re: is zato a groomer debate even if they're in the same age group, lets at least all agree that zato, as the leader of assassins' guild at one point, directly took part in grooming millia, venom and an unknown number of other potentially existing children into MURDER. even if zato was also young at that point and his relationship with millia is therefore morally ok, literally everything else that he did is not, and the power imbalance between them remains the same (brought to you by a zato enjoyer)
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not sure how much this matters because it sure as hell aint technically canon but zato’s age in the missing link development sketch says that he’s 25 while millia’s says she’s 21.
it also says millia is from brazil so, y’know…but i feel like it’s still a good approximation of their ages based off of existing evidence.
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Desperate for more Unika content tbh but there’s nothing to make content about yet. (I’m going to be eating so good once more anime trailers drop). I wish my GG character fixation was like Sol Badguy instead a character who is only known to be mysterious, racist, and girl.
Not much to write home about yet other than the fact that behind her goggles are quite possibly the saddest eyes I’ve ever seen. My girl is not happy someone give her a caprisun pouch.
ALSO I do hope that if a Gear, she plays like either HOS or Justice because it’d be a cool way to bring those characters back without LITERALLY bringing them back (for lore reasons).
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Oh yeah for context I (the person Unika posting) was the person who was hyped up about “the new Guilty Gear catgirl” a while back so you know I haven’t changed for the better at all.
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hi im jam's number one hater. when i see her on my scren i boob
Me when I boob: 😦
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okay i must reclaim my title as Jam Kuradoberi's number one fan
you see, I voted for her! and zappa, but he's less important
i hear it gets you a nice meal if she wins ooooo isn't that nice
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Ngl I wanna sleep with elphelt. But like. Not in the sexual way. In the literal “we snuggle up under a big blanket and fall asleep in each other’s arms” way.
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I wonder how many times Libraria has doubted Conclave's plans, when even in the final stretch during Sign, she still worries about the lives they sacrificed for it all.
How many times over those decades that she grieved over the many people that were collateral damage for their plan to save humanity?
Did she consider backing out during all that? But she's already been compliant, helping them with it. She's already been doing it for so long. She's already stained her hands such a bloody red. She could never be absolved from such a thing.
I wonder if she cries when no one watches. I wonder if she sees all the lives they ruined and feel every bit of regret and shame stab into her soul. I wonder how many times she's wondered that she's 'doing the right thing'.
Lives of the many over lives of the few, right? And she, along with the other members of the Conclave, are the only ones that could save humanity.
Oh Libraria.....
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I would sacrifice giovanna, goldlewis, and elphelt on a stone slab to get my beloved answer-kun into the game.
Why specifically those three ?
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To say that Zato didn't pay for the things he did is debatable he did die. That was a pretty big part of his character. That he died.
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Anon you ARE in fact right! They're fucking lame! They're just old people. They're so lame they became loveable to me. Like I totally get why everyone glossed over them.
And they're old people that don't go out to do the business themselves. Most we got was Baldias fighting Sol in THE PACHINKO. And then we got the 2nd best scene in all of Guilty Gear where Axus fucking shoots Ky. That scene was ☺️☺️
Like yeah all the other antags? Definitely wayyy more appealing than Conclave.
But I'd give up my life if I could watch them have a meeting. Just a meeting. Hear Axus be an asshole. Hear Libraria be disturbed at all the destruction Conclave brings for 'the greater good'. Ohh beloved Conclave what I'd do for them.
What I'm saying is, yeah, unconventional feelings I have for em. The person holding the GG talk about you podcast also thought they were lame. Because they areee
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I'm actually ramlethal valentine in real life
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RE: "How did Zato groom Millia?"
It's because she was said to have been an orphaned child when she joined the guild (source: Guilty Gear ML Manual) while Zato was most likely an adult at the time when she joined, she then grew up and started dating him at some point in time. So you could say that then, he groomed her.
So that where the claim comes from, it's just a conclusion coming from the evidence shown.
now, if I may add my personal stance to the whole Zato sucks discussion, I hate him personally and I believe he should've seen more repercussions for his actions (or better yet, he should've stayed dead) but that's a flaw in GG's writing. He's a more realistic evil, there's people out there who have had a 'Zato'. That's why he's so hateable. This doesn't mean that nobody should like Zato ever, since he's an interesting character, but I feel at least acknowledging his bad actions is something the GG fandom as a whole should do (and I guess we currently are doing that, aren't we?)
On the other hand, saying he's past his bad actions post-resurrection isn't something we should say. I've genuinely heard this as a means to defend his actions, it isn't a defense! if someone who did even HALF the things he did suddenly was 'beyond' that due to other factors, and I was one of that person's victims, I would never forgive them either way!
all in all, Zato is a bad person in a more realistic way than other GG antagonists. That is why many people (including myself) hate him, BUT this doesn't mean you can't like him for any reason whatsoever since he is an incredibly interesting character.
and i.. am gonna go get a drink now
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tw: extension of the zato hateability discussion, using too many words to say something that could have been summarized in a single paragraph probably, extremely worrying implications that i've purposely left unsaid
invite to discussion. sort of
alright i'm still stumped on sources atm so I'm gonna real quick take the premise of 'millia was literally a baby when she joined' and run with it. i don't know much about babies aside from the fact that i have seen babies before so i know they're real
starting off point, two conflicting google sources claim that 1) an infant is at most 1 year old, or 2) and infant is at most 3 years old so i'm going with that second one
2173 is the year Venom and Millia are taken in by the guild to be assassins. kids health dot org says "By age 3, a toddler's vocabulary usually is more than 200 words. Kids can string together 2- or 3-word sentences. They can talk with you in a conversation that has at least 2 back-and-forth exchanges." so I'm going to assume that Venom is older than Millia in this because his whole thing is about holding a moral stance on death and murder and idk how to google the age range for that,,
(unrelated, but I'm left with the distinct mental image of Zato handing a baby a knife. so there's that)
2175 is the year Millia activates Angra. She would be 5 years old. according to cdc dot gov, cognitive milestones include: 'should be able to count to ten', 'write some letters in [her] name', and 'pay attention for 5 to 10 minutes'.
2177 Dizzy is born. Doesn't matter to Millia, but it gives me a weird idea for a theory
2178 "A high-risk mission goes bad after Millia Rage's defection, and Zato is captured by the authorities." (wiki timeline direct quote) This mission takes place after the events of the Night of Knives drama CD. Millia would be 8 years old. (cdc milestone is unfortunately listed as 'having independance from family'. she was a little early on that one)
2180 Missing Link tournament. 10 years old. Millia, not May. Maybe May. Also, if May is 22 in xrd like the english voiceline suggests, then she'd be 15 here.
2187 is the 'present day' of guilty gear, containing the events of Xrd to Strive. Millia would be 17 years old. Maybe 18 depending on her hypothetical birthday but we're really cutting it close. At least we can confirm she is old enough to hold a government job(?)
In conclusion: I don't know if i buy it, personally. Also I wanna keep imagining Millia as a 30-something for the sake of my sanity. But! I do have this cool new theory about Millia secretly being a lab-made gear like Testament, if we ignore the part of her story where she allows a gear-hating parasite to attach itself to her head
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fighting for my life rn i know ive read that line before ‘wailing infant’ is such specific wording i know i read it somewhere but i cant find it i wish i’d saved it screenshot it just SOMETHING am i LOSING IT—
(this is about the zato hateability discussion in case i am being too vague)
When I hear wailing infact I get lobotomy corporation flashbacks
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i just do not give a shit about the conclave theyre so lame
maybe theres something i just dont get about them but the only stand out moment i remember is when one of them shoots ky and ky goes crazy mode that was cool
like i wish that they did things instead of just sat around and talked about evil things theyre gonna do
ik in vastedge one of them has a forbidden beast but hes dead now so who cares
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Happy chaos and raven like to laugh at jonkler memes together...
Why so serious ? [beatboxing]
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