h1stry · 6 years
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868 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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149 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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195 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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190 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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A beauty
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h1stry · 6 years
get to know me tag
I was tagged by @hdionis1​!!  ❤ ❤
Rules: Bold all the statements that are true.
I am over 5'5 ~ I wear glasses/contacts ~ I have blonde hair ~ I wear sweatshirts a lot ~ I prefer loose clothing to tight fit clothing ~ I have one or more piercings ~ I have at least one tattoo ~ I have blue eyes ~ I have dyed or highlighted my hair ~ I have gotten plastic surgery ~ I have or had braces ~ I sunburn easily ~ I have freckles ~ I paint my nails ~ I typically wear makeup ~ I don’t often smile ~ I am pleased with how I look ~ I prefer Nike to Adidas ~ I wear baseball hats backwards
Hobbies and Talents
I play a sport ~ I can play an instrument ~ I am artistic ~ I know more than one language ~ I have won a trophy in some sort of competition ~ I can cook or bake without a recipe ~ I know how to swim ~ I enjoy writing ~ I can do origami ~ I prefer movies to tv shows ~ I can execute a perfect somersault ~ I enjoy singing ~ I could survive in the wild on my own ~ I have read a new book series this year ~ I enjoy spending time with friends ~ I travel during school or work breaks ~ I can do a handstand
I have had a first kiss ~ I have gotten drunk ~ I have told a crush I like them ~ I have traveled outside of the country ~ I have flown on an airplane ~ I have stayed awake for more than 48 hours ~ I have had a near death experience ~ I have caught something on fire ~ I have performed in a talent show ~ I have shot a gun ~ I have been on tv ~ I have gone scuba diving ~ I have broken a bone ~ I have slow danced ~ I have gone on a shopping spree
I am in a relationship ~ I have been single for over a year ~ I have a crush ~ I have a best friend ~ I have known a friend for over 10 years ~ My parents are together ~ I have a sibling(s) ~ I have dated my best friend ~ I am adopted ~ My crush has confessed to me ~ I have had a long distance relationship ~ I am an only child ~ I give advice to my friends ~ I have made an online friend ~ I have met up with someone I met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell ~ I have watched the sun rise ~ I enjoy rainy days ~ I have slept under the stars ~ I meditate outside ~ The sound of chirping calms me ~ I enjoy the smell of the beach ~ I know what snow tastes like ~ I listen to music to fall asleep ~ I enjoy thunderstorms ~ I enjoy cloud watching ~ I have attended a bonfire ~ I pay close attention to colors ~I find mystery in the ocean ~ I enjoy hiking on nature paths ~ Autumn is my favorite season
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle ~ I am the mom friend ~ I live by a certain quote ~ I like the smell of sharpies ~ I am involved in extracurricular activities ~ I enjoy Mexican food ~ I can drive a stick-shift ~ I have memorized an entire song in a day ~ I believe in true love ~ I dream up scenarios to fall asleep ~ I sing in the shower ~ I wish I lived in a video game ~ I have a canopy above my bed ~ I am multiracial ~ I am a redhead ~ I own at least three dogs ~ I am LGBT
idk who to tag tbhh - had fun tho!
0 notes
h1stry · 6 years
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107 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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151 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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3K notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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KTH | Asian Artist Awards 2018 
155 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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49 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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31 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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83 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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249 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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don’t mess up my tempo
1K notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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273 notes · View notes
h1stry · 6 years
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65 notes · View notes