hackeryflackery-blog · 13 years
The RSB tweet to end all RSB tweets
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hackeryflackery-blog · 13 years
Evidently no one at the Strib edit page rides light rail
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In today's Star Tribune, Marcus Bachmann-lookalike David Osmek wrote an op-ed bashing transit headlined, "Stop the light rail obsession / We'll save money if we get off."
Looks like Strib editors are too busy getting off to reject the horrible op-ed submissions they publish.
So a Republican bashes transit, ho hum. How else would we expect a Mound city council member to pass the time?
Unfortunately for Osmek, and Scott Gillespie, the editor of the Strib editorial pages, the misstatements and errors are too numerous to count. Readers ought to just stop at the column's second paragraph:
Using the Met Council's 2010 report, the cost of a single ride on the Hiawatha light-rail line is $2.46. Riders pay only 99 cents of this cost, leaving almost 60 percent to be subsidized by the public.
No one expects a transit-basher to have ever used transit. But does anyone at 425 Portland ever jump on the train that stops at its front door? The standard fare is $1.75, or $2.25 during rush hour. Where did 99 cents come from? 
The inaccuracies only continue from there. It's doubly hard to rebut an op-ed that's so misleading -- and quite evidently not fact-checked by editorial page staff -- because you first have to divine what the hell, in this case, Osmek is talking about. Staying with the first or his many errors, he doesn't name the title of that 2010 Met Council report, so we Googled it and came up with a report that, while not citing 99-cent fares or $2.46 subsidies, did include this:
Save money by getting off? Looks like taxpayers are already getting a pretty good 'bang' for their buck. 
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hackeryflackery-blog · 13 years
Strib editorial board goes full-on Realtor
The Star Tribune -- a real estate holding company with a small newspaper business -- blasts its rhetorical shotgun in the air a few times today, arguing on its edit page, yet again, for a new Vikings stadium on the Metrodome site:
The Metrodome site has emerged as Vikings' best hope for 2012.
Enough already. With 100% ownership of six blocks near the Dome (see map above), the Star Tribune has an enormous conflict on the Vikings stadium issue, its milquetoast disclosure notwithstanding. Arden Hills? No. Linden Avenue? No. Farmers Market? No. Only the Dome site will work for the Strib -- both its edit board and corporate balance sheet.
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hackeryflackery-blog · 13 years
With narcissistic cheerleaders like this, who needs reporters?
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Another Minnesota legislative session begins/resumes, another day Minnesotans hope reporters will cover issues that matter, instead of the clothing senators and representatives wear, arcane legislative rules, pointless ceremonies, reporters' and pundits' television appearances, rumors, gossip and inside baseball.
From the Day One tweets, it sure ain't looking so good:
UPDATE: The hits just keep coming. This one's the worst yet:
The Minnesota Legislature is an entity that writes a $35 billion budget every two years. How does Rachel Stassen-Berger pretend to cover its members fairly and accurately when she's so openly, childishly chummy with them?
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hackeryflackery-blog · 13 years
Amy Koch's post-adultery interview prominently features Newt photo
MPR's Tom Scheck and Tim Pugmire interviewed former Senate majority leader Amy Koch today in her Senate office. She refused to answer questions about her relationship with a former caucus staffer -- or even say whether the relationship has ended -- but it appears that Koch prominently displays a photo of her and Newt Gingrich on a shelf in her office.
Amy -- tell 'em it was for love of country. 
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hackeryflackery-blog · 13 years
Does the Strib expect people to pay for this?
Brauer on the Strib going to print with a premature Joe Paterno death story:
The online story — “Media reports: Paterno has died at age 85” — was only up for a scant 12 minutes, from 8:03 p.m. to 8:15 p.m., before it was replaced by “Family denies media reports that Paterno has died.”
The print side wasn’t so lucky: “Report: Paterno dead at age 85” is there in perpetuity for anyone who bought a Sunday Strib a several dozen miles beyond the metro area.
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hackeryflackery-blog · 13 years
Sid: Paterno wasn't a bad guy, he was a friend of mine
We'd bring the Internet to a screeching halt if we blogged about all of Sid Hartman's erratic beliefs, but WCCO 4 decided to interview him about Joe Paterno's death. Watch if you dare: WCCO’s Sid Hartman Reflects On Paterno’s Passing
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hackeryflackery-blog · 13 years
0+0 = Total news broken in today's Strib stadium stories
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The Star Tribune stepped up its stadium coverage today with not one but two stories:
A1 features a Mike Kaszuba-special, focused on MSFC Chairman Ted Mondale catching his breath. Mondale says time running out for Vikings stadium deal
Splashed across B2, Rochelle Olson tells us Ramsey County officials haven't given up on their flight of folly. Ramsey County stays in Vikings stadium hunt
"Time is running out"? Memo to Strib editors/real estate agents: Time is running out only on the third floor of 425 Portland.
Alas, this is what passes for a local newspaper -- screaming heds based on a public official's throat-clearing.
And then there's the foto.
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hackeryflackery-blog · 13 years
Blois Olson blown away by late night Twitter 'banter'
While you were spending time with your family Wednesday night, Blois Olson was glued to the witty Twitter banter between capitol reporters Rachel Stassen-Berger, Brian Bakst and Pat Condon. The reporters were stuck waiting for a group of legislators to emerge from a Vikings stadium meeting at Dixie's on Grand. But don't worry, you too can enjoy the best of these reporters' exchanges! It's all part of Blois's "Morning Take" newsletter, which literally hundreds of people receive in their inbox every day, dishing the best gossip to and from the local nerdery of journos, lobbyists, pitchmen, flaks, blah, blah, blah:
STADIUM:  Last night legislators held a meeting at Dixie’s on Grand to discuss stadium plans there was no real news to come out of the meeting.  However,  via Twitter, the Star Tribune’s Rachel Stassen-Berger (@rachelsb) and the AP’s Pat Condon (@pcondon) bantered withAP’s Brian Bakst (@stowydad) (who wasn’t there.) For any readers who are true junkies and don’t follow Twitter, this is an example of insider banter that makes Twitter a good read.EAVESDROP: Here is a sample of their conversation: 
RACHEL: And the Vikings group has been dismissed from the stadium working group meeting. But the meeting continues.
BRIAN: @RachelSB why do I suspect you volunteered for stakeout duty cc: @pcondonap
RACHEL: @Stowydad I think you are missing a word there. I WAS volunteered
BRIAN: @RachelSB couldn't you pull rank on the newbie?
RACHEL: @Stowydad Because, unlike you, I am nice to my colleagues cc: @pcondonap
 PATCONDON: @Stowydad @rachelsb if all stakeouts were at Dixie's, they'd be easier to take. #beer
BRIAN: @pcondonap @rachelsb maybe Rachel is sloshed by now cc: @StribLopez  (Lopez is political editor at the Star Tribune, Rachel’s boss)
PATLOPEZ: Not like Mean Brian. RT: @RachelSB:@Stowydad Because, unlike you, I am nice to my colleagues cc: @pcondonap
RACHEL: @pcondonap @StribLopezSober as a judge. Note the glass - that's water. twitpic.com/88ysrd 
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hackeryflackery-blog · 13 years
This is how Fox 9 does nuance
Actually, "There's not yet a stadium proposal with a complete and sufficient financial plan," Dayton said:
Dayton leans towards Linden Ave. (KARE 11)
Dayton and Vikings warm to Linden Av. (Strib)
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hackeryflackery-blog · 13 years
The Strib really wants to say something smart about Paula Deen
When the mighty Strib editorialists weigh in on a local issue like southern cooking from an obese Georgian, everyone had better listen up.
Minnesotans need to be healthier, they say. And more temperate. And more moderate. (That's what's wrong with our politics!) And sure, she's made millions pitching breaded, fried everything, but you'd better take it easy on three-year-diabetic Paula Deen. 
The piling on by Deen’s critics ignores a critical point: No one was forced to watch her show. 
Nevermind the numerous trailers destroyed over the years in failed deep-frying efforts. This the Strib edit board! There's plenty of blame to share.
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