guiltology · 6 months
I'm a "multiple interpretations of a character are valid" person until I see an interpretation that explicitly contradicts canon and then I start chewing on the drywall.
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guiltology · 6 months
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From Catalogue of surgical instruments and physicians' supplies, electric and orthopedic apparatus.
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guiltology · 1 year
In a bit of a research drought at the moment so feel free to ask me anything.
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guiltology · 1 year
She gangliated on my utrophin immuno latency until I toxin
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guiltology · 1 year
Considering the fact that there is still a deadly virus floating around, both of these still stand.
A reminder that even though most GUILT strains are not airborne, you should still WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS. This goes for other diseases as well.
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guiltology · 1 year
so we all know this part of trauma team right
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and how utterly ridiculous that number is
well. i did some math... and research that too.
the best way i can describe AFP is... fetus goo. and also a tumor marker. AFP stands for alpha-fetoprotein or something like that. im not a doctor i just have autism
i got curious and decided to figure out just how fucking ridiculous this number is. if we use 5 as an average, we can determine that...
The blood AFP level measured in Samuel Turnbull's intial blood test is a whopping 265.4 TIMES HIGHER THAN AN AVERAGE, HEALTHY, LIVER TUMOR-FREE PERSON.
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guiltology · 2 years
To explain this further, it's mostly because cobalt as a whole does not like the human bloodstream. “Cobalt poisoning that occurs from constant contact with your skin will likely cause irritation and rashes that go away slowly. Swallowing a large amount of absorbable cobalt at one time is very rare and is likely not very dangerous. It may cause nausea and vomiting.” “It can harm the eyes, skin, heart, and lungs. Exposure to cobalt may cause cancer. Workers may be harmed from exposure to cobalt and cobalt-containing products. The level of harm depends upon the dose, duration, and work being done.” I don't really QUITE know what cularium is made of, that's for the bastards who mine the stuff, but if it IS cobalt, well. Using a cobalt based hemoglobin would kinda kill you. It also wouldn’t even be that effective. It's more a question of which would kill you first; the oxygen deprivation or the toxicity. There's also the very fun possibility that other compounds could simply give off too much heat and literally cook the person from the inside, because. "Cobalt is not combustible when in solid or bulk form. However, finely divided cobalt is FLAMMABLE and will ignite spontaneously in air." It's also just awful for you overall. So, uh. Yeah, don't make artificial blood with it.
Thinking about how cularium-based heme would flat out either give you horrible blood poisoning, just plain not work due to the way oxygen is transferred, or essentially set on fire inside you and cook you from the inside.
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guiltology · 2 years
AAAAAA TY FOR READING MY WORK.... i love writing and i love my research being appreciated, vrr... ~ your friendly local GUILTologist, Victor
i wish i had half the skill in putting words to paper you have cuz your writing is *chefs kiss*
like i mentioned, very informative and very thorough. i even learned some new things lol
please keep up your work 💙💙💙💙
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guiltology · 2 years
TL;DR: Cobalt poisoning is a BITCH.
Thinking about how cularium-based heme would flat out either give you horrible blood poisoning, just plain not work due to the way oxygen is transferred, or essentially set on fire inside you and cook you from the inside.
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guiltology · 2 years
“chiral reaction positive. triti bodies detected.”
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guiltology · 2 years
Hey hi I've run into some truly galling information on tiktok so like
Y'all. If your doctor prescribes you antibiotics FUCKING TAKE ALL OF THEM OH MY GOD
If you stop when you 'feel better' you are not only allowing the infection to grab ahold stronger and set deeper but congratulations! You just signed up to be the incubator for the world's next variation on antibiotic resistant strains of what the fuck ever! Good job.
I cannot begin to describe the sheer number of commenter I just saw on a tiktok where the person was explaining how they didn't feel well, were they were telling them to 'just take the extra antibiotics you have lying around your house' fucking NO
Different antibiotics are for different things, even IF you actually were infected with something antibiotics can treat you won't have the right one you won't have enough and you're already fucked regardless because there were never Extra's to begin with! If there are pills left in the bottle you did it wrong.
Jesus h christ. If you're prescribed pills take them as instructed. Please.
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guiltology · 2 years
The fact that humans can be killed through physical means is so ridiculous to me
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guiltology · 2 years
I've kinda exhausted a lot of my. Well. Research at the moment, which. Again, feel free to ask me questions. Also! Fun Victor fact: I hate all of the Hands of Asclepius, I hope they go to hell. “Oh you can use GUILT for medicine!” I have written four papers on this, and you have written none, so shut the fuck up.
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guiltology · 2 years
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Blood cells
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guiltology · 2 years
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guiltology · 2 years
Are you… okay??
Physically, fine albeit a bit tired. Mentally, good fucking lord my research is going all over the damn place. Or to sum it up: Physically fine, mentally "oh no."
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guiltology · 2 years
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