Which is the best gynaecologist in Gurgaon?
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Which is the best gynaecologist in Gurgaon?
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  Gynaecology  is a medical speciality that deals with health issues concerning girls and female dogs.
Gynaecologists are healthcare professionals who specialise in reproductive health care, which includes diagnosing and treating diseases, developing treatments, and promoting research related to ovaries, uterus, tubes, embryos and fetuses.
A gynocologist must have completed her/his residency training and obtained board certification as a specialist. In addition, someone practicing gynaecology may also be called upon to serve in some specialty areas, such as diagnostic testing, obstetrics, fertility treatment, or menopause management.
Some subspecialties of general gynaecology include endocrinology (for hormonal problems), Oncogynecology (growths associated with cancer ),and Menostasis (fertility).
Specific conditions treated by gynaecologists include abnormal menstruation, vomiting and infertility. Possible causes can be structural (such as cysts) or biochemical (such as urine orrogen levels). Some types of ovarian cancer may be referred to a gynaecologist from the time of diagnosis.
Gynecological cancers including cervical and vaginal malignancies are common concerns for this group of doctors. Other common concerns include chronic pelvic pain syndrome known as dysmenorrhea, dysfunctional uterine bleeding and hirsutism (excessive hair growth due to androgen excess).
 Gynaecologists in Gurgaon
 Most women go to their GP (general practitioner) for any health concerns they have after having children. This makes sense, as the GP is already familiar with you and your body! They are trained to help you prevent bigger problems down the line.
Your GP will also check your breasts every month when you're pregnant, which is recommended by most experts.
Also think of how much money it costs you to see a doctor at each pregnancy appointment. Even if you intend to carry out all of the appointments, it can still cost over $10,000 without insurance.
Doctors’ hours are not really geared towards educating patients about what they can do to keep healthy pregnancies going smoothly.They are mostly geared toward getting people through the door and into the office.
 Types of gynaecology services offered
 Female reproductive health includes all parts of female sexual function as well as pregnancy and childbirth. A range of healthcare professionals may examine you for symptoms of disease or help you prevent illness by screening out risk factors.
Here are some common medical practices used in assessing your reproductive health, including tests and methods to reduce risks associated with testing.
Many women feel more comfortable coming forward about their issues with sex and relationships. This can be especially helpful if you’re planning to get pregnant.
If you know someone who is exploring her sexuality, this can be an easy conversation to have. Almost any physician will walk you through a quick exam that should only take a few minutes.
  Qualifications and experience of gynaecologists in Gurgaon
 When it comes to gynaecology, confidence is important. You should feel comfortable asking questions about test results and procedures.
However, not all doctors are created equal. There are several things you can look for when deciding on the doctor who’s right for you.
He or she must be licensed and have extensive training in obstetrics and gynecology. In addition, they should have expertise in female health issues such as pelvic pain and abnormal bleeding.
There are also specific qualifications some doctors hold that help certify them as valid gynaecological treatment options. For instance, these include being oceranohgynaecologically trained (Certified Nurse-Midwife) or having specialized education (such as Receiving His Mother’s Health).
Lastly, hire someone who has helped many women improve their health. Note whether there are reviews listing this physician as providing excellent care.
 Comparison of different gynaecologists in Gurgaon
 Gynaecology is often considered as “the woman’s medicine”. A large number of women come to doctors with complaints that are specific to females. These include problems related to menstruation, pregnancy, and breast-feeding.
It is common for some women who have a problem between their knees and lower back to later develop knee or hip joint pain. This can be prevented by keeping an appropriate weight load on your feet and avoiding prolonged standing or kneeling.
To help keep your heart healthy, make sure you eat plenty of vegetables and do not drink too much alcohol. Both foods help reduce inflammation in your body, which reduces the risk of diseases such as atherosclerosis (narrowing of arteries).
 A good gynaecological surgeon should have several things that set them apart from the rest, such as knowledge about female anatomy, technical skills to apply to various conditions and expertise in particular areas (hormone therapy, minimally invasive surgery, etc).
 For more information, make an appointment with Dr. Chetna Jain, a pregnancy doctor in Gurgaon.
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What Should You Do After Miscarriage?
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What is miscarriage, what are the signs and symptoms, and what can you do if you experience them?
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Much like pregnancy, there are many different causes of miscarriages. Genetics, drugs, nutrition, and environmental factors such as smoking may all play a role.
However, something often caused miscarriages – according to researchers. That thing was stress.
They did a study where they surveyed around 10,000 women about their experiences with miscarriage. And found that around 90% of participants had at least one episode of psychological distress during their periods after experiencing a miscarriage.
That included panic attacks, depression, anxiety, and anger issues. Almost half reported having two or more of those difficulties.
What’s worse, these problems seemed to get worse over time. Over 40 percent of female victims experienced severe distress for several months after their loss.
So, how does lifestyle change help?
Many people think that going back to work is the most important thing to do after losing a child. However, doing so could actually make matters worse.
In a survey conducted by BabyCenter, nearly half of the 2,076 respondents stated that being locked in a job while trying to conceive led to their current lack of success.
Instead, try staying home at first. If you feel ready, able, and wanting to start a family, now is the right time to do it.
Also, consider using birth control methods that don’t rely on hormones, which can improve your odds of getting pregnant
 What to expect during your first trimester
 The first phase of pregnancy is called the first trimester. It lasts for about eight weeks after conception. During this time, you can feel all sorts of movements from your fetus.
You may have some bleeding or cramping at any time. These are normal symptoms that soon fade away as your baby grows.
You can often see changes in the shape of the belly. Your baby’s position inside the womb shifts around, and it may even cause pain.
There are also tests that check for high levels of hepatitis B virus (HBV) proteins and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which are used to confirm a pregnancy and monitor fetal development.
Getting diagnosed with pregnancy-related complications such as hypertension requires immediate treatment, while others such as mild nausea and gallstones need monitoring.
 What to expect during your second trimester
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Shortly after you miss a period, you should start feeling sick for several days. This is because there are many things that can be causing it, such as dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, or stress.
These symptoms will feel like pregnancy nausea; however, they’ll be much more severe. Spend time in a quiet room with limited food intake to help reduce fatigue.
You may also experience diarrhea or vomiting. If you happen to be pregnant when this happens, only drink enough to prevent sickness.
Alternatively, you can make yourself a little bit sick by coughing or sneezing. But just keep drinking water to reset your balance.
Second-trimester miscarriage begins around weeks 12–20. During this stage you lose about 50% of eggs. Around 10% re-secrete early, before losing all the way to week 6.
Around 80% release between weeks 6 and 13. Don’t forget to take an x-ray if needed!
About 1.5 million women worldwide have a spontaneous abortion each year. About 500,000 of those are 15 years old or younger.
It occurs due to ruptured cysts, broken condoms, infections, or problems with fetal development. One study found no difference in father involvement until the age of 7. Most fathers said they noticed no changes toward birth at all.
Assisted reproductive technology (ART) involves creating embryos in vitro, which increases the risk
 What to do if you miscarry
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When your pregnancy test comes out positive, grab some time to process what you’re feeling. In the early stages of miscarriage, bleeding might only be spotting in the beginning.
But pain will set in sometime around day 12 after last menstrual period. Bleeding may start between days 14-19; it usually stops about week 3 or 4 after conception.
If bleeding continues past week 6, you are more likely to have a complete abortion (known as spontaneous termination), which is rare. These rates are different for each person, but they typically fall around 80% in spontaneous cases.
Spontaneous abortions can happen before week 13 due to chromosome abnormalities. Call your doctor or come in when these symptoms occur.
They include blood in your urine, diarrhea, vomiting, and bruising.
These are warning signs that something isn’t right. If you experience any of these things, contact a medical professional immediately.
For most people, taking a home pregnancy test is enough to confirm that there is no longer a fetus alive. If you need to see a physician, they may advise you to take additional tests.
 Miscarriage is a difficult experience but one that can be overcome with support.
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Many women find that after their first miscarriage, they feel lost and don’t know what to do next.
They didn’t have the time during pregnancy to build friendships or learn about being a parent.
After experiencing miscarriage, you can spend months feeling depressed, not knowing how to move on from this major life event.
Many people ask when it is acceptable to call someone to stop by and check up on you.
The answer is once you want to get pregnant again. When your goal is to have children, calling friends and family helps us heal from our loss and prepares us for having another child.
However, if all you want is to fall in love and be married as much as possible, then healing from a miscarriage may take more effort than you are willing to make.
Your relationship will suffer if you do not properly process your feelings.
If you force yourself to accept your loss, you will only cause more pain to both you and your partner.
 Get in touch with Dr. Chetna Jain, the best gynaecologist in Gurgaon to deal with a miscarriage in the healthiest way possible. There is hope at the end of the tunnel.
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Comprehensive Gynecological
After the age of 13, every woman should have a gynecological exam every year. Routine gynecological examinations, including diagnostic tests, even though no signs are present, are necessary to monitor for irregularities. You can detect and easily identify any condition at an early stage by routine gynecological exams. Many women just see a gynecologist when there is a problem. Visiting a gynecologist regularly can be beneficial to your reproductive health. Feel free to discuss sensitive topics such as sex, birth control, and menopause issues with your gynecologist, which you would otherwise be uncomfortable sharing with someone else.
Read more - Comprehensive Gynecological Care
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Whether even after a year of unprotected sexual contact, a couple has trouble conceiving or getting pregnant, i.e. called infertility. Infertility is a widespread issue today because of many causes, some of which are recognized and some of which are not. An infertility workup evaluates someone infertile or at high risk of infertility. At the initial stage, it involves a study of medical records, a physical examination, and several other tests.
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When there are certain complications or medical conditions that can affect the health of both the mother and the baby, the pregnancy is considered a high-risk pregnancy. High-risk pregnancy needs critical evaluation, close monitoring and timely intervention so that there are minimal risk and the best outcome for the mother and the baby.
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Meet Best Gynecologist In Gurgaon | Pregnancy Doctor In Gurgaon | Dr. Chetna Jain
Dr. Chetna is one of the best Gynecologists in Gurgaon. With an extensive experience of over 30 years in the field of gynecology and Obstetrics, she has dedicated herself to serve her patients in the best possible way.
Read more - https://www.drchetnajain.com/
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Dr. Chetna best gynecologist in gurgaon for normal delivery  has been widely acknowledged for her versatile and patient-centric approach. She has been creating miracles for more than two decades.
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Why to choose Dr. Chetna’s CliniK?
Dr. Chetna’s CliniK is one of the premium boutique clinics of Gurgaon co-branded with one of the most premium maternity hospital chains, Cloud nine Hospitals. Know more here :  Best gynae in gurgaon
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