gummy-friend · 2 years
Do you write continue Au where Techno and Wilbur are borrowers?
Seeing as I am so very inactive, I think I won't be continuing it, no. Sorry for the disappointment (or maybe you don't care that much lol) and me giving it up halfway ✌
Don't get me wrong, I still have the plot pretty much there in my head. But like, maybe this is writers block or something, but I can't muster myself to like, write.
If anyone likes the plot or the concept, please feel free to take the story for yourself! (sorry if this sounds (idk the exact word but) pretentious)
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Free Trial au
Unlike Mumza who was unaware of was going on, Tommy knew exactly what was happening when he woke up in a box.
So when Wilbur gets the box open Tommy is fetal, screaming and threatening to bite at every sudden move.
And I think we have plenty of 'villain' Wilbur au's out there, so what if he's genuinely trying to calm this feral child down but just keeps getting bit instead?
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Free trial au
Notes: YES ZEETLE THANK YOU, you’ve given me the motivation needed to write for this AU. I hope y’all like it :] Have some hurt/comfort with t!tommy and human Wilbur
“Please I’m not going to-“
Wilbur jumped back and hissed in pain as the tiny’s teeth dug into his thumb again. A pinprick of blood already started to bubble up at the surface, matching the similar cuts strewn across the rest of his hand.
The tiny had shown up in a box only a couple minutes before and when he read the label he was shocked. A week before he’d received an email from the same company, promising free tinies, but he’d passed it off as some spam email… However, looking at the tiny freaking out in his kitchen, he really wished he had read the email closer.
“Fuck,” he winced, trying to keep his voice steady, “Please I’m not trying to hurt you I swear.”
The crazed-looking tiny didn’t seem to care though as he backed up into his box like a wild animal. Bruises covered his skin from being battered around in shipping and while Wilbur was getting awfully annoyed at being bitten he couldn’t get over how young he looked.
When the tiny lashed out again, Wilbur reached down to pin the kid under his finger, pressing down on his chest.
“Get off!” the kid screeched, “Leave me alone!”
“I’m trying to!” Wilbur pleaded, wincing as the kids teeth dug into his finger again, “Just calm down. Please!”
“You’re gonna- fuck,” the kid choked, his thrashing stoped as he realized he was stuck, “Please let me go fuck please. I cant die please.”
Wilbur grimaced at the sight of small tears forming in the kids eyes. He couldn’t even move without the kid flinching back and sobbing even harder.
God he was so young.
Slowly he released his finger from the boys chest and the kid went limp. If he couldn’t hear the choked sobs he would have almost thought he’d killed him.
“Look hey, hey,” he shushed, “I’m not going to hurt you. Look, I’m not touching you, you’re okay.”
Wilbur put his hands out in front of his face hoping to calm him down but the boys breathing just became more frantic.
“Go away,” he wrapped his arms around his head, “Please.”
After a few more minutes of the boy scrambling away whenever Wilbur so much as moved, he finally gave in. Slowly he backed away until he was more than an arms-length away from the box. Almost immediately he saw the boy crack his eyes open to see.
“Look you’re free,” Wilbur placated, “This is a misunderstanding- I don’t want to hurt you.”
This time when he slowly put his hands out in front of him the tiny kept his eyes open, trained on Wilbur’s hands. Wilbur could almost feel the weight of the boys eyes.
Within seconds the fear painted across the boys face morphed into anger, “Then why the fuck did you order me huh?”
“I didn’t” Wilbur waved his hands frantically, “This was all a mistake I swear. I didn’t even know you were being sent here.”
The boy scowled but didn’t argue any further.
“It was a prank or something,” Wilbur knelt down so he was at the teen’s level, earning a frightened whine from the boy, “I would never have ordered you. Frankly, I think it’s awful that anyone would.”
Wilbur studied the tiny as he rubbed his eyes against his sleeve. His breathing was slowly steadying but he still had the look of a crazed animal, ready to flee at any sign of danger. And now that the boy wasn’t trying to attack him he could finally see just how banged up he was- his arms were bruised and his clothes looked like they’d been thrown into a shredder.
The boy swallowed, “…Promise?”
If Wilbur hadn’t already been staring at the boy he wouldn’t have even know he’d said anything.
“I promise,” he whispered back.
The moment the words left his lips the teen seemed to relax against the cardboard, his head hung low against his chest. The sight made Wilbur’s heart ache. Part of him just wanted to scoop the tiny into his hands and keep him safe, but another part wanted to find the people who did this and tear them apart.
At the moment though he just had to focus on helping the boy. Everything else would come later.
“I’m Wilbur by the way,” he hummed as he grabbed a few crackers from the counter for the boy to eat.
When he placed them out in front of the teen the tiny immediately reached forward to grab them. He ate it like he hadn’t eaten in weeks, which Wilbur guessed could be true. Even though the cracker was almost half his size he finished it in only a few minutes.
“Thank you,” the tiny muttered quietly as he wiped the crumbs off himself, “Im Tommy…”
“Nice to meet you Tommy,” Wilbur smiled.
The tiny, Tommy, still looked nervous at the sight of Wilbur’s grin, but he no longer was trying to fight him which was some improvement. Wilbur just hoped Tommy would let him help, so he could ruin the lives of whoever thought selling tinies was a good idea.
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gummy-friend · 3 years
REBLOG if you have amazing talented artist friends!
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Goose I'm back on my bullshit here's more Eret centered AUs
In this world humans have headed to revert primarily back to medieval times do to giants emerging out of the ground and destroying large cities, many of the giants don't mean to destroy the cities and towns once they wake up but a lot of them genuinely don't care
Some humans also start turning into giants/mini-giants all on their own over the course of a week, Eret (a giant) believes this is what happened to him since he woke up in the middle of the woods surrounded by a destroyed house and all alone with no memory
Eret just wanders around all alone for quite some time until he finds a small human child wandering around in the forest, the kid is surprisingly not scared of him and runs up to Eret asking for help
Eret gladly assist the small child by following them to some rocks that fell down on there brother and very carefully remove the rocks, Eret does his best to fix up the human but one of his legs are broken so he can't really leave the two alone since they might get hurt
Eret ask the kod what his and thwre brothers name is- He now has Tommy (6 years old) hanging out in his chest pocket and Wilbur (17 which is also Eret's age) being carefully cradled in his hands he had towards his own home, she really hopes the human doesn't freak out when they wake up and carefully substitute down in a small box with a blanket while she goes off to make dinner for them
Hopefully Eret's friend Foolish doesn't mind to human staying in the house for a few days
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@plant-gt-thought-box THATS SO CUTE im love,, ❣️❣️
abjjjhdmjhdhje im too tired to properly write something for this but.
[slight tw for discussion of death (none happens)]
what if the reason Wilbur got stuck under the rocks was because Tommy was being reckless and he had to push Tommy out of the way of the falling rocks? so then Tommy's just crying while Wilbur is trying to calm him down and eventually convinces Tommy to try run to the next town over to get help
but in reality, Wilbur is more worried that its getting dark, and is trying to get Tommy to safety because Wilbur doesn't think he will make it, especially not with all the giants and other dangerous creatures in the forest.
Tommy ofc stumbles across Eret, whos. idk maybe theyr vibing in a field? and 6 year old Tommy just goes. OH THIS PERSON CAN HELP and gets attached to Eret immediately because they go along with calling him a "big man"
when they get back to where Wilbur is, night is already falling and the last thing Wilbur sees before he blacks out is the glint of Eret's eyes in the dying light.
also if i read your ask right u also implied Foolish and Eret lived together which is cool ahdkfhdkf i love the idea of Eret maybe going travelling a lot, and occasionally returning with interesting trinkets and such, but this is the first time Foolish has seen them bring back not one but two people
Wilbur doesn't expect to wake up, but when he does hes in a box and Tommy is nowhere to be seen. he panics and Tommy immediately calls out for him. He hears heavy footsteps as Eret approaches with Tommy in his hand, dropping him off so the two can hug. Wilbur, obviously scared out of his mind, attempts to shield Tommy from the giant, while Tommy struggles and tries to tell him that Eret helped save them
ofc, Wilbur and Tommy end up staying, but yknow. what if. sometimes. much like that first week when the giants rose from the earth, some people just grow into giants/minigiants. i am saying what if Tommy becomes a minigiant as he grows up ahfjdbjsvfj
ALSO. can i just say the setting sounds really interesting, especially if you take into context that the world was presumably much like ours when the giants rose, so theres probably a neat post-apocalyptic feel mixed with more medieval ways of living
depending on how long it would have been, there could be a neat aesthetic of broken down modern day structures that have been stripped for material mixed with a fantasy-medieval style
like. horse carts piled with hay passing by a field littered with concrete rubble and iron bars, the grain growing up between it all
everything is mostly medieval based but just. with reminders of the world that once was.
I AM THINKING ABOUT WORLDBUILDING A LOT but its also kinda goin off the rails so imma sleep maybe
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Sorry I have been away and not posting once again, I have been busy and still not very motivated but I have a new Au for you guys. 
This new Au was inspired by @corysmiles, @leetlezeetle, and of course Detroit become human and the avatar. SO MANY INSPIRATIONS!
The working title of it is; Tech support or For the better Of you and of me
The Au, of course, takes place in a world where giants and humans live together when I say live I mean not so much. You see the giants in ordered to go into human towns they use a machine to transfer their consciousness into an avatar made identical to them.
The downside to these avatars is that they can’t eat or smell, and they have to be charged ever so often.
So in human cafes, there are charging ports/chairs and instead of paying for drinks, they pay for the ports.
What if the humans want to visit giant cities, do they get cool giant avatars? the answer is no, it’s too expensive to make. So what they have to do instead is a sign about 50 wavers and go through threes months of health checks up and other shit, mainly to make sure if the human dies it isn’t from any other complications.
So Who are the giants you may ask? Well, they are non-other than; Wilbur, Dream, Sapnap, Philza, Kristin, Nikki, Tubbo, and Techno.
So that means the humans are; Tommy, Ranboo, Fundy, George, jack. I also think I’m forgetting some people, but eh I might remember or you might remind me.
Surprisingly, it’s fluff and angst-based, may include noms if I figure out how to incorporate such a thing, I do have stuff planned for it but it’s more like heaps of fucking dot points and shit.
Anway too tired to edit any tags or go full on with grammar, which has become a new behavior trait of mine but to make it up to you, here is a crappy scene I imagined. It May or may not be canon.
Bonus scene idea: Tommy sits across from Wilbur’s avatar, and suddenly gives the man a smirk, which concerns Wilbur because it doesn’t mean good things for him when Tommy smirks. “Will, I heard they have pretty fucking good coffee here, want some, hmmm?.” Wilburs avatars glare at him. “Tommy, I would thank your fucking government, since if I was there in person, I would toss you out a fucking window.” Tommy smiles before speaking once more “But your no, so you can’t do shit, bitch!” He told him, soon Tommy would regret this comment as Wilbur’s avatar knocked the charging port back, and yelled at the boy. “That’s it you fucking gremlin!”
Even though you would think the customers in the shop would be disturbed by their actions, surprising they weren’t since this was a common occurs between the two, some of the customers even made bets on who would yell first.
You may send an ask, if you so desire, me answering the ask will happen whenever it may be late or quick who knows.
(once again sorry for this shit grammar, i’m really tired and in a lot of pain at the moment, lots of love APerson.)
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Thinking about coming back...
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Glad you liked it! :DD
G/T exchange event! This one is for @aslitheryprinx !! :D
The prompt was: "It's very cold, and the tiny needs the giant's help to stay warm." :D
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Thank you so much for the prompt! I hope you like it! :D
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gummy-friend · 3 years
G/T exchange event! This one is for @aslitheryprinx !! :D
The prompt was: "It's very cold, and the tiny needs the giant's help to stay warm." :D
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Thank you so much for the prompt! I hope you like it! :D
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gummy-friend · 3 years
The Village
This was just a drabbled based on this post
let me know if u want more i rlly enjoyed writing this one :)
warnings: none
words: 678
There was a village Technoblade protected. Of course, there was no real reason to why he had decided to do so, he’d just stumbled upon it one day and chose to return the next. The inhabitants had been wary at first, cowering from him and fleeing in random directions.
For a while they started giving him things, offering up shiny object and what not as gifts, when he showed no interest in them they had offered up a sacrifice. They quickly stopped when it had upset him rather than appease him.
Eventually they had realised he wasn’t going to harm them, in fact he even avoided touching them if he could.
The first time they knew they could stop worrying he was a threat, was when he had returned after a particularly stormy night to find the village had been hit by a flood. All the inhabitants had been in despair, some wondering if the giant would end their suffering.
No one had expected, not even Technoblade himself, for the giant to sit down for hours at a time and start rebuilding the village. Techno eventually gained some helpers, the stronger humans who started assisting in the building.
After that, Techno had become a hero to the village. Though, they couldn’t help the instinctual fear, they no longer fled at the sight of him.
The younger ones in particular, instead ran towards him. From then on, it wasnt unusual to see Technoblade standing awkwardly while children happily yelled up at him.
Soon, it wasnt just children that approached him, adults came to collect the food and helpful objects he supplied.
Techno began staying for longer periods at a time, happy to lounge in the warmth of the sun as children used him like a jungle gym. It soon became routine for him to nap curled around one of the villages sides.
That was around the time he noticed, there was a hierarchy in this tiny village, and not just with adults. The runts (at least Techno assumed they were runts, they were all tiny compared to him), were scared to approach him.
At first, Technoblade had thought it was because of his size. Though, it soon turned out to be the other humans, guarding him like they owned him, but Technoblade belonged to no one. With that thought in mind, he shooed the bullies away, welcoming over the smaller ones.
These new humans were more interested in talking with him, rather than at him, like the other ones had done.
Technoblade didnt understand their language, the sound resembled squeaks compared to his own. Yet, the runts kept trying till eventually he realised they were introducing themselves.
The loudest one gestured wildly at himself whilst yelled a singular word over and over again. “Tom-ee,” Techno tried to mimic. Tommy nodded enthusiastically. Techno kept trying until he got it. “Tommy.”
The next runt had an easier name, Techno was quick to master it. “Tubbo.”
The third ones name was harder. It took Techno longer to learn it. “Wilbur.”
Last but not least, the fourths name was “Ranboo.”
At first, Techno feared he would have trouble remembering. Yet, it turns out the runts never gave him a chance to forget.
The next time he visited, the runts dragged over an adult. Perhaps, one of their parents.
This one introduced himself as Philza (Technoblade was embarrassed to admit he couldnt pronounce the whole name, instead just sticking to ‘Phil’).
Phil was nice. He didnt expect things like the other adults did, he was just happy to gently stroke his hand down the bridge of Technoblade’s nose as the giant napped. Techno would never admit it out loud, but Phil gave the best head scratches.
Phil liked to try new things. Such as polishing Techno’s tusks. The giant honestly had no idea what was gonna happen when the human motioned for him to lay his head on the ground, normally people avoided his tusks as they were sharp and y'know, dangerous.
Phil feared nothing, Techno soon realised, and for that he was grateful.
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Part two of Curiosity but Phil finds Tommy before Wilbur can explain what happened 👀
Sorry this took so long! I had a lot of trouble with this one for some reason lol. I didn't really do the prompt, but I'll try to get Phil in another part if I do one. Thank for the ask, I hope you enjoy! :D
Wilbur's heart was pounding. He could hear every heartbeat in his ears, and could feel how fast it was. But his pulse wasn't as quick as his little brother's heart. He could feel the rapid heartbeat under his fingers- because his brother now fit in a single hand.
His mind kept replaying how terrified Tommy had looked when he picked him up. His brother should never be so scared, and Wilbur felt sick that he had been the one to put that look on his face.
"Phil's gonna kill me," he said. How the hell was he going to fix this?! He didn't have an antidote for the potion; he hadn't even known it worked! Maybe the potion would eventually wear off? But he didn't even know if it had a time limit.
"Wilbur, I'm sorry," Tommy said, voice quiet and small. It felt wrong for Tommy to be so quiet. "I didn't mean to- I dropped it, I'm sorry."
"It's alright, Toms," Wilbur said shakily. It wasn't alright; Tommy could've killed himself if the potion had reacted badly. But he couldn't bring himself to be angry at his little brother when said brother was sitting in his palm, trembling slightly.
"It was an accident, I know you didn't mean to," he told Tommy.
"You... you can fix me, right?"
Wilbur froze, trying very hard to keep his face neutral.
"Wilbur?" Tommy asked, panic bleeding into his voice. He curled into himself, and Wilbur could feel the featherlight sensation on his palm.
"It- It will probably wear off in a couple of hours," Wilbur said, trying to sound soothing. In all honesty, he wasn't sure if it would wear off. This was an experimental potion, after all.
When making potions, it was very important to add redstone dust to regulate how long the option lasted. Most people thought the more redstone you added the longer a potion lasted, but that wasn't exactly true.
With no redstone, a potion would last exactly how long it took your body to burn through the potion. Some potions, usually the ones that were illegal and the ingredients kept a secret, lasted forever. With something like swiftness, where the main ingredient was sugar, the potion would only last for a few minutes. Adding redstone kept the length at a consistent time, usually a few hours. It was a careful balance to mix the right amount of redstone dust into a potion to make it safe to use.
Wilbur hadn't added any redstone to the shrinking potion. He'd intended to test it on something like a zombie, and there was no point wasting valuable ingredients. It hadn't been meant for a person. He had no idea how long the potion would last. Ideally, it would burn itself out in a few hours, even minutes. Worst case scenario... it was permanent.
"I'll work on making an antidote just... just in case," Wilbur said. He said it as upbeat as he could manage, but Tommy curled even further into himself.
"What if I'm stuck like this forever?" He blurted, tears in his eyes. Wilbur swallowed down his fear, and carefully moved his hand. He pressed Tommy against his chest, stroking his hair with a single finger. His little brother tensed for a moment under the contact, before relaxing. He sniffled into Wilbur's shirt, but Wil could feel his heartbeat gradually slowing down.
"I won't let that happen, Tommy." God, Wilbur wished he felt as confident as he sounded. "I promise. If it doesn't wear off on its own, I'll find a way to reverse it."
"You can't fucking promise that," Tommy said, more fear than anger in his voice.
"Of course I can," Wilbur said. And suddenly he was determined. Even if he didn't know how, he would find a way.
"I made the potion, didn't I? I can make an antidote too," he said. Tommy laughed a little wetly.
"If you say so, big man."
Wilbur seemed reluctant to put him down. Tommy was used to his brother being overprotective, but when he was this enormous, it was a little overwhelming.
He had panicked at first of course. Being picked up by a giant had been terrifying. Even when he'd realized it was just Wilbur, he'd been freaked out.
He wasn't scared of Wilbur, of course. He hadn't realized just how much he actually trusted his brother until he had instantly felt safer. He'd been terrified that the massive hand would just close and crush him, but he knew Wilbur would never hurt him.
That didn't mean he wasn't still freaked out. He didn't want Wilbur to know, so he tried to stay calm, but everything was just so... big. It made him feel horribly small and insignificant to only be as big as his brother's finger. And despite how much he trusted Wilbur, seeing him looming what felt like a mile above him, all of his attention on Tommy... It was just too much.
Tommy made himself loud and boisterous. He made his presence large, because it helped him not to feel young and vulnerable like he sometimes was. But like this? He was too small to ever feel big. He couldn't bring himself to even try.
And of course his silence just made Wilbur hover more, which made Tommy feel even more stressed. He eventually just laid down in Wilbur's hand, ignoring the concern growing on his brother's face.
"Tommy? What's wrong?" He asked softly, a giant finger brushing against him. He wasn't sure if the gesture was comforting or if it made it worse.
"It's a lot. Everything's so big Wil..." He whispered. He wasn't sure if Wilbur heard him, but he was clutched against his chest again. The heartbeat was grounding, but the sensations were overwhelming.
"Is it too much?" His brother asked, and he nodded.
"I've got an idea," Wilbur said. "Let me just..."
Tommy looked up in confusion as he was lifted away from Wilbur's chest. The motion left a swooping sensation in his stomach, and it took him a moment to see what his brother was trying to do. He'd pulled his jacket open, and was holding Tommy right next to-
"What the fuck, Wilbur? You're not putting me in your pocket, dickhead!" His voice came out more panicked than he intended, and Wil looked down at him. He hadn't been dumped in the jackets inner pocket, but he was still being held right at the opening.
"It's just for a little bit, Tommy," Wilbur soothed, not soothing Tommy at all. "It'll be dark and quiet, which helps when you're overwhelmed. And I'll have my hands free to work on an antidote."
"I don't like it," Tommy said with a scowl. He didn't want to be shoved in a pocket like a toy. Maybe it would help a little but it was demeaning!
"I won't make you," Wilbur promised, which made him feel a little better. It wasn't like he'd be able to stop his brother if he did make him. "But I really think it'll help, and you'll be safe. Please?"
Wilbur still had that worried look on his face. Tommy could tell he didn't want to let him out of his sight any time soon, but if this would keep him from constantly hovering...
"Fine," Tommy griped. "But- but you have to let me out when I ask."
"Deal," Wilbur said, sounding relieved. He pulled open his pocket wide enough for Tommy to fit through, and tilted his hand slightly.
Tommy could probably stay on if he tried, but he pushed himself off, sliding into Wilbur's pocket of his own volition. Doing it himself made him feel a little less... powerless.
The pocket was dark, and even darker when Wilbur released his jacket. It felt like he was swinging slightly as the jacket and Tommy with it fell back against Wilbur's chest.
He was scared he'd get claustrophobic, but when he stretched out his arms and legs, there was plenty of room. It wasn't perfect, but he'd be ok.
The pocket was a little like a hammock, but the sides rose far above his head. Pretending he was just in a hammock helped take his mind off his current state, and he relaxed a little in the warm space.
He could hear Wilbur's heartbeat again, a steady thump thump in his ears. Wil started humming, and though the sound was muffled, he could feel the vibrations right next to him.
The soothing sounds and the warmth of the pocket had a lulling affect on him. He found his eyes drifting shut. Just before he drifted off to sleep, he felt something- Wilbur's hand- pressing gently at the outside of the pocket. He smiled as his eyes closed.
Even though his world had gotten much larger and more frightening, he knew Wilbur would always protect him.
Part 1
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Does Wilbur ever start giving Tommy puzzles to do? I've seen videos of marine biologists putting tiny octopus in jars and watching them unscrew them from the inside.
After a while he realizes just how smart Tommy is and starts bringing him more 'puzzles' to escape, but he's actually teaching him to escape live traps other scientists are trying to use.
A New Puzzle
Octotommy au
Notes: hey first writing for the new AU!! I love the idea of Wilbur getting puzzles for Tommy and the mer getting so excited every time he solves one. (And I also love the angstier idea of Wilbur teaching Tommy to escape traps) Thank you so much for the ask zeetle my beloved :] 💙
“Tommy come out, Ive got a new puzzle for you.”
Wilbur waited impatiently, the plastic fins on his feet getting pulled back and forth by the icy current as he floated- a reminder that he couldn’t stay long. Meanwhile, his eyes stared intently at the giant rock formation poking up from the sand below- The same rock formation he’d visited every day for months since finding Tommy.
It was a couple months ago that he had found the tiny octopus mer. He’d been setting out traps for crabs, and when he came back that same day one trap was missing. He’d searched around the reef for almost an hour before he spotted the shiny metal bars peeking out of a pile of worn rocks. He’d reached his hand in without second though, but what he grabbed onto wasn’t the hard metal he was anticipating, instead it was soft and squishy.
It was the first time he’d ever met Tommy, and although the octopus mer was nervous he seemed to love being in Wilbur’s hands. Day by day Wilbur came back to take notes on the fascinating creature. He’d never seen anything like Tommy, and although he loved learning more about him he couldn’t he’ll but become fond of his heart laughs and wild personality.
Only a month in the visits started to feel more like visiting a friend then doing research.
“Come on Tom,” Wilbur called out again impatiently, “It’s just me.”
The water was freezing already even though it was only early August, and even with a full wetsuit he felt his skin crawling with goose bumps.
Thankfully, he didn’t have to wait much longer before a flash of red peaked out from a behind a nearby rock.
Wilbur watched with amusement as small tentacles flicked towards him. They curled around the water a bit, and Wilbur couldn’t help the warm feeling in his chest when he realizes the tentacles were searching for his hand.
Slowly he nudged his fingers forward and as soon as one of the tentacles brushed against it they all wrapped around his hand like a glove.
The small mer’s face beamed with joy as he smiled up at the researcher, “New puzzle?”
“Yep, a couple of them actually” Wilbur chuckled, “Took you long enough.”
Tommy huffed and tightened his tentacles around Wilbur’s arms, “I was sleeping dickhead. You came so early today.”
“Its noon,” Wilbur cocked his eyebrow in amusement.
The mer’s tentacles flashed bright red for a moment before settling back to their natural maroon state.
“You stupid humans and your stupid time,” Tommy grumbled, “I was still sleeping, so it was early.”
Wilbur laughed and brushed the tips of his fingers over Tommy’s head in the way he knew the mer adored. Immediately, the tentacles around his wrist turned pale pink as the mer’s head pushed its way into his hand.
“You’re so clingy,” Wilbur smirked earning another groan from the tiny octopus, “Now come on, let go. Gotta do the puzzles before I freeze to death.”
Reluctantly, Tommy wriggled against his hand before forcing his tentacles off one by one. The sudden lack of warmth shocked the researcher a bit, but he knew this had to be done… Even if Wilbur couldn’t help the smile that reached his face every time Tommy instinctively tried to curl back around his hand.
“Alright Tommy I’ve brought you one new one, and it’s important that you figure it out okay?”
The mer just shrugged and lazily floated around Wilbur’s head, his tentacles pulsing under him to keep him up, “Yeah yeah, hand it over.”
Wilbur smiled at the young mer’s enthusiasm and dug through his bag until his hands met a sharp piece of metal. Even the feeling of it against his skin made him feel queasy.
“Alright just- I need you to go inside of it okay,” Wilbur stuttered nervously, “I just need to see if you can get out.”
Slowly he pulled out the “puzzle” from his bag and carefully watched the mer’s expression. Tommy looked curious and a little unsure, but not afraid. And his tentacles stayed at their natural shade of maroon.
Wilbur wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.
The “puzzle” was actually a trap: one of the newest models the lab was using to catch more elusive specimens. And with all the talk about Tommy going around, he worried theyd start using it to hunt after the little mer. He new he’d get fired if they ever found out what he was doing, but he’d already failed his job by not bringing in the new creature he’d discovered.
What more harm could be done by teaching Tommy how to escape from his colleagues.
Tommy swam circles around the cage before letting his torso drift inside. Even though Wilbur knew what would happen, he still flinched when the sharp metal bars contracted around the mer.
“Woah shit,” Tommy laughed nervously as he tried to push the tight bars off of him, “Seems kinda dangerous for a puzzle yeah?”
Wilbur hummed, only paying attention to whether or not Tommy was hurt. The bars dug into his skin but it didn’t seem to draw any blood which was good.
Tommy stuck his tongue out in concentration as he slowly guided his tentacles through the metal bars. Each one prodded around against the container until they landed on a small metal latch.
“Too easy Wilbur,” Tommy grinned, and within seconds he’d broken the latch open.
Relief flooded through Wilbur’s body as he felt the mer wrap around his hand again, and this time Wilbur didn’t hesitate in giving him the head rubs he desired.
“Good job,” Wilbur hummed, “Fantastic.”
Tommy almost purred at the touch as Wilbur’s fingers scratched right above his ears. He swore the researcher’s hands were magic because he’d do anything to make him stay there in the water. But sadly, the human looked like he was half-frozen, and by the feeling of his icy skin Tommy didn’t think he could stay much longer.
“Alright,” Wilbur whispered after a few minutes, “I’m going to freeze to death if I stay any longer. I’ll see you again soon though. Maybe tomorrow. Be careful.”
Tommy deflated and wrapped himself tighter around Wilbur’s hand earning a small laugh form the researcher, “I’m always careful, who do you think I am?”
Wilbur stared fondly at the mer and gently pried him off of his hand, “I think you’re you Tommy. And I know you think you’re invincible. So be careful.”
The mer just pouted at the human’s scolding. He’d gone years without ever being caught (except for by Wilbur), so he didn’t understand why Wilbur was so paranoid. There was no way he’d be discovered again.
It was only when the same “puzzles” from that night started to pop up all over the reef that Tommy realized maybe Wilbur had a point…
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gummy-friend · 3 years
That detailing is so cool :O :DD
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Look at them :]
Tommy's teasing and Tubbo's concentrating to paint Tommy's nail :]]]]
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gummy-friend · 3 years
tiny avian tommy and human wilbur noms?
// More hurt than comfort ooghg,,, hope you enjoy :]
// Warnings: vore, soft vore, safe vore, mentions of digestion (none happen)
// Unedited
A shrill sound erupted from around Tommy, and it took him a minute to realize it was coming from him.
He was screaming.
He clamped his hand over his mouth to muffle the sound, biting down on his hand, but it was too late. It was too late, even before he started screaming.
A human saw him.
They dazedly stared at his shaking form, making no moves towards him yet.
That was good. That meant he could've escaped. Could've. If his wings weren't tangled in some stupid plastic wrapping. If he wasn't stupid enough to crash into a pile of trash and get his stupid wings stuck in some stu-
He cut his bleak thoughts off with another yell of fear as the brunet human finally broke out of their shocked state and took a step towards him. That seemed to stop them for a moment as they took a step backward at his screams.
He scrambled back, crying out in pain as a sharp sensation scrapped against his wings. He felt pain and a small trickle of something wet drip down his wings. He didn't dare look, too scared that the human would take that moment to sneak up on him.
They didn't seem to care that he was still screaming or that he was still looking at them, though, as the brunet took at least ten steps forward in succession, easily encroaching on him.
He tried moving away from them again, wincing in pain as the sensation pushed further into his soft feathers and cut deeper. The human quickly reached out for him, making hushed cooing noises as their hands wrapped around him.
He yelped, upping his squirming tenfold, ignoring the pain in his wings to find some way of escaping the human's grip. The loose grip around him tightened slightly into a more firm hold, and he felt a tug on his wings.
No, no, no- They- they were- they were going to pull his wings off. Tear- they- no- NO- NO-
He shrilly chirped in terror, feeling them pull something from his wings. He whined as the scrapping sensation increased for a second before it was released. His wings instinctively fluttered in panic as the thing wrapped around them was gone.
Wait...He... He could move his wings..?
He glanced up at the human, only to see them still focused on his wings. They prodded at the white, fluffy feather, messing with them. He frightenedly flapped his wings at the motion, letting out another stressed chirp.
They stopped messing with his wings after they saw a red stain on one of them, and part of him hoped that they'd just let him go, injured and all.
That hope was crushed when they cooed something in their strange language again, and he could pick up only a few words.
"Poor thing, I'll..take...you...... suppose.. eat."
His fluttering wings picked up in speed as he started struggling in their grip again as he heard them speak. He flailed his arms around, aggressively hitting the human's fingers.
Oh Primes. He was going- he was going to be eaten, wasn't he? He was going to be killed. The human only 'helped' him to- to gain an easy snack.
He paused his struggles.
Or.. Or maybe they were offering him food...? That.. would probably be the more logical answer, but... he could never be too sure.
He warily stared at the human, who still easily loomed over him. That was quick to change, though, as he was lifted up, up, and up to the human's face. A chirp laid stuck in his throat, forgotten as he helplessly stared at the brunet's mouth in cautious dread.
Primes, he hoped that they were offering him fo-
He softly gasped as their lips parted away to show sharp, white teeth and an awaiting tongue.
A much more terror-stricken shriek broke from his throat, and his struggles became anew with strangled vigor, his wings beating with rapid speed, even though they couldn't do much to help him now that the brunet literally had him in their grasp.
The human tried speaking in their hushed tone again, but he didn't pay attention, too focused on trying to escape.
They seemed to have given up on trying to talk to him since, after a moment, they sighed and slipped his kicking legs into their wet mouth. He frantically chirped, hitting the roof of their mouth.
That must have hurt them a little as they were quick to pin his legs against their palate and plush tongue. He quivered in uncontrollable terror as he was dragged further into the mouth, his body getting squished in between the damp muscle and the hard roof.
He wailed out in horror as the brunet grabbed onto his wings, pushing them against his back in an uncomfortable position to stop him from flapping them around. They shoved his wings into their mouth. Their tongue easily started to lap at his wings, and it almost seemed like more saliva started to pool around his form.
He got a faceful of the thick liquid as he was fully stuffed into the humid mouth. He had to hold back a chirp of sheer dread so that he didn't get a mouthful of the saliva too.
He flipped himself around, puffing out his wings to try to make the human gag. His endeavors didn't seem to work as they didn't gag at all. They only focused on licking his wings, slathering them up with the sticky wetness before the muscle moved onto his legs, torso, and face.
He sputtered out helpless cries, pushing the tongue away with his limbs and wings in vain. The muscle only came back with more saliva and energy, knocking him against their teeth. He trembled, feeling the cool, smooth molars press against the side of his wings, but they only stayed shut.
He almost let out a sigh of relief; at least he wasn't going to be chomped up into bloodied pieces.... though, he realized with sickening panic, that only meant a worse fate down below.
He shrieks as he feels himself get tossed around in the mouth before he's tilting forwards to meet the entrance to the throat. He wails again as the human swallows him whole.
A tugging sensation starts. It kneads at his form, easily cramming his squirming form down it. His wings don't stand a chance against powerful muscles that quickly push and shove against the puffed-up feathers.
He screams again, and, at this point, he feels like he's going to lose his voice, but what does it matter? He's heading to the belly of the beast, and he's not going to get out.
The forced upon 'massage' only lasts a few seconds, being replaced with a more open yet still cramped area. He takes in a shuddering breath when it dawns on him.
He's in their stomach.
He puffs his wings out much more than before, stretching out the muscles surrounding him, and he pounds at the walls with petrified fury. His chirps have become painfully dry with the overuse of his voice, the sounds easily breaking every few seconds.
His squirming only lasts for a few seconds before a weight from outside harshly presses down on him, compressing his figure into a ball, and his wings flattened against his back.
The human says something, but he's too panicked to focus on their words- not that he'd be able to understand much anyways- before the pressure starts rotating in a circle and a rumble vibrates around him.
Placing his hands over his ears, he lets out a few more broken, distressed chirps, shying away from the rubbing. The rumbli- the purring- he realizes with horror- softens at his movements. But the rubbing sensation doesn't go away. It seems to be focusing only on his wings, gently stroking them through the wall of flesh.
He whimpers, trying to ignore everything around him to just fall asleep and skip the bad part of the... process. The purring helps a little, if only to act as a poor lullaby, and he falls into a light, distressful rest.
...When he wakes up, later on, he finds that he's no longer in the human's stomach but safely cocooned in their arms.
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Ok so here’s a mcyt G/t idea! a character (maybe Wilbur) either on purpose or unconsciously putting their tiny friend in their inventory (game mechanics wooo!) …small drabble mayhaps 👉👈
I love this so much!!!! :D
Thank you for this prompt, it was really fun to write!
Hide 'n Sleep
Wilbur tiptoed around the house, trying and failing to keep the smirk off his face. He'd woken up to hear his family and friends chattering in another room. He tended to sleep longer in the winter, although he didn't hibernate like some other giants did. When he heard Tommy complaining about the cold, he had a devious idea.
He snuck towards the living room, making as little noise as someone his size could. When he peeked around the corner, glancing into the room that was raised to about his chest level, he put a finger to his lips. Luckily only Phil and Niki were turned in his direction, and though their lips quirked in amusement, they remained silent.
He saw Techno's ear twitch and thought his brother might know he was there. But that was fine; his target was a different little brother.
Tommy was in the middle of a story. He hadn't caught the beginning, but it was something about Tubbo and a ridiculous number of flowers. Mid-laugh, Wilbur struck. He darted out his hands, scooping his little brother off his feet, and the laugh changed to a scream.
Tubbo and Ranboo both jumped, just now realizing he was there, but the others laughed.
"Hi, Toms," Wilbur said, amusement lacing his voice.
"Wil, don't you dare," Tommy started, but Wilbur was already opening his inventory. He dropped his little brother inside, giggling at Tommy's protests.
"You dickhead, you put me in a cold one!" Tommy whined. Wilbur felt him crawling over the walls to one of the slots that was stocked with blankets. He turned his focus to the rest of his family and his friends. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"Who's next?" he purred. He noticed Niki had already slipped away; she'd probably gone to hide somewhere as he was putting Tommy away. Phil laughed once, then jumped off the platform the living room was on, spreading his wings and soaring away. He'd be a pain in the ass to catch.
Wilbur's gaze slipped to the two teenagers. Tubbo let out a noise that was a half scream half laugh, launching himself onto Ranboo.
"Go, go, go!" He shrieked, clinging onto the taller teen. The ender hybrid was giggling, but managed to teleport them both away. Wilbur snorted and his gaze fell on the last person in the room. Techno looked back at him with an unimpressed expression.
"Technoblade~" Wilbur sang teasingly. "Are you gonna be the second person caught?"
"I've been betrayed," Techno deadpanned, making no move to run. "I'll accept my terrible fate."
"Come on," Wilbur whined. "You're not gonna play along?"
"Don't judge me, I'm cold," Techno said. Wilbur huffed and picked up his other brother.
"You know, running warms you up," Wilbur pointed out. Techno shrugs.
"So do brothers with magical pocket dimensions," Techno said. Wilbur rolled his eyes and dropped Techno into the same slot as Tommy had claimed. He smiled at their light bickering as he started his search for the rest of the tinies.
If Niki didn't want to be found, he wouldn't find her. She would probably be impossible to catch until she was one of the last left, so Wilbur didn't bother trying to look for her. Normally he'd go after Tubbo first, but if he was teaming up with Ranboo, Wilbur would likely have to wait until the ender hybrid tired out and couldn't teleport. That left Phil.
If Phil was flying around, he was just as hard to catch as Ranboo's teleportation. But Wilbur had a feeling he'd hidden this time. While Phil was a decent hider, he would often laugh and give himself away. Wilbur walked slowly around the house, keeping his eyes and ears peeled for any clues.
He heard a small wheeze of laughter, and his head turned to one of the cabinets sized for him. He grinned and opened the door, finding Phil crouched. To his surprise, his dad instantly launched upwards. He'd been waiting!
Wilbur automatically reached out to grab Phil. He didn't expect to actually catch him, but Phil was apparently going easy on him. He relaxed in Wilbur's grip giving a quick "hi, mate," before Wil slipped him into his inventory.
He began circling the house, keeping his eyes out for movement. Of course Ranboo and Tubbo could be hiding, but he doubted they would if they were teleporting around. It was much more fun to do one or the other.
He passed by an open area, only half paying attention, when he heard a small vroop. He snapped to attention, looking for the source of the sound. There were a few purple particles floating on the desk to his left. He must have just walked by them.
He started scanning the area, knowing Ranboo could only go so far. There was another, very faint noise, and he pretended not to hear. His friends always forgot how good his hearing was. He made his way closer, careful not to even look at the place he'd heard the ender hybrid. Then, when he was in arms reach, he lunged.
His hands closed around Ranboo, who yelped. He teleported away instinctually, coming back a moment later since that counted as a Wilbur win.
"What? Where's Tubbo?" Wilbur asked, holding the lone teen in his cupped hands. Ranboo shrugged, but there was mischief in his eyes. Wilbur was about to put him in his inventory, when he heard a small yell, and something hit his head. He froze, shocked, as he felt Tubbo crawling around on his head.
"Run, Boo! This is a rescue mission!" Tubbo cried, and suddenly Ranboo was gone again, leaving little purple particles in Wilbur's hands. The giant reached up and plucked Tubbo out of his hair.
"You little shits!" He said fondly as Tubbo cackled. The goat hybrid flipped him off as he was dropped into an empty inventory slot. Wilbur felt him crawling around, probably looking for Tommy's slot.
He focused on catching Ranboo, who was still in view, but out of reach. He narrowed his eyes; the teen looked way too smug. Wilbur walked forward, and just as he thought, the second he got in arms reach Ranboo teleported just out of reach.
Ranboo led him on a chase through the whole house, never teleporting completely out of sight. Wilbur got very close to catching him before he teleported a couple of times, but it wasn't until Ranboo sat down on the bookshelf he'd teleported to, yawning, that Wilbur caught him.
Wilbur gently scooped him up, and Ranboo flopped over in his hands.
"Did you tire yourself out?" Wilbur asked with a grin. Ranboo nodded sleepily, and the giant snorted. He'd lasted longer than he normally did; that had been a couple dozen teleports. He slipped Ranboo into one of the blanket padded slots, and the ended hybrid instantly fell asleep.
That just left Niki. Right on time, he heard the tiny thunk of something being knocked over. Wilbur would never find Niki if not for her little hints. Like the rest of his friends and family, she went easy on him, always intending to let him catch her in the end.
He walked to the source of the noise, calling his friend's name in a sing-song voice. Niki giggled, but unlike with Phil, Wilbur couldn't pinpoint her location from the sound.
He started opening cabinets and drawers, looking behind items to see if he could spot her. Finally, a small motion drew him to a specific drawer and he opened it. He frowned as he looked inside, still not seeing Niki. Had it been a diversion?
"You don't see me, Wilbur?" His friend teased, and he jumped, suddenly seeing where Niki had been. She'd slipped behind a tape dispenser, and Wilbur had somehow completely missed seeing her.
"I do now," he laughed, holding out a hand. She nimbly hopped on, and he slipped her into his inventory.
Wilbur couldn't help but purr happily at the feeling of all of the people he cared about safely tucked away into his inventory slots. Nothing could hurt them there; he loved protecting his family. Niki, Tubbo and Ranboo weren't technically related to him, but they were as good as family to him.
The cold caught up to Wilbur, and he yawned.
Niki and Phil were in one slot, idly chatting. Tommy and Tubbo had curled up together, and were cuddled against Techno, who was probably pretending he hated it. Ranboo was fast asleep in his own slot, nestled in blankets.
And Wilbur slipped back into bed, eyes drooping. Content from the feeling of the people he loved so close, he drifted back to sleep.
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gummy-friend · 3 years
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here's a quiz i made so you can learn what type of fanfic character you would be <3333
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gummy-friend · 3 years
Tommy is Wilbur's baby brother and Wilbur is a witch. One day when Wilbur is busy Tommy gets into his potions and accidentally shrinks-
Tommy peered through the window, just barely able to reach it while on his tiptoes. Just like he thought, Wilbur was asleep, face smushed into his desk. He looked kind of uncomfortable in his chair and would probably wake up sore.
Tommy grinned. This was the perfect time to strike! He tiptoed towards the door and eased it open. It creaked a little bit, but Wilbur didn't move. Success!
He was so giddy he could barely keep himself from laughing. Finally, finally he'd be able to look at Wilbur's cool potions without his brother shooing him out because it's 'too dangerous.' Tommy was a big man, he liked living life on the edge!
There was an assortment of half filled bottles on the open desk behind his sleeping brother, and Tommy sneaked towards them. It looked like Wilby had been experimenting with mixing, and Tommy poked at a couple curiously.
One that was nearly empty he thought he recognized as regeneration. He lifted the bottle to his nose and sniffed. Yep, there was the the slight hint of gunpowder that lingered from the ghast tears. He set it back down gently, not wanting to waste something with such rare ingredients.
He was looking for swiftness; sugar was easy to get so he wouldn't be wasting anything important. And it was one of the few potions that actually tasted good!
None of them looked quite right. Maybe he was remembering the color of swiftness wrong? He grabbed a bottle with a liquid that looked closest to what he remembered and lifted it up.
It was mostly full, but this bottle had a weird top. The neck of the bottle tapered sideways, and had a covering wrapped around the opening instead of a cork. He turned the bottle over in his hands, confused at the strange shape. There was a faint scent of gunpowder from this one too, so it probably wasn't a swiftness. But the bottle really was weird.
It was hard to hold too, and when he switched it to one hand to poke at the covering, he fumbled. It slipped out of his hands and shattered on the floor.
Instead of just soaking into the floor, the liquid seemed to explode outwards. The liquid evaporated, and vapors began rising around him, sinking into his skin.
He let out a panicked yelp. He looked at Wilbur, who was slowly stirring, with a mixture of fear and guilt. Not only had he ruined whatever experiment his brother had been working on, he'd gotten a completely random potion all over him.
Wilbur sat up and looked at him, confused at first.
"Tommy what the fuck are you doing in here?" He asked. Tommy opened his mouth to... make an excuse? Apologize? He wasn't sure what his plan was, because dizziness crashed over him like a wave and he fell to his knees.
"Tommy!" Wilbur cried, sounding more panicked than Tommy had ever heard him.
He tasted something smoky and wrong in his mouth. His entire body was buzzing unpleasantly, like he had pins and needles all over. His head throbbed painfully, and for a few terrifying moments he thought he was dying.
Then the sensation faded, and he opened his eyes that he hadn't even noticed closing. He frowned, not recognizing his surroundings. He was in a large open area. Shapes in the distance, buildings he assumed, towered higher than he could see without looking up, so he focused on what was closest to him.
All around him, scattered in a large radius, were giant shards of glass. The biggest were twice his size, and he blinked in confusion. Where the hell was he?
A sudden booming noise drew his attention, and he looked around wildly. It continued in a rhythm, like a massive drum, and he suddenly saw one of the enormous distant shapes moving.
He froze, heart pounding wildly as he realized the noise was footsteps. It was only when the shape got closer, very quickly, that he realized whatever the hell it was was coming straight at him.
He let out a strangled noise and started scrambling backwards, but he wasn't quick enough. A massive shape was moving towards him, too fast to follow, and suddenly something was wrapping around him, pinning his arms to his sides.
Tommy screamed, kicking wildly as he was lifted into the air. He was turned onto his back, and suddenly the restricting hold was gone. He tried to stand, but lost his balance seconds later as the platform he was on was wobbly.
He looked around wildly, chest heaving. The substance he was sitting on was a peach color, similar to his skin. It was warm and he could feel a pulsing beneath him. It was just like skin. He kept looking, taking in the shape of the thing he was sitting on. Five thick pillars, four towering above his head and one to his side.
He was sitting in a giant hand. He wrapped his arms around himself, shaky and pale. What was happening? Why was he here?! His eyes filled with frightened tears, and he choked back a sob.
"Wilby?" He asked, the nickname slipping out in his fear. His brother would normally tease him for a slip like that, but Wilbur's face, looming terrifyingly above him, was filled with worry. He didn't even react to the nickname.
"Tommy! Tommy, shhh, you're ok," a loud voice said. He jumped, slamming his hands over his ears and looked up... and up and up to a gigantic but familiar face. His hands dropped back to his sides.
"It's me, Toms, it's Wilby," his brother said, much quieter. "Shh, you're ok, I've got you."
The pieces of the puzzle suddenly clicked in his mind. The shattered glass; his giant brother. It had been a shrinking potion.
"Oh god, Phil's gonna kill me," his brother muttered from above him.
Tommy gulped. He'd really fucked up.
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