goes brrrr! <3 and featuring my buddy Gust...as themselves on my first chill/comfy piece which I can't thank Gust enough for making me try out this scenario which to be honest and I wonder myself why haven't I tried this before and now? [^-_ÚwÙ_-^ *shrug*]
Also, let me give you all a hint or nudge onto those cameos
=wink-wink ;>=
• @michaelmac6072
• @diegogtratty
1/15 Commissioned Art
With this I began back a few weeks/months ago the official extension of the commissions pals, so better grab them before they get cold, in the meantime I'll do my best in posting other stuff to keep the fire warm! or chill and comfy against the heat of the sun.
Whish me luck 🤞
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gt-newbie · 10 months
Growing from 20 feet tall to a whopping 21 feet tall for my bday
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gt-newbie · 10 months
just wanted to randomly try this and uh
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H u h
aw thank you for tagging @charmedslytherin 🩷
1. Do this uquiz.
2. Do this picrew.
3. Tag people.
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tagging (with no pressure) @localravenclaw @valyrra @howominis @thriftstorebabayaga @shanaraharlyah @eternalremorse @cuffmeinblack and anyone who'd like to join
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gt-newbie · 10 months
My art request is Patch and Kit meeting for the first time
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And then they became best friends!
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gt-newbie · 10 months
Requested by @gt-newbie
A Timid Titan
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"don't worry my beeg fella, you're gonna be fine :)"
Featuring GT themselves as a timid titan above the streets and the gentle mantle of clouds passing by his visage like a river's flow, this drawing was a bit of a tricky one to complete due to the perspective but it was worth it once I nailed it with some aid! In regards to the city below :)
2/6 Commissioned Art
21 notes · View notes
gt-newbie · 11 months
oh she grew
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58 notes · View notes
gt-newbie · 11 months
Really nice pixel art man
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what i decide to create next is impossible to predict
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gt-newbie · 11 months
Trick or Treat! 🎃
Oh lol wasn't expecting anyone, uhhhh lemme see what I have Would you like a box of these?
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gt-newbie · 1 year
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It's not often that Holly gets a victory in life, so this is unexpected for both sides!
Drew out an interaction from a reply by @kitpaw-animates over on Deviantart:
"Playing rock paper scissors and me always losing :p"
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