gwinnetts · 3 years
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// the timing of @partloss​​ ‘s ping... i’d been thinking about how much i missed writing, and missed everyone, while knowing that i don’t think i’m ready to come back yet because my brains are still just not in the right place for it
but since i decided to clear out some follows today (about half and half old accounts, and ppl i hadnt talked to in a while even before my hiatus) — i thought i’d do a little post just to say hi
just know im thinkin of yall, and hoping youre doing okay, and if anyone ever wants to reach out even just to touch base or throw rocks at my window, i’d really love it. and those of you who are still occasionally tagging me in memes and stuff... i see you, and it means a lot to me, and ilu ;_;
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gwinnetts · 4 years
// remember writing? weird
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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// just poppin’ on at too-early-in-the-morning to apologize for poofing entirely on everybody. i ended up stepping back because i was juggling a lot of stuff (not just tungl), more than i had the spoons to handle. i’m doing okay, i still exist, i’ve just been taking some time to chill and focus on some other things
so consider this post me making my unofficial hiatus an official one — as always, mutuals are welcome to come find me on discord, and for those anxious or worried about bothering me or etc, please know that i am always happy when people reach out, even just to check in
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ilu all, i’ll be back at some point, and i hope everyone’s taking care <3
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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// just poppin’ on at too-early-in-the-morning to apologize for poofing entirely on everybody. i ended up stepping back because i was juggling a lot of stuff (not just tungl), more than i had the spoons to handle. i’m doing okay, i still exist, i’ve just been taking some time to chill and focus on some other things
so consider this post me making my unofficial hiatus an official one — as always, mutuals are welcome to come find me on discord, and for those anxious or worried about bothering me or etc, please know that i am always happy when people reach out, even just to check in
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ilu all, i’ll be back at some point, and i hope everyone’s taking care <3
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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                “ THAT CAT CAN’T HELP BUT BE HELPFUL. “
promo template source // PERSONALS DO NOT INTERACT
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐔𝐍 there is a remedy, or there is none.       If there be one, try and find it; if there be none, 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐓.
an independent multimuse remade october 2020. as foretold by dei.
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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// a lil mala update!
i’m... around ish. i’ve been working on trying to tackle the various mental roadblocks i have wrt getting back on being active and writing again, this time in the form of schedules and organizing and all that good kind of structural stuff
just now, i sat down and logged all of my drafts into a new spreadsheet organizing thingy. i also cleared out a few things from my drafts, mostly asks i sent that people answered and i meant to turn them into threads, only to, like, never do that. still, doing this brought my attention to just how old the oldest stuff in my drafts are — all the way back in may!
so yeah, i wanted to take the opportunity to apologize for living up to the warning in my rules that i’m a very slow writer.......... and to thank everyone for being so patient with me, and so supportive. i appreciate you all so very, very much
here is the spreadsheet of the stuff i’m keeping and intend to get around to. if there’s something missing on here, or something you’re not interested in writing, please don’t hesitate to reach out and let me know — in case of the latter, my feelings won’t be hurt at all, regardless of the reason (it’s too old, you just plain don’t wanna, etc.)!
ETA: i just remembered i forgot to draft several asks that’ve been sitting around my inbox. whoops. so those aren’t on there yet...
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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It was a joke.
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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// what’s that? i’ve been MIA for a week and it’s 6am? time to post assorted maccready headcanons!
his timeline is more than a little ambiguous and, on occasion, contradictory. [alton brown vc] that’s another post — but generally i roll with the headcanon that he didn’t join up with the gunners until after lucy’s death. it just jives the most for me. but i’m willing to be flexible on that with discussion!
he only stuck around big town for about a couple of years (waiting on lucy, first to age out of lamplight and then to adjust to the wastes). that’s when he started picking up his merc jobs, so he could start saving up caps for the two of them to make a living off of still, he enjoyed his time there — he has a dialogue line saying as much (this place reminds me of big town. better days, i guess) — and i figure he and lucy struck out on their own for the sake of independence, since both of them are so headstrong
it’s canon that he helped daisy deal with some punks that were giving her a hard time, and that’s how they first connected. the headcanon here is that this happened not long after he first left the gunners… and it’s also about why he got involved, when normally he dislikes things like the sosu sticking their neck out for someone but think about it: he’d had more than his fill of standing by and letting bad shit happen in the gunners. it wasn’t his first act of freedom, but it’s the one that really sticks out in his memory
stealing started as a matter of survival for him, then became a bit of a challenge and a bit of fun. he doesn’t generally care enough about strangers to worry about nicking stuff they might need. he doesn’t like taking on extra risk, which always takes priority, so it’s not like he goes out of his way to steal stuff. he’s more of the opportunistic sort. (hey, if they cared about it, they wouldn’t have left it lying around)
(like zetta,) maccready’s sense of community is very, very narrow — but i still call him group-oriented, and i stand by that. there was once a time, and a very influential time in his life, where his community was more than just him, his partner, and his kid. he proved himself to be good at filling a leading, protective role. when you talk to the other lamplighters, you find out that the other kids look up to him and rely on him, and his peers stand behind him whole-heartedly. that can’t be for nothing, you know? it’s been six years since he left lamplight, but he outright admits in his second affinity talk that, despite all appearances otherwise, being alone scares him, and he doesn’t want it. circumstances have forced him to work on his own for years and lamplight instills an inherent distrust in outsiders, because outsiders were more likely to try to fuck you up than help you. (the gunners didn’t help matters, lbr here) what i’m getting at is — i fully believe his very narrow definition of community can be expanded again, even if canon doesn’t let him have that kind of growth. there’s no reason the influence of other characters (sole survivor or otherwise) who become important to him couldn’t remind him that it’s okay to have a community again
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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// what’s that? i’ve been MIA for a week and it’s 6am? time to post assorted maccready headcanons!
his timeline is more than a little ambiguous and, on occasion, contradictory. [alton brown vc] that’s another post — but generally i roll with the headcanon that he didn’t join up with the gunners until after lucy’s death. it just jives the most for me. but i’m willing to be flexible on that with discussion!
he only stuck around big town for about a couple of years (waiting on lucy, first to age out of lamplight and then to adjust to the wastes). that’s when he started picking up his merc jobs, so he could start saving up caps for the two of them to make a living off of still, he enjoyed his time there — he has a dialogue line saying as much (this place reminds me of big town. better days, i guess) — and i figure he and lucy struck out on their own for the sake of independence, since both of them are so headstrong
it’s canon that he helped daisy deal with some punks that were giving her a hard time, and that’s how they first connected. the headcanon here is that this happened not long after he first left the gunners... and it’s also about why he got involved, when normally he dislikes things like the sosu sticking their neck out for someone but think about it: he’d had more than his fill of standing by and letting bad shit happen in the gunners. it wasn’t his first act of freedom, but it’s the one that really sticks out in his memory
stealing started as a matter of survival for him, then became a bit of a challenge and a bit of fun. he doesn’t generally care enough about strangers to worry about nicking stuff they might need. he doesn’t like taking on extra risk, which always takes priority, so it’s not like he goes out of his way to steal stuff. he’s more of the opportunistic sort. (hey, if they cared about it, they wouldn’t have left it lying around)
(like zetta,) maccready’s sense of community is very, very narrow — but i still call him group-oriented, and i stand by that. there was once a time, and a very influential time in his life, where his community was more than just him, his partner, and his kid. he proved himself to be good at filling a leading, protective role. when you talk to the other lamplighters, you find out that the other kids look up to him and rely on him, and his peers stand behind him whole-heartedly. that can’t be for nothing, you know? it’s been six years since he left lamplight, but he outright admits in his second affinity talk that, despite all appearances otherwise, being alone scares him, and he doesn’t want it. circumstances have forced him to work on his own for years and lamplight instills an inherent distrust in outsiders, because outsiders were more likely to try to fuck you up than help you. (the gunners didn’t help matters, lbr here) what i’m getting at is — i fully believe his very narrow definition of community can be expanded again, even if canon doesn’t let him have that kind of growth. there’s no reason the influence of other characters (sole survivor or otherwise) who become important to him couldn’t remind him that it’s okay to have a community again
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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                                    We were once the rulers and magistrates of ages past.                                     To cleanse this world would have been a simple task,                                     but that was not what we wanted. We loved this beautiful                                     planet the way it was. Gazing at the Earth from the moon                                     was one of our few pastimes. That is why we will never                                     forgive the poachers who robbed us of that pleasure.
                        indie sole survivor from fallout 4 / penned by kavvi.
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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// alright, i’ve been good and have kept myself on top of non-tumblr things for a few days, so it’s time to try to get some stuff done here too!
i’m gonna be diving into drafts after i do a couple of tag memes, and i’m around and my schedule is clear for tonight, so come talk to me (tumblr IM or discord)!
you’re also welcome to consider this a baby plotting call, especially if we haven’t interacted before, and even if i’m not currently following you back! 
recently i found myself getting a lil overwhelmed, so i unfollowed several blogs if we hadn’t had any interactions recently — no liked posts and little to no ooc contact was especially my focus there. no hard feelings for any of it, i just wanted to clean up the dash a lil for my anxiety. and there are some blogs i just plain haven’t followed back — again, no hard feelings, i’ve just been sticking to stuff i know i’m gonna be doing. but if you wanna reach out and see if we can figure something out, i’d be happy to talk! let’s plot!
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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// so @dyedmaxiian​ also tagged me in another dash meme, this time for an enneagram quiz — which i highly recommend people do for their muses, enneagrams are a lot of fun!
... but i’m a big enough nerd that i not only know and grok the enneagram system, but i HANDPICK my characters’ enneagrams. i ain’t need no quiz babey! so uh, i’m just gonna post snippets from my own enneagram resources for zetta and elle, who were pinged for the meme!
elle days >> type nine, wing eight
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As a Type Nine individual becomes more accustomed to the world, they are presented with the reality that things just aren't going to go smoothly. The ideal mental state of a Nine would be one of serenity and contemplation, but the world does not give up its conflict easily. The solution is for the Nine to withdraw from one's self and get absorbed in the outside world. At the same time, they are likely to seek peace in their endeavors, as it challenges the serenity they associate with love. But not all conflict is in the outside world; conflict exists in the inner world as well. Type Nine individuals are confronted with conflicting emotions, thoughts and desires, just like any type. There may be a great deal of tension between what the Id wants (the basic drive for immediate gratification) and what the Superego wants (the code of morality and ethics learned in childhood). Type Nine deals with this conflict by looking outside of themselves, ignoring it wherever possible, and focusing on the world around them.
Type Nine is normally associated with serenity and contemplation, while Type Eight is associated with pushy aggressiveness. The 9w8 combination is sometimes described as paradoxical, but it actually makes perfect sense, as long as we keep in mind that serenity and aggression are secondary consequences of the core motivations of Nine and Eight. Type Nine wants to detach from their own world and find fulfillment in the world around them, or the world of others. Type Eights are hyper-aware of the boundaries between themselves and others and will react aggressively if those borders are crossed harmfully. 9w8s, therefore, want to extend themselves into the outside world while simultaneously protecting themselves from harm. 9w8s tend to want to do their own thing, and will react aggressively if that is threatened, but their modus operandi is to wander throughout the world at their own direction and anyone who wants to tell them what to do can haul off. 9w8s can also be incredibly protective of their friends, because the 9 component lets them “merge” with others and the 8 component takes an attack on friends as a personal attack. (Contrast this with Type 1 – Type 1 will act aggressively in that situation because they perceive the enemy as “wrong”, Type 9w8 will act aggressively because they see their friends as part of themselves.)
zetta reynolds >> type eight, wing seven
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The Type Eight basic drive is to survive and the basic fear is to be harmed or controlled. After all, to be controlled is to essentially be an animal caught in a trap, waiting for someone to come along and finish the job. For that reason, Eights will resist almost any attempt to control them. (Weak attempts may fall off the radar as something not worth dealing with.) But as a society, we do not live in the world of the Id. Society doesn’t allow us to set out bear traps for other people (well, most societies) and so the behaviors of the Eight are channeled into other activities. This is why Eights tend to gravitate toward positions of power, particularly in business or social settings. Even if the position has no apparent survival value, the subconscious drive to control (lest the Eight be controlled themselves) drives them to become the authority in a situation.
The traits of the Eight and those of a Seven-wing reinforce each other to produce a very aggressive subtype. Eights with a Seven-wing are the most openly aggressive of all the subtypes because each component types is aggressive - Eights in their quest for power and Sevens in their acquisition of experiences and possessions. This is also the least other-related and most egocentric of all the subtypes, making it one of the most difficult for others to get along with easily.
Healthy people of this subtype are highly extroverted, action-oriented, and extremely energetic. They take the initiative almost all the time - from business deals to romantic engagements - with great gusto and confidence of success. The healthy Eight's charisma combines with the healthy Seven's capacity to enjoy life, producing an extraordinarily outgoing personality whose inner strength and vitality may be so outstanding as to allow Eights with a Seven-wing to have a public, and possibly historical, impact. Their magnanimity will have a practial focus in the concern they show for the material well-being of others. 
personality cafe: type 8 personatliy cafe: overview of 8 and its wings personality cafe: type 9 bonus: personality cafe: overview of 9 and its wings bonus: fuckyeah-char-dev’s enneagram tag (chrono)
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gwinnetts · 4 years
𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒅𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒃𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒅 ?
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touch me with tender truth
you crave being known and held. you just want the warmth and pressure of another body against your own. sometimes, late at night when you're alone in your bed, your skin aches with the lack of touch. you've tried touching yourself, and it isn't the same. one time someone gripped your shoulder and squeezed it in passing, and you thought about it for weeks after - the ghost pressure of their hand lingering. don't you deserve it? consistent physical love and caring? i think so, i think you do. but i also have to ask - do you fear it even as you want? after all, if you get it then it might also be taken away. i hope that if you fear it, you push through past that fear. that you ask for the touch you desire and deserve. i hope that you get touched with love and kindness, wrapped up in warm arms and rocked from side to side until the tension and pain falls away layer by layer and only you are left.
TAGGED BY: @dyedmaxiian​ <3 TAGGING:  @heroicsaga​ (bucky n steeb)  @medtek​  @soulcluster​ (rue n dart!!) and YOU, steal it!
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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gwinnetts · 4 years
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// alright, i’ve been good and have kept myself on top of non-tumblr things for a few days, so it’s time to try to get some stuff done here too!
i’m gonna be diving into drafts after i do a couple of tag memes, and i’m around and my schedule is clear for tonight, so come talk to me (tumblr IM or discord)!
you’re also welcome to consider this a baby plotting call, especially if we haven’t interacted before, and even if i’m not currently following you back! 
recently i found myself getting a lil overwhelmed, so i unfollowed several blogs if we hadn’t had any interactions recently — no liked posts and little to no ooc contact was especially my focus there. no hard feelings for any of it, i just wanted to clean up the dash a lil for my anxiety. and there are some blogs i just plain haven’t followed back — again, no hard feelings, i’ve just been sticking to stuff i know i’m gonna be doing. but if you wanna reach out and see if we can figure something out, i’d be happy to talk! let’s plot!
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