hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
Lana Del Rey - Playing Dangerous
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
Oh, right. Um...yeah. [smiles] See, relationships totes aren't a requirement but I wouldn't mind replacing Jenna Dewan. 
[her eyes widen as she tries to think up a good lie] No, my ...um...my family needs me here for a bit and I can't just abandon them. There will be time to think about future plans later.
It hurts less if I think he’s not into me anymore. Things are… complicated between us. [sighs, looking down] Alright, I’m in love with Charlie Hunnam… so I get your point.
No plans for college, then? Plans of getting out of this place and all.
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
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I guess you're right.
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Oh, this isn’t luck, sweetheart. I worked for everything I have, and in all honesty, not everyone can be as sufficient as me.
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
[shrugs] Well then I won't talk to them about it, but that doesn't make it any less true. You, Elena Gilbert, are a hot piece of ass that guys pant after. 
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[She moves her body in time with the beat, keeping an eye on the brunette. The two are having fun together and it's exactly what Hadley's been missing from her life. Even though they've been dancing close together, she's still a little shocked when Elena places her hands on Hadley's shoulders. It's not unwelcome though. She giggles a little, placing her hands on Elena's hips as though they're at a middle school dance instead of a raucous halloween party.] 
Good alcohol, good music, it sounds like the makings of good night to me
Really? Though, just don’t let Lydia - or Faye for that matter - hear you, they may try and scratch your eyes out. Prettty sure they’d also disagree with you about the whole being mean to me thing - although I can’t promise that would come before the whole eye scratching ordeal [Elena just shrugs and takes a sip of the drink she’d been holding in her hand. That was just how the world was, some people just didn’t like you - albeit most probably didn’t choke or try to kill out at given opportunities, but that was her life.]
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[Hips swaggering in time to both the music and Hadley. Her arms raised above her head, dancing enthusiatically. Eventually, she brings her arms back down to rest on Hadley’s shoulder, her cheeks starting to blush, both from the alcohol and the dancing, she lest out a laugh]
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
Not me, I'm happy right here.
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I don't know how he could've been that oblivious, people seem to throw themselves at you. [smiles] I don't think anyone could get sick of you. You're hot and funny and you know a lot. That's all it takes to get ahead here. Well that and boat loads of money but if you're hot enough people will overlook that. [accepts her new drink and eagerly takes a sip] Is that so? Well it's definitely paying off now. This is delicious. [takes another small sip] 
Agreed. Though I wouldn’t pass up an opportunity to time travel a bit.
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That’s the one. [laughs] I don’t know about ‘heartbreak team’. Tristan wasn’t exactly outgoing. Not saying girls and boys weren’t interested, but he didn’t seem to notice. [shrugs, and then smiles warmly] Well, that’s the benefit of gaining siblings when you’re already grown up, I suppose. I’ll just cross my fingers you won’t get sick of me. [hands her the new drink before turning back to make one for himself] You know, I was a bartender for awhile when I first turned 21.
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
[shrugs] That doesn't mean he doesn't still love you. I mean, if being in a relationship was the requirement for love then I couldn't say I'm in love with Channing Tatum and I know that I am. [smiles] Well, you two are pretty high on the social hierarchy. [giggles] It's a little too late for me, since I've graduated but cool points are always good.
[furrows brows] I don’t—I’m not—Scott and I are no longer together, Hadley. [shakes head] But yes, being Lydia’s best friend makes me the coolest girl out there. [chuckles] Stick around, I might rub it off on you. [teases her] I’m kidding.
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
Well if you ever feel the need for a little holiday cheer, you're welcome to stop by Casa de Nobel. 
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Yes you are. You're Lydia Lockwood's best friend and the love of Scott's life. Those aren't roles that just any girl could fill. You're a badass but also super fashionable and very smart. You don't care about the social hierarchy or doing things because they're cool. That makes you cool, Allison.
Oop. A Halloween party...
Welcome to a day in the life of the Argents. We thrive on not taking national holidays too seriously. [winks, but then raises her brows, taken aback]
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Wow, seriously? But… why? I’m not cool at all.
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
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[her eyes widen in shock] Really? It's the one time a year my family let's go of all its bs and we can eat in peace. Don't worry though, you're still cool. At least, to me you are. 
Oop. A Halloween party...
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Eh… [shrugs] Thanksgiving has never been a big thing at the Argents, perhaps that’s why. All of a sudden, I don’t feel cool anymore. [giggles]
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
I do love a good caramel latte, so I'll have to check that out too. [gasps] You don't like pumpkin in your coffee?!?! I don't know what to say to that. It's Thanksgiving in a cup. 
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Oop. A Halloween party...
Their caramel latte is my favorite. Better than Starbucks, that much I know. I just don’t like pumpkin in my coffee. [chuckles]
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
Do they really? I wasn't a fan of their drip coffee, but lattes are a whole different breed so I'm open to it. Hopefully it'll be just what I need to get me in the spirit for this season.
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Oop. A Halloween party...
Starkbucks is just a name. Coffee at the Beacon Cafe is really great and they do make a killer pumpkin spice latte there, too. It’s just not my kind of coffee.
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
Pumpkin everything, I'm dying for a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks. If only there was one in Beacon Hills! And let's not forget that while summer dresses start to disappear, there's all that great outerwear and cute boots to pull back out of your closet. Fall's great.
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Oop. A Halloween party...
And pumpkin pie. Can’t forget pumpkin pie.
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
Pfft, you are totally one of the hottest girls in Beacon Hills. You're also just really humble, which makes it so hard to be mean to you about it. You're just too sweet. 
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[She follows Elena to the dance floor, breaking out her best moves as they reach it. Without realizing it, she moves closer and closer towards the other girl as she continues to shake her hips to the beat.]
Good alcohol, good music, it sounds like the makings of good night to me
Nah not really… I mean sure my ex’s were hot… but I’m totally not “a snagger”, you know? Ahh, well - I’d still stay you’re hotter anyday
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[Gives a clap of her hands before Hadley takes hers, she giggles and she follows her onto the floor, already bouncing along to the music as she goes]
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
Yeah, I'm super glad that I don't have to endure that anymore.
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Pour up drank, head shot drank, sit down drank, stand up drank...
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
They so have, I wouldn't want to live without indoor plumbing or in a time where someone might just chop my head because they felt like it. I'll take today over any other time in history thank you very much.
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Tristan, that's the brother in China, right? You two must have been like the heartbreak team when you were my age. I'm an only child, Eden is kinda like the first sibling I've ever had and I guess you're sorta almost like my second. It's not so bad yet, but maybe that's because we don't have to live together. [giggles, clapping her hands in excitement] I like the sound of that one. Hit me, barman.
Mmm, I doubt it.  Times have changed for the better.
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Yeah? Well, I’m flattered…I, ah, sort of always liked the idea of being a big sibling. But Tristan and I are the same age. [grins wide] Excellent. Let’s see…maybe a Sex on the Beach? That’s fairly classic.
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
They're the best thing about Fall!
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Oop. A Halloween party...
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
[shrugs] I bet Lucrezia Borgia's boobs didn't even look this good. Thank gucci for modern clothes. 
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Super proud, right? It's like your my big brother or something, teaching me the fun parts of growing up. [takes the cup and sips from it] Mmm, this is delicious. [downs the rest of the cup quickly] What else is there to try?
Whatever you say. [laughs lightly and shakes his head] Ah, bless such modern inventions, huh?
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Thanks. How proud am I that your first lesson is in alcohol? [begins mixing her drink and stirs it before handing it to her] Here, try.
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hadleynobel-blog · 11 years
[scoffs] Tell that to my back fat. [pulls her dress more snugly over her breasts] It's a push up bra that does wonders for cleavage. 
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Despite my wolfy taste buds, I still have a massive sweet tooth so that sounds perfect to me. I told you that you'd be a great teacher. 
[rolls eyes, but with good humour] Oh shh. I’m sure you’re a fashion expert but there are no problem areas. Remember, you’re a wolfpire. Physically perfect no matter what. [grins] I’ll take your word for that, since I have no idea what that is.
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Well then, consider me proud to begin your education. We should definitely start with something simple and sweet, maybe a Snap Dragon…
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