gwenygma · 2 years
fr, the worst part was when execs changed a line on set to make it sound less gay (in the rightfully named episode "They did what?") On. Set. Colin and Robin must have been right there to hear it
“it would have been so funny if misha collins was really bi, imagine an actual queer actor taking part in such a monumental case of queer baiting–”
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gwenygma · 4 years
Bart Allen (DC Comics and Young Justice)
Characters that are ADHD culture 
*based on my experience with my ADHD and what i’ve learn about it
(excluding canon ADHD characters even though we all know thats slim picking)
Those with receipts
Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
thrives under structure
 bit obstinate to change
draw connections to things that others may not (leading to some awkward exchanges)
Hyperfocus (see season 6 episode 6 for a good example)
i mean seriously the boy lived in a crime scene and  memorized it
hates to let people down/people pleaser (in a way thats not obsequious or unctuous)
Peter Parker (Spiderman)
do i need to explain this one
creative thinker 
smart but seems like a dumbass because of his impulsetivity
Varrick (legend of korra)
fast talker
unknown follow through on his millions of ideas
habit of relying on others (Zhu li)  for executive actions (set dates, follow through on ideas, etc)
Because I said so
Laurits Seier (Ragnarok -Netflix)
Sokka (ATLA)
Amy Santiago (B99) 
Elenor Shellstrop (the good place)
Dick Grayson (Dc Comics)
Adora (She-ra)
Feel Free to Add More (i will be updating this)
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gwenygma · 4 years
I’m so happy that kids can have this nowadays <3
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Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts 1.06 // The Hollow 2.02 // Andi Mack 3.11
Holy trinity of gay main characters in good kids shows saying that they’re gay
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gwenygma · 5 years
Sorry for the late reply, but thank you for the match-ups! I love all the characters you paired me with ^^
Hey, can I get a match-up for Free!, ATLA/LOK and Young Justice please? (any gender) I'm INFJ and have Asperger's Syndrome. I can be either quiet and inexpressive, either bubbly and openly anxious depending on my energy and the people I'm with. I'm not really spontaneous but gladly follow people who are. I'm open with my feelings and a good listener. I do combat sports, study psychology, draw and write. I have short messy black hair (dyed) and an emo style. My main colors are black and red.
Hello!! Yes of course!! Sorry it took so long! You seem so cool!! 😍😍
Ikuya Kirishima
When he heard you have Asperger’s Syndrome, the first thing he did was look up what it was. He supports you and sees you as the person for who you are. The most interesting and beautiful person in the world! He loves your short messy hair and your emo style. “Red and black, that’s an interesting color choice. I like it!”
He doesn’t mind you being quiet, but doesn’t think you’re inexpressive. He can read you well and knows what you’re thinking. He also loves your bubbly and openly personality. It cheers him up and he can calm you down when you don’t feel well
Ikuya isn’t very spontaneous himself but he can always learn. He’s proud of you that you’re open about your feelings and that he has someone he can talk to who listen to him. He will do the same for you and will get out of his shell
He thinks you’re really creative and smart. He doesn’t understand a word about psychology. He actually has a hard time pronouncing it. He says “spychology”. It’s really funny! He looks over your shoulder when you’re drawing and loves to read what you write. He’s impressed by you’re combat sports but is worried that you’ll get hurt
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Avatar the Last Airbender
Toph Beifong
The moment she heard you have Asperger’s Syndrome, she has full respect for you. She understands it’s not always easy, but she will support you and help you through it! She really admires you! Toph thinks you rock that style and you’re hairstyle after you told her that. Thinking about the color combo, she likes it, black and red!
Like Ikuya, Toph doesn’t mind you being quiet. Toph will tease you until she hears you laugh. She loves your laugh and smile! She doesn’t mind when you’re bubbly and openly. She will hold you close when you don’t feel good
Toph is very spontaneous and doesn’t mind that you follow her. She actually likes it. She isn’t open about her feelings and doesn’t like to talk about it. She will get there and when she opens up, she’s happy that you’re there to listen to her. But Toph will listen to you and try to help you when you’re struggling with something
She thinks you’re tough doing combat sports and she loves to spar with you. She’s kind of sad that she can’t see your drawings but she would love to hear your writings! Like Ikuya, she thinks you’re super smart and she knows you will get there! She would love to help you study, but she doesn’t know much about psychology
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The Legend of Korra
Asami Sato
She admires you being so strong. Asami knows what Asperger’s Syndrome is and she will help you through it. Like Toph, she fullt respects you! Asami honestly LOVES your style and hair! It suits you perfectly! She likes red and black too!
When you’re quiet, that’s okay. When you’re bubbly, that okay. She loves all of you! She will be there for you when you feel down. Asami will do anything to make you smile or laugh! When you smile or laugh, she does too. It’s contagious
Asami can be very spontaneous. She doesn’t mind you following her. She thinks it’s cute! Like you, she’s open about her feelings and she’s a good listener. Asami doesn’t mind listening to you when somethings wrong. She’s happy she can count on you when she needs to talk
Asami admires you in everything you do. You’re creative, tough, beautiful, … She loves you’re drawings and writing. She watches you in full admiration when you’re doing combat sports. She is scared you’ll get hurt. Psychology isn’t her best subject but she will try and help you. She’s 100% sure you will pass everything!
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Young Justice
Wally West
Wally thinks you’re so strong! After searching what Asperger’s Syndrome is, he’s there for you. He doesn’t change the way he treats you though. He loves you for you and who you are! To be honest, Wally would give you all kins of different hairstyles if you let him. He plays with your hair 24/7 if you let him. He loves your style and wouldn’t want to change a thing! He likes your main color combo!
When you’re quiet, it relaxes Wally too. He gets more chill and less hyper. But when you’re bubbly, he gets infected! He’s so hyper that you need to slow him down! This guy is an expert in comforting you! You feel safe in his arms! Wally teases you 24/7. He doesn’t stop!
Wally is very spontaneous. He thinks it’s cute and he likes it when you follow him. Wally is impressed how open you are about your feelings. He’s open too and like I already said, he is awesome at comforting you! He likes that you listen to him when he needs someone
You are everything that Wally wants. Beautiful, smart, creative, … He wants to see you’re drawings and read your weiting with your permission of course! Wally actually gets a bit scared when he sees you in combat. When you’re studying, he will help you by asking you about what you’ve already learned. That way he learns something too
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gwenygma · 5 years
Best ATLA fanart I’ve seen so far!
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Avatar: the Last Airbender Series
let me know what sort of things you want to see in the future!
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gwenygma · 5 years
Also, I still cannot get over the fact that everyone knew about Deathstroke from the beginning not because Nightwing or Oracle somehow hacked Tara’s phone, or because Cyborg is basically the internet, but because Batman looked at his face and was like, “That’s the expression of a liar who lies” and everyone just accepted this as 100% reliable and scientifically foolproof intel.
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gwenygma · 5 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dyQQs-02AtU)
Since there weren’t enough editing of them, I made one myself!
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gwenygma · 5 years
Me: time to catch up on yj
Artemis: Few years ago I quite the team with... Wally West the first Kid Flash.
Me: carve my heart out with a spoon it would hurt less.
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gwenygma · 5 years
So apparently the reason we get cringy hashtag this and that talk every episode is because the writers are referencing how social media brought back the show. I swear to Christ almighty if social media activism is what defeats the villains this season I’m gonna have a stroke
savage: “you children cannot defeat my army of meta teens >:)”
gar: “yeah, but do you have 20 million followers on twitter? 😤😤🙏🙏💯💯🤔🤔🔥🔥”
savage: *dies*
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gwenygma · 5 years
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I couldn’t help but get a chuckle about how true to life this is. Also nice subtle reference to the Comics Code Authority there
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gwenygma · 5 years
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Bart Allen + ‘I’ll be fine!’
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gwenygma · 5 years
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gwenygma · 5 years
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Did I ever mention how much I love this guy?
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gwenygma · 5 years
aso idk why everyone went all “rip bluepulse” after this episode aired a ship doesn’t fucking DIE when it’s not canon and we already knew canon was a long shot for those two anyway
ALSO if Bart and Ed are actually a thing (and if what Greg liked on twitter is anything to by, they are) that means Bart is actually gay (like we’ve been hc him as for YEARS) and you’re TRIPPIN if you think he didn’t have a crush on Jaime during season 2. Like that’s canon in my mind 100%
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gwenygma · 5 years
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Pull the picture or click it.
This boy is on my mind, him and only him, while everyone talks about Halo and all that happened.
He is my rep.
He keeps smiling even after the funeral even if he is dead inside trying his best ALWAYS. No wonder Ed joined the team… Bart does not take care of himself at all… even when he feels the worst he will just make Virgil feel better.
This boy it to precious… such a sad-smiler… putting everyone above himself…
I just love him and I will watch to see what happens to him.
I tried a new style to make him less feminine as well not color his hair with my normal shading to keep it brown. 
He should get an entire episode where he just …cries out all his issues… he had people die close to him… he feels as a shadow to kid flash , he got here to save the future he can’t even go back to..he saved the world.. and kept strong in character trow it all…kept a smile always.
I want to see him cry and Eduardo be there and give him support.
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gwenygma · 5 years
“No way was I gonna let this be a no-girl squad”-Wonder Girl
“The group needed a little color” - Static
🙄right because that’s the only purpose they serve on the team...a diversity checkbox. Not because they want to help metateens or people. Or any other fucking reason. But because the team needs a girl or POC in order to not be sexist or racist. I imagine the creators must be so fucking pleased with themselves too.
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gwenygma · 5 years
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young justice nine nine
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