guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
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Blood angel vanguard with Mordian gun line
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
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Sister of Battle by elartwyne
Visit My Store: https://inoxhammer.com/
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
Why are names so hard?
Need female names for
A Catachan
A Felinid
Battle Sister Dominion
Half Drukhari
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
0 hesitation
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
Attn Planatary Governor
We have received word a new regiment is to be raised. More info to come.
Thought for the day:Do not ask why purge the Xenos, ask why not?
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
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Metin 3rd
Models on the leftmost side were painted earlier, the further right ones are my more recent ones. First and last pictures are of my heavy bolters from the Getting Started Boxes (I bought two, 5 months apart from each other).
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
My laundry basket is self-loading.
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
Totally fair as they did nothing to stop the corruption overtaking the planet
Exterminatus is honestly one of the scariest and brutal parts of 40k 
Scene Set: You’re a simple farmer on an agricultural world, as your father was before you, and his father before him, and so on, for hundreds of years. Recently, you’ve noticed your friends and family acting oddly, strange shrines being erected and weird rituals performed. 
People have come and gone, vanished without a trace, and eventually, civil war broke out, and you don’t understand why, so you just ran. You ran, as fast as you could, until your legs gave out and your lungs burned like fire. Then you see it, a massive vessel, larger than anything you’ve ever seen, hanging over your homeworld. 
It fires a single missile, and you see everything around you melt away, burnt and scoured by an explosion unlike any other. Then, you yourself are consumed by the flames, along with your entire world. Your entire family. Every achievement, every culture, everything has just been reduced to ash and magma. And this is considered, by the Imperium, a just fate.
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
New Blood angels codex
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
Funny story in our deathwatch rpg we actually had a grey knight Librarian posing as a black shield.
I love it.
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
Hmmmm they do seem to be a worthy chapter. Maybe for another mission I may requisition them for help as we do have quite a bit of green in the team... Ugh trying to use more of the lesser known chapters is hard...
Alternately, you could just requisition the grey kni—
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
I the great Lord inquisitor am requesting the services of a Kill Team. So far the Emperor’s Spears, Nemesis Chapter, Crimson Fists, The Blood Drinkers, and The Vorpal Swords have seconded a marine. Which Chapter should I approach for a Librarian to support us?
Self promoting answer: I believe you should go either with a Marine from the revered chapter of the Carrion Watchers. Though they may seem dour and nihilist, they are loyal and steadfast, and will be a good addition to any group. Particularly, their librarians are known to be hard-hitters with no remorse, even among space marines. Traitors and heretics will get not so much as a whisper of regret from their killer as their heads explode from psychic power. 
Actual answer: idk man I don’t know that much about how chapters handle librarians other than the non-codex ones being different in their various ways. 
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
Instead of female spacemarines, why not femboy space marines?
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
Not bad. Might use em as deathwatch support.
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What do you think of the Primaris Space Marines?
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
Yeah can we just enjoy the grim dark/grimderp universe that 40k provides?
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
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Hmmmm new regiment of guard to build https://1d4chan.org/wiki/1st_Membranes
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guyus-karnage-blog · 7 years
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Sister Charity fully kitted out and geared up.
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