gutterjasperbunny · 3 years
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LYDIA DEETZ  has  just  been  spotted  at  SHADY PLOTS  !  from  what  i  can  tell  ,  it  seems  like  the  TWENTY  year  old  has  FAKE  memories  .  huh  .  i've  heard  SHE  can  be  pretty  WITHDRAWN ,  so  watch  out  .  but  they  also  seem  pretty  KIND-HEARTED  !  sounds  about  right  for  someone  hailing  from  the  world  of  BEETLEJUICE  .
❝ My whole life is a dark room. One big dark room. ❞
‣ F A C T S –
✘ – name: lydia deetz ✘ – aka: lyds, babes ✘ – age: 20 ✘ – birthdate: october 29 (not goth enough tbh) ✘ – social media: @strangeandunsual ✘ – occupation: apprentice mortitian ✘ – currently living: sunny isles ✘ – orientation: homoflexible/sapphic panromantic monogamous ✘ – shipping status: open-ish ✘ – memory status: fake
‣ P E R S O N A L I T Y –
✘ – positive: kind, sweet, creative ✘ – negative: sarcastic, mopey, morbid, lonely ✘ – mbti: infp ✘ – hogwarts house: slytherin ✘ – zodiac: scorpio ✘ – song: 'invisible’ - beetlejuice: the musical ✘ – hobbies: taking photos of spooky shit, writing poetry, goth fashion, listening to 80s trad goth ✘ – habits: suicidal ideation ✘ – fears: dying alone
‣ H E A D C A N O N S –
✘ – she loves her job because she’s with likeminded weirdos and her clients dont talk back to her. her favourite part is doing their makeup and dressing them up. ✘ – she’s got no friends. wah wah. ✘ – she’s probably got an unhealthy energy drink problem ✘ – gay gay gay gay
‣ C O N N E C T I O N S –
✘ – none currently
‣ F A K E   L I F E –
basically her life is if she never met the maitlands or beej, and didn’t kill herself. she moved out of home as soon as she could, got an associates degree in funeral service education and now is an apprentice moritician at shay plots. she has no friends and desperately wants to be seen
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gutterjasperbunny · 3 years
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THE MAD HATTER  has  just  been  spotted  at  THE COFFEE CLUB  !  from  what  i  can  tell  ,  it  seems  like  the  TWENTY SEVEN  year  old  has  FAKE  memories  .  huh  .  i've  heard  HE  can  be ��pretty  BRASH ,  so  watch  out  .  but  they  also  seem  pretty  COMPASSIONATE  !  sounds  about  right  for  someone  hailing  from  the  world  of  DISNEY'S ALICE IN WONDERLAND (1951)  .
❝ We never get compliments, you must have a cup of tea! ❞
‣ F A C T S –
✘ – name: the mad hatter ✘ – aka: maddox hatter ✘ – age: 27 (prematurely grey af) ✘ – birthdate: october 6 ✘ – social media: @whatsthetea ✘ – occupation: manager at the coffee house ✘ – currently living: eden ✘ – orientation: heteroflexible biromantic monogamous ✘ – shipping status: open ✘ – memory status: fake
‣ P E R S O N A L I T Y –
✘ – positive: fun, spontaneous, generous, a romantic (if you squint) ✘ – negative: brash, quick to temper, obsessive, kind of a dick, ‘you can’t sit with us’. ✘ – mbti: entp ✘ – hogwarts house: ravenclaw ✘ – zodiac: aries ✘ – song: 'kill the lights’ - the birthday massacre ✘ – hobbies: drinking tea, ranting about whatever he’s currently obsessed with, partying with his clique of one, talking to himself, trying to find like minded people ✘ – habits: being a dick to most people, playing devil’s advocate, being pushy ✘ – fears: being alone forever
‣ H E A D C A N O N S –
✘ – he hates coffee but he works in a coffee house because its the best way to meet people (and that’s all his bachelor’s amounts to) ✘ – he tries to make friends by being an annoying weirdo. he’s not successful. ✘ – he talks to ‘march’ a lot, the friend who isn’t there (aka himself) ✘ – honestly just loves anyone who can banter back and forth with him
‣ C O N N E C T I O N S –
✘ – alice liddell, the march hare, dormouse
‣ F A K E   L I F E –
maddox came from a broken home with divorced parents and no other siblings. he left home as soon as he could and went to university, majoring in a bachelor of arts, majoring in literature. however, nothing has come from it, besides the odd tutoring job, and now he works full-time as a manager at the coffee club, being a general weirdo and an example of not what to do to at university.
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gutterjasperbunny · 3 years
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SON GOKU  has  just  been  spotted  at  THE WESTERN FORESTS  !  from  what  i  can  tell  ,  it  seems  like  the  FORTY TWO  year  old  has  THEIR REAL  memories  .  huh  .  i've  heard  HE  can  be  pretty  NAIVE ,  so  watch  out  .  but  they  also  seem  pretty  PURE OF HEART  !  sounds  about  right  for  someone  hailing  from  the  world  of  DRAGON BALL  .
❝ I am going to be a lot stronger than I ever was! ❞
‣ F A C T S –
✘ – name: son goku ✘ – aka: kakarot ✘ – age: 42 ✘ – birthdate: april 16 ✘ – social media: @goku ✘ – occupation: unemployed, currently foraging and beating stuff up in thr western forest ✘ – currently living: in the western forest ✘ – orientation: bisexual aromantic nonmonogamous ✘ – shipping status: closed, unless you’re vegeta/bulma/chichi ✘ – memory status: real and a bit confused
‣ P E R S O N A L I T Y –
✘ – positive: playful, kind, food motivated ✘ – negative: naive, has a special interest in fighting people stronger than him and won’t shut up about it ✘ – mbti: enfp ✘ – hogwarts house: gyffindor ✘ – zodiac: aries ✘ – song: TBA ✘ – hobbies: kata, training, hunting, fishing, napping ✘ – habits: doesn’t close doors or put down the toilet seat, attracts bad guys ✘ – fears: needles
‣ H E A D C A N O N S –
✘ – he spends a lot of time in the west forest exploring ✘ – he’s a gen x and is still warming up to his phone
‣ C O N N E C T I O N S –
✘ – coming soon
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