habeshawinnie · 7 years
we all should’ve died in 2012
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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gerard way + inspirational tweets
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
The first sin. Misconception is that Eve was the first to sin when that’s not really all that true.
You see When God created everything and then Adam. He told him about the tree he said don’t eat of it.
God never told Eve.
When Eve was in the garden being tempted read that section you’ll find something interesting. Adam was right next to her and he didn’t say anything. He was using Eve as a Guinea pig.
Eve bit into the fruit nothing changed she handed it to Adam. And when he bit into it their eyes were opened.
So really the first sin was Man’s passive nature allowing something to happen he was told not to allow happen if he never ate their eyes may never have been opened but who knows.
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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Mood board: Melanin against citrus colored backgrounds  
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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okay, as a lot of you know, i have cancer. i have none hodgkin’s lymphoma. im 22, homeless and my fiancée and i have been living in our car and w friends (neither one of our families live in kansas) our tags expired in august so we’ve been pretty stagnant. we do have jobs but trying to get around and avoid the police is a thing all in itself lol. all i’m asking for is a little help w our vehicle, i need to make it to my last 4 chemo treatments. please help us!!! i’ve created a gofundme in the hopes that people will have a heart & pitch in lol. gofundme.com/2n4qrqy4 👈🏾 there’s the link. help a sista & a brotha out pls!
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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A Swedish woman hitting a neo-Nazi protester with her handbag. The woman was reportedly a concentration camp survivor. [1985]
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Volunteers learn how to fight fires at Pearl Harbor [c. 1941 - 1945]
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Maud Wagner, the first well-known female tattoo artist in the U.S. [1907]
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A 106-year old Armenian woman protecting her home with an AK-47. [1990]
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Komako Kimura, a prominent Japanese suffragist at a march in New York. [October 23, 1917]
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Margaret Hamilton, lead software engineer of the Apollo Project, standing next to the code she wrote by hand that was used to take humanity to the moon. [1969]
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Erika, a 15-year-old Hungarian fighter who fought for freedom against the Soviet Union. [October 1956]
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Sarla Thakral, 21 years old, the first Indian woman to earn a pilot license. [1936]
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Voting activist Annie Lumpkins at the Little Rock city jail. [1961]   (freakin’ immaculate)
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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Gaycation - “USA”
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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Southside With You (2016) — Official Trailer
Inspired by Barack and Michelle Obama’s first date, SOUTHSIDE WITH YOU recounts the eventful summer day in 1989 when a young law firm associate named Barack Obama (Parker Sawyers) tried to woo lawyer Michelle Robinson (Tika Sumpter) during a daylong date that took them from the Art Institute of Chicago to a screening of Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing to the site of their first kiss outside of an ice cream parlor. 
Opens on August 26th, 2016. x
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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Watch: 7 times Larry Wilmore made white people super uncomfortable at the WHCD.
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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President Obama and the First Lady welcome five Nordic leaders for a state dinner at the White House, 5/13/16.
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
School anxiety is so real. My semester is over but I keep having random moments of “I really need to stop doing this relaxing activity and go get my work done!” and then I’m like “Oh.” 
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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I’m tired
I’m gay. I’m tired.
I texted one of my best friends this morning and asked, “Did you hear about Orlando?” because the first time I ever went to a gay club and pretended like I was “out” was with him when we were fresh out of high school. Out of all my friends, he’s probably spent the most time in gay clubs. Which means I’m more worried about him than about my other friends. So I texted him.
I’m tired.
They want people to give blood, but it’s gay people who need the blood and it’s gay people who can’t donate. But we’re in crisis mode! We’ll take your tainted gay blood for today only!
I’m tired.
I held hands with a man last week and thought, “Oh no, we’re in a small town in Utah and this is dangerous because we’re both gay,” before I remembered that he’s a guy and I’m a girl so no, it’s not dangerous. But the next time I hold hands with a girl, will someone see us and get mad enough to shoot 50 gay people? Will I feel responsible when I read the news? Will I feel like a danger to society for being gay?
I’m tired.
I went to Pride in Salt Lake City last weekend and I complained as I stood in line in the hot sun and I complained about the ticket prices and I complained about the festival being smaller than it was last year and I complained. When it was over, I was still alive. I’m still alive. I can’t believe I complained.
I’m tired.
Bury your gays. Currently on television, 4 percent of characters identify as LGBT. In 2016, about 40 percent of that 4 percent have already died. Yesterday, that might’ve been the issue I wanted to discuss. Yesterday, I might’ve been angry about fictional gays dying. Yesterday. Art imitates life, life imitates art, and I am tired.
I’m tired.
A year ago I put a rainbow flag around my shoulders and celebrated the legalization of gay marriage in the United States. A year ago there was no law banning transgender people from using the bathroom of their choosing. A year ago a man hadn’t shot 50 gay people dead because he saw two men kissing and got angry. “Now that gay marriage is legal, what more do you people want?” Well, I want to stay alive, for one thing.
I’m tired.
There aren’t gay coffee shops or gay restaurants – there are gay nightclubs. Gay nightclubs where LGBT people can meet other LGBT people and feel safe. I want to meet other LGBT people and make friends with LGBT people, but I also don’t want to die.
I’m tired.
My existence is controversial. Even though I’m out, I have to be careful about how “gay” I “act.” What happens if I’m at work and offend a customer? What happens if someone I know reads these words and decides to punish me for them? What happens if someone gets so angry about my sexuality that they shoot 50 people?
I’m gay. I’m tired.
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
it always really bothered me when wait staff ignored me + my friends just because we were young bc we are all really respectful people but the assumption was that we wouldn’t tip
anyway so fast fowards to when i became a waitress and one day this group of scrubbyass kids came in and i had 8 other tables with other people to look to but i overheard that one kid wanted a milkshake but he couldn’t afford it and the other kids offered to pay but he was like “nonono it’s fine” and i looked over and he just looked real run down and sad and stuff —- later it just so happened that our kitchen had a mixup so we had an extra shake and since it would just be dumped otherwise, i snuck it out to their table and gave it to him for free
and his friends were so fucking impressed by this they pooled every fucking cent they had i got a $50 tip and later his friend’s mom came in and said “i heard what you did for that boy” and gave me another 20 and offered me a better job working with her
and meanwhile at my other table a rich white guy i was serving complained bc he didn’t want to pay the 15% tip on a $8.90 bill and when his wife said “she’s been a good waitress, though,” he said, “but just plain good isn’t worth 15%”
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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My friend sent me this after she won 3000 dollars off a scratch off. Reblog so that you can have good luck too
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
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Today I turned 22! I’m alive, my health is back on track, I’m safe, I’m happy, I have wonderful people in my life, I completed my degree and I got a job! Here’s to 22. (IG:@multisensorymenace)
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habeshawinnie · 8 years
Guess who’s not surprised about this information ??!!
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