there's a massive cadre of people on here who can best be described by the phrase "be gay do war crimes"
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comparing letterboxd top fours is like the american psycho business card scene for zillennials
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reblog after voting!!
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Please reblog, I'm curious
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via 2rawtooreal2
(captions added by me)
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wait do you guys actually carry purses/bags everywhere you go i really need to know
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i like drawing pictures of dingodile. sometimes with refs, sometimes from memory. he's my favourite crash bandicoot character. literally none of these are the same style.
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[Image Description 1: A lined and coloured digital illustration of the Guilty Gear character Happy Chaos naked. The image is tastefully cut off at the groin. The colours are flat except for sharp yellow highlights. He is in a casual stretching pose with his arms up, hands behind his head, and torso bending back. The pose highlights his extremely toned muscles. He is biting his lip, and looking directly at the viewer through his signature X-shaped orange sunglasses. | End ID] [Image Description 2: The same image as above, except that this time Happy Chaos is wearing a basic pink tank top with an image copied and pasted onto the middle of the chest area. The image is a Twitch emote from the channel “hypnoshark”, called “hypnoFreak”. hypnoFreak is a photograph of the face of a bald white man with a short brown beard, wearing sunglasses and some kind of chainmail hood or cowl. The emote has been edited and overlaid with yellow lighting to make it match the shape and lighting of the tank top, and indicate that it is a shiny material compared to the fabric it is printed onto. The bottom of the tank top is notably lifted from the hips by the combination of Happy Chaos’s stretching pose and the bountiful mass of his pectoral muscles. | End ID] Slutty image I did of Happy Chaos like a year ago or something, specifically because I wanted to put some (genuine) Hypnoshark merch on it. Way too high effort for a shitpost. I don’t even think I showed Sam LMAO this was my first time writing image descriptions because i forgot to do it for the last thing i uploaded so im gonna go back for that one, i hope i did ok though
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[Image Description: A digital painting that makes heavy use of brushes with textures that mimic paint brushes and other traditional tools. The overall colour scheme is muddy yellows and greens with black and white. The image contains two figures; a pair of short-haired men, stood intimately close to one another. One of them has a boxy, muscular physique, light skin, brown hair, and a collared purple shirt, while the other has a slim build, dark skin, glossy black hair, and is wearing an indistinct dark top with long sleeves and a turtleneck collar. They are pictured from the shoulders up. The viewpoint is looking over the shoulder of the black haired man. He is tightly grasping the brown-haired man’s left arm with his right hand and staring directly into his face. Their faces are blended together with colours smeared from one face to the other, creating lines of colour from one face to the other that obscure a lot of facial details. The black-haired man’s face is not visible at all because of the viewing angle, but his body language is calm and decisive. The brown-haired man returns the black-haired man’s gaze with a wide-eyed concern that peeks out between the strokes of colour, mainly communicated through his raised eyebrows and tightly strained forehead muscles. The background is composed of splatters, partially blended colours like watery paint, and lines like paint scraped with the edge of a paint knife. It It primarily coloured in swamy greenish-yellow mid-tones, with a few orangish tones mostly near the top. The colours darken into blackness towards the lower right corner of the image that the black-haired man occupies, creating the impression that he is emerging from the darkness, bringing the shadows with him, or casting a strong shadow behind himself. | End ID] Digital painting I did yesterday. Deeply missing acrylic painting but it’s such a hassle in this tiny house. Wish the body language in this was more expressive but I’m really happy with the image. Haven’t done something like this in a long time.
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[Image Description: A scanned image of an acrylic painting on white paper. The image depicts an ibex with heavily realistically textured cyan fur, sleeping atop a floor of yellow stones that extends into the distance and fades into the white of the paper. The ibex’s red-magenta horns resemble tentacles, being long, limp, smooth, and glossy. One of the tentacle-horns lays across the ibex’s back, resting in its thick fur. The other in curled into a spiral atop the beast’s shoulder, with its tip resting in a small pool of pinkish water in the stones. Behind the ibex is a giant floating goat eye, swimming with colours in its iris. The eye seems completely detached from the scene, apart from the colours of the ibex reflecting in its lens. Many tiny sigils have been drawn into the highlights on the eye with white gel pen. Drips of watered-down cyan and magenta paint run down from the top of the paper over the white background. | End ID] I swear I actually do make art, I just happen to never scan or photograph it. Like, ever. 2023 Edit: I actually designed specific sigils to use in this piece based on some post I saw on Pinterest or something. I’ve forgotten most of what they meant but the ones I remember being on there are “goat”, “river”, and “protection”. I also used a few symbols such as the Mars and Venus symbols (somehow I knew that this goat series was about gender stuff but hadn’t started questioning my own gender yet. My teens were weird) as well as the alchemical symbols for earth and water. I was going through it at the time and I know that went into a lot of the handmade sigils too.
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