guideofmensstyle · 4 years
Interview with Diego Arizala from Canada. Winner: “Best Fitness Blogger of the year 2018”
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Photo by: Marcel Cristocea
How do you  feel as a winner of a prestigious worldwide competition with 54% of 82,381 votes  coming from everywhere? A/: I’m very happy. I was informed on December 31st when I was in Cali-Colombia with my family.  We all celebrated it together.  
I’m grateful with all the people who voted for me.   It was great to see so many people supporting me.  I won, they won,  at the end we all won because we believe that fitness is more than muscles and exercises. It’s also about Mental health, social  inclusion, diversity, emotions etc. Priceless! Thank you very much.
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Photo by: Marcel Cristocea
What your blog has that made  you be the winner? A/:  My blog is different. It shows very well  myself, my values in a “fresh” way. It’s not individualistic.  I go beyond muscles and exercises. I respect the work my colleagues do with blogs focused on exercises or on selfies showing their muscles. We need that approach too. But, I think people are saturated  and lost with a huge amount of images and videos every time they look at their phones. I wanted to do a blog that can promote and inspire people to have a balance in all aspects of their lives. I invite people to think of others, their communities, animals and everything is on this planet. Fitness is holistic. It’s not  only about the shape.
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Photo by: Marcel Cristocea
You have a great, great body and you are a very good looking person. Did it help you to win? A/: Thank you very much for your generous words. I won because people identified themselves with my values and they wanted to support the message.  I definitely believe  that beauty is subjective.  All human beings have beauty  and it starts from the deepest part of each of us. I’d prefer to invite  people to look for every person’s beauty especially  what they have inside. I’m sure you will always find something beautiful.
I’ve been training myself for a long time. Fitness is part of my lifestyle. I do what I preach. It’s important for me to be coherent, consistent and honest with myself and others. Aesthetics  results and the shape come  after you have healthy habits with your body and mind.
Are you always a winner? A/: No.  Nobody wants to experience failures. However, I’m glad I had some in my life. You always learn from each experience.
Each failure helped me to be stronger, more human, destroy prejudices,   better understand others and to get to know myself better. Believe me there is always something good in the failures even if it’s important challenge yourself and do your best to be a winner. In the failure you can be a winner and as a winner you can be a real failure.
All the other bloggers who were nominated in this category are amazing and I admire them too.
I’m always humble when I win and proud  of myself keeping my head up when I am a failure and loose a competition.
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Photo by: Marcel Cristocea
What is your favorite quote as a winner? A/: Be humble when you win and be proud when you lose.
What is your most important achievement in the fitness field? A/:  To motivate and inspire a huge variety of people: with disabilities,  children, older adults,  people with mental health challenges and cultures.  Everyone should have access to Fitness.
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Photo by: Marcel Cristocea
What are the parts of your body that you hate and love the most? A/: I don’t really feel “hate “ or “love” for any part of my body.  I “accept” in a certain way the body that life has given to me.  At the same time I’m very aware that It’s essential to challenge myself, get out of my confort zone and improve my body everyday with healthy nutrition, exercises and mind work.  It has to be a life project towards feeling confortable with yourself (Body and mind).
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Photo by: Marcel Cristocea
Do you think that being a color person is an advantage or disadvantage in the fitness and fashion world? A/: It depends on the context and on the attitude of the color person. I know  society needs to evolve about this aspect and in general about diversity.   It hasn’t been a disadvantage for me. I always work hard and give  absolutely all at 100% to achieve my goals and give a good quality of work.  
What part of your fitness life marked  the most? A/:  Definitely the beginning when I was a teenager.  I was a sport teenager. But with small muscles. I’ve never used  steroids or medication to achieve my fitness goals.  So, it took me years of hard work to be in a good shape according to the standards  of the fitness Industry.
You  have an admirable intellectual background: you went to Yale University, Concordia University and Javeriana University. You’re a  Psychiatry Clinical  Research Coordinator for a research center of Montreal University in Canada during the day. In the evenings you’re working on fitness teaching courses, training people and mentoring other coaches. How do you keep a balance in your life? A/:  Thank you very much.  I love and enjoy working on both fields. They complement each other. The intellectual growth is key in my life. I think it should be for every human being.
I plan my agenda in a way I make sure I book some time for my work, my friends, my family, my community, my intellectual growth and for myself(meditation, training etc.). I try to cover everything that is essential.
What’s the most common  training question people ask you? A/:   How to get a six-pack?
What is next  after  being the winner? A/:  I’ll continue working hard for and with people to encourage them to have  a healthy lifestyle.  I hope many others will join me.  I also hope new opportunities will come to continue doing what I like and have a bigger impact on a long term bases.
Would you like to be the Ambassador, work for a mark and cause? A/:  Yes. I’d be very happy to  work for a cause, do collaborations with a mark, photographers, other bloggers, influencers, artists, websites etc.  
What’s the question we should have asked you  and we haven’t? A/: Who inspires you the most?.
...Who inspires the best Fitness blogger of 2018? A/: Someone who created a fitness program with deep values such as social inclusion, empowering, Mental Health, considering the emotions of each person etc. He also  integrated “entertainment” and “fun” aspects every time you sweat and burn calories. Exercises should not be something boring. His program has thousands and thousands of participants in more than 120 countries creating a worldwide community throughout many years. His name is Beto Perez-Founder of Zumba Fitness.
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Photo by: Marcel Cristocea
You can also know more about the Fitness blogger of the year reading his interview in  2018 for Marshion Magazine  https://guideofmensstyle.tumblr.com/post/616080931348004864/interview-with-diego-arizala
Follow  him and contact him at @diegoarizalacoach
“My Sport, My passion” at: https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-07gFTBidi/?igshid=1x3hu7r29j8hm
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guideofmensstyle · 4 years
Interview with  Diego Arizala
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Photo by: David Laplante
Tell me about yourself:
I firstly wanted to express my gratitude for this invitation. I was born in Cali - Colombia from a multiracial and milticultural family. I am based in Montreal-Canada after several years.
I’m a personal trainer and a fitness instructor in the evening and during the day I work in Clinical research in Psychiatry-Neurosciences in Montreal.   I love both jobs. They complement to each other. I’m a certified personal trainer, I have a title of Psychologist, I have a Masters degree from Concordia University-Montreal. I also went to Yale University  and Javeriana University.
Fitness for me is also about a balance between your body, mind and the community. It is a good tool to empower people towards a society where everyone could be included and never left behind.
I’m in the Fitness industry half of my life. I started teaching Tae-box, Cardio-kickboxing, bootcamp, cardio-military workout and now I’m also teaching Zumba which is an amazing program that works your body and mind. I’m amazed how it can change people’s lives.
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Photo by: KT
Style is what for you?.
 It’s more than a body and clothes. Style is the expression of a deeper side of you:  your emotions, what you think and values. It’s about respecting and being yourself. Each person  is unique  and has her/his own style that can be polished with a work starting from inside of you. Diversity is one of the most beautiful things the human has. No limits of race, age, culture, gender, disabilities religion, etc.
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Photo by: David Laplante
Tell me about your diet plan for summer?  
Food is key to achieve my fitness goals. I  eat balanced meals and I love to include the superfoods every day. My favorites are chia, spirouline and macca. I usually take a banana, almonds and water between meals.
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What about your fitness plan? 
Cardio, strength, balance and flexibility exercises every week. Core  and stretching exercises in every training.
Meditation and mindfulness are also important as a part of my fitness plan. Remember that being healthy is also about being well with yourself, your body and with others.
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Photo by: David Laplante
What are your future projects?
Continue empowering individuals , communities, so they can achieve their goals and be healthier.
I’ll continue being a voice of a positive message and hope. In fact we can all do it. We can all make a difference in this world, so nobody should be left behind and everyone can shine.
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Photo by: Claude Belanger
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Photo by: Cynthia Sheskay
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Photo by: Claude Belanger
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Photo by: KT
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Photo by: KT
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Photo by: Cynthia Sheskay
FOLLOW @diegoarizalacoach
“My Sport, My passion” at: https://www.instagram.com/tv/B-07gFTBidi/?igshid=1x3hu7r29j8hm
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
A DreamBoy Story - Shane Tyler Finlayson
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So my lifestyle is pretty decent , I get to tour and train in different gyms around the UK and dance / performing on the Dreamboys tour with 9 other blokes who are like family. Then on my days of model when I can and see family and friends and train in the gym.  Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Leo Alfonso "Style is How You Present Yourself"
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I am a Model-Photographer from Venezuela with a journalist degree. I have been involved and attracted by show business and fashion since I was a little kid. I moved to Miami, Florida 4 years ago, looking for new and bigger opportunities, I have become an stronger and wiser man because of this journey.
Style is what for you?
Style is how you present yourself to the rest of the word. Elevating your best features, playing wit shapes and colors, incorporating the inspirations from different times and cultures. The mirror should be your best adviser. Keep your eyes wide open and try your best.
How you keep your life balance?
My life is balance by my mind. I am in a point in my life where I am able to understand how to manage all the circumstances and choices I have. Family is a main part in my life, I love to feel productive and creative. Expending time with friends and doing fun activities, like the movies or dancing make me very happy and its crucial for my whole circle of energy.
How you keep your body fit?
I work out as much as I can. Pushing my muscles gives me some sort of adrenaline. I ride my bike to the gym so I can do extra cardio, that helps a lot. I want to proof there is not such thing as aging with the course of regular years. Your age and physical conditions are determinate by many other factor than time as we know it.
Do you use grooming products?
I do not use many grooming products, but it depends on the hair style also. I have been thinking about starting using skin products.
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Tell me about your diet plan
I do not really have a diet. I try to stay away from sugars, carbs and everything that looks greasy. I eat chicken, beef and fish as my main meals.
Tell me about your fitness plan
I start my work out riding my bike to the gym. I usually make a circuit of exercises that cover at least three important group of muscles. I do 3-4 series of 10-12 moves each. I complement my routine randomly with abs, running and swimming.
Do you like travel? Which places you like?
I love traveling, there are so so many places to visit. I love islands in general. I would love to go to Hawaii. Someday I also hope to go to Egypt and see in person the wonderful pyramids.
What are your future projects?
My future projects are related with photography and modeling as usual. I have been working with videography and I love it; so I am sure I will keep expanding and creating in that matter. I want to work with big Brands and I will always play the Model-photographer rol. Follow @leoalfonsom on Instagram Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Marios Vardakostas "I'm Always Happy and Cheerful"
Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Ruben Barreda Perez "I Love Wear Total Black"
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Tell me about yourself
I'm Ruben Spanish , 32 , stylist , designer and makeup-artist. Very creative a funny guy liven in London
Style is what for you?
I love wear total black with a perfecto leather jacket is the best look
How you keep your life balance?
Im libra so i think so much everything y try to balance all the time !
How you keep your body fit?
Healthy food and cardio
Do you use grooming products?
Yes i do!! I use a lot! I love cosmetic and i think they are so important to use day a day
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Tell me about your diet plan
I try to eat healthy and many days i skip the dinner ;)
Tell me about your fitness plan
I go gym 5 days per week ( never weekends ) and i try to do the maximun cardio as is possible because they make me fell alive
Do you like travel? Which places you like?
I love travel im so lucky because i can discover many countries around the world ! I love big cities lie new yock and all the mediterranean places for me are the best places
What are your future projects?
I just move to London so i think i will have many plans to discover the country. Follow @THELIONC  on Instagram Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Santiago Martinez "Traveling is Another Passion"
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Tell me about yourself
Hi! I´m Santiago Martínez, 33 years old and I´m from Mexico City. I work for a publishing company and I´ve been involved in the educational industry for almost 10 years. I love my job, and sometimes I mix it with acting. I´m a huge fan of traveling, doing exercise and of course of my dog Moët.
Style is what for you?
Style is simple: Being yourself, reflect your essence and feel inspired about what makes you happy and comfortable.
How you keep your life balance?
Sometimes is hard to keep a balance in life because of stress, day by day problems of feeling overwhelmed for any reason. However, I´m convinced that balance consists in finding a proper time to being focused in job, spend time with friends, enjoy moments with the family and save time for myself as well.
How you keep your body fit?
I´m an active person, so even when I am traveling I try to find time to workout everywhere. I am very constant, I go to the gym 2 hours daily and 4-5 times per week. Sometimes I swim. And a lot of water!
Do you use grooming products?
Yes, only the basic ones. I use hair products, face balsams and shaving products as well.
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Tell me about your diet plan
I´m strict in my diet, at least during the business week (M-F). I always eat healthy, including a lot a protein, water and limited carbs. During the weekend I make exceptions and try cheesecakes and pizza. I constantly visit a nutritionist who changes my diet according to my goals.
Tell me about your fitness plan
When you adopt discipline as a habit then is easy to stay fit. I go to the gym every day after work, dividing training by group of muscles per day. I change my routine every 2 months and sometimes I like to run outdoors.
Do you like travel? Which places you like?
Traveling is another passion. I am very lucky to travel often because of business and sometimes pleasure. My favorite place to go is the beach, and definitely in Mexico there are some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. I guess my favorite city ever is NY.
What are your future projects?
I would like to start a Master next year. This is something that I´ve been postponing for different reasons, but I think now is the right moment. In addition, will continue with some pending trips for work. Follow @santiagomzz on Instagram Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Cesar Lopes " I Want a Careful Look"
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Cesar, 32 years old, I am a fashion designer, resident in Porto, lover of sport and life. The style is a way of being in life and with ourselves. Style can tell more about us than anything else, about essence and individuality as well as our aesthetic perspectives. with it we show the image that we want to convey, but an image that is not only in sight but also about our inner essence.
How do you keep the balance of your life?
I seek mental and physical balance through healthy eating and sports. I work for long-term goals professionally trying to have pleasure and results along the way.
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How do you keep your body fit?
This is a progressive work. with daily sport and balanced light diet.
Do you use cleaning products?
Right. I use daily products suitable for my skin and hair. I want a careful look.
Tell Me About Your Diet Plan
My day is practical in that sense. I start the day with eggs, coffee milk and orange juice. The morning snack includes fruits and more coffee. lunch is the most caloric of my day, strong in carbs, vegetables and protein. The snack is protein yogurt and fruit. at dinner as essentially protein and vegetables. No carbs at dinner. an apple and a relaxing tea before bed.
Tell me about your fitness plan
I practice 1-2 hours of daily physical sport in a gym, through a plan prepared by my personal trainer. i run once a week, and I ride my bike when I can.
Do you like to travel? What places do you like?
I love to travel. although I confess a little fear of flying. 😂 I prefer to visit the European capitals in winter. and in summer I don't leave the beach.
What are your future projects?
I try hard to make my clothing brand in progress. I am open to side projects in design and art. without making big plans because you never know the plans life has for you. Follow @cesar_lopes_7 on Instagram Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Simone Saverna "I Like to Travel Very Much"
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Tell me about yourself
My name is Simone, I live in Rimini (Italy) a small city on the Adriatic Riviera. I am 34. I am a receptionist in 4-stars hotel and I like it very much because it is a kind of job that give me the opportunity to know different people from all over the world and to speak different languages. One year ago I began my career like a model and photo-model.
Style is what for you?
Style is a way of life. It is not only how you combine clothes. It is also the way you behave with people, the way you eat, the way you love. You can be the reachest person of the world and buy most expensive signed clothes, but if you don't have a good behave with people you will be treated like the poorest man.
How you keep your life balance?
Good question (ehehehe). I try to do always things that I like, as go out with friends, go to dance, go at the cinema. And if I have a bad day I think that it is only one day, and tomorrow will be better for sure.
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How you keep your body fit?
I go to gym 3/4 time a week and I attend a choreographic step lesson 1 time a week.
Do you use grooming products?
I take whey protein every time I go to gym and branched amino acids when I finish to train.
Tell me about your diet plan
I am very lucky because at the moment I can eat everything I want, when I want and I don't put on wheight. I have a fast metabolism and I hope that it will be the same as long as possible.
Tell me about your fitness plan
As my job is very stressful during the summer, normally I reduce the times that I train in 1/2 a week. In winter I start again to train with greater costance.
Do you like travel? Which places you like?
I like to travel very much. I prefer warm places that allows me both to relax at the beach and do some excursions, like Egypt or Mexico. I like also visit small characteristic cities and middle age villages, and Italy is full of them.
What are your future projects?
I would like to increase and practice my career as model and finf a model agency in Milan that want me to act. Follow @simone.saverna on Instagram Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Alexander Rusich "Style is Like a Mood"
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Tell me about yourself
My name is Alexander, I am 28, I was born in Moscow. I always try to clearly understand what I want from my life and what I'm moving to. So, 6 years ago I started working as a fashion model, and continue do it cause expanding my borders is really important to me. I Prefer Italian food, swimming and active pastime. And I always believe that our thoughts change reality.
Style is what for you?
Style is like a mood. I create myself and my image according to my inner feelings.
How do you keep your life balance?
Everyday I need to spend part of the time alone. I can read book, do meditation, gym, swimming, or just listening music. When I fail, I always keep trying again. Because the main thing is to work on mistakes, keep moving and to know exactly what I want, what I strive for in life, and what I do for it. It is very important to regularly shape the image in my head, as I want to see myself in the future.
How do you keep your body fit?
I can say I like my current physique. I just need to keep it in such shape, to be thin, with dry muscles and abs. Otherwise, I have no restrictions, my metabolism gives me a lot of bonuses.)
Do you use grooming products?
Almost nothing. The maximum I can use is moisturizers for face and hands, especially during the winter, if I am in Russia. The skin dries very much due to severe frosts.
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Photographers: Jan Northoff @jannorthoff & Sergey Sheluhin @sheluhin & Virulent Valmont @virulentvalmont & Anton Solyankin @nekloff
Tell me about your diet plan
Practically I do not follow any diets. I just try to eat less junk food, but often do not deny myself even fast food ahaha Cakes and sweets are not for me, I just do not like sweets, Im lucky in this). The main thing for me is regular maintenance of water balance. My morning begins with a glass of water.
Tell me about your fitness plan
As I said before I don’t have big goals in workout, but I try to do 2-3 workouts a week. Basically, it’s a basic training to maintain muscle tone and workout for ABS every training and of course with cardio training (running or swimming)
Do you like travel? Which places you like?
I love traveling, but at least a few months of the year, I must be in my motherland. When you are constantly traveling, you will wean from home, and then it’s very difficult to return. Actually I’m a big fan of Italy, always ready to go back there again). In the future I’d try to live in Barcelona and LA.
What are your future projects?
Over the next few years, I plan to continue my career as a model. Many things haven’t been realized, and I need to make a lot of effort. I really want to develop acting skills with myself. And I’m going to continue discovering my inner world and the world around me. And there are many things I want to do in my life, but it’s too easy to speak about it. Follow @alexanderrusich on Instagram Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
David Alvaro "Diet is The Most Important"
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Tell me about yourself
My name is David, I'm 28 years old and I live in Spain and i`m athlete. My passion is animals, fashion, cinema and the gym. I am working as a model, actor and fitness monitor.
Style is what for you?
Style for me is something that sets you apart from the rest. It doesn't have to be fashionable, just something that characterizes you
How you keep your life balance?
combine work, training, food, breaks with my friends. you always have to take time to be with them and to clear your mind
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How you keep your body fit?
the diet. Diet is the most important, along with good training and the necessary breaks form the balance that your body needs.
Do you use grooming products?
Yes, I use the most normal products such as: face cream, spherical cream and eye concealer.
Tell me about your diet plan
I follow a low-carbohydrate diet that supplements healthy fats
Tell me about your fitness plan
I do many exercises with my own weight such as (taps, push-ups, triceps bottoms …) and calisthenics and especially strength training.
Do you like travel? Which places you like?
Yes, of course. I love countries with nature like Brazil, Thailand, indonesia , etc but I would not live outside of Europe.
What are your future projects?
I have work as a model outside of Spain. I will go 6 months as a model outside of Spain and then continue my acting career. Follow @david.af13 on Instagram Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Tomasz Mazurkiewicz "My Body is My Key to a Wonderful Mood"
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Tell me about yourself
I am 38 years old and I am currently a football coach and privately a happy father of two daughters. I have played football professionally my whole life and thanks to it I have visited a large part of the world and met many wonderful people. My job is my passion. Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Antonio Miranda "I dont Do Any Diet"
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Tell me about yourself
I am Antonio Miranda, I am 33 years old and I am 180cm tall. I am from Cadiz, Andalucia, I born in a little city in the south of Andalucia called La Linea but at this moment I am living in Madrid. I am pedagogue but now I am not working as a pedagogue, I work in fashion (retail). I really love sport, plot reading and the animals.
Style is what for you?
The style for me is a lot of things. Personality, character and kind of identity. In conclusion, a lifestyle.
How you keep your life balance?
I keep my life balance with rest, good nutrition and doing exercise, are the keys to keep a constant, but the most important thong, to have a good attitude and proactive energy.
How you keep your body fit?
Principally, with training session, i am going to the gym 4 o 5 days per week.
Do you use grooming products?
I normally use moisturizing cream and sometimes eye contour cream.
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Photographers: @ionleibar @ikerlodigas @gustavlag @marc_yz
Tell me about your diet plan
I dont do any diet, I just try to ear 6 times per day and normally I eat healthy food.
Tell me about your fitness plan
I train a different muscle every day but the day I train biceps and triceps. My training session is about 50 minutes and I finish the session with 15 minutes abs.
Do you like travel? Which places you like?
I love traveling. Anywhere with beaches, the beach is my favorite place.
What are your future projects?
I try dont think to much in the future, I like to live the present. But whatever are my plans for the future I would try to learn and do it with love and passion.@Mirandaman_ Follow @Mirandaman_ on Instagram Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Interview with @yesutoro
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Tell me about yourself
My name is Yesu and I live in Madrid. I work in IT Consulting and occasionally also as a photographic model. Very active in daily life, I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I’m also quite fond of gastronomy and traveling. I’m always open to face any new challenges life puts in front my way!
Style is what for you?
For me, style means how you clothe your personality, showing the world who you are, in terms of both your body and spirit. Fashion is about the clothes you wear, while style about what’s inside of you.
How you keep your life balance?
I try to fully enjoy all aspects of life without being extreme or fixated on anything. Taking care of your body and health is as important as having fun and striving for a happy life.
How you keep your body fit?
I train 5 days a week with the help of a highly qualified personal trainer, Hugo Teixeira (@corpus_style_nutrition) who not only creates a workout program for me, but also designs my nutritional plan weekly. In my opinion, even if you’ve been working out for years in the gym, the help of a professional is mandatory to maximize your fitness results.
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Photographers: @joan_crisole & @inch_photography
Do you use grooming products?
For my face and body, I mainly use moisturizing creams and some anti-aging cosmetics. For my hair and beard, I use a special shampoo and oil.
Tell me about your diet plan
It’s quite detailed, including protein, carbs and healthy fats. I try to eat all kinds of foods: white and red meat, fish high in omega-3s, vegetables and legumes (always grilled or steamed). I avoid fried food and saturated fats. Even though it's difficult to manage sometimes, I try my best to eat 6 or 7 meals a day.
Tell me about your fitness plan
I am very old-fashioned regarding fitness and workouts. I always train one muscle group a day focusing on putting a lot of stress on my muscles and I train my abs every single day. In my opinion, the key to keeping your body working hard is variation. Don’t let it get used to one single routine and always vary your workout plan, intensity and diet. Otherwise, your body will remain the same.
Do you like travel? Which places you like?
I love travelling. I am always looking for new destinations to discover, but I also like to travel around Europe to cities I’ve already been to several times. India and Japan are now my pending destinations
What are your future projects?
Currently, I am promoting a Graphic Novel created by www.DavidCantero.com based on my Instagram profile: Yesutoro. I am also working this month on the charity ZarpaCalendar 2020 (@zarpamadrid), a male photography calendar we launch every year. One hundred percent of the profits go to a non profit charity association. In addition, I already have some editorial and art photo shoots scheduled for this year. Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Interview with @yesutoro
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Tell me about yourself
My name is Yesu and I live in Madrid. I work in IT Consulting and occasionally also as a photographic model. Very active in daily life, I enjoy spending time with family and friends. I’m also quite fond of gastronomy and traveling. I’m always open to face any new challenges life puts in front my way!
Style is what for you?
For me, style means how you clothe your personality, showing the world who you are, in terms of both your body and spirit. Fashion is about the clothes you wear, while style about what’s inside of you.
How you keep your life balance?
I try to fully enjoy all aspects of life without being extreme or fixated on anything. Taking care of your body and health is as important as having fun and striving for a happy life.
How you keep your body fit?
I train 5 days a week with the help of a highly qualified personal trainer, Hugo Teixeira (@corpus_style_nutrition) who not only creates a workout program for me, but also designs my nutritional plan weekly. In my opinion, even if you’ve been working out for years in the gym, the help of a professional is mandatory to maximize your fitness results.
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Photographers: @joan_crisole & @inch_photography
Do you use grooming products?
For my face and body, I mainly use moisturizing creams and some anti-aging cosmetics. For my hair and beard, I use a special shampoo and oil.
Tell me about your diet plan
It’s quite detailed, including protein, carbs and healthy fats. I try to eat all kinds of foods: white and red meat, fish high in omega-3s, vegetables and legumes (always grilled or steamed). I avoid fried food and saturated fats. Even though it's difficult to manage sometimes, I try my best to eat 6 or 7 meals a day.
Tell me about your fitness plan
I am very old-fashioned regarding fitness and workouts. I always train one muscle group a day focusing on putting a lot of stress on my muscles and I train my abs every single day. In my opinion, the key to keeping your body working hard is variation. Don’t let it get used to one single routine and always vary your workout plan, intensity and diet. Otherwise, your body will remain the same.
Do you like travel? Which places you like?
I love travelling. I am always looking for new destinations to discover, but I also like to travel around Europe to cities I’ve already been to several times. India and Japan are now my pending destinations
What are your future projects?
Currently, I am promoting a Graphic Novel created by www.DavidCantero.com based on my Instagram profile: Yesutoro. I am also working this month on the charity ZarpaCalendar 2020 (@zarpamadrid), a male photography calendar we launch every year. One hundred percent of the profits go to a non profit charity association. In addition, I already have some editorial and art photo shoots scheduled for this year. Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Pieros Chamalis "I Have Very Good Metabolism"
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Hello! I’m Pieros Chamalis, an biomedical engineering student based in Athens, Greece! I am always a soul of my company and i loved to saw my friends laughing! I always loved taking pictures of myself in any time and in my free time i working as a model. This passion helps me for growing my Instagram account because hard work makes good job! I also love fashion but in my opinion personal style is more important for each one! I won't hide you im greedy, I love chocolate and i prefer white chocolate as well. Also im a burger lover. If you following me on my Instagram you will see how burger lover i am! Read the full article
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guideofmensstyle · 5 years
Carlos Ramírez "Style is Being Able to Express Myself Through My Outfits"
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Hello, I’m Carlos, I’m 27, I’m from Ceuta and I work as a pharmacist in a laboratory. Read the full article
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