haunting-misery · 2 years
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Doing my first attempt of drawing Pokemon and to do a "Ghost-Type Eevee Evolution" but can't decide on what colors I should use or what details I should add to bring out the ghost-type aspect.
Stuck between either the classic style color palette of previous generations or the modern style color palette of current generations.
Please let me know what colors I should use and your opinions on my drawing. It will help me a lot!
Color sorting list
Row 1: # 1-5
Row 2: # 6-10
Row 3: # 11-15
Row 4: # 16-20
Row 5: # 21-25
Row 6: # 26-30
Thank you for the help!
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haunting-misery · 4 years
Beth Ch.1/Part 2
It sat hooked one of the wooden stands of the bed frame; the jacket was an original trucker's sherpa fur-lined denim jacket; faded on the elbows with little to no signs of wear and tear, holding so many memories. Her dad had it since he was in his 20's; to the day he met her mother, and throughout the rest of his days until his heart gave up on him from out of nowhere.
That was a day Beth never expected to happen and thought it would never happen, but it did and haunted her until she went off to live her own life. The aftermath of that day was nothing but her spending the days locked away in her room, his jacket draped over her shoulders with the family album cradled in her lap or held tightly in her arms as she continuously recalled the memories she shared with him and the stories of his life that he told her.
But Beth soon healed as time went on, though still kept the jacket as a memory of him. Her mother was still around, yet they hadn't spoken to each other since Beth turned 20 and left the house. She pushed back the memory of her mother and continued getting ready, finishing up with tieing her brown hair into a ponytail after a good brush and slipping on her father's jacket. Grabbing her backpack and heading out with locking the door of her apartment.
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haunting-misery · 4 years
Beth Ch. 1/Part 1
The first sound to be heard when she woke up was the continuous beep from her alarm clock that blared in her room, without even having to look at the noisy electronic; Beth already knew what time it was. It was 6:30 in the morning; the same time she always had to wake up at from Monday to Saturday, every week and it was apart of the weekly work routine that was her life; Sunday was the only day she had off and a rare occasion to have more than one day off or it being a different day. Moving off of her side and onto her back, Beth looked at the dull white walls of her bedroom, similar to a blank canvas before a painter touches it; the only difference was there a gentle blue glow on the walls that came from behind the curtains, it was still the hour of dawn.
Pulling one of her bare arms from underneath the covers and immediately feeling the cold temperature of the room, Beth gently slams her fingers on the “off” button and uses the other one to rub her tired eyes. Wiping off the crust and dried mascara from her eyes, feeling the little balls of gunk roll between her fingers and skin, Beth let out a tired groan as her first sound of the day and got up in bed. Pulling the covers off and letting the rest of her body become adjusted to the coldness before she began to put on her work uniform, this was a repeated pattern of its own and a part of her morning routine. 
Pair of socks, undergarments, undershirt, baggy khaki pants with a belt on its waist, a spring green uniform shirt with white threaded letters that read, “Wholesome Foods” on the top and Beth's name on the bottom in a Cooper Black font. The last thing to put on was the old white running shoes that Beth had worn ever since she got her job as a cashier.
Then turned her attention to the most beloved possession from her past and the one thing that comforted her throughout every rough day, her dad's jacket.
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haunting-misery · 4 years
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Will You Cherish Him?
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haunting-misery · 4 years
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I couldn’t help myself.
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haunting-misery · 4 years
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Looks like someone's wearing Alastor's jacket. First attempt of drawing his jacket.
Alastor's jacket doesn't belong to me, it rightfully belongs to Alastor and Alastor belongs to @vivziepop
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haunting-misery · 4 years
The Arcana - Outsider: Ch.3
Laid out on the bed is a white long-sleeved shirt with a low hem, the hem had a ruffle trimming, a soft light blue knee-length skirt, and the waistband was a darker shade, brown waist corset, tight light brown pants, white socks. Next to the clothing is some clothing of my own; my forest green hooded cloak, my light brown fingerless gloves, and brown arm guards, my father's long dark red sash, my knee-high dark brown hunting boots, my very bottom layer clothing. The gloves, arm guards and boots were given a good wipe down. I get dressed, towel dry my hair and style it then brushes it with my hairbrush. Put on my mothers coral and gold beaded necklace, finish adjusting my outfit and clipping the ends of the corset together with tying it up in the back, looked at myself in the mirror. My facial appearance remained the same while everything else seemed different, still knew that I would stick out like a sore eye. Put my cloak on, grab one of my satchels, basket and my sack of coins; in the bag was hunting equipment and in the basket were large and small sacks that I used to collect herbs, berries, vegetables, and meat. Equipped my bow, quiver of arrows and holster belt of my hunting knife; walked out of the room. Headed down the hallway and to the living room; Hugo was still reading his book, Maryam was busy sowing. Both turned their attention to me. "I'm going to go to the forest and do some hunting and harvesting if that's alright with you two?" I asked. "Oh, that's quite alright, dear. Just make sure you're safe and please be home before dark." Maryam said while Hugo nodded his head in agreement. She then reaches into her pocket and takes out some coins. "Here's some money for the boat ride to the forest." Maryam hands me the coins. Nod my head in response and say "thank you', bend down a bit to pat the side of my knee. "Come on, Faunus," I say after patting my knee. Faunus pokes his head up and gently jumps off Hugo's lap, quickly runs over to me; I bend down more to pick him up and put him in his burrow of my cloak's collar. I never leave for a hunting trip without Faunus.  I say goodbye to Hugo and Maryam, just as I walk through the front door. I hear Hugo's voice. "And make sure to bring home dinner." Hugo jokingly said. "Will do." This surprises him and I look back at him with a smile, close the front door behind me. Leaving those two to glance at each other in surprise, then smile with a light chuckle. I begin my walk and pull up my hood, walk past many people who all look at me and then stop in their tracks as they watch me go by. Even start whispering to each other, I hear faint murmurs such as "Who is that?" "Is she new here?" "Never seen her around before.". Doesn't bother me for I was half expecting it, but I keep my eyes on the path ahead of me and taking the way that will lead me the closest to the forest. Hearing the sounds of people talking and walking, several sights of statues and beautiful articulated buildings surround me; cross a bridge and can smell the faint scent of seawater. Reach the docks; the seawater smell is much stronger this time, see a gondolier getting ready to untie his boat from a pier and I quickly walk over to him. "Excuse me, sir?" "Yes?" I manage to catch his attention. "Do you do the canal route to the marketplace?" "Yes." I take a deep breath before I continue with my questions. "Then will you be willing to take me over to the other side of this canal to...to the dark forest?" I say the last part hesitantly. The gondolier's eyes look ready to pop out of his sockets with shock from what I asked him. "There?" He questioned while pointing to the other side of the canal. "Yes." answering his question. Seeing that I'm serious about the question, he swallows a visible lump in his throat. "May I ask why?" "I'm going to do some hunting and harvesting in the forest." The gondolier looks down and thinks about his answer to my favor. "I will pay double the price for you to get me there along with a sack of berries as a thank you gift." Hoping to try and convince him. There's a silence; I'm starting to think he'll say no, then he responds. "You don't have to pay me to double the price, but I will take a sack of berries." His answer gives me relief. "How much then?" "Five coins." I take out my coin sack and give the gondolier five coins, he helps me into his boat and unties it. We get out of the docks and head towards the other side of the canal. There is a silence around us as we travel except for the sound of the boat against the water, I stare at the clear blue water and watch the small waves pass by. The shoreline and the tall white wall the protected the town for outside harm starts coming into view, from anyone's perspective of standing in front of the wall would assume it was high enough to keep out a giant. I noticed that there was nothing on the shore for the gondolier to attach the boat to keep it near the shoreline and so we would have to haul it onto the bank. When we finally reached the shore, I got out of the boat with the gondolier; we began to pull the vessel by the bow. Took a lot of our strength but we managed to get in onshore, we caught our breath. "I'm going to rest for a bit, Miss while you're gone." "Okay, I'll be back soon." I walked over to the wall and saw a rusty wall gate; appeared to be not opened in years but I decided to give it a try, grabbed ahold of it and lifted it with all my strength. Surprisingly it budged and managed to raise it high enough for me to slip in, carefully got under it and to the other side of it. Carefully brought it down and turned my attention to the forest behind me, there was high brush and had a dark appearance to it by sunlight being blocked out by the large foliage of tree branches. I could still see by some of the sunlight that managed to get through, but the appearance didn't truly frighten me. I started walking through the brush and it came up to my waist, did my best not to let anything gets snagged onto the skirt as I walked. Got pretty far into the woods and soon stopped to listen for any sounds of animals nearby, silence. I walked calmly and kept looking around for any animals and edible plants; I found several different berry bushes. Raspberries, blackberries, bilberries, blueberries; all of the berries were riped and got two sacks from each bush. Put half a handful of each fruit into one bag for the gondolier; hopefully, he will like them. I suddenly heard the rustling of bushes after I finished tying up the second sack of blueberries and quietly put the bag into my basket, slowly got up. I took off my bow and got out an arrow, hid behind a tree and waited for something to come out into the clearing. There was a long silence until a rabbit came out, a healthy one and was looking in the opposite direction. I steady my breathing, focused my aim and took a deep breath. Then I took the shot and thankfully hit my target, walked over to it. Pulled the arrow out and cleaned it off, placed it back in my quill; picked up my kill and basket, continued exploring. Caught two kills of the same animal; I think this would be enough for dinner, decided to clean my kills and sat down on the ground. Reached in the collar of my cloak and take out Faunus with care, set him down on the ground. Began cleaning the kills and feed Faunus the entrails, which he ate happily. Left the remains for the predators and put the meat into three sacks of a different kind from the ones containing berries, these sacks had an extra cloth inside to soak up the blood; once I put the bags into my basket. Put Faunus in the burrow of my cloak's collar, got up; dusted myself off. Began my way back until something caught my attention. In a short distance; a bush of a gentle green shade that seemed familiar. Walked over and kneeled in front of it, looked the leaves and immediately recognized it to be a peppermint bush. Been a long time since I last saw one; lifted a stem and smelled a leaf, definitely peppermint. I took a sack from my basket and my hunting knife from its sheath; opened the bag and began cutting some of the leaves from the plant, not all of them but to where I had a full sack. Tied up the bag, put it in my basket and put my knife back in its sheath. Reach into my hunting satchel, pulled out some mesh and wrapped it around the bush for safekeeping. Got up and made my way back to the gate, was about to touch it. When I got the feeling of being watched; turned and looked around, there was nothing. Went back to the gate and lifted it, got through. Made my way back to the boat; the gondolier was sleeping in it, gently shook his shoulder to wake him up and it did. He opened his eyes and yawned, rubbed his eyes and turned to my direction. Saw me and sat up. "Oh, you're back." the gondolier said with a yawn. "How did it go?" he asked. "It went well and I plentiful, even got you a sack of berries as I said." Taking the sack out of my basket, holding it up to show it to him as I spoke. "Oh, thank you." "You're welcome." Helped the gondolier out of his boat and we pushed it back into the water by the bow, quickly got in. I sat down; the gondolier went to the back of the vessel and got hold of the oar, began moving the boat backward until it was floating. Handed him the sack for him to have something to eat. He happily takes it and opens it, takes out some berries; looks at them curiously. "What kind of berries are these?" "It's a mix of raspberries, blackberries, bilberries, blueberries. Don't worry; they're not poisonous." The gondolier nods his head in response and takes a bite of some; there's a look of surprise on his face. "Wow! These are delicious!" "I'm glad to hear that." The gondolier happily eats the berries while he sails us back to the docks, I check on Faunus, he's fast asleep; I look at the city ahead of us, it's beauty. Noticed the canal leading down to the sea and the other town west of where I was staying, along with a palace that stood tall. In absolute wonder from it since I've never seen one before, resembling something out of a fairytale. "What's that?" I asked the gondolier as I pointed at the palace. "That's the palace, home of the Countess." "Countess?" "Yes, Countess Nadia. The new ruler of Vesuvia, you don't know her?" "I'm afraid not; I'm new to this town." My response caught him by surprise. "Oh, when did you arrive here?" "Last night." "Well." The gondolier spoke with a smile and continued "Welcome to Vesuvia!" He stretched his arms out proudly, it seems like the people have a good life here. I smile back. "Thank you."
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haunting-misery · 4 years
The Arcana - Outsider: Ch.2
The bright shine of sunlight wakes me up; I open my eyes. In a bedroom I don't recognize, laying in bed and look around the room. See my weapons on a bedside table, my two satchels and basket on the outer side of it. Look down to see Faunus curled up in a ball next to my chest, fast asleep. I gently pet his head, it causes him to wake up and looks up at me; yawns and sniffs me to make sure that I'm okay. Smile kindly at him and begin stroking his back, he enjoys it. I sit up and stretch while Faunus moves over to my side, not wanting to leave my warmth. The smell of food cooking catches my attention, making my mouth water and my stomach growl. Swing my legs off the bed and get up, pick up Faunus into my arms; holding him close to my chest and cradling him in my arms. Walk to the door and open it, then follow the scent. Reaching the entrance of the hallway; I look to my right, there's a medium size kitchen and to my left is a medium-size living room. Sitting in a cushioned chair is Hugo with his attention deep in a book and in the kitchen with her back facing me is a woman with a brown braided bun and a few gray streaks hidden in it, wearing a light blue long ruffled sleeved dress with a white tied-on apron. In front of a stove and a sizzling sound coming from it. As if feeling my presence in the entrance, Hugo turns to his head away from the book and looks over his shoulder. He sees me and gives a kind, welcoming smile. "Good morning Demeter." Said Hugo. "Morning." Our voices catch the attention of the woman; she does the same thing as Hugo, she sees me and smiles. "Good morning, dear." The woman walks over to me. Getting a better look at the woman and seeing her face, I can easily see that she's around the same age as Hugo. "It's so nice to be able to meet you. I'm Hugo's wife, Maryam." I hold a hand out for her to shake. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm Demeter, Demeter Chase." Maryam kindly shakes my hand. "Hugo told me about last night; I hope you slept well?" Maryam asked. "I did." "That's good to hear; hope you are hungry because breakfast is ready." Maryam soon notices Faunus in my arms. "Oh my, who's this cute little darling?" She lowers herself down with her hands on her knees to get a better look at Faunus. "This is my pet mink, Faunus. Don't worry; he's friendly." "Well, it's very nice to meet him." Maryam holds out a hand for Faunus to sniff and Faunus gently brings his soft wet nose close to her somewhat wrinkle hand, smells it. Puts his head under her hand, wanting her to pet him and makes me smile. "I think he likes you," I said. "Well, I'm glad to hear that he does." Maryam starts gently petting him, moving from his head to the end of his back and Faunus enjoys it. "So what does this little one eat?" "He eats raw or cooked meat and vegetables, but for breakfast. He's just fine with cooked meat." "Alright then." Maryam smiles and makes her way back to the stove. I walk over to the table as Hugo marks his book and sets it down on the armrest, he gets up and walks over to the table. We both sit down at the table; there's a set of three beautiful handcrafted wooden bowls on wooden plates with the trio pair of forks, spoons, and knives laying on a light tan handcloth on the right, metal coffee cups on the left. I introduce Hugo to Faunus; Faunus likes him as well, Hugo pets the underside of Faunus's chin which he enjoys. Maryam arrives at the table with a pan filled with food, gives a serving to both me and Hugo. Puts a portion for herself and sets a small bowl of cooked meat with a bowl of water for Faunus on the floor, I gently put Faunus on the ground; he started eating. Maryam goes back and sets the pan back on the stove, comes back with a metal kettle and pours tea into the cups. Does the same routine and gets back to the table, sits down and we start eating. A peaceful silence around us as we eat; reminds me of the same silence I had with my parents whenever we had a meal together, but there is a difference when it comes to it being with Hugo and Maryam instead of them. I didn't mind it though, felt good to have a meal with others again instead of by myself during my traveling since I didn't have anyone else except for Faunus. The food Maryam cooked was delicious and warm, making a warmth grow in my stomach and spread throughout my body; the tea helps keep it. After finishing my meal and my tea, I thank Maryam for it. She returns a "you're welcome" with an appreciated smile. We all get up and clear the table, Hugo goes back to his chair and picks up the book. I collect the bowls used by Faunus; each one empty, Faunus has a happy look on his face. Maryam starts doing the dishes; I offer help, she gladly accepts it, start doing a little system. Maryam washes, I dry and put them away. As I am drying them, I get a better look at them. On the bowls; there was a carved design around it below the rim. It was a carved outline of a vine; some stems had little curves, others had loops with leaves curved into a spiral like a fern, leaves stemmed from the vine stretched out to the rim to the bottom of the bowl with beautiful details on each one. On the plates, there was a carved in Gibson design of ferns and each one connected to the other. Each bowl and plate was as smooth as a stone; I did my best to be careful when drying them off. "These bowls and plates are beautiful, where did you get them?" "Oh, I didn't get those. I made those." I looked at Maryam in surprise. "I used to be a wood carver back in my youthful days." She continued. "Youthful days? My dear, you are still youthful. As right now, you look as young as the day I first meet you." Hugo calls from the living room. His comment makes Maryam smile and laugh. "Oh you, silver fox." She says very sweetly; it earns her a hearty chuckle from Hugo. I smile at the love between those two, reminding me of the love between my parents. Put the bowls and plates away carefully; we finish up. Maryam offers me a bath; I accept the offer since it's been a while I last had one, Maryam nods in response and tells me to go and relax in the living room while she gets the bath ready. I walk over to the living room; Faunus follows me, I sit down on the wooden floor and start playing with Faunus. Wrestling him with my hands and scratching his belly, Hugo reading his book peacefully. Faunus rolled side to side on his back as I poke his sides, occasionally getting my hand and gently nibbling on it. Doing this helped pass the time as Maryam boils large buckets of warm water, pours them into a solid porcelain bathtub. Faunus is starting to settle down; I hear Maryam's voice from behind me. "Okay, the bath is ready." I turn and see Maryam; one of her hands is holding a rag while the other one is holding the handle of an empty bucket. "Okay," I replied. I stand up and pick up Faunus, walk over to Hugo. Hugo brings his attention to me. "Think you can give him some company?" I asked. "But of course." I carefully hand Faunus over to Hugo, he carefully puts Faunus in his lap and Faunus curls up into a little ball. Hugo starts stroking Faunus's back as I go and follow Maryam. She leads me upstairs and to the first door on the left at the beginning of the hallway, opens the door and reveals a bathroom. It's quite beautiful and a bathtub filled with water, steam rising from it catches my attention. We walk in, Maryam tells me what bottles are for my hair and what are for my body along with the wooden pitcher at the side of the bathtub is used pouring water over myself. Then asks me to hand her my clothes when I undress for her to wash as I take my bath. I nod my head in agreement. Maryam closes the door ajar, wide enough for me to hand her my clothes and I begin to undress. Take off my cloak and boots, then my top layer clothes and soon my bottom layer clothes. Carefully hand each one to her with my shoes, asked for the dark red sash to be washed with care and to set the coral and gold beaded necklace on the bed, Maryam kindly said: "Of course". Closes the door; hear her footsteps grow far as she walks away and I head over to the tub, carefully get in. Letting the water consume my body, sigh as I feel the warmth. Haven't had a warm bath in a long time; begin scrubbing and washing the hidden layers of dirt and sweat from my endless traveling days. Reaching every part and crevasse without overflooding the tub or making a splash, even scrubbing underneath my fingernails and toenails. Washed the big scared bite mark on my left arm, I had since I was ten; the memory of it burns my mind whenever I look at it. Do my best to throw that memory out of my head by taking the pitcher and fill it up, pour it on my head. Getting my hair wet, I start washing and running my fingers through it to get out the knots. Scrub my face and pour water over myself again, relaxed for a bit after I finished washing. Soaked for five minutes, poured water on myself one more time and slowly got out. Dried myself off and looked at the bathwater, now murky with soap suds. Wrapped myself and walked out of the bathroom, towards the staircase. "She's coming down, Hugo." I hear Maryam say from downstairs. I quickly go down the stairs and to the hallway, as I get close to it. "By the way, dear. I laid out some fresh clothes for you on the bed; your clothes are still drying, but I managed to dry up your cloak, sash, and others." Maryam called from the living room. "Thank you," I call back. Get into the guest room and see the clothes.
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haunting-misery · 4 years
The Arcana - Outsider: Ch.1
Strange was the only word that could describe the world. Though I lived a life far from civilization; I still learned what existed and how to survive, traveled to many different towns and experienced many things. The most common thing I have ever seen was magicians doing what they have trained for most of their entire lives, magic. Given the offer of being taught magic before, but I declined with the feeling of it possibly removing my parent's teachings of hunting and harvesting. That's what did during my traveling was hunt and harvest for food along with essentials, having two mouths to feed; mine and my dark brown fur colored pet mink, Faunus. Whom people don't notice that he's with me until I say his name, he pokes his head out of the fabricated burrow of my cloak's collar; which gives people a fright for his dark brown is almost as dark as my black hair, helping him hide well. There was no place for me to go and each town didn't feel right to settle down, all felt the same until being told by another traveler about a city that was different from the other cities. It was thriving back to life after suffering from a terrible plague and gaining its freedom again from the death of a Count who ruled it with an iron fist. It had its fair share of magicians and average villagers but no one of my kind; adding that it could be something new and exciting for me. The traveler kindly helped me find a map to the town and showed me the best way to get there; told me the travel was going to be long but if I took the route they drew on the map for me, I would get there soon. I took the idea and began my travel to the town, many days and months passed as I traveled since I was going on foot. Did a few stops in other cities to get supplies and from the forests nearby as well with sleeping in them, even spare some time to spend with Faunus to get out all of his energy so he won't be restless as we travel. Believe two months have now passed and have made it halfway through the route. I looked at the map and began estimating how many days it would take for me to reach the town, so far an estimated four or at least five days until I arrive. So far three days have gone by, I'm getting through the fourth day and getting close. About half of the day has gone; it's now nighttime with a couple more miles to go, but my tired feet were now aching in pain. My exhausted body grew tired. I decided to stop and make camp for the rest of the night, stopped and gently sat down on the dirt road to give attention to my feet. Rubbing them and the sound of wooden wheels against the dirt caught my attention, looked behind me and saw the faint glow of lantern light in the distance. Proceeded to rub my feet as I heard the sound get close, then suddenly it stopped next to me; a man's voice spoke to me. "Excuse me, dear, are you alright?" I turned and faced the direction of the voice; it was a villager in a two horse-driven wagon. Appeared to be much older than me, particularly at the old age of still seeing other people my age as children. "Yes, I'm alright. Just stopping and resting for the night." answering his question. "Resting for the night out here? That seems quite dangerous." Having an expression of possibly looking at a madwoman. "It's okay; I have protection." I point to my bow and quiver of arrows with my hunting knife in its sheath as I talk. "I can see that, but what about being attacked during your slumber?" I can see the concern in the man's face; he does have a point, I don't know what animals lurk in this forest and brings questions to my mind. The man's voice breaks my thoughts. "Tell you what, for the safety of your well being and to ensure me that you won't end up injured or worse dead. How about I give you a ride to where you are going." "Are you sure?" "I insist, my wife will understand the reason for my late return home and it would be better for a young girl such as yourself." "How much will the ride cost?" That is one thing I worry about I'm trying to save as many coins as I can. "No need to pay me, dear, besides I get enough payments already." "Alright then." I walk up to the man's carriage and hoist myself up onto the driver seat; the man holds out a hand for me to help walk safely to the spot next to him and I sit down. After getting comfortable in my seat, the man gives a gentle shake of the reins with a click of his tongue and the horses begin moving again. "So, what's your name dear?" He spoke as to try and start up a conversation. "Demeter, Demeter Chase." "Hugo." He replied. "Where are you heading off to?" Hugo asked. "A town called "Vesuvia'," I replied. Hugo chuckled before he spoke with a smile. "What a coincidence, that's where I live. You plan on living there?" "Don't know, going to see how it is first." "Well, I think you're going to love it dear. Lots of people do." Me and Hugo continue our conversation as the wagon drives down the road, Hugo telling me everything he knows about the town and the history of it. Time passes as we chat until I fall asleep and can feel Hugo's eyes on me then his gaze leaves me before I go into the land of dreams. Hugo's P.O.V Demeter is a sweet girl with good manners and respect; surprised to see a young girl like her out in the forest at night and I could easily tell that she wasn't from around the area of town. Having long straight hair of the darkest black that I have ever seen and hazel eyes accompanied with light tan skin, freckles from across one cheek over the bridge of her nose to the other side of the other cheek. The short right-sided parted bang of her hair covered one of her eyes as she slept with her head down. Though she is sleeping, Demeter looks much younger than she appeared when she was awake. Still having the face of a young woman but with the youthfulness of a child; I could easily mistake her for being my own. When I saw her face as she turned in my direction when I first spoke to her, she looked quite tired and made me question how far or how long was she walking. By the two satchels and basket, she was carrying. It appeared that she was traveling, I wonder how far she journeyed to get here. Maybe I will ask her when she wakes up; by the time I reach the gate to Vesuvia, it's already the crack of dawn and sees that Demeter is still sleeping. I decided that it couldn't hurt to let her stay at me and my wife's home to rest until she wakes up, for she would have a place to stay and not be on the streets. I get through the gates and travel across a bridge to the central city area to the island that holds the marketplace, make it to my home. Bring in the wagon and along with putting the horses into the stables; the door leading into the house opens, my tired wife stands in the doorway. "Hugo, you're home." my wife says in a tired voice, followed by a yawn and continues. "But why so late?" "I was offering some help along the way." pointing at a sleeping Demeter as I talk. My wife looks at her. "Who is that?" "Her name is Demeter Chase; she's a traveler who was heading here, I offered her a ride for her safety." "Her safety? What happened?" My wife responds with concern in her voice. "She was planning on sleeping in the forest, but I couldn't bear not knowing if she was going to be alright out there or not." "She fell asleep during the ride; I thought it was best she spent the night here." After hearing what I said, my wife smiled at me proudly. She has always been proud of me for helping other people and being generous to them. "Well, I'm glad you did. Heavens knows what could have possibly happened to her if she spent the night out there." My wife responds. I unpack the load in the wagon with the help of my wife and put it in storage. When we're done with unloading and storing, I carefully carry Demeter off the driver seat and into the house. Brought her to the guest room and laid her down on the bed, my wife took off Demeter's bow, quiver and hunting knife holster while I pulled the covers over Demeter. My wife sets the weapons on the bedside table and the two satchels with the basket on the outer side of the table, we both walk out of the room quietly and shut the door. My wife heads off to bed while I get ready for bed and soon join her.
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haunting-misery · 5 years
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"A terrifying encounter"
A creepypasta drawing.
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haunting-misery · 5 years
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Look how excited Stan is!! He is geeking out that people like this stuff as much as he does!
This poor boy deserves to be happy after all that Tegridy Farms hell.
I fucking love Stan Marsh and his adorable, nerdy side.
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haunting-misery · 5 years
My reaction to that fabulous twirl
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I love this gif from the tiktok vids
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haunting-misery · 5 years
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I love this gif from the tiktok vids
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haunting-misery · 5 years
This strangely reminds me of the beginning scene of the frozen 2 trailer where Elsa runs into the ocean
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haunting-misery · 5 years
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A drawing of Jack Rammyz cosplaying as "Tokoyami Fumikage" from "My Hero Academia(MHA)/Boku No Hero Academia(BNHA)"
Jack Rammyz's cosplay: @jackrammyz
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haunting-misery · 5 years
If someone makes fan art of this with it having midoriya and bakugou or todoroki, I'm going to cry.
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haunting-misery · 5 years
But you didn't say anything about how old you were or are you actually going to say it in another post.
Not trying to be rude or anything, just a little confused.
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Age reveal.
No dad jokes.
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