gypsynurooexemption · 4 months
In My Sister’s Place (Part 2 of 2)
Here you are, lovelies! Part 2 of “In My Sister’s Place”. As always, familiar characters are NEVER mine!
Fandom: Labyrinth
Warnings: A bit of angst, but a happy ending. 
Pairings/Characters: Jareth the Goblin King x fem!reader, mentions of Sarah and Toby
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Your eyes burned with tears that you hastily wiped away. First the obelisk, then the ballroom, the fireys fiends, and the Bog of Eternal Stench. You were quickly becoming overwhelmed with the Goblin King’s labyrinth. And yet, every time you saw said king, it sent pleasant shivers down your spine and your heart began racing. You weren’t sure if it was your hopeless romantic self or if the labyrinth was messing with your mind and heart, but you could feel yourself coming to care for the Goblin King.
         Your mind raced every time you thought back to the ballroom and how he’d held you close to him. How he’d gazed into your eyes. If you hadn’t known better, you’d say he cared for you as well. But then you recalled how he had your baby brother and how scared Toby must feel. It set you back on the path and, before you knew it, you had made it into the castle.
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gypsynurooexemption · 5 months
fix it-a.hotchner
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a/n: i imagined a fem reader but as per usual, imagine what you like :)
please don't read if you have emetophobia!!!!
summary: aaron says some horrible things, can he fix it?
pairing: husband! aaron hotchner x wife! reader
warnings: mad angst, aaron is so mean, reader believes she is a bad mother, heartbreak, feelings of disappointment, jack is so sweet, reader is pregnant, talks of pregnancy, talks of vomiting and morning sickness, no happy ending :(
part 2- fix it together
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It was all coming down to this. It was Jack’s birthday and as his step-mom, you had been party planning all week. He was having a dinosaur themed birthday with a bounce house and watching a movie in the backyard, like a little drive in movie. You were excited for him. Aaron hadn’t really been around much that week, he was busy dealing with some legal battle the FBI was up against, meaning the rest of the team, including yourself, had the week off. It was Friday night, Jack’s actual birthday and he was asleep in bed as you waited for Aaron to get home. You were reading a book Spencer had recommended you as you nursed a cup of tea, getting sleepier by the second. 
The front door opened and there Aaron stood, briefcase in hand, handsome as ever. You smiled and got up from your spot on the couch, ready to greet him. He smiled softly as you hugged him, running a hand through his hair. “How did it go?” you asked, your voice just above a whisper.
“Oh it was fine, nothing too jarring. How was the week?” He asked, walking further into the house. 
“Fine. Nothing to report. Jack’s asleep but-”
“Did you do something for his birthday?” He asked, cutting you off. 
“Yeah, of course. I picked him up from school early and we went for lunch and to a film. He really enjoyed himself,” you smiled and he sighed. “Is everything ok?”
“Yeah, fine,” Passive aggressive. Aaron was being passive aggressive.
“Aaron,” You said, worry coating your words. “Is everything ok?”
“Yes! Everything is just fine,” He sighed again, sitting on the couch. “Just one thing though- you didn’t think to offer him to see his mom?” He asked, malice behind every word. The accusation cut you deeply. Of course you’d asked, but he’d said no. He said ‘I don’t want to go without dad’ because of course he wouldn’t. He didn’t want to go to his moms grave without his dad, and not on his birthday either. You stood there, stunned at his words. He continued. “Y’know, you promised me this wouldn’t be an issue, so tell me now, is this an issue Y/N? I need to know because we can still get an annulment.” 
You gasped at his words. “Aaron stop-”
“No, you stop. You are not his mother. She is. She still is, even if she’s gone. You’ll never be his mother. You’re doing a good job of parenting but nothing compares to Haley. Thank god you’re not his actual mother.”
That was venomous. He was going straight for every insecurity you had around your relationship with Jack and throwing it in your face. He was hurting you. 
The silence was heavy. Aaron finally looked at your face and saw the disgust written all over it. The worst part was the fact that he knew it wasn't disgust at his actions, it was disgust directed at yourself and your parenting. You loved and adored Jack, he knew that. He knew, though he’d never admit it, that Jack liked you more than him, or maybe it was just his insecurity speaking, he wasn’t sure. He knew you gave everything of yourself to the both of them. And he knew he’d just done irreversible damage. 
“I offered,” you muttered, your eyes trained on the floor as you wrapped your arms around your chest, pleading with yourself to not cry. You felt silly, standing there, in his hoodie, his home, and seeing his child as your own. “He said he wanted to wait for you. I said we’d go on Sunday.” 
Aaron’s stomach dropped at the tone of your voice and the words being spoken. He was making you cry. He was hurting you. And all you’d ever been to him was perfectly kind. You’d always been so supportive, so loving, and so caring. As he came in he saw a love note on the fridge, he’d seen one of his favourite chocolate bars on the counter with a note beside it, a little wrapped gift beside it too. There were multiple reminders on the fridge for yourself, ones telling you to pick up things for the party, pick up Jack’s big birthday gift (a new bike), and call Jessica. You cared so much about the both of them, and he’d just said some of the worst things he could’ve, just because he was stressed.
Imagine how stressed you were, planning an entire party on your own while simultaneously working through hours and hours of paperwork (courtesy of your job, you were still working from home even if you weren't technically working), and parenting all week, all alone. 
“There’s dinner in the fridge, I-I’m going to go to bed,” you mumbled, walking about and leaving him alone with his thoughts. He heard your footsteps retract, walking up the stairs and in the opposite direction of your shared bedroom. Shit. You were sleeping in the guest room. 
He got up, irritation and shame barely allowing him to get to the kitchen to eat the meal you’d made him. Why was he like this? Why couldn’t he have just listened to you? 
He sat alone eating, his eyes drifting to the gift on the counter the entire time. I don’t deserve it. He thought, but caved once he finished his food and cleaned up. He pulled the small bow off and unwrapped the colourful paper to reveal a positive pregnancy test. His heart broke again. Inside beside it was a note, in your beautiful handwriting. 
To my dearest Aaron, 
I wanted to tell you the second I found out but I also didn’t want you to come home too early when you were still needed in Washington. We’re pregnant! I’m so excited and nervous and happy and scared all at the same time. I didn’t want to upstage Jack’s birthday but I obviously needed to tell you :) 
I love you so much and I can’t wait for this next chapter! No more guest bedroom I guess :) 
P.s I’m almost sure Jack knows, I’ve been having horrible morning sickness :( but at least this fulfils his christmas wish last year, remember ? 
Anyways, I love you so much and I’m so excited. 
Your love, Y/N
He felt sick to his stomach. You were pregnant. He’d just been evilly cruel to you and you were pregnant. He’d said some of the most vile things on planet earth to you, he essentially called you a bad mother. And you were pregnant. He hadn’t even realised he was crying until he saw the splotches on the paper, ruining one of the cute doodles you’d done. He immediately put it down, not wanting to damage it further. 
He took a deep breath, then went into his study and allowed himself to cry. He’d been mean. He’d hurt you in the one way he promised he wouldn’t, all because he was overwhelmed. All because he was stressed. 
“Dad?” He heard Jack’s voice and straightened. He wiped his face. “Why are you upset?” Jack walked into his office, pyjamas and a teddy in hand. 
“I did something mean to mom,” he admitted. “And I hurt her by accident,” he wasn’t sure if it was by accident. He was sure some deep part of him just wanted to self-sabotage himself. “And I feel bad about it.”
“It’ll be ok. Mom’s been sick this week, maybe you have the same tummy ache and it’s making you mad?” He suggested and Aaron let out a pathetic chuckle. 
“Maybe bud, maybe,” he agreed. “How about we get you back to bed, huh?” 
“Can I say goodnight to mom again?” He asked and Aaron’s heart broke again. He lifted him up and nodded, walking them down the hall. “You go into her and I’ll get your bed ready, yeah?” 
“OK dad!” Jack exclaimed as he was let down to the ground, and went running off to your shared bedroom. Aaron shook his head. 
“She’s in the other bedroom,” he pushed down another wave of tears at Jack’s confused face. 
“Why?” He asked, confused. 
“I was really mean,” Aaron sniffled. “Say goodnight from me too?”
“Ok dad,” Jack said, walking into the guest room. 
Aaron heard your voice, wishing Jack good dreams. You’d been crying. 
He was the worst person in the world. 
Jack came into his bedroom a few minutes later. “Mom’s still sick, she said goodnight and to tell you that she loves you.”
Aaron almost started crying again. You were so caring. You always put him above yourself. “Thanks buddy.” 
Aaron tucked him in and closed his door over, wishing him a good night. The tears came shortly after. He tried to sleep in your shared bed, but it wasn’t right. You weren’t there. 
Sleep evaded him that night. 
The next morning, the morning sickness hit you like a truck. You had your head in the toilet for an hour, at least. You didn’t come out of the guest room until about 9am. You could hear the usual sounds of Jack and Aaron playing outside, probably soccer. You walked downstairs and got yourself a glass of water, the only thing you could actually stomach at the minute. You looked out the window that led to your garden and smiled when you saw your boys playing, then the nagging voice that you thought you’d gotten rid of all but screamed in your ear You’re such a terrible parent. Aaron’s just been trying to conserve your feelings this entire time. Jack probably hates you. You shouldn’t be having another child. 
You looked away. Focus on the party. You told yourself. Get through today.
You had a long list of things that needed doing before the party at 3. You had to pick up balloons, pick up the cake, pick up Jessica and her kids, pick up Sean from the airport (as a surprise for Aaron and Jack), and set everything up. You left a small note on the table explaining where you were, and left. You ran all your errands, leaving picking up Jessica, the kids, and Sean till last. When you walked back in, the house was set up and Jack was immediately excitedly by Jessica, his cousins, and Sean which gave you a moment to slip away from Aaron.
Soon enough, the party started and you were bombarded with around forty children and a party to have. You felt Aaron's eyes on you constantly, checking in on you or just watching you. Once the outdoor film started, Penelope, Emily, Jj, and Spencer came over to ask what was wrong with you and Aaron, saying it was strange to not see you all over each other. You told them about the fight (not the pregnancy) and they were shocked at his behaviour. How could he be so mean? How could he treat you like that?
Aaron had been trying to talk to you for hours. Whenever he tried, a kid or one of the team would stop him with a dumb question, or needing help. You had Emily, Penelope, Jj, and Spencer crowding you the entire night, sending him the dirtiest of looks. That’s how he ended up at the end of the garden with David and Derek, who were both giving him a lecture about how what he’d done was wrong. 
“You can't say anyone is a bad parent!” Derek stressed. “That’s a very clear no-go!”
“I’m aware,” Aaron said, his lips tight in a frown. “I know what I did was wrong.”
“Then why aren’t you apologising?!” Derek exclaimed, loud enough that a few kids turned around to shush him. 
“Because,” Aaron sighed. “Those four haven’t left her side in hours.” 
As the movie came to a close and the children left, you were left with just the team and family. 
You all sat down to dinner, chinese takeout- Jack’s favourite. There was laughter and true joy, especially at David’s insistence that he could make the meal much better than Jack's favourite take-out, considering he was a ‘chef’. 
You all sat down to watch Jack open his gifts, individually thanking each person who gave him something. He was especially taken by the gift Spencer got him, a book on dinosaurs, and he adored the bike. You’d gotten one that you'd made look similar to Sean’s motorbike, Jack was always obsessed with Sean's motorbike. You’d even drawn on specific details that made it even more unique. Everyone eventually trailed out and it was just you, Jack, Sean, and Aaron. Jack asked Sean to read his bedtime story. That meant you and Aaron were left to clean up together. You got up to start picking up plates but Aaron stopped you. 
“Can I?” He offered and you nodded, sitting on the couch. You hadn’t eaten at dinner, all food just meant more vomiting in the morning and you were not up for that. “Can we talk?” He asked. 
“About what?” You sighed, looking over at him. “I think we’ve both said enough.”
“I’m so sorry about last night,” he sighed, coming over to you and sitting beside you. “I was awful. I was disgustingly mean just because I was overwhelmed. You’re an amazing mother to Jack, while you’re not his biological mother, you love him as such and he loves you. You’re a great parent. I was just being reactive and mean. I was so cruel and I'm sorry. I don’t want an annulment. I want to be with you forever. I know that it isn’t a problem. I know how much you love Jack and me,” he chuckled humorlessly. “I know how little I deserve it.”
You took his hand. “What you said
 it was probably my worst nightmare,” you chuckled flatly. “And what you said was pretty damaging, Aaron. I just
 it completely restarted the voice in my head that says I’m a terrible parent. It made me scared to think about what’s going to happen when we have our baby. I was already terrified about being pregnant, and this was just
” you trailed off as Aaron’s heart broke. Your voice was raw with emotion. You were so hurt. 
“I will spend the rest of my life proving to you that you are the best mother our children could ever have,” he promised and you smiled, but it lacked the regular spark your smiles usually contained. 
“The best mother Jack could have is Haley. We both know that.”
Fuck. Now you were comparing yourself to Haley again. Aaron had quite literally set you back about 4 years in your confidence as Jack’s mother. “Honey-”
“I know it sounds bad, but we both know it’s true. I’m good, but as you said, I’m nothing compared to Haley. Which is fine Aaron. I understand my place.”
His heart broke for what felt like the millionth time. He’d hurt you so badly. “Honey please, I was stressed and overwhelmed and I took it out on you. I meant nothing I said. You’re the best mother to Jack and our unborn child. You are the love of my life-”
“I’m the second love of your life,” you smiled sadly at him. “I’m going to bed, goodnight Aaron.” 
You walked up the stairs with a heavy heart. No matter what he said, you’ll always remember the look on his face when he told you that you weren’t enough, that you weren't Haley.
You fell asleep on your side of the bed, since you couldn’t exactly sleep in the guest room when Sean was in there. 
Aaron leaned against the counter as he washed dishes, thinking about how he could fix this. 
Could he even fix this?
criminal minds masterlist
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gypsynurooexemption · 6 months
your lips, my lips ☆ s. reid
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ship sub!spencer reid x fem!reader
content/warnings smutty smut (mdni 18+), mutual masturbation, mommy kink, accidental voyeurism, he sounds like a slut you can’t blame yourself
word count 2.5k
summary after spencer returns home early from a case, you come back home after work to find him in an incredibly compromised position.
a/n ignore the accidental hiatus, but hi !! im probably not going to be able to post at all in may bc im going to be in europe for the entire month. i’m posting this before going in a cave so
enjoy this as a treat!
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To put it briefly, Spencer was
That’s not to discredit him, though. You can tell that he loves the team and you (especially you). Although he’s less awkward around people he trusts and has known for longer, he still can’t really speak up for what he wants.
And the poor boy is just so touch starved. It’s clear he’s practically clueless when it comes to other forms of intimacy aside from sympathetic hugs to friends or victims in a case. Hell, it even took a month since you started dating for Spencer to be comfortable huddling next to you on the couch; it took even longer for him to be fine with sharing the same bed.
You had barely done anything sexual yet. The closest you had probably gotten to something intimate like that with him was him involuntarily jutting his hips up into your ass when you were making out on the couch. You had hoped that he would continue to do that, especially with how you could feel his hardness pressing up against your core, but he got so flustered and started stammering out high-pitched apologies before moving away and retreating into the bathroom. You imagined that he probably took care of it, but knowing him, maybe he doesn’t jerk off.
You went with that assumption for a while since you — and especially him — hadn’t initiated anything potentially steamy. For him, makeout sessions were enough and although you wanted more, you were okay with indulging in him. You figured that with how touch starved he was, you should take it slow before moving on.
You got to leave work early, and you’re usually glad when that happens but today you’re especially happy because Spencer had just gotten back from a successful case a couple hours ago. When he landed, he immediately texted you, letting you know where he was. When you left your workplace, you had forgotten to text him that you’ll be home earlier than expected, but you’re sure that he wouldn’t mind.
After all, he’s probably just as excited to see you, if not more.
You don’t call out to him when you unlock and open the apartment door; he should hear that you’re home with the locking of the door and the tossing of the keys, as well as the rustle of your coat as you take it off and hang it up.
It’s quiet, but that isn’t really saying anything since it usually is. But you’d figured that he’d meet you at the doorway, which he didn’t.
You’re just about to call out to him when you hear a peculiar and out-of-place sound: a moan.
Although it startles you a bit, you think that it was probably the neighbours; that doesn’t make the slightest bit of sense consdiering it’s coming from inside the apartment, but it’s more believable than

Then you hear another one, and this time you can finally pinpoint its location. It sounds like it’s coming from the bedroom. Spencer? It’s not impossible, but you had just figured that he wouldn’t be the type to pleasure himself, especially with those sorts of reactions.
You slowly make your way towards the room in question, seeing that the door is slightly ajar, leaving a sliver for you to peer in.
What you find is a heavenly sight: Spencer, fully unclothed, splayed across the bed with his length in his fist. His pace is slow, but it’s still enough for him to whimper and moan quite audibly. His other hand is gripping tightly onto the sheets as his head pushes back against a pillow.
It’s perverted, but you feel as if you can’t tear yourself away from watching. At this point, you start to wonder if he knows you’re here or if he even heard you come into the apartment. You struggle to keep quiet as your panties grow damp, and you end up biting your lip to keep yourself from moaning at the sight.
The sound of his fist moving up and down his leaking cock is lewd, his precum dribbling down and even slightly coating his hand.
“o-oh m-mommy—” Him saying that is your breaking point, and you push the door open and enter the room.
He finally notices you and he pulls the sheets he was just grasping onto for dear life up to cover his throbbing dick. You were expecting him to do that; although what he was just doing was insanely hot, he’s still shy, even around you.
He looks away from you, clearly embarrassed he was caught. “Uh, I was— I— ah
” he attempts to explain himself but it leads nowhere. “I-I’m sorry,” he whispers, sounding defeated.
“Why are you sorry?” It’s not a needed question; you know exactly why he thinks so. You move to sit on the edge of the bed as he moves away, still having the sheets pulled up to cover himself. He stammers, but no words come out. He’s so flustered and red in his cheeks, you fear he’s about to pop.
He squirms in his position slightly while a tiny noise that you can barely hear escapes from his lips. A noise of discomfort, you recognize quickly, but you’re not sure if it’s because you just caught him in a private moment or if it’s because his cock is starting to get achy from the lack of stimulation.
“Baby,” you say in a more serious tone, leaning into the notion of his fantasy of you as his mommy, “why are you sorry?”
You stare at him, though you wish he could return your gaze. “Y-You probably feel
uncomfortable b-because—”
Softly, you shush him, holding a finger up against his lips, and you smile. “I’m not uncomfortable,” you assure him.
“You’re not?” he asks, his words vibrating against your index.
You shake your head as you pull your finger away from his lips, instead moving to grab his chin with a soft grip. His cheeks squish against your fingers softly, making his lips look even more plush and kissable. You push your lips against his gently, though it’s obvious that he’s eager from the way he pushes against your mouth to chase the kiss.
The way he whines when you pull away from him is so cute, you feel as if you want to give in to his need to have you closer to him. But he can tell that you want to do something else to satisfy him, so Spencer quiets down. Your hand, however, remains firmly yet softly gripping his jaw.
You look down at the sheets covering his lower half, his erection not-so-subtlety poking the thin fabric, and you glance back up at him. “Do you want me to
” you trail off before looking down at his boner again.
In all honesty, it takes Spencer a good second or two before he gets what you meant by that offer. “U-uh, well, ah
” he stutters. You’re not exactly sure what he wants and frankly neither is he. Based on his previous experiences with intimacy, you decide to not give him a blowjob, or even a handjob.
You both sit there in silence; you can practically cut the tension in the room with a knife. As you think of what to do — since you don’t just want to ignore it, nor do you want to leave him unsatisfied and awkward — Spencer squirms uncomfortably, shifting ever so slightly. His thighs accidentally clench together, squeezing his erection under the blanket, causing him to whimper softly. He silently hopes that you didn’t catch that noise he made, but you did
and it gave you an idea; one that will satisfy both of your urges.
“Do you wanna keep going?” You ask. He would probably much rather do this himself, although you don’t know how he would feel if he were to masturbate right in front of you.
He hesitates for a second, but he does nod shyly. You notice how he’s not meeting your gaze with his own, avoiding eye contact almost entirely. Instead, he’s looking in the direction of your waist.
Without informing him, you stand up and your hands quickly find their way to the buttons on your pants undoing them. Spencer watches with an air of anticipation and slight anxiety as you pull your pants down, a bit hastily and it definitely shows just how eager you are at this moment. Your underwear is certainly damp with how much this situation has you turned on and he can see it clearly too. You couldn’t pinpoint his expression as he sees the wetness, whether he’s nervous or intrigued, until you see him lick his lips — a motion that he only does when he’s excited.
At last, you peel off your soaked panties, but you keep your eyes on his face, wanting to see his reaction at seeing you half-naked. Sure, he’s seen you in your bra and panties before, but that was never sexual and only when you were changing clothes in front of him. He’s always looked away, the gentleman that he is, but he couldn’t resist taking a peek or two at your near-unclothed state. Just like how now, where he can see your bare pussy, glistening and wet, he just can’t resist staring.
He doesn’t mind it; no, not at all. In fact, it’s just making him even more excited, to the point where he slightly pulls down the sheets that are covering his dick — not enough to actually show his arousal, but enough to clearly see his happy trail, which has you salivating.
You get back on the bed, not bothering to take your shirt off as well. You just want to get started already, but you think it would be better if you know he’s comfortable with this whole situation first.
“Is this okay?” you ask, alluding to your nakedness as your thighs are slightly spread, giving him a nice view of your cunt.
He swallows and nods feverishly as his gaze continues to bore into your pussy; all of his attention seems to be focused there, which amuses you.
Deciding to take the initiative, your hand makes its way towards your core. You dip the tips of your fingers in your wet folds, collecting some of the slick and bringing it up to your clit, where you start to gently rub it in small and slow circles.
You hear Spencer’s breath hitch as you do this. It’s like you’re subtly encouraging him to do the same thing and start masturbating again, which is exactly what you’re going for.
He ends up pulling the covers off his pelvis completely, allowing you to see his cock-filled hand. You bite your lip at the sight of him starting to slowly stroke his length again, although timidly, as if he’s being judged. You’re not doing that, of course; you wouldn’t dare judge him for doing something so pleasing in front of you.
He keeps avoiding your gaze so you lean forward as you continue to massage your clit gently and you bring your other hand to tilt his head up by his chin to look at you. The eye contact you both have now is both awkward yet erotic. You’re not really doing anything with each other, you’re just two people touching themselves in front of the other.
A couple minutes into this shared experience, Spencer is starting to get more confident and less self-conscious. His strokes are getting longer and faster, making him produce more noises from his throat; mostly small whimpers with the occasional moan but by god, those small moans just get you going. You end up quickening your pace too and you let yourself make tiny whines too.
Eventually, your fingers move from your clit and back down to your folds, where you insert a finger into your cunt. The sound that falls from your lips after you do so is more motivation for Spencer to speed up again. You thrust your finger in and out at the same pace as his hand and you’re sure you both are imagining something more intimate at this point.
You add a second finger and then later on a third and now, a few minutes later, you’re both moving in sync and moaning up a storm. His moans are louder though, but you don’t mind at all. They just give you more reason to speed up and keep going.
Nearing the end, you’re wondering who’s going to cum first. It wouldn’t be a surprise if Spencer did so before you since he’s been jerking off for longer than you have but with the way the pleasure is building up in your stomach, you’re not entirely sure anymore; your mind is just focused on the intense pleasure and nothing else.
“O-oh god
” you hear him whine. Now you know who is going to finish first.
“You gonna cum, baby?” It takes you some effort to ask that question, especially since for the past ten or so minutes, you’ve just been touching yourselves without even talking.
“Mhm,” he hums in response as he nods. His hand is going at such a quick pace that you can clearly hear how his precum-coated palm is moving up and down his cock. “S’much, I
“It’s okay, honey,” you stammer out. Then, in your pleasure-fueled haze, an idea forms in your head. “You can cum. Cum for mommy~”
The use of that nickname for you really gets him going and he can no longer hold himself back. “M-mommy!” he cries out with a gasp for air as cum spurts out of the tip of his cock. He lets his head hang back and his eyelids flutter as his orgasm hits him and it’s beautiful for you to watch. It only motivates you to speed up even more, wanting to reach your peak as fast as possible. You probably shouldn’t rush it to savor the moment but in this case, rushing is fine to you.
After his intense orgasm, Spencer watches with bated breath as you cum. Your hips rock forward, practically riding your own fingers while your back arches and your murmurs grow incoherent. If he wasn’t tired, Spencer is pretty sure that he would be turned on again immediately just from watching you finger yourself. He is almost positive that you’re thinking of riding him instead of your fingers, and he would be correct in that assessment.
The pleasure slowly dissipates until you’re left with the incredibly awkward feeling of having just jerked off in front of your boyfriend. Both of you aren’t really sure what to say or what to do considering this was technically your first shared sexual experience since you had started dating.
“Um—” “So—” you both say at the same time. You don’t know how to move forward in a gracious manner, so you shyly get off the bed and put your underwear and pants back on. He still sits in the bedsheets, which are slightly damp from the sweat accumulated from the experience.
He moves towards the edge of the bed — towards you — and sits up straight, trying not to feel embarrassed that he’s still naked. And even though he felt uncomfortable about being touched while nude prior, he plants his lips on yours.
You weren’t expecting this but it’s a welcome surprise, as you chase his kiss with all the energy you have left; which isn’t a lot, but is enough. He breaks from the kiss, but leaves his forehead against yours as he looks at you like a dog.
“Thank you, mommy.”
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hopefully it wasn’t that bad <3 join the taglist
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gypsynurooexemption · 6 months
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gypsynurooexemption · 6 months
Y/n in line at a coffee shop: Can I get a venti vanilla latte with um, 7 espresso shots please.
Shuri behind her: Jesus Christ, just do cocaine
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gypsynurooexemption · 6 months
Tai Lung head cannons
This is just what I think of or what I have pieced together. (Also from watching that one Tai Lung and Tigress edit)
Tai Lung in his older years (if he had accepted he wasn't the dragon warrior) would have severe to chronic joint pain and would need to be carried up and down the Jade palace stairs (not that his pride would allow that)
Tai and Tigress had at least trained together at some point and Tai had taken care of her in her younger years
Tai hates spicy food. It's not that he doesn't like it he loves the taste he is just so used to bland tofu that he has a hard time adjusting to new flavors
Tigress has at least called Tai "big bro/brother" at some point
Tai and Tigress have the biggest "I'm better than you" feud.
Tai has to consume a lot of food or he will end up feeling exhausted or angry (most of the time both)
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gypsynurooexemption · 7 months
You wore Adrian’s name on your wrist, just as he did yours. Only stumbling upon his home by chance in the midst of rain, unable to see the two corpses staked outside his gates.
While you were elated, he was weary.
Adrian expressed caution towards you, keeping you at arm’s length and making interactions brief—essentially tolerating your presence in the castle. He feared your betrayal or abandonment. Adrian wanted to love you, but he feared to open up and lay his very being bare to you.
M/n kneels in the garden his knees soiled by the dirt and his hands pink from the cold air. He hums a small tune as he plants the flower seeds. Adjacent to the main manor, the gardens were a haven of beauty. Flowerbeds, bushes, and trees all surrounded the large space. They were perfectly manicured. Adrian’s footsteps quietly approached M/n, he doesn't look up as he continues to plant the seeds.
"Mr. Tepes, I didn't think you would be out of bed this late"
Adrian paused, stopping in place as he looked down upon the young man with an unreadable expression. He said nothing, he just stood there silently.
His golden eyes were like mirrors, a reflection of a man burdened with great weight. In his stillness and somber expression, it was as if he were battling himself for control.
M/n sighs and dusts off his hands.
"You won't have to worry about my presence much longer. I will be leaving at first light"
Adrian said nothing; he just continued to watch him. The silence was like a thick fog, stifling and smothering. Something in Adrian’s expression shifted somewhat, but it wasn’t noticeable unless one really was searching for a change. A flicker of something. A flash of guilt.
M/n closes his eyes for a moment and sighs.
"A blind man could see that my presence isn't wanted. I will not burden you any longer"
Adrian’s hands curled into fists, the skin on his knuckles turning white. He felt betrayed, again.
The silence continued.
Adrian was trying to figure out what to say, but he struggled to even find a voice. He wanted to yell, demand reasons and answers—tell him he was wrong. He wanted to pull him in until he was pressed against his chest, his lips against his neck where the pulse raced. He wanted him to stay, to never leave. M/n stands and begins to walk into the castle heading to his room to pack his belongings. Adrian snapped.
His hands reached out to clamp around M/n’s arm, and he was pulled back. Adrian had no patience for this anymore; he was done with the facade. He was done pretending he didn’t care. He was done denying his feelings.
There was desperation in his voice, along with a raw edge.
M/n's head snaps to look at Adrian and he frowns.
"What? "
“Don’t leave.”
Adrian was firm. No nonsense.
He stared the young man in the eye, as if pleading with him to listen to his words. As if his heart depended on it.
His pale eyes gleamed.
“I’ll be damned if I let someone else leave. Not you too.”
M/n's eyes softened and he lays a hand over Adrian's.
"I don't want to stay if that means I'm not wanted"
M/n's eyes softened and he lays a hand over Adrian's.
"I don't want to stay if that means I'm not wanted" Adrian’s grip tightened.
“You don’t know how much I’ve wanted you,” he said softly, “and how much I still do. How much I need you.”
His eyes were vulnerable, raw, and filled with so much hurt and pain. M/n turns and pulls Adrian into a hug resting his head on top of Adrian's.
"You certainly have a funny way of showing it "
Adrian froze at first, not expecting it. His own arms wrapped stiffly around the other man, holding him close.
He inhaled sharply at his comment, a wave of heat flushing through his body and his heart racing in his chest.
He’d been so afraid, he’d pushed him away when he’d tried so hard to get close.
“...I know,” Adrian finally whispered, voice cracking. M/n chuckles and holds Adrian closer to him.
"I had to. "Adrian’s breath hitched for a moment.
After a long moment, Adrian pulled Ryo closer to him, wrapping his arms tightly around his back and pressing their chests together.
He breathed deeply of the young man’s scent, inhaling as if he were drowning and this is his final gasp for air.
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gypsynurooexemption · 7 months
Reblog if you're not homophobic
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my homophobic dad. 
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gypsynurooexemption · 9 months
Love in an old age
Solomon was a powerful wizard who had devoted his life to studying the art of magic. He was known for being distant, and for his love of spending time alone, deep in his studies. However, deep down, Solomon longed for companionship, for someone who could understand and care for him the way that he cared for others.
One day, while out on a quest, Solomon met MC, a young human that he had been sent to retrieve. MC was unlike anyone Solomon had met before, a kind, caring, and compassionate soul, and Solomon found himself drawn to them in a way that he had never experienced before.
Solomon and MC began to spend more and more time together, as Solomon trained MC in the ways of magic and MC helped Solomon to come out of his shell. And, as they got to know each other, Solomon found that he had never met someone who understood him the way that MC did.
Solomon found himself falling in love with MC, and the feelings that he had for them were unlike anything he had ever felt before. He realized that he was willing to risk everything, to risk giving his heart to someone else, if it meant that he could be with MC.
Their love for each other grew stronger and stronger, and they began to see themselves as more than just allies - they were partners, and partners for life.
Together, they were able to overcome any obstacle that was thrown their way, and their love lived on as a testament to the fact that, sometimes, the most surprising of relationships can be the most true and lasting.
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gypsynurooexemption · 1 year
His Grief
Miguel's sharp gaze falls upon the bruises adorning your face and neck, and a flicker of concern flashes across his eyes. "Who did this to you?" His voice carries a tinge of anger.
Caught off guard by his unexpected reaction, you find yourself momentarily speechless. Yeah, you two know each other, but your relationship leans more towards being adversaries than friends. After all, you were a villain, driven solely by personal gain. So why does he seem to care?
"Answer me," he grits his teeth.
Ryo huffs
"I'm fine."
"I'm not asking how you're feeling, I'm asking who hurt you." Miguel takes a step closer, bringing him inches from your face. His words are cold, yet there's not an ounce of maliciousness behind them, just pure, genuine concern.
You find yourself slightly intimidated by how close he is to you, but after a moment, you find yourself warming up to him. He actually cares about your well-being, which is something you're not used to.
"Tell me. Who hurt you?"
"It doesn't matter because I'm fine "
Ryo steps back and her back hits a wall. Her eyes widen slightly at the realisation. She was cornered.
His face hardens into a solemn frown, and a spark of irritation flashes in his eyes. "Not that again, don't you ever listen?" He grabs your shoulders with force and pins you against the wall, standing mere centimeters apart.
"Tell me who hurt you. Now."
Ryo struggles in his grasp
"Let. Me. Go! It doesn't matter!"
"It matters to me." His jaw clenches as he brings his face mere centimeters from yours, the anger in his eyes making it look like he's ready to throw a punch.
"You matter to me. And if someone's harming you in any way - physically or mentally - I need to know so that I can make sure they can't do that to you again. Is that understood?"
"Why does it matter so much? I'm a villain for Christ sake! "
"You may be a villain, but you're still a human being. And just because you've committed crimes in the past doesn't mean you deserve to be abused. Who hurt you?" He asks for the third time, his voice hard and cold.
He doesn't seem like the kind of hero who would stand idly by while someone gets abused. The thought makes you feel slightly warm inside, and even though your eyes are filled with tears from the pain of his rough grip, you feel yourself slightly wanting to lean a little closer to his face.
Ryo sighs and her face turns sad
"..my dad.. He gets a little violent when he drinks... "
A flicker of rage flashes in his eyes at hearing the name, but it quickly fades away when you meet his gaze. "Where is he?" Miguel's voice becomes cold and dangerous.
"Tell me where he is, and I'll make sure he never lays a finger on you again." He releases your shoulders and steps back, his fists trembling with suppressed anger.
Ryo places a hand on Miguel's chest
"It's fine..."
"It's not fine." Miguel scoffs and shakes his head. "You deserve someone who won't hurt you, someone who will treat you with the respect and kindness you deserve. Not someone like him. Don't let yourself get abused again by anyone. You hear me?" He stares at you, a hint of gentleness in his dark brown eyes. "You deserve better."
Ryo sighs her expression softening
"Miguel... "
She steps forward and pleases her forhead on his chest
"Having you care is enough.."
Miguel's eyes widen in surprise as you place you forehead on his chest, and he's left speechless for a few seconds.
"I..." He begins, but his sentence is cut off when he can't think of a sensible response. Instead of using his words, he wraps you in a tight embrace, lightly tracing your back with his fingertips.
"I'll always be by your side, no matter what."
And true to his word he stuck by her side for years. He helped her get better, and she helped him to all down when he was angry. Life for the two was good. Until a mission hoes wrong and Ryo is shot
Ryo ducks at the gunfire
"Miguel there's too many-"
Ryo stopsid sentence and holds her side. She was shot. She dropped to her knees
Miguel's reaction to hearing Ryo being shot is immediate and intense; his eyes widen, and he lets out a yell of rage before charging towards the enemies and sending them flying like ragdolls.
"Ryo!" He cries as he frantically makes his way over to her. He drops down to his knees beside her and holds her in his arms as he tries to assess her condition. "Oh god, Ryo, this isn't happening, please - tell me you're okay." His voice is riddled with despair and anguish, his eyes filled with tears.
Ryo hiccups for a it as she smiles sadly
"I'm... S-sorry Miguel.... Im sorry..."
She places a hand on Miguel's cheek as her body tembles and she gasps for air
Miguel gazes down at you in horror, the tears on his face making his mask wet as he's unable to think of what to do. His heart is breaking into a hundred pieces right now, and his mind is racing from all the emotions he's feeling.
"You can't die..." he whispers, his voice filled with tears. He strokes your hair softly, a look of pure devastation on his face. "Ryo, you can't die..."
Ryo leans up slowly and kisses Miguel's lips
"I never got to tell you.... I love you...Miguel O'Hara... You were the best thing that happened to me..."
Miguel's eyes widen in surprise at the sudden declaration, and a flicker of hope briefly flashes in his eyes when he realizes that Ryo's alive and awake, but the thought is quickly extinguished as he sees the deep crimson stain seeping from her wound.
"Ryo..." He whispers, unable to utter anything else. He leans forward to gently kiss her forehead, his eyes brimming with tears as a painful sob escapes from his lips. He pulls her close into his arms, holding her tightly against him. "I love you."
Ryo takes a final shuddered breath and closes her eyes got the last time
Miguel holds Ryo in his arms as the light slowly fades from her eyes, a painful wail of anguish escaping from his grief-stricken lips. It feels like his entire world is collapsing around him, like he's been robbed of the only person that truly cared for him.
As Ryo draws her final breath, his body is racked with sobs while a silent tear drops onto her brow. He's lost the love of his life, and in the cruelest way possible. How could this happen, to her of all people?After a while, Miguel's sobs subside into silent tears. He gently wipes the tears from his eyes and caresses Ryo's cheek, his heart filled with profound grief.
There's nothing he wouldn't give to bring her back to life, to hear her voice and feel her tender touch, yet he knows that this is not possible. The guilt of not having done more to save her is eating him up inside, and his heart feels as if it's been torn in half.
The loss of the woman he loved hurts, and his grief is palpable.
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gypsynurooexemption · 1 year
Lo’ak: i dont sing in the shower....
lo’ak: *pauses*
lo’ak: I PERFORM *sings milkshakes by kelly*
tuk: its an alvacado.......fanks.....................
sullys; *trying to take a family photo*
spider: *falls through roof yellinging*
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gypsynurooexemption · 1 year
đ™»đšŽđš 𝚐𝚎𝚝 𝚒𝚝
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That's not how demographics work.
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gypsynurooexemption · 2 years
KOTLC memes
keefe: road work ahead?
sophie and yn: uh yea I sure hope it does
SOPHIE: *weezing*
YN: *recording tam and keefe in a hotub* two best friends sittin is a tub five feet apart bc there not gay
yn: *scaring grady*
grady: stawp i coulda dropped my crosount
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gypsynurooexemption · 2 years
Please write a keefexreader where we kiss him i am BEGGING this is the only thing keeping me from reading really bad XReader fics I used to read please I am begging you
have a keefe x reader blurb (also he has a tongue piercing ;)) (and if you want to see a drawing of keefe with a tongue piercing, @three-gulons-in-a-trenchcoat did one a little while ago here)
His thumb swirled on the underside of your jaw. “Your breathing just got slower,” he whispered, leaning in closer. His lips grazed your neck and you gasped, shoulders tensing as your eyes flew shut. He laughed, breath tickling the skin, and you tried your hardest to keep your heart at a normal pace when he whispered, “So sensitive,” before kissing your neck.
Your muscles strained as you went stiff as a statue. You tried your hardest not to make a sound when he peppered more kisses down the side of your neck. Keefe reached as far down as your collarbone before travelling up your shoulder and back to the rear of your jaw. You felt him smile against you as he waited there for a moment. The breath from his nose tickled your ear. “You’re pretty quiet,” he observed, voice teasing. “What’s the matter? Distracted?”
Sadly, not the case. You’d be distracted by anything else if it were possible.
You inhaled sharply when his tongue flicked out, wetting a patch of skin, and you didn’t have time to breath before Keefe pressed his mouth against your neck and bit. You fisted your hand on the sleeve of his arm when he started to suck, sure that you’d be seeing stars if he did that for too long.
His tongue lapped out at the wounded area when he pulled back, tongue piercing dragging its way along the bruise. A trill ran down your spine as he claimed another part of your neck, and another, drawing out small whines and breathy noises all the while he squeezed your hip and pulled you closer.
Your frame met his and you could feel how warm he was through the thin fabric of his shirt. One particularly rough nibble of his teeth had you choking on an embarrassing sound. Your hand flew up to his hair as the metal on his tongue dragged over it, cooling the burn.
Keefe chuckled. “You’re shaking.”
“No,” you snapped. A horrible lie, really, given how you held your breath as he left wet, open mouth kisses up the column of your throat until he reached the corner of your mouth. He left a kiss there, smiling when you bit your lip as he retracted. Keefe met your eyes. He smirked.
“You know I can feel...” He paused, your breathing going heavy as he trailed his eyes down and up your form. “...Everything that’s going on, right?”
“Just because you can feel it doesn’t mean you’ve got it right.” Then again, you sounded pretty breathless for someone who didn’t care.
Keefe’s voice dropped as low as your heart when he stooped to kiss you. “Pretty sure I’ve got it right,” he taunted.
And he did. He really did. 
Your sigh was nothing short of blissful when his mouth slotted with yours. 
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gypsynurooexemption · 2 years
Spider Socorro Protection Squad
Reblog if you’re part of it.
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gypsynurooexemption · 2 years
Fuck it why not
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gypsynurooexemption · 2 years
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